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Core Stability Training in Dynamic Balance

Testing Among Young, Healthy Adults

Nicole L. Kahle, BS; and Phillip A. Gribble, PhD, ATC

ABSTRACT with purposeful movements without compromising an

Dynamic balance is a key component of injury prevention and established base of support.2,3 Dynamic activities can
rehabilitation in sports. Training the core muscles has been hy- also be described as those that cause the center of grav-
pothesized as an intervention for improving balance. However, ity to move in response to muscular activity.4 Dynamic
there is a lack of current scientific evidence to support this claim. control is important in many functional tasks because it
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of a core requires integration of appropriate levels of propriocep-
stability program on dynamic balance as measured with the tion, range of motion, and strength. Because dynamic
Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Thirty healthy participants balance is such an important aspect of everyday life, it
were randomly divided into 2 groups: a control group and an is imperative to find programs useful for measuring,
exercise group. All participants performed the SEBT before and maintaining, and improving balance for injury preven-
after a 6-week intervention period. During the 6-week period, tion and rehabilitation.
the exercise group performed a core stability program, whereas A useful method of measuring dynamic balance is the
the control group refrained from any new exercise. Maximum Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). The test requires
excursion distances improved for the exercise group, compared individuals to maintain balance on a single limb (stance
with the control group. This result justifies the hypothesis that leg) while manipulating the opposite limb. The SEBT is
core strengthening can improve dynamic postural control dur- a series of 8 unilateral balance tests. In the test, the indi-
ing treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injury. vidual stands at the center of a grid laid on the floor with
8 lines extending at 45° increments from the center of the
grid.5 The stance leg operates in the closed kinetic chain,

alance is a key component of normal daily ac- with motion occurring at the ankle, knee, and hip joints
tivities, such as walking, running, and climb- as the opposite leg reaches along a line in the specified
ing stairs. Maintaining balance is also vital in direction. The individual touches the line with the most
the prevention of falls and resulting injury.1 Balance, or distal part of the foot and as lightly as possible to ensure
postural control, can be described as either dynamic or that the leg is not also being used for support. The reach
static.2 Static postural control is the attempt to maintain distance is measured and the individual returns to a bilat-
a base of support while minimizing the movement of eral stance while maintaining balance. This test challenges
body segments and the center of mass; dynamic postur- the postural control system as the body’s center of mass is
al control involves the completion of a functional task moved in relation to its base of support, making it a use-
ful clinical measure of functional performance following
The authors are from the Department of Kinesiology, University of Toledo,
Toledo, Ohio. While demonstrating strong intratester reliability,4,7
Originally submitted December 11, 2008. the SEBT is sensitive for screening of musculoskeletal im-
Accepted for publication January 30, 2009.
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented pairments such as chronic ankle instability,3,8-10 anterior
herein. cruciate ligament reconstruction,11 and fatigue.3,12 In addi-
Address correspondence to Phillip A. Gribble, PhD, ATC, Department of
Kinesiology, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street, Mailstop #119, Toledo,
tion, the SEBT may be used as an effective lower extrem-
OH 43606; e-mail: ity injury screening tool.13 However, the SEBT has not

Athletic Training & Sports Health Care | Vol. 1 No. 2 2009 65

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been used as an outcome tool in examining the effective- balance; however, core stability training is not a common
ness of prophylactic training. Earl and Hertel14 indicated component of intervention protocols for improving bal-
that EMG activation of lower extremity muscles during ance. Subsequently, there is a lack of devoted research to
the SEBT was direction dependent, whereas others have the effects of core strengthening on tasks that encom-
identified specific kinematic patterns that dictate perfor- pass whole body movement and dynamic postural con-
mance of this task,3,9,12,15,16 therefore providing clinicians trol. Similarly, the SEBT has been verified as an effective
with knowledge about which directions are best suited method of predicting initial injury, detecting pathologi-
for isolating particular muscle recruitment patterns dur- cal differences, and representing the effects of fatigue, all
ing rehabilitation. The majority of information on SEBT from lower extremity contributions; but the SEBT has
task performance has focused on lower extremity contri- yet to be used as a measure of effectiveness of core stabil-
butions. It is not known whether the SEBT can be used ity training. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
as an outcome tool for assessing the contributions from verify the effects of a core stability program on dynamic
outside the lower extremity, such as core stability. postural control using the SEBT.
Previous studies have demonstrated that intervention
protocols including coordination training and strength Method
exercises for the lower extremity are useful at improv-
ing balance in uninjured individuals,17-19 as well as indi- Participants
viduals with ankle pathology.20-26 As knowledge about Thirty participants volunteered for the study and
the importance of core strength increases, clinicians are signed a university-approved consent form. The
beginning to incorporate more core strengthening tasks participants were assigned to either a control group
into rehabilitation protocols and exercise prescriptions; (8 men, 7 women; mean age = 21.160.5 years; mean
however, there is a lack of information that supports the height = 1.7160.09 m; mean mass = 71.3611.9 kg) or
effectiveness of these exercises in improving balance. Ac- a core stability group (9 men, 6 women; mean age =
cording to Kibler et al,27 core stability and strength is an 20.960.6 years; mean height = 1.7860.07 m; mean mass
important component to maximize efficient balance and = 74.868.2 kg) using a counter-balanced order, strati-
athletic function in upper and lower extremity move- fying for gender. All participants were free of a history
ments. The authors also suggest that the core acts as a of lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries (ie, any
base for motion of the distal segments, or “proximal sta- injury requiring removal from physical activity for
bility for distal mobility.”27(p189) Core stability is a generic .2 days in the past 12 months, any previous surgeries,
description that describes the training of the muscles of or any previous fractures) or any neurological deficits
the abdominal and lumbopelvic region.28 A combina- or concussions that could have negatively affected their
tion of global and local stability systems has been used dynamic balance. Participants were physically active,
in an attempt to define core stability.28 The global stabil- defined as participating in >30 minutes of sustained
ity system refers to the larger, superficial muscles around physical activity >3 times per week; however, they did
the abdominal and lumbar region, such as the rectus ab- not have any experience with a formalized core stabil-
dominus, paraspinals, and external obliques. All of these ity training program.
muscles are labeled as the prime movers for trunk or hip
flexion, extension, and rotation.28 Local stability then re- Protocol
fers to the deep muscles of the abdominal wall, such as All participants reported to the laboratory for 2 testing
the transverse abdominus and multifundus. These inter- sessions for pretest and posttest assessments of dynamic
nal muscles are then associated with stability of the lum- postural control using the SEBT. During the pretesting
bar spine during whole body movements when postural session, stance leg length was measured from the anter-
adjustments are required.28 osuperior iliac spine to the middle of the medial malleo-
The involvement of the abdominal and lumbopelvic lus while the participant lay supine with a standard tape
muscles in trunk stability has been researched and proven measure. The stance leg was determined as the leg the
through multiple investigations.29-33 Logically, strength- participant would use to stand on while kicking a ball.
ening core muscles will improve stability of the lumbar The leg length measure was used to normalize reach dis-
spine and would seem to be an important contributor to tance data.34 After the pretest, the members of the core

Core Stability Training

Figure 1. Star Excursion Balance Test reaching directions.

Figure 2. Anteromedial reaching distance (left testing leg).

Figure 3. Medial reaching distance (left testing leg).

stability group reported to the laboratory for exercise

sessions 3 times per week for 6 weeks.

SEBT Performance
The SEBT testing grid consists of 8 tape measures secured 4
45° to each other from the center (Figure 1).5 During per-
Figure 4. Posteromedial reaching distance (left testing leg).
formance of the SEBT, participants were asked to assume
a single-limb stance in the middle of the testing grid while test can be paired down to fewer reaching directions.10,16
attempting to reach as far as possible in designated direc- Specifically, the anteromedial, medial, and posteromedial
tions with the opposite limb without compromising the directions were selected for this investigation.10
base of support. Recent investigations suggested there is Participants placed the foot of their stance leg in the
redundancy among the 8 reaching directions and that the center of the grid, aligning the foot with the anterior and

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Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bridges 10 15 15 2 sets 2 sets 2 sets
with leg lifts of 10 of 15 of 15
Figure 5. Core stability exercise #1: Bridges with leg lifts.

Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6
Static abs 20 sec 30 sec 2 sets, 2 sets, 2 sets, 2 sets,
20 sec 30 sec 45 sec 45 sec
Figure 6. Core stability exercise #2: Static abs.

completed 4 practice trials,16 followed by a brief 2-minute

rest period and then 3 test trials in each of the 3 direc-
7 tions (Figures 2-4). The order of the reach directions was
Week Week Week Week Week Week randomized. Reach distances were recorded by the inves-
1 2 3 4 5 6 tigator placing a mark on the tape measure that recorded
Lower trunk 53 53 103 103 153 153 the touchdown point. The same investigator performed
rotation all the measurements for all testing sessions.
Figure 7. Core stability exercise #3: Lower trunk rotation.
Core Stability Exercise Protocol
posterior reach direction lines. Participants were instruct- The exercise group participated in a steadily progressing
ed to use the opposite leg to make a maximum reach in supervised core strengthening program 3 times per week
a required direction while keeping the hands on the hips, for 6 weeks (Figures 5-14). The control group refrained
the stance foot in the original position, and the heel in from any form of core strengthening for a 6-week period.
contact with the floor. The participants were instructed After the 6 weeks, both groups returned to the labora-
to make a light touch on the floor on each of the 3 se- tory for posttesting identical to the pretesting.
lected arms of the SEBT grid with the distal most part of
the foot, and then to return to a double-leg stance in the Statistical Analysis
middle of the testing grid without changing the base of The reaching distances recorded in each direction were
support. If the participant failed to perform the reach in first normalized by dividing by the length of the stance
the required manner, the trial was discarded and the reach limb and reported as a percentage (MAXD).34 The means
was performed again. After instruction and demonstra- and standard deviations from the 3 trials were used to
tion of the test by the investigator (N.L.K.), participants create 3 dependent variables representing the normal-

Core Stability Training


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Bicycles 153 203 253 2 sets, 2 sets, 2 sets,
203 203 253
Figure 9. Core stability exercise #5: Bicycles.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Planks 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 45 sec,
33 33 23 33 23 33
each each each each each each
Figure 8. Core stability exercise #4: Planks, in the prone (A), right (B),
and left (C) positions.

ized reaching distances (MAXD) in each of the 3 reach-
Week Week Week Week Week Week
ing directions. For each dependent variable (MAXD in
1 2 3 4 5 6
each reaching direction), a separate 2-between (Group:
Full vertical 103 153 203 253 2 sets, 2 sets,
Core, Control; Sex: Male, Female), 1-Within (Time: Pre, crunches 153 203
Post) repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVAs)
Figure 10. Core stability exercise #6: Full vertical crunches.
was performed. A Newman-Keuls post hoc test was
used when a statistically significant interaction effect was P 5 .001). A Newman-Keuls post hoc test revealed
found. Effect sizes were calculated and interpreted for the that for the exercise group, MAXD was greater at the
statistically significant relationships using Cohen’s rec- posttest (89.0%66.6%), compared with the pretest
ommendations (0.20 5 small; 0.50 5 moderate; 0.80 5 (84.9%67.6%) (Table 1). A moderate effect size of 0.58
strong).35 In addition, the 95% confidence intervals of the was associated with this relationship.
effect size are reported. SPSS version 15.0 software (SPSS
Inc, Chicago, Ill) was used for all statistical analyses, with Medial
a significance level set a priori at P , .05. For the medial reach direction, there was a signifi-
cant group by time interaction (F1,26 5 19.969; P ,
Results .001). A Newman-Keuls post hoc test revealed that
for the exercise group, MAXD was greater at the
Anteromedial posttest (91.1%67.7%), compared with the pretest
For the anteromedial reach direction, there was a sig- (85.1%68.9%) (Table 2). A moderate to strong effect
nificant group by time interaction (F1,26 5 15.44; size of 0.72 was associated with this relationship. The

Athletic Training & Sports Health Care | Vol. 1 No. 2 2009 69

Kahle & Gribble

Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6
Long arm 103 153 203 253 2 sets, 2 sets,
Week Week Week Week Week Week crunches 153 203
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 12. Core stability exercise #8: Long arm crunches.
Bridges with 103 153 153 2 sets, 2 sets, 2 sets,
marching 103 153 153
Figure 11. Core stability exercise #7: Bridges with marching.

Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bilateral leg 10 sec, 15 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec,
lowering 53 53 53 53 53 53
Figure 14. Core stability exercise #10: Bilateral leg lowering.

Newman-Keuls post hoc test also revealed that MAXD

for the exercise group at the posttest (91.1%67.7%)
was greater than that of the control group at the post-
test (84.3%66.9%) (Table 2). A strong effect size of
0.93 was associated with this relationship.

For the posteromedial reach direction, there was a
significant group by time interaction (F1,26 5 7.193;
P 5 .013). A Newman-Keuls post hoc test revealed
that for the exercise group, MAXD was greater at the
posttest (92.5%66.9%), compared with the pretest
(85.5%69.6%) (Table 3). A strong effect size of 0.85 was
associated with this relationship. The Newman-Keuls
post hoc test also revealed that MAXD for the exercise
group at the posttest (92.5%66.9%) was greater than
that of the control group at the posttest (85.4%67.7%)
(Table 3). A strong effect size of 0.97 was associated
Week Week Week Week Week Week
with this relationship.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Trunk rotation 103 103 153 2 sets, 2 sets, 2 sets,
with weight 103 153 153
For the 3 reach directions, normalized maximum ex-
Figure 13. Core stability exercise #9: Trunk rotation with weight.
cursion distances increased significantly from pretest

Core Stability Training

Tab l e 1 Tab l e 2

Group by Time Interaction for Group by Time Interaction for

Anteromedial Reach MAXD Medial Reach MAXD
Group Mean6SD P Value Effect Size (95% CI) Group Mean6SD P Value Effect Size (95% CI)
Control Control
Pretest 87.5%68.8% .001 ExPre versus ExPost = 0.58 Pretest 85.2%68.7% , .001 ExPre versus ExPost 5 0.72
Posttest 87.1%67.4% (0.54-0.62)a Posttest 84.3%66.9% (0.68-0.77)a

Exercise Exercise
Pretest 84.9%67.6% Pretest 85.1%68.9% ExPost versus ConPost 5 0.93
Posttest 89.0%66.6%a Posttest 91.1%67.7%a,b (0.89-0.97)b
Abbreviations: MAXD, normalized reaching distance; Ex, exercise; Pre, pretest; Post, Abbreviations: MAXD, normalized reaching distance; Ex, exercise; Pre, pretest; Post,
posttest. posttest; Con, control.
a a
Exercise posttest . exercise pretest. Exercise posttest . exercise pretest.
Exercise posttest . control posttest.

to posttest for the exercise group. This improvement in

Tab l e 3
reach distance verifies that core strengthening does have
an effect on balance testing. As stated by Kibler et al,27 Group by Time Interaction for
the larger muscles of the core create a rigid cylinder and Posteromedial Reach MAXD
a greater moment of inertia against body perturbation Group Mean6SD P Value Effect Size (95% CI)
while allowing a stable base for mobility. The abdomi- Control
nal muscles consisting of the transverse abdominus, Pretest 84.6%610.0% .013 ExPre versus ExPost 5 0.85
internal and external obliques, and rectus abdominus Posttest 85.4%67.7% (0.81-0.90)a
all contract to provide stabilization for the spine and Exercise
therefore a stronger base of support for lower extremity Pretest 85.5%69.6% ExPost versus ConPost 5 0.97
movement.27 When the transverse abdominus contracts, (0.94-1.01)b
Posttest 92.5%66.9%a,b
the intra-abdominal pressure increases and tenses the Abbreviations: MAXD, normalized reaching distance; Ex, exercise; Pre, pretest; Post,
thoracolumbar fascia. These contractions occur before posttest; Con, control.
Exercise posttest . exercise pretest.
initiation of limb movement, allowing the limbs to have b
Exercise posttest . control posttest.
a stable base for motion and muscle activation. The rec-
tus abdominus and oblique abdominals are activated and recruitment of trunk musculature, which may help
in specific patterns regarding limb movement that also to explain the observed improvements in dynamic pos-
provides postural support.27 tural control. As Kibler et al27 described, the activation of
It appears from the limited number of studies that core musculature in patterns with extremity movements
core stability training regimens can improve the muscle helps to improve postural control—a phenomenon that
activation patterns of trunk musculature. Other studies may have been improved in the group that completed
have noted the importance of proper activation and sta- core stability exercises.
bility of the trunk during maintenance of static postural According to Kibler et al,27 the body uses core muscle
control.30,33 Our results demonstrate that implementing activation to generate the necessary rotational torques
a core stability training regiment to young, physically around the body and produce extremity motion. On the
active individuals can improve their dynamic postural basis of this suggestion, we theorized that in the SEBT, as
stability. Other studies have quantified and noted the the individual stands on the stance leg and uses the op-
importance of lower extremity muscle activation14 and posite limb to reach, the rectus abdominus muscles and
kinematic contributions3,9,16 to performance of the SEBT. obliques would fire before the movement occurs to per-
To our knowledge, there have not been previous inves- form trunk motion, allowing the individual to maintain
tigations of the activation patterns of trunk musculature balance. Also, the multifundi and transverse abdominus
during dynamic postural control tasks such as the SEBT. muscles would help to maintain dynamic balance during
However, our results do allow us to speculate that the lower extremity movement by providing support to the
introduced core stability exercises improved the strength lumbar spine. Similarly, Marshall and Murphy28 found

Athletic Training & Sports Health Care | Vol. 1 No. 2 2009 71

Kahle & Gribble

that exercising on a Swiss ball led to greater activation administered could be decreased without compromising
levels of the muscles of the lumbopelvic region during the validity of the test. Robinson and Gribble16 further
performance tasks. Exercising on the Swiss ball increased demonstrated this concept by showing that not only the
activity for the rectus abdominus, transverse abdomi- reaching directions, but also the kinematic patterns of the
nus, and obliques during a press-up exercise, compared stance limb, were redundant across the 8 directions. In
with exercise on a stable surface. In our study, the par- our study, the 3 reaching directions all were sensitive at
ticipants in the core stability group performed exercises demonstrating that core stability training could improve
that included work on a Swiss ball, which may have cre- performance. This allows a conclusion that from a reha-
ated similar improvements reported by Marshall and bilitation outcomes approach, any of these 3 reaching di-
Murphy.28 Although difficult to quantify, it is clear that rections could be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of
future investigation of trunk musculature activation pat- core stability training.
terns during performance of the SEBT are needed to fully
address this theory. By applying theories regarding core Limitations and Future Investigations
strength and extremity motion, we can suggest that par- There are several limitations that occurred in this study
ticipating in core stability training effectively improves that should be considered for improvement on fu-
dynamic postural control as measured by the SEBT. ture investigations. A means for testing baseline core
There are mixed results in the literature about the in- strength using a curl or sit up endurance test should be
fluence of gender on SEBT performance. It is important implemented to determine the actual level of improve-
to note that although we included men and women in ment in core stability strength. By doing so, the core ex-
our study, there was no significant influence of gender ercise program may be tailored to fit individual strength
on our measures. As reported by Gribble and Hertel,34 and the consequent exercise progression would create a
gender differences may be controlled by normalizing the more demanding and individually specific exercise pro-
raw reaching distance to the leg length of the stance limb, gression. Variation of the exercise progression according
a procedure we followed in our study. Even with the leg to original strength could then provide more accurate
length normalization, some studies have reported a gen- balance improvement results in each participant.
der difference. Subsequently, we elected to include as an Our results can only lead to supposition about poten-
independent variable, but it was not part of our primary tial improvements in the core stability training group re-
purpose in this investigation. Because there was an exer- lated to the level of activation in the targeted musculature.
cise group influence, but not a gender influence, it would Although we can conclude that participation in the core
appear that the observed improvement on SEBT func- stability training led to an improvement in dynamic pos-
tion with core stability training is not different between tural control, we cannot conclude what, if any, changes
men and women. We are not aware of previous investiga- in muscle activation patterns were experienced. Although
tions that have differentiated gender differences related to difficult to perform, it will be important in the future to
core stability ability and function. Although our results quantify with electromyography the changes in core sta-
suggest there may not be a difference, future studies may bility muscle activation patterns during performance of
want to consider potential influences of gender on core the SEBT before and after the intervention program.
stability function.
For this study, only 3 of the possible 8 Star Excursion Conclusion
directions were used for statistical analysis consisting of Dynamic postural control as measured by the SEBT
the anteromedial, medial, and posteromedial directions. maximum excursion distances demonstrates a significant
These 3 were chosen based on recent work that has dem- increase across the 3 reach directions of anteromedial,
onstrated that the 8 directions of the SEBT may be pared medial, and posteromedial for the core strengthening
down for efficiency of task evaluation because of redun- group. The findings of the current study, coupled with
dancy across the reaching directions. As reported by previous research, provide clinicians with a method of
Hertel et al,10 all reach directions loaded on a single factor improving dynamic balance by improving core strength
and were significantly correlated. This led to the conclu- and implementing the SEBT. It is crucial that researchers
sion of functional redundancy across the 8 directions and and clinicians be concerned about not only improving a
a recommendation that the number of reach directions patient’s balance through rehabilitation after an injury,

Core Stability Training

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