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Hey, what's going on everybody? Troy here hanging out in downtown Fort Lauderdale today. Thought
I would change up the background a bit. Got this cool graffiti wall. Thought I would throw on some
color for you guys. I know I always film at the beach. Film with some kind of cool outdoor scenery but
I thought I would change things up a bit today.

Right now, it's summertime. It's beach season. Where I am right now it's right in the middle of June
and it seems like everybody is looking for that quick path to losing weight quickly. Everybody wants to
lose 10, 15 pounds in a really short amount of time. People kind of stress out. They start dieting late
and all of a sudden they got a vacation or they got some kind of cruise or they got some kind of event
and they want to lose weight really quickly. Most people fall prey to different fat loss ads and
different supplements and different stimulants and they fall prey to the magic pill mentality where
they just take a pill and they instantly lose weight.

I want to give you guys my blueprint on how you can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks doing it the all natural
way. Doing it the really healthy way. Doing it in a way that's going to keep the weight off. You're not
going to put it back on when you stop this regimen for 2 weeks. It's highly effective. It's going to boost
your metabolism, increase your energy levels, turn you into a fat loss machine. I've done this before.
I've helped out a lot of friends and family members and personal training clients with this regimen
and this is my super easy, 3 step blueprint on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

Part 1 of this is for the next 2 weeks, any time you consume a carbohydrate I want you to pair it with
an insulin desensitizer. This is going to increase your insulin sensitivity and it's going to lower the
impact of those carbohydrates have on your stored body fat levels. When you consume
carbohydrates - I'm going to get more into what kind of carbohydrates and the timing of that
carbohydrate later on in this video - but the first part is any time you consume a carbohydrate, say for
breakfast or for lunch or for pre-workout, I want you to pair it with an insulin desensitizer. This is so
crucial when it comes to increasing your insulin sensitivity and most importantly having these
carbohydrates utilizes an energy source instead of your body storing them as body fat.

My two favorite insulin desensitizers are apple cider vinegar with water or just pure green tea. Super
easy to do. Any time that you consume carbohydrates, before and after you take a swig of apple cider
vinegar. Maybe like ... You can even measure it out of a shot glass. Like about an ounce. All you need
is about an ounce of organic apple cider vinegar and you just chase it with water. Almost like you're
doing a shot of alcohol or something. You're basically just chasing it. The apple cider vinegar is pretty
acidic. It helps breakdown all those carbohydrates, helps increase that insulin sensitivity, helps you
Copyright © 2016 by Diabetes Destroyer
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3 Outside The Box Tricks To Lose 10 Lbs In 2 Weeks

just turn into a fat loss machine. It's going to help increase your metabolism and actually it's one of
the healthiest things in the world that you can drink just for naturally cleansing yourself, cleaning out
your digestive system. I can not recommend enough apple cider vinegar with every carbohydrate
meal. The easiest thing to do is take a little shot glass, pour an ounce of it in before you consume a
carbohydrate meal and then pour another ounce of it after you consume a carbohydrate meal.

Another thing you can do - and you can also do this along side with the apple cider vinegar - is you can
consume a cup of green tea. If you want the best form of green tea, I highly recommend Matcha
Green Tea which actually contains 15 to 20 times the antioxidant levels of regular green tea. Matcha
Green Tea is like this powdery green tea substance. I know I've shown you guys it in other videos.
Matcha Green Tea is super high in this antioxidant called EGCG which helps increase your insulin
sensitivity, helps increase your metabolism, helps lower the impact those carbohydrates have on your
stored body fat levels. It's going to help you utilize your carbohydrates as an energy source.

This is what you want. When you're going through stretches, through long stretches where you're
dieting - anything longer than a couple days all the way up to a 2 week period - you want to be
constantly be doing tricks to increase your metabolism because you can only do so much when it
comes to burning extra calories versus the calories that you're consuming. These insulin desensitizers,
they're going to lower the impact that these carbs have. The more calories that you're burning, the
more fat you're losing every single day. Green tea is an awesome metabolism booster. It also works as
an awesome insulin desensitizer. If you guys want the most bang for your buck with this regimen, you
should have shot of apple cider vinegar before and after every single carbohydrate meal and then you
can drink a cup of green tea with your carbohydrate meal.

The second tip, this is so crucial. This is an absolute must if you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
You want to be low-carb. You want to have very low insulin levels for a 16 hour stretch every single
day. You're probably thinking, "This sounds extreme to be really low-carb, have low insulin levels for a
16 hours stretch," but you figure you're sleeping for 6, 7, 8, 9 hours every single day so obviously that
can count towards the 16 hour stretch but my favorite strategy to implement these long periods of
low insulin levels is I will stop consuming carbohydrates say at 6pm and then I will start consuming my
carbohydrates again at 10am. You've got 6pm to 10am the next day. That's actually 16 full hours. It's
super easy to do. If you do a workout later in the day, you have your last carbohydrate right after you
work out and then you have a 16 hour stretch where your insulin levels are really low, you have
practically no carbohydrate consumption.

When I saw low insulin, low carbohydrate levels, I'm talking about just eating lean proteins and
veggies and all that good stuff for a 16 hour stretch. You can have lean proteins, you can have healthy
fats, you can have basically as many lean proteins, healthy fats, and veggies as you want. That will
keep your insulin levels really low. You can do things like whole [inaudible 00:05:48], grass-fed beef,
you can even throw on some sliced avocado. Whatever it may be, the main point is you need low
insulin levels for at least 16 hours. This is when your body goes into pure fat burning mode. You're
pairing with the metabolism boosters that I discussed, you have the insulin desensitizers, and this is
basically that time where your body goes into fat burning mode.

This is going to make the majority of your weight loss is going to be in this 16 hour stretch over the
course of the next 2 weeks. It is vital that you consumer absolutely nothing that's going to spike those

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3 Outside The Box Tricks To Lose 10 Lbs In 2 Weeks

insulin levels. That means you staying away from ketchup and different sugary sauces and different
salad dressings. If you're having a salad, you're going to use like an olive oil or an apple cider vinegar
based or some kind of vinaigrette that has zero sugar. Also, you want to stay away from artificial
sweeteners. These are going to just mess up your blood sugar levels. They're going to elevate your
insulin levels a tad. You want to stay away from any artificial sugar, anything that on the nutrition
label says sugar.

The only exception is there are a few carbohydrates in vegetables. You can eat things like broccoli and
cauliflower and spinach salads and green beans. I would say any vegetable except carrots will be fine
on your low insulin levels. Carrots have a little more sugar than other forms of vegetables. You want
to stick with lean proteins. Your chicken, your grass-fed beef, your fish, your egg whites, your whole
[inaudible 00:07:07], salmon, tilapia. These are all fine sources on these low insulin periods. Healthy
fats, you can have almonds, cashews, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil. You can put these on your
healthy fats.

One of my favorite low insulin meals just to really satisfy myself, keep me full, and kind of get an
indulgent snack that's still really low insulin, I'll do sliced avocado on top of chicken or fish or grass-fed
beef. Sometimes I'll even just scoop a tablespoon or two of no sugar added almond butter or no sugar
added peanut butter. This is another acceptable low insulin snack. The main thing is you're going 16
full hours of low insulin levels. Long sustained periods of low insulin levels are the quickest path to
you losing weight. It's not diet pills. It's not taking some fancy over-the-counter weight-loss regimen
supplement. It's long periods of low insulin levels, making the right diet choices for long periods of

Part 3. Now we're getting into the action steps. We're getting to the stuff that you can actually do
from a workout regimen standpoint that will pertain to you losing weight really quickly. The timing of
this is so crucial if you really want to speed up your results. I recommend 3 types of exercise at some
point in your low insulin window. Whatever 16 hour stretch that you decide works best for you to
keep your insulin levels really low, to keep your carbohydrate consumption really low just with your
lean proteins, your healthy fats, and your veggies is you want to do some form of exercise. I have 3
that I highly recommend. You want to do high intensity interval training, you want to do low intensity
cardio for 15 to 20 minutes - some sustained, long sustained period of time - or you can do some kind
of intense weight lifting. If you're a guy and your main goal is to look more ripped, put on lean muscle
mass, you can do intense weight lifting for a 45 minute to hour long session.

Let me break down the best form of each. High intensity interval training, I did another video where I
went through the entire regimen of my high intensity interval training and what I do to burn fat really
quickly. High intensity interval training can basically be something as simple as sprint intervals. Sprint
intervals are so powerful. They're going to increase your metabolism for up to 24 hours after you
perform them. You firing up your body's fast twitch muscle fibers like in your quads and your
hamstrings. You're sprinting at maximum speed and you're working those type two, those fast twitch
muscle fibers which take up to 24 hours to fully recovery as opposed to those slow twitch muscle
fibers when you're just doing some jogging, when you're doing swimming, when you're doing
standard static cardio, you're working your type one, slow twitch muscle fibers. These muscle fibers,
although you are burning calories, they recover just like that.

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3 Outside The Box Tricks To Lose 10 Lbs In 2 Weeks

The beauty of doing high intensity interval training during these long periods of low insulin levels is
you have another metabolism booster. Not only are you increasing your metabolism with the green
tea and you got the insulin desensitizers and then all of a sudden you have long periods of low insulin
levels and then you're accomplishing the best form of metabolism boosting cardio on top of all this.
It's just like these things are starting to stack on top of each other and you're becoming a fat burning
machine when you can implement all 3 of these steps. That is why it's so easy to lose 10 pounds in 2

Strength training is actually another form of fast twitch muscle training. If you're a guy and you're
looking to maximize your lean muscle growth, get really ripped for whatever it be. Going to the beach,
you're going on a cruise, you got a hot date. Whatever it may be. Some kind of intense weight lifting
exercise would be perfect. I recommend compound exercises just because you get the most bang for
your buck. We're talking about the bench press, the dead lift, the squat, dumbbell lounges, military
press, barbell [inaudible 00:10:47]. All these fantastic compound exercises place the most overload on
your body's largest and strongest muscle group.

If you're not a guy who's really into putting on muscle mass. Say you're a woman and you've had
some joint and ankle problems. You don't want to weight lift and sprinting just isn't for you, another
really powerful form of exercise that helps you lose weight really quickly, when you're in these
periods of really low insulin levels is just a low intensity cardio for 15 to 20 minutes. This is just going
to maximize your weight loss because you're burning calories. You're going right into your fat stores
when your insulin levels are really low. Doing something just like swimming for 15, 20 minutes or
doing a light job in a park or going on the elliptical or treadmill at your local gym for 15 to 20 minutes
when your insulin levels are low goes a long way.

The main thing is after you get done doing this cardio regimen that you don't eat a carbohydrate
meal. You want to continue to burn fat, boost that metabolism following a workout. Keep those
insulin levels low. Do not make the mistake of feeling good about yourself and doing that cardio and
then going and eating a bunch of carbohydrates like french fries or cake or pizza or some kind of
dessert thinking that you earned it. Basically, you're just going to break even if you're doing low
intensity cardio. Remember, our goal is really fast weight loss. We're trying to lose 10 pounds in 2
weeks. If that's your goal, if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it's obviously
going to be a sacrifice. You've got to make sacrifices with your diet and your exercise. Keep those
insulin levels low before and during and after your exercise regimen. Whether it be the high intensity
interval training, the weight lifting, or the low intensity cardio, you guys are going to have some
fantastic results.

It's not rocket science. It's just about staying consistent. I can promise you, if you stay consistent with
all 3 of these tips, you guys will lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I guarantee you. I don't care how fast or
slow your metabolism is, what your genetics, where you're at. Following these 3 steps consistently for
2 straight weeks will be the quickest path to you losing a lot of weight quickly. Guarantee you that you
will lose those 10 pounds just like that. Stay away from the supplements. Stay away from the
stimulants. Stay away from those short-term magic pill society methods. Stick with the proven stuff.
Stick with the stuff that's going to boost your metabolism, increase your overall health, increase your
energy levels, not going to make you jittery, not going to make you crash.

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3 Outside The Box Tricks To Lose 10 Lbs In 2 Weeks

The other beauty of this regimen is it's increasing your overall health. You're going to feel amazing.
You're going to feel just like you have a ton of vitality, a ton of energy, a ton of a natural abundance of
internal energy when you follow this regimen. It's some powerful stuff. They're not crazy, crazy
intense tips. I think they're really easy to follow regardless of your lifestyle. Anyways, I hope this has
been helpful whether you're preparing for the beach, a vacation, some type of event. Everyone wants
to look and feel their best and this is definitely a really easy solution to losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
Anyways, guys, I am off for the day here so just wanted to shoot this quick video for you guys and
help you guys lose weight really quickly, lose weight efficiently, and I'll have some more great videos
coming for you soon.

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