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Machine Shop Theory and Practice

Guidelines and Timelines

For questions, please contact your instructor(s)


Last update:
March 4th, 2021
Dear students,

Here are some of the guidelines for your capstone project and case study. We are
editing this document regularly, please keep in mind some of the important points:

Case Study
● Individual
● The problem was originally for MBA students but there is no need to be
extensive and verbose on your analysis or answers. Use a heuristic approach
● The case study is an assessment for your pre-existing subject knowledge,
analytical and logical skills.
● Working hours will be during our second meetings (upon internal
● Submission will be on or before our Midterms. (TBA)

Capstone Project
● Group (5-6 members)
● Project concept will focus on machine processes in various engineering
industries (e.g. semiconductor manufacturing, aircon manufacturing, etc.)
● Process model/diagram can be an improvement, augmentation, or new design.
● Consultation and working hours will be during our second meetings (upon
internal arrangements). -- kindly use Google Docs for real time editing and
For timelines/deadlines and format, please refer below:

● “Proof of project concept”: March 5 (Thu-Fri classes) and March 7 (Sat-Sun

classes), 2021 8:00AM. You must have a project concept by this time and have
partially taken stock of the necessary research literature. You must have already
identified and have ideas on how to engage in your ideas by this date. The
process must already be identified at this point. Do let us know your project
ideas in advance. Ideally, at this time you should have also figured out the
framework of your capstone project so that you can plan accordingly. There are
no documents which need to be submitted but send us an email of your project
concept with the format below:

Email Subject: CAPSTONE PROJECT (Section - GroupNumber)

Machine Processes:
Project Model/Framework:

● Analysis period and drafting, scoping and implementation of project plan:

March 5 to April 23rd 2021.

● First full draft: April 26th, 2021, 11:55pm via Google Classroom, cc our
email(s). You are encouraged to submit your first draft earlier, so that you can
receive comments.

● Presentations: Presentation dates will be on our last meeting, (this is TBA). All
classes will be joined all together as it is a public forum. Please drop your
documents (en PDF format) on our Google drive by (this is TBA) so that your
classmates can read them. Each group will have 10-15 minutes of presentation
time. Please keep your presentations succinct, processes clearly specified
including the conclusions and recommendations.

* AGAIN, THE PRESENTATION IS A PUBLIC FORUM. There is an award for the best presentation in each class. We will also give an award to
students who ask good questions and give comments which are insightful and developmental. Ultimately, there will be a panel of
engineers from various industries to observe and discuss your capstone projects.

● Final full draft: The final deadline for the final manuscript with proof of
submission is (this is TBA) via Google Classroom and email. All projects will be
screened for plagiarism. All papers can still be revised after class presentations
prior to the final submission.

1. Samples and guides are uploaded in this Google drive.

2. For font body:

Sans serif fonts such as 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, or Serif
fonts such as 12-point Times New Roman, or 11-point Georgia.

For font headings:

Sans serif fonts such as 14-point Arial, or 13-point Lucida Sans Unicode, or Serif
fonts such as 15-point Times New Roman, or 14-point Georgia


3. Use Mendeley or Zotero to help you organize your related literature, and for
your APA format. There are numerous Youtube guidelines to help you out.

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