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CALISTON, Rod Daniel E.

DVM-2B AS 106 Assignment 2

Chosen Animal: Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox

Scientific Name: Acerodon jubatus

The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat is a rare species, and one that
features very long wings. In fact, they are so long that it is often seen with them
wrapped around the body like a cloak. The wings can end up being up to five
feet wide when fully displayed. They weigh about 2 ½ pounds. It is considered to
be the largest bat in the world. This bat has a face that looks very similar to that
of a fox. They have a long snout that is very similar to those of canines. They also
have ears that are pointed rather than round like most species of bats. Many
people call them the Fox with Wings.
They even have a golden brown fur on their head that further shows such
a resemblance. The rest of the body, including the wings, are black. However,
DNA profiling shows that this species of bat is not related to the fox. They don’t
have a tail which is typical of fruit bats.

The only home of the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox is in the
Philippines. The specific locations include Maitum and Mindanao. They live in
deep caves as well as in the rainforests. They typically follow the routes of the
river, and experts believe it is because they can easily find food sources along
those areas.

The behavior of the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat around the water is
also interesting. They take a great deal of care with personal grooming. They will
use their wings to scoop the water up and put it all over the body. They wash
frequently in the water, taking their time to do so. They roost in very large
colonies as this helps them to stay warm and to be able to feel safe. However,
when they are found in large quantities it makes hunting and destroying them so
CALISTON, Rod Daniel E. DVM-2B AS 106 Assignment 2

much easier. Large numbers of them have been destroyed by hunters, and they
will attack during the day when these bats are resting in large numbers.

The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat consumes fruits. These food
items are typically grown in the rainforest on the fig trees. They hunt for food at
night and may travel as much as 25 miles per night when they are out looking
for food. Not only does this process help them to survive, but as they move they
spit out seeds from the fruits and this helps with the pollination process. The types
of foods they consume include figs, lamio, and sometimes cultivated fruits of
their food supplies are becoming harder to come by.

Due to the isolated locations where the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox
Bat, it is hard to know very much about their reproduction process. It is believed
that they have two breeding seasons annually. However, a female will only
become pregnant with a single offspring during one of them.

Condition: Endangered
At this point in time, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is in danger
of becoming extinct. It is heavily hunted by poachers in many locations. They
are also in stiff competition with humans for the fruits. When the fruits are taken
from that environment these bats have no way to nourish themselves.
The fact that the forest areas where these bats live continue to be
destroyed by humans is also a factor. It results in them having less of a habitat for
food and shelter. However, there aren’t too many people interested in saving
bats. Those that realize the value that they offer with spreading seeds though
want to do all they can to help them thrive again.
CALISTON, Rod Daniel E. DVM-2B AS 106 Assignment 2


Giant golden-crowned Flying-Fox. (2013, November 5). Bat Facts and


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