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Sex Positions for Couples

Sex Guide to Turn Men Into Casanova and Undergo

a Sexual Transformation, with this Tips Women Come
First. She will be in Ecstasy. Resolve Marriage &
Toxic Relationships

James Eros Valmont

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Communication
Chapter 2: Orgasm
Chapter 3: The Male Organs
Chapter 4: Woman on Top
Chapter 5: Spicy Positions
Chapter 6: Sex Positions for Him to Enjoy
Chapter 7: Sex Positions to Keep Her Coming
Chapter 8: Crazy Sex Positions For Getting More Daring And Freaky
Chapter 9: The Kama Sutra Techniques Related To Kissing
Chapter 10: Oral Sex
Chapter 11: Erotic Massage
Chapter 12: Using Props During Sex
Chapter 13: Physical Intimacy (Fireworks)
Chapter 14: Tricks To Excite Your Partner
Chapter 15: Common Mistakes Women Make When It Comes To Sex

There are many ways to spice up your sex life, and as you learned there is a
lot beyond the bedroom that can be done to enhance it as well. This chapter
will explore some ideas of what you can do to make your sex life even
better outside of the bedroom.
Do Fun Things Together
Doing fun things together allows you to increase your dopamine levels
together as well. When you have fun together, it increases your closeness
with one another and can enhance the joy you experience with each other. It
adds a unique sense of intimacy to your relationship that cannot be added
by sexual experiences.
Ideally, you want to have fun together in a way that gets your blood
pumping and your adrenaline rushing. Going to an amusement park, ice
skating, visiting an upbeat concert, or otherwise doing something fun and
exciting can increase the happiness of your experience with one another.
Having fun this way can add an energy to your relationship that will carry
into the bedroom and make sex even more enjoyable.
Kiss More Often
Many couples, especially those who have been together a while tend to kiss
less often. Kissing is a highly romantic and passionate act and should be
done regularly. Think about it, at the beginning of the relationship you
likely kissed your partner a lot more frequently than you do now that you
are more comfortable together. You want to start doing it more often.
When you are kissing more regularly, don’t just increase the volume but
also increase the passion in each kiss. There is no need to peck and go. Give
the kiss a few moments and truly experience your partner with each kiss.
You can include your hands and body as well, or even kiss in other intimate
areas such as on the cheek, forehead or hand.
Recall What It Was Like to Meet
When you first met you likely spent a lot more time getting to know one
another and a lot less time watching TV or doing other things to pass the
time. You can spend some time asking each other questions about life, or
even just reminisce on the days when you met each other. Getting to know
each other all over again is a great way to rekindle the flame in a
The reality is that we don't all stay the same in life. Throughout your
relationship, you and your partner will change several times over. Their
preferences for certain things may change, and these are all great things to
learn about each other all over again as you rekindle your love by
communicating and asking questions.
Describe Your Sexual Fantasies
Many times, sex is just about the act and couples don't really speak a lot
about sex outside of the bedroom. A great way to spark up a flame and add
passion to your sex life is to talk about each other's fantasies and interests.
This gives you an opportunity to get to know each other's sexual
preferences more intimately which means that you can gain maximum
enjoyment out of sex. It allows you to have a better idea of what your
partner likes and what they don't like, and how you can make sexual
experiences more enjoyable for them.
Keep The Mystery Alive
In relationships, it can be easy to get to know each other so intimately that
there appears to be no mystery left in the relationship anymore. This can be
counterproductive to the process of bringing romance back into your
relationship. A lot of romance builds around mystery and the desire to know
each other more intimately than you presently do. There are many ways that
you can add mystery back into your relationship, even if you already know
almost everything about each other. Using sentences that add mystery,
clothes that spark intrigue and even simple texts that make the other partner
wonder what you have planned for the evening can help add mystery back
into the relationship.
When the mystery is present, the other person wonders about you. They
start thinking about you and may even become obsessed with wanting to
know what you have planned because they are curious. Curiosity is the key
to creating mystery and getting your partner wondering about you and what
you have to offer them that is unique from before.
Express Gratitude
A great way to help your partner feel cared for and show them how much
they mean to you is to express your gratitude. Expressing gratitude takes
very little time but can have a significant impact on the quality of your
relationship. When people feel cared for and loved, they want to show more
care and love to the one they feel for as well. This can increase the quality
of your relationship, making you both feel more appreciated.
In relationships, the little things often get overlooked. People forget that the
little things count and so they don't take the time to show appreciation and
gratitude for them genuinely. Something as simple as "I really appreciate
that you always support me in my decisions" or "I really appreciate that you
make me breakfast each morning" can go a long way. Even though repeat
activities can lead to things being expected, it is always good to show that
you don't necessarily expect things to be done for you or in a certain way.
Always show that you care about what your partner does in life and for you,
as this will increase the quality of your time together and make you both
feel more loved overall. When you feel more loved, the sparks will
naturally fly in your relationship.
Don’t Hold Grudges
Holding grudges can destroy relationships really quickly. When people hold
grudges, they fail to let go of things that are no longer relevant, and it can
lead to destruction in the relationship. You may feel that if you let go, it
shows your partner that their mistake was acceptable, and for you, it may
seem like you are allowing them to do it again. In reality, when you let it
go, you are giving them permission to be human and make mistakes. It
allows them the opportunity to see what they've done and make a change,
knowing that you will appreciate the change wholeheartedly. It never pays
to hold a grudge in your relationship.
Care About Self Care
How you care about yourself and how your partner cares about themselves
is important when it comes to having a healthy relationship. A healthy
relationship almost always leads to a healthy sex life, since your sex life is
so closely linked to the health of your relationship. It is important that you
both emphasize on self-care and take the time to truly nurture your own
needs before nurturing your partner’s. Yes, before. You cannot pour out of
an empty cup, and keeping your cup empty is not a favor to your partner.
Instead, it is a drawback that will lead to your relationship falling apart.
Taking care of your own self can come in many ways. You should look
towards developing a healthy relationship with yourself if you want to
really get serious about self-care. Take yourself on dates, have alone time,
and get to know yourself more. The added benefit of getting to know
yourself more is that you learn things about yourself that you may not have
known before. You can share these things with your spouse, thus expanding
your realm of conversation topics and letting you continue to get to know
each other, even long after the relationship has worn out its honeymoon
Chapter 1: Communication

Communication is a complex process and involves the exchange of ideas,

thoughts, and feelings. Just because someone talks do not mean that
communication has actually occurred. If you have ever heard the saying "In
one ear and out the other," then you know exactly what I mean by this. For
communication to be effective, the messenger must impart information in a
respectful, clear manner and the receiver must receive that message and
understand it.
Communication is not only about what you say but how you say it. Body
language and other non-verbal cues also play a part in the way
communication works and how effective it is. Your mouth may say one
thing but if your body language conveys a different message, then the
communication process will be hindered. Sexual communication follows
the same rules and is as equally important as any other instance of
Being able to communicate your sexual needs and desires to your partner
and vice versa facilitates a more rewarding and satisfying sex life. There is
the largely mistaken assumption that if two people are in love and sexually
attracted to each other, then the pieces will fall into place without being
spoken about. That is not so, even if you two are sexually compatible. Just
to determine sexual compatibility, open communication and dialogue are
needed simply because no two people have completely harmonious sexual
Communication can be abused. Some people are master manipulators in
using the process to get what they want. When choosing a sexual partner
and engaging in sexual communication, it is important to know that your
partner is trustworthy and considerate of your needs. Do not engage in any
sexual activity with someone whose intentions you are unsure of.
With that being said, let's move on to the types of sexual communication
and how important each is. There are different stages of communication
needed for a relationship to develop in a healthy manner. They include:
● Communication during the early stages of a relationship.
Remember that open communication is needed in the earliest stages of
relationship to determine sexual compatibility and whether or not this is a
deal-breaker for either party. Flirting is often the strongest during the early
parts of a relationship, and this, too, is a form of sexual communication.
Flirting allows both parties to express their interest in the other and to
determine whether or not their interest is reciprocated. Sexual
communication in the early part of a relationship also opens the door for
sexual negotiation for each party to determine how far each will proceed in
certain types of sexual engagement or what activities each will engage in
with the other.
● Communication on health. The incidence of contracting sexually
transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS continues to rise every day, and
thus, it is very important that you engage in open dialogue with your partner
about safe sex and each other’s sexual history for both their safety and
yours. Some people find engaging in this discussion topic embarrassing and
awkward and shy away from the discussion. However, it is a discussion that
needs to be had for mutual wellbeing.
● Sexual communication for established relationships. This applies
to persons who are seriously dating, engaged, and married and is needed to
facilitate mutual satisfaction in the relationship’s sexual affairs. When a
couple reaches this stage in the relationship, it is likely that the couple has
already engaged in sex. Therefore, communication at this stage is about
fine-tuning the experience for both parties. It is about full disclosure of how
your partner's sexuality and sexual actions affect you and vice versa.

How To Vocalize Your Sexual Needs

Communication about sexual needs is one of the most challenging parts of
establishing a relationship despite the possibility that it has the potential to
be an intimate and romantic process. It involves being comfortable and
trusting your partner enough to disclose your needs and wants. By not doing
so, you run the risk of having a very unsatisfying sex life and developing an
unhealthy resentment toward your partner since your needs are not being
met. However, you cannot blame your partner if you have not vocalized
your sexual needs. Therefore, this section is dedicated to showing you how
to vocalize your sexual needs in a way that is respectful yet commands
Before you even get to discussing anything with your partner, you need to
take a moment for introspection. You need to first know what your needs
are and to accept them. You can read books or watch educational sexual
programs to understand the physical, emotional, and mental sexual needs
that you have. Even watching pornography can give you insight into your
sexual needs and wants.
After you have more of an insight into what makes you tick sexually then
you can broach the subject with your partner. Most people have grown up
being uncomfortable and embarrassed about discussing sexual needs and,
therefore, fear that they might be rejected or humiliated by revealing their
desires. However, you need to get over that fear because your partner is not
a mind-reader and needs to be told explicitly what you like and what you do
not like. You need to let your partner know what you find comfortable
doing, what pleases you most, what makes sexual encounters better for you,
and what you do not enjoy at all. Do not rely on getting this information off
the top of your head. Record it in some way so that you can have it handy
for discussion when you do broach the subject with your partner
Before you start an open dialogue with your partner, you need to prepare
both of you for that conversation so that you approach with a sense of
curiosity rather than of defensiveness. Ensure that this is one-on-one time
together with no interruptions and in a setting that encourages intimacy.
Having a dinner date or going for a walk are great ways of introducing talks
about your sexual needs. Planning a trip to a new location is an even better
idea since you are already exploring new things. What would be better than
exploring new parts of your sexual life together? Being in a new
environment increases the possibility of having new meaningful encounters
together compared to being in an environment that you are both familiar
with. No matter where you choose to bring up the subject of your sexual
needs with your partner, it is imperative that you place thought on the
location as it can determine whether or not your partner reacts negatively or
positively to the discussion.
There are good ways of broaching the subject and, of course, ways that do
not encourage a positive response. Below you can find a few suggestions
and guidelines to make vocalizing your sexual needs to your partner easier
for both of you:
● Start the discussion off by being prepared to talk openly and to listen
to what your partner has to say.
● Never compare your partner or relationship with a former lover or
● Do not start sentences with “you do not…,” “you never…,” or “you
always…” since this will only put off your partner
● If your partner does react defensively, try to keep calm and not react
negatively. Instead, encourage your partner to remain level-headed and
open to the discussion.
● Gentle ways of opening the discussion would be to say things like, “it
gets me excited when…,” “I would love it if you…,” “I have a fantasy
about…,” and “I think it would be fun if…”
Just as it is important to vocalize your needs to your partner, it is important
not to presume that you know exactly what your partner likes and wants
from you sexually. Just as you have vocalized your needs and wants, create
a safe space and environment for your partner to do the same. Encourage
them to open up to you by asking questions such as:
● Are there any erotic scenes from movies that really turn you on?
● Is there anything that you did when you were younger but have not
tried in a while but would be interested in revisiting?
● Is there anything you would like me to do for you sexually?
● Is there anything that you find particularly enjoyable or would like me
to do more?
● Are you interested in acts of submission and domination such as
getting tied up or blindfolded?
More Tips on How to Communicate Your Sexual Needs and Desires
● Write down your desires. If you find it difficult to vocalize your
needs then try writing them down in the form of a letter and exchanging it
with your partner.
● Let your hands do the talking for you. While engaged in sexual
encounters with your partner, you can simply place their hand in the right
place by guiding it with yours to show them what you like.
● Give brief instructions during sexual encounters. Use words like
faster, slower, and harder to quickly and efficiently let your partner know
what you need during the act. You can let your partner know when he or she
gets it right by giving positive feedback and saying things such as “Yes, just
like that” or “That feels very good.”
● Read and watch books and programs that aid your sex life. There
are many sex manuals out there that you can peruse together to find useful
solutions and ideas to spice up your sex life. The same is true about sexual
programs. After the two of you have educated yourself, then you can have a
discussion on topics or ideas that were of particular interest to both of you.

Creating Sexual Intuition

In our everyday lives, we rely on intuition to guide us, especially in
situations where we are unfamiliar or do not have experience. Intuition is
defined as the ability to understand something or a situation instinctively
without the need for conscious reasoning. Sometimes it is referred to as a
hunch or a gut feeling. Everyone has some level of intuitive ability, and it
can be thought of to be a sixth sense.
Intuition is something that is also present in our sex lives, and in sexual
situations, it is referred to as sexual intuition. This particular intuition can
manifest itself in the form of attraction to certain people or awareness of
someone's feelings without spoken communication. It can also manifest
itself in knowing just how to help and comfort your partner without them
having to say anything. Having sexual intuition is a powerful thing as it can
foster the development of deeper levels of intimacy and trust. With
awakened sexual intuition, you can listen to your partner's nonverbal cues
and respond in a way that allows you both to feel more connected with each
other. Sexual intuition elevates the feelings that are aroused during
lovemaking and makes orgasms more intense because of the increased
sensitivity to each other's needs.
While some people have this intuition when it comes to engaging in sexual
encounters, it does not come naturally to most people. The good news is
that it is something that can be developed with time and experience.
As you develop your sexual intuition, you will be able to see signs and
messages in your interactions with your partner that allow you to know that
you are on the right track in your sexual relationship or activities. Such
signs include your partner's body language. Does your partner lean into you
when you touch them? Do goosebumps pop up on their skin when you
By being in tune with your partner's responses to the things that you do and
don’t do, you can develop the intuition or gut reaction to let you know how
to give them the pleasure they need during sexual encounters. Just as there
are positive nonverbal cues like blushing and an increased breathing rate,
there are also negative ones that allow you to know that you should back off
such as tense shoulders, a set in the lips or your partner refusing to make
eye contact. Being more communicative with your lovers, past and present,
allows you to observe patterns in their actions that allow you to understand
the sexual needs and preferences. Educating yourself with books and sexual
programs can also develop your sexual intuition as this allows you to look
for certain signs when you engage in sex with your partner and to
understand what these signs likely mean.
Chapter 2: Orgasm

The orgasm is the culmination of a sexual relationship, a climax that

produces a pleasant feeling of a sudden release of accumulated tension from
the moment when the excitement phase begins. It is at that moment that a
series of intense muscle spasms are generated that are highly pleasing,
which helps the release of endorphins that occurs simultaneously.
Women experience orgasm in different ways, but usually, this is
characterized by the fact that the acceleration of heart rate, breathing, and
blood pressure reach their highest level and the vagina, uterus, anus, and
muscles Pelvic bones contract between five and ten times at intervals of less
than one second. However, some women may feel orgasm throughout their
body and even multiple orgasms.
In the case of men, we must bear in mind that ejaculation and orgasm are
not the same. You can ejaculate without experiencing orgasm. As in
women, with orgasm, heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure are
accelerated to the maximum, and muscle contractions occur in the pelvic
area, as well as the prostate and seminal vesicles to produce the expulsion
of the semen.
The orgasm lasts only a few moments and then enters what is known as the
resolution phase in which there is a general relaxation of the whole body,
normalization of blood circulation and breathing, and with it a feeling of
great placidity, tiredness, and even drowsiness.
The lack of control over ejaculation, as in the case of premature ejaculation,
can make a man unable to reach orgasm. Similarly, many women confess
not to reach it regularly and even never (anorgasmia). It is very important
that the couple talks about it because experimentation and information can
improve their sexual practice and learn to control ejaculation in the case of
men and enhance their excitement in the woman. Couples therapy can be a
good option to solve this sexual dysfunction.

How Are Male And Female Orgasms Different?

The female orgasm
Contractions start at 0.8-second intervals and their number can vary greatly,
decreasing after intensity, duration, and frequency. More than a localized
response in the pelvis, it is a total response of the organism. Imagination is
directly related to orgasm, the brain has a lot to do with it. With the
penetration, the entire vulvar pyramid is mobilized synchronously and the
G-spot and the clitoris are stimulated. Every woman has the physical ability
to experience orgasms.
These are the symptoms of female orgasm :
Greater increase in heart rate.
Increase in breathing
Increase in blood pressure.
The subjective sensation of the explosion of pleasure.
Contraction of the uterus.
Contraction of the orgasmic platform.
After the orgasm, there would be a recovery in the woman prior to the
excitement. Although if it is restimulated before the sexual tension
decreases, the woman is able to present several successive orgasms.

The Female Orgasm: Keys To Reach It

The female orgasm is not only achieved through penetration. It is highly
recommended to explore the female body to discover erogenous zones that
facilitate the task. In the case of sexual intercourse, preliminaries, oral sex,
and other pleasurable practices can be the perfect vehicle to achieve an
unforgettable orgasm. Meanwhile, it is also essential:
That your partner knows how to "work" better to "play" and
experience things with you
to know oneself through self-exploration. So, if you want to enjoy your
body and your areas of pleasure, try one of these useful toys.
1. Physical manifestations of female orgasm
During orgasm:
the clitoris retracts,
the vagina, the perineum and the uterus contract due to shaking
the nipples harden
the heart accelerates
the blood vessels dilate.
Everything is stimulated during this supreme pleasure with which women
(and men, in their case) go mad. And it is normal because the orgasm
involves secretion of endorphins, the molecule of happiness, which
provides a feeling of unequaled well-being.
2. How to achieve a female orgasm
In general, most women achieve orgasm when they stimulate sexual areas
alone or in pairs:
Preliminary caresses: activate your brain preparing for the moment
of intercourse. These movements increase the pleasure much more
and reach orgasm before.
cunnilingus: is one of the techniques that most excites women and
that will favor that if you have anorgasmia you can get to reach
masturbation: whether you do it yourself or your partner will get
the genital area excited more easily.
penetration: through the penis the woman also reach orgasm. It is one of the
most essential parts that lead us to intercourse, to the female orgasm, and
also to the ejaculation of man.
But the best way to reach orgasm is knowing the body of one. We have
different erogenous points that are able to make us feel in the seventh
heaven, but you have to find them!
The solution: start in the discovery of the body:
alone or as a couple,
with sexual toys
without them, to detect the most moving areas.
3. Different female orgasms
Vaginal orgasm: is achieved by stimulation of the Gräfenberg point or
more commonly called "G-spot", located about 4 cm from the entrance of
the vagina. It has a ball shape of less than one centimeter and increases in
size with stimulation. It is located next to the bladder so it is not strange that
after a vaginal female orgasm we feel like going to the bathroom. To
sensitize, stimulate it regularly with gentle and repeated pressures with the
point of the finger or with the help of a sex toy. Try these toys if you want
to get an incredible vaginal orgasm:
Massager vibrator with 30 different modes.
Chinese vibrating silicone balls with remote control .
Vibrator with heat effect for women .
Clitoral orgasm : is achieved by stimulation of the clitoris. That is a small
button located between the lips, anterior to the vagina. It is accessed very
easily. It is very sensitive. You can reach orgasm with delicate caresses.
Here we leave you a few positions that will facilitate the pleasant task.
These are the best sex toys to stimulate the clitoris:
Satisfier Pro, clitoral sniffer.
Clitoral massager with cunnilingus effect.
Vibrator clitoris massager.
4. The female orgasm, in figures
Clitorian orgasm: according to a study 95% of women come to him through
masturbation and less than half, 45% share it with the male penis.
The vaginal orgasm: there are few women who manage to reach this
orgasm. Only 30% have the pleasure of experiencing such pleasure.
Although we all have a G-spot, we have to get "wake up" with multiple
movements in this area. For this, there are positions that favor it: the
missionary, with the legs of the woman on the back of the man or the
greyhound, with which a deep penetration is facilitated.
5. Female multiorgasm is possible
Although for some it is only a fantasy, the truth is that multiorgasm exists
and is easier to achieve than it seems. The key is in:
know your own body,
know what is possible
put our mind on it,
lengthen the sexual climax (many times we do not achieve it
because our partner lasts less than we would like),
go changing stimuli and erogenous zones
choose postures that really work with us
The Male Orgasm
There are between 3 and 10 contractions with an interval of 8 tenths of a
second between each one, depending on how intense the response is. This
means that an orgasm lasts on average between 4 and 8 seconds. Man
experiences this physiological reaction as a wave of pleasurable sensations.
These are the symptoms of male orgasm :
Greater increase in heart rate.
Increase in breathing
Increase in blood pressure.
The subjective sensation of the explosion of pleasure.
Contraction of the penis, urethra, and sphincter.
Expulsion of semen abroad.
After the orgasm, in man, there would be the recovery of the state prior to
the excitement and the refractory period would begin, by which the man
will not be aroused again after some time, something that can vary
according to each person.

The Male Orgasm: Keys to Reach It

Orgasms during sex are better than during masturbation.
Orgasms during sex are significantly better than those experienced in
solitude through masturbation. The transcendence of orgasms through
sexual intercourse is because the man's body releases 400 times more
prolactin than when he masturbates, for which several studies have shown
that having low prolactin levels affects the sexual health of men and can
lead to erectile dysfunction.
Ejaculating usually reduces the risk of cancer
The male orgasm has valuable potential to fight cancer. Men who ejaculated
more frequently (about 21 times a month) reduced their risk of prostate
cancer by 20 %. This benefit is since during the orgasm, different
hormones are released, such as oxytocin (known as lowering blood
pressure, for example).
Sperm is better in the morning.
Orgasms during sex are significantly better than those experienced in
solitude through masturbation. The transcendence of orgasms through
sexual intercourse is because the man's body releases 400 times more
prolactin than when he masturbates, for which several studies have shown
that having low prolactin levels affects the sexual health of men and can
lead to erectile dysfunction.
Is there a "dry" orgasm?
Yes. The dry orgasm or retrograde orgasm occurs when the man reaches the
sexual climax but without ejaculation since the semen instead of being
expelled by the penis stays inside the bladder due to a malfunction of the
muscle. This type of orgasm is more common among preadolescent
children than in adults. Retrograde ejaculation does not prevent achieving
an erection or having an orgasm. The cause of dry orgasm in adults can
come from several factors: side effects of some medications for the prostate
or blood pressure, depression, surgery in the bladder or prostate or year in
the nerves caused by multiple sclerosis or diabetes.
The male and female orgasms are more similar than it seems
Despite the difference in orgasm between men and women, there is no
variation between the duration and intensity of orgasm concerning sex.
What does offer opposition is that the orgasms are different in each person
and can be divided into two main types: the usual orgasm, the most
common, consisting of about 6-15 high-intensity contractions for about 20-
30 seconds or orgasm prolonged, in which regular contractions are
experienced after the initial orgasm, which can last between 30 and 90
Male ejaculation is as fast as ...
The average speed of a man's ejaculation is 45 kilometers per hour. Taking
into account that Usain Bolt runner holds the record of 44.72 kilometers per
hour, the rate of ejaculation is faster than the fastest man on the face of the
Men can have multiple orgasms
Most men who can achieve multiple orgasms need at least a refractory
period of 30 minutes between each sexual activity. However, some men can
reach orgasm without ejaculation, as in the case of dry orgasm. According
to experts, the key to achieving this is training.
Chapter 3: The Male Organs

Building an impressive performance in bed is like grooming a movie star.

It always starts with the talent. You get to know him, his strengths and
weaknesses, as well as what gets him excited, what makes him tick, and of
course, what he’s made of.
So, gentlemen, we start by getting relatively familiar with the star of the
show, the reproductive system.
Many, if not all, adolescent boys only recognize the two external parts of
the reproductive system, which are the penis and the scrotum. This is
understandable as these two parts alone can give you the pleasure most
desired. However, hidden inside the male genitalia are a series of complex
mechanisms that contribute to the overall well-being and overall ecstasy
derived from sex.
The penile head is the seat of sexual pleasure, as is the clitoris in women.
Its shaft is made up of spongy material and filled with blood during sexual
stimulation that it enlarges and becomes rigid. It is the main tool by which
a male is to deliver his sperm to a female.
At the root of the penis hangs the scrotum. It houses the testes, where the
factory for sperm production is found—a man’s genetic heritage. This is
connected to a set of tubules where the immature sperm stay for
approximately 20 days before they are mature enough to travel forth.
The sperm is otherwise known as the gamete or male sex cell. Each testicle
is capable of producing at least 4 million brand new sperm every single
hour! The testicles or testes hang outside of the body for a very good
reason. For sperm to develop normally, they must be kept at a temperature
that is approximately two degrees cooler than body temperature. It can take
between four and six weeks before sperm matures and they do this while
they are traveling from the testes to the to a tube that is coiled on the
outside of the testes, known as the epididymis. Sperm is often called
tadpoles because that’s what they look like and the use their little tails to
propel themselves while the head of each sperm is where the genetic
material is housed.
The main character, of course, always has his support staff—the accessory
glands. Their role is to produce the semen, where the sperm is mixed in.
They activate the little tadpoles, giving them nutrition to travel through the
acidic environment of a woman’s body.
When sexually stimulated, an initial release of a thick, clear mucus-like
substance is made from the male organ’s supporting staff. This is to cleanse
the passageway of any remnants of acidic urine. The passageway of urine
and sperm converge into only one duct. The passage of urine and semen,
however, cannot happen at the same time. There is a valve regulating the
entrance to the duct such that during intercourse, it prevents the entrance of
urine. The same is true during urination. The entrance releasing the sperm
is closed.
Shortly thereafter, a series of wave-like movements and muscle contractions
occur to propel the vitamin C-filled semen into the ejaculatory tubes, where
soon, they find their release into their promised land.
How this happens is that smooth muscles start to contract during sex and
push the mature sperm from the epididymis through the vas deferens, a long
tube inside the body, just underneath your bladder. The sperm is them
mixed up with a fluid from the seminal vesicles, full of nutrients, and a
milky secretion that comes from the prostate gland. Mixed together, this is
what we call semen and that is responsible for doing three things:
Providing an environment of watery fluid for the sperm to swim in
once they exit the body
Providing the necessary nutrients for the sperm – vitamin C,
amino acid, and fructose
Protecting the sperm by neutralizing the acids that are found in the
usual tract in the receiving female
As soon as the semen has been made, it will pass through your urethra,
inside the penis, and exit the body through the tiny slit at the top of the
penis in the process we all know as ejaculation. On average, one ejaculate
will contain about one teaspoon of this seminal fluid and only one percent
of that will be sperm itself.
This release of steaming hot sexual tension cannot be done, however,
without the act of sex itself—or the simulation of it. This entails the
penetration of the penis into the vagina, position notwithstanding. Friction
is then created to build up tension which results in an orgasm.
The superstar is healthy and in good shape. All that is needed now is an
effective supporting star to give that ultimate performance: the
pubococcygeal muscle or PC muscle.
This muscle located in the pelvic floor of the human hip appears to be a
sheet hanging from the pubic bone to the tail bone. It controls the
sphincters, or the valve which releases or holds in the urine or feces, during
urination and defecation. When in good shape, this muscle contracts to
enhance sensations while having intercourse.
The PC muscle is the muscle that you squeeze while running to the
restroom when your bladder is full. To identify the muscle, stop the flow of
your urine midstream. The muscle you contract to do this is your PC
muscle. Furthermore, you may touch the star when you insert your finger
into your anus, feeling around the sphincter as you contract the muscle.
A healthy package, an efficient supporting staff, and a competent actor will
ensure that you are well on your way to last longer in bed.

10 Things You Never Knew About The Male Sex Organ

As a bit of fun, these are ten things that you might not have known about
the male sex organ. These facts are courtesy of Dr. Trina Read, an author
and sex therapist, who has this to say about lovemaking versus intimacy:
“Too often people assume that the word ‘intimacy’ has to do solely with
sex: saying things like, ‘Let’s get intimate tonight.’ She also sad that she is
often asked, when she goes on some shows, if she can use the word
“intimacy” in place of “sex”, just to make sure kids can watch it. To that,
she says: “Intimacy is in fact a deeply shared connection to another human
being. Sex just happens to be an easy segue to get to intimacy. We have
intimate moments all the time with people who we are closest to: children,
parents, friends, spouse.”
And, just in case you were wondering why women tend to stay awake
longer than a man after sex – a man’s brain will be flooded with a sleepy
hormone called serotonin while the woman’s brain is the recipient of a
flood of epinephrine, which wakes her up.
Fact 1 – Semen is very fast
Did yo know that semen leaves the man’s body at pretty much the same
speed rate as a city bus but can reach dizzy speeds of 43 miles per hour?
That will depend on how long it has been since the last sexual encounter
but, suffice it to say, be careful if you are just playing around after a long
stint without any form of sexual gratification
Fact 2 – Testicles are not the same size
Mostly it is the left testicle that isn’t quite the same, not as “pert” as the
right one., although left-handed men, sometimes the opposite is true
Fact 3 – You don’t get the same amount of semen every time
The average amount of semen expelled during sex between one teaspoon
and a tablespoon but this amount can change – more the first time and then,
for every subsequent encounter, the amount lowers
Fact 4 – The glans and the frenulum are the sensitive parts
The glans is the head of the penis and the frenulum is the skin, on the
underside of the penis just below the head.
Fact 5 – Blood flow has an effect on the sex organ
When a man becomes aroused or get cold because of a temperature change,
the cremaster muscle will raise the testicles. The pens itself contains only
spongy tissue, no bone, and no muscle so erections rely solely on blood
flow into it, with exit veins constricting to hold the erection in place by
stopping the blood from flowing out again
Fact 6 – Men can have “dry” orgasms
What this means is that nothing is ejaculated, usually because he has
recently ejaculated and there just isn’t anything left to come out. Taoist
belief is that this is the way to build up the male essence and lets the man
absorb the female essence, part of a healthy libido! Those who recommend
Tantric sex say that this is the best way to experience true intimacy as a
pathway to “spiritual ecstasy”.
Fact Seven – Enhancements for male libido aren't always what they are
cracked up to be
If a man is going to take libido enhancements, he has to actually be turned
on if they are going to work. The way they work is that they increase the
flow of blood to the penis; they are not designed to enhance the actual
sexual desire. Perhaps the most famous of all these enhancements is Viagra,
the little blue pill that is supposed to work wonders – it doesn’t always work
and you should really only take it under direction from your doctor
Fact Eight – Kegel exercises are not just for men
I will talk a little more about kegel exercises later on in this book but,
contrary to popular belief they are not just for men. Women can also benefit
from them because both sexes have the kegel muscles – they are located
between the pubic and tail bone and will involuntarily contract during sex.
Kegel exercises are perfect for strengthening up the ending.
Fact Nine – Patience truly is a virtue
Especially with sex. A man aged around 65 will take anywhere from 12 to
24 hours for a repeat erection, on average – some will take longer while
others will take less time. Every man is different mostly dependent on age
and health, so don’t be disappointed if you can't manage sex twice on a
night like you used to
Fact 10 – Women aren’t the only ones with a G-spot
One of most common misconceptions is that only women have a G-spot but
men do too. So where is it? It’s the prostate gland, a gland the shape of a
walnut that contains pretty much the largest concentration of the liquid

Tips On How To Make Your Man Love You Forever

Any relationship can be compromised, if one takes the other for granted.
It’s important that partners know each other well, then if one upsets the
other, the strength of their bond can survive. This is equally so when two
people are in love. Let’s have a look at few things that might just keep your
guy hooked on you, forever.
Here’s a few do’s and don’ts, if you want that man of yours to love you
You need to be his special friend, and that means a whole load of
compromises. Ones that you would probably not make for other people,
such as a work colleague. Not only do you need to be his friend, but you
should also try to like his friends too, because they are, and always will
have a great influence upon him. These could be the peer groups he’s grown
up with, childhood friends that navigated puberty and other life changing
phases with him. Their bond will be strong and practically unbreakable.
Imagine how he’ll feel if you try to take him away from his friends.
Instantly he will lose his trust in you. As much as you want to be with him
all the time you have to understand that your man is going to need his
freedom, for Man Time. You’re just going to have to accept this.
Much the same can be said for his family too. Don’t try to separate him
from his parents and siblings, unless the separation is already obvious. You
have a part of him. You have a part of his heart, cherish that, it’s not easy to
get. To keep it, show him respect by allowing him to keep people who are
important to him, in his life. Hopefully, they will be become important to
you too, and you will gain new friends. Whatever you do, don’t criticize
others, especially his friends and family. It’s okay to be concerned, but not
nosy, wanting to know what all his friends are doing, and why. Don’t get
into the habit of detrimental name calling, it has an awful habit of being
returned back to you. He’s been with his friends and family a long time, you
are the newby here, so therefore you’ll be the first to go should there be
conflict between the two.
Try not to be over domineering. This might be a tall order because women
are such amazing organizers, for sure. Bossiness doesn’t usually come into
a relationship until it’s well developed, but you need to remain alert over
this, from the beginning of your fledgling romance. When you have an urge
to tell your guy what he should be doing, STOP. Even if you reminded him
many times about the broken toilet seat, or the shelf that’s almost off the
wall, take a different strategy instead. Maybe, you could mention how you
could do with his help. Help him to understand how important it is to you
that it’s fixed. By all means, mention it every day, but each day, try a
different tactic. Whatever you do, don’t nag. No one likes a moaner and it’s
one sure way to turn your guy off of you. Give him space, allow him to
breathe in between your well placed reminders. If all that fails, then have a
go yourself. If you’re clever enough, he’ll just happen to walk through the
door as you’re just starting the job in hand. Look a little lost, taking on the I
don’t know what I’m doing look. This might do the trick. A man loves to
feel like the knight in shining armor, rescuing his damsel in distress. Show
him how he’s your savior. It will be worth investing the time if you want
that job doing.
Be a good listener and you will soon find that you know his deepest
thoughts and emotions. He’ll open up like a flower in bloom, to a good
listener. One sure way to build up his trust in you. If he does share his
privacy, then this is a good sign he trusts you enough to tell you his raw
thoughts. Men are good at hiding emotions, but it does not mean they don’t
feel them. Indeed, they do. You want to be the one he comes running to,
when the world feels heavy on his shoulders. Be supportive, but also allow
him to feel that he’s still in control of his life. Don’t help him because of
some selfish motive, he will soon spot that ploy and clam up. Instead, guide
him so he feels he has solved the problem himself. This way he will still
feel he’s in control of his life when he’s around you. Being with you means
he can share his problems. Remember: a problem shared is a problem
halved. Make sure you’re the one he’s sharing with. If something is
unbalanced in his life, always side with him, not against him. The more you
hold up his confidence, the more he’ll rely on you. Again, invest the time
and patience, it will be worth it.
Equally, you should be sharing your problems with him. By asking his
advice when you have a problem in your life, it will make him feel that he
is an important part of your life. He will feel he is a trusted and reliable
confidante for you. If he feels that he’s looking after you, helping you
overcome these problems, then he will soon begin to realize how much you
need each other. This is a good time to remind him how he makes you feel
safe in the world. Compliment him on his strengths, especially physical
ones; his strong arms, broad back and wide chest, but also praise his
intelligence. A guy loves to be reminded how big and strong he is, just as a
woman loves compliments on how feminine she is. By sharing your
problems with each other, you’ll soon be sharing your future visions too.
You’ll both start to have the same ideas for what you want to do together, in
the future. This is all a part of the long term bonding.
Don’t ever stop giving those compliments. It is an easy one to stop doing
after years of being together. But, complements are an important part of a
loving relationship. If you don’t give them to him, then he may look
elsewhere for them. Intimate contact is important too, plenty of kissing and
cuddling helps strengthen a relationship. As the relationship extends into
years, these become even more important. Try not to allow your
relationship to drift apart physically. Act like kids occasionally. Do daft
things together, like a pillow fights or calling each other childish names.
Then tell him how lucky you are to have such a strong man by your side.
Don’t forget, men love compliments about how manly they are, so keep
those physique compliments going, forever. The last thing you need to do,
and which is often the start to the end of a relationship, is to take your loved
one for granted. They are with you because they love you, but that love
should not be assumed to belong to you. For him, to love you means you
have earned that love. You need to keep working at it so that you continue
to earn his love.
When you first meet, you will probably be constantly in touch with each
other, texting or social media messages. Try not to overdo these if you are
in the early stages of your relationship. If you must send one, make it a sexy
one, but nothing too trashy. That should bring a smile to his face and
brighten up his day. Physical contact is very important, even in a well
developed relationship. Those that have no touching and cuddling are on a
rocky road. He will enjoy you fussing over him, touching him on the arm
randomly, or holding his hand when you are out. But beware, sometimes
contact is not wanted so learn to read him. Never force yourself upon him if
he’s having a bad day. Wait patiently until he’s having a good one and let
him know you’re still around, and you still love him.
Accept him for what he is, not what you want him to be. It’s best not to try
to change your man. Simply accept him with all his faults. They are all a
part of his character, that character you have fallen in love with. Don’t take
his character traits away, you might not like who he changes into. None of
us are perfect, we all have our faults, learn to live with his, and if you can’t,
then maybe he’s not the guy for you after all.
When he fails, pick him up, don’t rub his nose in his mistakes, we all make
them. When problems arise, don’t be a drama queen, be supportive. He
cannot tackle the problem if he’s having to pick you up first. Your strengths
will hold him high, so it will be rewarding for you. Giving your guy the
cold treatment will only push him away, so tread carefully in times of
turmoil, especially if it’s early days in your relationship. Remember, you’re
a team with equal shares of the good and the bad times.
Ask yourself, are you up prepared to be not only this mans lover, partner
and confidante, but his housekeeper too. In these days of equal division of
labor and the modern man, it is still the woman that does most of the
cleaning. Most men are pretty hopeless at keeping the house tidy, although
there are exceptions. Get yourself a housework routine and include him in
it. He won’t do as much as you, but if he has a responsibility or two, he’ll
feel more a part of what’s going on. If you don’t include him, then there is
the potential that he’ll just throw his underwear and socks anywhere,
without thinking. While we’re on the subject of male behavior, men usually
eat a lot more than women so don’t be shocked by the amount of food he
packs away. Don’t compare his habits to your own, you are his delicate
flower, and he’s your big bear. Of course we’re just generalizing here, but
men do differ in behavior, we’ll talk about that later in this book.
This isn’t the place to discuss what happens between the sheets, as once
again, we’ll cover that topic later. Generally speaking, men tend to love
anything kinky. What is kinky? Well, much depends on the individual, but
use your imagination, for now anyway. Putting in the effort will ensure you
reap the rewards of full on attention from your guy. They also like their
women to look good, just as you like him to look good. He’s going to love
showing you off to his friends and family, because it will make him feel
good. To him, he’s caught himself a cool chick, and he wants to show her
off, don’t be offended, that’s how many men think. However, don’t construe
his flaunting you off as permission to flirt. Equally, don’t be showing your
claws when he flirts or another woman is fancying him. Men hate jealousy
with a vengeance. That includes you being jealous of women fancying him,
but more so, him feeling jealous of you. He won’t like that one bit. If a
female shows an interest in him, tell yourself how good looking he is and
enjoy the fact that this great guy is yours. Let him enjoy the moment, it will,
in the end, stop him wandering. You don’t need to keep him on a leash, if
you let him have space, he won’t feel trapped.
Chapter 4: Woman on Top

This category of positions involves a little dominance of the woman if

allowed by the male side. It fills both partners with joys and adventures due
to its uniqueness, verities, and enthusiasm. It gives a real sight to the
vaginal intercourse, anal gaping and licking or sucking with extreme
instinct. No matter in what situation woman remains, being on top of his
penis, permits him to pet her breasts, kiss her lips, hug her tightly or hold
her buttocks firmly. It also may allow slapping on her ass gently to turn sex
into a rough one and increasing the delights with the harsh approach. It is
up to the partners to opt either of the two. These positions make her able to
control the pace and deepness of entry into her holes and let him observe
the female movement with beautiful sights of the penis going in and out of
the vagina and anal gap.
Lying Cowgirl
Being a marvelous sex position from the horizon of the woman on top,
lying cowgirl is acknowledged by those who give equal voice to their lady.
It allows both male and female partners to lie down with the woman face-
down on the male partner who is lying on his back. The woman’s legs are
right above the man’s legs and provide less mobility for both partners as
man is beneath the woman and less able to deeply penetrate his penis in and
out of the vagina. A higher degree of intimacy is guaranteed due to rubbing
and extreme intercourse of the penis with the vagina. It also allows both
partners to feel and enthusiast sex with unlimited kissing joys and licking
adventures. The best pleasure could be gained with the woman positioned a
little up from the male’s body, allowing him more space to thrust upward
with gentle pushes. It gives both partners full exposure with elegant kissing,
feeling tightly joined bodies and sucking breasts, guaranteeing marvelous
joys and adventures.
Closed Cowgirl
A more joyous sex position with the man lying on his back, straightening
his legs, and woman on top with legs closed inside the legs of the male
partner. Bodies are bonded tightly with the woman hugging him strongly,
providing a sensible and elegant experience with a full vaginal provision
and strong clitoris stimulation. Male partner pushes her forward to give
deep vaginal intercourse by hands lying on the female’s ass. Whereas the
female partner encircles her hands around the neck of the male, creating
adventures of extreme kissing and licking. This provides a fairly shallow
penetration with an edge of easy anal play if partners agree to go inside of
the asshole. This position houses the potential to drive both partners crazy
and wild by allowing speedy penetration with the sensible feel of vanilla
sex. Being crazy in this position will boost sexual pleasures and allow both
partners to indulge deep in a sexual intercourse which fairly resists in
leaving out even after cumming.
To realize the most depraved desires and enthusiast you, sex is a perfect
way out to fulfill the desires that are hovering in your mind for a long time.
The man lies on his back, with straight legs and straight body. The woman
sits on top of the male partner with her body inclined backward, legs bent in
knees and feet stretched out along the body of the male partner. The woman
slightly bends her head backward, giving her breasts a full exposure of the
air, or slightly bends her face backward, giving her breast’s exposure to the
male partner. The man puts his hands on the woman’s waist or her buttocks
while the woman puts her hands backward to support her body, in between
the abdomen and arms of the man. This position allows the man to
penetrate deeply her holes and give efficient vaginal intercourse as well as
deeper anal intercourse since the anal hole is slightly nearer. This will spice
up the intercourse, making sex way more exciting and giving a great
experience for both male and female partners.
Folded Rodeo
This position is similar to the previous one as the man is lying on his back
with straight legs and face towards woman’s butt and back. Woman, on the
other hand, is on top of the man with back on his side, leaning her face and
shoulders forward, hands on his legs to give him relaxation and full room to
decide to penetrate deep into her vaginal hole or asshole with painful
rubbing and clitoral stimulation. The man could watch every inch of him
going inside of the woman, giving him joyous pleasures and unending
delights. While, on the other hand, the woman can control the length of the
penis going inside her, being able to move forward and backward to adjust
her position and let him to go deep or less inside of her. These position
enthusiasts both partners with anal joys since anal play is easy in rodeos.
Gentle pushes with hands over her buttocks will turn both partners into
crazy beasts as the party goes on.
Kneeling Rodeo
Another desirous sex position for those who love cowgirl sex and rodeo
positions is kneeling rodeo, as it also enthusiasts the woman by being on
top. The man lies on his back with straight body and legs folded on knees in
an upward direction. Whereas, the woman sits on his abdomen with penis
inclusion and relaxes on his knees by putting her hands. The woman is also
on her knees, feet back aligned with his body, giving him full exposure and
sight of her back, asshole, vagina and penis inclusion into her holes. This
provides the best experience of penis inclusion into the anal mysteries as
this enthusiast both partners with easy access to the anal hole and doubles
the joys of the man with sights of every inch going inside her. Whereas, the
woman can feel every inch without any resistance and rubbing on the inner
lips of the vagina and corners of asshole will make her feel special and
satisfied. Gentle pushes could turn both partners into wild beasts due to joys
Chapter 5: Spicy Positions

There are many reasons to try out new sex positions least among them to
improve our sex lives. Often a time, we get used to two or three positions
which we are comfortable with. Variety is the spice of life and indeed, when
it comes to our sex lives; various sex positions add new excitement and
even new capabilities. Having some go to position in different
circumstances also helps a lot. Sex is not meant to be a routine; otherwise it
too, gets boring. Some sex positions will also require some form of physical
fitness which we have already discussed. However, no matter what your
physical condition is, always go slow with a new sex position. If either you
or your partner suffers any discomfort, leave the position and try out
another. Sex is meant to be fun and anything that reduces the fun is not
worth it.
The process of learning a new sex position and implementing it is a lot of
fun. Many couples will report feeling closer to their partner after they have
tried out new techniques. There is always something new to learn. Even
among the most adventurous couples, you could always find something
new. Couples will often learn sex positions in porn films. This is not the
best place as those are professional actors who have been trained for this
job. Some of their moves are not possible to the average couple. Trying out
these moves and failing will only lead to disappointment. Remember most
of what you see on camera is highly edited and various camera tricks
involved to bring out the desired effect.
Learning different positions will lead couples to discovering new things
about their bodies they hadn’t known before. You might realize a certain
position arouses you more than any other position. Another position can
easily lead you to orgasm or make you last longer. Indeed different
positions arouse us in different ways and depending on your current mood
you might prefer one position over the other.
Knowing the names of the different sex positions is not important. You can
always create some unique names with your partner for them. What’s
important is to try them out safely. Make sure both of you are interested in
it and have some expectation of what you are trying. Do not try something
like anal without first discussing with your partner no matter how exciting
you may find it. A sex education video might also come in handy for some
advanced position. Please note that this is not porn video but a sex-ed video.
Now let’s take a look at these positions. In each position we shall note the
various variations, what makes it good for him and her.
The Butterfly Position
This is one of those uncommon positions. You can try it to spice up your
sex life. The butterfly position is aptly named as it will bring some
butterflies to your stomach due to the increased arousal. It’s an exciting
position both to the man and the woman.
With this position, you can get out of the bedroom and perform sex
anywhere else. What you need is to find a firm surface where the woman
lies on her back and moves to the edge. The surface should be suitably sized
to reach the man’s waist. The man will then lift the woman’s legs and place
them on his shoulders. He can then lift her hips. A pillow or two could help
here to reduce the effort needed. The aim is to get a good angle that allows
for deep penetration.
This position is easy for women as they don’t have to do a lot of work. The
man does all the work though the woman should at least help by matching
the rhythm of his strokes. You do this by altering the height of your hips.
You can use this position on those days you feel tired, just let the man do all
the work as you enjoy! The deep penetration feels good for the woman. The
angle of penetration is such that the G-spot is hit with every stroke. That
continuous stimulation of the G-spot will easily bring you to orgasm
For the man, the deep penetration feels good as well as the stronger strokes
that this position enables. If you use pillows to raise the woman’s hips, you
can hold her thighs to give her that firm stroke she craves for. This position
may be tiring for you if your woman is on the plus side, so you can change
position once you get tired.
This position will be very effective for men with a smaller penis due to the
deeper penetration. They will be able to please their partners and get
maximum pleasure as well. Conversely, well-endowed men will need to be
conscious while in this position as the deep penetration can easily cause
discomfort to the woman.
The Scissors Sex Position
This is another position which offers a wide range of sensations and will be
fun to try out. It’s not physically demanding so anybody can try it.
However, it will require some practice to perfect. This position will require
both partners to open their legs and join at the pelvis. The man will lie on
the side making a right angle with the woman’s torso. The legs of both
partners will cross and a scissor-like impression will be created by their
There are various variations where one partner could be seated or the
woman could lie on her side and spread her legs while the man kneels with
one of her leg underneath him and the other on her shoulders. The position
is great for people with lower back problems as well as pregnant women
since no pressure is placed on the abdomen or the lower back. This position
doesn’t require any partner to bear the other’s weight at any one time.
This position is very exciting for her since the clitoris is adequately
stimulated while having sex. You don’t have to use your hands to do it. If
you are one of those people who orgasm by continually stimulating the
clitoris, this position will be very useful. This position is important to the
man with erectile issues as he can penetrate with a semi-erect penis. It will
thus restore confidence and reduce performance anxiety.
The spoon position
Experimenting with new position always makes for an exciting sex life.
You never get bored and there is always something new to look forward to.
Whether challenging or not, you should at least give it a try. Our next
sexual position is however not a challenging one but a very easy and
straightforward which you probably have tried, the spoon position. This is
one of those very intimate sexual positions.
You and your partner lay side to side; the man will be the outer spoon while
the woman will be in the inner position. Both of you will bend your knees
to accommodate each other while the woman may stick out her butt. The
man may lift her upper knee for easier penetration. This position is great for
slow intimate sex. No partner bears the weight of the other and you could
just have some slow nice sex. One variation of the spoon which I would
want you to try is when both partners face each other. It’s known as the
inverted spoon. Here the man will penetrate the woman from the front. The
woman will raise her leg slightly to allow for penetration then drop it.
Thrusting may not be possible but grinding and up and down movement
will be particularly pleasurable to the woman due to the clitoral stimulation
by the penis.
This position is great for the womansince she will receive all the love from
her man. She can receive those nice neck kisses, have her breasts cuddled
and her butt will be in contact with her man all along. The rear entry
ensures the G-spot will be stimulated throughout sex. The man will also
have easy access to her clitoris which he can rub as they make love. The
feel of your man’s chest on your back is also very erotic. You probably
didn’t know but your back is an erogenous zone.
For the man the spooning position allows for easy access to your partner’s
breasts which is not possible with many other positions. You will also last
longer as you can easily control the depth and angle of penetration. You
could also pull out and focus on the rest of her body for a while. Since your
mouth will be close to her ear, you could whisper some dirty things to her
and watch her melt.
Couples may find the spooning positions to be more preferable for morning
sex, when the woman is pregnant and when they just want to get intimate
and cuddle for a long time.
Cowgirl and Reverse Cowgirl Positions
This position is when the woman gets on top and assumes the dominant
role. There are various girlon top positions but the cowgirl and the reverse
cowgirl are the most fun. For the man, it’s time to lie down on your back
and let your girl do what she got to do.
This position allows the woman to ride the man while straddling him. It’s a
very pleasurable position for the man and also for the woman. The woman
will just need to get on top, straddle the man and once securely in place,
insert the penis. She can then start up and down movements or circular
motions for increased pleasure. The woman can place her hands on the
chest shoulders or on the bed to increased stability.
For the man, this position is really the one. Most men report that they find
this position to be really exciting. They get to let the woman do the work
while he just enjoys and watches her. The added visual stimulation is a huge
turn on. You should help your girl once in a while by slightly raising her
away from you and thrusting.
For the woman, this position puts you in control of everything. You get to
decide how deep your man penetrates you and the speed. You also choose
whether to bounce up and down or smoothly gyrating around his pelvis or
even forwards and backwards motion. Choose what feels good for you. The
forwards and backwards motion will stimulate your clitoris in a nice way. In
fact many women prefer this to bouncing up and down. You also get to
change the angle of penetration by either leaning forwards or backwards.
You see how this position puts you in control!
The reverse cowgirl is when the girl faces the man’s toes. This position
allows the man to have a nice view of her woman’s ass while she grinds.
For the ladies, the rear entry is always good for your G-spot stimulation.
This position is suited to those girls who have performance anxiety when
they take control. Since they are not directly looking at their man, some
pressure is eased off. Variations of these two positions that you could give
a try are rather than straddling your man, assume a squatting position and
try penetration.
Both of these positions are suitable for people of all fitness levels. One
point to note though is that when girls get on top, they need to take care
when bouncing up and down the man’s penis. The penis is a fragile organ
and most penis fractures reported are as a result of this position.

Standing Sex Positions

Experimenting with different sex positions is an ideal way of increasing
pleasure in our love life. One way to do this is taking sex away from the
bedroom. At times couples get stuck in having sex only in the bedroom thus
killing spontaneity. Sex outside the bedroom is always fun and exciting. It
can be in any other room in the house or even outside the house. One of the
best sex positions for this is the standing sex position and itsfew variations.
You don’t need any support equipment to do it. Just you and your partner
and you can have your moments of passion.
The standing sex position will just involve the woman standing with her
back next to you. She can bend her knees back a little bit to ensure a good
angle of penetration. If one partner is considerably shorter, they can step on
something to leverage the height. A staircase would also come in handy. If
there is a wall close by, the woman can place her hands on the wall and just
receive it. Alternatively, the man can hold her up against the wall, the
woman facing him. The woman then straddles her legs around the man’s
waist. Another variation is the woman bending like she does in doggy style.
Another variation is the socalled wheelbarrow sex position.
This is very exotic and will require that the partners practice to do it. The
woman will place her hands on the floor; the man lifts her legs from behind
and moves to her pelvis. He will then penetrate her from this position. Yet
another variation is the face to face standing position. This is very intimate.
The woman can place one leg higher up to make penetration easier.
These standing positions are good for tight spaces such as showers and
smaller rooms. They are good for quickies when you don’t have a lot of
time. The rear entry is good for the G-spot. The man will be in a good
position to fondle her woman’s breasts and clitoris while having sex.
Standing sex is associated with a raw sexual urgency or fear of getting
caught. It’s one of the best positions for a quick orgasm.
The Coital Alignment Technique
This position is a variation or an upgrade of the missionary position. It has
been made so to make sure that the woman gets to orgasm during sex. Let
me give you a small background. A vast majority of women can’t orgasm
from sex alone. They need their clitoris stimulated adequately. A minority
of women experience orgasm from g-spot stimulation which is slightly
different. In most sex positions, the clitoris, which is the most sensitive part
of a woman’s body, is never stimulated. Unless the man uses the hand,
which most don’t, women often fail to get to orgasm. The CAT solves this
To get to this position, the woman will lie on her back just as she does in
missionary and spread her legs slightly. The man gets between the legs and
supports his weight with his hands and thighs. He should make sure that he
makes as much body contact as possible without putting much weight on
the woman. The partners should then align their pelvis to make sure they
are in maximum contact. The man’s pubic bone should be rubbing against
the woman’s clitoris. The penetration should be at a comfortable angle. The
key here is to make sure that the clitoris is getting stimulation from either
the base of the penis or the pubic bone. In this position, the man doesn’t
pump, slow rocking motions work best. The motion should be forwards and
This position is heaven for the woman. You are guaranteed to have an
orgasm if you do it right. Keep your legs straight and as close as possible
for maximum pleasure. Match the rhythm of your man. You should always
make sure your clitoris is in contact with the man’s pubic bone or the base
of his penis by altering the position of your hips.
For the man, this position isn’t the best for your pleasure; rather the focus
here is your woman’s pleasure. However, you too will get some pleasure
and your lady can then switch positions to one with the thrust you crave for.
This is one of the few positions that have been invented by scientists as a
way of ensuring women orgasm more during intercourse. It’s more of a
technique than a sex positions hence the name. However, you’ll sure love it.
The Lotus Sex Position
This is one of the most intimate and emotional sex positions. It is
sometimes known as the lotus blossom of the lotus flower. But as I had
advised earlier, it’s not about the name, rather the position we are concerned
with. Some positions will have different names. This position allows the
partners to get really close both physically and emotionally. It can be used
to rekindle love. In this position, couples can easily kiss, hug, talk, caress as
they make love.
The position requires the man to sit on the mattress or the floor with his legs
crossed out and extended. The woman will then straddle the man at the
waist and wrap her legs around him. She should wrap her arms on his torso
for support and draw him ever closer. She could also place her hands under
his arms to grab the shoulder for easier support. Thrusting may not be
possible in this possible but the rocking motion and grinding is very sensual
to both of you. The woman can rub the man’s back as she holds him.
A small variation of this position creates the see saw position where the
man straightens out the legs and leans back. His arms are supporting his
body behind him. The woman spreads her legs, leans back and holds the
man’s legs. You can now start the grinding motion.
This position is pleasurable to both of you due to the deep penetration and
access to all pleasure spots. The emotional connection adds to the pleasure.
This position is not for the fast and furious sex but for some slow, sensual
lover’s sex. Leaning slightly backwards by the lady may add further
stimulation to the G-spot.
This position may require coordination and effort from both partners. A
degree of flexibility may also be required. If you struggle to implement this
position, try another.
The Missionary Sex Position
The missionary is the most common sex position. I have decided to put
ithere because besides its popularity, it’s one of the most intimate and easy
to perform positions. If feels great and in all probability, you have tried it
out or at least is your go to position when you need to have sex. There are
so many variations to the missionary. A couple should at least try most of
these to spice up their sex lives.
The missionary is very straightforward and is suitable for all people. Most
women feel the man being on top and holding them down being arousing
for them. The woman can wrap her legs around the waist to encourage
deeper penetration and wrap her hands round the back or the neck. For
clitoral stimulation, rub against his pubic bone as he thrusts. This will
require matching the rhythm which might take a while to master. A pillow
or cushion can bring in some elevation to get the angles right. In the
missionary, the woman can get on top and also take charge of affairs.
The missionary position is very enjoyable to bothof you. However, do not
be tempted to make it the only position you have sex in. that’s why we have
all these other positions to spice things up.
The Doggy Style Position
This is another of the classic sex position which is very popular with men.
This style incorporates a huge number of variations as well, it is suitable for
anal intercourse for those couples who are into it.
This position is very easy to master. The woman gets down on her hands
and knees. Spread the legs a little bit. The man will then get on his knees
and enters you from behind. He can hold onto your waist or shoulder for
support. The woman can lie all the way down to increase the depth of
penetration. You can also meet the man’s thrust by pushing back every
stroke for hard sex.
The doggy style is not the most intimate of positions. It’s more of a position
for that hard furious sex. Men love this position due to the rear entry and
facilities hard sex. The good thing with doggy is that you don’t need a bed,
so you can move sex out of the bedroom. For pregnant women, the position
feels comfortable since there is no weight on your abdomen.
Chapter 6: Sex Positions for Him to Enjoy

We all know that sex is a sometimes grueling and rigorous physical act, but
that’s one of the reasons that it so appeals to us – the ability to work
ourselves physically, with a partner, toward orgasm is one of the most
rewarding experiences between couples. The Kama Sutra understand this
fact very well, and many of the passages included in the original and
compiled texts includes sexual positions designed to maximize stimulation
through rigorous or strength-based sexual acts. Below we’ll take a look at a
few of them that make demands on both women and men.
The Sphinx
This one requires a lot of energy on behalf of the man, but its result is an
almost ecstatic effect on the woman. The position involves the woman lying
on her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows so that their torso is
perpendicular to the bed. She stretches out one leg straight behind her, but
then brings up the opposing leg to one side and crooks her knee – this
makes her butt and vagina available to the man who slides in between and
has to support himself on his arms. It can be very tiring, but well worth it if
it means solving the Sphinx’s riddle if you know what we mean.
Climbing the Vine
This tried and tested technique from the Kama Sutra requires both partners
to be in good shape, and belongs to a category of forms that involve
standing up. The man stands normally and embraces the woman who is
required to lift her leg up and over his shoulder. This spreads her legs
considerably, and offers very deep penetration, but can be exhausting for
the woman over long periods of time, which means the man plays an
important role in holding her up. There are other variants of Climbing the
Vine that doesn't require the woman stretching her leg over his shoulder but
only raised up (for example, the man holds her leg under the knee).
The Plough
There are a number of names for this one, but they all essentially mean the
same, and this requires considerable strength on behalf of the man. The
woman lies with half of her torso on a table or bed at waist height, and the
man grips both her legs and enters from behind. This again offers good
penetration because of its friction, but puts the man in control – it is
recommended to hold the woman under her thighs for more support, and for
the women to bend her legs at the knee to help him.
The Medusa
Another form that has many variants, this one again puts a lot of
responsibility on the man but requires both partners to exercise considerable
balance. Essentially the man squats on his heels – or if you're devoted to the
technique, on his toes – and the woman straddles over top of him, ‘sitting'
on his lap in such a way that her feet touch the ground. Because of the
cooperation required to make this position work (such that they don't tip
over backward or forwards), many lovers find it to be tremendously
intimate and can lead to a richer and fuller orgasm since both partners are
embracing and clutching each other close during the interim.
In reality, ‘standing’ position is more like an umbrella term for a number of
forms that have mutated over the years. One version of the standing – or
sthitarata – position involves the man bucking up against the wall where
he holds his lover. This can involve straddling or wrapping her legs around
him or, as a way to spice things up and get you really sweating, the male
supports the woman’s feet in his palms while the woman clings either to his
neck or chest. This involves the woman having to pull her knees up to her
chest (and his) in an almost fetal position. While extremely taxing on both
parties, the end result can be a very powerful and synchronous orgasm.
Related to this is another variation on the standing posture. This again has
the man with his back against the wall and holding the woman. The woman
this time, however, presses her feet flat against the vertical wall while her
partner helps to support her, either under the thighs or (more commonly) by
the waist. This can be an extremely rigorous technique as well and involves
trust on behalf of both partners, but especially the man. This unique
position – avalambitaka – also grants the woman a lot of control and
freedom since she can control and guide the rhythm by pressing off the wall
or bending her knees.
Not necessarily a classic Kama Sutra move, this modified (and modern)
technique still requires a lot of technical expertise and can result in some
very enthusiastic love-making. The man lets his abdomen and legs remain
on the bed, but lets his upper torso incline backward (much like the
Waterfall move but reversed for women) – the woman then crouches above
him on the bed and allows herself to take him at her convenience. This one
is a good combination of strength and flexibility because the man has to
support himself without falling off the bed, and the woman tends to take
control in a squatting position.
Suspended Scissors
Similar to the Plough, this position requires strong forearms and biceps
from the woman. She places both hands initially flat on the ground; the
man, now standing, then wraps one of her legs between his own and grips
the other leg in front of him. This ‘cross-lateral’ penetration can be great for
the woman because it enhances clitoral stimulation and exposure to her
labia. As an added challenge, the woman can then raise one arm to support
the man who is holding her suspended – as you can imagine if you can’t do
at least a few push-ups this technique can be a killer but is a fun one to try.
Squat Balance
A similar take on some of the suspended congress moves, this one involves
the man standing while the woman stands on a bed and arches her
knees/legs at a 45-degree angle – as if she were sitting on a chair. The man
is able to penetrate her at an upward angle and support her buttocks, and she
can rest on his arms. An excellent technique for building trust between
partners, but be sure the man in this situation has strong arms since most of
the work of movement and rhythm will be up to him.
The Spin
Also called paravrittaka, this is an especially inventive sexual position that
requires both flexibility and strength, as well as good timing and
communication with one’s partner. There have been a number of modern
mutations (such as the Helicopter), but the original Kama Sutra posture
involves the man sitting with his legs straight out in front of him; the
woman kneels on his lap with her back to him, and at this point, they can
both work with each other. However, the kicker comes when the woman –
with her lover still inside her – executes a 180 and turns all the way around
so that she is facing him. As one would except Vatsyayana cautions
adventurous couples to be careful with this one so as not to injure
themselves, and the Kama Sutra remarks that there are few who can pull
this off – although, it does mention that lesbians can accomplish this with
greater ease. There is definitely a degree of obviousness in that statement.
Lower Congress
Although the majority of the Kama Sutra focuses exclusively on foreplay
and vaginal penetration, but it does include a few more “aberrant” forms of
congress, most notably anal sex. We can summate the best position for both
man and woman as being that which resembles a bull taking his mate – and
can translate this pretty clearly as the woman lying on her knees and
pressing her face into a soft pillow while the man takes her from behind.
Chapter 7: Sex Positions to Keep Her Coming

The Head Rush

This position requires the man to move to the edge of the bed with his upper
body off of the bed and preferably resting on the floor. The woman then
takes her position on top. This position is called the Head Rush because the
extended length of time in this position will literally make the man’s blood
rush to his head, effecting a head rush. This could also refer to the case of
blood rushing to both his “heads.”
This position is also known by the friendlier and slightly deceptive moniker
Face Off
This is a very erotic sexual position and is done while sitting on a chair or
on the edge of the bed. The woman then sits facing the man and wraps her
arms around his back and controls the level of intensity of thrusts by riding
up and down the male shaft.
This allows for a lot of intimacy and is a very comfortable position which
will allow long drawn-out sex sessions.
This is also called the Lap Dance.
The Hot Seat
This is the reverse of the Lap Dance or Face Off position and can also be
done by using either the edge of the bed or a chair. What this basically
requires is for the man to sit on the edge of the bed and then allow the
woman to sit on his member.
This is also known as The Love Seat and or The Man Chair.
The Pole Position
This is a slight variation of the reverse cowgirl but will require a little bit
more effort from the man as he has to keep one leg outstretched in the air.
The woman then assumes the position and grabs hold of the outstretched
thigh as a means of dual support.
This is also known as the Thighmaster.
The One Up
Every woman’s vagina and clitoris is unique. This therefore means that
there are varying levels of sensitivity for women. This sexual position is
targeted towards women who have particular sensitivity to one side of their
This requires having the woman lie on the edge of the bed with one leg
raised supported by wrapping her hands around her hamstring just below
the knee. This will allow her to have more control of her hip movements
and it can assist you in locating the perfect spot to achieve maximum
The Spider
This may sound a little bit complicated but is actually very easy to perform.
What this will require is a little bit of choreography between you and your
What this requires is for the man to sit on the bed with the woman seated on
his lap. The partners face each other with arms back for support. Now
here’s the complicated part: you will have to move in time with each other
thrusting forward, or you can rock back and forth in unison. This position
allows for a very erotic view as the woman has her hips between the man’s
spread legs with her knees bent and feet outside of his hips. Both partners
can maintain eye contact while they are performing this sexual act.
This act is also called the Crab Walk.
Getting a Leg Up
This is a slight modification of the Crab Walk. Instead of the woman’s legs
spread out on the bed, she lifts these up onto the man’s shoulders.
This can lead to very quick orgasms as the woman is able to control her
pelvic movements easily.
Bottom's Up
Are you up for a bit of a challenge? Well, here’s one! The Bottom’s up is a
little bit difficult to perform as it requires a little bit of contortionism and
athleticism. First, the woman lies on her back and the man straddles her as
she is facing away. Next, she lifts her legs to wrap them around his back
and at the same time to elevate her pelvic region for easy entry. Last, she
then grabs on to the man’s buttocks and, with a concerted effort, slides up
and back.
You’ll have to try it to find out just how pleasurable it is!
The man and the woman lie on their sides facing each other. Spreading her
legs, the woman allows for the man to enter her. In this position, the couple
can see each other and this encourages a lot of physical contact like hugging
and kissing.
This is also called the facing spoon.
The Horny Mantis
This is a variation of the sidewinder. While in the sidewinder position, the
female lifts her leg up and over her partner’s body and locks him in place
by securing her leg on the man’s back. This position allows for deeper
The Standing Dragon
This move is a modified doggy style where the man has to stand while the
woman gets on all fours at the edge of the bed. She will have to spread out a
little bit more than usual and arch her buttocks more for this position.
Entering from behind, the man gets a very erotic view of her buttocks as he
pounds into the woman. Thrusting in this position can be done lightly or as
aggressively as the woman wants.
Another fun name for this is the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Serpent.
The X Position
The X position is basically what its name portrays. It will require you and
your partner to lie facing each other with your legs forward and over on top
of each other. This forms an X, hence the name.
This position is a bit limiting so thrusting is instead replaced with small
gyrations which prolong arousal and lead to great orgasms.
Wheelbarrow, Standing (The Hoover Maneuver)
Everyone knows that sex burns calories but the wheelbarrow has to be
credited as one of the sex positions that can really give you a workout!
The man enters the woman from behind and then lifts up her legs and locks
these in place by his waist. Now, the couple can stroll around the house
while at the same time having sex and burning calories.
Give it a try. It’s good for a laugh or two!
Seated Wheelbarrow
This is basically the same as the wheelbarrow but only this time, the man is
sitting down on the edge of the bed or a chair. It is a bit less strenuous and
absurd but still provides the same sexual benefits.
The Pillow Driver
When the missionary position gets a bit old, why not incorporate a little
workout in it to rejuvenate the act?
Tilt her pelvis up by shoving a small pillow under her lower back or
buttocks. This allows for an upward angle which will give you more control
over the direction of your thrusts.
Since this is a variation of the missionary position, you’ll have to support
your full weight by bracing yourself with your arms outstretched as if doing
a pushup. While you lower yourself, let your pelvis thrust into her and
change the angle of the thrusts every now and then.
Before you think that this is an allusion to a sexy cat, the CAT is actually an
acronym for Coital Alignment Technique. This is the best position for
women who find it hard to achieve orgasm through sexual penetration.
What this basically requires is for the man to assume the missionary
position with his body further up and to one side. This means the man’s
chest is going to be near either her right or her left shoulder. The next thing
to do is have the woman bend her legs at a 45-degree angle and then tilt her
legs up.
This position allows for constant contact between the clitoris and the man’s
If your woman is finding it hard to reach orgasm, do this and she’ll thank
you for her entire lifetime!
The Pushup
The pushup is a modified missionary position as it requires the man to fully
rest his weight on his arms. This position requires the man to be physically
fit in order to perform this.
This is also called the mountain climber because of the intense workout the
man can get from this.
Quick Fix
This is a standing doggy style position as the woman bends at the waist and
rests her hands on some furniture, her knees, or the floor for support. The
man then enters from behind and holds on to the woman’s hips for support
as he thrusts.
Tactile stimulation can be done simultaneously while performing this
This is also called the Bends for obvious reasons.
The Ballet Dancer
This is a very erotic position that can be done in very tight spaces. The
woman raises one leg up and then wraps it around the man’s buttocks or
thigh and then penetration occurs. The man can also assist the woman as
this position can get tiring by cradling her raised leg.
A woman may raise her leg up and over the man’s shoulders if she is
flexible enough.
Butter Churner
The woman lies on her back with her legs raised over her head. The man
then squats over her and dips his penis in and out. Care should be taken to
avoid unnecessary stress on her neck.
Belly Flop
Have your woman lie down on the bed with her back towards you, her hips
raised, and her knees bent slightly. Place a pillow under her and then enter
from behind while at the same time propping yourself off of her with your
The Anvil
Do you know why this is called the Anvil? If you picture the penis as a
hammer and imagine the amount of thrust generated through this position,
you’ll get the idea.
This position requires the woman to lie on her back as the man kneels
between her legs and raises them. Next he rests her calves onto his
shoulders and drives his penis into her.
This position allows for very deep penetration and may be uncomfortable to
the woman so remember to exercise caution. It is always a good thing to
allow for short thrusts at first to allow the vagina to get accustomed to the
deep invasion.
The Pretzel
Are you ready for a twister? This position requires a little bit of
First, the man has to kneel and at the same time straddle the woman’s raised
leg as she is lying on one side. She then bends her other leg around the
man’s waist and gives him access to her vagina.
In this position, you can complement your pelvic movements with manual
stimulation of her clitoris.
The Lazy Man
The lazy man is a great way to allow your woman to take control of the
situation and pace. This requires sitting on the bed with pillows behind your
back for support. The woman then lowers herself onto the man’s penis and
straddles his waist while planting her feet flat firmly on the bed. She can
then dictate the manner and speed at which she wants to achieve orgasm
through her movements.
You can even transition from this move to the Crab Walk or the X Position.
The key is to experiment with this very basic position and have fun!
Chapter 8: Crazy Sex Positions For Getting More
Daring And Freaky

If you have been using some very usual sex position a billion and one time
and it is becoming more of a routine now but you need something more
daring that can give you and your partner some crazy and overwhelming
orgasm, then you don’t need to resort to your go-to sex positions any more,
you just have to whip out some very freaky and risky sex positions that will
bring a rush of your adrenaline back. It is sometimes worthy to use some
crazy, wild and maybe weird sex positions some days to making you and
partner dripping some juices in the bedroom. There are tips you need to
apply when you need to have riskier and freakier sex with your partner. so if
you need to give your partner that toe curling, back arching and screaming
orgasm that will make your partner like your raw and rough sex position
and even become obsess with the sex positions then you really need to
communicate with your partner, let your partner know what you need and
enjoy and likewise same with you knowing hers as well.
If you love crazy sex positions then you should go for the sex positions that
you both love and works for you both to achieve your aim, with crazy sex
positions you just have to start slow, don’t jump into crazier ones when you
are yet to try the crazy ones out. Spanking with crazy sex positions go hand
in hand some people find spanking incredibly hot and arousing, so you can
experiment with it with your partner, you can add the following naughty
bits like floggers, whips, paddle, canes or slappers for your spanking with
your crazy sex position to get the freakier feeling ever. Crazy sex positions
can be done in your car, at a good breathtaking spots like on a beach, top of
a cliff or mountain or a place with incredible view or even in a party.
So if you need some riskier and freakier sex positions that will awaken your
sexual prowess and that of your partner with no restraints, then you should
try out these ten explosive sex positions daily and you will have the
ultimate pleasure, sensation and multiple orgasms you have always craved
for during sex.
The X-rated sex position
This is one sex position that can make you and partner go crazy and wild
during your steaming sex Session. This sex position will need the woman
doing more of the work needed in this position because she has to slides her
body up and down against her man. When it comes to the thrusting the
woman might need to hold on to something for support especially if the
man is in control of thrusting depth and pace. The good thing about this
crazy position is that it gives the partners the needed control to experiment
with different types of stimulation to see what pleases them both. The
partners will love to get an A+ view of taking charge of their orgasm, so it
will be great for the partners to add to the crazy position some x-rated
noises and of course letting one another know how they feel. This sex
position is done with the man should lying face up on the bed, the woman
gets on top and let her back face the man. The woman can now lower
herself onto the man’s penis while extending her legs towards the man’s
shoulders and ultimately relaxing her torso onto the bed between the man’s
feet. Let both the legs of the woman and that of the man form an X-shape
and the woman can now start to slide up and down. The man feet can be
used by the woman for added thrusting leverage if that will be necessary.
The man can be spanking the woman booty and one or two sex toys can be
thrown in too.
Spork sex position
The spork sex position is one sex position you can use if you need to have
some crazy smoking sex session. This is a kind of side by side sex position
one can use for rear entry vaginal sex or even for anal sex if one wants it
that way. Spork sex position can be done in most places it just about the
partners being creative with it. Trying is out on a picnic blanket in the field
or on the back of a car wouldn’t be a bad idea. This wild sex position makes
couples and partners have a good view of their bodies which will increase
arousal and also have free hands to explore other erogenous zones for
tingling sensation. Oral sex and double team stimulations can be added to
this sex position. The man and woman will lie on their sides and the man
will rest the front of his torso and groin against the woman’s back and rear
end. Then instead of leaving the leg straight the woman should draw her
legs up against her chest like in a fetal position. The man can give the
woman a good sucking of the clitoris here and a wet fingering too. Then the
man can draw his legs up slightly to curve around the woman’s waist and
will finally wrap his arms around the woman torso and gently penetrate to
start pumping in and out deeply. You can throw in some sex toys to
heighten the sensation before finally exploding in orgasms
Standing wheelbarrow sex position
This wild and crazy sex position might not be for the faint-hearted so if you
are just starting out with some crazy sex position, you might need to think
about this a bit before trying it out with your partner. This sex position can
be likened to downward dog style but with deep thrusting and hitting hard
on the G-spot, one may be able to stay in this sex position just for a little
time. This sex position is a challenging one but it gives deep penetration
and intense sensation. With this sex position the woman starts out on all
fours {hands and knees on the floor}, maybe a pillow can be placed under
her arms for comfort, the man kneels behind her and then grasp her ankles
lifting them slightly off the ground while the woman’s legs remain bent at
the knees level, then the man can penetrate the woman while completely
straightening his legs or maybe leaving slightly bent. The man needs to
balance his body and control the movement of it too. The man can make the
woman moan loudly by pressing the cock on her clit and using the rabbit
vibrator too, the moans and screams can drive the man crazy to enjoy the
sex better.
Swiss ball blitz
This is a weirder and crazier sex position but fun sex position; this sex
position is about using a stability ball. This will need the both partners to
balance on the workout ball. The man can be on top of the ball to master
control and depth, which can aid the movements to be faster and deeper
which comes from the extra buoyancy from the exercise ball. To get into
this position the man sits on the ball with his feet on the floor, the woman
joins him but faces away from the man, she will backs the man and sits on
the man, the man can now penetrate the woman from the angle of entry by
arching the behind and pressing further into the groin, then the woman can
turn forward to stimulate the base of the man’s penis, the perineum and the
scrotum while the man can as well reach out to stimulate the woman’s
nipples and clitoris too. If you love some sexual fetish like biting and
scratching you can introduce it too with this sex position to add more
pleasure and build up orgasms. Then the man can penetrate the woman
either through vagina or have anal sex to have orgasmic thrills before
Table top sex position
This is one raunchy sex position that puts both partners at the same level
especially for partners of different height; this crazy position can be very
good for a very hot sexy session. Aaron opined that this position really
provides some serious leverage for thrusting and help the partners go really
crazy with pleasure and sensation. One can really get rough and raw with
this sex position with some sex fetishes like choking, spanking, scratching
etc. This sex position can be done in the most creative way, it could be on
the bed, kitchen counter or it could be any clean surface you can come
across at that moment. The woman should get on the surface lying down,
she then brings her knees together upward and then twist to one side, and
then the man can enter the woman from this position. To get a heightened
pleasure the woman can be in control of the movement too, by directing her
butt to the rhythm of the thrusting and the man thrust back and forth in all
directions to really get the woman G-spot. To build strong orgasmic
sensation, the man can intermittently use a dildo or erotic furniture to make
the pleasure more intense.
Pretzel sex position
Pretezel sex position is one of the slightly weird but really enjoyable sex
positions that is surprisely easy to use but great if you need some unusual
sex position. This position enables powerful thrusts but at the sideways
angles that will feel different, steamy and hot. So if you need the deep
penetration just like doggy style but a bit harder with all eye contact then
you need to try out this style. The woman lie on her back, while the man
kneel down in front of the woman and lift the woman right and left leg so
that it can curl around the man’s waist. The man can start with oral sex
before going anal and then penetrate the vagina with this sex position and
then some spanking can be done with some sex tools like the slapper,
flogger or paddle. With this sex position the hands will be free; the hands
can work on other erotic zones of the body to heighten the pleasure that is
needed. Stimulating the nipples, penis, scrotum and cervix for more moans
and screams.
The spider sex position
This is a crazy sex position that will enable partners using it to wiggle,
grind and gyrate their butts away any how they like it. This style will be
very comfortable and relaxing for the partners especially for the woman.
According sex therapist Martilda Nouh, she described this sex position as a
tease though it still a very challenging one. The good thing about this
position is the fact that the movement can be controlled by the partners
which enable them to rock forth and back to get into a satisfying rhythm
and deep penetration for more arousal. This position will have both the man
and woman facing each other at first on a seated position for foreplay like
lots of kissing, dry humping, fingering, stimulations, sucking etc, then the
woman can lie back and the man scoots in between the woman’s legs to
achieve penetration, then the man can now follow suit by lying back too but
still maintain the erection inside the woman. For the partners to get this
right each of the couple lie flat on their back with their head in between the
other legs and buttocks touching. Then to get the possibility of greater
movement the partners need to bring both knees up so that they both have
something to grip during the motions and the man can continue to pump
The golden arch sex position
Golden arch sex position is a crazy sex position that would afford partners
the privilege of viewing each other full bodies. This sex position gives
partners the absolute control over the speed, depth and angle of the thrusts.
Sex guru Annabelle K night revealed that the golden arch sex position is
perfect for learners and professionals alike in the game of practicing crazy
sex positions. This sex position gives both man and woman better orgasms.
This sex position helps those that really need more G-spot stimulation. to
achieve this position the man sit with his legs straight and the woman sits
on top of him with her knees bent over his thighs, the woman will then lean
backward so that she can get the cock well in her vagina to enjoy more
sensation, the woman can do the grinding by lifting her ankles, she can still
lean back further for more G-spot stimulation and as she can access her
clitoris for more stimulation. To get freakier with this position a vibrator or
a bullet vibes, should be used on the clitoris as well, and while the man goes
on a shallow penetration for that moment. Some spanking with a whip will
come in handy here for a pain-sweet sensation that sparks sensual flames all
over the body.
David copperfield sex position
David cooperfield sex position is a freaky sex position which will leave
both partners screaming in ecstasy because the result achieved here is
beyond wild and crazy and this sex position works so well with performing
oral on a partner. Sex experts are of the view that this sex position needs the
woman to be strong enough to hold herself up on her arms because the man
needs to grab her leg and wraps them around his waist and the man will be
giving thrusting in an ascending stroking motion. This will create a tighter
experience for both partners therefore being an added advantage for
them.This sex position is about the both partners getting the ultimate
banging experience. The woman goes down on her stomach with placing a
pillow under her pelvis and lifting up her butt while placing her arms down
for support and the man will go down on the woman from behind to give
her some oral stimulation and dry humping away. To get more sensation the
woman can lift her legs and place them on the man’s shoulders too for more
access to her G-spot. O’Reilly says one can dry hump the woman by
stimulating her Mons pubic, this stimulation will help to rev up the woman
for further sex sensation and makes her juice dripping and afterwards the
man can now penetrate her from this angle to hit on the G-spot which will
send sensations to the both partners. Easy orgasm is sure for both the man
and woman with this position.
The grinder sex position
The grinder sex position is one hell of a crazy sex position that can engulf
users with immense pleasure and drive them wild and crazy on one another.
Anyway one must be careful with this freaky sex position, since penetration
might need to come from the rear but it still an amazing sex position since it
a tight fit for both the male and the female, so it will give both partners the
control of their movement and the opportunity of them getting their rear
view. Of course, this needs the woman leg to be lifted a bit and this will
definitely helped the man to ultimately stimulate the clit which will
heighten the pleasure for the woman. It will be a win- win situation for the
partners when once they are naturally able to master the art of this position.
The man should lie with one of his knee bent, the woman be on top with
face away, she will straddle her thigh and lower herself on the penis to grind
away. The woman can adjust while grinding away so that she will be able to
hit her G-spot. This sex position also allows other form of sex like oral or
anal depending on what the partners want, there can be a bit of spanking
too, you can as well throw in some sex toys that will help with more
sweetness. Emilia Bach, a sex therapist gave her personal view about this
sex position, she opined that this sex position is really freaky and crazily
harmless but can hit one’s G-spot all the time.
Chapter 9: The Kama Sutra Techniques Related
To Kissing

The mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of a human’s body. It can give
you pleasurable sensations and help you achieve a heightened urge for
intense lovemaking. This body part is also versatile–you may use your
tongue and lips to lick, suck, kiss, nibble, or nuzzle any part of your lover’s
Actually, kissing is considered as an art. The Kama Sutra appreciates its
potential in expressing passion and affection. The book shows this
appreciation by explaining different kinds of kisses and when each kind of
kiss must be used. Regardless of their intensity, kisses on the lips combine
three senses: smell, taste, and touch. As you probably know, these senses
can create powerful physical and emotional responses.
There are different kinds of kisses available, ranging from slight touches to
deep penetrations (i.e. using the tongue). This chapter will describe each
type of kiss in detail:
1. Turned –This kiss occurs when one of the lovers turns up his/her
partner’s face by holding the chin and kissing.
Note: This kind of kiss evokes gentleness from the couple. Use it to
start the foreplay or while making love (i.e. in a face-to-face standing
or sitting position).
2. Bent–Here, the man must bend his head toward that of his partner.
The woman must do the same. The lovers must hold this position
while kissing.
Note: When using this technique, make sure that your head is slightly
angled to one side. This head position allows you to achieve total lip
contact and tongue penetration. Many people use this technique as
their main weapon during foreplay.
3. Pressed–This kiss has two versions:
4. When you are pressing your partner’s lower lip forcibly
5. When you hold your partner’s lower lip, touch it with your tongue,
and kiss it forcibly.
Note:Many people don’t consider this as an actual kiss. It’s more of a
passionate introduction to kissing.
6. Straight–This kind of kiss occurs when the lips of a man touches that
of his partner. Here, the lovers’heads must be straight (i.e. not bent or
Note:With this type of kiss, tongue penetration is extremely difficult.
For this reason, you can’t use the straight kiss to express passion. You
must perform a straight kiss to show affection and desire.
7. The Upper Lip Kiss –This kiss occurs when the man kisses his
partner’s upper lip. The woman, in turn, kisses the man’s lower lip.
8. Clasping–In this kiss, one of the lovers must take the lips of his/her
partner between his/her own. However, women only accept this kind
of kiss if their partner has no mustache (for obvious reasons).
Note:This move is now called“French Kiss.” This kind of kiss
requires excellent oral hygiene (again, for obvious reasons).
9. The Kisses of a Young Girl –According to the Kama Sutra, the couple
must perform kissing moderately if it’s their first time to make love.
Additionally, the man must focus on the woman’s cheeks, bosom,
throat, lips, breasts, and forehead. Here are the kissing techniques that
must be used by a young and/or innocent girl:
10. Throbbing –Here, the girl touches her partner’s lips as they kiss.
Then, she must move her lower lip while keeping the upper one
11. Nominal–In this kiss, the girl simply uses her lips to touch that of her
12. Touching –With this technique, the girl uses her tongue to
touch her partner’s lips. Meanwhile, she should close her eyes and
hold the hands of her partner.
13. The Kiss That Can Trigger Passion –This kiss helps a woman
to arouse her lover if he is sleeping. Here, the woman must look at her
lover’s face, kiss him passionately, and show her sexual desires.
Note: As this technique shows, women must feel comfortable
initiating passionate activities.
14. The Kiss That Can Wake a Person Up –This is a variation of
the kiss described above. With this technique, the man kisses his
partner and expresses his desire to make love. This kiss is particularly
effective when the man comes home late at night and finds his partner

Kissing Your Partner’s Body

It is true that the lips and breasts are sensitive to kisses. However, almost all
body parts (e.g. limbs) can produce pleasurable sensations when kissed.
Generally, body parts that are close to a person’s genitals are sensitive to
touches of the tongue and lips. This section of the book will explain the
different techniques that you can use in kissing your partner’s body.
For the Breasts –Men should apply light kisses on the entire breasts and
suck (or nibble) the nipples gently. Since most women find nipple
stimulation extremely arousing, men must pay special attention to their
partner’s nipples.
Important Note: Male lovers must spend sufficient time on fondling and
kissing their partner’s breasts. This is because most women find breast
massages physically satisfying and emotionally exciting. Actually, some
women feel dissatisfied if their partner ignores their breasts in favor of their
For the Thighs –When kissed, the thighs produce pleasing, erotic
sensations. These sensations run throughout your partner’s body, increasing
his/her sexual desires.
For the Back –The Kama Sutra says that you should lick or kiss your
partner’s spine lightly. This action will send powerful sensations to his/her
entire body (i.e. from his/head down to his/her toes).

Licking AndKissing
You must pay attention to sexually sensitive areas such as nipples and
breasts. You will get more enjoyment from penetration the longer you delay
it. If you can stimulate your body and that of your partner to the fullest
through kissing and licking, you’ll get more rewards from penile
penetration once it occurs.
According to the Kama Sutra, a great way to boost your partner’s
anticipation is by kissing his/her body systematically and/or giving him/her
a“tonguebath.”Tongue bathing is a technique in which a lover uses his/her
tongue to explore his/her partner’s body.

Important Tips About Kissing

This section of the book will give you excellent tips that can improve your
You can boost the stimulating effect of your kiss by combining it with
gentle strokes of your fingers.
Kissing your partner’s body isn’t enough. You have to supplement
this with sensual strokes and touches.
Kiss your partner’s neck, back, ears, lips, and cheeks.
You can perform most of the kisses discussed above while standing or
sitting with your partner.
To make your kisses more sensual, kiss your partner’s lower and
upper lips in turn.

How ToBite Sensually

In ancient India, biting was a crucial aspect of sexual stimulation. This is
the reason why the Kama Sutra describes different biting techniques. In
general, you can bite almost any part of your partner’s body. Also, bites can
take the form of playful nipping (for teasing your partner), prolonged
sucking (which leaves a noticeable mark), or forceful gripping (using the
lover’s teeth).
This chapter will explain the different Kama Sutra Techniques related to
The Boar’s Bite –The Kama Sutra recommends this bite for people
who want to mark their partner’s shoulder. This bite involves
multiple rows of marks separated by reddish gaps. Some
individuals also use this technique to mark the breasts of their
partners. In general, people who are sexually intense use this
technique during lovemaking.

Important Note: Recent researches have shown that females

appreciate biting while making love to their partners. Males,
however, are often ambivalent about being bitten or biting their
lovers. Psychologists say that since men have larger muscles than
women, they prefer to show their passion through body movements
than through their teeth.

Broken Cloud –This biting technique involves a circle of unequal

marks. The inequality of the bite marks results from the spaces
between a person’s teeth. According to the Kama Sutra, this
technique is excellent for leaving bite marks on a woman’s

Different Love Bites –The following list shows the biting

techniques that you can use while making love to your partner:
Point –You can accomplish this technique by biting your
partner’s skin using your two front teeth.
Hidden –This technique leaves a noticeable redness on the skin
you bit. However, there should be no other visible marks.
Line of Points –In this biting technique, you will bite a small
area of the skin using most of your teeth.
Coral and Jewels –You must use your lips and teeth when
doing this biting technique. Your lips serve as the coral and
your teeth serve as the jewels.
Line of Jewels –This technique occurs when you bite you
partner using all of your teeth.
Swollen –Here, you must use your teeth to press down your
partner’s skin.
Chapter 10: Oral Sex

Oral sex is a favorite for a lot of people and its wonder is that you can get
away with doing it in a lot of different places (including the car, even if one
of you is actually driving – but don’t tell anyone I told you that).
For men, oral sex is a highly-beloved activity, so women need to pay some
particular attention to this activity and how it’s done right. While many
women may believe that they’re particularly good at this and while their
men may lovingly tell them that’s the truth, it’s not always true. As with the
female orgasm and the innocent lies women tell about it, sometimes men
will lie to protect the feelings of their lovers. But let’s face it, good “head”
is a rather important component of sex for a lot of men, so women should
be ready, willing and able not only to do it well, but also to enjoy it.
And therein lies the rub. Some women have a real problem with this one
and that’s a problem for their partners. Let’s keep in mind here, that (as
I’ve said earlier) sex is a two-way street and everyone on that street has an
equal right to enjoy him or herself to the fullest. Oral sex is on the sexual
menu, so if you’re a woman who doesn’t enjoy it, perhaps it’s time to start
thinking about why that is.
Some women have a history that has caused them to have a less than
healthy relationship with oral sex. Others have hygiene concerns. Still
others have a highly active gag reflex that’s triggered by oral sex.
Sometimes that’s psychological, but sometimes there’s a physiological
response that’s really the result of a psychological trigger. There’s no
woman in the world, though, who’s Linda Lovelace. (In the film, Deep
Throat, she plays a woman with a clitoris in her throat). Everyone reading
this knows that’s physiologically impossible.
But you don’t need to have a clitoris in your throat to enjoy fellatio (oral
sex performed on a man). Let’s talk a walk through some thoughts on how
to improve you/your partner’s attitude with respect to going “downtown”.
The first section is about fellatio, but men shouldn’t believe, for one second,
they’re getting off the hook. Women need you to go downtown too, so
we’re going there.

Avoiding The Gag Reflex

Being nervous about performing fellatio can actually make the gag reflex
worse than it already is. So the key is for women to slow down their
approach, stop thinking about how well they are or are not doing and to
breathe. Breathing is key to relaxation and a lot of giving successful head
has to do with exactly that. Being relaxed is most important part.
It’s not necessary for good oral sex to be an athletic feat. It does not all
have to go in your mouth at the same time, women readers. In fact, it’s
much more exciting for a man, if you employ multiple techniques that
involve exactly the opposite. Shifting the intensity of the action and
building it up is a turn on for men, but the biggest turn on of all is to see
that you’re enjoying what you’re doing. If a man senses you’re not
enjoying yourself, he’s probably not going to like it much, either (unless
there’s something very wrong with him, in which case you wouldn’t be with
him, would you).
The head of the male penis is extremely sensitive, when erect, so focusing
too much on this at first is always going to be a mistake. You want to pay it
adequate attention, but men like a bit of build up, so using your hands on
the shaft, as well as your tongue and lips. Circling with the corona (penis-
head) with the tongue is a perennial favorite.
Once the action has become a little hotter, you can use your lips on the
corona, keeping your teeth covered and applying pressure with your lips as
you take it in and out of your mouth. This movement mimics the sensation
of the penis entering the vagina and men absolutely love it (including me
and wife has it nailed). Don’t be afraid to slobber. We not only don’t care,
we love it! Using this movement in conjunction with one hand sliding up
and down the shaft creates a world of sensation, but remember to vary your
moves when performing fellatio, as the penis can lose sensation if over-
In essence, one good way to avoid triggering the gag reflex is to give up on
the idea that a good blowjob means deep throating. While that can be fun;
it’s not necessary. You can show your man just as good a time without
resorting to it, by employing some of the moves discussed here. If,
however, you’re determined to conquer that pesky gag reflex, that process
starts in your mind.

Mind Over Gag Reflex

The most important thing for women to remember, if they’re serious about
being able to deep-throat their partners, is to breathe through the nose. In
deep fellatio, the penis actually enters the esophageal passage. If a woman
is breathing through her mouth and not her nose, this will result in an
inability to breathe. She may even vomit, which can be dangerous. It’s not
difficult to learn to breathe through the nose and women may find that
practicing this form of breathing also serves to further relax them.
The simplest way for the penis to be deeply inserted in fellatio is for the
giving party to have the head thrown back. This creates a direct passage
between the mouth and esophagus, which is straight and not bent at the chin
(as it is if the penis is approached in a kneeling position). Women will find
that laying with their heads thrown back, with their partners entering from
behind will be much easier, because the passage is straight and the muscles
are more relaxed, as they’re not engaged in this position.
Learning to relax the throat muscles is another important technique that can
help with gag reflex. This can be achieved through slow entry, as well as
intentionally breathing through the nose, while this is going on. In the
position described above, the relaxation of these muscles will come much
At this point, it’s important for me to say that men who have partners with
gag reflex problems need to be sensitive to that challenge if they want their
partners to be able to engage in deep fellatio. Thrusting like a jackrabbit is
going to ensure you never get what you want, so don’t do it. Let your
woman guide the action. Make sure she feels comfortable and trusts you
with this activity, too. Don’t blow it (pardon the pun) by losing control of
yourself. She may never try again and it will be your fault.
Remember that slow and steady wins the race and that both partners have to
be sensitive about overcoming the gag reflex problem. That means talking
about it before you even think about attempting getting around it. If a
woman’s problem with fellatio has other origins (perhaps a bad or coercive
experience), then it’s of the utmost importance that she discusses this with
her partner and trusts him enough to do so. Talk is the couple’s road to
sexual freedom and this is certainly true when it comes to enjoying oral sex
Time for the boys to go downtown
My lover loves me. Part of the reason is that I’m a cunnilingus (oral sex
performed on a woman) specialist. That’s because I love it. I have always
loved it. I have always insisted on providing the service (even pre-love of
my life) to my lovers and I have always actively sought to become more
adept at its practice.
If you’re a man who loves women, then you’d better learn to love going
downtown. If you have a problem with it, I submit that you may have other
issues that need to be discussed with your partner. Get to the bottom of it.
Deal with it and then, be a man about it. If you want her to go down on
you, you’d better be ready to go down on her and not in a half-hearted way,
That delicious flower between your woman’s legs is a complex thing of
great beauty and sensitivity. The clitoris (that hyperactive little button that
crowns the vaginal opening and extends down its sides, cushioned inside
the labia, or lips) has more nerve endings in it than any other part of the
human body – male or female. It is much more sensitive than the corona
and, when aroused, can be the source of great pleasure for your partner.
The clitoris is to be approached with the utmost care. Like the corona, it
can be shocked by too much attention, or attention that is too focused or
brusque. The rule of thumb is don’t be all thumbs. The clitoris, when you
think about it, is a microcosm of the wondrous mystery that is “woman” in
all her glory. Uniquely sensitive and luscious, this is the heart of your
woman’s sexuality.
Part of your sex play should be the downtown trolley. If you’re not
comfortable with that, then get comfortable with it. Now. Oral sex, prior to
intercourse, is the most reliable way of getting your woman off. Going
downtown before intercourse can also ensure that she has an orgasm during
intercourse, also. If you play your cards right, you too can be the greatest
lover ever known. Going downtown the right way is your ticket to that
exalted status.
Becoming “Mr. Downtown”
As I’ve said, the clitoris is the most sensitive part of the human body (male
or female); so approaching it with care is de rigeur. On top of that, it’s
important to remember that it’s not the only part of a woman’s genitalia.
There’s a lot going on down there, so learning to navigate all those sexy bits
and pieces is going to make you a much better lover. The labia, because
they contain the rest of the clitoris (what we call the “clit” is only the part
that’s visible), are also highly subject to stimulation with the lips and
tongue. The vaginal opening is also part of her body that will respond
extravagantly to your ministrations.
The clit itself must be dealt with delicately. As a matter of fact, over doing
contact is exactly the wrong approach to take. A gentle flicking of the
tongue, or a figure eight motion is your best bet. Intermittent blowing will
also drive her absolutely wild. You may know all this, but perhaps you’re
rushing through it, or applying too much pressure. If that’s the case, back
off a bit and apply only the most delicate touch to this ultra-sensitive part of
her body.
Mastering cunnilingus is also a great way to take a break from intercourse,
when you feel you’re getting to the point at which you’re finding it difficult
to hold back. Concentrating on her orgasm for a while is a great way of
delaying your own and yet another way of showing her you’re alive to the
fact that mutual orgasm is something that matters to you, as her partner.
If you’re a guy who doesn’t even want to try cunnilingus, maybe that’s
because you have some anxiety about your performance. Nobody is born
knowing everything. Everything in life, even walking and talking, has a
learning curve attached to them. Lucky guys like me seem to have been
born with silver tongues. That’s great for me. It doesn’t mean, however,
that you’re hopeless. You are in fact, a much better candidate for becoming
Mr. Downtown than your fellows who aren’t reading this book and who
aren’t interested in learning any new moves, because they think they’ve got
them all. You are way ahead of the game just because you’re here.
Your first and most important lesson is to learn that you can do it and you
can do it to your partner’s satisfaction. There’s more than one way to skin a
cat, but it’s important that you stick to a few important ground rules, when
it comes to upping your downtown game:
Don’t go in with all guns blazing. Gentle touch is what you’re
doing. Very little contact is always best.
Don’t lick. It’s not an ice cream cone. The tip of your tongue,
applied lightly is what you’re doing.
Don’t put your teeth anywhere near the clitoris. That means not
sucking it with the teeth in contact. I’ve heard stories about this
and couldn’t believe them, to be honest. So if you think this is a
no brainer, then know that there are those out there who
apparently have no brains and that’s why this is being included.
Don’t pull at the labia with your hands to make the clit more
accessible. This is wrong. Don’t do it. Gently clear away any
public hair in the region. The labia will take care of themselves.
If you’re worried about getting your chin wet, there’s a problem.
Finally, if you genuinely have a problem with performing cunnilingus on
your woman, then you have a problem showing her that you love her and
care about her orgasm. If that’s the case and you aren’t dealing with it and
don’t care enough to deal with it, then you’re not being the kind of man
your woman deserves. Someone else will step up, if you won’t. You heard
it here first. (But if you’ve heard it before, then maybe it’s time you
Chapter 11: Erotic Massage

It’s not uncommon for partners to jump straight from kissing or cuddling
into having sex, but they’re missing out. There is a lot more you can do
with your partner than simply have intercourse, and extending foreplay can
be very sexy and lead to an even hotter sexual experience overall. Erotic
massage is a perfect way to get yourself and your partner aroused before
sex takes place. And for couples that may not want to or be able to have
traditional penetrative sex, erotic massage can serve as a way to keep their
sexual connection intact and can lead to very satisfying mutual
Erotic massage is different from ordinary massage in that the primary goal
is for partners to tease and arouse each other. Some people find any kind of
massage to be arousing. If this is the case for you or your partner, that’s
great! Try incorporating massage into your sexual activity more often to
reap the benefits of this preference. If massage isn’t inherently arousing for
you or your partner, however, there are some ways you can take an ordinary
massage and make it extraordinary and sexy.
One key of erotic massage is to make good use of all of the body’s sensitive
and sensuous spots. The genitals are an obvious erogenous zone, but there
are other parts of the body with concentrated nerve endings that can be
highly arousing when massaged. Fingers, toes, lips, and nipples are at the
top of the list, but each person is different and your partner may have other
areas on their body that they like to have massaged. Communicate with
each other and do some experimentation to find out what works best for
both of you. On the other hand, you or your partner may have areas of your
bodies that you do not like to have touched. Make sure you communicate
that information as well. Perhaps you feel uncomfortable having your
stomach touched or massaged, or perhaps your partner is ticklish and
prefers for you to avoid his or her feet. Tickling during an erotic massage is
generally a turn-off, and prolonged tickling can actually be painful for the
person being tickled. Unless you know your partner likes to be tickled, keep
your massage erotic, not silly.
When you are doing an erotic massage for your partner, your hands are the
most obvious tool you can use to touch and caress them. Run your hands
down their body using long, luxurious strokes, make kneading motions, and
touch them gently with your fingertips. Long strokes and light touches can
be used almost anywhere on the body. Kneading works best for places with
large muscles such as the thighs, butt, and shoulders. If your partner enjoys
it, you can also use gentle, firm smacks as part of erotic massage. It’s very
common for people to be aroused by smacking, particularly on their butt.
This erotic massage technique is also a low-pressure way to incorporate
some dominance and submissiveness into your sex play if that is something
that interests both you and your partner.
Hands are not the only body part you can use to perform erotic massage. If
your hair is long enough, running it over your partner’s body, especially
their erogenous areas, can be very stimulating. You can also use your feet,
particularly if your partner is aroused by feet or if you find using your feet
to perform sexual acts to be pleasurable for you. Women can also use their
breasts to caress their partner, while both women and men can touch their
partners with their inner thighs, arms, backs, and butts. When giving your
partner an erotic massage, position yourself so your groin is coming into
contact with their skin. The feel of your pubic area against your partner can
be very arousing for both of you. To mix things up, try incorporating
sensual materials like silk, velvet, fur, feathers, or rubber into your erotic
In addition to your hands, other body parts, and sensual materials, your
mouth is the perfect tool for performing an erotic massage. Kissing, with or
without tongue, and performing oral sex are both well-known ways to
stimulate a partner, but the mouth can be used all over a partner’s body to
produce highly erotic effects. Concentrate not simply on the genital area,
but also on the other nerve-rich areas of the body like the fingers, toes, and
nipples. Massage these areas with your tongue or kiss them very erotically.
You can also lick your partner all over, nibble their skin (gently, and make
sure they like this first), or run your mouth softly and gently over their
As erotic massage moves closer to mutual masturbation or penetrative sex,
you and your partner will want to concentrate more closely on the genitals.
If you are massaging a man, focus on his penis. Don’t just massage the tip
and the shaft, but also work towards the root of the penis and the area
between his legs that stretches from the base of the penis towards his anus.
You can also massage his thighs and buttocks and, if he wants, incorporate
some anal massage. Gently take one or both testicles in your hand or mouth
and massage them. Make sure you don’t bite or squeeze too hard. If you
would like to continue with oral sex, this is the perfect transition point to
take his penis in your mouth.
If you are massaging a woman, try starting with her on her stomach.
Massage her butt and, if she likes it, run a finger between her butt cheeks
and massage the area around her anus. Slide your fingers further between
her legs and massage the area between her anus and her vagina. Then, turn
her so she is lying on her back. Massage her groin and inner thighs,
working towards her pubic area. Pull gently at the outer lips of her vulva,
working towards her vagina, then stroke and tease the opening to her
vagina. If you want to bring her to orgasm with your hands, move back and
forth between the clitoris and the vaginal opening, stimulating them both.
This is also a good transition point if you would like to perform oral sex.
Erotic massage doesn’t always have to lead to penetrative sex or even oral
sex. If, for medical or other reasons, you or your partner can’t have sex, or
if it’s just been a long, busy day and you’re too tired to go all the way, erotic
massage is the perfect way to maintain your sexual connection. In addition,
it’s a good way to prolong foreplay and create higher levels of arousal,
which can be particularly important for women before having penetrative
sex. If you and your partner are looking to try something new in the
bedroom, give erotic massage a try and figure out what works best for you!
Chapter 12: Using Props During Sex

The ideas in this chapter are just suggestions to start with. Feel free to
experiment with your partner and find out what excites you both!
Props to Set the Mood
One very easy way to use props during sex is to use them to set the mood.
A bedroom that is sensually decorated is a perfect reminder to you and your
partner to save a little time for yourselves, and you can also use special
decorations for times when you want to surprise your partner or have a
particularly memorable evening. There are many different ways to use
props to create the sexual atmosphere that you and your partner desire.
Candles, in particular, are a nice way to turn an ordinary bedroom into a
sexy boudoir. Scented candles can make the room smell wonderful, while
the low lighting invites sexual advances. For those with a sense of humor,
there are also fun, phallic candles that can be found online or at your local
sex shop. Decorate to set the mood that you want to create!
Vibrators and Dildos
Many people may think that vibrators and dildos are for masturbation and
not useful while having sex with a partner, but these toys can actually be a
fun addition to a couple’s sex life. Vibrators can be added in as a couple has
penetrative sex, particularly in positions where the woman is able to
stimulate her own clitoris. Many women have trouble achieving an orgasm
with penetrative vaginal stimulation alone, so using a vibrator while having
sex can help to ensure that she has just as much fun as he does. He can also
use a vibrator on her as they have sex.
Vibrators and dildos can also be a great addition to mutual masturbation.
Some men find it difficult to provide intense enough stimulation to the
clitoris with their fingers to bring a woman to orgasm. A vibrator can help
in these situations. In addition, some women like the feeling of their vaginal
opening being stretched very wide, even wider than most men’s penises can
physically get. Men shouldn’t be offended by this, but rather treat it as an
opportunity to use a dildo and get the woman very turned on before having
penetrative sex. Some women like the feel of a dildo when it is inserted and
does not move, while others like an in-and-out movement more similar to
sex. Communication is key for unlocking the possibilities of vibrators and
Using Food as a Prop
Food is one of the best classic erotic props due to its availability and the
endless possibilities that come with incorporating it into sex. It might be a
little daunting to walk into a sex shop and purchase a vibrator, but it’s not in
the least difficult to go to your local grocery store and buy some whipping
cream. If you and your partner are looking to mix up your sex life without
getting too daring, using food as a prop is a perfect place to start.
One of the easiest ways to use food as a prop is to incorporate it into erotic
massage and foreplay. Try covering your partner’s body or sensitive areas
with a creamy or spreadable food and then licking them all over until they
are clean. You can use whatever food you prefer, but some easily used
foods are whipping cream, chocolate syrup, marshmallow creme, peanut or
almond butter, chocolate hazelnut spread, jams or jellies, and frosting. You
might want to put down a towel beforehand or plan to change the sheets
Ice is one of the most flexible foods when it comes to sex. To avoid the
uncomfortable sticking sensation of very cold ice on the skin, use “warm
ice,” which has been out of the freezer 10-20 minutes and is starting to
melt. You can run ice cubes up and down your partner’s body, concentrating
on their erogenous zones. You can also put ice cubes in your mouth and
then put your mouth on your partner’s body, even during oral sex. This can
produce very different and exciting sensations. It’s also possible to insert ice
cubes into a female partner’s vagina. Just make sure to use warm ice when
you do this since very cold ice can have sharp edges that can be painful.
Another way to incorporate food into sex is to feed one another. It’s highly
dubious that any foods (oysters, dark chocolate, ginger, or otherwise)
actually affect libido, but some people are turned on by feeding a partner or
by getting fed by a partner. The easiest way to try this is to start with easy-
t0-eat foods in bite size pieces. Pieces of fruit, small chocolates, or nuts are
a good place to start. Eating or feeding your partner too much of a heavy
food may make you or them less willing to have sex since they may start to
feel unwell, so be careful. Otherwise, find out what you and your partner
like, and have fun!
One important consideration when using food as a prop during sex is to not
insert any food into the vagina that may get stuck there. People certainly
have used particular kinds of vegetables as dildos, but it’s a lot safer just to
go and buy a sex toy. A dildo made to be inserted into the vagina is unlikely
to break off and get stuck there, unlike a carrot, for example. Vegetables are
also organic matter and can carry bacteria that is not good for the vagina.
The same is true for candies, which have the added problem of being very
sugary. This sugar attracts unhealthy bacteria, which can lead to infections.
In general, if you and your partner would like to insert an object other than
a penis into the vagina, use a dildo, a vibrator, or ice, since it will simply
melt into water rather than getting stuck.
Other Sex Toys
There is a huge variety of other sex toys that you and your partner can
incorporate into your sex lives. Many of these toys can be found at a sex
shop or online. A sex shop may be embarrassing to visit, but rest assured
that there is nothing shameful about enjoying sex and using toys. By going
to a sex shop, you can get a better idea of what a toy looks like and if it is
good quality or not. Going online can be less stressful, but you run the risk
of ending up with a poor-quality toy. When it comes to sex toys, it’s always
better to spend a little extra money to get a quality item. You don’t want
yourself or your partner to get hurt using a cheap toy.
Many sex toys are bondage-type toys that can heighten the excitement for
couples, especially those who enjoy dominant/submissive sex play.
Blindfolding your partner, handcuffing them, or tying them to the bedposts
are all ways to incorporate this type of toy. You can find special blindfolds,
handcuffs, and ropes for use during sex, which is a good idea because
everyday versions of these items are not always well-suited for sex play.
Other sex toys are meant to add to the sensation produced by the penis
during penetrative sex. The simplest of these toys are specialty condoms,
which can usually be purchased at drugstores. These condoms have extra
ridges, bumps, or textures, which can be fun for women. More specialized
toys include penis extenders, some of which also include extra bumps and
ridges, and strap-ons, which allow for a woman to penetrate a man anally. If
you and your partner are interested in some of these more elaborate toys, it
could be fun and sexy to visit a sex shop together and pick out a toy to use
together. You’ll both be looking forward to getting home to try it out!
A final consideration for all sex toys: make sure you are cleaning them well
and not sharing them with others! Sex toys, especially those that penetrate
the body, should be personalized. Sharing these toys could transmit
infections, particularly STI’s, so be careful, keep your toys clean, and stay
Chapter 13: Physical Intimacy (Fireworks)

Physical intimacy is sensual closeness or touch. It is an action or reaction,

such as expressing feelings (including close friendship, romantic love, or
sexual attraction) between people. Examples of physical intimacy include
pausing in the personal sphere, holding hands, hugging, kissing, stroking,
and sexual activity.
How To Improve Physical Intimacy
Whether you are a man or a woman, homosexual or heterosexual, you
should know that although physical intimacy with your partner can help you
deepen your love and affection, it can also become a source of intense
stress. When we open ourselves to our partner through physical affection
and sex, we become more emotionally vulnerable and any mistake or
difficulty is even worse than if it had occurred in another area of privacy.
That's why you should not ignore these problems because the problems of
physical intimacy can cause many tensions in a couple.
Step by step to intimacy
Make yourself comfortable little by little to show your affection. If you
are not used to practicing physical acts of affection with your other half, do
not dive directly into his intimacy, because you are sure that it will cause a
lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Instead, take your time to gradually
increase your physical intimacy with your partner by starting with small
(but serious) marks of affection and gradually shifting to more intimate
gestures. Remember that the emotions involved in physical intimacy are
very powerful and very real, so make sure you do not rush into more intense
forms of personal intimacy before you feel comfortable with less intense
Set up activities that encourage physical closeness. If you are not sure
how to make your relationship more physical with your partner, start small.
By doing an activity that asks both of you to be physically close, you find a
great way to relax with the idea of showing your physical affection to your
other half and this could even serve as a basis for more physical activities.
Try to stick to each other during a movie, ride a roller coaster together, ride
a bike, swim, jet ski together, find an activity that allows you to hug each
other. It's even better to sit next to your partner and let your legs touch each
other than do nothing. Everything must start at one time or another!
Enjoy the hugs. Once you are both comfortable with physical contact, you
and your partner will naturally start hugging and snuggling together.
Preaming together while you hold each other is a method often denigrated,
but effective, to form a link between you.
Do not count the moments when you cuddle, as the relationship becomes
more serious, you will regret not having more.
Hold your hand as a sign of affection. Well-informed Dom Juan may find
that holding hands is childish and innocent, but it is a simple way to show
affection, especially in situations where a display of affection would be
rather frowned upon. For example, this gesture is a socially acceptable way
to show affection in public, while more intense kisses could be tendentious.
It can also be a gesture to use when other forms of affection can be difficult
to put in place, for example when you are tight in the back of a car. While
holding hands may not be the most passionate or passionate loving gesture,
it is certainly the one you can use in most situations.
Embrace yourself to show your passion, but do not take individual kisses
too seriously. This is the big moment! The kiss is the right step after hugs
and walks hand in hand. It is a way to show that you really care about the
other person and that you want him or her, which is why you have to put
feelings into your kisses. Ideally, when you kiss for the first time, you will
wait so long that it is difficult to resist. Of course, it is rather unrealistic to
think that the first kiss of each couple will be perfect, or even almost
perfect, so you do not have to put pressure on yourself for the first kiss.
Instead, consider kissing as a sign of fun and mutually satisfying affection,
while being serious.
Be teasing! You should not be intimidated by the idea of becoming
physically more intimate with your other half, and if so, you should have a
sincere discussion about your privacy issues. Physical intimacy should be
an opportunity to show your affection to your partner, but also to spend a
good time with him or her, so you should consider showing your affection
in light and teasing way. You are sure to relax the atmosphere by teasing
your partner. Try tickling it gently while hugging or kissing while kissing.
As long as you do this with humor and taking into account the frustrations
and limitations of your partner,
Stay happy and healthy. It is important to point out that your attitude is
not the only thing that affects your ability to have an emotionally intimate
relationship with your partner. Your physical and emotional health also acts
during moments of intimacy with your partner. For example, you must be
very careful about your hygiene. There is no exception to this rule, no
matter what evidence of romance you give it, if you feel bad, your physical
intimacy will suffer. You should also make efforts to stay physically fit to
look and feel better when you are with your partner. On the emotional side
of your intimacy, you need to resolve the most important sources of stress
as they arise,
Play sports regularly. Research has shown that physical exercise
makes you feel better because your body produces chemicals
called endorphins that bathe the brain. These endorphins create a
feeling of euphoria and satisfaction that allows you to be in a good
mood to share a moment of physical intimacy. And also, regular
physical exercises allow you to look sportier and more attractive!
Do not be afraid to talk to others, including professionals, if
you feel particularly stressed by one area of your life. In
addition to your friends, loved ones and people with authority
like a teacher or priest, a therapist can help you talk about the
issues that cause stress and interfere with your ability to have
an intimate relationship healthy with your partner.

Intimacy In Bed
Rethink your attitude to sex. Physical intimacy in its sexual form has
nothing to do with performance, chore, or competition. Sex is the most
sincere expression of your love for your partner and a great way to connect
with you. At worst, it must be a fun, relaxing, and satisfying activity, but
not stressful! Do not think of sex as a feat that must be done in a certain
way; otherwise, it would not be good. Think of sex as an opportunity for
you and your partner to be yourselves. This behavior also allows you to
broaden the way you look at your partner; he or she is a real person with his
own gender preferences.
For example, imagine a heterosexual couple with intimate problems
because the man is not sure of his sexual abilities. Man has false prejudices
about the role in the sexual act. To put it simply, he thinks it's up to the man
to be active and experienced. Ironically, it is this thought that prevents him
from gaining the experience and confidence he needs to be the best lover
possible. If men viewed sex more as a form of self-expression and less as an
opportunity to play a predetermined role, they would be much more
satisfied with that relationship.
Take the time to be romantic. You should try to use traditional romantic
techniques, for example, by lighting flavored candles, sharing a glass of
wine, chatting against each other on the couch, and savoring this romantic
moment. Or, you could try something less conventional that fits your couple
better. It's you who choose. Remember that whatever you choose to do,
your staging will allow you to bring a romantic moment shared by both of
you much more satisfying and pleasant.
Learn how to do massages. Massages are an excellent sign of affection, as
well as another foreplay technique, and it's also a great way to get closer to
your partner. You could use a neutral oil (e.g., grapeseed oil), especially if
one of you has allergies. Otherwise, you can always use scented lotions or
oils, preferred by some couples. Sensations and pleasant smells will help
you relax and excite you.
It's just as important to touch and get touched, so learn to give and receive!
If you are too nervous to get massaged without wiggling in all directions,
try relaxing before doing light exercise or taking a hot bath.
Be open and discuss sex. From time to time, talk to your partner about
what he likes and dislikes. Many people may feel shy and do not reveal
their most secret desires in the heat of the moment, so it is crucial to discuss
sex outside of the privacy to make sure you are all both satisfied.
It's great to get into the habit of worrying about your partner's satisfaction.
If it's a habit that both partners take, sex can become incredibly more
satisfying and create a much stronger bond.
Lie together. This may seem obvious, but because of their work (and their
children, if they have any), many couples do not have the opportunity to go
to bed at the same time. Sleeping together does not mean that you can have
sex (even if it's also part of it!), But it also gives you the opportunity to
confide in one another and create an intimate bond between the two of you.
Most of the most honest and open couple conversations take place in bed
because it's a time of day when you're sure you will not be bothered by
anyone. By abandoning this special moment, you are also giving up an
opportunity to enjoy your physical and emotional intimacy.
If your schedule does not allow you to sleep together, at least try to spend
some time in bed together, for example, before your partner gets up. Also,
make sure you find a way to make each other understand that you are in the
mood to make sure you are in bed at the same time.
Do not test your limits. Just as it is essential not to ask too much of your
partner, it is equally important not to let too much of it from you. Never feel
that you need to express your affection in ways you do not like. You may
end up with strong emotional hurts by rushing into sex for which you are
not ready. If your partner asks you to do something you do not feel prepared
to do, do not force yourself to do it because you feel obligated or because
you want to make your partner happy. Respectful partners are more patient
and more understanding. As you develop your trust as a partner, you may
find that some new experiences interest you when you could not conceive
them earlier. Listen to your instinct and do not compromise in this area.
Chapter 14: Tricks To Excite Your Partner

If we want to be able to live the dream relationship we want to have with

our partners, we need to have a bright new approach. A bright new
approach doesn’t necessarily mean to leave everything behind; it’s just the
bad habits that consume our relationship and send it on a bad self-
destructive path. Nevertheless, all those habits that our relationship had do
not need to vanish. Together, we are going to examine some beneficial tips
that can help your relationship. We understand that sometimes, it’s not easy
to come up with new ideas, especially if you think you have done it all; but
no need to worry, if you find something on this list that you have done in
the past, you can always try it again, especially if it is something that the
two of you enjoy.
• Sleep together: This might sound a bit strange, especially if you and
your partner always share a bed; but surprisingly, sleeping together is
something not all couples do. The reasons why they don’t sleep together
might vary. The two main reasons why people do this is because their
relationship is currently under a rocky situation and they want to be
distanced from each other, or because something about their spouse’s
sleeping habits bothers them. If you and your partner are currently sleeping
in separate rooms or beds we encourage you to try and change this.
Sleeping together is something so simple yet so meaningful. By sleeping
together, you will notice how you will instantly have a change in your
relationship, since sleeping together brings us big advantages in our sexual,
romantic and physical life. Do not let something simple distance you from
your partner. Sleeping together is one of the easiest things you can do while
still spending time with your partner.
• Have sex regularly: There are different sexual acts and multiple
ways to satisfy each other. Keep them in mind. Explore together. Do not see
sex as a task you have to accomplish, but rather as an act that brings the two
of you even closer.
• Leave jealousy behind: Whether you think you have the right or not
to be jealous, it is not a good feeling, and it is something that can quickly
escalate from thoughts into arguments. Jealousy can lead to many problems.
It can turn us into insecure, controlling people. We need to be confident
about our relationship. We need to be able to trust our partners. If there is
something that made you feel this way or you are just naturally a jealous
person, try to let them know about the way you feel in the way best
possible, without throwing accusations or sounding angry. Just be honest
with your spouse. Hopefully, you two can work things together and they
can try to avoid situations that will make you feel this way and reassure you
that you are the only one for them. However, it is important that you learn
to trust your spouse. Do not try to control all of their actions. You can’t
prevent your spouse from talking to others and you can’t expect them to
hang out or speak only to you. They also have the right to live their lives.
Don’t give those jealous thoughts a place in your mind because jealousy can
be very blinding. Do not jump to conclusions.
• Be comfortable with your partner: Ideally, you feel comfortable
around your partner, but it’s understandable that it is not the case for some
people. For one reason or another, some people no longer feel completely
comfortable around their partners anymore, to the point that they feel like
they can’t be themselves and cannot do what they want to do or say what
they want to say. If this is the case for any of you, you need to try to learn to
feel confident around your spouse once again. Our spouses are one of the
people, if not the person we spend most of the time with. So it is important
that we feel relaxed around them. Normally, if any of you have gotten to
this point where it basically feels like you are spending time with a stranger,
you need to try and reconnect; try to keep the friendship and the romance
• Don’t keep things secret from each other: Make sure to keep your
partner informed about your life, plans, and projects. Make sure to put them
into consideration when you are taking an important decision. Talk about
your feelings. Communication and trust are some of the main ingredients
you need if you want a successful relationship.
• Find activities to do together: It is highly important to spend time
with your partner, but sometimes we need a little bit more than that. We
have to make things exciting. So, a good way of spending quality time
together while strengthening our relationship is to find activities that both of
you enjoy. Going to the gym together, going for a walk around the woods,
going to the cinema, finding a new skill to learn together, planning an
interesting project, cooking, discussing trips, etc. There are so many things
you can do as a couple; just find out what appeals to the two of you.
• Show how much you love each other: Last but not least; never stop
showing your partner how much love you’ve got for them. There is nothing
better than feeling appreciated by our significant other. Even in the hardest
of times, if we feel loved, we can overcome anything.
Chapter 15: Common Mistakes Women Make
When It Comes To Sex

No one is perfect when it comes to pleasing a man in bed, but you can get
close to perfection if you get to know of some of the mistakes you could be
making. Both you and your man have different needs when it comes to
making sex and once this is achieved, only then will mutual fulfillment be
achieved. As a woman, I would advise you to be very cautious when it
comes to bedroom matters because I believe this is something your man
holds highly. You should master all the sex tips and tricks that will help you
make him enjoy every bit of it, and this should begin by learning about the
common mistakes many women make when it comes to sex. This gives you
an idea of what should or should not be done so that the both of you enjoy
intimacy. I have therefore highlighted some of the many mistakes many
women make so that you can avoid them as a way of improving your
bedroom skills:

Not Initiating Sex

It is not always the man's part to initiate sex, and it actually makes it more
interesting when the woman makes the first move. When a man is always
the one asking for it, they get bored or tired of it at some point. A woman's
biggest worry could be that they may appear pushy or aggressive, but this is
not always so. Many men find it very attractive when you are the one
initiating the sex; it doesn't have to be all the time but once in a while. It is a
way of expressing your interest, and it makes the sex enjoyable. Failing to
initiate sex is thus considered as one of the major mistakes made by
women. The whole idea behind all these is that men want to be pursued just
as women want by their partners.

WaitingFor Your Man To Read Your Mind

It is your responsibility to make your sex needs known to your man and not
expect them to read your thoughts. Women vary in terms of what pleases
them in bed, so you don't have to give your man so much work. One reason
why you may not be interested in sex would be the fact that you aren't
satisfied. You will however never be unless you be precise and clear when it
comes to your likes. Your man definitely wants to please you, but you have
to tell him how. This way, both of you will get what you want, and sex to
you won't be a nightmare.

Worrying About Your Looks

This is another common mistake among women when it comes to sex. The
truth is that the moment you start worrying about your looks, body shape
and all other things you instantly spoil the mood and won't enjoy the sex
anymore. When your energy is not felt when making love, then your man's
mood is also affected. It then becomes difficult for any of you to reach
orgasm and thus lack of satisfaction. Once your man is at it, you should be
sure how you look is the last thing in his mind, so the best you can do is
enjoy your love making and make him enjoy it too.

Not Showing Sexual Energy

It is a mistake if you don't express some sexual energy when having sex, as
this is always a complete turn off for a man. Lack of energy may at times
appear as reluctance, and it really spoils the mood. When I talk of sexual
energy I am referring to expressing passion in all different kinds of ways.

Faking It
It is true that not every woman reaches orgasm easily, but there is no need
for you to fake it. Men say they really love it when you orgasm but faking it
takes away the pleasure they want the both of you to have. You may think
that you are faking it right but at times it is very easy for a man to notice
you are actually faking it, and they may lose interest after all. It is a good
idea to be honest with him because if not then you will never have a chance
to enjoy sex as you would wish to. By faking it, you will be depriving
yourself of ultimate pleasure as you have made him believe that whatever
he did is exactly what you need.

Not Participating
Sex is a two-way thing and thus both of you need to be involved. You can't
just lie there and wait for the man to do everything and this is actually one
of the common mistakes many women make. If you don't participate then
your guy might read so much from that, either you don't like him enough,
you don't enjoy sex with him; he is not good enough or just anything. It is,
therefore, advisable that you be part of the game and that you give it your

Being Mute
It is known that different women make different sounds in bed, and that
includes in terms of volume. It is actually a very big mistake if you are
mute because men would love to hear some kind of moaning to actually be
reassured that they please you. My advice to you is that if he is doing it
right then let him know through your moaning whether loud or not.

If there is something that will be a complete turnoff to your man it is
rejecting him every other time. The more you keep doing this the further
you are pushing him away from you. He will one day wake up and not be
interested in you at all, and then you start complaining about something you
created on your own.

Bad Hygiene
This is another mistake when it comes to women and sex matters that we
actually shouldn’t be talking about. You need to know that how you smell
and also look in terms of cleanliness plays a huge role in determining how
the man will react in bed. A fresh feel always entices and turns her on
completely and is what every woman should aim for.

Too Accepting
You should never be the kind of woman who bows down to everything your
man asks for in bed. As I said, the both of you are in this, and this means
you should also have your say in it. If you are not comfortable with having
unprotected sex, then don't do it because he insists but instead explain to
him with your own reasons.

Talking Too Much

You might know this, but there are actually women who talk too much even
during sex. This is the time they choose to state their needs, complaints,
social problems, etc. if you are a victim then try your best to stop as this
completely turns off your boyfriend or husband. When making love, know
it is an opportunity to connect emotionally and in a romantic way. What you
do is get out of your head and into your body and allow yourself to bond
with your man.

Pretending That You Lack Feelings

You should note that no man wants a woman who doesn't feel anything both
at heart and mind. When you make love, and it impresses you don't pretend
like it was nothing because when you do, then your man may lose interest
in you. As much as they want to feel something so much, they also want
you to feel the same during sex.

Excessive Shyness
You are both adults, and there is no reason to show how shy you are when
having sex with your man. So many men are attracted to confident women
as this normally assures them of a thrilling lovemaking. With shyness, you
will be hesitant to try new things in bed, and this means a very boring

Pretending To Be More Experienced

It is wrong to pretend about your sex skills or any other thing in your
relationship. It is always a good idea to be yourself and if you are not that
good in bed then allow him to guide you through and grow together with it.
One bad thing about pretending is that he will definitely notice and once he
does he won't view you the way he used to.

Sex is an important part of life and crucial for being in a fulfilling

relationship. Whether you have a great sex life and just want to keep
experimenting, or you’re just starting to explore what makes you and your
partner feel good, I hope this book has been a useful resource for you. Don’t
forget that this book is only a start. By opening up communication with
your partner about sex, you can both continue to explore and grow sexually,
figuring out how to have the most satisfying sexual relationship possible.
Sex is for everyone, from flexible yogis to couch potatoes, so wink at your
partner, shimmy out of your clothes, and start having fun!

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