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Exercise: Interview Your Partner

Since we’ve been talking about the importance of gaining deep knowledge of your partner, I
want to encourage you to interview one another. Here’s a good question:

What are you most excited about in your life right now?

One talks other the other listens without interrupting.

Then change roles and continue.

If you like, come up with another question and repeat the process for as long as you like. Of
course, you don’t have to do this in one sitting. Use this technique from time to time to
increase your emotional intimacy and grow your love for each other.

You can do this if both of you are participating in the course. Or you can do it if you are the only
one participating. Find a moment when you can slip into a question quite naturally and sit back
and listen.

Remember: Happy couples spend about 50% of their communication being curious and inviting
their spouse to share.

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