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Comunicare de
specialitate în limba
Glosar termeni de specialitate

1. archetype = arhetip - innate prototypes for ideas, which may

subsequently become involved in the interpretation of observed
phenomena; they reside in the unconscious (Carl Jung)
2. accommodation = acomodare - the modification of old ways of thinking
to incorporate new knowledge and information (Jean Piaget)
3. anal stage = stadiul anal - the second stage of childhood development,
which occurs between one to three years of age, in which psychic energy
becomes focused on anal activities, such as defecation (Sigmund Freud)
4. assimilation = asimilare - the incorporation of new events or knowledge
into existing schemas (Jean Piaget)
5. behaviorism = behaviorism - a school of psychology that developed in
response to functionalism, which defined psychology as the study of the
behaviors that can be observed and measured (John B. Watson)
6. cardinal traits = trăsături cardinale - single personality traits that
dominate a person’s personality (Gordon W. Allport)
7. central traits = trăsături centrale - the core traits, usually five to ten,
that best describe a person’s personality, they are generalized across
situations and readily noticeable by others (Gordon W. Allport)
8. client - centered therapy = terapie centrată pe client - a humanistic
psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers
9. cognitive dissonance theory = teoria disonanţei cognitive -
inconsistency between cognitions produces discomfort (dissonance),
leading a person to act to restore consistency in order to remove that
discomfort. For example, when we realize that we have behaved in a way
that is inconsistent with out attitudes, we may change out attitudes to
reduce the dissonance caused by having those inconsistent cognitions
(Leon Festinger)
10.collective unconscious = inconştientul colectiv - a mystical construct
that contains the basic images and ideas believed to be shared by all
human beings (Carl Jung)
11.concrete operational stage = stadiul operaţiunilor concrete - the
developmental period from about ages six to eleven, at this time, the child
has acquired mental operations that allow her or him to abstract some
essential attributes or reality, such as number and substance, but these
operations are as yet applicable to only concrete events and cannot be
considered entirely in the abstract (Jean Piaget)
12. conditions of worth = condiţie de valorizare – the conditions that an
individual perceives are put upon them externally by those around them
and which they believe have to be in place for them to be seen as worthy
(Carl Rogers)
13.Conscious = conştient - the ideas, thoughts, and images that a person is
aware of at any given moment (Sigmund Freud)
14.crystallized intelligence = inteligenţă cristalizată - the repertoire of
information, cognitive skills, and strategies acquired by the application of
fluid intelligence to various fields that increases with age (Raymond B.
15.defense mechanisms = mecanisme de apărare - unconscious tactics
employed by the ego to prevent anxiety (Sigmund Freud)
16.ego = Eu - one of the basic structures of the personality as proposed by
Freud, the ego maintains a balance among the demands of the id,
superego, and reality (Sigmund Freud)
17.fluid intelligence = inteligenţa fluidă - the ability to deal with new
types of problems (Raymond B. Cattell)
18.formal operational stage = stadiul operaţiilor formale - according to
Piaget, a stage of development that is characterized by the ability to form
abstract thoughts, and which is typically reached during the period from
age twelve to adulthood (Jean Piaget)
19.Gestalt therapy = terapia Gestalt - a humanistic approach to
psychotherapy in which patients act out past conflicts in order to confront,
take responsibility for, and learn control of their feelings (Fritz Perlz)
20.g-factor = factorul G - in intelligence, a general mental ability cutting
across all tests (Charles Spearman)
21.hidden observer technique = tehnica observatorului ascuns - a
hypnotized subject’s awareness of experiences, such as pain, that are
nonetheless unreported during hypnosis (Ernest Hilgard)
22.hierarchy of needs = piramida nevoilor umane - the concept of an
ordering of needs, physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-
actualization, in which those lower in the order, beginning with
physiological needs, must be satisfied before those that are higher merge
(Abraham H. Maslow) = sine - the most primitive structures of human personality, the
unconscious, irrational, and instinctual strivings for immediate satisfaction
regardless of cost (Sigmund Freud)
24.identification = identificare - psychological process whereby the
subject assimilates an aspect, property, or attribute of the other and is
transformed, wholly or partially, by the model the other provides; to be like
or to become like another. (Sigmund Freud)
25. insight = iluminare; înţelegere clară - the sudden achievement
of understanding that arises from a change in perspective on a problem;
insight is viewed as the most appropriate description of human problem
solving (Gestalt psychology)
26.latent stage = stadiul latent - the fourth state of psychosexual
development during which the child’s psychic energies are not attached to
any particular part of the body (Sigmund Freud) of contiguity = legea continguităţii (alăturare) - a principle of
learning that states that events occurring close together in space and time
become associated (Aristotel)
28.libido = libido - psychic energy that is primarily drived from the sexual,
pleasure-seeking instinct of the id (Sigmund Freud) script = scenariul vieţii - the pre-conscious life plan that governs
the way life is lived out; self-limiting decisions made in childhood in the
interest of survival (Eric Berne)
30.mental age (MA) = vârsta mentală - a score to represent the level of
intelligence based on an individual’s test performance relative to others in
his or her age group, it is computed by determining the chronological age
at which 50 percent of the age group perform at the same level of the child
being tested, children with an MA greater than their chronological age (CA)
are ahead of their age group mentally, if their MA is lower than their CA,
they lag behind it (Alfred Binet)
31.numinous = numinosum - Descriptive of persons, things or situations
having a deep emotional resonance, psychologically associated with
experiences of the self (Carl Jung)
32.object permanence = permanenţa obiectelor - the belief that an
object exists even when it is out of sight; this concept does not develop
until infants are eight months old or more (Jean Piaget)
33.oral stage = stadiul oral - the first stage of psychosexual development,
in which psychic energy is focused on the mouth (Sigmund Freud)
34.phallic stage = stadiul falic- the third stage of psychosexual
development, in which psychic energies are focused on the genitals
(Sigmund Freud)
35.preconscious = preconştient - the ideas, thoughts, and images that a
person is not aware of at a given moment but that can be brought into
awareness with little or no difficulty (Sigmund Freud)
36.premoral period = perioada premorală - the period from birth to four
years of age when children show no understanding or conception of rules
(Jean Piaget)
37.preoperational stage = stadiul preoperaţional - the second stage of
cognitive development occurring roughly between two and seven years of
age, characterized by a limited understading of logical principles such as
conservation and reversibility (Jean Piaget)
38.psychosexual development = dezvoltare psihosexuală - the stages
of development that, according to Freud, all human beings pass through
during early life, each stage, oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital, centers
around a specific area of the body where psychic energy (libido)
concentrates during that particular period (Sigmund Freud)
39.rational-emotive therapy = terapie raţional-emotivă - a clinical
technique to help clients understand the irrationality of various beliefs,
recognize how these beliefs affect their behavior, and practice new, more
adaptive, rational, and beneficial ways of thinking and behaving (Albert
40.reciprocal determinism = determinismul reciproc –concept in which
behavioral variables, environmental variables, and personal and cognitive
variables all mutually influence each other; a person’s behavior affects the
environment, the environment, in turn, affects behavior, and the person’s
awareness of mutual dependency affects both (Albert Bandura)
41.regression = regresie - a defense mechanism characterized by a return
to an earlier stage of psychosexual development (Sigmund Freud)
42.repression = refulare - in psychoanalytic theory, a defense mechanism
by means of which thoughts, impulses, or memories that give rise to
anxiety are pushed out of consciousness (Sigmund Freud)
43.secondary traits = trăsături secundare - personality traits that are less
conspicuous, consistent, and generalized than cardinal or central traits,
they typically apply under only certain circumstances (Gordon W. Allport)
44.selective innatention = neatenţia selectivă - a defence
mechanism that functions prior to psychological repression, and acts by
way of blocking all notice of the threat in question, selective inattention
can also be accompanied by selective non-participation (Harry Stack
45.self-actualization = actualizarea sinelui - it is the fulfillment of one’s
potential (humanistic psychology, Carl Rogers)
46.sensorimotor stage = stadiul senzoriomotor - according to Piaget, the
first two years of life when a child knows and interacts with the world
primarily in terms of sensory impressions and motor activities, and has
little competence in representing the environment using symbols,
language, or images
47.superego = supraeu - one of the basic structures of the personality, it is
the partially unconscious area of the mind that contains and enforces
people’s values, morals, and basic attitudes that they learned from their
parents and society (Sigmund Freud)
48.transactions = tranzacţii – concept used in Transactional Analysis that
refers to the communication exchanges between people. Transactional
analysts are trained to recognize which ego states people are transacting
from and to follow the transactional sequences so they can intervene and
improve the quality and effectiveness of communication. (Transactional
49.transference = transfer - in psychoanalysis, the patient’s tendency to
transfer emotional reactions that were originally directed toward one’s own
parents or other critical figures in one’s early life and redirects the toward
the analyst (Sigmund Freud)
50.unconditional positive regard = acceptare pozitivă necondiţionată
- the basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the
person says or does, especially in the context of client-centered therapy
(Carl Rogers)
51.unconscious = inconştient - the part of the mind that contains
memories, thoughts, and feelings that cannot be easily brought into

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