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Name of Student: Beltran Pablo

Grade: S-2A Spanish

Lead Teacher: Ana L

Modality: IN SCHOOL
The mission of the St. Louis Language
Immersion School, an innovative, diverse,
socially-conscious, public charter school, is
to develop empathetic, high-achieving,
Days Absent (Unexcused): / 50
bilingual, globally-minded students by
providing a rigorous academic foundation
that fosters critical thinking and problem
solving. Pandemic safety compliance: Always

Social Studies / Science

Students will be able to analyze the growth A Students are able to understand and A
of a plant cycle while making observations of explain the process of buying and selling
their own plants. using real life examples.

Communication Arts (English)

Students are able to identify the main topic A Students are able to create a multimedia A
of a text and recount story events. presentation, rehearse and present their
final presentation to the class.

Students are able to spell words with -y or A Students are able to analyze, draft, reflect A
-ly endings and possessive forms. and share their own personal acrostic

Students are able to read and write numbers A Students are able to add and subract two A
to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number three- digit numbers
names, and expanded form

Students are able to compare two three-digit A Students are able to represent and measure A
numbers based on meanings of the the length of an object using inch and
hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, centimeter rulers
and < symbols

Physical During this quarter, we started working on the Arts Second grade started their last quarter by working with
difference between underhand and overhand clay to make tiny cactus pinch pots. This was followed by
Education throws. Students were engaged in activities a printmaking assignment with styrofoam plates. The
involving throwing - catching and passing using following assignment was a castle sculpture made with
those two cues. They were excited to play toilet paper rolls and paint. A mother's day painting was
dodgeball at the end of each lesson for practice. where they put their drawing and painting skills to work.
The year has ended with a brief fossil and dinosaur unit
where they explore real fossils and record their findings
via drawings with labels that correspond to their name. It
has been awesome working with second grade as they are
time and time again one of my favorite grades to teach. If
you would like information on how to keep art in their
summer plans, let me know as I can direct you to some
great resources at Have a great

Music It has been a pleasure working with the second ELL

grade students this year. They have truly
blossomed into very attuned musicians. This
quarter they continued working on rhythm
reading and composition, playing small hand
instruments and even completed a unit on hip
hop and celebrated Asian Pacific Heritage Month.

Grading (A)dvanced: (I)ndependent: (P)rogressing: (E)merging: N/A: Not

Surpasses grade level Performs consistently at Starting to apply concepts Requires support and Applicable
Scale expectations grade level with guidance guidance

Target Language Comments

This semester we worked on learning vocabulary for plant cycle and making observations on their growth. We
had a target language challenge which motivated stuednts to use their spanish skills much more than at the
beginning of the school year.

Global Comments
Pablo has done a wonderful job this year in second grade and has worked so very hard. I appreciate his quality
work with a great attitude and have enjoyed being his teacher this year. I am lucky to have had the chance to be
part of his great accomplishments this year, I sure will miss him. I am very proud of him and wish him well in
third grade and beyond. Enjoy your summer and remember to read.

Pandemic Safety Compliance Comments

Always wears their mask correctly over their nose and mouth without reminders.

Parent Signature Date

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