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Guía de trabajo autónomo #14 para décimo año (unidad 3)

Self-Study Guide #14 for 10th grade (Unit 3)

El trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que
nuestros/as docentes estén presentes.

Centro Educativo/ School Name: Dr. Vicente Lachner High School

Educador/a Teacher: Alejandra Robles F.
Nivel/ Level: 10th
Asignatura/ Subject: English

1. Me preparo para hacer la guía/ Getting ready to do my self-study guide

Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo. /Aspects to verify before I start

Materiales o recursos que voy Suggested materials:

a necesitar/ • Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.
Materials needed • Self- study guide #14 for 10th grade
• Computer & Internet access if possible
Condiciones que debe tener • Work in a place where you do your assignments
el lugar donde voy a trabajar/ and homework daily.
Conditions of the place to
Tiempo en que se espera que • This self-study guide will take you 80 minutes to be
realice la guía/ completed.
Expected time to work this
self-study guide

2. Voy a recordar lo aprendido en clase. Recalling what I learned in class.

Indicaciones / Dear student,
The following tasks will help you review and reinforce Unit 3: “A World
Instructions of Differences”

Actividad / Activity Task 1. Answer the following questions. Contesto las siguientes
Preguntas para a) What do you think is a stereotype? A stereotype is a
reflexionar y responder public belief about a certain social group or type
of individual, people or specific cultures or races,
Questions to reflect on
and answer
b) Can you mention three of them? Social groups, for
example Jewish people, blacks, Irish people, polish

people, gender stereotypes, sexual orientation
stereotypes, etc.

c) How does understanding people’s differences help

us all become better human beings? Accepted
that there are different kinds of people with
differences, ways of think and beliefs.

d) Why is it important to respect people’s interests and

opinions? Because all of us are different from others
and if we respect each other we can life in peace
and to have a better world.

Task 2.
A-Read the following text about “Stereotypes”, then answer
the questions:

What is a Stereotype?
The definition of a stereotype is any commonly known public
belief about a certain social group or type of individual.
Stereotypes are often confused with prejudices, because, like
prejudices, a stereotype is based on a prior assumption.
Stereotypes are often created about people of specific
cultures or races.
Almost every culture or race has a stereotype, including Jewish
people, blacks, Irish people, and Polish people, among others.
Stereotypes are not just centered on different races and
backgrounds, however. Gender stereotypes also exist. For
example, if you say that men are better than women, you’re
stereotyping all men and all women. If you say that all women
like to cook, you are stereotyping women.
Sexual orientation stereotypes are also common. These
stereotypes occur when you have negative views on gays,
lesbians, and transgender individuals. People who have these
negative views are often known as homophobic.

Why is it bad to Stereotype?

Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the
stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly putting
someone down based on your preconceived perceptions will
not encourage them to succeed. Stereotyping can lead to
bullying form a young age. Jocks and Preps pick on the Nerds
and the Greeks; Skaters pick on the Goths, so on and so forth.

Stereotyping is encouraging buying behavior that children
carry into adulthood. Stereotyping can also lead people to
live driven by hate, and can cause the victims of those
stereotypes to be driven by fear. For example, many gays and
lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being
judged. It is a lose-lose situation, both for those who are doing
the stereotype and those who are victims.

B- Find out the meaning of the following words from the


1. Stereotype= estereotipo
2. belief= creencia
3. prejudices=prejuicios
4. assumption= asumir
5. races= razas
6. Jewish=Judíos
7. backgrounds= antecedents, raíces
8. gender= género
9. homophobic= homofobia
10. Stereotyping= estereotipizar
11. hurtful=dañino
12. encourage= aconsejar
13. succeed= tener éxito
14. adulthood= madurez
15. hate= odiar
16. fear=miedo

C- Answer the questions according to the reading:

1. What is an homophobic stereotype? When you have
negative views on gays and lesbians and transgender
2. Why are they harmful? Because they can hurt and put
someone down based on their preconceived
perception and will not encourage them to succeed.
3. How are they related to bullying? Stereotyping is
encouraging buying behavior that children carry into
4. Is fear an important part of a stereotype? Why? Yes, it
is because many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit
their sexuality in fear of being judged.

5. Which are three common stereotypes you know? For
example gender stereotypes: men are better ,
women, women like to cook, negative views of gays,
lesbians, etc.

3. Pongo en práctica lo aprendido en clase / Putting into practice what I learned in

Indicaciones /
Instructions Task 3.
A- Listen to an expert taking about Costa Rican diversity.

Host: Welcome to the program, Allen. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

To begin with What’s diversity?
Allen: Thanks my pleasure! When taking about people diversity
refers to the inclusion of people who represent more than one
gender, race, and religion; among others.
Host: Is Costa Rica a diverse country?
Allen: Sure! Indeed every place in this country is full of diversity. To
begin with, I can mention indigenous groups, immigrants, nationality
mix, tourists, etc.
Host: Who are some of them?
Allen: For instance, some indigenous groups are Maleku, Huetar and
Térraba. Also there is a big population of immigrants including
Nicaraguan, Colombian, Spanish and American. Regarding
nationality mix, it includes a much extended list, and tourists come
from all over the world to enrich our culture.
Host: Are there stereotypes in Costa Rica?
Allen: There are stereotypes in every country, but there shouldn’t. If
we part from the fact that we are all different, things like city and
country of origin, ethnicity and religion shouldn’t matter.
Host: Are there stereotypes even inside a community with similar
Allen: Yes, even inside a community that shares many important
characteristics you can find people who are stereotyped for their
job, career, income, age, sexual orientation, body type and even
Host: How can someone get rid of stereotypes?
Allen: There are enough things people can do. I would say that the
first step is to increase awareness of the consequences and history
of racism, which is exceptionally awful. In this way, you will know is
Second step is to break all the stereotypes society has taught
people. They can change their perspective by understanding that
variety is something all we have. And finally, hang out with all kinds

of people, let them speak up and let’s stop talking down about

B- Answer the following questions about the conversation:

a. What’s diversity? It’s the inclusion of people who represent
more than one gender, race and religion, among others.
b. Is Costa Rica diverse? Why? Yes, it is because there are
different kinds of people, groups, for example indigenous
groups, immigrants, nationality mix, tourists, etc.
c. Where do immigrants come from? They come from all over
the world.
d. List 6 stereotypes mentioned in the listening . Job, career,
income, age, sexual orientation stereotypes.
e. How do you get rid of stereotypes? Increase awareness of
the consequences and history of racism, break all the
stereotypes society has taught people. Hang out with all
kinds of people, let them speak up and stop taking down
about others.

Task 4. Key Vocabulary

A- Find out the meaning of the following words.
-Stereotypes= estereotipos -dress=vestir
-gender= género -income= ganancia
-race= raza -career=carrera
-ethnicity= etnicidad -job/= trabajo
-religion= religión -country of origin= país
de origen.
-sexual orientation= orientación sexual -city of origin= ciudad
de origen.
-body type= tipo de cuerpo -age= edad

B-Read the descriptions and fill in the blanks with the categories
from the box.

Gender - Income - Race - Age - Country/city of origin - Body type -

Dress -Ethnicity - Career/job - Religion -

1- _____Race_______Some people have a different skin or hair

color than you. Friendship, however, does not have color.

2- ___Body type_________ Everybody have a different weight

and size. Whatever the reason, accept them as they are. All
bodies are beautiful.

3- _____Income_______ Everyone has a different economic

background. Share and you will be equal!!

4- Some people are young and others are a little bit older! No
matter what your age is, you should be courteous and kind
to everyone. Age

5- _____Religion_____Some people have different beliefs than

you. Don’t make them feel different. Always show respect.

6- ___Ethnicity_________ People come from different parts of the

world. These differences are what help make the world so

7- ____Country/ city of origin________ Some people lived in

another country before they came to live in yours. Help them
learn and adapt.

8- __Dress____ Some like to wear black clothing; others, light

clothing. You choose what you want to wear. Respect
everyone choices!

9- _Career/job____ You can study whatever you want. It

doesn’t matter where or who you are. Education is a right!

10- ____Gender______ Women and men have the same

opportunities and rights. We are the same!

-Indicaciones o Review the following questions to self-regulate and self-assess:

preguntas para auto
regularse y evaluarse/ Did I read the instructions carefully?
Instructions or Did I check on the words that I didn’t understand?
questions for self- Did I use a dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the
regulation and self- words that I didn’t understand?
assessment Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had
to do?

Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/
With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.

Reviso las acciones realizadas durante la construcción del trabajo. /

I check the actions carried out while completing the self-study guide

Marco una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas/

Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.

¿Leí las indicaciones con detenimiento?

Did I read the instructions carefully?

¿Revisé las palabras que no conocía?

Did I check on the words that I didn’t understand?

¿Busqué en el diccionario o consulté con un familiar el significado de las palabras

que no conocía?
Did I use the dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words that I
didn’t understand?
¿Me devolví a leer las indicaciones cuando no comprendí qué hacer?
Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?

Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/

With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.

Valoro lo realizado al terminar por completo el trabajo.

I self -assess what I did when I finish the study guide.

Marca una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas

Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.

¿Leí mi trabajo para saber si es comprensible lo escrito o realizado?

I proofread what I did in my self-study guide.

¿Revisé mi trabajo para asegurarme si todo lo solicitado fue realizado?

I checked my self-study guide to make sure that everything is complete.

¿Me siento satisfecho con el trabajo que realicé?

I feel satisfied with the work I did.

Explico ¿Cuál fue la parte favorita del trabajo?

What was the favorite part of this work?
¿Qué puedo mejorar, la próxima vez que realice la guía de trabajo autónomo?
What can I improve the next time I work on the self study guide?

I write an (X) at the level that best represents my performance in each indicator/ Escribo
una (X) en el nivel que major represente mi desempeño en cada indicador.

Learner Self-Assessment
Performance Levels
Indicators of Learning Achieved In Process Not Achieved
(Yes) (No)
✓ Indicate the meaning of the
new vocabulary. ( ) ( ) ( )
✓ Extract relevant information
from a conversation. ( ) ( ) ( )
✓ Discriminates factual
information from texts and ( ) ( ) ( )
simple reports on familiar
✓ Answer questions based on
readings. ( ) ( ) ( )

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