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Based on data it can be known that the treatment of husk plenting media has an average

plant height of 3.66 cm, disposable face mask waste 3.24 cm, paper 2.36 cm. baby
diapers 0 cm or no plants growing. And plastic 0.2 cm

Data on average number of leaves can be seen in the following graph

Based on data it can be known that the treatment of husk planting media has an
average number of leaves 4 strands. disposable face mask waste is 4 strands. paper is 3
strands. baby diapers 0 strands or no plants growing. And plastic is 2 strands.

Data on the average number of leaves seen in the following graph

Based on the data it can be known that the treatment of husk planting media has an
average leaf area of 4.96 cm2. Disposable face mask 4.27 cm2. paper 2.26 cm2. baby 0
cm2 or no growing plants. Treatment of E or plants on plastic planting media has an
average leaf area of 0.17 cm2.

Based on the data above it, appears that the treatment disposable mask waste media
growth is close to the growth of plants in husk planting media. This is because the
disposable mask waste planting media has the properties of easily binding and storing
water and shafts but has no nutrients naturally. Therefore, it is necessary to add fertilizer
to the mask planting, while in the husk planting media are available nutrients naturally
and contain potassium (K) needed plants (Hakim, 2013). So it can trigger the rapid
growth of spinach plants. Treatment of C or plants on paper planting media is slower
growth. This is because the paper planting media is binding and storing water but not the
shaft so that it makes the planting media watery. In the treatment of D or plants in the
planting media of baby diapers there are no plants that grow because it is made from gels
that easily bind and store water and not shafts, so that the planting media is very watery.
In the treatment of E or plants on plastic planting media there are plants that grow but on
the observation of the 15th day the plant is dead. This is because the plastic planting
media is a shaft, storing water but it is difficult to bind water

Based on the results of the study, disposable mask waste (disposable mask) can be used
as a medium of planting striped spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) this is because the
structure of the planting media of disposable mask waste is binding to water and shafts
although the growth of plants takes place rather slowly by looking at the average growth
height of plants 3.24 cm, the number of leaves 4 strands and the surface area of the leaves
4.27 cm2. This is because the intake of nutrients received by plants is not met because the
mask planting media does not provide enough nutrients compared to the husk planting
media which is an organic material containing nutrients naturally

To make a disposable waste mask planting media, we need a disposable waste mask
that has been washed first and then mashed with a blender. After that the planting media
is ready to be used

It is recommended for further research so that the planting media of disposable mask
waste mixed with other organic planting media as a source of nutrition.

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