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Profile Klaus Mees—a hungry man

Ned Stafford Lancet 2005; 366: S35

trying to unravel the secrets of hearing problems at high c/o The Lancet (N Stafford)
altitudes. “Even though hearing disorders at high Correspondence to:
altitude have been reported since 1938, their reasons Mr Ned Stafford
have been unknown so far”, Mees says.
For the past 5 years he has led research expeditions in
the mountains. Mees originally tried to simulate high-
altitude conditions in animals in a laboratory, but was
not satisfied with the artificial conditions. He decided to
take his equipment to high altitudes and do his research
on people. “I can combine my hobby with my medical
investigations”, he says. His first research expedition
was to Mount Huascaran in Peru in 2001, his second to
Mount Cho Oyu in Tibet in 2002, and his third to Mount
Gasherbru II in Pakistan in 2003. At high altitudes,
Mees places a probe into the outer ear of fellow
mountain climbers. The probe includes a device that
emits different frequencies and volumes of sound, and
also a microphone for measuring otoacoustic emissions.
“These sound emissions are generated by the outer hair
cells in the inner ear”, Mees explains. “The inner ear not
only can transform an acoustic stimulus into an
electrical signal but also can actively emit sound.”
The moment of truth for Klaus Mees and his fellow During the Cho Oyu expedition, the team measured
mountain climbers came at sunrise on May 22, 2005. otoacoustic emissions to 7050 m, allowing them to
The 8850 m summit of Mount Everest loomed majestic, assess the risk to cochlear sensory cells at high altitude.
eternal, and enticing. When the team had left camp at Otoacoustic emissions declined with increasing altitude.
7950 m the evening before, weather conditions had been During the Gasherbrum II expedition, measurements
favourable. But now, at 8600 m, the temperature had showed that impairment of hearing is not only caused
dipped to nearly –40ºC and winds of 50–60 km per hour by thin air at high altitudes, but also by an increase of
meant it felt much colder. Mees, an inner-ear specialist fluid in the inner ear, which impairs motility and sound
at the University of Munich Medical School, explains production of the outer hair cells. Mees suggests that:
that this was the point when he and the other climbers “The limitation of hearing thus is a direct consequence
no longer felt the cold-induced pain in their hands and of raised intracranial pressure and not [of] an impaired
feet: “When the pain goes, it’s not a good sign . . . That blood flow in the inner ear, as thought so far.”
means frostbite is starting.” Last year Mees made it to Mees notes that “Non-invasive measurement of
8300 m on the north approach to Mount Everest before intracranial pressure enables us now to predict a life-
bad weather forced him back. And now, bad weather— threatening high-altitude cerebral oedema at a very early
or bad luck—again. Retreat is not an easy option for a stage and thus helps to save lives”, he says. “But it also is
determined man who dreams of conquering the world’s important in emergency medical aid and particularly in
tallest mountain. “It was a difficult decision”, he says. neurological and neurosurgical routine diagnostic.”
“But if you want to save your fingers and your toes you For his attempts at Mount Everest, Mees signed up
have to turn back and we turned back.” with Asian Trekking, a Nepalese company that provides
Mees began mountain climbing at university. He met expertise and support for mountain climbers. When
his wife in the Alps and, after 36 years, she is still his introduced at base camp to his fellow climbers he asked
favourite climbing partner. “I love the mountains, the whether they would mind if he took their inner-ear
scenery, the landsape. And I like climbing. You have to measurements at various altitudes. “Usually, people are
think, solve problems.” And, he adds: “It reduces stress very happy to have a doctor on the team”, he said.
hormones.” Mees also runs, but calls that monotone Mohan Singh of Asian Trekking, says that 59 years,
exercise compared with climbing. which is how old Mees will be next year, is not too old to
Mees specialises in surgery of the middle ear and in reach the top of the world. The secret for success, he
hearing improvement. He provides advice to high- claims, is not being “old with your head”. Adding,
altitude climbers and deep-sea divers about how best to “Dr Mees is hungry and has the desire to have another
avoid inner-ear problems. His research focuses on try.” Mees agrees. Medicine and Sport Vol 366 December 2005 S35

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