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Donny Triartahsasta


A. Situation
- The Situation and Initial Offering:
Many people do not know that security and comfort in the home is one of the keys to
success in household, career, and parenting. The reason why people do not know the most
effective way to increase comfort and security in the home is because of a lack of knowledge
about technology. To solve this, I believe that smart home features that have integrated IoT
and AI which are then connected to a mobile phone application make it easier for people to
increase security and comfort in their homes.
- Target Market and Potential Impact:
This problem is considered important because of the large number of criminal acts that
occur, such as theft, property destruction, and others. With the creation of the smarthome
feature, the level of security in the home will increase considerably. And there are also many
family members who usually don't feel comfortable staying at home because they are
uncomfortable when living in the house. Inside, this of course creates a stress burden on
household members who in fact are tired outside the home. With the smart home feature, it is
hoped that later it will increase the comfort and convenience of family members who use this
feature, so they can focus on their respective activities which in turn get more satisfying results
in their respective activities thanks to the help of the smarthome feature.

- How Technology/New Thinking May Help:

As I mentioned earlier, this product will use a combination of IoT and AI that is
integrated with a mobile phone to make its use easier and more efficient. Indeed, there is a lot
of learning about AI and IoT on the internet, but it takes a lot more effort to integrate all of
them into one application that is easy to use. easy to use. This smarthome application and
feature will also be able to remind users of the daily schedule, which of course increases the
user's credibility and consistency with his schedule.
- BHAG Category:
This product will have Role Model BHAG category. Google Assistant or Siri will be
this product role model and this product will be Google Assistant or Siri in notice of safety and
comfort in the home.

B. My Product Vision Statement: To build an apps and its environment that can helps people
to to increase the level of security and comfort in the home.

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