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5.1 Meaning and Importance of Yoga
5.2 Elements of Yoga
5.3 Introduction to Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and Yogic Kriyas
5.4 Yoga for Concentration and Related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana; ti
Shashankasana; Naukasana; Vrikshasana and Garudasana) ar

5.5 Relaxation Techniquesfor Improving Concentration-Yoganidra di


The history of yoga is indeed old. Nothing can k ca
said firmly about the origin of yoga except that t th
originated in India. The available evidences show
that history of yoga is related to the Indus Valley
Cavilisation. At that time, people used to do yoge
Usually, we depend on secondary sources to sinow
about the history of yoga. On the basis of variou
sculptures and scriptures, we reach the concl
that yoga was a part of this civilisation. Yoga
also mentioned in Mahabharata, Ramayana
Upanishads. Patanjali also wrote about
yoga had been
Yoga-part of Indian culture in 147 BCE. During this period, abir
Tulsidas and Surdas had mentioned developed significantly. Even saints,
about yoga in their writings. Y0ga a large part
the Indian culture. ga is
15a -


Meaning of Yoga 3
Yoga is derivedfrom Sanskrit word uj in verb form, which means to uni ortosoul
from a Sanskit join.wYog
ic its
noun form and meaus
union. It is concerned
the Absolute or Divine soul. It is a science with the union of the indiv consciousne

of development of an
the uniticati8
with Parmatma'. It also
definitions can
Voga is
the 'unification Atma
of human being. The following
andspiritual aspects of
mental, intellectual
u n d e r s t a n d the meaning
of yoga: ed
beneficial to is yoga."-Patanjali
1. "Checking
the impulses of mind
pose."-MaharishiVed Vyas
is attaining the
2. "Yoga
Sampurnanand uile
3. "Yoga spiritual
knowledge about Shiva and Shakti is yoga."
Krishna Tirtha
4. "The
m a n with God
is known as yoga." -Shri Bharati
is yoga.
5. "Oneness of "Skill in actions or efficiency alone tha
in Bhagwad Gita.
Krishna says,
6. Lord
Importance of Yoga Nowadays,
tension and anxiety.
It is a
universal truth that
modern age is the age of stress,
life. They indulge in
materialism. op
are not leading a happy
and productive
most of the people whether rich or poor,
last, it be alluded that everybody,
life is full of problems. At tell
Their said,"t is pretty hard to
in the present-day life. Kin Hubbard has rightly Human
is not happy Everybody is in a hurry.
and wealth have both failed."
what brings happiness: poverty we are chasing
about leisure. Everything is time-bound and
to think
beings have no time tense. In order to get
rid of physical tatigue ir
time. This makes us physically tired and mentally attend parties and
certain means. We
we have devised
and mental tension and stress, instead of getting peace and
relaxation we
and relaxation, but
drinks for reliet, satisfaction relaxation does not provide
us with
and fatigue. Purchased
suffer with more tension, stress That is why,
satisfaction in real life. We further sink in various complex problems.
peace and for us. We
yoga can be significant
falling preyto various diseases. At this juncture, show
we are
The following points clearly
can get rid of stress-related problems by practising yoga.
the importance of yoga. a
of our body can be cleansed byyogic
1. Physical Purity: Internal organs ar
three substances in our body, i.e., vaat, pitt and
exercises. Basically, there are
these substances in our body, we may remain
If there is a proper balance of
kaph. exercises or
Kapalabhati, Tratak, etc., are yogic
healthy. Neti, Dhouti, Nauli, Basti,
of our body in a clean state. For proper
shatkarmas that keep the internal organs
we should perform these yogic exercises
cleanliness and purity of our internal organs,
2. Cure and Prevention from Diseases:
There are various diseases which usually ec
hamper the smooth functioning of body. Yoga
our only protects us from many
diseases but also cures them. Various yogic exercises increase the immunity power
of an individual. If an individual performs yogic exercises regularly, he cannot
prey to diseases.
Vajrasana helps control diabetes. Similarly, a large number of diseases such

bronchitis, sinusitis, arthritis, gastritis, dyspepsia, asthma, high blood pressure

leprosy, hay fever, heart attack, sciatica, menstrual disorders, stress, urinary disorders,
backpain, hysteria, etc., can be prevented as well as cured by various yogic exercistE
3. Reduces Mental Tension: Yoga can help in reducing tension. It is a wel
fact that most of the people remain under stress and tension, They do not get per
nywhere. They feel upset and disturbed in the present-day life. They think a
ney can bring happiness and peace to their life but it further intensifies ther
A ola hal nus_a
and tension. Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyan play a vital role for
d Bhujangasana
restn. an

and Bhuian
ing Peace
mind. tension.
stress and
beneficial for
releasing a healthy body v.
wants to have
Everyone in
this world and to stay fi+ T us
h e a l t h problems
4. Healthy Body: of many mak
suited to get rid
best flexibility.
it and improve

reenergize for In
Our body strong, a r e essential
ving atigu
and r e l a x a t i o n
When we indulge
R e l a x ain any physical or mental work, after some time
time we
we fool
n : Rest
tire4 : A
5. exh

So, we need relaxation.

we cannot
do further work. a
this juncture, P a d m a s a n a and Nadam Sadhann
are beneficial for relaxation. are goi

for reducing mental fatigue. postural deformit:. Pat

Correct Postuure of Body: Nowadays, mitie or e
Maintain the unable to do their
6. Helps posture they are wor
individuals. Without good
are common
put more energy in simml
not able to enjoy life. They usually
efficiently. They are
we c a n maintain
the correct postu
tasks. If weperform yogic a s a n a s regularly,
Mayurasana, Chakrasana, Bhujangasaa
of our body. Vajrasana, Sarvangasana, also. Through the ThE
a s a n a s but curative
Dhanurasana, etc., are not only preventive pro

yogic exercises, we can keep high spirits.

our body in eler

YogaCan Be Performed Easily: In present-day

life, everybody seems to be in a hury
of time. To do an exerci
Life has become fast. Every individual complains of shortage Yar
other than yogic exercises requires enough time and money whereas, yogic exercise
can be performed easily. These exercises can be done in a short duration and are fror
expensive. Moreover, these exercises can be performed in less space.
8. Spiritual Development: Through yoga, efforts can be made to attain spiritua
development. We can have a good control on our mind by doing regularyogc exer exp
Ifour mind is pure, we can make efforts to achieve spiritual heights. Padmasana ant

Siddhasana are the best asanas for spiritual development. These asanas enha
meditation power. Pranayama is also useful for spiritual development that bring
peace in life.
9. Increases Flexibility: Flexibility is significant for every person. It makes t
movements of body efficient and graceful. It is also helpful in preventing sports in
Various yogasanas increase flexibility of body. Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Halasan
Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana are beneficial for increasing flexibility. Muscle
also become flexible by performing these asanas.
10. Reduces Obesity: Obesity is a worldwide T I o u s

problem. Obese people fall prey to va

diseases. Yogic exercises can help in reducing obesity. For example,
specially meditative asanas reduce obesity. Research studies have shown ahesit
is also caused by mental tension and stress. tha through .
So, by reducing mental tensi
meditative asanas obesity can be reduced.
11. Improves iealth: Yoga helps in maintaining and improving health Dy
our muscles surong and
regulating other systems of the body such as ro respirat

excretory, circulaOry, nervous and glandular systems. It increases the e ciency

these systems in o bouy and thus improves

Eahances Moral and Ethical Values: Nowadays, there is a declining trend in
moral and ethical values. By following the first two steps of astanga yoga, moral
and ethical values can be enhanced. In fact, the practice of yama and niyama sucn
as non-violence, truthfulness, aparigraha, non-stealing, swadhyaya, santosh, ete.
makes an individual strong more morally and ethically.
a nutshell, it can be concluded that yoga is significant for mankind specially in the
-day life
present-day life. An individual can attain perfect health and can lead a happy, contented,
hilarated and productive life, if he performs yogic exercises regularly.

Paanjali described eight elements of yoga in Yogasutras. These are called eight-fold paths
areight steps through which ultimate goal of yoga can be achieved, ie., union of our soul
with the supreme soul. These elements of yoga are stated below.
1. Yama 2. Niyama 3. Asana 4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara 6. Dharana 7. Dhyana 8. Samadhi
The practice of each element is important for attaining the goal of yoga. After getting
proficiency in one element, we should proceed to the next element. The elaboration of
elements 1s given subsequently.

Yama is the first element of Astanga yoga. Through the practice of yama one can abstain
from doing things that keep one's mind involved in the inevitable struggle for survival.
One can remain away from violence. Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct.
According to Mahrishi Patanjali, there are five yama, i.e., Ahimsa or Non-violene,
Satya or Truthfulness, Asteya or Non-stealing, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha. The brief
explanation of yama is given below. MAlecaty

1. Ahimsa or Non-violence: It means,

one must keep away from causing 1 Yama
harm to any organism or human being.
Anxiety, jealousy, hate, anger and such 8 Samadhi 2 Niyama

ypes of negative emotions are included

in violence. So, we must remain away
Irom these emotions. We must not 7 Dhyana 3 Asana
injure anyone. We must not speak ill of
others. We must not display any negative
emotion. There must be love, affection
6 Dharana 4 Pranayama
and regard for human beings as well as
for other creatures. 5 Pratyahara
4Satya or Truthfulness: Satya 1s an
mportant yama. According to satya, we
must be truthful in thought, word and Eight elements ofyog
deed. We must not tell a lie. We must abstain from falseness of any kind. We
O Speak to others in a deceitful manner. We must speak the truth at any CU

others' ohi
to use
cts, money
Bven monev
from it.
We must
a n v t h i e nthin
anything nor motivat
3. Asteya: Asteya b e n e f i t s is
neither steal
for our
So, we
thoughts is wrong. possess.
about s t e a l i n g
satistied with what we
We should
stimulates sexual desire ot to te
to steal. diet t h a t
to take
a dulge in sexual relatio
indulge relations in sexual is call
and not to
4. sex-related
in our
mind so that wwe
can that follow t
the above points

We must keep
feeben and property for for
self-interest and
path of brahmacharya. means to
collect money
Parigraha w i t h m i n i m u m requireme
Aparigraha: lead a life
5. m e a n s to
Aparigraha anything to
be o u r own. We sho
on the
of mind that
does not c o n s i d e r
hould na
a n attitude must follow
pleasures. So, we

desire for physical

Niyamas are related to individual's body and senses. Niyamas are also ethical Dractin.
Niyama ces a
such a s Saucha, Santosh,
Tapa, Swadhyaya and Ishune
There a r e five niyamas
yamas. below.
Their brief explanation is given
Pranidhana. as well as mentally. W
Saucha m e a n s purity.
We must be clean physically
1. Saucha: A special emphasis is give
as well as internaly.
must keep our body clean externally internal organs there are si
in yoga. For the purity of
to purity of internal organs
such as neti kriya, kapalabhati kriya, dhoui
shudhi kriyas or shatkarmas in yoga
kriya, etc.
We develop feeling must a of satisfaction in
2. Santosh: Santosh m e a n s contentment.
with what God has given us. We should
all situations of life. We must feel satisfied
not obsess after desires.
3. Tapa:To endure the difficulties, obstacles and complex situations easily in the wayu
attaining and to go ahead continuously towards the goal is called Tapa
We should accept the conflicts like pleasure and pain, loss and gain in the same spir
Swadhyaya: To study the great Vedas, Granths, Upanishads, Yogdarshan ant
Gita with devotion is called Swadhyaya. It is the first type of study. Second
study is the study of self. To know about who am 1? What should I do? wn
am I doing? What is the aim of my life? The above two types of studies are relat d
to swadhyaya.
5. 1shwara Pranidhana: Itis an important stage of Niyama. To dedicate all thedeeds
o d 1s called Ishwara Pranidhana. In such a stage, a true devotee thinks
whatever facilities and
prosperity such
body, mind, youth, intelligence, pos
DOwer, respect, ete., he/she has achieved in life are only due to God's grace from
she surrenders to God and removes
his/her mind.
vanity, pride, ego and other impur Th
Asana wh

After yama and niyama, asanas come on the or post
third level. Asana means
a n s position
positlo e think Sh
of body'. It also means to sit in easy posture.
Due to its popularity, most or UneP
that yoga is nothing but asana. They are not step towardsyoga.
aware that asana is a step towaalso improve
fact, asanas are pertormed to keep the body flexible, agile and young.
ng. Asanas a


fitness by
fitness by reduc
reducing inappropriate accumulation of fat in the body. There are various
types asanas such
fasanas: as corrective asanas, relaxative asanas and meditative asanas. These
o f asanas
have different types of effects on various organs of body. These asanas
a t e the functions of various organs. Asanas can be performed from young age to old

without any problem.


Pranayama is the control of the process of breathing. It means the appropriate control
ver inhalation and exhalation. Basically there are three constituents of pranayama, ie.,
Puraka (Inhalation), Kumbhaka (Retaining the breath) and Rechaka (Exhalation). There
are various types of pranayama such as Uijayi, Suryabhedi, Sheethari, Sheetali, Bhastrika,
Murcha and Plavini. Pranayama helps in regulating the activities
Bhramari, metabolic
and enhances the functions of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.
exercise control over
Pratyahara is a process of self-control in which an individual is able to
In pratyahara,
his/her senses. Indeed, to control the mind and senses is called pratyahara.
that hinder mental concentration.
the senses Do longer respond to the external objects
The attachment of various senses such as words, beauty, touch,
taste, smell, etc., diverts
of pratyahara starts feeling
the individual from the way of self-welfare. The practitioner
extreme pleasure in remembering God.
Dharana too
it is seen that the mind has a tendency
Dharana is the concentration of mind. Generally,
control and set to one focal point,
scattered but if the scattered mind is brought under
get of the forehead or
concentration is said to be achieved.
The focal point can be in the centre
towards samadhi.
distance. Dharana is the first step
navel or a pointed soothing light at a to go ahead towards dhyana
mental exercise which
enables a yogi
Infact, dharana is a

and samadhi.

Dhyana It is a stage prior to samadhi. Generally,

constancy of mind.
Dnyana is a process of complete Whenever we perform any specific
life at every moment.
nyana remains attached to our
(Dhyan se karana). But
4SK in the family, it is usually advised
to do that task with 'dhyana'
meaning. In fact, dhyana is a complete
we4do0 not understand its appropriate

d over a period of time without any

Samadhi soul is called samadhi. Samadhi
is also

The the Supreme

on of individual's soul with the stage of dhyana,
called of all the impulses of mind. During s the stage
he checking or destruction attains thestg
takes place, the yogi or yogini He
when the disappearance
disay of self-awareness himself
ne the real truth.
He/She forgets
ofsamadhi. He/She begins to feel
She gins to to experience the divine pleasure.


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