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Semana 1- Parcial 4: 19 al 23 Abril del 2021
INDICACIONES:  Los trabajos y tareas enviar a LIVEWORKSHEETS a la respectiva clase de
NOVENO A-B según corresponda.
 Los trabajos y tareas estarán habilitados LIVEWORKSHEET solo los viernes
hasta las 23h59 o al WhatsApp 0986053713 ubicar en asunto nombre, paralelo y
semana correspondiente.
 Los trabajos y tareas estarán habilitados en LIVEWORKSHEETS solo los viernes
hasta las 23h59 o al correo ubicar en asunto nombre,
paralelo y semana correspondiente.
 Se evaluará: contenido, presentación y puntualidad de cada trabajo.
 Las fotografías de los trabajos deben ser legibles para su óptima revisión con el
encabezado de tareas: institución, nombre, curso, fecha, tema.
 Atenderé gustosa sus inquietudes los días lunes y jueves de 8h00 a 15h00 a mi
WhatsApp personal 0986053713
 Se ingresará a todas clases mediante el mismo link ya compartido en el grupo de

Destreza: Convey and organize information using facts and details in order to illustrate diverse
patterns and structures in writing. EFL 4.4.8

OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE PARA LA SEMANA: At the end of this lesson students will be
able to use Superlatives.
TEMA: Types of Natural Disasters
1. Read this article about natural disasters.
A natural disaster is an event, it’s a natural process of the Earth. The most common are:
Floods: This natural disaster is the most common on the coasts of the USA. The heaviest
rains cause this, and as a result the cities or villages get full of water.
Earthquakes: These have caused a lot of damage in many countries. It happens when the
ground shakes. Japan has the highest rate of earthquakes.
Hurricanes: It is the strongest storm with a violent wind. They are very common in Florida, Viernes
USA and the Caribbean.
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Wildfires: A huge fire which destroys a great area of land, especially in forests and green
areas. In summer, it is the most dangerous disaster for wildlife and people. Abril
Drought: It is a long period of time when it doesn’t rain at all. This causes people to lose 2021
their crops, and it causes hunger.

2. Match the picture according each sentence.

a. The longest drought was in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
b. The worst earthquake was in Japan in 2011.
c. The biggest flood was in the USA in 2005.
d. The most dangerous hurricane was in Mexico.
e. The most recent wildfire was in Portugal.
3. Choose the answer:
a. What are some natural disasters that people have to face in Ecuador?
a. Phenomenon of the child x
b. Hurricane Irma
c. Earthquakes

b. What is a natural disaster?

a. A natural disaster is an event, it’s a natural process of the Earth.
b. A thing that is poorly that produces a bad impression.

d. Which are some recommendations in case of an earthquake?

a. Stay away from windows and objects that can fall.
b. Stay away from trees and electric cables.
c. Wear a bathing suit and stay in the pool

4. Complete the questions with one word. The first letter is there. Use superlative adjectives.
a. What was the most d…………………. earthquake in America?
b. When was the l………………… drought in your city?
c. Where was the w……………… hurricane in America?

1. Read the grammar chart to help you to resolve the activities.

Viernes Comentado [H1]: Revisar que las imágenes sean claras

esta vez le ayude con la imagen
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2. Read and underline superlatives in the sentences.

Animals are one of the most interesting things to watch and study. A lot of people things
that elephants are the biggest animal in the word, but the biggest animal are the blue
whales. They`re the longest, biggest and the loudest of all animals. They`re louder than
One of the smallest animals in the world is the lizard. It`s between one and two
centimeters long. The quickest animal is a bird which can fly at more than three hundred
kilometers an hour.
The cleverest animals are the humans, that is us! Some people things that monkeys are
the second cleverest, but they aren`t. Dolphins are cleverer than monkeys.
My favorite animals are tigers. I think they`re the most exciting and the most beautiful

3. Read again the text from exercise 1 and correct the sentences.
a. Kangaroos are the biggest animals.
b. Bears are the loudest animals.
c. One of the smallest animals in the world is a rabbit.
d. The quickest animal is a lizard.
e. Monkeys are the second cleverest animals.
4. Complete with the superlative.
a. Who is the _______________ (tall) person in your family?
b. My mum is the _____________ (good) cook in the world.
c. December is the ____________ (cold) month of the year in the country.
d. What`s the _________________(dangerous) animal in the world?
e. Where are _________________ (nice) beaches in your country?
f. Mount Everest _____________ (high) mountain in the word
g. Asia is the ______________ (large) continent in the word
h. The Dead sea is the __________ (salty) sea in the word.
i. Columbia is the __________ (wet) country in the world.

Bibliography: MINEDUC (2019). English Pedagogical Module 3

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