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LESSON 1 Science, Technology and Ite Significance to Society in Contemporary World Content Standard: ‘The learners demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of science, technology and its significance. Learning Outcomes: ‘The students will be able to: 1. State the meaning of Science and Technology; 2 Describe some notable developments of science and technology and its significance 0 the society; 3. Describe some disadvantages of science and technology. Word Bank: Science, Technology, wheel, compass, printing press, combustion a Penicillin engine, telephone, ‘A. ‘The Meaning of Science and Technology > Science, technology and society (STS), also referred to as science and technology studies, is the study of how social, political, and cultural values affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these, in turn, affect society. STS scholars are interested in a variety of problems including the relationships between scientific and technological innovations and society, and the directions and risks of science and technology. The field of STS is related to history arc philosophy of science although with a much broader emphasis on social aspects of science and technology. > Science, technology and society refers to the interaction between science and technology and social cultural, political and economic contexts which shape and are shaped by them; specific examples throughout human history of scientific and technological developments. B. Meaning of Science + Science isa systematized body of knowledge + Science is an organized and dynamic inquiry (following scientific method) + Science is knowledge gained through observation and experimentation + Science is a human activity; scientist + Science isa social enterprise: people, knowledge, skills, facilities, apparatuses and technologies ‘Science leads to formation of concepts, methods, principles, theories, law and. procedures which seek to describe and explain nature and its phenomena Meaning of Technology «+ Technology as material products; results of scienifc inquiry; hardware produced bya scientist + Technology as the application of knowledge in solving scientific and practical problems that will help humans to survive and improve his life «+ Technology as human cultural activities or endeavors + Technology asa social enterprise ~ Technology is ¢ complex system of knowledge, skills, people, methods, tools, materials and resources applied and allocated to the development, operation and production ofa new or improved product, process of services, «Technology as modern technology based on the advances of science since the end of WWI to the present. D. Some of the notable human successes in the field of science and technology ‘Humans are ingenious species. Humans (Homo sapiens) have dreamed up and created some amazing and far-out things. From the moment someone bashed a rock ‘on the ground to make the first sharp-edged tool, to the debut of the wheel to the development of Mars rovers particularly revolutionary. Here are some of most important inventions of all ting along with the science behind the invention and how they came about * ind the Internet, several key advancements stand out ‘The wheel ~ the concept of inventing the wheel came during 3500 B.C. Humans wer, severely limited in how much stuffthey could transport over land, and how far. The ide, ‘came to connect a non-moving platform to a rolling cylinder. People then invented th, wheel and axle which is the concept of making wheels. The holes at the center of th, wheels and the ends of the fixed axles had to be neatly perfectly round and smooth fo, the wheels to work, Wheeled carts facilitated agriculture aiid commerce by enablin the transportation of goods to and from markets, as well as easing the burden of peop. traveling great distances, e000 ‘The compass + Before, mariners navigate with the star, but that method didn't work uring the day or on cloudy nights. The Chinese invented the first compass sometime between the 9th and Lith century; it was made of lodestone, a naturally-magnetized iron ore, the attractive properties of which they had been studying for centuries. Soon after, the technology passed on to the Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. ‘The compass enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land, increasing sea trade and contributing to the Age of Discovery. ‘A model of an ancient Chinese compass from the Han Dynasty; itis a south-indicating ladle, or sinan, made of polished lode- stone ‘The printing press ~ It was Johannes Gutenberg, a German who invented the printing press around 1440. Though others before him—including inventors in China and Korea—have developed the movable type made from metal, Gutenberg was the is to have created a mechanized process that transferred the ink (which he made from linseed oil and soot) from the movable type to paper. Printing presses exponentially increased the speed with which book copies could be made, and thus led to the rapid ‘and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the frst time in history ‘The internal combustion engine ~ In these engines, the combustion of fuel releases = high tmpere gw tend pele + pn, vig Thus, combustion engines convert chemical energy into mechanical work, Decades of engineering by many scientists went into designing the internal combustion engine, which took its (essentially) modern form in the latter half of the 19th century. The ‘engine steered in the Industrial’ Age which enabled the invention of a huge varity of machines, including modern cars and aircraft. “The telephone - Alexander Graham Bell was the fist to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. Though several inventors did pioneering work on electronic voice transmission, the invention quickly took off, and revolutionized global business and communication, Penicillin ~ In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed a bacteria-filled Petri dish in his laboratory, the sample had become contaminated with @ mold, and everywhere the mold was, the bacteria was.dead. That antibiotic mold turned out to be the fungus Penicillium, and over the next two decades, chepis purified it and developed the drug Penicillin, which fights a Huge number of bacterial infections in humans without harming the humans themselves, Penicillin was being mass produced and advertised by 1944. - “The Internet isthe global system of interconnected computer networks used by billions of people worldwide, It is impossible to credit the invention ofthe Internet to 3 single person. as countless people helped develop it Inthe 1960s, team of computer sient orking forthe US. Defense Departments ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) built «communications network to connect the computers in the agency: called IARPANET It used a method of data transmission called ‘packet switching? ARPANET vras the predecessor ofthe Internet tha eventually emerged to become the “information superhighway” Eco-Friendly ‘Technologies! A technology utilizes resources from the env it Some of these are: “s Solar Energy ~ use of solar pa + Geothermal energy 2 Wind power ~aind millsas source of energy ‘and Ethical dilemmas of Science and Technology al the invention of nuclear weapons in 1945, lke the aki and Hiroshima that caused deaths of many peoPle nical and biological warfare (bio-warfare); toxic wastes and stability dvantages: These are sustainable technologies. ‘This ronment without causing negative effects to nels to provide electricity E. Disadvantages 1: Threats to human surviv nuclear bombing of Nagas “This was a product of cher produced by manufacturing of the environment. 4, Bthical dilemmas ~ exploitation ofadvanced scientific knowledge and te aorcee and systems gave rise to situations i which advances seem to have turned against their beneficiaries, re popaive effects of 1g companies that threaten human survival schnological creating ethical dilemmas, ‘Th / ¥ technology are numerous. In our march to progress we have degraded the natu world, Forests are chopped down. topsoil is washed away, rivers are polluted gry ‘our waste is damped in the oceans. 4.Disparties in Human well being - there are advanced countries enjoying sien, rad echelogy bed soe! and old high eter in contemporary et CCovmane stag, versus lon of people In es developed county? hve not partaken these benef 4. Social and cultural conflicts ~ Military power is vital for national security of many gomnmenn Spero and highly technical weapons dictated the eaconse’] some recent wars 5. Innovating technologies can have negative consequences for certain sectors oy constituencies: > include pollution associated with production processes, > increased unemployment from labor-saving new technologies, > conversion of agricultural land into urban areas, cffett on humans psychologically and emotionally - the usage and addiction of new gadgets, effect of overused technologies in thedical industry that can cause fatal bits and diseases. > global warming ¥ . ‘ DO YOU KNOW? {In the Philippines, people turn to science and technology for warning advice and assistance during calamities and disaster: We have some government agencies responsible {or giving us advice and information. These are the Philippine Institute of Voleanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Department of Science and Technology (OOST) and Philippines ‘Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). ‘We have built windmills and transit trains that provide us means of source ot energy and transport. LESSON 1 Evidence of Science and Technology during Pre-Historie Times Content Standard: ‘The learners demonstrate an understanding of development of Science and Technolog during Pre-historic times. . Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to: 1. Describe the development of science and technology during this time; 2. Determine the significance and impact ofthe development of science and technology the society. Word Bank: Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus _ DISCUSSION their nature. They observed and started to record patterns cycles and repetitions of what was happeningin their environment and started tolook for an answer. With their experience they were able to analyze and organize information and learned which led to the understanding | Early humans attempted to understand the unknown world, they were curious about | ofscience. Because carly humans were able to organize and study information, they used the information they acquired in starting the primitive technology thus gave its way to the birth oftechnology. Therefore technology has come to reality because ofthe desire of early humans to thrive and survive, which later improved and made their life easier A. ‘The Dawn ofthe First Civilizations Ancient humans were able to discover and invent tools and methods as science developed and progressed. With the availability of new scientific instruments and techniques, archeology excavation has provided us with data and evidences. Facts have bbeen unearthed and revealed that even during primitive time, people have already developed skills and technologies which served and supplied their needs for survival, Mankind existed long before the written word, there was no historical evidences of hhow people lived then because written records of any kind dated only in about 5,000 BBC. People then discovered, learned and developed science and technology as the consequence of their search for food, and other sutvival needs, for practical reasons and even curiosity. + Discovery of mud plaster that led to pottery and mud brick houses first known pottery was in Japan around 10,000 B.C. B, Evidence of Science and Technology during Pre-Historic Times (3000-5000 B.C.) Maris achievements in science can be categorized as: (a) discovery (recognition and observation of new objects); (b) invention (mental process wherein mans various discoveries, observation and experience are put together to produce new ways (operation) and means (tools) of obtaining things (useful). Stone Age: This period was marked by which stone was widely used to'make tools ‘and implements, Dated roughly 3.4 million years ago, and in about 8000 BC this era ‘was divided into three separate periods—Paleolithic Period (Early), Mesolithic Period (Middle), and Neolithic Period (New)—based on the degree of sophistication in the fashioning and use of tools. It is believed tool making began very early in the olden times. The era of Australopithecus and Paranthropus were contemporaneous with the evolution of the genus Homo, Man was a food gatherer, depended for his subsistence ‘on hunting wild animals and birds, fishing, and collecting wild fruits, nuts, and berties. ‘Tools developed gradually from single to all-purpose tools to a collection of varied and highly specialized types of tools, each designed to serve in connection with a specific function. The trend was from a stage of non specialization to stages of relatively high degrees of specialization. In the manufacture of stone implements, B ditions were developed by the Paleolithic ancestors (1) pay four fundamental tra nde trations (3) fake-tool traditions yy tool traditions; (2) bifacial-tool, or be (4) blade-tool traditions Stone tools were made from a variety of stones: fint and chert were shape, ehiped for use as cutting tools, fakes blades and weapons: Faking was able to prog, sre range of special tools that was used for cutting, chopping, Scraping and sai Ponalt and sandstone were used for ground stone tools. Wood, bone, shell, antlers other materials were widely used, as well The Early Stone Age includes the most basic stone toolkits made by early humay, “The oldest stone tools, known as the Oldowan toolkit, consist of hammer stones thy how battering on their surfaces; stone cores that show a series of flake scars along oy ‘or more edges; and sharp stone flakes that were struck from the cores and offer usefy cutting edges. Handaxes are cutting tools as well as other kinds of ‘large cutting toy) are characteristic of an Acheulean toolkit. During middle Paleolithic, time, the pace of innovation in stone technology began to accelerate. Handaxes were made with exquisite craftsmanship, and eventualy gave way to smaller, more diverse toolkits, with an emphasis on flake tools rath than larger core tools. One of the main innovations was the application of ‘prepared core technique; in which a core was carefully flaked on one side so that a flake of predetermined size and shape could be produced in a. single blow. This technique probably raised the level of standardization and predictability in stone technology Middle Stone Age toolkits included points, which could be hafted on the sal to make spears. When smaller points were eventually made, they were attached smaller, sleeker shafts to make darts, arrows, and other projectile weapons. Stone «vi have been used to perforate hides and scrapers. Many important inventions appear such as needles and thread, skin clothing, the harpoon, the spear thrower, and special fishing equipment. ,dZED Sample of Stone Age tools ‘The Neolithic was smelting, adore Nat characterized primarily by herding societies as wel as bro™™ Seveopnent of roe cle the sh from food gathering to food produc ‘ertain animals were raed oe all mae gt ci. Agriculture was developed a as well. Moreover, recent e1 a rset and conse wid el gran et MeN Inter hat hue Bronze Age: The Bronze Age is the second principal period of the three-age Stone- Bronze-Iron system and generally followed the Neolithic period. This period is marked with the beginning of mining and metallurgy. Bronze denotes the first period in which ‘metal was used, man began smelting copper and alloying with tin or arsenic to make bronze tools and weapons. Copper-tin ores are rare, as reflected in the fact that there were no tin bronzes in Western Asia before trading in bronze that began in the third millennium BC, Bronze itself is harder and more durable than other metals available at the time, allowing Bronze Age civilizations to gain technological advantage. + Man-made tin bronze technology required set production techniques. Tin must be mined and smelted separately, then added to molten copper to make bronze alloy. The Bronze Age was a time of extensive use of metals and of developing trade networks. PO an ’ Sample of Bronze tools Iron Age is the period of time in prehistory when the dominant too! making material ‘was iron. Preceded by the Stone Age and Bronze Age, the transition from Bronze Age occurred at different times in different places on Earth. As the name suggests, Iron age Technology is characterized by the production of tools and weaponry using ferrous metallurgy or iron work more specially from carbon steel. Meteoric iron has been tised by humans since 3200 BC, but ancient iron production did not become widespread until the ability to smelt iron ore, remove impurities and regulate the amount of carbon in the alloy were developed. ‘The distinctive dark metal brought with it significant changes’ to daily life in ancient society, from thé way people grew crops to the way they fought wars. Iron made life alot easier in those days, much of Europe had settled into small village life, toiling the soil with Iron farming tools, such as sickles and plough tips, made the process more efficient and allowed farmers to exploit tougher soils, ry new crops and have more time for other activities Bronze Age: The Bronze Age is the second principal period of the three-age Stone- Bronze-Iron system and generally followed the Neolithic period. This period is marked with the beginning of mining and metallurgy. Bronze denotes the first period in which metal was used, man began smelting copper and alloying with tin or arsenic to make bronze tools and weapons. Copper-tin ores are rare, as reflected in the fact that there ‘were no tin bronzes in Western Asia before trading in bronze that began in the third millennium BC. Bronze itself'is harder and more durable than other metals available at the time, allowing Bronze Age civilizations to gain technological advantage. ‘Man-made tin bronze technology required set production techniques. Tin must be mined and smelted separately then added to molten copper to make bronze alloy. The Bronze Age was a time of extensive use of metals and of developing trade networks. f ‘Sample of Bronze tools Iron Age is the period of time in prehistory when the dominant tool making material ‘was iron. Preceded by the Stone Age and Bronze Age, the transition from Bronze Age occurred at different times in different places on Earth. As the name suggests, Iron age ‘Technology is characterized by the production of tools and weaponry using ferrous ‘metallurgy or iron work more specially from carbon steel. Meteoric iron has been tised by humans since 3200 BC, but ancient iron production did not become widespread until the ability to smelt iron ore, remove impurities and regulate the amount of carbon in the alloy were developed ‘The distinctive dark metal brought with it significant changes to daily life in ancient society, from the way people grew crops to the way they fought wars. Iron made life a lot easier in those days, much of Europe had settled into small village life, tiling the soil with Iron farming tools, such as sickles and plough tips, made the process more efficient and allowed farmers to exploit tougher soils, try new crops and have more time for other activities. DO YOU KNOW? Fire was the most important discovery and invention of man in the Paleolithic era. The use of fire led to various ways of preparing and cooking food and inventions of suitable food containers and utensils. LESSON 2 Evidences of Science and Technology during Ancient Times (8500 B.C.- 1200 in the Old World) Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the development of Science and Technology during Ancient times. Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to: 1. Deseribe the development of Science and technology during ancient times 2. Determine and recognize the significance ofthe development of science and technology during ancient times and its impact to society. Word Bank: Sumerian, clay tablet, cuneiform, Rabylonian, Hammurabi, Egyptian, Hieroglyphics embalming en dent of one another along fertile river valleys in Fs cut ee cle, Chine (Huang Ho valley), and India. Peo, egypt (Nile). i Mesopotamia (Tigris Euphrates), off, religion form of government, angus of each civilization develope! a unique way of Z navances of science and technology: astronone ard ne of wring. a and cm peting and areca. They grew plans culture meine, mathematics, 6 ization (Sumer, Mesopotamia (Iraq)) * TSE sere terns ein of ancient Mesopotamia modern dy Mase Ruah) his ered ofthe worl earliest known chlizaion and wat fu celta nthe repon in about 3600 BC is also known as the "the frst ete the orld tranformed families into tribes that occupied territories which soon became ‘cities and later were called the states. ‘Science and Technology Development: & Cuneiform isthe firs writing system, itisa set of word pictures depicted in symbols made of wiangular marks around 3100 BC. Pictograms or drawings representing actual things, were the basis for cuneiform writing, 5 Sumicrian clay tablet ~ contains the Sumerian historical information and culture Iebegun as record keeping fr trade and evolved into the use of symbols for writing down laws and stories. © The concept of the wheel actualy grew out of a mechanical device that the Sumerians had invented shortly after 3500 B.C.—the potter's wheel, This was « heavy flat disk made of hardened clay. It was spun horizontally onan axis to slow the potter to form evenly. The Sumerians simply turn ths clay-splattered wheel on {send and hook it to a wagon to make a wheel as a means of practical method for ‘moving heavy objects from one location to another. Sailboat was also frst invented by Ancient Mesopotamia, Five thousand yea 120 Mesopotamians started using sailing boats, Since Mesopotamia was situated between two famous rivers, namely the Euphrates and the Tigris they needed water \wansportation for travel and trade. mL ce. The Sumerians were among the first astronomers, mapping the movement of stars, planets and moon into sets of constellations, many of which survived in the zodiac and were also recognized by the ancient Greeks. Sumerians were also recognized for building the foundations of ogic, mathematics, engineering, architecture, agriculture, transportation and medicine; g. Sexagesimal system of counting in units of 60 which served as the basis of 360 degree circle and the 60 minute hour 1h. Developed systematized technique of farming: seed plow and irrigation. Wool from sheep made into textiles, mastered the arts of bleaching and dyeing Babylonian Civilization Location: Babylonia was the ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates river (Graq). Babylon is the capital, and served as commercial and religious center in the Tigris-Euphrates valley. Science and Technology Development: ‘ 4. Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C), the fist leader of the old Babylonian Empire, promulgated the famous law code that served as rule and standards which helped ‘maintain a period of stability in tis region, as well as the establishment of science and technology. ’b. Nebuchadnezzar II was the Neo Babylonian Emperor who ordered the construc- tion ofthe famous “hanging Gardens of Babylons” (one ofthe seven wonders of the ‘world) and the Isthar Gate. Contributed to the development of science and technology such as: irrigation system of canals flanked! by earthen dikes; system of book keeping, double entry accounting, multiplication and division tables and calculations using geometry 4d. Adopted the Sumerian sexagesimal system of counting in units of 60; made accurate predictions of solar and lunar eclipses and ther astronomical phenomena. Egyptian Civilization “Lovation: Situated in the northeastern part of the African continent, Egypt is located ‘along the Nile River which provided a fertile delta. ‘Science and Technology Development: [Ancient Egypt depended on the waters of the River Nie, which flows through harsh and arid desert. The Nile river gave life to the civilization of Egypt. The early settlers were animal hunters, they were nomadic, Later changed their lifestyle to be farmland setlers. Agriculture was supported mainly by extensive irrigation system "Ancient Egyptians leaned to heat metal ore (copper, gold and bronze and male weapons and utensil. They may have been the first people to learn how to make glass (gaseblowing) They learned how to eat sand in very hot farnace an then lO he molten sand into glass. They made glas jars and glas beads Egyptian writing wrote with ink and brushes on paper mad their writing was in the form of pictorial symbols kuown as hierogh fe of papyrus reeds; iyphies. Their 2B Iv. knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, surgery and medical plants enabled them y, ‘master the art and science of embalming their dead. Created the calendar based on the phases of the moon, consisting of 29 and y days. The frst 365-day calendar was devised by IMHOTEP, early inthe Old Kingdom, ‘They were the firs to divide the day into 24 hours, calculated the time by means of water lock. Their interest in Astronomy was focused on the stars and early calenday was based on the appearance and disappearance of stars Siri, the brightest in thi, horizon which coincide with the annual rise and fall ofthe Nile river, help them forecay the seasons and predict the annual flooding on the Nile rivet. They were engaged in Pottery of various shapes and sizes artistically done suchas Pots, jas, cups and bowls, they built houses made of sun dried mud bricks. Pyramids still stand today as the monumental evidence ofthe scientific expertise and technica, skills of the ancient Egyptians in geometry, engineering, architecture and labor ‘management, Iconic monuments such as the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, as well as the Ruins of Memphis, and the Valley of the Kings, reflect this legacy and remain a significant focus of archaeological study. The Giza Necropolis isthe oldest of ‘the ancient wonders and the only one still in existence. ‘The Egyptians also engaged in ship building: Construction of canals, dikes and ditches with outlet system; Planted wheat, barley. Food was broiled, baked, stewed, red, grilled or roasted. They bred ducks, geese, pigs, goats, cattle and sheep; Manufactured soaps, creams, oils, perfumes and eye make up. Pyramid Papyrus Cretan (Minoan) Civilization Location: arose on the island of Crete and other Aegean islands such as Santorini and flourished from approximately 2600 to 1400 BC. It was rediscovered at the beginning! the 20th century through the work of British archaeologist Arthur Evans, Will Dura referred to it as “the frst link in the European chain.” Minoan ivlization wos 2° ‘Aegean Bronze Age civilization, ruled by King Minos. Knossos was the capital of Cre the grandest site of Bronze age palaces, built between 2100 and 1575 B.C, Crete? ‘mountainous island with natural harbors located midway between Turkey, Egypt am Greece. Science and Technology Development: ‘The Minoans were primarily a mercantile people engaged in overseas trade. Thei cate fom Sco sownehiph dee terete sy hierar archaeologists believe that the Minoans were involved in the Bronze Age’ important tin trade: tin, alloyed with copper apparently was from Cyprus. Crete became the central exporter of wine, oil, ewelry, and highly crafted works; in turn, they became importers of raw materials and food. In the process they built the first major navy ship in the world, Its primary purpose, however, was trade, not war oF Conquest. Minioans made sophisticated carved statues, ceramics, frescoes, jewels, and inscriptions on these showed their knowledge of mathematics, engineering, and architecture which were applied scientifically and artistically. They constructed well drainage system, public halls, courtyards, and religious shrines. They were skilled in ship building. “The Minoan cities were connected with stone-paved roads, formed from blocks cut with bronze saws, Streets were with good drainage and water and sewer facilities were available to the upper class, through clay pipes. Houses built from sandstone gypsum, or limestone often had flat tiled roofs; plaster, wood, or flagstone floors, that Rood two to three storeys high. Typically the lower walls were constructed of stone and rubble, and the upper walls of mudbrick. Ceiling timbers held up the roofs “The Minoans raised cattle, sheep and goats and grew wheat, barley, letcuce, celery, asparagus, carots, peas, grapes, peat, figs olives and poppies for poppy seed and perhaps opium. The Minoans also domesticated bees. ‘They developed Mediterranean polyculture the practice of growing more than one rop at atime. Their more varied and healthy det resulted inthe growth of poplavon “Theoretically thie method of farming would maintain the fertility ofthe soll, s wells offer protection against low yields in any single crop. “Around 1600, B.C. Akrotiriwas shaken by a violentearthquake, Sometime ates an eruption occurred. The Theran eruption was one of largest in human history "Bas orPahan 10 milion tons of ab, ga, and rock 25 miles into the atmosphere Incredh despite Cretés close proximity tothe volcano, the debris rom Thera largely missed the tajor Minoan towns, 50 years later the civilization was wiped out Earthquakes and fires destroyed Knossos and the other palaces and the towns were deserted. a DO YOU KNOW? Clay tablets were used as a iting medium, especialy ' for writing in cuneiform. Cuneiform characters were fet" ste imprinted on a wet clay tablet witha stylus often made of reed pen. The Sumerians used a wooden stylus to place simple shapes and lines into moist clay, which were then baked until hard. This form of writing became known as cuneiform because of the wedge-shaped markings made in the clay. The Sumerians had enormous libraries of clay tablets containing their laws, business transactions, and literature. "aN Obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-ike shape at the top. ‘These were originally called “tekhenu” by the builders of the Ancient Egyptians. Sundial or shadow clock was used by the Egyptian about 1000-1500 BC. This instrument will tell time by means of the shadow casted by the object as reflected by the sun. The gnomon is the shadow-producing device, usually a metal plate set parallel to the earth's axis and pointing toward the celestial pole. LESSON 3 The Contribution of Greek, Persian and Romans in the Development of Science and Technology Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the contribution of the Greek, Persians and Romans to the development of Science and Technology. Learning Outcomes: ‘The students will be able to: |. Describe the development of Science and Technology that occurred in Greece, Persia, and Rome; Explicate and recognize the significance of the contribution of Greeks, Persians, and Romans to the development of Science and Technology. rd Bank: k philosophers, scala naturae, Almagest, Pythagorean Theorem, Nas'taliq’, skepticism, san rugs DISCUSSION A.D.) I. The Classical Greek Philosophers (400B.C.-400 ced at the crossroads of Eur, Location: Greece is a country in Southern Europe loca z (the Balkan Peningy Asia, and Africa. Its mainland is located at the southernmost HP ul, Science and Technology Development: es Here are some of the Great Greek Philosophers that helped in the development science and technology during Ancient times. a. Thales of Miletus (638-548 B.C.) developed the theory of matter sos oven Water b.. Socrates (470-399 B.C) emphasized the study of human nature in relation fo Society, established the theory of skepticism Mate <. Empedocles (493-433 B,C.) assumed that there were more than one Kind of matter and postulated four roots of elements: earth, ai, fire and water. 4. Hippocrates about 400 B.C. started the science of medicine and is known as the greatest physician of antiquity and regarded as the father of medicine. He stated that diseases have natural causes and the body has'the power to repair itself: His name is always associated with Hippocratic Oath, an oath traditionally taken by newly graduate physicians to observe the ethical standards of their profession, specifically to seek to preserve life. 4 e. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) regarded as the father of Biology, undertook a large-scale claskification of plants and animals. He introduced a method of scientific thinking that still plays a role today. Engrossed himself in studying mafy areas of science like Physics, Astronomy, Meteorology, ete. His “scala naturae” or Great Chain of Being is one of the fist theories in biology. The species form a scale from simple to ‘complex putting animals that laid warm and wet creatures alive as the highest form but evolution is not possible. f. ° Archimedes (287-212 B.C.) - performs experiments which led him to discover the laws of the lever and the pulley that resulted in the invention of machines which could easily move loads. He calculated the value of pi, which was a geometrical calculation that helped determine the width, or circumference of a circle He excelled in geometry, calculus, theoretical mathematics, hydrostatics and displacement. 8 Ptolemy, about 100 A.D. - one of the greatest astronomers who founded the Geocentric theory (Earth-centered) and wrote the Almagest. h. Democritus - developed atomic theory; elaborated idea that matter consisted of atoms. i. Pythagoras (497-581 B.C.) - Mathematician, held that numbers were basic to matter; the Pythagorean Theorem. I. Plato dealt with the nature of the universe; ascribed geometric forms composed cof bounding planes to the elements of earth, fie, air and water based upon their physical properties k._Aristarchus: Both a mathematician and an astronomer, Aristarchus discovered new theories about the way the planets move in their orbits, Aristarchus thought that even though the earth revolved around the sun, it also spun on its own axis, or spin-point, as it followed its orbit around the sun. 1. Hipparchus discovered the length of the month which is only on€ second off from the length that we use today. m. Eratosthenes determined that the circumference of (the distance around) the earth ‘was 28,000 miles, which is only three thousand miles more than what we know today. 1. Theophrastus regarded as father of plant science, wrote “History of Plants” in which he described the forms, behaviour, morphology, and properties of some 500 food and medicinal plants. Most outstanding botanist of the early botany. He wrote “Causes of Plants” in which he described grafting methods, seeds, effect of temperature upon plants, the relations of weather to soil and the taste and perfumes of plants. ‘The manuscript also deals with the medicinal uses of plant. Persian Civilization f Location: Persia is the former name of Iran. The Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC, was the largest empire of the ancienbworld, stretching from the borders of India and China in the east to large parts of Greece and Libya in the west, The culture of Persians is one of the oldest in the Middle East. Science and Technology Development: Persia has one of the richest art heritages in world history and encompasses many disciplines including architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and stonemasonry, Persian rugs have always been a vital part of the Persian culture. 1 Nastaliq is the most beautiful Persian Calligraphy style and also technically the ‘most complicated. Even the second popular Persian calligraphy style Le, “Cursive Nastaliq’ or “Shekasteh Nasal’. bb. Pottery The taste and talent of the Persian people can be seen through the designs “oftheir earthen wares, ceramic art objects such as figures, tiles, and tableware made from clay and other raw materials. Domes were an important part and constructed on the fist large-scale in Persia “The outer surfaces of the domes are mostly mosaic faced, which creates a magical view. 4d. Various structures such as mosques, mausoleums, bazaars, bridges, and different palaces have mainly survived from this peviod. fe. Awind tower is a chimney-like structure positioned above t provalling wind. the house to catch the IIL. Roman Civilization ; Location: Romeisthecapital of taly. Roman civilizations characterized bya governmen, headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Seq iy Europe, Africa and Asia, Today itis. known as the eternal city’ Latin is the language spoken by Romans. Science and Technology Development: The Romans used water power, and watermills for making cereals milling, sawing timber and crushing ore, They exploited wood and coal for heating, b. The Romans made great use of aqueducts, dams, bridges, and amphitheaters. © The Romans constructed numerous aqueducts to supply water. The city of Rome itself was supplied with eleven aqueducts made of limestone that provided the city ‘ith over 1 million cubic metres of water each day, suficient for 3.5 million people even in modern-day times, Romans dedicated their many resources to the study of astronomy, astrology, eography, and other sciences. Their contributions were crucial to future ‘generations and have helped us collec the knowledge we have today. Ancient Roman used sundials to tell time and even created portable versions. They also used tools for measuring, manual drills, and metal spikes (used as nails). £ Advanced glassblowing techniques brought new technology to Rome inthe form of window glass, hanging gas oil lamps, and other objects made of glas. & Rome’ military benefited from technological improvements to weapons, shields, armour, and other items. h. Some of the Notable Roman Scientists 4+ Galen (129-199 AD) ~ great physician and surgeon; Galen influenced the developthent of various scenic dicpline, including anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, pharmacology, and neurology, as well as philosophy sna logic. 2 Vitruvin is another writer whose wok has provided us with ios eng knowledge about Ancient Rome. He was also an architect and un engineer, sometimes referred to as the frst architect. 7 3. Pliny = described almost a thousand species of plants, most of whic highly valued for their medicinal uses. ® hich were DO YOU KNOW? Persian rugs 4 Persian carpet or Persian rug is heavy textile, made for a wide variety of utilitarian ‘and symbolic purpose, produced in Iran (Persia) either for home use or for sale, Carpet ‘weaving is an essential part of Persian culture, Persian carpets and rugs of various types are famous for their elaborate colours and artstcal design, and are treasured in museums and private collections all over the world today. Roman roads The Romans primarily built concrete roads for their military. Neatly 30 military highways all made of stone, exited the great city. They made 372,roads and connected 113 provinces. NO ae

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