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WEEK 6-7


Activity No. 4

1. Health

2. Disease

3. Pollution

4. Carcinogen

5. Antigens

6. Endocrine Disruptors

7. Mutagens

8. Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification

9. Perchlorate

10. Synergism


Activity No. 4

1. Biomagnification allows it to store nutrients and necessary minerals by storing these it

may also absorb some harmful substances. When species consume other organisms,

poisons build at the base and are concentrated at the top of the food chain. It is

essential in toxicology because it provides specific information on the amount of

pollutants present in a certain area.

2. The difference between the two is that the Acute Effect is caused by a single toxic

exposure and resulted in a health issue of some kind. It is extremely severe and

dangerous. It occurs in a short period in time. There are individuals that can survive

into urgent situations due to an acute reaction. While, Chronic Effect if the

consequences have become irreversible, A harmful effect on the human or animal

body, with symptoms that appear gradually over time.

3. Risk Management is a combined effort of analyzing and identifying possible

occurrences of events that may have a hazardous impact on people, property, and

environment. They make judgments about the risk and the consequences, how it will

affect the environment. There are four components of risk management; these are

Hazardous Identification wherein it aims to determine the qualitative nature of a

contaminant's negative effects. Hazard Characterization in which it establishes the

connection between the dose and the occurrence of an effect. Exposure Assessment is

it to predict the amount of pollutant that a person is likely to be exposed to. This could

be influenced by a variety of things such as eating choices, lives, and cultures. Risk

Characterization is which combines the three processes stated above to evaluate the

likelihood of a pollutant having a negative effect on a human population.

4. Toxic elements are being deposited in the environment due to human activities such

as mining, processing of metal and melting, sewage irrigation, atmospheric

transportation, and many more. In recent years, toxic materials have accumulated

significantly in the worldwide environment, especially in soil and sediment habitats.

These toxic substances can contaminate the food chain because of toxic metal

contamination, mercury, lead, etc. that will enter the industrial environment and

eventually contaminate the food. 


Activity No. 4

1. Different types of elements, whether naturally present or human-induced, have

implications for biological safety as these elements tend to persist in the environment

due to its non-biodegradable nature. Since it continues, it poses threats to human

health as well as security and food safety.

2. The disease is considered an environmental response or an imbalance within an

ecosystem. This signifies that the carrying capacity of the environment has been

reached which makes a particular ecosystem unable to function very well that resulted

in the or reduce the ability to assimilate pollutants and recover.

3. It is called biomagnification when organisms consume other organisms, poisons build

at the base and are concentrated at the top of the food chain.

4. Our lungs are designed to efficiently exchange gasses while also absorbing poisons.

5. Teratogens are chemicals, substances, or other factors that induce various defects

during embryonic development and growth.

6. Toxicology is the study of toxins and their effects. There are many substances that are

known to be poisonous to life, whether plants or animals. It is a broad study, toxins

can harm or kill living creatures because they react with cellular components to alter

metabolic operations.

7. Mutagens Chemicals and radiation are examples of agents that destroy or affect the

genetic material (D.N.A.) in cells.

8. The difference between acute and chronic effects is that Acute Effect is caused by a

single toxic exposure and resulted in a health issue of some kind. The Chronic Effect
is that if the consequences have become irreversible, A harmful effect on the human

or animal body, with symptoms that appear gradually over time.

9. Exposure Assessment is it to predict the amount of pollutant that a person is likely to

be exposed to. This could be influenced by a variety of things such as eating choices,

lives, and cultures.

10. To retain the agroecosystem in an early-successional state, ecological succession is

halted. Crop species would eventually be replaced by later-successional plants in

natural settings, and delaying or reversing natural ecological succession takes time

and effort.

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