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Next mudra is Gyan mudra.

Gyan mudra is call the knowledge mudra, which is very

famous, very common and popular everywhere. In yoga where we use it, in the
beginning, in the end of the meditation and yoga practice call gyan mudra. So you
might have seen a gyan mudra in a picture, in a magazine, which is very simple, very
easy, touch your index finger with the thumb, with the tip of your thumb then place it.
So it is totally based on meditation, we use this mudra for meditation.

So gyan means knowledge, gyan means self awakening, self transformation. So this
mudra you can practice as long as you can. Those who are practicing meditation last
few years 5-10 years, everyday 2 hours, 3 hours,5 hours meditation, they have use it.
You can practice even according to your time.

So gyan mudra is for self awakening, gyan mudra is also for relaxing and calming,
those who have problem with the thoughts, disturbance of mind and thoughts, do it and
experience it. Same mudra when you turn the palms in the other side, the name
changes you call the chin mudra which is, in chin mudra we touch like this, the index
finger and place it close to the knees or like a bottom of your knees and then hold it.
So you can practice both according to your time and your expectation. So gyan mudra
is this and chin mudra is this when you turn your palms towards the ground. Om Hari

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