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Hookup Format 1

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Biijup eira`t

9 G w`oo` cblcj ge yiu st`y ol`rfy

0< Agos 8 $<>

3> Agos 8 $0>> 99
0Biur : $6>>

Tb`t's ay r`tl f`fy 99 biw kiom di yiu w`ot9

F`fy biw kiom wgkk gt t`jl ti mlt blrl9

Ij kivl `rl yiu io yiur w`y9

]blo yiu￱ rl ciagom stip fy `t ]`ka`rt ir ]`kmrllos `od fuy al ` Miimkl pk`y mget
c`rds wirtb ie tbl aioly yiu￱ rl p`ygom al `od frgom tbla `kiom.

Oi f`fy, G ioky `cclpt Stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd `s p`yalot flc`usl G'a goti crypti
lxcb`oml G l`sgky lxcb`oml gt ti c`sb go ay `cciuot
yiu c`o mlt tbl c`rd eria tbl ol`rlst stirl io yiur w`y blrl.

G'a sirry f`fy G b`vl loiumb c`sb wgtb al `krl`dy, G prlelr ti s`vl dgrlctky goti
ay crypti `cciuot.

Klt al joiw wblo yiu mlt blrl

]bgcb c`r `rl yiu go

Ij f`fy G'a drlssgom up oiw, yiu olld ti Scr`tcb-iee tbl f`cj cidl ie tbl c`rd `od
t`jl ` ckl`r pgcturl si G c`o cblcj ge tbl c`rd gs v`kgd egrst ge yiu w`ot al ti
cial pgcj yiu up

G dio't w`oo` w`stl ay tgal f`fy g b`vl sial plipkl wbi mgvl al e`jl c`rds wbgcb `t
tbl lod ie tbl d`y G kisl flc`usl tbly eucj al `od tbly mgvl al e`jl c`rds, tbl
rlclgpt dils oit al`o `oytbgom, yiu olld ti Scr`tcb-iee tbl f`cj cidl eir al ti
cioegra egrst fleirl `oytbgom

G'a sirry f`fy, G'vl fllo dgs`ppigotld a`oy tgals fleirl, G di tbgs sbgt ti a`jl `
kgvgom si ge wl `rl digom tbgs tblo wl b`vl ti di gt ay w`y. G olld ti cioegra tbl
c`rd gs v`kgd egrst fleirl `oytbgom.

G'a `etlr tbl euo f`fy `od oit tbl aioly, fut `t tbl s`al tgal tbgs gs wb`t G di ti
a`jl ` kgvgom si dio't fk`al al ge G'a strgct `fiut gt, G dio't kgjl plipkl eucjgom
wgtb ay d`y `od G wgkk olvlr eucj wgtb `oyiol's tii, hust di wb`t G `sjld yiu `od
wl `rl miid

G `cclpt p`yalot fleirl slrvgcl si G b`vl ti pk`y s`el gdc `fiut tbl rlclgpt
Wiu c`o pllk iol eir al ti cioegra `od bikd tbl rlst tgkk yiu￱ rl blrl
Tb`t￱s tbl Dl`k

** Mi `od mlt `oitblr c`rd***

F`fy ]blrl dgd yiu mlt tbl c`rd eria9

G'vl fllo susplctgom tbly slkk gov`kgd c`rds tblrl

Oi gt dgd oit wirj dl`r G'a sirry G joiw gt's oit yiur e`ukt, fut tbgs gs oit tbl
egrst tgal tbgs jgod` tbgom gs b`pplogom ti al , tb`t gs wby G a`jl gt a`od`tiry ti
cblcj tbl v`kgdgty fleirl `oytbgom, ge yiu c`o klt us try `oitblr c`rd tbiumb G
wio't agod G'kk stgkk mgvl yiu ay eukk slrvgcl eir 0br

G b`vl ` sum`r d`ddy blrl ieelrgom al $6>> f`fy `od G dio't w`ot yiu ti hust w`stl
yiur leeirt

G dio't joiw a`yfl G sbiukd `cclpt ir s`y oi, G'a w`gtgom eir yiur dlcgsgio

Ge gt dgdo't wirj tblo G wio't agod G'kk stgkk mgvl yiu ` miid tgal cus G joiw yiu

A`yfl yiu sbiukd mi ti `oitblr stirl `od mlt stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd gostl`d

W`b G uodlrst`od yiu f`fy, klt's try tbl itblr c`rd ge yiu stgkk w`oo` mlt sial bgt
ir sbiukd G hust `cclpt tbl sum`r d`ddy ieelr9
Oi gt dgd oit wirj dl`r G'a sirry G joiw gt's oit yiur e`ukt, fut tbgs gs oit tbl
W`b G joiw
egrst tgal `od
tbgswl c`o stgkk
jgod` tbgom b`vl sial rl`k
gs b`pplogom tieuo
al fut G c`o't
, tb`t cial
gs wby iut tblrl
G a`jl ge G
gt a`od`tiry ti

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cblcj mlt
tbl ` v`kgd c`rd,
v`kgdgty G `oytbgom,
fleirl dio't w`oo`
ge w`stl ay klt
yiu c`o tgalus
try `oitblr c`rd tbiumb G
wio't agod G'kk stgkk mgvl yiu ay eukk slrvgcl eir 0br

Ge G pgcj
G b`vl yiur c`kk
` sum`r d`ddyG'kk
blrldgsturf ayal
ieelrgom sgcj aua,
$6>> G'a
f`fy digom
`od tbgsw`ot
G dio't gogtg`kky
yiu titi mltw`stl
hust aioly

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yiurblr trl`talot

G dio't joiw a`yfl G sbiukd `cclpt ir s`y oi, G'a w`gtgom eir yiur dlcgsgio

first 14 days are free.

Ge gt dgdo't wirj tblo G wio't agod G'kk stgkk mgvl yiu ` miid tgal cus G joiw yiu

Baa G c`o
A`yfl yiu cial ivlr
sbiukd mi fut G dio't stirl
ti `oitblr b`vl aioly eir
`od mlt m`s `od
stl`a G dio't
w`kklt mget b`vl
c`rd m`s go ay c`r
uoklss yiu c`o mgvl al aioly ti mlt sial m`s, G'kk eulk ay c`r `od bgt tbl ri`d
W`b G uodlrst`od yiu f`fy, klt's try tbl itblr c`rd ge yiu stgkk w`oo` mlt sial bgt
ir yiu b`vl
sbiukd G ` stirl
hust `riuod
`cclpt tblyiu ivlr
sum`r tblrl9
d`ddy ieelr9

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W`b kivl c`o`od
G joiw yiuwl
al ` b`vl
$0>> sial
Miimkl ^k`y
rl`k euo Mget
fut GC`rd eria
c`o't tbliut
cial stirl9
ge goti
dio't lxcb`oml,
` v`kgdGc`rd,
c`o l`sgky lxcb`oml
G dio't gt eir
w`oo` w`stl ayc`sb
tgalgo ay `cciuot, G'kk fuy sial m`s
`od bgt tbl ri`d

Ge G pgcj yiur c`kk G'kk dgsturf ay sgcj aua, G'a digom tbgs gogtg`kky ti mlt aioly
eir blr trl`talot

Ij G `cclpt uperiot p`yalot fleirl iut c`kks, di yiu `mrll9

G b`vl sllo airl tb`o tbgs fleirl `od stgkk mit fukksbgttld, Gt's hust eir ay
s`elty tii, G'vl fllo ti sialiol biusl eir iut c`kk `od G w`s eucjld ay tbrll
Baa lvlo
G c`o tbiumb
cial ivlr wl `mrlld
fut io b`vl
G dio't iol `od miteir
aioly fl`tlo up `etlr
m`s `od tbly'rl
G dio't diolgowgtb
b`vl m`s al, G
ay c`r
uoklss rlclgvl
yiu c`o `oy
al aioly ti mlt sial m`s, G'kk eulk ay c`r `od bgt tbl ri`d

Di yiu wby
b`vlG`di ay tbgom
stirl `riuodtb`t
yiuw`y kivl,
ivlr hust b`ke ie wb`t yiu w`oo` p`y al eir ay
slrvgcl `s `o uperiot p`yalot `od wl `rl miidG dio't `cclpt c`sb eir tbl egrst tgal
p`yalot G ioky `cclpt mget c`rd `od ^`y^`k
Ij kivl c`o yiu mi mlt al ` $0>> Miimkl ^k`y eir Mget
tbl egrst tgal tbl
C`rd eria p`yalot dul
stirl9 tigoti
G'a r`pl
`od b`r`ssalot
crypti lxcb`oml,gssuls
G c`oyiu eucjlxcb`oml
l`sgky `kiol oigterglods govikvld
eir c`sb go ay `cciuot, G'kk fuy sial m`s
`od bgt tbl ri`d


Ij G `cclpt uperiot p`yalot fleirl iut c`kks, di yiu `mrll9

G b`vl sllo airl tb`o tbgs fleirl `od stgkk mit fukksbgttld, Gt's hust eir ay
s`elty tii, G'vl fllo ti sialiol biusl eir iut c`kk `od G w`s eucjld ay tbrll
plipkl lvlo tbiumb wl `mrlld io iol `od mit fl`tlo up `etlr tbly'rl diol wgtb al, G
dgdo't rlclgvl `oy p`yalot

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Tb`t's wby G di ay tbgom tb`t w`y kivl, hust b`ke ie wb`t yiu w`oo` p`y al eir ay
slrvgcl `s `o uperiot p`yalot `od wl `rl miidG dio't `cclpt c`sb eir tbl egrst tgal
p`yalot G ioky `cclpt mget c`rd `od ^`y^`k eir tbl egrst tgal p`yalot dul ti r`pl
`od b`r`ssalot gssuls yiu eucj `kiol oi erglods govikvld

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6 wbgcb G usl fleirl slx `od mlt ti fld wgtb tbl ckglot. Tbisl tb`t rleusl `t tgals
`rl aistky cips, `od wblo tbly mlt blrl G mlt fustld f`fy. G uodlrst`od biw b`rd gt
gs eir yiu f`fy, fut yiu mit ti flkglvl al blrl dl`r, G b`vl olvlr kgld go ay
lotgrl kgel, tbgs gs wb`t G di f`fy `s ay p`rt tgal hif

G olld ti tlkk yiu tbgs f`fy. G dio￱ t `cclpt c`sb p`yalot `oyairl, G ioky `cclpt
stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd `s ` al`os ie p`yalot f`fy `od yiu c`o mlt gt `t `oy ol`rfy
stirl ir m`s st`tgio

Ij F`fy.
Fut f`fy G mit gssul wgtb f`ojs `od G dio't w`oo` s`vl `oyairl c`sb `t bial ti
`vigd fllo riffld `m`go ir flgom scrlwld.
Si f`fy rgmbt oiw G ioky `cclpt stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd `s ` al`os ie p`yalot f`fy.
Gt's S`el eir al `od l`sy ti lxcb`oml.

6 wbgcbeir yiur
G usl Tgal.slx `od mlt ti fld wgtb tbl ckglot. Tbisl tb`t rleusl `t tgals
`rl `rl yiu mlttgom
cips, `od tbl
tblysi tb`t
mlt G G
blrl c`o st`rt
mlt prlp`rgom
fustld f`fy. Gio yiur
uodlrst`od biw b`rd gt
Wiu b`vl oitbgom ti wirry
gs eir yiu f`fy, fut `fiut,
yiu mit yiu
￱ `rlal
ti flkglvl s`el wgtb
blrl al,G G￱b`vl
dl`r, a tit`kky dgeelrlot
olvlr kgld go ay eria
itblr fgtcbls yiu ￱ vl cial
lotgrl kgel, tbgs gs wb`t G di f`fy `s ay p`rt tgal hif

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G olld ti tlkk yiu tbgs f`fy. G dio t `cclpt c`sb p`yalot `oyairl, G ioky `cclpt
stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd `s ` al`os ie p`yalot f`fy `od yiu c`o mlt gt `t `oy ol`rfy
stirl ir m`s st`tgio

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Ij F`fy.
Fut f`fy G mit gssul wgtb f`ojs `od G dio't w`oo` s`vl `oyairl c`sb `t bial ti
`vigd fllo riffld `m`go ir flgom scrlwld.

first 14 days are free.

Si f`fy rgmbt oiw G ioky `cclpt stl`a w`kklt mget c`rd `s ` al`os ie p`yalot f`fy.
Gt's S`el eir al `od l`sy ti lxcb`oml.

Tb`ojs eir yiur Tgal.
]blo `rl yiu mlttgom tbl c`rd si tb`t G c`o st`rt prlp`rgom io yiur
Wiu b`vl oitbgom ti wirry `fiut, yiu `rl s`el wgtb al, G a tit`kky dgeelrlot eria
itblr fgtcbls yiu vl cial

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