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Evaluation of Postural Stability in Children: Current Theories and Assessment


Article  in  Physical Therapy · July 1997

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/77.6.629 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Linda Pax Lowes Pamela Richardson

Nationwide Children's Hospital Blinn College


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Evaluation of Postural Stability in
Children: Current Theories and
Assessment To01s
Children with many types of motor dysfunction have problems main-
taining postural stability. Because maintenance of postural stability is
an integral part of all movements, therapists evaluate and treat to
improve postural stability in these children. This article reviews current
pediatric assessment tools for postural stability and issues affecting
testing this construct in children. The tests and measurements are
classified according to their testing purpose and the National Center
for Medical Rehabilitation Research disablement framework, focusing
on the impairment and functional limitation dimensions. Postural
stability is defined from a systems perspective with tests related to the
sensory, motor, and biomechanical systems described. Reliability and
validity information on the measurements is discussed. Relatively few
measurements of postural stability in children are available that have
acceptable reliability and validity documentation. Suggestions for
research on test development in this area are discussed. [Westcott SL,
Lowes LP, Richardson PK. Evaluation of postural stability in children:
current theories and assessment tools. Phys Ther. 1997;77:629-645.1

Key Words: Balance, Evaluation, Motor dysfunction, Pediatrics, Postural stability, Tests and

Sarah L Westcott
Linda Pax Lowes
Pamela K Richardson

Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997

o begin a discussion on evaluation of postural The disablement scheme we will use to classify the tcsts
stability in children, it is necessary to define the was adopted by the National Center for Medical Reha-
construct. For the purpose of this article, pos- bilitation Research of the National Institutes of Health.17
tural stability is defined as the ability to maintain Within this framework, there are defined dimensions for
or control the center of mass (COM) in relation to the treatment for individuals with disabilities. These dimen-
base of support (BOS) to prevent falls and complete sions include pathophysiology, impairments, functional
desired m0vements.l-"alancing is the process by which limitations, disability, and societal limitations. We will
postural stability is maintained. The ability to maintain a describe tests and measurements from the impairment
posture, such as balancing in a standing or sitting and functional limitation dimensions only. The purpose
position, is operationally defined as static balance. The of impairment dimension testing is for determination of
ability to maintain postural control during other move- impairments that are influencing a person's motor abil-
ments, such as when reaching for an object or walking ity so that specific relevant therapeutic techniques can
across a lawn, is operationally defined as dynamic bal- be chosen to remediate these problems. Evaluation of
ance. Both static and dynamic postural control are the effects of these treatments then needs to follow. We
thought to be important and necessary motor a b i l i t i e ~ . ~ . ~believe that therapists should first examine changes at
Children with many types of disabilities, ranging from the impairment dimension because that is one dimen-
learning disabilities with mild motor problems to cere- sion at which treatment should have an effect. Judg-
bral palsy with more severe motor problems, have been ments, however, about whether therapy has been effec-
shown to have dysfunction of postural c ~ n t r o l . ~These
-l~ tive, in our view, should also be based at the functional
children may exhibit clumsiness and frequent falls dur- limitations dimension. We therefore will present func-
ing regular daily motor activities or may not be able to tional tests that have components related to postural
maintain a sitting or standing position independently. stability.
Physical therapists and occupational therapists have his-
torically placed a high priority on the treatment of Specific to the construct of postural stability, we will
patients with postural control problems because this assume a general systems theory of motor c ~ n t r o l . ~ - ~ ~ ~ *
control appears to be an integral part of all motor According to this theory, there are many systems within
abilities; therefore, improvements in postural control the body that work in concert to keep the COM within
should lead to improvements in all movement^.^.^ the BOS when maintaining static postures and to move
the (;OM in relation to the BOS in a controlled manner
We will classify the tests and measurements of postural when engaged in dynamic tasks. The primary systcms
stability that we discuss using three theoretical frame- involved for the process of balancing are (1) the sensory
works, which describe (1) the purpose of an evaluation, system (visual, cutaneous and proprioceptive [called
(2) the dimension evaluated according to a disablement "somatosensory"], and vestibular senses), which either
scheme, and (3) the body systems cooperating to control cues the child that a response needs to be made to
balance. A brief description of each framework follows. maintain control or gives fcedback to alter the balance
action during a voluntary motor task, (2) the motor
We believe that there arc three prinra~yreasons that system, which creates the movement to maintain pos-
therapists assess clients: (I) for discriminative purposes, ture, and (3) the biomechanical system, which includcs
(2) for predictive purposes, and (3) for evaluative pur- the bony and joint frame on which movements are made
poses.15JWiscriminative tests are designed to determine and the muscles that create the movement torques.
whether the problem makes the individual different Other systems may also play a role in the maintenance of
from the typical individual and are used to quickly and p~sture~.~ however,
,'~; these three systems are primary
easily screen the individual for further diagnostic testing systems that are within the scope of physical therapists
or to test in greater depth to qualify an individual for and occupational therapists. The tests and measure-
services. Predictive tests are uscd to classify people into ments are organized under these system headings.
categories that indicate what their future status will be
on the variables tested. Evaluative testing is done to To be useful, any measurement needs to have adequate
determine change over time or effectiveness of therapy. reliability and ~ a l i d i t y . ~For
~ . ~ each
~) assessment dis-

SL Westcott, PhD, PT, is Assistant Professor, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Broad and Vine Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (USA)
( Address all c:or~rspondenceto Dr Westcott.

LP Lowes, PhD, PT, PCS, is Assistant Professor, Texas Woman's University, Houston, Tex.

PR hchardson, PhD, OT, is Occupational Therapist, California Children's Services, Santa Barbara, Calif.

630 . Westcoti et a1 Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997

cussed, reliability information will be provided. As a that the development of feedback control is not com-
general scheme, reliability coefficients can be inter- plete when feedforward control appears.g1This finding
preted as follows: coefficients less than .50 reflect poor suggests that the control system for feedforward versus
reliability, coefficients between .50 and .75 reflect mod- feedback postural stability may be different. Therefore,
erate reliability, and coefficients above .75 reflect good if an individual only shows problems with feedforward
reliability.lg The type of reliability coefficient that was postural stability, the therapist may not want to spend
calculated, the type of measurement, and the variability time in therapy applying unpredictable perturbations to
of the data, however, should also be considered in the provoke balancing responses.
final determination.IY Validity of the assessments
described will be reported when studies exist. Many We believe that for children, therapists need to be aware
times, however, validity has not been examined formally of the developmental sequence of postural control,
and must then be judged on a face and content level by especially for discriminative testing. In typically develop-
the therapist. Determination of responsivity of a test or ing children, the growth of postural stability proceeds in
measuremr:nt is one form of ~ a l i d i t y . Responsivity
~~,~~ a cephalocaudal fashion, with the infant achieving con-
describes the ability of the test or measurement to reflect trol of the head, then the trunk, and finally postural
clinically important change when that change has stability in standing.2.22-z4 Extensive studies on the devel-
occurred im the individual tested.20 This ability is very opment of standing balance from a sensory and motor
important for evaluative tests and measures. Very little developmental perspective have been done.29.35-41 This
research on the responsivity of tests has been done. research has shown that, from a motor systems perspec-
tive, the sequence of activation of muscles reacting to a
Before we move to a specific discussion of the available specific type of perturbation-pulling the floor back-
tools for evaluation of postural stability in children, ward or forward under the feet-appears to be generally
there are several overall recommendations for improv- in place as early as 18 months of age.28~~~2" The timing
ing the reliability and validity of measurements. Past and amplitude, however, of these coordination patterns
experiences of people, their current attention to a task, or motor response strategies are not mature. The coor-
the actual task being undertaken, and the environment dination of the postural response goes through a transi-
in which the task is being done may influence postural tional stage at 4 to 6 years of age, reaching adultlike
Efforts should be taken, especially when maturity by 7 to 10 years of age.28,35,fl This transition of
using measurements for evaluative purposes, to be aware postural responses at 4 to 6 years of age results in
of, and when possible control, the variables that could less-coordinated motor patterns in terms of timing and
affect the measurements. selection of strategy. This finding has been hypothesized
to be related to the growth spurt that occurs in most
Awareness of the environmental conditions during spe- children during these years, resulting in alteration of the
cific tests of postural stability could also provide insights child's biomechanical characteri~tics.3~
for therapy. For example, the type of perturbation is an
environmental condition that can affect the balancing The ability of the sensory systems to detect imbalance
response. Balancing can be triggered by sensory input during standing also follows a developmental
from an unpredicted perturbation, such as the surface s e q u e n ~ e . ~Infants
~ . ~ ~ and , ~ ~ young children (aged 4
moving or by a bump to the body. These are examples of months to 2 years) are dependent on the visual system to
sensory input initiating motor output, and therefore maintain b a l a n ~ e . ~ ~ , .When
' z - ~ ~children of this age are
they have been termed "feedback" postural acti~ity.~O.~lplaced in a room with movable walls, they consistently
In contrast, maintenance of postural stability can be fall in the direction that the walls are At 3 to 6
disrupted in a predictable manner when we perturb years of age, children begin to use somatosensory infor-
ourselves, such as when we initiate a movement. Postural mation appropriately.3s38 Finally, at 7 to 10 years of age,
adjustments related to voluntary movement in some children are able to resolve a sensory conflict (mis-
instances in both children and adults been shown to be matched information coming from somatosensory and
initiated prior to the start of the movement.24.29,32-34 This visual receptors) and appropriately utilize the vestibular
anticipatory postural muscle activity helps to achieve system as a referen~e.~"-lVnterestingly,at 7 to 10 years
smooth execution of the desired movement. Because of age, the gait pattern also reaches full maturity.45
there is no initial sensory input triggering this anticipa- Because children who are developing in a typical fashion
tory postural muscle activity, it has been termed "feed- change from a dominant reliance on visual input to an
forward" postural c ~ n t r o l . Haas
~ ~ , ~et~ a13' found, in ability to rely on somatosensory input and utilize the
children who were developing in a typical manner and vestibular system as a reference in conditions of sensory
who ranged in age from 7 months to 14 years 8 months, conflict, the therapist must take into consideration the
that feedback postural control develops earlier than developmental level of the child when making judg-
feedforward postural control. They reported, however, ments about sensory system deficits of postural stability.

Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997 Westcott et a1 . 63 1

For all tests and measurements, information on develop- postural instability have difficulty balancing in this situ-
mental sequence, if available, will be noted. ation and sometimes demonstrate an uncontrolled
fa11.4-6,52 Although - this tiltboard test is of some clinical
Individual discussions of the currently available tests for use in determining a child's responses to external per-
evaluating postural stability at the impairment and func- turbations of postural stability ("feedback" tests), in our
tional limitation dimensions in children follows. For opinion, it is not a test that systematically discriminates
quick reference, Tables 1 and 2 summarize a few details problems with individual sensory inputs. The tiltboard
about all tests described. tip tests have good interrater reliability (Spearman
r=.98), but poor test-retest reliability in both children
Impairment Dimension Measurements of with and without balance dysfunction (intraclass corre-
Postural Stability lation coefficients [ICC]=.FL-.82 and .49-.54, respec-
ti~ely)~Z (Spearman r = .45).5l Children's performance
Methods of Measuring the Sensory Systems on this balance task appears to fluctuate from one
The tests described in this section are designed to assess session to another, and in the eyesclosed test, a learning
the three sensory systems (visual, somatosensory, vestib- effect appears to be present in repeated trials of the
ular) that contribute to postural stability. The rationale t a ~ k . ~ lThese
, ~ Z findings suggest that this test should not
underlying the use of these tests is that accurate assess- be used for evaluative purposes. Because results appear
ment of sensory systems can identify deficits in sensory to differentiate between children with and without dis-
processing that affect the ability to execute an appropri- a b i l i t i e ~ , + , ~however,
. ~ l * ~ ~this test may be an appropriate
ate postural response. screening tool for determination of the need for further
evaluation of postural stability.
Assessment of sensory components of balance is rooted
in diagnostic tests for evaluating the vestibular system. A clinical test of vestibular function, particularly the
The vestibular system has two components related to vestibulo-ocular component, that has been widely used
maintenance of posture-one to maintain visual clarity by pediatric therapists is the Postrotary Nystagmus Test
(the vestibulo-ocular component) and the other to facil- (PRN).53In this test, the child sits on a rotating platform
itate postural reactions in the neck, trunk, and limbs with the neck flexed forward to 30 degrees to stimulate
(the vestibulospinal component) .46-48Interaction of the the horizontal semicircular canals. The child is spun by
vestibular systenl with other sensory systems is measured the therapist for 20 seconds, after which duration of
in differing degrees in the various tests. Tests such as nystagmus is observed. According to A y r e ~ ,either ~~
past pointing, the Romberg test, and tandem walking hypoactive or hyperactive nystagmus is indicative of
have been used by physicians and by physical therapists vestibular dysfunction. The interrater reliability of mea-
and occupational therapists to obtain gross estimates of surements obtained with the PRN is good (Pearson
the function of the vestibular system.4Wthough these r =.83); however, the test-retest reliability is poor (Pear-
tests may provide information on postural stability, son r =.49).53-55 The validity of the PRN has been
uncontrolled effects of cerebellar, visual, or musculo- questioned due to procedural problems (testing is done
skeletal dysfunction can affect an individual's perfor- in a lighted room with eyes open, which provides visual
mance on these These tests, therefore, are not as well as vestibular stimulation), as well as concerns
specific or sensitive enough to assess vestibular function regarding the reliability of the normative data obtained
in i s o l a t i o r ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ' for postrotary n y ~ t a g m u s . ~ " , ~ ~

Similar problems are found with other commonly used Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) testing permits measure-
clinical assessments of postural stability, such as tiltboard ment of reflexive eye movements driven by the vestibular
tip tests. One standardized version of a tiltboard test system. The individual being tested is rotated while
requires the therapist to tip the tiltboard while the child seated in a chair in a dark room. Surface electromyo-
stands with feet together and hands on hips.51 The graphic (EMG) activity is recorded from eye muscles
therapist observes how far the tiltboard can be tipped during and after the rotation. Although this method of
before the child loses balance or steps off. The therapist testing provides measurements of the function of the
measures the tilt against a backdrop marked with angles. horizontal semicircular canals, it does not measure the
This test has been done with both eyes open and eyes status of the vertical canals or the otoliths, or on a larger
closed. Performance on this test reflects the child's scale the vestibulospinal component.50 Vestibulo-ocular
ability to balance in varying sensory conditions. The reflex testing is most effective at measuring peripheral
eyes-open test should reflect balancing with use of all vestibular fun~tion.~g Because vestibular processing def-
three senses, whereas the eyes-closed test requires inter- icits in children appear to be most commonly due to
action from the somatosensory and vestibular sense^.^ central nervous system dysf~nction,4~~0 however, this test
This test was originally developed because children with is less effective in identifying vestibular deficits in a

632 . Westcott et a1 Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997

Table 1.
Impairment Tests of Postural Stability i n Childreno

Age Reliability
Range Outcome Construct Normal Recommended
Test Type Test Name (Y) Variable lntermter lnharakr Test-Retest Validity Data Use

I Sensory system Tiltboard tip5' .52 4 -9 Tilt (") r,=.98 r,=.45 Sig diff Discriminative
I ICC= .49-.82 DD

3-10 Time nystagmus r,=.83 5-9 y Discriminative

(N=226) (peripheral
vestibular) I
Posturography6-' '.28,35,s2.66 1.5-1 0 Sway by sensory Computer Sig diff Discriminative
condition scored LD, CP
4 -9 Time/sway and sensory r,=.69-.90 r,= .45-.78 Sig diff 4-9 y Discriminative
system scores ICC=.55-.88 LD, CP (N=120)
r,= ,153-.68
Motor system Observe during 4-12 Strategy use (ankle, hip, Kappa= None
PcTS1B51.59.62.67 step, crouch) .39-.68
5-9 Movement quality during ICC=.76-.88 ICC=.79-.92 Sig diff 5-9 y Discriminative
six tasks DCD (N=56) Perhaps
Side r e a ~ h ~ ' , ~ ~ 5-12 Balance strategy quality rp=.98 Sig diff Discriminative
(head, trunk, arm, and LD
leg position)
PosturogrophJ8.28,32-35 1.5-10 EMG timing, amplitude, Computer Sig diff Discriminative
sequence scored CP, DS
3-adult Ordinal strength score ICC=.90 ICC= .80-,915 Sig diff Discriminative
Kappa= DMD
3-adult Muscle force ICC=.84-.99 rp=.74-.99 ICC=.75-.99 Sig diff 5-1 1 y Discriminative
CP, DS (N=98)
Standard goniometry94-99 Any age ROM (")

Video goniometfl'OO Any age ROM (")

-- - - - ~ - - -

"Abbreviations used: r,=Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient, r,=Speannan rho correlation coefficient, ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient, SEM=standard error of measurement, s -i ~
diff=statistically significant difference, DD=developmental delay, LD=learning disability, CP=cerebral palsy, DS=Down syndrome, EP=epilepsy, PM=premature, HI=hearing impairment, DCD=dcvclopmcntal
coordination disorder. DMD=developmental motor disorder, PRN=Postrotary Nystagrnus Test, PCTSIB=Pediatric Clinical Test o f Sensory Interaction for Balance, COMPS=Clinical Observation of Motor and
Postural Skills Test, MMT=manual muscle test, HHD=hand-herd dynamomeq, ROM=range o f motion.
Table 2.
Functional Limitation Tests of Postural Stability in Childrena

Reliability Validii
Age Oukome Nonnal Recommended
Test Type Test Name Range Variable Intermter lntrarater Test-Rettst Construce Concurrenr Data Use

Developmental AIMSTo2 0-1 8 mo Movement quality rp= rp= .99 rp= .95-.99 rp=.84-.99 1-1 8 mo Discriminative
.96-.98 (BSID. PD, MS) [N=2,400) Predictive
MA1103~10s~106 0-12 mo Risk score; movement rp= rp=.16-.87 67%74% Discriminative
quality .5 1-.78 Kappa= correct for Predictive
.75-.97 predicting CP; Evaluative
correct for TD
BSID lllOA 0-42 mo No. of motor skills rp= Fisher z= rp=.78-.87 N o sig diff rp=.57-.77 1-42 mo Discriminative
.75-.96 .84-.88 BSlD (BSID, MSCA) (N= 1,700) Evaluative
PDMS8 ' 0-83 mo Motor skill rp= rp=.80-.99 Sig diff rp=.26-.78 1-83 mo Discriminative
.94-.99 DP (WHGM, BSID) [ N = 6 17) Evaluative
BOTMPBO 4.5-14.5 y Motor skill rp= rp=.56-.8 1 rp=.57-.B6 rp=.52-.69 4.5-1 4.5 y Discriminative
.90-.98 lag?) (SCSIT) (N=765) Evaluative
Sig d~ff
GMFM76 2-5 y Quality of motor skills ICC= ICC= ICC= Responsive to Discriminative
.87-.99 .92-.99 .85-.98 change Evaluative
Activities of daily PEDIlo7 (not 0.5-7.5 y No. of ADL skills, ICC= ICC=.74-.96 rp=.61 -.97 0.5-7 y Discriminative
living (AD4 including caregiver assistance, .79-1.00 (rehabilitation BDlST (N =412) Evaluative
Social Function modifications team to family) WP
CHAQlo8,1W 1-19 y Independence of AD1 Kendall tau=.77 Evaluative
JASI1 O' 8-1 8 y Independence of AD1 None yet, needs more
Singleitem tests FRT6',' "-' l3 5-1 5 y Distance reached lCC=.98 ICC= ICC=.64G 5-15 y Discriminative
Kendall .83-.97 .75 m) (N=116)
tau=.85 ICC=
~ ~ ~ 6 2 . 7 5 3 y-adult Time to get up, walk 3 m, ICC=.99 Discriminative
and sit down
FSTI 14-1 16 12-30 y Time doing functional ICC=
mobility tasks in .60-1 .OO
standing position
- - - - -

'Abbreviations used: r,=Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient, ~.=Spearman rho correlation coefficient, ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient. TD=h.~icallv
,A u
. develo~ine,
. DD=develo~mentaldelav. 3 .

MR=mental retardatidn, LD=leaming disability, AIMS=Alberta Infant Motor Gale, MAI=Movement Assessment of Infants, BSID II=Bayley Scales of Infant Development-2nd edition, P ~ ~ s = P e a b o dDevelopmental
Motor Scales, BOTMP=BruininksOseretsky Test of Motor Impairment, GMFM=Gross Motor Function Measure, PEDI=Pediatric Evaluation o f Disability Index, CHAQ=Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire,
JASI=Juvenile Arthritis Status Index, FRT=Functional Reach Test, T I JC=timed "up and go" tcst, FST=Functional Standing 'Test, BSID=Bayley Scales of Infant Development-1st edition, MSCA=McCarthy Scales of
Children's Abilities, WHGM=West Haversuaw Gross Motor Test, SCSIT=Southem California Integration Test, WF=Wee Fim, BDlST=Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test, SFC=Steinbrocker Functional
Sig diff=statistically significant difference between typically developing subjects and indicated population with disability.
' Correlation coefficients reported compare the test with other tests named.
pediatric population. Additionally, the equipment journals. Evidence for construct validity has been
required for VOR testing makes it relatively impractical obtained by comparing the performance of typically
for clinical use. developing children and with that of children who have
deficits in postural stability.l2.13
The measurement of postural sway in the presence of
sensory coriflicts provides a means for evaluating deficits Another test of sensory function related to balance, the
in central sensory o r g a n i z a t i ~ nSenso9
.~~~~ mganization
~ is Pediatric Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance
the ability of an individual to select from among the (P-CTSIB), was developed to provide an inexpensive,
redundant sensory inputs to identify the sensory system clinical alternative to platform p o s t u r ~ g r a p h y The
that is providing the most accurate input for maintaining P-CTSIB, which is based on a suggestion from the field of
postural stability. Forssberg and N a ~ h n e described
r~~ the physical therapy,58uses the same six sensory conditions
technique of sensory organization posturography test- that are used in platform posturography. Visual conflict
ing, in which postural sway is measured in response to is provided by use of a hatlike apparatus made of a
varying visual and somatosensory conditions. This tech- lightweight dome. The dome allows some diffuse light to
nique perrnits systematic study of visual, somatosensory, come through, but impedes the peripheral vision. As the
and vestibular inputs for postural orientation. The indi- child sways, the dome moves in synchrony with the head
vidual stands on a computer-controlled movable force to simulate the moving visual surround of the platform
platform facing the center of a three-sided movable posturography tests.59 Somatosensory conflict is pro-
visual enclosure. The support surface and visual sur- vided by having the child stand on a layer of medium-
roundings can be rotated in proportion to body sway, density closed-cell foam, which dampens somatosensory
thus providing inaccurate visual and somatosensory input during somatosensory conflict conditions. Both
inputs regarding the orientation of the body's COM. the amount of time the child can stand in a feet-together
Body sway is measured while the individual stands for 30 position and an observational measurement of antero-
seconds under six sensory conditions: (1) eyes open, posterior sway are recorded.
normal surface (all three sensory systems providing
accurate information about body position), (2) eyes These raw measurements are then combined for each of
closed, normal surface (only somatosensory and vestib- the six conditions and transformed into an ordinal scale
ular information available), (3) visual conflict, normal spanning inability to balance in the condition to balance
surface (sensory conflict due to inaccurate visual infor- for the maximum of 30 seconds with less than 5 degrees
mation but accurate somatosensory and vestibular infor- of sway. These ordinal scores are then summed across
mation), (4) eyes open, somatosensory conflict (sensory sensory conditions to yield sensory system scores that are
conflict due to inaccurate somatosensation), (5) eyes thought to provide the tester with information about
closed, somatosensory conflict (no vision; inaccurate whether the child can process and use each of the three
somatosensation, so vestibular information must sensory systems (visual, somatosensory, and vestibular).
be used), and (6) visual conflict, somatosensory con- Interrater reliability59and test-retest reliability6°*61have
flict (only vestibular system providing accurate been established for this tool for both children with and
information).2s,35 without disability. Although interrater reliability for sway
measurements is moderate to good (Spearman r =.69-
This method has been used to document developmental .90) ,59 test-retest reliability is lower (Spearman r = .51-
changes in sensory organization strategies in chil- .88) Pilot norms have been established for typically
dren28t35as well as deficits in sensory organization strat- developing ~ h i l d r e n . ~Overall,
~ . ~ 9 it appears that this is
egies in children who have motor deficits as a result of an easy test for typically developing children aged 4 to 9
learning d i ~ a b i l i t i e s , ~cerebral
,~~ palsy,' Down syn- years to perform. The children are able to stand for 30
d r ~ m e epilep~y,~
,~ prematurity,1° and hearing impair- seconds with less than 5 degrees of sway in all conditions
m e n t ~ Different
. ~ ~ ~ ~diagnoses appear to present either except the last two conditions, where the time may drop
no sensory deficit or different patterns of sensory defi- by a few seconds and the sway increases by several
c i t ~ . ~ -Platform
- ' ~ , ~ ~posturography measurement of sen- degrees, especially in the younger children. The
sory orga.nization is being used with increasing fre- P-CTSIB has been used to identify sensory organization
quency in clinics, despite the high cost of the apparatus. differences between children who are typically develop
ing38.39and subsets of children with learning disabili-
Several less expensive platform force-plate measurement ties14 and cerebral palsy,56 which demonstrates some
systems have been used to document sensory deficits in construct validity for the test. Scores on the P-CTSIB also
children with exposure to high lead levels early in life12 correlate with functional activities related to postural
and in children with autism.13 Interrater reliability has stability (Spearman r =.63-.68) ; therefore, performance
not been reported. Studies of test-retest reliability, if on the test reflects functional ability to some e ~ t e n t . ~ 2
completed, have not been published in peer-reviewed Due to the level of interrater reliability and the begin-

Physical Therapy. Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997 Westcott et al . 635

ning normative and validity information, this test could Generalizing the use of the three defined standing
be useful for discriminative purposes. Due to what we strategies (ankle, hip, stepping)" to balance on one
consider to be the moderate test-retest reliability, how- leg5' and to the systematically altered sensory input
ever, we do not believe that this test is appropriate for conditions of the P-CTSIB,59 researchers coded in real
evaluative purposes. time the use of these strategies. Interrater reliability
during one-leg standing was poor to moderate
Methods of Measuring the Motor System (Kappa= -.10-.36).51 During the P-CTSIB, the interra-
Evaluation of motor coordination is the core of the ter reliability was questionable in children who were
pediatric physical therapists' and occupational thera- typically developing (percentage of agreement=92%-
pists' expertise and practice.63Observational analysis of loo%, but noncomputable Kappas), in part due to
motor coordination during balancing is one method of limited variability of motor coordination patterns
evaluating this system. Due to the complexity of the observed.59The children appeared to use primarily an
musculoskeletal system and the variable environmental ankle strategy. Further research on children with cere-
conditions in which we move, the motor coordination bral palsy observationally scored balancing motor strat-
component of balancing has an infinite number of egies as an ankle, hip, or crouch strategy (defined as
options for muscle activation for maintenance of pos- flexion of the hips and knees in an attempt to lower the
tural stability. This multitude of options could make COM) during the P-CTSIB, except both P-CTSIB exam-
observational analyses of motor coordination very diffi- iners scored inde~endently.~z (With the P-CTSIB, one
cult due to the variability of potential responses. The examiner spots the child and the other examiner sits
general systems theory of motor postulates back several feet to judge sway of the child against the
that there are predetermined motor strategies that help grid backdrop.) These scores were compared, and the
to reduce the complexity of choice of a coordinated reliability was moderate (weighted Kappa= .68).62 Video-
motor r e s p ~ n s e . ~ ~ - ~ ~ tapes were made of the children during this study. These
videotapes were later coded by viewing the tape once,
Experiments that moved the floor surface forward or and comparisons were made among three raters who
backward showed three basic coordination patterns dur- independently scored the videotapes and with each rater
ing standing in adults and children: (1) an ankle strategy scoring the videotapes on two different occasions." The
(primary sway centered on the ankle joint), (2) a hip interrater and intrarater reliability was moderate among
strategy (primary sway centered on the hip joint), and the three raters using the videotapes (weighted Kap-
(3) a stepping strategy (increasing the BOS) .e6Choice of pa=.51-.58 and .54-.69, respectively). These research-
these strategies is related, in part, to the strength of the ers noted that repeated viewing of the videotapes may
perturbation, with a strong perturbation causing the improve the reliability, but a more detailed analysis of
stepping response, a weaker perturbation causing the strategy through use of EMG may be n e c e ~ s a r y . ~ ~
the hip response, and a very weak perturbation eliciting Further modification and testing of this system of coding
an ankle response. Other influences on choice of strat- motor coordination responses are needed, in our view,
egy include the surface on which the individual is before this can be a viable measurement system.
balancing and availability of sensory cues6"
The Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills
Therapists have observationally evaluated motor coordi- (COMPS)68was based on Ayres' original nonstandard-
nation during maintenance of postural stability by plac- ized clinical observations used in conjunction with the
ing the child on a movable surface, tilting or moving the Southern California Sensory Integration Tests.6g Item
surface under the child, and subjectively grading the administration and scoring have been standardized,
motor response observed due to the perturbation. This yielding good interrater and test-retest reliability
information is often reported as "clinical observations" (ICC[3,1]= .76-.88 and .79-.92, respectively) .70 Con-
and is intended to document whether the child has the struct validity has been demonstrated by showing statis-
appropriate balancing motor strategies (ie, head and tically significant differences between scores of children
trunk righting, arm and leg counterbalancing, and pro- with developmental coordination disorders and children
tective extension). These three motor strategies are who were typically d e ~ e l o p i n gThe
. ~ ~ test is composed of
similar to the ankle, hip, and stepping strategies, respec- six items: (1) slow motion, (2) finger-nose touching,
tively, documented through the research on balancing (3) rapid forearm rotation, (4) prone extension,
in standing noted earlier. This type of assessment has not ( 5 ) quadruped testing of the asymmetrical tonic neck
been examined for reliability. In an effort to improve reflex, and (6) supine flexion posture. Children are
this type of assessment, a few tests have been developed rated on their motor coordination during the activities.
to assess in a standardized manner the motor coordina- This test provides a summary of feedforward motor
tion related to postural stability. coordination during these activities, including mainte-
nance of postural stability during dynamic movements

636 . Westcott et al Physical Therapy . Volume 7 7 . Number 6 . June 1997

(items 1, 2, and 3) as well as static movements (items 4, that when children who are developing typically adopt a
5, and 6). 'The COMPS would be recommended for crouched posture similar to that of children with spastic
discriminative testing, and perhaps as an evaluative diplegia, they exhibit a similar EMG response to a
measure at the impairment dimension. The test could backward movement of a force platf~rm.~' This finding
also be used diagnostically if the tester accepts the suggests that the coordination of the motor pattern
theoretical constructs behind each of the items and response may not always be the limiting factor, but
designs trea.tment accordingly. rather biomechanical differences of the starting position
may determine the response.
Fisher and Bundy71s72 developed a flat-board and tilt-
board reach test for measuring motor coordination Methods of Measuring the Biomechanical System
during balancing. This test is different from the tiltboard Two main biomechanical factors have been shown to be
tip test discussed earlier because the type of motor related to postural stability in children: force output and
coordination used to maintain balance is the measured range of motion (ROM). Force output has been shown
variable. The child is videotaped standing on either a flat to be related to functional measures of movement that
board or a tiltboard with feet slightly apart and reaching require postural stability, such as running speed,74the
as far laterally as he or she can for a toy held by the timed "up and go" mobility test,75and the Gross Motor
examiner. A standardized method for scoring head and Function M e a s ~ r e and
, ~ ~ to measures of ambulation
trunk position and arm and leg counterbalancing was efficiency in children with cerebral palsy.74,77,7s Force
developed and found to have good interrater reliability output has also been shown to be related to performance
(Pearson r = .98) when videotaped images were scored.71 on the gross motor subtest of the Peabody Developmen-
Test-retest reliability has not been examined. Construct tal Motor Scales (PDMSGM) in children with Down
validity has been established because the test discrimi- syndrome.79 Similarly, ROM is related to running
nates between children with learning disabilities and speedgo and the timed "up and go" mobility test75 in
children who are developing in a typical fashi0n.~2This children with cerebral palsy7*and to PDMS-GMglscores
test is unique because it provides a measurement of a in children with Down syndrome.79
feedfornard postural response during the relatively func-
tional task of reaching laterally. With the results, identi- Although there are relationships, as noted above, of
fication of motor coordination problems may be local- force output and ROM to performance of children's
ized to head, trunk, or arms and legs so that a general motor activities, simply improving a child's strength or
strategy selection problem can be identified. This test, ROM does not guarantee improved postural stability or
therefore, could be useful discriminatively, but due to function. Most daily activities do not demand that the
the lack of test-retest reliability, it cannot be used to child use a maximal force output or move through a full
evaluate progress. ROM. The amount of force output or ROM that is
required to perform daily activities successfully remains
A limitation of all of the tests discussed is that they unknown. Because children with motor impairment
cannot be used to determine actual selection, timing, frequently have ROM limitations and a decreased ability
sequencing, and amplitude of muscle activity during the to generate force, assessment and remediation of these
motor response. Tests have been developed that record biomechanical factors, in our view, should be considered
and process, via computer technology, surface EMG during treatment planning for remediation of all motor
activity and two- or threedimensional kinematic for the activities involving maintenance of postural stability.
motor cocbrdination of postural responses. Some devel-
opmental information has been gathered for children Force output has often been evaluated using manual
during platform perturbation testing,Z8,95 as well as for muscle testing (MMT).82,83Advantages of MMT include
recording after an auditorily cued arm-pull perturbation the fact that it requires no special equipment and can be
during the gait c y ~ l e . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n f o ron
m athe
t i ocoordina-
n performed in any location. One of the problems with
tion patterns of small groups of children with cerebral using MMT in children is the variability in different
palsy7 and Down syndromes is available. These studies raters' ability to judge the amount of resistance required
provide some specific information regarding the differ- for a rating of Normal, as this ability varies with the
ences between "normal" and "aberrant" patterns. individual's age and with the selected muscle g r o ~ p s . ~ "
Although there may be similarities among children with Good intrarater reliability (weighted Kappa=.65-.93
the same diagnosis, there are wide ranges of responses. and ICC= .80-96)8*.85 and interrater reliability
Each child's condition, therefore, needs to be evaluated (ICC=.90),85 however, have been shown for trained
individually. Additionally, the aberrant patterns adopted examiners for 18 upper- and lower-extremity muscle
by children with disabilities may be the most efficient groups in children with Duchenne or Becker muscular
and appropriate patterns for their own individual sys- dystrophy.
tems. For example, some preliminary research suggests

Physical Therapy. Volume 7 7 . Number 6 . June 1997

Hand-held dynamometry is another clinically feasible the procedures, regardless of their age. Horvat and
method of quantifying force output that uses a strain c o l l e a g ~ e showever,
,~~ have recently demonstrated good
gauge to record peak torque and is relatively inexpen- test-retest reliability, both within and between sessions
sive. Boharinons6 has documented standard testing posi- (ICC=.83-.86), using hand-held dynamometry for
tions for dynamometry, and other therapists have advo- elbow flexion and extension with individuals aged 14 to
cated modifications of these positions to improve the 24 years who had moderate mental retardation. Exam-
specificity of testing (Susan K Effgen, personal commu- iners should be aware that cooperation and perfor-
nication, 1995). For trained examiners, interrater reli- mance can vary with individual children. In young
ability has been shown to be good for lower-extremity children, force output is similar for boys and girls. As
muscles in children with cerebral palsy (ICC[3,1]=.94- children enter puberty, however, gender differences
.99),"' children with Down syndrome (ICC[2,1]=.92- develop. Clinical judgments for adolescents, therefore,
.98),7"nd children who were developing typically must be made in comparison with same-gender peers."'
(ICC[3,1]=.84-1.00) .R7Intrarater reliability was good in
children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Pearson Children with neurological impairment present addi-
r = .83-.99) .87Test-retest reliability was also found to be tional challenges. Frequently, due to the decreased
good in children with meningomyelocele (ICC=.75- ROM that can accompany neurologic impairment, the
.99),8R children with moderate mental retardation testing positions place the children at the end of their
(ICC=.83-.86) ,8Qhildren with Duchenne muscular dys- joint ROM. This puts the child at a mechanical disad-
trophy (Pearson r = .83-.99) ,87and children who were vantage because the muscle's position is at the end of the
developing typically (ICC=.79-.93).90 Dynamometers length-tension curve. Additionally, children with neuro-
are advantageous because they are small and portable logical impairment may have impaired motor control or
equipment. One disadvantage is that broad normative can only move in synergistic patterns. If a child is unable
data are not available for the pediatric population. to push against the testing apparatus, it is difficult to
Information on small samples has been documented, ascertain whether all or a portion of the deficit is due to
however, and could be used as a general guide for weakness or to an inability to voluntarily move the
decision extremity in the desired direction on command.

Both MMT and dynamometry could aid with the identi- Maintaining postural stability often requires controlled,
fication of impairments in children. Each test could also sustained adjustments rather than maximal bursts of
be used for evaluative purposes if interrater and test- activity. These sustained low-level contractions may not
retest reliability were established by the examiners prior be difficult for children who are developing typically, but
to use. To minimize the chance of examiner error, we they may be impossible in children with neurological
suggest that the same rater perform all the measure- dysfunction because of their very low force output
ment~.A ~ "disadvantage
~~ of both MMT and dynamom- ability, poor endurance, and poor biomechanical align-
etry is that neither test provides information about force ment.93 Limited data exist about which muscles are
generation throughout the ROM during concentric and important and how much force production is necessary
eccentric contractions or during functional activities. for control of posture. Preliminary data on a small
sample of children with cerebral palsy suggest that the
Isokinetic testing devices have the advantage of generat- ability to generate hip extension, hip abduction, and
ing information through an arc of motion. The machine ankle plantar-flexion force is most important for main-
provides resistance to hold the speed of the rnotion taining postural stability in a standing positi~n.~Z Much
constant. Disadvantages include the cost of the equip- research is needed in this area.
ment, lack of portability, difficulty in adapting the
devices to small children, and lack of research on Weakness may also force children to use biomechanical
children. Another disadvantage is that test results are alignment for stability. The children may adopt a pos-
limited to specific speed selections rather than measur- ture in which they can use gravity and alignment rather
ing force output in a functional context. than muscle contractions to maintain upright stance.
For example, a child may stand with an increased lumbar
All three of the force output testing methods discussed lordosis to shift the center of gravity farther behind the
involve eliciting a maximal effort. The ability to obtain a hip joint, thereby allowing the iliofemoral ligament to
maximal effort can be influenced by the child's age or provide passive hip extension. Similarly, the child may
cognitive level. Good test-retest reliability (ICC=.79- hyperextend the knees to move the center of gravity
.93) of hand-held dynamometry measurements of shoul- farther in front of the knee and provide passive knee
der and knee flexion and extension has been shown in a extension. By standing in this "knee-locked" position,
small sample of girls as young as 3 years of however, the child assumes a less dynamic posture and is
Children with cognitive deficits may have difficulty with

Physical Therapy. Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997

less ready to move to maintain postural stability. These In addition to providing sufficient range of movement to
positions nnay lead to contractures. make postural adjustments, theoretically adequate ROM
is necessary to optimize the pull of gravity and to
Range of motion has been evaluated by standard gonio- maximize the child's BOS. For example, the common
mctric techniquesg4 In children with disabilities, inter- stance of children with spastic diplegia with ankles
rater and test-retest reliability of goniometric measure- plantar flexed and hip medially (internally) rotated and
ments has been problematic because both types of adducted considerably narrows the child's BOS. This
reliability can be influenced by numerous factors such as narrowing of the BOS, in turn, could accentuate the
illness, temperament, medication, and speed of move- impact of external perturbations, as it becomes more
ment.95-ggThe presence of increased reflex activity also difficult to maintain the center of gravity inside a narrow
may cause inconsistent because muscle length can BOS. Decreased ROM also changes the line of pull of
change based on the duration, intensity, and speed of gravity. In typical adult posture, the line of gravity falls
force exerted to passively move the limb and can provide slightly behind the hip joint and in front of the knee and
a more variable end feel than bone or typical soft ankle This alignment allows the body to use
tissue."" Two studies on children with cerebral pal~y~5,~Rligamentous and bony alignment to provide some stabil-
showed the reliability agreement among raters' measure- ity rather than using excessive muscle activity. Typically,
ments of IiOM may be 10 to 15 degrees apart. In a more the plantar flexors are the only muscles that are active
recent study,"qntrarater reliability for standard goniom- when standing still, unless the sway becomes excessive.lO1
etry in ankle joints of children with juvenile rheumatoid Introducing even a small knee flexion contracture can
arthritis, children with cerebral palsy, and children who disrupt this alignment, shift the line of gravity, and
were developing typically has been shown to be moder- therefore theoretically create a situation in which the
ate to good (standard error of measurement child needs to actively contract the quadriceps femoris
[SEMI=? 2.3"-6.7"). The low SEM of 2.3 degrees was for muscles to maintain a standing position. Research is
children who were typically developing when the same needed in this area to better define critical values of
rater used an average of two measurements. The high ROM and the postural alignment necessary for
SEM of 6.7 degrees was for children with cerebral palsy improved postural stability.
when different raters measured over time. In children
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, intrarater reliability Functional Limitation Dimension
was higher (ICC=.81-.94) than interrater reliability Measurements Reflecting Postural Stability
(ICC= .25-.91) .97 The basic recommendation if using Adequate postural stability is necessaq to perform basic
goniometry for evaluative purposes in children is to gross motor skills, and these skills can, in one sense, be
control the external conditions carefully and always have defined as the "functional" activity of children. There-
the same examiner r e m e a ~ u r e . ~ ~ , ~ ~ fore, assessments that analyze gross motor skill acquisi-
tion can provide information regarding a child's pos-
Use of videography has been shown to improve gonio- tural stability at the level of functional limitations.
metric interrater reliability (ICC[2,1]= .84-.99) in chil-
dren with Down syndrome.7QBony landmarks are iden- There are several developmental assessment instruments
tified with markers. The child is positioned at a designed for infants and young children that are based
90-degree angle to the camera, and the ROM proce- on the typical sequence of motor skill acquisition. Exam-
dures are recorded on videotape. The joint angle mea- ples are the Alberta Infant Motor Scale,loYthe Move-
surements are then taken from the videotape by freezing ment Assessment of Infants,lo"he Bayley Scales of
a frame and using a goniometer on the screen. Com- Infant Development (2nd edition),lo4and the Peabody
puter methods for measuring kinematic variables can Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS)."' These tests have
also be used to make the measurement^.^^^ Although rnoderate to good reliability and ~ a l i d i t y . ? ~ , ~(Actual
reproducibility and accuracy are generally good coefficients are detailed in Tab. 2.) Generally, these tests
(ICC= .99) using computer-scored videography,Io0 care have specific sections related to postural stability. For
must be taken to ensure that the video picture is a valid example, the PDMS is designed for children from birth
representation of the child's e x c u r ~ i o nFactors
. ~ ~ such as to 83 months of age and includes a balance subtest as
camera angle and selection of which video frame to part of the gross motor scale.81 The balance subtest
analyze could distort the information. This type of ROM includes items such as one-foot balance and walking on
measurement allows the therapist to record ROMs that a balance beam. For older children (aged 4.5-14.5
are voluntarily used in functional activities rather than years), the gross motor section of the Bruininks-
the actual full ROM. Research on these ROMs could Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP)HOpro-
provide important information about critical values nec- vides a reliable balance subtest, with items similar to
essary for maintenance of postural stability. those of the PDMS, as well as subtests on running speed
and agility, bilateral coordination, and strength. Moder-

Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997 Westcott et a1 . 639

ate to good reliability and validity have been document- different days (ICC[2,1]= .75) as well as good intrarater (Refer to Tab. 2 for the actual coefficients.) The and interrater reliability (ICC[2,1]=.83).I12 Two studies
BOTMP was designed for children with mild motor with small samples of children with balance dysfunc-
impairment and is very difficult for children with more tion, however, showed poor test-retest reliability
severe impairment to complete. For children with cere- (ICC[2,1]= - .3161 and ICC[l,l]= .34l 13). Mean reach
bral palsy, the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)76 values and critical reach values (values that are two
has good interrater and test-retest reliability (Tab. standard deviations below the mean) have been estab-
2).",'" Items tested fall under five domains: (1) lying and lished for a group of children (N=101) between the ages
rolling, (2) crawling and kneeling, (3) sitting, (4) stand- of 5 and 15 years who are typically developing."2 Scores
ing, and (5) walking, running, and jumping. All of these below the critical value could indicate a problem with
domains require postural stability. The GMFM has also postural stability. Distances that children with disability
been shown to be responsive for evaluation of clinically have been able to reach appear to be different from
meaningful change." those of children who are typically developing, demon-
strating some construct ~ a l i d i t y . ~ ~ , lBecause
~ 2 . ~ 1 ~of the
Tests such as the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inven- good interrater reliability and the beginning normative
tory (PEDI)lo7and two tests designed for children with data, we contend that the FRT can be used as a discrim-
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the Childhood Health inative test. It also may be seen as a diagnostic test in
Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ1ORJ0%nd the Juve- terms of documenting, in general, problems with feed-
nile Arthritis Status Index ( JASI),l10 are examples of forward control of postural stability. At this time, we do
tools used to measure children's ability to perform not recommend the use of the FRT as an evaluative
activities of daily living rather than developmental skills. measure in children due to the poor test-retest reliability
The PEDI uses an interview or observational format and with children with disabilities.
consists of three sections: self-care, mobility, and social
function. Studies have shown the PEDI to have good Another functionally based test, the timed "up and go"
reliability and validity.lo7 (Refer to Tab. 2 for actual t e ~ t , ~ ~ o n s of
i s trecording
s the amount of time required
coefficients.) The CHAQ and JASI are questionnaires to rise from a chair, walk 3 m, turn around, return to the
that determine the types of activities that children are chair, and sit down again. Good interrater reliability
capable of doing independently in their normal environ- (lCC[3,1]=.99) has been found with testing of children
ments. Performance of all mobility and self-care tasks as a part of a study of correlation of balance tests.62
requires adequate postural stability. Beginning data on results of this test in children with
cerebral palsy
- . show a correlation (Person T = .61-.95)
These developmental and functionally based tests mea- with other assessments related to postural sta-
sure many aspects of movement. By focusing on specific bility (P-CTSIB, FRT, PEDI-mobility, BOTMP-running
items within the scales, we believe that these tests can be speed), suggesting some validity to the test as a func-
used as discriminative tests to document general prob- tional measure of postural ~tability.~"his test also shows
lems with postural stability. They are also useful as potential for differentiating between children with and
evaluative measures to document functional movement without balance deficits and may, after test-retest exam-
changes related to treatment of postural stability. Care, ination, prove to be an appropriate evaluative measure.
however, should be taken regarding the population
being evaluated due to problems with responsivity of The Functional Standing Test (FST) was developed to
some of these tests." measure "functional standing" in children with spinal
cord inju1y.l 1+-116 This test requires the child to stand at
Several single-item functional tests related to postural a station and perform upper-extremity tasks taken from
stability were developed for the frail elderly population the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test117while maintain-
but have been studied to various extents in a pediatric ing postural stability in a standing position. The time it
population. For the Functional Reach Test (FRT), I l l the takes to perform each task is recorded. Interrater reli-
individual is positioned with the shoulders perpendicu- ability studies on the FST in both adolescents who are
lar to a wall on which a yardstick has been affixed at typically developing and those with complete spinal cord
shoulder level and is instructed to hold an arm out at 90 injury showed moderate to good reliability (ICC=.60-
degrees of shoulder flexion. The individual is then asked l.OO).ll"his test is a good candidate for an evaluative
to reach forward as far as possible without touching the measure, in our opinion, but further research on test-
wall or moving the feet. The length difference between retest reliability and validity is needed.
the starting and ending reach positions is recorded. For
children who are developing typically, measurements
obtained with the FRT have demonstrated good reliabil-
ity within a single session (ICC[2,1]=.98) and between

Physical Therapy . Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997

Clinical Implications and Suggestions for structs of the testing and the relationship to other
Future Research accepted criteria.
We have discussed the evaluation of postural stability
from several perspectives and offered ways to classify Sensory system measurement and test development
current tests of postural stability. We believe that reliable related to isolating vestibular sensory problems have
and valid measures should be used to determine the occurred in two camps: vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospi-
contributing factors of our clients' postural problems so nal. Based on the research to date related to problems
that we can design the most effective treatment possible. with postural stability, we suggest that measurements be
Following this, it is equally important to document the focused on postural reactions to altering sensory input
effectiveness of our treatment techniques. This is the rather than on vestibular-ocular testing. The available
only way in which we will transform our profession from tests for examining sensory interaction for balancing are
an "art" to a "science" and be able to help our clients in limited to either expensive laboratory posturography
the most effective and efficient manner. testing or the P-CTSIB. The P-CTSIB is limited to testing
in a standing position and has only shown moderate
The impairment dimension assessments of the three test-retest reliability. More research to expand testing
primary systems involved in the maintenance of postural options of sensory systems and better develop the cur-
stability-the sensory system, the motor system, and the rent methods of testing is needed.
biomechan:ical system-are administered primarily to
identify problematic areas so that specific treatments can Evaluation of the motor coordination of postural stabil-
be prescribed. Although we have suggested splitting the ity has been accomplished in the clinic through use of
construct of balancing into these three primary systems, nonstandardized observations. Although a few tests have
we acknowledge that there are relational effects among been developed, there is a need for more specific,
these systems. Most children will have a combination of reliable, and comprehensive motor coordination tests
problems in these systems causing their difficulty with related to postural stability. Research using tests of
postural stability. For example, abnormal motor coordi- motor coordination offer data on motor coordination
nation may cause changes in the biomechanical capabil- during postural control, and these systems are becoming
ities of children with neurological deficits. Biomechani- more available to practitioners. This type of testing is
cal abnormalities, however, may prevent "normal" expensive, and how the detailed information can be
coordination of postural motor responses and may alter used diagnostically to formulate treatment plans aimed
sensory information, especially from the somatosensory at modifying timing, amplitude, and strategy selection
system. By minimizing biomechanical abnormalities, the for motor coordination remains unclear. Much research
body may have the opportunity to select a more typical needs to done in this area to understand the findings
motor coordination pattern. To be able to assess these and to relate them to treatment techniques. Emphasis
issues, more research is needed on the relationship also needs to be placed on how these tests correlate with
between changing a child's ROM and force output and more functional tests of balance and on whether more
subsequent changes in motor coordination and sensory clinically feasible and reliable observational mechanisms
processing. can be developed that provide the same information.

Therapists should monitor changes in impairments of The biomechanical system represents the background
these three systems over time and with treatment; how- on which we make our postural adjustments as well as
ever, interp:retation of these changes needs to be con- our volitional movements; therefore, the biomechanical
sidered carefully because, in general, the impairment system needs to be included in evaluation and treatment
dimension tests described have not demonstrated high of postural instability. Tests developed in this area are
test-retest reliability. This finding may be due, in part, to limited to measurements of maximal force and ROM
behavioral issues in testing children. It also may be due and may not reflect the specificity of testing needed for
to the fact that children are developing and changing, this construct. Research is needed on development of
which when added to the difficulty in controlling the the ability to maintain lower forces and critical values of
external and internal environmental conditions between ROM during tasks requiring postural stability.
testing sessions, makes consistent measurement of pos-
tural stability difficult. There is need for further research When evaluating our clients' progress, we argue that it is
to examine and improve test-retest reliability of assess- not enough to change ROM or the ability to stand in
ments in all three systems. Although current tests can be altered sensory conditions in a laboratory or clinical
suggested to have face validity and content validity, and setting. A change in postural stability during functional
in general have been shown to provide different results activities (ie, children's ability to move and interact in
in children with and without disabilities, more validity their evexyday environment) must also occur. Therefore,
research needs to occur related to the theoretical con- we recommend also evaluating effectiveness of therapy

Physical Therapy. Volume 77 . Number 6 . June 1997 Westcott et a1 . 641

by assessment at the functional limitation dimension. 10 Forslund M. Growth and motor performance in preterm children at
Because there are only a few single-item functional tests 8 years of age. Acta Paediatr. 1992;81:840-842.
directly related to postural stability and the current 11 Potter CN, Silverman LN. Characteristics of vestibular function and
developmental and functional tests cover wide ranges of static balance skills in deaf children. Phys Ther. 1984;64:1071-1075.
activities, development of more specific functional bal- 12 Bhattacharya A, Shukla R, Dietrich K, et al. Effect of early lead
ance tests needs to occur. These "new" functional bal- exposure on children's postural balance. Dev Med Child Netlrol. 1995;
ance tests could also be focused on activities to obtain 37:861-878.
information about the three primary systems. For exam- 13 Kohen-Raz R, Volkmar FR, Cohen DJ. Postural control in children
ple, observing children doing a standardized set of with autism. J Autism Dm Disord. 1992;22:419-432.
activities such as lifting objects of known weight, running 14 Deitz J, Richardson PK, Westcott SL, Crowe TK. Performance of
a distance, stair climbing, rising up on the toes, and so children with learning disabilities on the Pediatric Clinical Test of
forth are general indicators of the presence of a minimal Sensory Interaction for Balance. Physical and Ocncpational Therapi in
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level of functional force production and could be scored
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bined with impairment dimension measures-may begin change in motor function in children with cerebral palsy: a special
communication. Phys Ther. 1990;70:125-131.
to shed light on the critical values of force production,
ROM, motor coordination, and sensory integration nec- 17 National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research.
Research Plan for the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research.
essary for postural stability in normal activities.
Bethesda, Md: National Institutes of Health; 1993. NIH Publication
NO. 93-3509.
In summary, there are some available reliable measures
18 Horak FB. Assumptions underlying motor control for neurological
for evaluation of postural stability. Therapists need to
rehabilitation. In: Lister MJ, ed. Contemporaty Management of Motor
attend to their theoretical view of the construct of Problems: Pmceedings of the II Step Confeence. Alexandria, Va: American
postural stability, their objective of testing, and the Physical Therapy Association; 1992:ll-28.
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