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Name : Dita Prametiani

NIM : 173211077

Mainstream : Linguistics



This research attempts to explain about taboo words that is aimed to the Takeshi69 and

Snoop Dogg’s in Rap song lyrics. This research focuses on kinds of taboo words, dominant kind

of using taboo words and intentions of using taboo words used in Takhesi69 and Snoop Dogg’s

Rap Song Lyrics.

The methods that used in this research is descriptive qualitative methods in terms of

linguistics data which the researcher shows this analysis for finding one by one word or phrase

from the lyric. Researcher used Wardhaugh and Fuller (2015) ‘An Introduction to

Sociolinguistics’ for the theory that help this research. The purpose of this research is to describe

the kinds of taboo words, dominant kind of using taboo words and intentions of using taboo

words in Taheshi69 and Snoop Dogg’s Rap Song Lyrics. This research are able to give more

knowledge about taboo words especially in song lyrics.

Keywords: Taboo Words, Rap, Song Lyrics



A. Background of Study

Language is a system of symbols that evolved based on the rule by users. Every

symbols has meaning or concept, because every symbols has meaning or can tell about

meaning or concept, so it can conclude that every spoken language has meaning. Based

on Ronal Wardhaugh, language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human

communication. Language is arbitrary, it makes every ethnic group or every environment

has their own language. There are any words in language. According to the philosopher

Herakleitos, the word is an eternal reality, a transient reality of space and time. There is a

world of ideas that are eternal. Words represent meaning and reality, although actually

existing meanings and realities are far more complex than words or symbols

representating them. According to language philosopher Wittgenstein, there are always

somethings in existence that are beyond or human ability to imagine or conceive.

Language also has weakness, because language cannot tell all about realities whether it is

an emniatic, abstract, or symbolic reality. Human live with so many realities or surplus of


Chaika (1982) language represents a reflection of the deepest knowledge of

human, so language is a mirror of society. Meanwhile Ricoueur (1991) affirms that

human existence and life are also present in languages.

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