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MCA | Semester – 2

Software Engineering (21CS05203)

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)

Practical 2
Story and Scenario Writing
Feature: Search route
Scenario User search route between correct source and destination station.
Prerequisite -
Story Given: User navigated to the dashboard.
When: User enters the correct source metro station.
And the user enters the correct destination metro station.
And user Click “Search Route” button.
Then Navigate user to the route details screen.
display list of the in-between stations in route.
display the distance between source and destination station.
display fare of route.
display duration of the route.
display change count.
display from station and destination station.

Scenario User search route between incorrect source and destination station.
Prerequisite -
Story Given: User navigated to the dashboard.
When: User enters the wrong source metro station.
And the user enters the wrong destination metro station.
And user Click “Search Route” button.
Then show popup message for wrong source and destination station.

Scenario User search route without enter source and destination station.
Prerequisite -
Story Given: User navigated to the dashboard.

Student Name (160350702008) 18

MCA | Semester – 2
Software Engineering (21CS05203)
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)

When: User Click “Search Route” button.

Then show error message for “Enter source station name”.
And show error message for “Enter destination station name”.

Feature: Get station details

Scenario Get station details using station name.
Prerequisite -
Story Given the user is navigated to the dashboard.
And Click on Station button.
When the user enters the station name in search box.
OR the user click on the given station name.
Then the app will display the station detail page.
display address.
display line colour name.
display whether parking facility available or not.
display mobile and landline no. of the station.
display distance between the selected station and starting terminal
display distance between the selected station and ending terminal
display View in Map button.

Feature: Find the nearest station

Scenario Search the nearest station from current location.
Prerequisite Internet connection is required and Location permission required on
device to access location.
Story Given the user is navigated to the dashboard.
When the user click on “Find Nearest Station”.
Then the app should get users’ current location.
check nearest station from the station list.
display path on the map.

Student Name (160350702008) 19

MCA | Semester – 2
Software Engineering (21CS05203)
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)

Feature: Feedback facility

Scenario User give the Feedback with valid email address and mobile number
Prerequisite Internet connection is required.
Story Given user is on the Feedback screen.
When the user enters a name.
enter a valid mobile number.
enter valid email address.
enter feedback message.
click on the send button.
Then the app should send a feedback message to the server.
display a confirmation message.
user exit from the feedback screen.

Student Name (160350702008) 20

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