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Peptide Hormones and

the Endocrine System
Hormones are mammalian metabolites body of another creature in whom the fac-
that are produced by endocrine or ductless ulty is strong, as a medicine."
glands, are released directly into the blood, The origin and early development of en-
and are involved in eliciting responses by docrine therapy were empiric, but most of
specific body organs and tissues. These bi- the present knowledge of endocrine func-
ologically active metabolites either are ste- tion and therapy is the result of intensive
roidal or are derived from amino acids. The investigations conducted over the past 35
latter group of hormones consists primarily years. Standardized powdered glands and
of peptides of various sizes, but a few non- glandular extracts initially provided more
peptide metabolites (epinephrine, thyrox- reproducible effects and better therapeutic
ine) are known. Pertinent details about the control than did randomly selected glands,
nonsteroidal hormones and general as- and isolated hormonal substances have of-
pects of endocrine products used as ther- fered additional advantages in most cases.
apeutic agents will be discussed in this Modern technology has permitted the
chapter. Specific details about the steroid ready synthesis of many hormones includ-
hormones were presented previously (see ing a number of peptides, and the prepa-
page 173). ration of substances that mimic the actions
of natural hormones (e.g., prednisone-cor-
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT Much of the obvious progress in the en-
docrine area is reflected in the nature of
Present therapeutic use of endocrine available products. However, a more pre-
products is an outgrowth of the primitive cise comprehension of their physiologic
practice of organotherapy. The use by Mag- functions and improved diagnostic proce-
nus in the 13th century of powdered hog dures have contributed significantly to
testis to treat male impotence and of rabbit therapeutic advancement.
uterus to treat female sterility was a direct
progenitor of the present therapy. The
basic philosophy for the use of mammalian GENERAL PHYSIOLOGIC INVOLVEMENT
organs was ably expressed by Vicary in the AND THERAPEUTIC PHILOSOPHIES
16th century when he said, "In what part
of the body the faculty you would. Hormones function as chemical trans-
strengthen lies, take the same part of the mitters of selective stimuli between the var-

ious. endocrine glands and specific body trolled processes are rather subtle, and
organs and tissues. Sufficient information their significance in the normal individual
is available to permit some generalizations is usuall y recognized only by people
about the modes by which hormones in- trained in the health sciences. However,
fluence the metabolism of target cells and the widely recognized influence of the go-
maintain homeostasis. The size and lipo- nadal hormones on the development and
philic character of steroids permit penetra- function of the reproductive organs and
tion of cell membranes, but many peptide sex characteristics illustrates the general
hormones will not enter cells in the absence type of fundamental involvement of hor-
of a specialized transport system. The latter mones.
hormones, in many cases, bind to recep- There is appreciable interaction among
tors on the surface of the cell and act in the functions of the various endocrine
one of two ways: (1) to directly induce glands and a close correlation between the
changes in membrane permeability for endocrine system and the central and auto-
ions, glucose, amino acids, etc., or (2) to nomic nervous systems. Thus, a primary
induce the production of a secondary mes- disturbance in an endocrine gland or ther-
senger such as cyclic AMP, which transmits apy with a hormone may have far-reaching
the signal of the hormone within the cell. effects. Caution must be exercised in ther-
Hormones that control membrane perme- apeutic management of such complex Sit-
ability, either directl y or indirectly, include uations to avoid dangerous or irrational de-
the estrogens, growth hormone, glucagon, velopments.
glucocorticoids, insulin, testosterone, and Disturbance in the function of an endo-
vasopressin. Induction of enzyme forma- crine gland may take the form of excessive
tion and modification in the rate of enzy- activity (hyperfunction) or diminished ac-
matic reactions are other known mecha- tivity (hypotunction), to any degree. The
nisms of hormonal action. most frequently encountered therapeutic
Physiologic control of hormone forma- situations involve the hypofunctioning
tion or release to regulate hormone level is gland. Replacement therapy merely uses
a vital aspect of maintaining metabolic ho- endocrine preparations to supplement or
meostasis and integrit y of body function. totally replace abnormally low levels of en-
Two general regulator y mechanisms are dogenous hormone. Early diagnosis and
currently recognized. There is a feedback treatment are essential in this type of ther-
mechanism that responds to change in con- apy to avoid irreversible changes that can
centration of some substance in the blood. occur, such as cretinism, giantism, and
The key substance may be a hormone or other comparable conditions. Use of hor-
some other metabolite. For example, an in- mones for replacement purposes is usually
crease in blood glucose in normal persons long-term therapy, arid, because these po-
stimulates the release of insulin, and in- tent substances are normal body metabo-
creased levels of triiodothyronine-thyrox- lites, serious side effects are usually mini-
me cause a decrease in thyrotropin secre- mal if caution is taken to balance the
tion owing to an inhibition of the secretion administered dosage with replacement
of thyrotropin -releasing factor by the hy- needs, insulin utilization provides a good
pothalamus (see page 173). The second example of this type of approach to a hy-
mechanism involves external stimuli and is pofunctioning endocrine system.
mediated by the hypothalamus; the hy- Hvpofunctioning glands that retain
pothalamus secretes releasing factors that some degree of activity can potentially be
act on the anterior pituitary to increase the stimulated to approach normal activity by
release of specific tropic hormones. the use of drugs that are not hormones per
Some manifestations of hormonally con- Se or by the inhibition of the normal cata-

bolic processes to conserve the limited sup-products are by-products of the meat-pack-
ply of hormone. There are many variations ing industry. Thyroid, pancreas, adrenal,
to this type of therapeutic approach, but and pituitary glands of bovine and porcine
they all require metabolic capability in theorigin are used for such purposes. The ac-
glandular tissue and a thorough know!- tive principles obtained from such glands
edge of biochemical detail. This general ap-may vary in quantity and quality, depend-
proach will probably become more useful ing on species, so that specific manufac-
in the future when greater knowledge is turing processes are developed and used
available. with particular species in mind.
Hormonal substances are not employed Glands used in the manufacture of phar-
in treatment of hyperfunctiorting endo- maceutic products are collected in govern-
crine glands. Antimetabolites may offer ment-inspected packinghouses and must
some potential for eliminating the delete- conform to the regulations of the Meat In-
rious effects of abnormally high levels of spection Department of the United States
hormones. Alternate approaches to this Department of Agriculture. Only glands
kind of problem include surgical removal from carcasses that are classified by federal
of part of the hyperfunctioning gland or inspectors as edible may be used
selective destruction of some of the glan- Endocrine glands are technicall y fresh
dular tissues. Various radiation treat- meat and must he processed in a manner
ments, including the use of 'I in certain that prevents deterioration. Glands are
thyroid conditions, represent the latter ap-normally quick-frozen as soon as they are
proach. removed from the animal carcasses and
Sometimes, hormones have therapeutic maintained in a frozen state until pro-
utility for pharmacologic actions that are cessed. Processing varies with the nature
not directly related to normal endocrine of the ultimate endocrine product. The
functions. The use of glucocorticoids for glands, in many cases, are subjected to ex-
anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic pur- traction and fractionation treatments to
yield purified hormones. However, the
poses falls into this category (see page 179).
The potential danger of serious side effects continued therapeutic acceptance of desic-
is considerably greater when hormones are cated thyroid is a pragmatic reminder that
used for specific pharmacologic actions satisfactory results sometimes can be
than when they are used for replacement achieved without costly isolation of the ac-
therapy. Prolonged therapeutic use of a tive principles. Frozen thyroid gland is
hormone, such as cortisone, may cause ir- simply dehydrated defatted, powdered,
reversible atrophy of the endocrine gland standardized, and made into suitable dos-
that normally produces the hormone or age forms.
may induce other undesirable secondary Chemical synthesis is a logical approach
responses. The safest use of a hormone as to ensuring the ready availabilit y of ade-
a therapeutic agent involves a short dura- quate supplies of any natural metabolite of
tion of therapy, e.g., the use of oxytodn toknown structure and therapeutic utility.
control postpartum hemorrhage. This The feasibility of syrithetic procedures is
short-term approach avoids problems as- governed to a large degree by the com-
sociated with prolonged upset of the del- plexity of the molecule and by the technical
icate balance among various endocrine sys- knowledge relating to the given type of
tems. compound. Hormones present no excep-
tion to these generalizations. Perhaps the
COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION only unusual feature that is applied com-
Many drugs employed in medical prac- mercially in the production of certain hor-
tice and generally classified as endocrine mones involves the action of selected bio-
logic systems on foreign substrates. cortex secrete steroid hormones, which
Various microorganisms metabolize certain
were discussed previously (see page 177).
steroids to give useful compounds. An in-
The adrenal medulla is composed of cells
dication of the significant contribution of
that migrated out from the embryonic
microbial biotransformation of steroids is
neural crest and are analogous to the pe-
included in the steroid chapter (see page ripheral sympathetic neurons of the auto-
nomic nervous s y stem. The adrenal me-
The Merrifield solid-phase synthesis of
dulla secretes epinephrine and
peptides is a technologic development of
norepinephrine (normally in a ratio ap-
the 1960s of major significance for endo- proximately 17:3) and functions as a sym-
crine therapy. This technique involves ba- pathetic postganglionic Structure.
sically attaching a carbox y -terminal amino
acid to a resin column and s ynthesizing a The adrenal medulla is not essential for
life, and no diseases of deficiency are
polvpeptide by passing a programmed se-
known. Therapeutic use of these hor-
quence of reacting solutions through the mones is based on the p ha rmacology of
column. There is no need to isolate each
svmpathomirnetic amines and not on the
intermediate; the process can be auto- principle of replacement. Epinephrine elic-
mated, and commercially feasible ynthe-
its vasoconstrictor and vasopressor re-
sis has already been extended to peptides
sponses, acting in general as a syrnpatho-
containing 24 to 32 amino acid residues (co-
mimetic agent of rapid onset but brief
syntropin and calcitonin, respectively) A
duration of action. It is administered by
number of peptide hormones that were intravenous or intramyocardial injection in
previously isolated from glandular mate-
cardiac arrest. Bronchodilation, resulting
rials are now prepared synthetically, and
from epinephrine's beta-receptor adrener-
the prospects for new developments in the
gic activity, is particularly useful in alle-
area of peptides with hormonal activity are
viating acute asthmatic attacks. The labile
among the best for any group of therapeu-
tic agents. catechol function precludes oral adminis-
tration of epinephrine, which must be ad-
ministered by subcutaneous or intramus-
cular injection or absorbed through a
ADRENAL GLANDS mucous membrane.
The adrenals ( s uprarenals) in humans The catecho1amije hormones are meta-
bolically inactivated in several ways. A
are a pair of small glands; one is situated major pathway involves catechol O-meth-
over the superior medial aspect of each kid-
ylation, but oxidative dearnjxatjon with
ney. Each average gland measures 5 x 25
monoamine oxidase is especially signifi-
X 50 mm; together, the adrenals weigh 4
cant owing to the therapeutic use of MAO
to 18 g.
The adrenals were first described by Eus- Biosynthesis of Epinephrine. From the bio-
tachius in the 16th century and were long synthetic viewpoint, epinephrine may be
supposed to function in the inhibition of
considered an alkaloidal amine of the
fetal urination and in the prevention of
phenylpropanoid type. Its derivation from
renal stones in the adult. Knowledge of
tyrosine has been demonstrated experi-
adrenal function began with Addison in mentally. Tyrosine is oxidized to dihydrox-
1849 and is still far from complete. yphenylalan i ne (dopa), which is decarbox-
Each adrenal consists embryologically, y lated and oxidized in the side chain. The
hist ologically, and functionally of 2 distinct
norepinephrine thus produced is con-
glandular entities that are grossly com- verted to epinephrine by transfer of a
bined into one organ. Cells of the adrenal
methyl group from active methionjne (Fig.

9-1). The rate-limiting step appears to be products, sterile aqueous solutions

the conversion of tyrosine to dopa. (1:1,000, 1:10,000, and 1:100,000) for par-
Epinephrine is (— )-3,4-dihydroxy-a enteral administration, a sterile 1:200 sus-
[(methylamino)methyll benzyl alcohol. It pension in oil for prolonged systemic ac-
may be Isolated as a hormone from adrenal tion, and several ophthalmic solutions
medulla or may be prepared synthetically. (1:50 to 1:400) for use in open-angle glau-
DextrorotatoTy epinephrine is almost com- coma and for other ophthalmic purposes.
pletely inactive, and optically inactive mix- Levarterenol or (- )-norepinephrifle is
tures have approximately half the activity (- )-o(aminomethyl)3. 4dihydroxybenzy1
of natural epinephrine. The specific rota- alcohol. It is usually used as the bitartrate
tion of epinephrine is not less than _500 salt, which is a white or faintly gray, crys-
and not more than —53.Y. Epinephrine talline powder. It slowly darkens when ex-
occurs as a white to nearly white, micro- posed to air and light. Solutions of this hor-
crystalline, odorless powder that gradually mone should not be used if they are brown
darkens when exposed to light and air. in color or contain a precipitate. Levarter-
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Adrenalin®, enol is a sympathetic stimulant closely re-
lated in chemical structure and pharma-
Epifrin®, Epinal® . Eppy/N ® , Epitrate®,
Glaucon®, and SusPhrine®. cologic action to epinephrine. Its chief
difference in clinical utility lies in its pre-
dominantly alpha-receptor adrenergic ac-
AsthmaNefrin ® , Bron itin Mist ® , Bronkaid
tivity. It is a strong peripheral vasoconstric-
Mist® , Medihaler-Epi ® , Prirnatene Mist®.
and Vaponefrin®. tor and is especially useful in restoration
Epinephrine is incorporated into a vari- of blood pressure in acute hypotensive sit-
ety of pharmaceutic formulations for ther- uations.
apeutic utilization. The hormone is fre- USUAL DOSE. LevarterenOl bitartrate is
quently solubilized in aqueous usually administered by intravenous in-
preparations using hydrochloric acid or fusion. Usually, the equivalent of 4 mg of
tartaric acid (bitartrate), and a water-solu- levarterenol is placed in 1000 ml of 5% dex-
ble borate complex is sometimes used in trose injection and infused at a rate ad-
ophthalmology. Acidity favors the stability justed to maintain blood pressure.
of this labile compound, but no epineph- PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Levophed®.
rine-containing solution should be used if Dopamine or 3,4-dihydrOXypheflyl
a brown color or a precipitate has formed ethylamine is a biosynthetic precursor of
Formulations for therapeutic use of this norepiriephrine and epinephrine and this
hormone include a 1:1000 aqueous solution endogenous catecholamine has sympatho-
for topical purposes, a 1:100 aqueous so- mimetic properties. It acts directly to stim-
lution for inhalation, metered-dose aerosol ulate alpha and beta-1 receptors and mdi-


' CH —CH—NH,
3,4.Dihydroxypheflylatahifle 3,4.DihydroxypheflyIOthya mine
Tyrosine (Hydroxytyramifle)

HO.._.çH--CH2--NH H0...CH.--CH—NH(CH3)
-- OH
HO".' (Methionine)
H0 -
Norepiflephrine Epinephrine

Fig. 9-1. biosynthesis of epinephrine.

rectly by causing the release of stored nor- gland and are physiologically activeupon
epinephrine. Response of the adrenergic oral administration These metabolites also
receptors to doparnine is dose-dependent, occur in the gland bound with globulin
higher concentrations being required to (thyroglobulins), and the exogenougly ad-
elicit alpha-receptor effects. ministered amino acids could conceivably
Dopaniine is used to treat cardiac decom- bind with serum protein to form physio-
pensation and patients with acute hypo- logically active molecules that are respon-
tension. It is administered b y intravenous sible for the ultimate hormonal action The
infusion. Initial infusion rates are 0.5 to 5 thyroid gland can store thyroglobulins and
g per kg of body weight per minute; most other iodometabolites. The release of these
patients can be maintained on a dose of 20 thyroid hormones appears to be controlled
ig per kg of body weight per minute or by thyrotropiri, a hormone of the anterior
less. pituitary.
Manifestations of hypothyroidism may
he caused by an iodine deficiency and a
resulting lack of precursor moieties for the
hormonal substances (simple hvperplastic
THYROID GLAND goiter, which is characterized by a com-
pensatory enlargement of the gland), by a
The thyroid gland in man consists oi 2 deficiency of thvrotropic factors, or by
lobes that are lateral and inferior to the an- other metabolic irregularities. The first two
terior aspect of the lar y nx and are Con-
causes max he corrected by adding iodine
nected across the larynx by an isthmus to to the diet or administering thyrotropin,
produce a U-shaped structure averaging 30 respectivel Naturally, replacement ther-
g in weight. Galen vaguely described the apy with thyroid hormones can be used for
th y roid in the 2nd centur y , but its identity a deficiency
of any origin.
as a ductless gland was first described by A hypothyroid condition results in some
Holler in 1776. Interestingly, Roger of Pal- degree of cretinism in infants and of m
ermo used sponges and seaweed, high in dema in adults. Cretinism is characterized
iodine content, in the treatment of goiter by retarded and abnormal growth; arrested
(thyroid enlargement) in the 12th century. sexual development; mental deficiency;
Thyroid gland mobilizes dietary iodine, thickened, dry skin; thickened tongue;
converting it to an organic compound that coarsened features; and a fall in the met-
can accelerate metabolic processes. It is abolic rate. The features of myxedema in-
necessary to the development and function clude general lethargy; retarded mental
of all body cells. The actual molecular form processes; increased body fat; susceptibil-
of the thyroid hormone or hormones, ex- ity to cold and fatigue; cardiac dilatation;
clusive of calcitonin which has a hvpocal- dry, thickened skin; and coarsened fea-
cernic action that is distinct from the phys- tures with a thickened, protruding tongue.
iologic responses usually associated with Thyroid h yperactivity results in thyro-
this gland, remains unclear. The iodine- toxicots characterized by increased heart
containing levorotatory amino acids, thy- rate blood pressure,
roxine and triiodoth yronin, occur in the and metabolic rate; nervous excitability,
muscular weakness


/ 2.
Th1'rox ne Triiodothyronine

with tremor; loss of body weight and fat; ryrosne MonoodySire -a-' Diiodotyrosne
and an increased tolerance to cold but in-
tolerance to heat. When accompanied by
protrusion of the eyeballs (exophthalmos), Triiaciothyronine
the condition is known as exophthalmic
goiter (Graves' or Basedow's disease). The Thyroxine
course of the disease is marked by occa-
sional crises or "storms," which may result /
1 hyroglobulins
in abrupt death. These symptoms of thy-
roid hyperactivity may result from over- Fig. 9-2. Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones.
dose of thyroid preparations; thus, the ra-
tionality of using thyroid preparations in Relative binding and biopharmaceutic
obesity "cures" is questionable. Treatment properties of thyroxine and triiodothyro-
of organic hyperthyroidism is principally nine are also illustrated by their normal
surgical, aided by radioactive iodine and serum levels. The normal human serum
by antimetabolites such as propyithioura- levels of triiodothyroninc range from 60 to
cii. Improved manipulation of the latter 160 ng per ml, but the concentration ot thy-
aids may even supplant surgery in selected roxine is approximately 60 times higher.
cases. Biosynthesis of Thyroid Hormone. The reac-
Preparations of thyroid hormones are tions leading to thyroxine formation in the
useful for replacement therap y in cretinism thy roid gland are still incompletely under-
or myxedema. Early diagnosis and treat- stood. The first step in the biosynthesis is
ment are essential in cretinism to avoid ir- a peroxidation of iodide to "active iodine,"
reversible body and mental retardation. which then reacts with tyrosine to first
These preparations are also employed to form 3-monoiodotyroSine andsubse-
prevent myxedema in cases when the thy- quently 3,5-diiodotyrosine. Two molecules
roid gland must be surgicall y removed of the latter compound react to form thy-
Preparations from the thyroid gland are roxine. AIternatively, a molecule of the
sometimes used as pharmacologic agents diiodotyrosine may react with a molecule
for their influence on vanous metabolic of monoiodotyrosine to form triiodothyro-
processes, but the success of such therapy nine (liothyronine), which is then iodi-
is difficult to predict. nated to yield thyroxine (Fig. 9-2). Some
The responses elicited by exogenous thy- evidence shows that thyrotropin exerts an
roxine and trüodothyronine differ quanti- influence on the condensation of 2 mole-
tatively. Triiodothyronine exhibits a more cules of the iodoamino acids to yield either
rapid onset and a shorter duration of ac- thyroxine or triiodothyronine, and some
tion. This difference appears to be related degree of reversibility has been noted for
to the extent of ionization of the 4'-phenolic the bios y nthetic conversion of
group in the respective substances at ph ys- triiodothyronine to thyroxine. Triiodothy-
iologic pH. Thyroxine is approximately ronine is the most active of the known thy-
90% ionized and is predominantly protein- roid metabolites, and approximately one
bound in the blood. The reversible binding third of the thyroxine excreted by the nor-
to plasma proteins is apparently electro- mal thyroid gland undergoes metabolic
static, and the strength of the bond varies deiodination to triiodothyronirie in periph-
among the different plasma proteins. eral tissues. Such considerations suggest
Drugs such as salicylates and phenytoin that triiodothyronine is truly the active mo-
disrupt the weaker bonds (potential drug- lecular form responsible for thyroid activ-
drug interaction) to increase the physio- ity , but the significance of its metabolic re-
logic impact of thyroid hormones. lationship with thyroxine relative to

biologic control processes needs further lates especially high levels of the thyroid
clarification. hormones and has a higher proportion of
Deiodinatihii in various body tissues is triiodothvronine.
the major catabolic pathway for thyroxine USE AND DOSE. Thyroglobulin is used in
and triiodothyronine. However, other met- essentially the same manner as thyroid.
abolic pathways are known, including The usual daily dose is 16 to 200 mg.
deamination and oxidation in the kidney PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Prolojd®,
to form acetic acid analogs and conjugation Sodium levothyroxine is the sodium salt
in the liver followed by biliary excretion. of the levo isomer of thyroxine, an active
Some differences have been detected in the physiologic principle obtained from the
latter pathway. The -gIucuronide is the thyroid gland of domesticated animals
major conjugation product of thyroxine, used for food b y humans. It can also be
but the sulfate ester is more common for prepared synthetically.
triiodothyronine. None of the catabolic USES AND DOSE. Sodium levothyroxine is
pathways is especially rapid, and manip- classed as a thyroid hormone. It is used for
ulation of these processes offers no signif- replacement therapy of reduced or com-
icant potential for achievement of thera- pletely absent thyroid function (manifested
peutic objectives. as rn yxederna, cretinism, and mild forms
Thyroid is the cleaned, dried, and pow- of hypothvroidism). Consistent potency,
dered thyroid gland previously deprived prolonged duration of action, and easily
of connective tissue and fat. It is obtained monitored plasma levels prompt many au-
from domesticated animals that are used thorities to consider levothvroxjne the
for food by humans. Th yroid contains not agent of choice for th y roid replacement
less than 0.095% and not more than 0.125% therapy. It is also used as adjunct therapy
of total thyroxine and triiodothyronine, to suppress thvrotropin release in ade-
and the ratio of thyroxine to triiodothvro- noma goiter and thvrotropin-dependent
nine is not less than 5. It is free from iodine thyroid gland carcinoma. Its use to treat
in inorganic or any form of combination such vague symptoms as dry skin, fatigue,
other than that peculiar to the thyroid habitual abortion, obesity, and sterility in
gland. the absence of confirmed hypothyroidism
USE AND DOSE. Th yroid is effective in oral is inappropriate and may be dangerous.
therapy. The usual dose is 15 to 180 mg The usual dose is 25 to 300 4g once a day.
daily. The effect of a single dose of thyroid PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Levothroid®,
orally, or of thyroxine orally or intrave- Synthroid x, Synthrox 5, and Syroxine®.
nously, is not manifest for some 24 to 48 Sodium liothyronine is the sodium salt
hours; it reaches a maximum in 8 to 10 days of the levorotatory isomer of 3,3',5-triio-
and decreases slowly over a period of sev- dothyronine. This physiologically active
eral weeks. Hence, accumulation may compound is a naturally occurring thyroid
occur, and dosage schedules must be ad- hormone, but quantities needed for com-
justed individually to the needs of the pa- mercial purposes are provided by chemical
tient. synthesis.
Thyrar®, and Thyro-Teric. used for the same purposes as sodium 1ev-
Thyroglobulin is obtained by fractiona- oth yroxine. Lioth y ronine, compared to
tion of porcine thyroid gland. It contains other thyroid agents, has better gastroin-
thyroxine and triiodothyronine in a ratio of testinal absorption, a more rapid onset of
not less than 2.8. The source is restricted action, and a shorter duration of action.
to Sus scrofa Linné var. dcnnesticus Gray The usual dose is the equivalent of 5 to 100
(Fam. Suidae) because the hog accumu- rg of lioth y ronine, once a day.


ronine®, The human pituitary gland or hypo-
Liotrix is a 4:1 mixture of synthetic so- physis is situated in a small cavity in the
dium levothyroxine and sodium liothyro- sphenoid bone at the base of the skull and
nine. The effects of this mixture are claimed is attached to the base of the brain by a
to resemble closely those of endogenous short stalk. It weighs about 0.5 g. Galeti
thyroid secretion and to give laboratory considered it a strainer for spinal fluid, and
protein-bound iodine test results that are Vesalius later thought it was the source of
more consistent with clinical response than mucus, lubricating the nasophar ynx. Pi-
are the results obtained with other prepa- tuitary is from the Latin pituita, meaning
slime or mucus.
rations. However, recognition of the con-
The pituitary body is in reality 2 glands
version of thyroxine to triiodothyronine in
by origin and function:
peripheral tissues raises questions about I. The anterior lobe is ectodernial in or-
any therapeutic advantage of this mixture igin—derived from an outpouching
over its individual components. from the primitive pharynx.
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Euthyroid®, 2. The posterior lobe is neural in on-
Thyrolar®. gin—derived from an outpouching of
Consensus equivalents for comparison the base of the brain.
of the various thyroid preparations, based Posterior Pituitary
on 65 mg (I gr) of th y roid are thyroglob-
Extracts of posterior pituitary lobe ex-
ulin, 65 mg; sodium levothvroxine, 100 pg;
hibit the following effects in experimental
sodium !iothyronine, 25 p.g; and liotrix for- animals and in humans:
mulations containing 50 or 60 pg of levo- 1. A pressor effect, owing to arteriolar
th yroxine and 12.5 or 15 p.g of liothyronine. and capillary vasoconstriction;
Sodium dextrothyroxine is the salt of the 2. Direct stimulation of smooth muscle,
synthetically prepared dextrorotatorv iso- seen in the intact animal or in prep-
mer of thyroxine. This substance is effec- arations of isolated muscles;
tive in a high dose (up to 8 mg daily) for 3. An antidiuretic action, effected by in-
the treatment of hypothyroidism, but its creasing the tubular and collecting
occasional use for such purposes is re- duct resorption of water in the kid-
stricted to patients with cardiac disease 11ev.
who Cannot tolerate other thyroid medi- The diversity of these effects compli-
cations. cated attempts at therapeutic utilization of
Dextrothyroxine also reduces serum cho- unfractionated extracts of the posterior pi-
lesterol and low-density lipoproteins, and tuitary (Pituitrin S ®), and the use of such
it has been classed as a hypocholesterol- preparations has been largely superseded
emic agent. Its greatest therapeutic utility by the use of oxytocin (ocytocin) or vaso-
is in this area, but patients must be mon- pressin, the 2 hormonal substancess that
itored carefully for ischemic myocardial have been isolated from this gland. How-
ever, these 2 hormones do not appear to
changes and other adverse reactions. The
provide a clear-cut separation of the phys-
h y pocholesterolemic dosage regimen
iologic properties associated with the se-
starts with 1 mg daily for a month; the dos- cretions of the gland. The 2 hormones are
age is increased in 1-mg increments at in- closely related octapeptides (Figure 9-3)
tervals no shorter than I month until a sat- with 5 of the amino acid residues in a cyclic
isfactory lowering of -Iipoprotein has structure involving a labile cvstine moiety.
been achieved or until a maximum daily These similar cyclopeptides are difficult to
dose of 8 mg is reached. separate quantitatively, and part of the lack
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Choloxin® of definitive pharmacologic responses

gjy ly
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pro po
cys—•asp, c y s— asp
• gu-CO-NH, • gu C O NH
soeu ptie
H1N-cys—ty H,N -cys -- tvt
Oxytocln Beef and Human Vasopressin
Hog Vasopressin: lysine replaces arginine
Fig. 9-3. Structures of oxythcin and vasopressin.

using the hormones isolated from nature the condition of diabetes insipidus, which
has been correctly attributed to impurities. follows a deficiency of the antidiui-tic prin-
This problem is eliminated when the hor- ciple. The increased urine output when
mones are prepared synthetically, but their drinking alcoholic beverages is caused
actions; especially those of vasupressin, Physiologically, in part, b y a temporary de-
still show a degree of overlap: ficiency state because alcohol inhibits the
Oxytocin (-hypopharnine) is the uter- release of vasopressin.
ine-stimulating fraction, and it is relatively Diabetes insipidus (literally an outpour-
free from action on other smooth muscle. ing of tasteless urine) is characterized by a
It is especially active on the pregnant failure of renal resorption of water—there
uterus, which has been sensitized by es- is a tremendous diuresis and associated
trogens. Oxytocin appears to increase the tremendous thirst and water intake. This
permeability of uterine cell membranes to condition must not be confused with the
sodium ion with an effective augmentation diabetes mellitus of insulin deficiency.
of the contracting myofibrils. Some phys- The biologic half-lives of oxytocin and
iologic involvement by oxvtocin in the nor- vasopressin are short, a factor that can be
mal onset of labor is suspected, but further considered an advantage or a disadvan-
scientific clarification is needed. tage, depending on therapeutic objectives.
Vasopressin ( f- hypophamine) is the an- Vasopressin is emplo y ed in replacement
tidiuretic principle; the pressor effects of therapy for the management of diabetes
this hormone are observed only when large insipidus, and one of the concerns in for-
quantities are administered. Vasopressin mulation is a need for an increase in the
regulates the threshold for resorption of duration of action. Oxytocin is used as a
water by the epithelium of the renal tu- pharmacologic agent for its oxytocic prop-
erties, and thus the desired duration of
bules. The hormone is released into the
therapy is short.
blood when osrnoreceptors in the hypo-
The relatively small size of these poly-
thalamic nuclei detect an increased extra-
peptides provided a focusing point for in-
cellular electrolyte concentration in the itial studies on chemical synthesis and
serum or a decreased blood volume. The structure-activity comparisons that un-
resulting fluid conservation contributes to doubtedly have implications for all phys-
maintenance of homeostasis. iologically active polypeptides. No pre-
No clinical conditions have yet been as- pared analogs, with one possible
sociated with hyperfunction of posterior exception, have been superior in therapeu-
pituitary. A deficiency state is seen only in tic properties to the 2 naturally occurring

hormones. and most chnges in the mol- aration may exert the desired action for 24
ecules result in a loss of activity. The one to 72 hours.
practical development of these studies to Lypressin or lysine-vasopressin is a syn-
date is the commercially feasible synthesis thetically prepared peptide hormone that
of oxytocin, vasopressin, and related ana- occurs naturally in the posterior lobe of the
logs. hog pituitary gland. It has the properties
The posterior pituitary hormones, oxy- of causing the contraction of vascular and
tocin and vasopressin, are standardized bi- other smooth muscles and of producing
ologically; oxytocin by using chickens or antidiuresis. Slightly more stable than ar-
the isolated uterus of nulliparous guinea ginine-vasopressin, it is available as a nasal
pigs and vasopressin by using rats. The spray for treatment of diabetes insipidus.
potency is expressed in arbitrary assay PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Diapid®.
units based on a Posterior Pituitary Ref- Desmopressin or 1-deamino-8-D-argi-
erence Standard. nine-vasopressin is a synthetic analog of
Vasopressin injection is a sterile solution arginine-vasopressin. It possesses very lit-
in water for injection of the water-soluble, tle of the undesirable pressor effect of the
pressor principle prepared by synthesis or parent hormone and has a relatively long
obtained from the posterior lobe of the pi- duration of action. Desmopressin is used
tuitary. Either 8-L-arginine-vasopressin for the same purposes as vasopressin and
(beef vasopressin) or 8-L-lysine-vasopres- is available as an injection and a nasal so-
sin (hog vasopressin) meets monographic lution. The usual parenteral dosage for di-
requirements. abetes insipidus is 2 to 4 ig daily in 2 di-
Vasopressin injection is standardized so vided doses.
that 1 ml possesses a pressor activity equiv- PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. DDAVP® and
alent to 20 (iSP posterior pituitary units. It Stimate®.
is used to control neurohypophyseal dia- Oxytocin is a synthetically prepared
betes irisipidus but is ineffective in the peptide hormone that occurs naturally in
nephrogenic form of the disease. It is also the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
used as a peristaltic stimulant in postop- Glandular material is no longer used as a
erative ileus and to control acute hemor- commercial source of this hormone. The
rhage in the gastrointestinal tract and oxytocic principle is available as an injec-
esophagus. The usual dose, intramuscu- tion for induction of labor for medical in-
larly or subcutaneously, is 5 to 10 units, 2 dications (use for elective induction is in-
or 3 times a day. appropriate) and for control of postpartum
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Pitressirt®. hemorrhage. A nasal spray is available to
The dosage of vasopressin must be ad- promote milk ejection on the infrequent oc-
justed to the needs of the individual pa- casions when this is a problem in breast
tient, but convenient therapy is handi- feeding.
capped to a degree by the relatively rapid The dosage for induction of labor is de-
inactivation of the hormone in the body. termined by uterine response; the intra-
The need to administer 5 to 10 USP units venous infusion is started at a rate of 0.001
of vasopressin (vasopressin injection), 2 or • to 0.002 units per minute. The dose is in-
3 times daily, is common. Formulation of creased in similar increments until a con-
vasopressin tannate in peanut oil (Pitres- traction pattern that resembles normal la-
sine Tannate) was developed to give a bor has been established. The dosage for
gradual release of the hormone and a control of postpartum hemorrhage is 10
longer duration of action; an intramuscular units intramuscularly after delivery of the
injection of 2.5 to 5 USP units of this prep- placenta.

PRESCRIPTION PRODtCTS. Pitocin ®, Syn- several interesting features. At least 2 go-.

tociflon. nadotropic hormones are excreted by the
anterior pituitary; these hormones elicit
Anterior Pituitary
distinct responses in females and males,
The anterior lobe of tie pituitary exerts and glycoproteins with similar activities
a profound influence or the growth and are produced by the chorionic villi of the
development of the boà ' and on its'sex placenta. The follicle-stimulating hormone
characteristics through itt stimulating ac- (FSH or follitropin) is necessary for matu-
tions on the other endocrine glands. The ration of the ovarian follicles in females and
anterior pituitary has been r-red to as for maturation of the seminiferous tubules
the "master gland," the "condujr of the of the testes in males. Luteinizing hormone
endocrine symphony." Primary 4isturb- (LH or lutropin) or interstitial cell-stimu-
ances in anterior pituitary function xiay re- lating hormone is essential for causing ovu-
suit in widespread endocrine invoiv'ment lation and for the development and main-
and generalized secondary disturbances. tenance of the corpus luteum in the ovary.
Therapy in such complex situations is far In the male, LH is apparently active in the
from simple and is associated with unuua1 development of the Leydig cells of the
potential for undesirable side effects. Ef- testes.
fective therapeutic utilization of the hor- Feedback, hypothalamic, and perhaps
mones of the anterior pituitary is still in an Othcr mechanisms stimulate the secretion
early stage of development. of the tropic hormones of the anterior pi-
Hormones with adrenocorticotropic, tuitary. Hypothalamic releasing factors
gonadotropic, and thyrotropic activities are have received - considerable attention re-
used for therapeuticor diagnostic pur- cently, and a tripeptide and a dccapeptide
poses, as is growth hormone (somatropin). from the hypothalamus have been shown
Another hormone recognized as originat- to cause the release of thyrotropin and go-
ing in the anterior pituitary is prolactin. All nadotropins, respectively. The latter factor
of these hormones are glycoprotcins or appears to lack specificity and to initiate
proteins, and they tend to be produced and the release of both FSH and LH. The po-
accumulated in small quantities. Available tential for administration of releasing fac-
evidence indicates that, with the exception tors of small molecular size is obvious, but
of adrenocorticotropin, their molecular problems with variable response preclude
weights are in the 20,000 to 40,000 range, therapeutic application at the current stage
considerable interrelationships exist of knowledge. The first implication of a re-
among subunits of the various hormonal leasing factor to achieve therapeutic utility
substances, and labile disulfide bonds may involve inhibition. Prolactin facilitates
occur in these hormones. These factors development of breast cancer, and the in-
contribute to the difficulty in securing con- hibition of prolactin release holds clinical
centrated, purified extracts with only a sin- promise. Gonadotropin and thyrotropin
gle hormonal activity. Technical barriers to releasing factors are used for diagnostic
the feasible synthesis of such molecules purposes.
have further limited the medicinal utiliza- Adrenocorticotropin, ACTH, or corti-
tion of the anterior pituitary hormones. cotropin is a straight-chain polypeptide
They appear to have short biologic half- containing 39 amino acid residues. A por-
lives (less than 30 minutes), but prelimi- tion of the peptide molecule with 20 amino
nary evidence suggests that the length of acid residues has the full biologic activity
half-life may vary with the pathologic sta- of this hormone. Corticotropin injection is
tus. a sterile preparation of the peptide hor-
The gonadotropic hormones present mone that is derived from the anterior lobe

of the pituitary of mammals used for food males; hence, chorionic goriadotropin is in-
by humans and that exerts a tropic influ- frequently used in females although it can
ence on the adrenal cortex. Its tropic effects be used effectively in conjunction with
involve primarily glucocorticoids. Corti- meriotropins to treat infertility and to
cotropin may be used in collagen disease, maintain the functiOnal integrity of the cor-
particularly in rheumatoid arthritis and pus lutcum in some cases of habitual abor-
acute rheumatic fever, when the adrenal tion. HCG has been used in weight-loss
cortex is functional; it avoids the glucocor- clinics, but its effectiveness in adjunct ther-
ticoid-assodated problem of atrophy of the apy for the treatment of obesity has not
adrenal cortex. The usual dose, intramus- been demonstrated.
cularly, is 20 LiSP units, 4 times a day. It Chorionic gonadotropin is a relatively la-
can be administered by intravenous infu- bile glycoprotein that contains about 12%
sion if a rapid response is desired; how- of galactose. It must be administered par-
ever, this situation is uncommon because enteraHy and is formulated in a dry mixture
the most frequent objection to the use of with suitable diluents and buffers to give
corticotropin injection is the short duration greater shelf life. The usual dose, intra-
of action. muscularl y , is 500 to 5000 USP units, 3
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Acthar®. times a week.
Repository corticotropin injection is cor- PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Android-
ticotropin in a solution of partially hydro- HCG ® , A.P.L. Secules®, Chorex, Corgon-
lyzed gelatin (Cortigel ®, Cortrophin Gel, ject-5® , Folluteinx , Glukor, Gonic ®, Libi-
CotropicO Gel, H P Acthar® Gel). This for- gen®, Pregnyl®, Profasi HP®.
mulation has a prolonged therapeutic ef- Menotropins or urogonadotropin is a
fect; its usual intramuscular dose is 40 LiSP purified preparation of gonadotropins ob-
units, once daily. A similar, prolonged du- tained from the urine of postmenopausal
ration of action is obtained with a suspen- women. The urine gonadotropin levels are
sion prepared by adsorbing corticotropin high in such women because atrophic ova-
on zinc hydroxide (Cortrophin S Zinc). ries cannot respond to tropic stimulation,
Cosyntropin (Cortrosyn 5 ) is a syntheti- thus precluding feedback suppression. The
cally prepared peptide subunit of cortico- preparation contains approximately equal
tropin and is used as a diagnostic aid in amounts of FSH and LH. It is used to en-
suspected adrenal insufficiency. It contains hance fertility in anovulator y women with
24 amino acid residues and presents a functional ovaries and to stimulate sper-
lesser risk of allergenic reactions than the matogenesis in hypogonadotropic males.
natural hormone. The usual dosage regimen for females
Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG or cho- involves intramuscular injection of 75 units
riogonadotropin) is a gonad-stimulating each of FSH and LH daily for 9 to 12 days
polypeptide hormone obtained from the to stimulate follicular growth and matur-
urine of pregnant women. This anterior- ation. One day after the last menotropins
pituitarylike substance resembles LH in its injection, 10,000 units of 1-ICG is admin-
response and is used as replacement ther- istered to simulate a preovulatory LH surge
apy to stimulate descent of the testes in and to induce ovulation.
cryptorchidism and to stimulate the de- The usual therapeutic regimen for males
velopment of interstitial cells of the testes involves . 4 to 6 months of pretreatment
in delayed a dolescence and hypogonado- with HCG (5000 units 3 times a week).
tropic eunuchoidirn, The major indication Menotropin (75 units each of FSH and LI-I)
for withdrawal of therapy or reduction of is administered intramuscularly 3 times a
dosage is sexual pretociousness. Other de- week, and concurrent administration of
generative side effects may be rioted in fe- HCG is continued at the rate of 2000 units

twice weekly. The menotropin therapy erative neurologic disorder is caused by a

should continue for at least 4 months. "slow virus" that is resistant to conven-
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Pergonal®. tional methods of sterilization, and trans-
Gonadorelin is a synthetic decapeptide mission of the virus as a co ntaminant in
that is identical to the gonadotropin- somatropin injection is suspected. It is an-
releasing factor of the hypothalamus. It is ticipated that human somatropin prepa-
used diagnostically in suspected gonado- rations will become available once again as
tropin deficiency to evaluate the functional soon as documentation is obtained that
capacity and response of the gonadotropes current purification procedures eliminate
of the anterior pituitary. The test in females the contamination. Somatrern (Protro-
should be conducted in the early follicular pin® ), a biosynthetic methion yl human
phase of the menstrual cycle. The usual test growth hormone obtained by recombinant
dose is 100 ig intravenously or subcuta- DNA technology, received accelerated
neously. FDA review and was approved for distri-
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Factrel. bution in late 1985.
Somatropin, somatotropin, or growth When somatropin is employed thera-
hormone influences a number of essential peutically, it is used to stimulate linear
growth processes. It stimulates linear growth in patients with documented pi-
growth of bones during development, and tuitarv growth hormone deficiency. It is not
its anabolic effects include an increased in- indicated for use in patients with closed
tracellular transport of amino acids and a epiphyses. Man y interactions, including
net body retention of nitrogen, phospho- influences of hormones of the adrenal cor-
rus, and potassium. Hypofunction of the tex, gonads, parathyroid, and thyroid,
growth-stimulating activity in children re- contribute to growth. Therapy with so-
sults in the pituitary dwarf; in adults, such matropin must be monitored carefully. Use
deficiency often produces an increased del- of this hormone is restricted to physicians
icacy of structure, referred to as acrornicria. experienced in the diagnosis and manage-
Growth hormones from various animal ment of patients with pituitary growth hor-
sources appear to he more species-specific mone deficiency.
in their activity than most other hormones. The usual dosage regimen of somatropin
Human pituitary growth hormone con- is 2 international units, intr amuscularly, 3
tains 190 amino acid residues and 2 disul- times a week (a minimum of 48 hours be-
fide bonds. Although lack of a feasible nat- tween injections) for as long as growth con-
ural source or a feasible synthetic tinues. Treatment should be discontinued
procedure for this pituitary hormone pre- when the patient has reached a satisfactory
cluded consideration of therapeutic use for adult height, when the epiphyses have
many years, the discovery of a human cho- fused, or when response to the therapy is
rionic analog appeared to circumvent these no longer satisfactory. Five percent of the
logistic barriers. The production of biosyn- patients can be expected to develop neu-
thetic somatropin using modern technol- tralizing antibodies and to fail to respond
ogy is showing promise. to the hormone.
Serious safety questions have been Thyrotropin is the thyrotropic principle
raised recently about human-derived so- of the anterior pituitary. A glycoprotein in
matropin, and commercial supplies of the the 28,000 to 30,000 molecular weight
hormone were withdrawn from the mar- range, it is obtained from bovine glands
ket, at least temporarily, in mid-1985. A and is purified to remove significant
few patients who received this hormone amounts of corticotropic, gonadotropic,
between 1963 and 1980 died of apparent and other hormones. Theoretically, it can
Creutzfe)dt-Jakoh disease. This rare degen- he used in replacement therapy, but it is

used primarily as a diagnostic aid in eval- cienc y in giucagon formation either do not
uating thyroid function, including distinc- occur, have an insufficient survival factor
tion between primary and secondary hy- to create a medical problem, or are unrec-
pothyroidism, or as supportive therapy to ognized. The typical case of a .hypofunc-
facilitate the uptake of 1311 in treatment of tioning pancreas gland results in insulin
toxic goiter or thyroid carcinoma. Thyro- deficiency and the condition known as di-
tropin is available as a lyophilized powder abetes mellitus. This condition was de-
and is administered intramuscularly or scribed by Auretaeus in the first century
subcutaneously, usually in daily doses of A.D. as a siphoning of flesh into urine; it is
10 international units. characterized by a high blood-glucose level
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Thytropar®. (hyperglycemia), excess glucose in the ur-
Protirelin is the synthetic tripeptide, L- ine (glucosuria), and diuresis, resulting in
pyroglutamyl-L-hiStidyl-L-prOliflamide. dehydration and constipation. The pri-
Identical to the thyrotropin -releasing factor mary impairment of glucose metabolism
from the hypothalamus, it is used diag- induces a number of secondary metabolic
nostically to assist in distinguishing sec- changes. Accumulation in the blood of
ondary and tertiary hypothyroidism. The such metabolites as 13-hydroxybutyric acid,
usual adult dose is 500 ig given intrave- ketone bodies, and other breakdown prod-
nously. ucts of fats is common. The untreated di-
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Relefact-TRH abetic, as a result of such metabolic irreg-
and i'hypinone'. ularities, suffers from severe acidosis,
depression, coma, and ultimately death.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus with in-
PANCREAS sulin is replacement therapy. Insulin pro-
The bulk of the pancreas is an exocrine longs life in the diabetic and permits a
gland that supplies digestive enzymes to fuller and happier life, but its use does not
the duodenum. Isolated groups of cells, cure or prevent the pathologic condition.
the islets of Langerhans constituting about Insulin is especially valuable in preventing
3 1k of the gland, produce the hormonal the complications of diabetes that are fre-
substances. Glucagon is produced by the quently the cause of death: arteriosclerosis
a-cells, and insulin is formed b y the with hypertension, nephritis, superficial
3-cells. Glucagon and insulin, both poly- ulcers and infections, gangrene of the ex-
peptide hormones, exert counterbalancing tremities, and gallstones.
actions on carbohydrate metabolism in the Conditions of hyperinsulinism may re-
body. suit from overdosage of insulin, under-
Glucagon elicits a hyperglycemic re- feeding, tumors of the pancreas, or certain
sponse by increasing adenyl c yclase which, pituitary or adrenal disturbances. Out-
in turn, increases liver phosphorylase ac- standing symptoms are fatigue, hunger,
tivity, a key factor in glycogenolysis. The marked sweating, and convulsions.
hvpoglycemic action of insulin appears to In management of diabetes mellitus
involve glucokinasc, membrane transport, caused by insulin deficiency, an adequate
and perhaps other factors associated with diet is determined, and the amount and
normal metabolism of blood glucose. in the spacing of insulin dosage are established
normal individual, these hormones func- to keep the patient symptom-free and free
tion to maintain blood glucose within a from giucosuria. The plasma half-life of in-
physiologically tolerated balance b y in- sulin is approximately 10 minutes; there-
creasing or decreasing, respectively, the fore, continuous delivery of the hormone
glucose level. is needed in replacement therapy. This is
Pathologic conditions related to a defi- accomplished by subcutaneous adminis-

tration of a suspension that is formulated the selective inactivation of insulin, which

to provide slow release of the insulin. In- is a labile cystine-containing contaminant
sulin is a potent drug, and the therapeutic that is difficult to remove quantitativel y in
considerations are relatively complex and the isolation of this hormone.
sophisticated. Dosage must be coordinated Insulin is a polypeptide with a molecular
with dietary intake, and a regularized eat- weight of 5734. It contains 48 amino acid
ing schedule is necessary to accommodate residues (including 3 cystine residues) that
the programmed delivery of insulin and to are arranged in 2 linear chains connected
avoid drug-induced hypoglycemia. The by disulfide linkages. Insulin tends to form
over-the-counter status of insulin, com- dimeric and hexameric forms, a character-
pared with other drugs, is inconsistent istic that resulted in an initial estimate of
with the inherent complexity and risks of about 35,000 for the molecular weight of
the therapy, but it is indicative of what can the hormone, This hormone has been stud-
be achieved by concerted patient education ied more extensively than any other poly-
programs. peptide hormone. One of the interesting
One USP unit of insulin can cause the observations resulting from these studie
metabolism of approximately 1.5 g of glu- is the variation in amino acid residues
cose. Occasionally, insulin resistance or 9, and 10, depending on the origin of ti.
tolerance develops, and abnormally high insulin (Fig. 9-4). The amino acid sequene
doses of insulin are required to control di- in these 3 positions has no effect on th
abetes. The resistance appears to involve normal physiologic properties of the pol\
antibody binding to restrict the biologic peptide. Variations in this portion of tb
availability of much of the administered molecule cause some antigenic reactioim
hormone; a high potency insulin (500 units and this is the basis for selecting all porcin
per ml) is available by prescription for such insulin in cases of suspected insulin Ii',
cases. The objective of high doses in re- persensitivity or tolerance. However, mo
sistant cases is distinct from such uses in of the early cases of hypersensitivity to I
treating schizophrenic states. An insulin sulin preparations can be explained
overdose in the latter situation is used to other foreign proteins that were present
induce therapeutically convulsive (hypog- the formulations. The distinctive amin
lycemic) shock. acid residue 30 of the larger peptide chai
Glucagon can be used in diagnosis and of human insulin is apparently without
in the treatment of hypoglycemia associ- physiologic significance because an analog
ated with improper management of dia- lacking amino acid residues 26 to 30 retains
betes mellitus or with pyschiatricaily in- activity.
duced insulin shock, Intravenous The disulfide bonds that link the 2 pep-
administration of glucose can also be used tide chains are major obstacles to the fea-
to treat hypoglycemia, but glucagon is sible synthesis of insulin, and the biosyn-
more convenient to use with unconscious thetic accomplishment of this feat has
or uncooperative nonhospitalized patients. intrigued scientists. The recent elucidation
Glucagon is a straight-chained polypep- of proinsulin has clarified significantly the
tide containing 29 amino acid residues with biologic formation of the hormone. Prom-
a molecular weight of 3485. The amino acid suliri is a straight-chain polvpeptide con-
sequence has been determined. The iso- taining some 80 amino acid residues and
electric point of the hormone is between all of the disulfide linkages inherent to in-
7.5 and 8.5. It is soluble in acids and bases, sulin. The polypeptide sequences at the
below 3.0 and above 9.5, respectively; amino terminal and carboxylic acid termi-
these solutions are relatively stable. The nal ends of the proinsulin molecule cor-
alkali stabilit y of glucagon can be used for respond to the 2 chains of insulin, and a

V6 0





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proteolytic enzyme in the pancreas appar- determining the potency. Insulin prepared
ently cleaves peptide bonds to remove the in this manner may be subjected to further
connecting polypeptide sequence and to purification by ion-exchange chromatog-
form the physiologically active, 2-chained raphy to yield a purified insulin product
insulin. (not more than 10 parts per million prom-
Insulin was crystallized in 1926 by the sulin Contaminant).
addition of traces of zinc, and crystals of Commercial production of human insu-
zinc insulin formed the original reference un has been achieved using two independ-
standard of the USP. The isoelectric point ent approaches. Pork insulin is converted
of zinc insulin is 5.1 to 5.3. Thus, it is sol- to human insulin by replacing enzymati-
uble at the alkaline p!-1 of tissue fluids and cally the terminal alanine amino acid resi-
is rapidly absorbed from subcutaneous in- due with threonine. Recombinant DNA
jection sites. Insulin is digested by proteo- techniques have also been used for micro-
lytic enzymes (a common property of poly- bial synthesis. The genes (DNA) that direct
peptide hormones), and it is ineffective the biosynthesis of the A and B polypep-
when given orally. tide chains of human insulin are connected
The production of both glucagon and in- separately to DNA genetically coded for
sulin involves isolation of these substances the enzyme -gaiactosidase. This step puts
from pancreas glands. The procedures are the insulin genes under the control of a set
relatively complex, a situation that is corn- of genes called the "lac operon"; this op-
mon for the isolation and purification of eron controls -galactosidase synthesis
most peptide molecules. At least 20 major and secretion. The connected genes are in-
steps are accomplished before a form of troduced separately into plasmids. The
insulin suitable for human use is finally plasmids are then taken up by Escherichia
developed. Immediately following their re- co/i, producing one strain that formed the
moval from slaughtered animals, the raw A chain of insulin and another strain that
beef and pork pancreases are frozen to pre- formed the B chain. The addition of lactose
vent enzymatic destruction of the insulin to the bacterial cultures switches on the
in the gland. About 8000 lb of animal pan- "lac operon" genes. This, in turn, switches
creases are needed to yield 1 lb of pure zinc on the gene for the production of either the
insulin crystals. A or the B chain of human insulin because
The first step in actual production in- these genes are now linked to the genes
volves grinding of the frozen glands. Suc- for the formation and secretion of 13-galac-
cessive steps include extracting the still- tosidase, The 3-galactosidase is synthe-
frozen powder with acidic alcohol to obtain sized with the A and B chain of insulin
the insulin and to suppress enzyme activ- attached, and these are recovered by chem-
ity, centrifuging the crude extract to sep- ically cleaving them from the enzyme.
arate the liquid from the glandular residue, Consequently, the A chain of 21 amino
clarifying the liquid extract containing the acids and the B chain of 30 amino acids are
insulin and impurities, evaporating in vac- purified separately, and the complete in-
uum to remove the alcohol, treating the sulin molecule is chemically synthesized
concentrate to separate the fat, filtering to from the chains by forming 2 disulfide
remove residual fat, adding salt water to bridges.
precipitate the insulin, redissolving the The absolute therapeutic indication for
precipitate, reprecipitat-ing by isoelectric human insulin may be rare. It produces a
means, buffering to obtain a uniformly sol- lower incidence of allergic reactions than
uble product, washing, drying, and pool- many of the products from animal pan-
ing the insulin obtained from other lots creas glands, and it may have special utility
prepared in the same manner, and finally, in the small proportion of diabetics allergic

to purified pork insulin. In addition, the and the FDA may eventually decertify
bacterially produced hormone will relieve them.
the American Diabetes Association's con- Protamine zinc insulin suspension or
cern regarding a shortage of animal pan- protamine zinc insulin is a sterile suspen-
creas glan4sin the near future. sion, in a phosphate buffer, of insulin mod-
Glucagon for injection is a mixture of ified by the addition of zinc chloride and
the hydrochloride with one or more suit- protamine. The protamine is prepared
able, dry diluents. When the aqueous in- from the sperm or from the mature testes
jection is reconstituted, it has a pH be- of fish belonging to the genus Oncorhynchus
tween 2.5 and 3.0 and is usually formulated Suckley, or Saitno Linné (Fam. Salmoni-
to contain 1 mg in each ml. The usual par- dae). Protarnine zinc insulin suspension
enteral dose is 500 ILg to 11 mg, repeated in provides 40 or 100 USP insulin units in each
20 minutes, if necessary. ml. It is a prolonged-acting insulin prepa-
Insulin injection or insulin is a sterile, ration. The usual dose, subcutaneously, is
7 to 20 units once a day.
neutral solution of the active principle of
the pancreas that affects the metabolism of
glucose. Insulin injection contains 40, 100, Prolamine, Zinc and Iletin I®; purified beef
or pork: Protamine, Zinc and Iletin ll'.
or 500 USP insulin units in each ml. It is a
Protamines are basic proteins; they com-
rompt-acting preparation with a peak of
bine with insulin to form protamine-insu-
::ction at 2 to 5 hours. This is the prepa-
lin salts, stabilized by a trace of zinc. This
ation of choice when glucose tolerance
complex has an isoelectric point of approx-
fluctuates rapidly; such situations may in- imately 7.3; it is buffered to this point and
clude the presence of a severe infection, dispensed in a smooth suspension. When
shock, surgical trauma, or unstable dia- injected subcutaneously, it is insoluble at
betes. Insulin preparations, including in- the pH of tissue fluids and is therefore
sulin injection, must be labeled to indicate slowly absorbed to provide a prolonged ac-
the nature (beef and pork, beef, pork, or tion. Peak of action occurs at 14 to 20 hours,
human) of the insulin; when a product with some effect manifest over 36 hours.
meets the standards for purified insulin, Isophane insulin suspension, isophane
this must also be indicated on the label. insulin, or NPH insulin is a sterile sus-
the usual dose, for diabetic acidosis, in- pension, in a phosphate buffer, of insulin
ravenously, is I to 2 units per kg of body made from zinc-insulin crystals modified
weight, repeated in 2 hours as necessary; by the addition of protainine in such a
for diabetes, 10 to 20 units, subcutane- manner that the solid phase of the suspen-
ously, 3 or 4 times a day according to the sion consists of crystals composed of in-
needs of the patient. sulin, protaniine, and zinc. It provides 40
PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS. Beef and pork: or 100 USP insulin units in each ml. It is
Regular fletin I'; purified beef: Beef Reg- an intermediate-acting insulin preparation.
ular fletin il ®; purified pork: Actrapid®, The usual dose, subcutaneously, is 10 to
Pork Regular Iletin H ®, and Velosulin®; 20 units, 1 or 2 times a day.
human: Humulin R®. PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS. Beef and pork:
Preparations of insulin are marketed in NPH Iletin I ®; purified beef: Beef NPH
multiple-dose ampules of varying unitage. fletin Il® ; purified pork: hisulatard NPH®',
The package color of commercial products Pork MPH Iletin Il ® , and Protaphane.
varies with the unit value. There is increas- NPH®; human: Humulin N®.
ing emphasis on use of 100-unit insulin for- Isophane insulin is insoluble at the pH
mulations to reduce dosage errors. The of tissue fluids and therefore has a slow
need for 40-unit insulins is being studied, absorption rate. Maximum effect occurs at

8 to 12 hours. A preparation containing of action extends from 12 to 16 hours. The

70% isophane insulin and 30% insulin usual dose, subcutaneously, is 10 to 20
(Mixtard) is available in a 100-unit for- units, I or 2 times a day.
mulation to give a rapid onset of activity PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS. Beef and pork:
and a 24-hour duration of action. Semilente Iletin I® ; purified pork: Semi-
Insulin zinc suspension or lente insulin tard®.
is a type of intermediate-acting insulin The chief difference between prompt
preparation. It consists of a mixture of crys- zinc insulin suspension and extended zinc
talline and amorphous materials (approx- insulin suspension is the size of the par-
imately a 7:3 ratio) suspended in an acetate ticles that make up the solid phase of the
buffer. It provides 40 or 100 USP insulin suspensions. Prompt zinc insulin suspen-
units in each ml. The usual dose, subcu- sion has a shorter duration of action. This
taneously, is 10 to 20 units, once a day. product is not intended to replace insulin
PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS. Beef and pork: injection in combating diabetic acidosis or
Lente Iletin I ®; purified beef and pork: Len- in emergencies when immediate action is
tard; purified beef: Beef Lente Iletin II'; essential. In such cases, insulin injection
purified pork: Monotard® and Pork Lente should he administered.
Iletin Il®.
The use of an acetate buffer provides a
prolonged duration of action. Achieve- PARATHYROID HORMONE AND
ment of this objective without the addition CACITONIN
of foreign proteins, such as protamine, cir- The parathyroid glands in man are usu-
cumvents occasional hypersensitivity ally 4 in number, oval, 5 to 6 mm in length,
problems associated with these additives. and situated upon or imbedded in the dor-
The ratio of crystalline and amorphous in- sal surface of the thyroid gland. They de-
sulin is selected to give a convenient du- velop and function independently of thy-
ration of action of approximately 24 hours. roid tissue. For a number of years, after
Extended insulin zinc suspension or ul- their discovery by Sandstrom in 1880, the
tralente insulin is a sterile suspension, in parathyroids were considered to be rem-
an acetate buffer, of insulin modified by nants of embryonic thyroid tissue.
the addition of zinc chloride in such a man- The parathyroid glands exert a hormonal
ner that the solid phase of the suspension control over calcium metabolism. Acute
is crystalline. It provides 40 or 100 USP in- deficiency results in tetany when the level
sulin units in each ml. It is a long-acting of serum calcium falls from normal (10 to
insulin preparation; the duration of action 11 mg/d!) to around 6 to 7 mg/dl. Fibrillary
is determined by the particle size and per- muscular twitching progresses to the con-
sists for over 36 hours. The usual dose, vulsive state, culminating in death by te-
subcutaneously, is 7 to 20 units, once a day. tanic spasm of the larynx and muscles of
PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS. Beef and pork: respiration.
Ultralente Iletin 1 ® ; purified beef: Ultra- Parathyroid hyperfunction produces a
tard®. condition known as Recklinghausen's dis-
Prompt insulin zinc suspension or semi- ease of bone (osteitis fibrosa cystica), char-
lente insulin is a sterile suspension, in an acterized by bone pain, marked elevation
acetate buffer, of insulin modified by the of serum calcium with a fall in serum phos-
addition of zinc chloride in such a manner phate, and cystic rarefaction of bones with
that the solid phase of the suspension is spontaneous fracture and deformity. The
amorphous. It provides 40 or 100 USP in- calcium removed from bone is excreted in
sulin units in each ml. It is a rapid-acting the urine. A similar picture may result from
insulin preparation; however, its duration overdose with extracts of parathyroid

gland. In either case, renal . stones and cal- raise the calcium content of 100 ml of the
cification of soft tissues occur. blood serum of normal dogs 1 mg within
The parathyroid hormone (par4thyrin) is 16 to 18 hours after administration.
a straight-chain po1ypeptice containing 83 Calcitonin is produced by the parafollic-
amino acid residues and has a.molecular. ular Or C cells of the thyroid gland, and
weight of approximately 9500. A portion of recent clarification of its function has ig.
the molecule . that contains only 35 amino nificantly increased. our comprehension of
acid residues can elicit the significant phys- calcium metabolism. This hormone exerts
iologic activity of the hormone. The essen- a hypocalcemic effect by suppressing bone
tial 35-ammo-acid subunit of human para- resorption and by inhibiting tubular reab-
thyroid hormone differs in 5 or 6 of its sorptiQfl of calcium in the kidneys. Thus,
amino acid residues from the animal para- calcitonin and parathyroid hormone have
thyroid hormones that are available counterbalancing actions similar to the sit-
through the meat-packing industry. Im- uations observed with glucagon-insulin
munologicrecognition of this factor may and other control mediators of biologic
contribute to the high incidence of toler- processes.
ance noted in therapy. The hormone has a Calcitonin is a polypeptide containing 32
hypercalcemic action. Its principal effect amino acid residues. The individual amino
involves bone resorption and calcium re- acid composition of calcitonin from differ-
tease, but it also promotes absorption of ent animal sources varies considerabl y. The
calcium from the gut and renal tubules. kev molecular features for biologic activity
Parathyroid hormone is inactivated in appear to include a prolinamide moiety at
the intestinal tract, but it has been. used the carboxyl terminal end of the peptide
parenteraily in medicine for blood-calcium and a, cyclic subunit containing 6 amino
maintenance in cases of parathyroid tet- acid residues, including the ring closing
any. Following injection, the blood calcium cystine, at the amino terminal end of the
level rises in about 4 hours, reaching a max- molecule. Reduction of the disulfide lin-
imum in about 16 hours and returning to kage causes .i loss of activity.
the original level after 24 to .36 hours.. Re- Calcitortin can be used to treat Paget's
peated or prolonged administration may disease (osteitis deformans) and postmen-
establish a complete tolerance with aboli- opausal osteoporosis and to control hy-
tion of therapeutic effect. To avoid this, percalcemia secondary to other osteolytic
dihydrotachysterol may frequently be sub- conditions. The preparation used in ther-
stituted; this preparation may be given or- apy is a synthetic salmon calcitonin.
ally. Adequate intake of calcium, phos- Salmon calcitonin elicits 20-fold or more ac-
phate, and vitamin D must be assured. tivity on a molar basis than human or por-
Some authorities question the justification cine calcitoriins; the apparent increased po-
for using parathyroid hormone for thera- tency may be caused, in part, by a greater
peutic purposes, and its future use may be affinity for receptor sites and thus a slower.
primarily in the diagnostic area. rate of degradation and a longer duration
Parathyroid injection is a sterile solution of action. The usual maintenance dose for
in water for injection of the water-soluble Paget's disease is 50 to 100 units subcuta-
principle of the parathyroid glands that has neously per day or every other day. The
the property of increasing the calcium con- usual dosage regimen in osteoporosis is
tent of the blood. This preparation is bio- 100 units subcutaneously or intramuscu-
logically assayed and standardized so that larly per day.. together with supplemental
1 ml possesses a potency of not less than calcium and adequate vitamin D intake.
100 USP parathyroid units, each, unit rep- Therapy to control secondary hypercal-
resenting 1/100 of the amount required to cemia usually starts with 4 units per kg of

body weight every 12 hours, and the dose trinsic factor; it is used to test gastric se-
may be increased, if necessary, up to 8 cretory function.
units per kg every 6 hours. Intramuscular
injection and multiple sites are preferred
when higher doses are required. READING REFERENCES
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT, Calciinar, Anon.: Problems with Growth Hormone, Med. Let-
ter, 27:57, 1985.
Baba, S., Kaneko, T., and Yanathara, N., eds.: Prom-
sulin, Insulin, C-Peptide, Amsterdam, Excerpla
Belchetz, FE., ed.: Management of Pituitary Diseases,
The intestinal mucosa secretes such pep- New York, John Wiley & Sons, inc., 1984.
tide hormones as cholecystrokinin, gastrin, Bhatriagar, A.S., ed.: The Anterior Pituitary Gland,
and secretin. These hormones facilitate New York, Raven Press, 1983.
Bloom, S.R., and Polak, J.M., eds.: Gut Hormones, 2nd
digestion by stimulating the release by the ed., Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1981.
gastrointestinal tractor the pancreas of var- Bolis, L., Verna, R., and Frati, L., eds.: Peptide Hor-
mones, Riomonbranes, and Cell Growth, New York,
ious enzymes and other exocrine sub- Plenum Press, 1984.
stances. There is no therapeutic indication Bollon, A.P., ed.: Recombinant DNA Products: Insulin,
for these hormones, but cholecystokinin interferon and Growth Hormone, Boca Raton, Flor-
ida, CRC Press, Inc., 1984.
(CCK) and secretin (SecretinKabi : and Czech, M.P., ed.: Molecular Basis of Insulin Action, New
Secretin-Boots ® ) from porcine duodenal York. Plenum Press, 1985.
mucosa are used in the diagnosis of pan- DeGrot, L.J., Larsen 1'.R., Refetoff, S., and Stan-
bury, J.B.: The Thyroid and Its Diseases, 5th ed.,
creatic disorders. Cholec y stokinin is also New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1984.
used as a diagnostic aid in cholecystogra- Griffiths, E.C., and Bennett, G.W., eds.: Thyrotropiri-
phv and cholangiographv. Releasin,y Hormone, New York, Raven Press, 1983.
lmura, If., ed.: The Pituitary Cl,id, New York, Raven
Cholecystokinin contains 33 amino acid Press, 1985.
residues in a linear chain, but the carbox- Jagiello, C.. and Vogel, H.J., eds.: Bioregulators of Re-
production, New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1981.
ylic acid-terminal octapeptide is fully ac- James, V.H.T., ed.: The Adrenal Gland, New York,
tive. Choiecystokinjri stimulates the secre- Raven Press, 1979,
tion of pancreatic digestive enzymes, the Li, CH., ed.: Hormonal Proteins and Peptide, Vols.
l—Xfl, New York, Academic Press, Inc.,
flow of bile, and the contraction of the gall- 1973-1984.
bladder. Ceruletide (Tymtran ® ) and sin- Martin, C. Endocrine Physiology, New York, Oxford
calide (Kinevac ® ) are synthetic deca- and University Press, 1985.
McKerns, K. 'A'., and Naor, Z., eds.: Hormonal Control
octapeptides, respectively, which act sim- of the Ilypothalamo-Piloitary-Gonadaj Axis, New
ilarly to cholecystokinin; they are used York, Plenum Press, 1984.
Oppenheimer, J.H., and Samuels, H.H., eds.. Molec-
diagnostically. ular Basis of Th yroid Hormone Action, New York,
Secretin normally increases the bicarbon- Academic Press, Inc., 1983,
Pedile, A., ed.: Calcitonin 1980: Chemistry, Physiology,
ate content and volume of secretion from Phartnaeolo,ci-y, and Clinical Aspects, Amsterdam,
the pancreas, it is a linear polypeptide con- Excrpta Medica, 1981.
taining 27 amino acid residues; the amino Segal, 5 . 1 . , ed.: Chorionic Gonadotropin, New York,
Plenum Press, 1980.
acid sequence has a noticeable similarity to Tolls, C., Labrie, F., Martin, J.B, and Naflolin, F.,
that of glucagon. eds.: Neuroendocr-inology, New York, Raven Press,
Pentgastrin (Peptavion ® ), a synthetic Unger, RH., and Ord, L., eds.: Glucagon, New York,
pentapeptide with effects similar to those Elsevier North Holland, Inc., 1981.
of natural gastrin, is also used for diag- Vander, A.J., Sherman, J.H., and Luciano, D.S,:
Human Physiology, 4th ed., New York, McGraw-
nostic purposes. Pentagastrin increases Hill Book Co., 1985.
gastrointestinal motility and stimulates the Wilson, J.D., and Foster, D.W., eds,: Williams Textbook
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secretion of gastric acid, pepsin, and in- ders Co., 1985.

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