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A Moonlight Never to be Lost

When daylight gave way to the night as Elsbeth MacLeod, could be heard singing from her
scene, as her hair wabbled from the gentle zephyr that crossed her path in the midst of the eminent
island of Eigg. The birds, vast forest and aquatic creatures remained silent, listening in rapt attention.
With a slight bliss of joy, Elsbeth MacLeod’s song was instinctive, with a tenderness that came from
grief. She sung as if transcending existence itself, reliving, as her leman was blood-soaked and
succumbed in her very arms, but the soft neck remained warm with life. And soon, slid into the silence
of death.
The adversary is on its way as the tension of rivalry escalates, each symbolizing the opposite
ends of the societal spectrum. A party of warriors advances to a difficult spot on the island led by the
valorous Lieutenant General itself, Elsbeth of Clan MacLeod. There’s a clearing ahead and at the far
end is a stone wall not known to be a cavern with a very narrow entrance that serves as a deterrent to
foes. Behind the hedge is the hearthstone of the illustrious Clan MacDonald in Scotland. Without the
need for conscious reasoning, Elsbeth immediately reasoned that their combatant may be hidden
someplace within, and that something had to be done.
Elsbeth collected some of her men and aggressively searched every point of the island without
regard for the MacDonald clan for days after not discovering the entrance to the said cavern. During
their hunt, Elsbeth was drawn to a casting shadow by the night skylight. She moved carefully down a
trail of loose gravel pebbles, then turned left and hid behind a large stone that covered the place. She
approaches closer the shade, ostensibly to listen on the dialogue, but there was none, only a dulcet
voice soothing to the ears. It was a familiar melody, but Elsbeth couldn't make out what it was, so she
held the mysterious shadow captive with the help of her allies and took him to Clan MacLeod. The
mysterious Clan Macdonald warrior is forcefully interrogated regarding the tunnel's entrance.
For some reason, the tune of Elsbeth's favorite song never left her thoughts. Her mind was
occupied with the notion of hearing the familiar, but unidentifiable song. She's constantly curious as to
why a song makes her think of anything specific. After a nagging curiosity, she made her way to the jail
where the imprisoned warrior was being held. As she approaches the prisoner in the light of the full
moon, she has no trouble finding her way.
Alstair MacDonald, the prisoner warrior of Elsbeth's clan, was repeatedly thrashed by Elsbeth's
warriors. As he becomes older, he appears to have unkempt hair, droopy eyes, and weak skin. Even
though he is in agony, Alstair heroically continues to breathe. When a person is always afraid, it alters
what people see as bravery from the outside. As a warrior, he must confront his fears head-on. He gets
his strength and courage from humming along to his wife's favorite song, which is one he learned from
her. He could see Elsbeth coming up behind him, and he glanced at her with some concern. Elsbeth
quickly approaches Alstair and inquiries about the tune he often hums. Alstair quickly informed her that
it was his wife's favorite song and that he loved her the most when she asked him about it. She inquired
about his name with a full heart of interest. Alstair has no qualms about revealing his true self. Alstair
began speaking while elevating his head and directing his gaze toward the nighttime sky. The song
that he will never forget is the one that he learned from his loving wife, who was also his teacher. While
watching the stars glint in the dark night, Alstair's wife taught him how to sing that particular tune. That
song represents the love that his wife has for her spouse and vice versa. While paying attentive
attention to Alstair's narrative, Elsbeth raised her eyes to the sky and saw that one star that shone
brightly amid the rest. Then something triggered a memory of the night she had spent with her husband,
and she remembered what she had said to him "Sing along to this song and take notice of the stars
that stand out among the rest. I may be a dead star, but my radiance will never fade, just as my love
for you will never wane. I may not always be at your side, but my feelings for you will never fade…" .In
order to battle against all difficulties, he must leave his loved ones behind. While it's common knowledge
that soldiers are motivated by the desire to protect a cause, this isn't always the case. In a sudden burst
of intensity, he talks of longing for his own death. When he sees Elsbeth's rifle and ammo, he desires
to challenge her to complete what she began. He's prepared to give them a body in all its skeletal and
fleshy glory if that's what they desire. That raises the question of how often warriors discuss death
amongst themselves. It's important to remind each other of the larger mission and that courage is not
an act.
Elsbeth is stunned by the guy in front of him, who is speaking in a way that surprises her. In spite
of her best efforts, she can't shake the feeling that Alstair is too relatable and is on the verge of slipping.
She had come with the conviction that Alstair was his spouse. Her joy has been replaced by
apprehension when she learns that Macleod intends to wage war on the Macdonalds and use Alstair
as a bait.
Alstair and Elsbeth are in front of the MacDonald clan as they approach the hegemony of the
clan, anticipating Alstair would finally reveal the cavern's entrance. It is the first day of the conflict, and
Elsbeth is torn between continuing the fight and abandoning it since Alstair's life would be in jeopardy
if she does. One of the other clan's warriors, however, spots them and prepares for a fight. Things like
bombs, knives, and guns don't stop thumping. Warriors and locals are compelled to engage in combat
out of concern for the safety of their own tribe. Her thoughts wandered went inside the cavern to follow
and meet Alstair who was able to escape and made his way to the cavern where his people were hiding.
Elsbeth trailed behind Alstair, attempting to keep him from entering the building but being pushed by
him. He has a responsibility to rescue his people. Even in her subconscious, she's aware of the
possibility of developing a bond with the prisoner. She followed Alstair as he made his way to the grave,
taken aback by his great desire for an intimate connection. Alstair was smothered because of the timing
of the smoke, which made it easy to kill the opponents inside. Elsbeth braved the elements even with
her mask on. When Elsbeth rushed to his aid, he was unable to breathe and was on the verge of death.
The cavern's inside was dank, damp, and gloomy. Her ears are ringing from the din of battle and the
yelling of the crowd. Despite the fact that she can hear them, she has no visual evidence of their
presence. The ache in her head is unbearable, and she is unsure of where she is. For now, she can
only feel what is under her perspiring fingertips. Her mental condition is surrounded by a constant
buzzing and muted noises.
When all hope has been lost, the time and date don't matter. Aside from the moon and her companion,
nothing else mattered. That's when she realized what had happened.
“As bright as the moon, as strong as the stars—I cherish you. "Don't ever forget about that."

In this narrative, a veteran fighter has mental combat wounds that manifest as episodic
fragmented fantasies and a confused perception of reality. A woman's thoughts are gradually affected
while she is sleeping, leading her to discover the reasons behind her long-lost husband's untimely
death. She then comes to terms with her lover's death.

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