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Internship Plan

Erin Druce

Grand Canyon University

Dr. Jesse Washington

Placement and Schedule:

My internship placement for this current internship will be at Frontier Middle School in

Eagle Mountain, Utah. My internships in the future will change, since in the state of Utah, for

licensure I have to complete internships in both secondary and elementary school settings.

Frontier Middle School consists of 7th, 8th and 9th grades. There are approximately

1,305 students that attend the school. I will work a few hours (approx a total of 10) in the

mornings up until June 13th-17th and 20th-24th, then I will work full days. Prior to my full time

days, I am scheduled to help promote, recruit and reach out to students about the summer

school program. Then I will be working full time (7:00 am-4:00 pm) those two weeks with the

principal through the duration of summer school. I will be working with the budget, assigning

students classes, building logistics, class locations and overseeing issues that come up during

summer school. I will also be working closely with the school counselors as we reach out and

meet with parents/students. This program really helps the students transition from elementary

school to middle school.

PSEL Alignment

The above described internship opportunities align with the ELCC 2.0 specifically sub

standard 2.1, 2.2. And 2.3 This program is specifically set up for students that are entering

middle school who may be ill-prepared, anxious or are less likely to attend due to the change

from elementary school to middle school. The school collected data,(from the previous school)

and strategically implemented this program specifically for the needs of those students that are

attending. Frontier Middle School is setting the students up for success and promoting the

academic and social,emotional needs of the student. (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2015)

Artifacts that my principal mentor and I discussed that may be suitable for my

internship consisted of the summer school schedule, a reflection paper of my

responsibilities of summer school, orthe forms of my documented hours of summer

school work.


My mentor principal gave me his cell phone number and is also available through

email. The middle school is located close to my school as well and we have been able

to meet together and set up how we will work together. He also introduced me to the

office staff and so I can request to be put on his schedule as well. My GCU faculty

supervisor is available through email.


National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards

for Educational Leaders.


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