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Dreams are always been part of the human existence. Dreams they are called to be
which put best spices to each of us.

Many people believe on dreams and I am proudly saying that I am one of them.
Dreams are defined as succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through
the mind during sleep; the sleeping state in which this occurs; an object seen in a dream;
an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake;a vision voluntarily indulged in while 
awake; daydream; reverie which I have been experiencing all of these all through out of my

Let us say that I have been experiencing weird dreams these past few months. They
are not just dreams that I could not remember, immediately delete and just ignore but they
are super alarming, totally alarming in which my brain cells are really functioning like
rumbling and wrestling with each other. I called them weird stuffs because I could not help it
that it can possibly happen. Hopefully not to become in real since it is crazy and opposite
char.char. And weird dreams of mine usually happen when I am stressed and burned out
from a whole day endeavor of work and studies (insert here some kaboang and LOL

I have also DREAMS (dreams for life) which I would like to happen when I am
sleeping or just taking my nap. I wish to be someone, someone that others will respect and
love. Someone who is successful, offerer of sacrifices, God-fearing, helpful, agent of change
most especially by the time I will be in my field, contributor, volunteer for the needy, able to
go to places I like most, help earn a living, help my family arouse from the situation that we
are experiencing right now, a better person of today and tomorrow, able to achieve the
things I really wanted and insert here the things I forgot to write.

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