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ˢQ.1) Which command brings you to the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation?

- CTRL +

ˢQ.2) Which of the following is not a product of Microsoft company? –Chrome

ˢQ.3) In Execl sheet which of the following is the next column name after Z column? – AA

ˢQ.4) Which of the following is last bar in Microsoft Excel? - Status Bar

ˢQ.5) "," Symbol is used in Microsoft Excel for which of the following purpose?- For separating
cell references in formula

ˢQ.6) How do you save a presentation under a new file name?- Select the File menu and
choose Save As

ˢQ.7) The sequence of events that occurs in the computer when it is interpreting and
executing an instruction is known as a (n) ______.- instruction cycle

ˢQ.8) ____ is a feature supported by many word processors that enables you to surround a
picture or diagram with text.- Text Wrap

ˢQ.9) The space between the margin and the text is called ____.- Indent

ˢQ.10) The Zoom control slider located in ___.- Status Bar

ˢQ.11) The very top of the page in a document is known as __.- Header

ˢQ.12) ____ is used to align text in centre in word document.- Ctrl + E

ˢQ.13) Which of the following is not an antivirus software?- iOS

ˢQ.14) Which format of email address is correct?-

ˢQ.15) A device which makes use of pen for drawing pictures or writing information to interact
with a computer is called __.- Stylus

ˢQ.16) Which of the following refers to extracting confidential information such as credit card
numbers and username password combos by masquerading as a legitimate enterprise?-

ˢQ.17) Which malware was used by hackers to manipulate ATM machines and subsequently
empty them?- Tyupkin

ˢQ.18) A person who uses his expertise for software is known as ........- Developer

ˢQ.19) Which of the following term is used for Illegal copying and distribution of software?-
Software piracy
ˢQ.20) Portrait and landscape are the most common types of orientation. They are found in.-
PAGE LAYOUT > Orientation

ˢQ.21) Attempt to gain unauthorized access to a user's system or information by pretending

to be the user is known as.- Spoofing

ˢQ.22) In an EBCDIC system how many possible characters are defined?- 256

ˢQ.23) A computing server is connected to _______. - Network

ˢQ.24) When the pointer is positioned on a ____, it is shaped like a hand- Hyperlink

ˢQ.25) What is e-commerce?- Buying and selling products and services over the Internet

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