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LESSON 3: Self-Regulation NASPE Standards: 1, 2

Grades: 4-5
Equipment: Yoga mats, 3 blocks

Theme Self-Regulation

Concept How can my breath help me self-regulate?

Time In (Breathing) Humming Breath

1-3 minutes
Explain that we can use Humming Breath to calm and soothe us.

Discussion Why does yoga focus on breathing? How do you slow down and speed up your
3-5 minutes breath?

Have students breathe quick short breaths into the upper chest, then long slow
breaths into the belly. Discuss how breathing shallowly into the chest stimulates
the fight or flight response, and breathing deeply through the nose into the belly
stimulates the relaxation response. Which feels better and allows you to think
clearly? Which feels connected, disconnected? In life, what creates these

Block Metaphor
Point out that sometimes we experience challenging or stressful situations in life,
and yoga gives us tools to come back to being calm, relaxed, and connected.

Warm-Up Sun Salute

5 minutes
Invite students to observe how their breath speeds up in order to warm their
body up and prepare them for their yoga poses.

Yoga Postures Downward Dog, Table, Cow, Cat, Dragon (Low Lunge), Ragd oll, Crescent
15-20 minutes Lunge, Warrior I, Downward Dog, Table, Rock, Butterfly

Invite students to observe the way their breath responds to the yoga postures
they are doing: which speed the breath up and which slow the breath down?

Partner Work See-Saw

5-10 minutes
Instruct students to observe their breath as they move forward and backwards.
Try and create equal part breaths with the movement.

Relaxation Balloon Breath in Relaxation

3-5 minutes
Invite students to observe how Balloon Breath helps them slow down

Project/ 3-2-1 Summary: “Connecting My Body, Mind, and Breath” to be completed in

Homework/ class or assigned as homework.
3-5 minutes
LESSON 3: 3-2-1 Summary “Connecting My Body, MInd, and Breath”

Name Date

Parent Signature

Have a discussion at home about what you are learning in your Yoga Ed. class.
Then, complete the 3-2-1 Summary and return it to school with your parent’s signa-

3 things I’ve learned about breathing:




2 situations in school or life where I want to remember to breathe:



1 question I now have about breathing is:


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