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Answer the questions below as the best you can.

1. What is Body Image?

- Body image is a person’s perception of the aesthetics or sexual attractiveness of their own
body. It involves how a person sees themselves, compared to the standards that have been
set by society.

2. What is the difference between Positive and Negative Body Images?

- The difference between positive and negative body image is positive body image is a person
has a true and clear perception of their body shape and appearance that other people
would agree. They are proud of the way they look and feel confident in their body. On the
other hand, negative body image is believing your body isn’t good enough. Thinking that you
look too fat. Feeling like you’re not pretty enough or muscular enough.

3. How does society affect Body Image?

- Society shapes us in many ways, possibly more than we realize- from our interactions, to our
personal development through to others perception of our bodies as a reflection of self-
worth. And its partly how society perceives our bodies that is of concern; we’re talking body
image. ( 2020)

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