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Before the Snow Melt

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: Kaedehara Kazuha/Kamisato Ayaka, Kamisato Ayaka & Kamisato
Ayato, Kamisato Ayaka & Thoma
Character: Kamisato Ayaka, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kamisato Ayato, Scaramouche
(Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei | Baal, La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: alternative universe, Going back in time, haven't decided if they have
visions or no, Manhwa trope were the protagonist goes back on time,
Alternate Universe - Royalty, But Japanese, Angst with a Happy
Ending, yeah first time saying that, No beta we die like teppei, I won't
tag as MCD because the good ones will survive, Other Additional Tags
to Be Added, Minor Kamisato Ayato/Thoma, Past Relationship(s), Past
Scaramouche/Kamisato Ayaka, past abusive relationship, Kind of slow
burn because i suck at writing romance
Stats: Published: 2022-04-26 Updated: 2022-06-07 Chapters: 5/? Words:

Before the Snow Melt

by SunGalatea


After being framed for treason and guilty of her brother's death, Ayaka and Kazuha are
sentenced to death from her husband, Scaramouche. But instead of lose her life, Ayaka went
6 years back on time, before everything started to fall down. Knowing what could happen,
she would make the right choices.

Or: One of my favourite manhwa tropes but Kazuyaka.


English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistake you could find.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

To say she was devastated was an understatement.

Facing the people of her nation, those who use to call her princes now looking at her as she was
some sort of evil incarnated could be considered one of the worst experience in her life. One that
was worsened the moment they brought another prisoner and throw them next to her. Lying in front
of her, the red ronin looked way worse than she expected. Beaten, hurt, humiliated. She tried to call
for him but there was no voice left.

The guilt was eating her up, this was all her fault, if she hadn’t been that naïve, that gullible, that
ignorant. Both of them were there because of her. She tried yelling once again, but still no voice
left, only tears and despair.

“Keep the prisoners apart, after all that has been done they don’t deserve to be together” That
voice. That cursed voiced resonated everywhere, freezing her.

The Shirasagi Himegimi, as they used to call her, turned around to confront the face of the man
who betrayed her, her family, her nation, her trust. Yet everyone blindly believed that those on the
scaffold were the real shadows behind the fall of the shogunate.

But even if he was the one who truly plotted behind everyone it didn’t matter anymore. Because at
that moment she was being sentenced to death. Well, not only she, in the other side, the man she
once loved looked at her with void eyes. Trying to smile, to somehow sooth her. But those eyes
that once shined with joy were as empty as their future. Once again Ayaka tried to say something,
anything. But there was no voice left. So she just answered with the saddest smile someone could
ever seen. There was no future for them, but at least they could share this little thing.

Of course that comforting moment was ended by the sound of slow claps coming from the
uncrowned prince. Scaramouche decided to finally pay attention to them.

“Something I never expected was to watch my own wife plot with a traitor. Who would ever
thought that the beloved daughter of the noble Kamisato family would sell her own country for…
For what exactly?” He played his part as the victim so well that if she wasn’t the one being framed
for all of this she would pity him. But all her thoughts stopped the moment he pushed Kazuha by
his hair, forcing him to look at him. “You, ronin, destroying what was left of your clan wasn’t
enough? The downfall of the Kaedehara was just the start of your path to destroy everything?”

The alluded watched him with fire in his eyes but didn’t say anything. While a part of him wanted
to just punch the indigo man in the face, behaving was the best choice, at least he won’t left this
world fuelling this maniac.

“No words? Uhm, it doesn’t matter, no one should listen the words of a betrayer” Scaramouche
realized his grip from his prisoner and forced him to hit the floor once again. Then he just turned
around, signalling the few soldiers around them to come closer.

“Pains me to say this, to know that my wife and her closet friend, two respectable members of the
Yashiro commission would turn their back to us. Kaedehara Kazuha, last member of the noble
Kaedehara clan, and Kamisato Ayaka, last daughter of the noble Kamisato Clan and acting
commissioner of the Yashiro commission, both of them founded guilty of treason against the her
Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho and the Shogunate itself. For this reason the both of
you are sentenced to death. Due to the wight of your sins, the right to take your own life its

The last Kamisato couldn’t find her voice once again, looking once again to the man that she once
called husband and then, facing the man that she truly loved. Her heart ached watching him trying
to reassure her with the saddest smile someone could have. This is was their end.

They were forced to face the ground, their necks exposed to the executioners. At this point, among
all the regrets she had, the biggest one was not being sincere about her feelings toward the ronin.
Another tear, at least there were no family left to watch her in this dire situation. She will join
them, her parents who left them when they were younger, her brother who was poisoned in his own

The once called Shirasagi Himegimi closed her eyes, trying to be strong for the last time. If this
was the end, she will accept it. There was nothing left to do.

She opened her eyes once again, gasping for air while someone tried to help her cough all the water
in her lungs.

“Gave space to the lady to breath” A familiar voice said approaching her. Ayaka was impossible
confused, she was about to be beheaded and now was surrounded by people who helped her. She
tried to say something but ended up coughing and crying once again. “Try to breath first before
trying to speak.”

“Brother” Barely a whisper, she threw herself to his arms, hugging him like her life depended on it.
How was he alive? She was the one who founded his body! That was one of the main reasons she
was framed as a traitor.

“Hey, relax, it wasn’t that serious, or my little sister just wanted a hug? Everything is ok.” Ayato
said while embracing his sister in her arms.

Overwhelmed by everything she started to cry. What happened? Where were they? Why were
everyone so nice to her? It looked like all those years ago when the people trusted her, when the
Yashiro commission was still respected.

“Hey, her, look at me, you’re ok Ayaka” Listening her brother call her name was something she
really has missed but couldn’t find the words to express that. “It won’t happen again, if we should
move this river to keep you safe I will make sure of that. But now try to relax, I know how
important is for you today’s festival, everything will be ok.”
Festival? River? Something clicked in her mind. This sounded like a distant memory when she fell
into the river near the path to the Kamisato estate. That day was her first time being the main host
of a festival.

Also the night she met her future husband.

Her body went rigid for a brief second before she forced herself to relax. If this wasn’t a trick of her
mind to save her from the pain then it meant somehow she went back on time. Was this some sort
of twisted joke from the gods? Being punished one life wasn’t enough? The living heart of her
brother returned her thoughts to the world.

It didn’t matter how or why she was 6 years back on time but knowing all the mistakes she did, this
was her chance to make it right, to keep her nation safe, her people. A hopeful smiled illuminated
her face, now she really knew who were her people.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

She felt dizzy. Overwhelmed by the fact everything was like used to be. How? That questions was
repeated in her mind constantly. It was surreal the way everything was happening, like some sort of
external power turned back the clock till the moment the woman have a chance to change her fate.

Ayaka sighed, recalling all her memories of that night. Back then she was a ball of nerves, trying to
kept herself steady while performing the traditional dance in front of a crowd. That night she
thought her life would change for the good and those dark times after her parents passed away
would finally end. Now she knew that was the true beginning of the end.

One more sigh. She was nervous, probably even more than the real first time. But now it was for a
different reason. Tonight she was supposed to meet Scaramouche, he would talk about the
relationship between the Yashiro Commission, particularly with the Kamisato clan, and the
Shogunate. How would improve things for everyone if they became acquaintances and dropping a
few flirts to make her believe he was into her. True be told she had felt overjoyed by his words.
That was her first mistake. One she would never make again.

With a strong determination she smiled to the place were the festival took place. Forgetting that
either way, that night she would talk with her future husband once again.

Once the traditional dance was finished everyone was amazed by the graceful and refined
movements from Ayaka, most of them talking about how could she be this skilled at such young
age, it seemed like she had been performing since birth. And as story repeats itself, the people of
Inazuma started to refer to her as some sort of princess. Hearing that once again was something she
was not prepared for, but luckily people thought it was her being shy rather than nostalgic.

She almost got caught lost into her memories when she heard that voice.

“Kamisato-san, I came here to present my respects to the lady who executed that beautiful dance.
Greetings from the Shogunate”

Her world trembled. The feeling of the blade in her neck eating her inside. A part of her wanted to
scream, yell at him to get away and never talk to any Kamisato in his life. In the other side, she
also wanted to still Ayato’s sword and finish everything before started. But any of that was a real

Once again, her voice left her. Trying to conceal her shaking hands she pulled her fan and hide her
face behind it. At least it could be interpreted as a thing of shyness.

“Oh, the lady is shy I see. But where are my manners? I’m Kakihara Scaramouche, from the
Shogun’s family. Delighted to make your acquaintance.” His voice was soft, relaxed, with a little
spark of joy, as if this was the moment he was waiting since his childhood. She wanted to puke.

“Kamisato Ayaka, from the Yashiro Commission” She really was trying to be strong, not showing
any sign of weakness in front of him. But the sight of the indigo man was a horrible reminder of
what could happen. He was smiling to her, but that was poison to her open wounds. “Hope you
enjoy tonight’s festival, we have work day and night for it. I hope you can excuse me but I have to
take my leave, there's so much to do today.”

She bowed to him and almost run away, knowing pretty well that being rude to him would end
really bad. Her memory was full of his moments of rage and even if her body now haven’t been
touched she knew how much would it hurt.

Trying to keep herself from crying Ayaka went to where her brother was supposed to be when a
commotion was heard. Hoping it wasn’t that bad she took a deep breath and approached the
disturbance to be surprised by certain samurai and some other folks.

Her eyes looked directly at him and she have to remind herself that he was not the Kazuha of 6
years in the future. He was the man who believed her word and tried to do everything to help her.
And the Kamisato felt so guilty, if it wasn’t for her he could have run away with those pirates and
save his life. At this certain moment she just wanted to hug him and ask for forgiveness.

“Gentlemen, can you explain what is happening here?” Internally she thanked the fact that her
voice wasn’t trembling. Everyone directed her sight to the young lady who stood in the middle.
There she could look the two man who were arguing with the samurai.

“Ka-Kamisato-San! He we. Erm. Uhm” The first one tried to say something but just stuttered. He
was trembling like someone was threatening him and for a brief second she felt pity for him. It
didn’t last.

“Explain yourself” Her voice was strong, way more than expected for such a young lady.

“We have a misunderstanding with this… Lord” Explained the other man, almost spitting the last
word as it was an insult. She frowned, clearly disappointed of their manners.

“And would you explain why did you consider fighting in the middle of this festival? Our
traditions are not enough for the both of you to behave?” Her words were harsh and no one
expected the young Kamisato to be this bitter toward unknown men.

“You should not bother yourself with this, Kamisato-san. Our conversation with this gentlemen is
finished” That was the first thing Kazuha said and her heart skipped a bit. She has missed his
voice, and hearing such a calm sound was kind of shocking. Those last memories of him being
about to be behaved were still present in her mind.

“If you say so, I will let this go.” This time she sounded more gentle, as the calm noble lady she
was supposed to be “I expect the both of you can behave properly from now on. Otherwise your
master will heard word about it.”

It was a threat. An obvious threat. One that surprised all the viewers who were not prepared at all
to see this side of her. Such a young lady which moments ago was performing a calm and beautiful
dance now was clearly threatening those two men who no one actually knew.

Yet, her smile toward the Kaedehara was as sweet as before. “As a compensation for this
disturbance would you come with me to the next part of the festival?”

Now was the time for him to be surprised. He was indeed there trying to somehow have a moment
with the lady of the Kamisato, but for her to offer such a thing? This was unexpected but could be
in his favour.

“It would be my pleasure to be in your presence, Kamisato-san.” He answered with a little smile.

The two of them walked together keeping the normal distance expected from them. Remaining
silence, each one in their own world. While Kazuha was trying to figure out what the lady expected
from him she was enjoying this casual walk. How much she missed this things, something that she
couldn’t afford the few last years of her life.

And with everything so calm, the resolution came to Ayaka. This would be the next thing she will
fix. To make sure to keep Scaramouche and that people outside the Yashiro commission. The path
in front of her was clearly for the first time.

“Being here once again keeps remember me of better times.” Kazuha’s voice was calm, even
nostalgic. “But things in Inazuma hasn’t been the same since the last time I was here. I’m afraid the
storm is approaching.”

She stopped in her place. Knowing pretty well what was going on in his mind now, and what
exactly that line mean. It was the rebel’s way to identify each other. The lady felt too naïve once
again, because back then she wasn’t aware of the revolution until it was too late to ask for help or
to provide them with anything. The only information that reached her ears were those lies provided
but the same man who swore to love her even as if it was an arranged marriage.

“As long as our ambitions stay strong no storm will harm us.” Another broken smile and if it
wasn’t for the place they were at, Ayaka would be in tears. The samurai was surprised by her
answer, didn’t know how aware was the young lady about the rebels but to hear that line was a
more than good sign. There was a chance.

“If the lady allows me, I’m glad to know you’re aware of the circumstances.”

Another sad smile, one that wasn’t according to the age of the woman in front of him.

“Kaedehara-san, let’s go to my brother, I’m sure the three of us will get a better understanding of
the situation that way.”

Walking towards the older Kamisato sibling, the two of them were closer, more than everyone

Chapter End Notes

I edited this chapter a little bit to add Scaramouche a last name, I took his JP VA one.
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

I edited the 2nd chapter to add Scaramouche's last name.

Ayaka has probably messed up. Now that she was about to talk to her brother the first big problem
had appeared. Back then she wasn’t aware of everything that was going on in Inazuma. And she
had said the rebels greetings, how would she explain that? Brilliant, she was brilliant. The
headache that was pounding in her head was the best sign of that.

Still overwhelmed by everything that was going on and the fact that she was somehow back in time
getting herself in this type of mess would probably be something the Kamisato should avoid.

Ayato seemed to be expecting some sort of visit, he acknowledged the Kaedehara with just a nod
but raised a brow a little surprised by his sister appearance. She couldn’t blame him, while the
younger Kamisato wasn’t clueless about the hell going around she used to keep an optimistic
approach, too naïve to her own good.

“This is an unexpected meeting, didn’t know you we’re acquaintances.” His tone was rather
playful, yet remained serious as he invited them to take a sit next to him.

“The lady helped me with a rather… Troublesome talk.” Kazuha stated trying to avoid
unnecessary explanations. Ayato just gave them a knowing smile but didn’t add anything else.
Somehow that was more perplexing than any other sort of answer and Ayaka was shocked for a
brief moment from his brother behaviour. Then… Realisation.

This was the man her brother used to be, the cunning and refined Yashiro commissioner, the one
who led the Shuumatsuban in the shadows. Not the one who was a puppet from those who lately
poisoned him. This sight was refreshing yet hurt so much she wanted to cry till passing out. And as
if her heart could handle everything at once, someone else entered the room.

“I brought some tea, oh, my Lady, I wasn’t expecting you here, should I bring another cup? My
lady?” Thoma’s voice almost broke at the sight of the younger woman crying in front of him. “Is
something wrong? What happened?”

He was really freaking out at her reaction, while she was shocked to see him. This was so much to
her poor heart. Thoma was like a brother for her, and for her mistakes he had to paid with his life,
in a most horrible way to anyone else. Scaramouche has not spared her of words to describe the
horrors the blond had to endure before being finally killed. And that was only a threat to Ayato to
behave, because a wrong move would meant the same treatment to her.

At this point in her life she had everything, and everything was stolen from her hands.

“Thoma-kun… I… I just…” Just what? I went back on time from a point when all of you are dead?
Where he was brutally murdered and she was about to be beheaded from killing her brother? There
were no words to express everything she was feeling at that moment.

“Let her breath.” Ayato’s calm voice was what she needed in that moment. He put a hand on her
shoulder and just let her relax till she was able to somehow manage herself once again.

After what felt like an eternity from everyone there she calmed enough to stop crying and wipe her
tears. She has no word to express what she felt at that moment and there was probably no way to
say everything without them convincing them she was gone crazy.

“Excuse myself, I need fresh air.” Before anyone could say a word, the youngest Kamisato left the
room and walked to the first empty space she found. Her head hurt, her heart hurt and everything
seemed so gloom even if there was a way to prevent that horrible future to happen.

But how? How? Her mind was on fire trying to figure out what to do that she didn’t realise
someone was approaching her.

“Kamisato-san” Her body stilled, that voice again. Was he following her?

“Kakihara-sama! I… Uhm. Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He was enjoying the way she tried
to keep herself composted, even if he didn’t know what exactly was the real reason.

“Oh, I was just wandering around the festival and saw you walking alone, hope I’m not
interrupting anything important.” Liar. Liar! She wanted to scream but yelling at the Shogun’s
nephew wasn’t an smart idea.

“I took a moment to relax before…” There was no pretext good enough in her mind to escape from
a member of the shogun’s family. Stuttering, her throat went dry the moment she dared to see into
his eyes.

“Before?” He inquired, with a timid smile that really wanted to mock her.

“Before she held a meeting with a few members of the Yashiro commission” Another voice
interrupted and Ayaka almost cried recognising Thoma’s voice. “Excuse my lord to interrupt your
meeting, but I was seeking for the lady, Kamisato-dono is waiting for you.”

The blond bowed before the both of them as a form of excuse himself for interrupting two nobles.
But the Kamisato’s body language was screaming how uncomfortable she felt and he would be
dead before letting her alone.

Scaramouche wasn’t happy with another interruption, it seemed that he wasn’t allowed to get near
her and that was getting on his nerves. Yet he had to play it cool for now, if he wanted his plan to
succeed Ayaka should be willingly marry him.

“Oh, thanks Thoma, it seems I lost track of time. Kakihara-sama, I deeply apologise for leaving
you once again but as he said, I’m required somewhere else. Please, do enjoy the festival.”

She bowed him and then walked away, followed closely by her saviour. She would gift him an
incredible amount of yarn to make clothes for the stray animals just for this.


To say that Ayato was concerned about his sister was an understatement. And Kazuha wasn’t far
from him. The both of them were shocked after watching her break into tears for an unknown
reason. And they also should admit that they were a little jealous of that reaction because it seemed
that Thoma was the catalyst of her reaction. Did she have feelings for him? The answer they
wanted was a big no.

But this wasn’t a time to think of that, even if it could make everything more complicated,
specially to the possible option they were about to discuss.

“So… Kaedehara-kun. What have you thought since our last meeting?” Ayato was the first one to
talk about the real reason of their meeting, trying to not wander into thoughts that wouldn’t help

Kazuha in the other hand realised a deep sigh, as if he was holding the world in his shoulders. The
last few month have been hell for him and even if there was a chance to change everything he was
not sure about what to do. A part of him wanted to help Inazuma, it was his homeland and there
were people he did care for there. But at the same time after being travelling with the Cruix the last
months he did felt that was more like him than whatever was awaiting here.

“As far as I know, there were no progress in Watatsumi about the anti-resistance movement. Even
if the divine priestess is doing everything in her hand to stop them, they keep appearing.” He
explained trying to remain relaxed even if everything seemed so gloom. The Kamisato just nodded
at him, he didn’t expected much progress in that end to be fair.

“Have they send any message?”

The samurai hesitated. The commissioner arched a brow.

“Well, they have talked about how everything would be better if the Yashiro commission
recovered part of their glory and power. Even if it can stabilize itself a little it would show a better
image in front of those who’re trying to twist Inazuma into their playground.”

“That doesn’t sound like something you need to say me, everyone knows that.”

“Yes” He hesitated once again, as if the thing he was about to said was hurting him. “The thing is
that they also suggested a marriage.”

“A marriage? With whom? The divine priestess or with the dog general?” While Ayato’s voice
sounded a bit of amused this wasn’t a light topic at all. He had avoided it for a long time for
himself and was trying to do the same for his sister.

“No, not at all. They suggested the possibility of me marrying the lady.”

“You… Want to marry my sister?” His voice was dead serious now. No sing of mocking or teasing

“I…” Kazuha doubted. How was he supposed to say that he wasn’t interested in his sister? Or that
maybe he was a little interested in her but this was about forging a new future for their people? He
took a deep breath, trying to cool his mind enough “I know it sounds weird coming from me, but
what they suggested was to make the Yashiro commission strong by itself, because even if the
Kaedehara clan has seen better days it is still part of it, and that way people would see how the
commission is strong without the help of other forces. And with that, we would avoid getting
outsiders involved.”

Somehow it seemed to appease Ayato’s mind. Even if the idea to marry of her sister was
something he didn’t enjoy. A part of him even had considered Kazuha as a proper suitor for her.

“I won’t reject this immediately, and there’s no way I’ll accept it without even talking to my sister.
She has the last word in this. And if you have a problem with that, then there’s no way you’ll marry
her. Even if this could be a marriage of convenience I want her to be happy. Understood?”

“Yes! Of course, I mean. My lord” Was the Kaedehara stuttering? Was he blushing? That was
unexpected. “I wouldn't accept it without the lady’s input in this, it’s her life too!”

“Good. I’ll talk to her about this, you must know there’s other people trying to get her hand. So I
expect for you to behave if my sister doesn’t choose you.”

Somehow, this meeting didn’t seem as the important one it was originally meant to be. But the
younger man thought this was by far the most difficult meeting he ever had.

“My lord, I only want for the Lady to be happy.”

Ayato smirked at him. For the first time a suitor seemed good enough for her sister.
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The Kamisato estate was in an uncomfortable situation. Not because something actually happened
but rather because the lady of the house was in a difficult mood. No one knew exactly what
happened but since the festival day she was doubtful of everything and over sensitive with the most
common thing. Ayaka seemed to be about to cry every second and the staff was overly concerned.
Most of the people there loved the gentle lady who respected everyone despite the difference in the
social ranking so watching her walking on eggshells for an unknown reason was making everyone

Ayato was, as expected, the most concerned about this situation, his little sister was anxious about
something and he had no idea why. Of course he had tried talk to her, but instead of a proper
answer she just said there was nothing to fret over and walked away. And of course that made him
even more concerned.

To make everything difficult, two letters with the Shogunate kamon arrived. The Yashiro
commissioner felt older than ever. He read the one destined to himself and kept the other for her
sister. With how she was acting he was sure that letter would probably make everything worse,
from what Thoma had told him, Ayaka was rather reluctant to meet the Kakihara’s heir.

But postponing this would be a bigger problem in the future, so he ordered some tea for he and his
sister and approached her on her ikebana practice. She seemed to be wandering off, looking at the
snow through the window.

“May I?” He asked, looking the way she startled. “Don’t tell me I scared you.”

“Oh, brother! No, you didn’t I was just distracted. Please, take a sit” She offered while moving
herself away from the arrangement she was supposed to be making.

Ayato took the tray he was carrying and positioned it between the two of them before taking a sit in
front of her sister. She looked distracted, like her mind was nowhere near them. He wondered what
could be the reason she seemed so off and hoped that the topic they were about to discuss wouldn’t
upset her.

“It’s a nice day, isn’t? The snow is still new but it looks quite lovely.”

“Indeed it does. With winter approaching I feel somehow at ease.”

He arched a brow. If she was feeling at ease now he didn’t know what to wait once she didn’t.

“Well, to help that I also brought some tea with myself, would you like some? Sister?”

In a second her almost relaxed expression turned into a one of horror and before he could even try
to ask what was wrong she hit the kettle spilling everything over the tray and the floor.

“Brother! Sorry, I just… I…” She was so embarrassed but at the same time the idea of watching
her brother drink tea had brought a horrible flashback from a future she didn’t want to repeat. “I’m
going to fetch Thoma for help, and let me prepare the tea this time… As an apologize!”

She left with the tray in her hands even before he could say anything. What in the archon’s sake
was going on with his sister? Feeling that everything would go worse with the topic he had to
discuss with her he stood up and went to the kitchen. He arrived to picture her sister watching for a
different kettle and fidgeting with her hands. As everything so far, she was really out of character.

Not far from her, Thoma was looking at her, obviously concerned with the attitude of the lady.
When he noticed the lord also there his expression softened, smiling for a split second to him.

“My lord, I wasn’t expecting to see the both of you in the kitchen today, may I prepare something
to go with the tea?” The blond asked, clearly trying to lighten up the mood.

Ayato nodded while folding his arms, then directed his eyes to his sister once again who seemed to
be so inside her world that didn’t realise he was there.

“Something sweet works for me… And she would probably like it.”

“Sounds good, meanwhile take a sit please.”

The Kamisato nodded once again, watching as his sister finally picked a kettle and started to
prepare the goddam tea. Thoma in the other part was already pulling everything needed for
whatever he was about to prepare. He watched the both of them, Ayaka was still inside her own
world and still haven’t realised the two men were there. The blond in the other hand was trying to
not disturb her, realising that wouldn’t help her at all.

He sighed slowly, feeling way more exhausted than he thought he was. He pondered for a brief
moment postpone this conversation with his sister, but felt like it wouldn’t do any better to any of

“Ayaka… Sister” He started slowly, trying to not scare her. She startled a little but recomposed
pretty easy.

“Oh, brother when did you… Thoma? Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the both of you were here.”
She sounded apologetic, turning her sigh to the tea cup in her hands.

“I don’t mean to pry, but you’ve been a bit off the last few weeks. And don’t say it’s nothing, you
keep spacing out every now and then. Once you’re ready to tell me I’ll be more than glad to help
you, sister.”

Ayaka opened her mouth as trying to say something. He felt little hopeful for a moment but before
she manage enough courage to start talking she instead choose to set de tea set in the little table and

“Thanks brother, I’ll tell you once there’s something to worry about.” Her smile was bright but so
untrue that hurt. Ayato just sighed, knowing from the beginning this was a lost battle, his sister
could be even more secretive than him and it was showing. “Also if you have something in your
mind you can always tell me, I may not be any adviser but I’m a Kamisato too.”

He looked at her eyes directly, somehow shocked by her words. All this time he has treated her as
some sort of porcelain doll but she was right, besides being his beloved sister she was also a
Kamisato, she can endure more than what he expected.

“You know, you’re right sister. I’ll trust you and wait till you want to tell me what’s going on.”
She seemed to be about to protest but Ayato gave him a knowing smile.

They remained silent for a while, both of them ignoring the tea in front of them. Ayaka had to
admit that knowing she was making her brother worry about her was not exactly what she wanted
and felt really bad about it. But also there was no way she could explain what was actually
happening in her mind.

She took a really long breathe and started to pour the tea swearing to herself to take everything to
her grave. And hoped that grave was farther than before.

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything, but here’s something for the both of you to enjoy.” Even for
Ayato who had been watching him cook Thoma’s apparition surprised him. The blond served the
few pieces of sakura mochi he prepared next to the kettle and then took his distance from the
Kamisato siblings. “I’ll take my leave now, if you need something just call me.”

He bowed before leaving the siblings along who were somehow impressed by the exchange. They
were both so inside their own minds that didn’t realise the mondastian presence until he left. And
somehow that situation make the both of them to start laughing, feeling the mood become more

“He’s a really good person, right?” Ayaka said smiling to the place Thoma was moments ago while
taking one of the sweets.

“Sister, you’ve seen smiling to him more than usual recently. Is there something you haven’t told
me?” Ayato asked, half joking half concerned about her sister feelings.

“What?” She answered while looking at him as if he had grow another head. “What are you trying
to say brother?”

“I don’t know. Since the festival you seem to be more relaxed when he is around you.”

Ayaka looked at him shocked and started to laugh again. “What? He’s like a brother to me!”

“Now I’m jealous. Do you prefer him or me?” He teased feigning a pout.

“Don’t be childish brother, of course you’re my favourite! I would never change you, I just say that
I like him as a brother too.” She smiled at him, this time with a way more sincere than before.

Ayato felt more at ease after this little exchange, but also a little guilty for the matter he was about
to brought. He sighed wondering to show her sister the letter he was hiding or not. Another sigh,
according to her answer he will show it or not.

“Sister, there’s something I have to discuss with you.” She stilled, feeling whatever he was about to
say wouldn’t be so much to her liking. “Before anything, I won’t pressure you to take any decision
and I really hope you don’t feel like you owe anyone anything.”

With every word he was saying it seemed like Ayaka was way more serious. “Brother, please, get
to the point.”

“You’re right… The thing is that I got two marriage proposal for you.” He started, going straight to
the point. He looked at her, expecting any sort of discomfort in her face, but she looked more
expectant than anything. Taking that as a positive answer he proceeded. “Well, actually there’s
more, but this two are the only ones I think are somehow close to deserve being your husband.”

She looked at him getting really anxious. This was the first step to change everything and he was
taking all the time in the world to say anything.

“The first one proposed it to myself the night of the festival, at first I wasn’t that fond of that idea
until he stated that unless you were the main part of the decision he wouldn’t be ok with it. The
other one sent have been trying to imply it a few times and today sent the official proposal in a

“Brother, say the names.”

He took a brief second. “The first man was Kaedehara Kazuha, the second one was Kakihara

Ayaka had to use all of her self control to making sure to not destroy the teacup in her hand.
Hearing that name with a marriage proposal was the worst reminder of how she could lost

“Kazuha! Without a doubt I’ll marry him!”

“Oh. Were you interested in him this whole time and I haven’t noticed it?” Ayato was now really
curious on his sister attitude. One second she seemed about to cry and now she seemed… Relaxed?

“No, it’s not like that! It’s just… Just…” She hid her eyes, clearly embarrassed with the whole
ordeal. Her brother in the other hand was fighting with himself. How he didn’t realise she had
feelings for the samurai? Since when? Did they meet in secret? Was this a one side thing? He will
kill that guy if he dare make her sister cry.

“Well, then it’s decided, I’ll call for him, once he’s here we can start with the preparations for your
wedding.” It seemed surreal, he was expecting having to discuss which one of them seemed a better
option for her more in a political way rather than romantic. Watching her smile at him with the
possibility of marrying the Kaedehara was a better closure for him.

Later that night, the other letter was burned. The ashes mixed with others and those words lost

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for your support! I'm trying to make longer chapters because i'm used to
drabbles (and killing everyone before reaching 600 words but that's beside the point).

Kamon: It's the emblem used to represent a person/family/clan in Japan.

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The answer was a yes. Kazuha was shocked.

When the messenger from the Kamisato estate came with the lady’s answer the samurai pinched
himself. Was this real? Was this a dream? Was he that drunk that he was seeing things? No, he
hasn't drank that much, in fact he hasn't drank at all. So this should be real and to be true, he didn’t
know what to feel. It was normal and expected that he was nervous, he got engaged!


He was engaged.

Oh archons, he was engaged.

He took a moment to let that sink, being grateful that the messenger didn’t wait for him because
there were no words in his mind except that one “engaged”. It’s not that he was against the idea, in
fact a part of him really wanted it to happen, but it felt surreal, as if he was in a pretty good dream.
And to be true, if this was a dream he hoped no one would dare wake him up.

After spending most of the day freaking out he decided to visit the Kamisato state, it was what he
should do, right? He has to talk with the Yashiro commissioner and the lady… Ayaka.

He felt guilty for not thinking really about it until now. What was the reason she accepted? Was
she doing it purely for the advantages of it? Or maybe…? He sighed then looked up to the sky, it
was already late, no time for a sudden visit. Even if he was engaged with the lady he should keep it
properly. No, specially because he was engaged to her he should keep it properly.

So that let the samurai with time to think, to wonder. To be fair, he didn’t know his own feelings
toward her. They used to train together when they were kids, but that was long ago before their
lives turned upside down. Even if he wanted to believe they were somehow friends back then now
they were almost strangers. Another sigh. The more he thought about it the more he convinced
himself about the big possibility that Ayaka only accepted because it was the most convenient
option for her.

A part of him felt disappointed with that but why? Did he have feelings for her? No, it wasn’t that
easy. While he didn’t know her that much, he was aware of her gentle personality, how gracefully
she navigated her life. And of course that she was beautiful, every person with working eyes could
say that. Any normal person would see all the good traits in the lady and feel themselves pulled to
her. It was normal. Really normal. Nothing else. He had no special feelings toward Kamisato

With that thought in mind he barely have some sleep that night. Waking up the next day way
before the sun was out there. He ate a little before putting on his warmer clothes and deciding to
visit the Kamisato state. It was still really early but he needed to talk with the lady before going
crazy. And of course they have to start planning their wedding.

“Wedding” He whispered, feeling like the word was becoming more real after saying it.

In the other hand, Ayaka didn’t sleep at all. After the last nightmare her bed seemed like a prison, a
torture device, so instead of sleeping and failing she went to the training grounds. It was still dark,
even if it wasn’t snowing most of the ground was still covered in snow, so deciding to put herself
into something, the lady started to clean the place, at least enough for her to use it without

Her mind wandered into her memories of her past life. At first she really thought marrying
Scaramouche was the right decision and she can’t blame herself for that because everything make
her believe that. He was part of the shogunate, part of a strong family that would raise her status
while providing help. No one would directly attack them if she was behind the wings of her
Excellency. But the true was she was never protected by her.

She got one year, one beautiful year that she remembered as the good days, when she almost was
fool enough to believe he had feelings for her. But everything went down once the bubble was
broken. The clan she was so determined to strengthen was weaker, rumours everywhere about bad
management and people disappointed in the last choices made by the Kamisato siblings. And after
being harassed everywhere, Ayato felt compelled to walk the same path as his sister and after some
time he ended marrying someone for convenience.

To see her brother marrying someone he didn’t love was difficult, specially when the someone he
really loved disappeared the day before the wedding. And that night… Something broke inside
him, the Yashiro commissioner became but a mere shadow of what he used to be. And no matter
how much she tried he never told why.

Days, months, time passed without an answer as the Yashiro commission kept falling down. What
was their mistake? Were things started to fail so wrong to the point of no come back? Her answer
came in the worst possible way the fateful day Lady Ayaka found her brother’s body lying cold on
his study with tea spilled all over his desk. All the rumours she ignored till that day broke into her
life in the cruellest way possible, everyone poisoning each other with the idea that she killed her
own brother to take his position.

If there was something that hadn’t fall down by that time it did soon after. The last of the Kamisato
endured everything trying to somehow fix anything while her world collapsed. One by one all the
people she cared about were merciless murdered by the same hand who had promised to take care
of her forever and when she discovered that, there was nothing else to do.

Kaedehara Kazuha wasn’t her friend at first, she remembered their childhood together but when
they grew apart due to all the things that happened he was almost a stranger to her. Probably that
was one of the main reasons he escaped the hands who took everything from her. But when the
ronin lent a hand to help her to clear her name she knew he was trustworthy.

Fool of her to believe they would clear their names unscratched.

The night they were arrested Scaramouche revealed everything to her. From the details of Thoma’s
death to which poison exactly was used to kill her brother and including little details of how he
managed to destroy the Yashiro commission from inside, and that was all thanks to her and how
blindly she trusted on her dear husband.

Her world fell apart, as she was taken by the Tenryou commission she knew exactly what her
brother felt on her last month of life. That night was so short yet so long while she buried herself in
pain. There was nothing else to do.
“Lady Kamisato!”

She was brought to the presence by one servant who approached her from afar. The sun was
already present in the sky and a few part of the staff was already awake ready to start their work for
the day.

“Lady” The servant said once again closer to her before bowing. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but the
breakfast for you is ready.”

“Oh, thank you. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“And… My Lady”

“Yes? Is something wrong?

“No, sorry, you have a visitor”

“Who may be?”

“Lord Kaedehara Kazuha is here to see you and the commissioner, but he said he mostly wants to
see you.” Since when do they refer to Kazuha as Lord? Ayaka blinked a few times to recover from
the shock.

“Oh, yes, makes sense. Take my breakfast to my study, make something for him too and tell him
I’m gonna be there in a few moments.”

The servant bowed and left her alone with her thoughts. This past and the future she could have
were hunting her, she knew how one mistake could make everything go down. Shaking her head
the resolution to change her future was there stronger than ever. In this life they will all survive, the
Yashiro commission, her brother, Thoma, Kazuha and herself.


Kazuha was staring into the window, gazing at the clouds gathering near announcing the storm
coming. Then he looked into the breakfast he was served and pondered if maybe he was a little too
early because the food was made but no tea with it. Though to be fair this meeting was needed,
there was so much going on now that they were engaged that couldn’t wait, especially with another
snow storm approaching that would make it impossible for him to visit the state. And sending a
written message was an stupid idea.

So now the Kaedehara was here, waiting, trying to get courage, wondering why was he this
nervous. His mind stopped the moment the Ayaka appeared. She was as graceful as ever, with a
beautiful kimono with long sleeves that caught his attention immediately.

“Good morning Kaedehara-san” Her voice was as gentle and firm as the last time, and Kazuha’s
brain decided it was a great moment to stop working.
For the first time he decided to really look at her, not as the proper Lady of the Kamisato clan, or
the Yashiro commissioner younger sister. This time he was looking at her as the women he was
engaged, the woman he will eventually marry. And he reproached himself for looking at her this
way for the first time today because his brain was absolutely no working. How can someone look
this elegant and ethereal at this time in the morning? Suddenly, he felt unworthy of her.

“Good morning, Kamisato-san” He answered, remembering her greetings. “I’m sorry for coming
this time unannounced. But when I get the news you accepted my proposal I felt we needed to talk

“That’s correct, and I’m glad you decided to come this soon. There’s a lot to discuss between the
two of us even before you go to my brother’s study.” Ayaka smiled softly, in a different way of
everything he saw in the festival, but what exactly feeling she have in mind was unknown to him.
“Can I offer some tea? I prepared it myself.”

“Oh, please.” That explained why it wasn’t served before.

“Before you prepare to explain all the things that are happening outside Narukami I must tell you, I
know way more than everyone expects. I can’t exactly tell you how but…” her voice stopped for a
moment while she poured the tea, as if something was clouding her mind and the two task were too
overwhelming for her. “But I know you didn’t proposed because you were deeply in love with me
or with an fiery desire to rebuild your clan.” Ayaka poured her own tea and then looked at him into
his eyes and he wondered if there was someone with more determination than her in this world.
“We both want to stop the war that could be, the death of innocent people and we’re incredible
lucky that this could be one step closer to that.”

“Lady, I wasn’t aware of how much you know about this, but I didn’t think you were ignorant of
your surroundings.”

She scoffed.

“I was. Once. But not this time.” No, this was true determination. “To rebuild both our clans we
need a bigger plan than just marrying. And as crazy this will sound, we need to make everyone
believe this a love marriage.”

“Why?” Why did he not like the idea of making everyone believe it? He didn’t like his own

“Because I want to take all the eyes from my brother’s neck to us.”

Chapter End Notes

Sorry for the delay in this update, i haven't feel that good this few last weeks, spend a
few days in bed, that sort of things.

If you think there's a tag that should be added please tell me!

And really thanks to those who comment, you cheer my days <3

End Notes

Hope you enjoyed this <3 I usually read bad villainess coming back in time, but Ayaka
could never, so i took it and make it work.

This is my little offering to the Kazuyaka people, the last event made me see the
possibilities and i fell hard.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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