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Our Lady of Kibeho


Nneka Okafor as Alphonsine (center) and the cast of ​Our Lady of Kibeho,​ directed
by Michael Greif, at Signature Theatre Company.

Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT

nyarwanda to each other, but for an
glish-speaking audience, a French- inflected
nyarwanda accent is ideal.

Our lash ( / ) denotes overlapping dialogue. A

uble hyphen ( -- ) denotes continuous dialogue.
em dash ( — ) denotes interrupted dialogue.

Lady of
her of the Word, Mother
Him, and who keep
pon you in
that you are with us,
of her children, even
with our eyes.

Kibeho pathway to Jesus

the Savior.
vors you gratify
BY KATORI HALL our life,
ed yourself, and chose
CHARACTERS ​The Trinity ​ALPHONSINE Kibeho, at the very time
MUMUREKE: ​A 16-year-old Rwandese girl,
cultural name means “leave her alone, she speaks
trength, so that we may
17-year- old Rwandese girl, cultural name means
essage of conversion
“one who settles arguments and brings peace”
live in accordance with
Rwandese young woman, cultural names means

Kibeho, Rwanda. 1981.

olling in the distance.
NOTES ​Rwandese accents: The characters as hang from towering
would probably be speaking French and
beautiful place in the
Even God goes on vacation here. The The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
f girls singing a hymn in an exquisite Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
harmony in Kinyarwanda can be heard (Sincerely)​: ​You think
through the corridors. Alphonsine, a FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
girl, sits outside an open door. She is EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
ely dressed with her hands folded in her ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
g down. She has no shoes. Her slender do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
s up and down, making her foot pat the EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
loor. She is nervous. The choir can be if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
neath the following exchange: ​SISTER What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
GELIQUE: ​She is a liar! Just a / liar! EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! ​SISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard h​ im,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. S waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard h​ im, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in,
waits. F EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! ​FATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. S waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard h​ im, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely):​ ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten Sister. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
Sister. S
She does not get up. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. S waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard h​ im, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely):​ ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! ​SISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely)​: ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister e Church ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​The head priest
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, he school ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​The deputy
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She d nun of the school ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​The
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern wn bishop, head of the Butare Diocese ​FATHER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:AVIA: ​Italian, an investigative priest from the
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, ly See, the “miracles office” at the Vatican
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
(Sincerely)​: ​You think e Chorus ​NKANGO: ​Anathalie’s father, a
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER mer ​EMMANUEL: ​A young boy who is cured
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot AIDS ​GIRLS 1-4: ​Classmates at Kibeho
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why llege ​VILLAGERS 1-3: ​Kibeho villagers
thinks / she is! F
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER PORTER: ​A reporter for the BBC
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things Son’s
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ray truly, and love
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
you willed, we may
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
flavor to everyone
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
y, Our Lady of Sorrows, grant us to Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
oss in our life, so that we may passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
our own bodies, all that has still to be look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
by Christ, for the sake of his mystic The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
Church. Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
(Sincerely)​: ​You think
we come to the end of our pil- FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
us live with you for all eternity, in
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
y kingdom.
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
Amen. EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! ​SISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely)​: ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
Sister. S
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely)​: ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
Sister. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
(Sincerely)​: ​You think EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! the whole school will crumble under the weight of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
must be punished! We let her get away with this, you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
the whole school will crumble under the weight of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown walks out and leans against the door. He is a
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
walks out and leans against the door. He is a (Sincerely)​: ​You think
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She thinks / she is! F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now? the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister! FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She
the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night. must be punished! We let her get away with this,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER the whole school will crumble under the weight of
EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Sister. S
must be punished! We let her get away with this, other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER
the whole school will crumble under the weight of TUYISHIME: ​Sister! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she
blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism,
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat.
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, TUYISHIME: ​Sister... ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair.
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE: walks out and leans against the door. He is a
Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him, handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
Sister. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well, waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
walks out and leans against the door. He is a passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can come in, The other girls might need your...​loving p​ resence,
Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern (Sincerely):​ ​You think
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! S ​ ISTER
The other girls might need your...​loving ​presence, EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot
Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why
thinks / she is! F
(Sincerely)​: ​You think do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER
SETTING ​Kibeho College, an all-girls Catholic EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things
school in Kibeho, Rwanda. 1981–1982. Before. if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
true events... What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you believe in tall tales now?
EVANGELIQUE: ​I don’t know who this little snot FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, of course not, / Sister!
thinks / she is! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister, why SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She could not have seen
do you have to speak such / nastiness? ​SISTER what she said she saw. She is just trying to frighten
EVANGELIQUE: ​I wouldn’t have to say such things the other girls. Keep them from sleeping at night.
if she wasn’t such a liar. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It ​is ​a good story. S ​ ISTER
What if she is telling the truth? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​It is blasphemy! F ​ ATHER
must be punished! We let her get away with this, out of the office. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Do you
the whole school will crumble under the weight of hear Father Tuyishime, my child? Or have you
blasphemy, / ANARCHY!! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: been struck deaf and dumb again? ​ALPHONSINE:
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She will cause the
Sister. S Yes. I-I-I mean no...Yes, I hear—I ​heard ​him,
other girls to begin lying, too! ​FATHER ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hmmmm. Well,
Sister. S
TUYISHIME: ​Sister! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If she you better go get your licks then. ​Father Tuyishime
thinks this is the way to get an A in cathecism, walks out and leans against the door. He is a
well— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SISTER! ​(Beat) D ​ id handsome man. Charming and young. The Sister
you punish her yet? ​The singing stops. Beat. waits. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Y ​ ou can come in,
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Just. A little. Bit. F ​ ATHER Alphonsine. ​Alphonsine stands up softly. She
TUYISHIME: ​Sister... S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I passes Sister Evangelique who gives her a stern
leave the rest to you. ​Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
look. The Sister waits. Beat. F
Alphonsine! ​Alphonsine grips the side of the chair. The other girls might need your...​loving p​ resence,
She does not get up. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: Sister Evan- gelique. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
ALPHONSINE!! ​Sister Evangelique, a tall brown (Sincerely):​ ​You think
woman dressed in all of her blessed nunnery, steps

Alphonsine I​ have a loving presence?
laughs again, bringing more of the Beat.
sun into the tiny cramped office. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Please, Sister.
ALPHONSINE: ​You are a very honest man. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Fine. Shall I come by
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I try to be, Alphonsine. later? To help you with the—
Are ​you ​honest? F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I can fill the jerricans
ALPHONSINE: ​Yes. I try to be. myself, Sister.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​So are you telling the S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Well...I guess my
truth? About what you saw? work here is done.
ALPHONSINE: ​Yes. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes. Sister. It is.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine, I think you ​The Sister walks away leaving the two alone.
imagined ​/ that. ​They enter Father Tuyishime’s office. A picture
ALPHONSINE: ​No, no! I saw. I ​saw​! Almost ​of Jesus floats above their heads. The Father
like I could touch Her, smell Her. ​looks to it for some strength. Beat. The Father
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, maybe you were ​turns to Alphonsine. He sighs heavily. He opens Hallucinating! ​a file on his desk.
ALPHONSINE: ​No, Father, I was not hal- F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine Mumureke...
lucinating— Tutsi...
FATHER TUYISHIME ​(Simultaneously):​ ​With ​He looks at her features. Nods to himself. Closes
so many of you all, packed like tea leaves in a ​the file.
box. No air to circulate in those dormitories. ​Beat.
I have to tell, Sister Evangelique to leave the F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Would you like a sip
door open— of water?
ALPHONSINE ​(Simultaneously):​ ​She was real. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Please don’t send me home. My
No, you’re not listening to me. I promise you, mother would be / so disappointed.
I swear to you that, I saw Her. I saw Her. I F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​First. Let us get you
saw Her. NO! I SAW HER!!! some water.
The Father is taken back by her ferocity. Alphon- He walks to a jerrican and pours Alphonsine a
sine clamps her hand over her mouth. cup. She gulps it down. He pours her another.
ALPHONSINE: ​I am / sorry. ​She bangs it back gladly. She finishes.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is all right. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Thank you.
ALPHONSINE: ​I am soo, soo sorry.
Owiso Odera (Father Tuyishime), Bowman Wright (Nkango), Nneka Okafor (Alphonsine), Mandi Masden (Anathalie) and Starla Benford (Sister
Evangelique) in the Signature Theatre production.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Must be parched. Tongue must be toasted from all those tall tales you have been telling. ​ALPHONSINE: ​No. I am.
Just. Hot. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Amen. ​He takes off his collar and places it on the desk. Alphonsine’s eyes bug out and she bursts into
laughter. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Shhhhh! Don’t tell. ​Alphonsine laughs louder. Her smile is like the sun rising above the hills in the
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Tutsi you are indeed. Tutsi women always have the prettiest smiles. ​Alphonsine stops smiling and looks
distance. F
down. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. ​Alphonsine’s thigh begins to pulse nervously. F ​ ATHER
​ LPHONSINE: ​As well as I. ​Beat. F
TUYISHIME: ​I did not mean it. Like that. I mean—I am one who cannot tell a lie. A ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
So I must “punish” you somehow. What do you think your “punish- ment” should be? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I can help you here in the office.
FATHER TUYISHIME ​(Smiling):​ ​Oh, that would be a punishment, eh? A
​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes. No... ​(Giggling) M ​ aybe. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
It would. I wake up in such a foul mood most mornings. Wooo watch out!
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
ssy hair, which makes Anathalie giggle. They
gle together. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE:
rie-Claire! Can I speak with you a moment?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is all right. ​ALPHONSINE: E-CLAIRE: ​Hush it.
I was not HOT. I am not lying. I promise. I only banana / beer trough.
speak the truth. ​Beat. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​So what is my now! I know... ​Anathalie
punishment for this? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Ehhh, Marie-Claire walks up to
you will have to...ehhh...empty the dormitory and beneath a partition
buckets at night... A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Anything else? ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​And sweep the halls in the he harmonies
morning... A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Anything else? F ​ ATHER SISTER EVANGELIQUE:
TUYISHIME: ​... A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Anything else​, RE: ​I just have a
Father Tuy- ishime? ​She holds her hands out, . ​SISTER
expecting the licks of the ruler. Beat. He puts his is because you are
hand over her hand and pushes it down. She looks RE: ​But I’m only 21,
up in surprise. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Report to my QUE: ​In Kibeho, that
office. Every morning. Seven o’clock. Sharp. one foot in the grave.
Alphonsine begins to walk out of the cramped t amused. S​ ISTER
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​One more thing,
office. F e, Marie, I am not
Alphonsine. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, Father. F ​ ATHER ​happenings ​have put
TUYISHIME: ​What did She look like? E: ​They have put me on
Was She ​muzungu​? ​He points to the picture of the r. ​SISTER
white Jesus on the wall looking down at them. With ou think of them?
the bluest of eyes and the blondest of hair... ere to think of them?
Alphonsine takes a pause, as if she is in a trance. o you believe this fool?
ALPHONSINE: ​She was not white or black. She y father once said “the
was just...beautiful. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Like aks the truth.” ​SISTER
you? ​The sweet sounds of the choir start back up. lly? ​MARIE-CLAIRE:
Alphonsine blushes. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​No. Much E: ​I’ve never heard of
more beautiful than me. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(To ​ ust be Tutsi.
st) M
himself)​: ​Hmph. ​(To her) ​Hurry on. You will be IE-CLAIRE: ​No, it is
late for rehearsal. ​Alphonsine walks out. Father VANGELIQUE: ​Hmph.
Tuyishime looks after her. Lights shift. ?M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​No. I
own mind. ​SISTER
SCENE 2 ​Alphonsine does your own mind
joins the group of girls at choir rehearsal outside ust wants attention.
in the courtyard. Marie-Claire is utterly bored out Well, she certainly knows
of her friggin’ mind and she keeps on getting the reath) S​ he has Father
harmony wrong. Anathalie sings sweetly. But then now. She will be
it starts raining. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​See, God unishment.
is crying because you all sound so horrible. We are she gets for pun-
done for today. ​The girls giggle as they run away LIQUE: ​Does she need

from the rain. Everyone makes sure to steer clear were the head nun, I
of Alphonsine. Marie-Claire points at Alphonsine’s cks with the ruler, made
wash every- one’s
r the entire month. If I can speak my that. ​Sister Evangelique looks into Marie-Claire’s
y-- ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Trying to face as if looking into a mirror. ​SISTER
Go ahead. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE ​(Continuing):​ EVANGELIQUE: ​I know. M ​ arie-Claire smiles.
tly, I would have made her do all of SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Go along, now. Don’t you
n some. ​I ​would have been smacked have some songs to be learning? ​The thunder rolls
and lights shift.
the face for such blasphemy, probably even
expelled! It’s disturbing to think she could actually SCENE 3 ​The sun has broken through the clouds.
get away with, get AWAY with / it all. ​SISTER Alphon- sine is taking the books from Father
EVANGELIQUE: ​She hasn’t gotten away with Tuyishime’s office and dusting them. Anathalie
anything. Rather she won’t. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I comes up behind her and watches her through
could run this place much better than you— ​Sister thick glasses. A ​ NATHALIE: H
​ ow long are you on
Evangelique yanks her up hard. ​SISTER punish- ment? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​He say a week.
EVANGELIQUE: ​Until you are across the river, ANATHALIE: ​Ahhhh, that means you get to go to
beware how you insult the mother alligator. ​Beat. confession! A ​ LPHONSINE: ​There is nothing to
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sorry. Sister. ​Sister Evangelique confess. A​ NATHALIE: ​Is it weird that I love to go to
lets her down gently. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​The confession? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Perhaps it’s that you
next time she goes into another one of her little have an unclean heart. A ​ NATHALIE ​(Offended)​: ​I
trances, you pinch her. You pinch her hard. am a virgin, Alphon- sine. All virgins have unclean
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I don’t want to touch her when she hearts. ​Alphonsine continues to dust. A​ NATHALIE
goes there. Her eyes...gone. No life. Almost like (Pushing up her glasses):​ ​I’d love to be on
she’s sleeping with her eyes / wide open. ​SISTER punishment for Father Tuyishime. ​ALPHONSINE:
EVANGELIQUE: ​Watch her. In the dorms. You are Anathalie! A ​ NATHALIE: W ​ ha? He’s extraordinarily
the eldest of the girls. I am going to need you to cute. Too bad he can’t get married. ​Alphonsine
take control of things. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Control of laughs, bringing more sunlight to drive away the
things? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, my darling storm. ​ALPHONSINE: ​You better get away, before
Marie- Claire. Control. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I can do she comes.
that. ​Sister Evangelique looks into Marie-Claire’s SCENE 3 ​The sun has broken through the clouds.
face as if looking into a mirror. ​SISTER Alphon- sine is taking the books from Father
EVANGELIQUE: ​I know. ​Marie-Claire smiles. Tuyishime’s office and dusting them. Anathalie
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Go along, now. Don’t you comes up behind her and watches her through
have some songs to be learning? ​The thunder rolls thick glasses. A ​ NATHALIE: H
​ ow long are you on
and lights shift. punish- ment? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​He say a week.
the face for such blasphemy, probably even ANATHALIE: ​Ahhhh, that means you get to go to
expelled! It’s disturbing to think she could actually confession! A ​ LPHONSINE: ​There is nothing to
get away with, get AWAY with / it all. ​SISTER confess. A​ NATHALIE: ​Is it weird that I love to go to
EVANGELIQUE: ​She hasn’t gotten away with confession? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Perhaps it’s that you
anything. Rather she won’t. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I have an unclean heart. A ​ NATHALIE ​(Offended)​: ​I
could run this place much better than you— ​Sister am a virgin, Alphon- sine. All virgins have unclean
Evangelique yanks her up hard. ​SISTER hearts. ​Alphonsine continues to dust. A​ NATHALIE
EVANGELIQUE: ​Until you are across the river, (Pushing up her glasses):​ ​I’d love to be on
beware how you insult the mother alligator. ​Beat. punishment for Father Tuyishime. ​ALPHONSINE:
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sorry. Sister. ​Sister Evangelique Anathalie! A ​ NATHALIE: W ​ ha? He’s extraordinarily
lets her down gently. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​The cute. Too bad he can’t get married. ​Alphonsine
next time she goes into another one of her little laughs, bringing more sunlight to drive away the
trances, you pinch her. You pinch her hard. storm. ​ALPHONSINE: ​You better get away, before
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I don’t want to touch her when she she comes.
goes there. Her eyes...gone. No life. Almost like SCENE 3 ​The sun has broken through the clouds.
she’s sleeping with her eyes / wide open. ​SISTER Alphon- sine is taking the books from Father
EVANGELIQUE: ​Watch her. In the dorms. You are Tuyishime’s office and dusting them. Anathalie
the eldest of the girls. I am going to need you to comes up behind her and watches her through
take control of things. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Control of ​ NATHALIE: H
thick glasses. A ​ ow long are you on
things? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, my darling punish- ment? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​He say a week.
Marie- Claire. Control. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I can do
ANATHALIE: ​Ahhhh, that means you get to go to (Pushing up her glasses):​ ​I’d love to be on
confession! ​ALPHONSINE: ​There is nothing to punishment for Father Tuyishime. ​ALPHONSINE:
confess. A​ NATHALIE: ​Is it weird that I love to go to ​ NATHALIE: W
Anathalie! A ​ ha? He’s extraordinarily
confession? A​ LPHONSINE: ​Perhaps it’s that you cute. Too bad he can’t get married. ​Alphonsine
have an unclean heart. A​ NATHALIE ​(Offended)​: ​I laughs, bringing more sunlight to drive away the
am a virgin, Alphon- sine. All virgins have unclean storm. ​ALPHONSINE: ​You better get away, before
hearts. ​Alphonsine continues to dust. A​ NATHALIE she comes.

GIRL 1: ​I think I’m going to be sick. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: S
​ uch a light-weight. Anathalie, I thought I told you to meet us by the banana beer
trough? ​ANATHALIE ​(Looking at Alphonsine):​ I​ was. I was going to, but— ​GIRL 1: ​Alphonsine, where did Father Tuy- ishime give you
​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​On the bottom? ​ANATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire! ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​What? Bad girls usually get it on the bottom. Where
licks? M
did he put your welts? Let me see. Let me see! ​Marie-Claire goes to lift Alphonsine’s skirt. Balling up her fist— A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Do that
again and I will slap you so hard your descendants will feel the sting!! T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Whoa... M
​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​So the Virgin Mary visits
mean old nasty girls like you? G ​ IRL 1: ​A Tutsi on top of that. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I’m not lying. G ​ IRL 2: ​Tutsis lie. A​ LPHONSINE: ​We do not.
GIRL 1: ​That’s what my ma said. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Well, maybe your ma is proof that Hutus lie. G ​ IRL 3: ​Why don’t I see Her, huh? Why
doesn’t She speak to me? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I do not know. How I wish She would. A ​ NATHALIE: ​But wouldn’t it be something? If
Alphonsine wasn’t lying? Our Lady. Here. In Kibeho... M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​The day Our Lady visits Kibeho is the day the pope comes to
Africa. A​ NATHALIE: ​Stranger things have happened. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: W ​ ha, Anathalie? Do you believe this liar? This blasphemer. This
WITCH!! ​Marie-Claire pushes Alphonsine again. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire, stop it. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Whose side are you on, Anathalie?
You must walk on the side of the righteous! She is a witch. T ​ HE GIRLS ​(In unison):​ ​A witch! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​We all know you come
from the village of Zaza. G ​ IRL 1: ​Those people are fools. They worship statues and drink the blood of babies. G ​ IRL 3: ​I heard they cut out
the hearts of chick- ens and dance with them above their heads. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​They are heathens!!! T ​ HE GIRLS: H ​ eathens!
ANATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire. I said / stop it! Leave her alone. You all stop! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​You are a witch! A witch! T ​ HE GIRLS ​(In
unison):​ ​A witch! A witch! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​What, you want to protect the little witch from Zaza? ​Marie-Claire snatches Anathalie’s
glasses off of her face. A​ NATHALIE: ​Give my spectacles back, Marie- A ​ NATHALIE: ​Ah-ah! Marie-Claire doesn’t
Claire. rule me.
GIRL 1: ​You blind fool. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Are you sure about that?
Marie-Claire tosses the glasses to the other girl. ​ANATHALIE: S ​ he is a lion all roar and menace,
GIRL 2: ​Here give them to me! but you? You are a flea. Quiet. Little. Almost
ANATHALIE: ​Stop it! Stop it! I can’t see! invisible.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​You believe what she says, A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Well, a flea can bother a lion,
huh? but a lion cannot bother a flea.
ANATHALIE: ​Give them back! A ​ NATHALIE: ​Too smart for your own good.
Forgotten on the ground, Alphonsine slowly ​ALPHONSINE: ​And too dumb for yours.
rises up until she is on her knees. We see that A ​ NATHALIE: Y ​ ou are the one who goes deaf
she is staring into the distance. Her back arches a​ nd dumb, pretending that you are gone. But
and the winds begin to change. The pages of the ​we know. We know you are just acting. You
books she was dusting begin to rustle like the j​ ust want attention. You silly, silly girl. You
leaves on a tree. j​ ust want people to see you.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Look! Look! She’s doing A ​ LPHONSINE: S ​ ee me? No, I want you to see
it again. Her, Anathalie. Oh, I wish you could see what
GIRL 1: ​She’s possessed. I see. Know what I know. Know Her! She
GIRL 3: ​Look at that evil in her eye. wants to embrace us with the greatest love.
Alphonsine looks utterly at peace. Exuberant ​Her arms are so wide that they wrap around
even. Stars stream from her eyes. She is some- ​the world twice over. She loves us more than
where else... ​our parents. She loves us even though we live
GIRL 1: ​Don’t go near her! in sin. She wants us to pray, Anathalie. Pray!
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Pinch her. It is the only way to stop the pain. The only
ANATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire! Stop being mean! way. She showed me how this world could be.
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Ignoring her):​ ​Go ​pinch h ​ er. A ​ NATHALIE: ​She did? What did She show
GIRL 1: ​Eh-eh! She’s not going to possess me. you?
GIRL 2: ​I told you! I told you! She’s a witch! A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I don’t know if I can tell you.
GIRL 3: ​I think she’s just possessed. A ​ NATHALIE: C ​ ome on! How did the world
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I said pinch her. look?
THE GIRLS: ​EH-EH!! ​Beat.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Fine, I’ll do it. ​ALPHONSINE: ​More beautiful than this land
Marie-Claire goes up to her and pinches her. ​of a thousand hills, my friend. Rwanda has
Pinches her hard. Alphonsine does not move, n​ othing on where She would take us. It is a
she luxuriates. l​ and where mountains float. Where one is
ANATHALIE: ​Leave her alone! never hungry. It is a land where sickness is no
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​You won’t move, enh? You more. Darkness is no more. Fear is no more.
won’t move? ​(To the other girls) ​Let’s play a Hate does not hide itself in the cracks of men’s
little game. hearts. It is a land of love. Everywhere love.
Marie-Claire takes her rosary off. She goes to the ​ANATHALIE: ​Sounds like heaven all right, but
far corner of the corridor. She throws her rosary. ​don’t we have to die to get there?
It hits Alphonsine in her head. She doesn’t flinch. ​ALPHONSINE: ​No, Anathalie, no! She said,
She is in another world. ​we can have it. Here on earth. We just have
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Damn it! to pray. Repent. Purge your unclean virgin
ANATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire! I’m going to tell heart, Anathalie. Pray with me. So you can
Sister Evangelique. see it, too...
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Don’t be such a snitch! ​Alphonsine’s hand is stretching to Anathalie’s.
GIRL 1: ​Ooooo, I wanna try! ​Anathalie steps closer and begins to reach out
GIRL 2: ​Me, too! ​her hand, but—
They take their rosaries off and they play their A ​ NATHALIE: ​I wouldn’t want to see that.
ad hoc game—similar to horseshoes or a game ​ALPHONSINE: W ​ hy?
one plays at the carnival. ​ANATHALIE: ​Because I don’t think the world
THE GIRLS: ​Ring around the rosary...Ring c ​ ould ever be that beautiful.
around the rosary!! Marie-Claire enters with her gang of girls trail-
GIRL 4 ​(Sings in Kinyarwanda)​: ​Eii ooooooo Eii ing. Anathalie quickly brings her hand up to push
oooooooo Eii oooooooo! up her glasses. Marie-Claire pushes Alphonsine,
They continue to hit Alphonsine in her head. who was already on her knees, making her fall
But she is gone, not hearing the yells of the girls. spread-eagle onto the ground.
She begins to speak to someone high, high above A ​ NATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire!
their heads. ​MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Drunken giggles)​: ​What?
ALPHONSINE: ​I have been. I’ve been praying A ​ NATHALIE: ​Leave her alone.
my rosary every night. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​You all reek of banana beer.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​What is she saying? What T ​ HE GIRLS: ​So!
are you saying devil girl?
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
ther. ​ANATHALIE: ​Well, I wouldn’t have to
ow like your grandmother if I could see! Give
back my specs— ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Not until you
GIRL 1 ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Don’t get too close. She’s it again. Again! T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Do it again! Do it
gonna bite you. ​GIRL 3 ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Yaaaay! I in! ​Anathalie takes another throw, but
scored. ​ALPHONSINE: ​Are you sure? / They make honsine’s hand rises and she catches the rosary
fun of me all the time. It is getting hard. h her hand. T ​ HE GIRLS: O ​ oooooo!
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Point one for you! Come, RIE-CLAIRE: ​See, she’s lying! She’s lying!
Anathalie, join us. ​Anathalie does not move. athalie is staring at her. ​ANATHALIE
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I said Anathalie join us. multaneously):​ G ​ ive it back! Give it back!
Marie-Claire slaps Anathalie. Anathalie, buck- RIE-CLAIRE ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Give it back to
ling beneath the peer pressure, reluctantly takes off . Give it back! ​Alphonsine refuses or rather she
​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Throw it! Throw it!
her rosary. M ost... ​ANATHALIE: G ​ ive it back! Give it—
Tears stream down Alphonsine’s cheeks. She is asp) Suddenly Anathalie is struck by something.
looking at the Virgin Mary. Anathalie tries to r back arches and she bends backward onto the
throw it around Alphonsine’s neck, but it hits the und as if she is a prima ballerina. ​THE GIRLS:
​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​You throw like my grand-
floor. M ve it back! Give it back! ​Anathalie falls onto her
knees. She begins to look in the same direction as GO: ​She’d better be.
Alphonsine. G ​ IRL 1: ​Look! Look at Anathalie. ’t move. She continues to
Look at her. ​A warm light begins to dance across ANGO: ​You don’t want
Alphonsine and Anathalie’s faces. It’s as if the sun ​ ATHER
es his belt. F
is reflect- ing on water, and playing peek-a-boo n come to some kind of
with their lips. An intense joy ripples through their GELIQUE: ​Agreement?
bodies. Anathalie is staring up at something g home. I don’t know
floating high above their heads. Tears begin to her. ​SISTER
stream from her eyes. She is somewhere else... at I said. ​NKANGO:
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Anathalie...Anathalie? Wha- TUYISHIME: ​Perhaps
what’s going on? What’s happening? Anathalie, t she learn from these
Anathalie! Come back! Come back. Come back. ​NKANGO
Come...back... many Hail Marys will get
ANGELIQUE: ​A hundred
SCENE 4 ​Father
Tuyishime’s office. Anathalie and Alphonsine are twenty-three. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister
sitting with bags packed. Sister Evangelique is Evangelique! ​ANATHALIE: ​I will do them. I will do
looking over them... pleased. S them. Whatever I need to do Papa. But please just
EVANGELIQUE: ​Soon these shenani- gans will all let me stay in school. Hail Mary, full of grace. The
be over. Lord is / with thee. Blessed are thou among
E: ​Why did you bring him here? S ​ ISTER women... ​(Continuing beneath the fol- lowing
QUE: ​Someone needs to knock some exchange) F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​See, she has
ou. ​Father Tuyishime comes in already started. A hundred and twenty-two more to
Nkango, Anathalie’s father, a big hefty go— N ​ KANGO: ​No, she must get out of here.
THER TUYISHIME: ​I’m glad that you FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But she needs her school-
on such short notice, Nkango. ing. ​Nkango slaps his belt against the desk. It
Anything that concerns my child is my makes everyone jump. Silence. N ​ KANGO: ​I am but
Where is she? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: a lowly farmer, Father. We are all just farmers. If
NKANGO: ​So this is how you treat my the village thinks I have a daughter who is a witch,
Anathalie? You go and get yourself in who will buy my banana, huh? Who will buy my
ATHALIE: ​Papa, please understand. ​His cassava, huh? Who will buy? The entire village
o his belt. ​NKANGO: ​Excuse me, are would rather go hungry than eat the groundnuts of
ng? A ​ NATHALIE: ​No, Papa, / I’m not. a man who has fathered a witch. I cannot have it.
NE: ​Shhhh, / Anathalie. A ​ NATHALIE ​(To She will come back to the field where she will not
:​ ​Wha? N
​ KANGO: ​Is this the one catch this-this-uh virus. You are infecting my
ahoots with? A ​ NATHALIE: ​Papa, I’m not daughter. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am not a
with / anyone. ​ALPHONSINE: mosquito. N ​ KANGO: ​Well, I much rather her die of
Anathalie! ​Nkango begins to take off malaria than of lies. I should have never let you
ANGO: ​We said go to school and this is come. This was nonsense anyhow and all of this is
o and do? Follow some heathen right proving me right. Your mother was always wrong.
ucation. ​(Pointing to Alphonsine) W ​ hat Book learning makes a girl go crazy. Come, now
ng to do with her? ​SISTER Anathalie, before I have to come and get you. ​But
QUE: ​She is an orphan. No father. Anathalie is gazing off. A​ NATHALIE ​(Pointing)​:
What a shame. She needs someone to But Father ​She w​ ants me to stay. ​NKANGO:
od for this foolishness. ​FATHER Anathalie, get your things NOW! I don’t care what
: ​Nkango, there is no need— N ​ KANGO: your little friend says— ​ANATHALIE:
be a father, Father Tuy- ishime, but you N-N-N-N-No, not Alphonsine. ​Her​... ​Anathalie
father to Anathalie Mukamazimpaka. points to an empty space. ​NKANGO: ​Anathalie,
nathalie, get your things. I am taking don’t make me come and GET YOU! ​The hefty
his school for good. A ​ NATHALIE: ​No, farmer punches the wall. It splinters. Everyone
e I promise. I promise I won’t speak to except for Anathalie jumps... A​ NATHALIE: B ​ ut
promise! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: Papa look! Look how She floats... ​Anathalie’s eyes
m sure Anathalie is very sorry for her start rolling into the back of her head. Sister
Evangelique bolts from her chair. S ​ ISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​Ah-ah. Not again. ​Anathalie falls She said it would... ​NKANGO: ​She? W ​ ho is ​She​?
down on her knees. There is the most angelic Wha... ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She look
expression on her face. She laughs. Giggles. Coos. like, Anathalie? A ​ NATHALIE: ​So beautiful words
Laughs. Giggles. Coos. Like a baby staring up at cannot describe— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What is
her mother. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​It’s spreading. Just like She wearing?
She said it would... N ​ KANGO: ​She? W ​ ho is ​She​? twenty-three. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister
Wha... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She look Evangelique! A ​ NATHALIE: ​I will do them. I will do
like, Anathalie? A ​ NATHALIE: ​So beautiful words them. Whatever I need to do Papa. But please just
cannot describe— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What is let me stay in school. Hail Mary, full of grace. The
She wearing? Lord is / with thee. Blessed are thou among
twenty-three. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister women... ​(Continuing beneath the fol- lowing
Evangelique! A ​ NATHALIE: ​I will do them. I will do exchange) F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​See, she has
them. Whatever I need to do Papa. But please just already started. A hundred and twenty-two more to
let me stay in school. Hail Mary, full of grace. The go— N ​ KANGO: ​No, she must get out of here.
Lord is / with thee. Blessed are thou among FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But she needs her school-
women... ​(Continuing beneath the fol- lowing ing. ​Nkango slaps his belt against the desk. It
exchange) F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​See, she has makes everyone jump. Silence. N ​ KANGO: ​I am but
already started. A hundred and twenty-two more to a lowly farmer, Father. We are all just farmers. If
go— N ​ KANGO: ​No, she must get out of here. the village thinks I have a daughter who is a witch,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But she needs her school- who will buy my banana, huh? Who will buy my
ing. ​Nkango slaps his belt against the desk. It cassava, huh? Who will buy? The entire village
makes everyone jump. Silence. N ​ KANGO: ​I am but would rather go hungry than eat the groundnuts of
a lowly farmer, Father. We are all just farmers. If a man who has fathered a witch. I cannot have it.
the village thinks I have a daughter who is a witch, She will come back to the field where she will not
who will buy my banana, huh? Who will buy my catch this-this-uh virus. You are infecting my
cassava, huh? Who will buy? The entire village daughter. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am not a
would rather go hungry than eat the groundnuts of mosquito. N ​ KANGO: ​Well, I much rather her die of
a man who has fathered a witch. I cannot have it. malaria than of lies. I should have never let you
She will come back to the field where she will not come. This was nonsense anyhow and all of this is
catch this-this-uh virus. You are infecting my proving me right. Your mother was always wrong.
daughter. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am not a Book learning makes a girl go crazy. Come, now
mosquito. N ​ KANGO: ​Well, I much rather her die of Anathalie, before I have to come and get you. ​But
malaria than of lies. I should have never let you Anathalie is gazing off. A ​ NATHALIE ​(Pointing)​:
come. This was nonsense anyhow and all of this is But Father ​She w ​ ants me to stay. ​NKANGO:
proving me right. Your mother was always wrong. Anathalie, get your things NOW! I don’t care what
Book learning makes a girl go crazy. Come, now your little friend says— ​ANATHALIE:
Anathalie, before I have to come and get you. ​But N-N-N-N-No, not Alphonsine. ​Her​... ​Anathalie
Anathalie is gazing off. A ​ NATHALIE ​(Pointing)​: points to an empty space. ​NKANGO: ​Anathalie,
But Father ​She w ​ ants me to stay. ​NKANGO: don’t make me come and GET YOU! ​The hefty
Anathalie, get your things NOW! I don’t care what farmer punches the wall. It splinters. Everyone
your little friend says— ​ANATHALIE: except for Anathalie jumps... A ​ NATHALIE: B ​ ut
N-N-N-N-No, not Alphonsine. ​Her​... ​Anathalie Papa look! Look how She floats... ​Anathalie’s eyes
points to an empty space. ​NKANGO: ​Anathalie, start rolling into the back of her head. Sister
don’t make me come and GET YOU! ​The hefty Evangelique bolts from her chair. S ​ ISTER
farmer punches the wall. It splinters. Everyone EVANGELIQUE: ​Ah-ah. Not again. A ​ nathalie falls
except for Anathalie jumps... A ​ NATHALIE: B ​ ut down on her knees. There is the most angelic
Papa look! Look how She floats... ​Anathalie’s eyes expression on her face. She laughs. Giggles. Coos.
start rolling into the back of her head. Sister Laughs. Giggles. Coos. Like a baby staring up at
Evangelique bolts from her chair. S ​ ISTER her mother. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​It’s spreading. Just like
EVANGELIQUE: ​Ah-ah. Not again. ​Anathalie falls She said it would... N ​ KANGO: ​She? W ​ ho is ​She​?
down on her knees. There is the most angelic Wha... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She look
expression on her face. She laughs. Giggles. Coos. like, Anathalie? A ​ NATHALIE: ​So beautiful words
Laughs. Giggles. Coos. Like a baby staring up at cannot describe— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What is
her mother. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​It’s spreading. Just like She wearing?
Alphonsine and Anathalie are lying side by side in two beds. Sister Evangelique looks over Alphonsine. She does the sign of the cross
over her and puts a dab of holy water over her head. She turns her back to Alphonsine and faces the bed Anathalie is lying in. She pulls
out her pocket watch. She checks the time. She is about to put the watch back into her pocket until she gets an idea. Sister Evangelique
stares at Anathalie, who lies there stiff as a board. The Sister puts the pocket watch beneath her nose. She waits for the fog, but—
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​No breath. ​Sister Evangelique lifts her arm. Checks it. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Barely a pulse? ​Behind Sister
Evangelique, Alphonsine slowly rises, not making a sound. The candlelight pushes her shadow around the room. Sister Evangelique puts
her ear to Anathalie’s chest. She waits and waits and waits. She hears...nothing. Concerned, Sister Evangelique takes Anathalie’s face
lov- ingly into her hands. She makes the sign of the cross and— ​ALPHONSINE: ​Don’t worry. She will not succumb. ​Sister Evangelique
practically jumps out of her skin and lunges at Alphonsine in the darkness! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Jesus!!!
ALPHONSINE ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Oh. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Jesus!!! A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Didn’t mean to scare you. S
I thought you were asleep. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Seems like you are hell-bent on making that permanent. ​Beat. Sister Evangelique’s eyes bore
holes through Alphonsine. Not caring, Alphonsine stretches as if she’s had the best nap in her life. She takes her time. An extensive yawn
that lasts eons. Finally, she swings her legs around the side of the bed. She smiles at Sister Evangelique. Beat. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE:
Oh, so you think this is funny? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I am not laughing, Sister. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Well, get that silly little smirk off your
​ LPHONSINE: ​I cannot help but have a bit of Easter in my heart. I shall come back to earth now and be in
face, before I slap it off. A
despair like all you others. ​Alphonsine mocks the Sister’s deep frown lines. Sister Evangelique is not pleased. Then Alphon- sine bursts
into laughter. A​ LPHONSINE: ​Oh, Sister. Frowns make a woman look so ugly. Always remember a Rwandan woman’s beauty is in her—
Sister Evangelique sharply smacks Alphonsine. Weak from her trip to the other side, Alphonsine falls onto the bed. ​SISTER
EVANGELIQUE: ​How dare you? How. Dare. You? You little ingrate, you little... ​(Searching for the word) ​Witch! Yes...Is that what you
are? A witch. A shitty little witch? A ​ NATHALIE: ​A long veil. White. Glowing.
I think so. I think that’s exactly what you are. Like the stars on a clear night—
I know you. I know your kind. You shake F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​And Her skin?
hands with the devil and use the same hand A ​ NATHALIE: S​ mooth. No marks. Like no one
to make the sign of the cross. You’ve been I have ever seen—
conjuring your little spells and everyone is N ​ KANGO: ​My God, Father!! Why are you
falling beneath the spell you are casting. The egging this nonsense on? / Jesus Christ!
Father and now Anathalie. But I will cast you F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​SHHH, Nkango! And
out. I will cast you OUT! Her eyes—
Alphonsine has brought her gaze back to Sister Nkango goes to pick up the tiny Anathalie. He
Evangelique’s. Alphonsine, though she is smaller grabs her and—
and more slight than Sister, seems to grow taller N ​ KANGO: ​Eh-eh!
and wider. Her presence expanding. Swallowing She does not budge. He tries to pull on her again,
up all the space in the tiny room. The Sister begins but the hefty farmer’s strength cannot pick up
to shake in fear. Actually, visibly quake. There is his slim daughter. He hems and haws, but she is
a fire in Alphonsine’s eyes that has not been there like a tree trunk rooted to the floor. He tries to
before. A blinding light... lift her again. But can’t...
ALPHONSINE: ​You do not scare me anymore. N ​ KANGO: ​Will somebody help me?
Sister Evangelique takes a step back. She turns Sister Evangelique jumps up to help. But she,
her head away. She gathers herself. The shaking too, cannot lift her.
soon subsides. Alphonsine turns sweet. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​She must have a belly
ALPHONSINE: ​She will be heard. Whether full of stones.
you like it or not. ​The adults grunt and twist, but she is like Mount
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Is that so? ​Kilimanjaro. Immovable. She giggles. Coos.
ALPHONSINE: ​Yes. ​Laughs and coos some more.
Beat. Sister Evangelique’s glare melts. Asking Finally, spent from their lifting, they watch
from the deep end of her heart: Anathalie, whose tongue is like a television
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Why can you hear ​changing channels. She speaks French. Then
Her, and I cannot? ​Kinyarwanda. She speaks in many, many tongues.
ALPHONSINE: ​You can hear Her through me. ​The tongues of the universe.
If you are ready to listen...Are you ready? N ​ KANGO: ​What are you saying my child?
Silence from Sister Evangelique. ​Father, Father! What is going on?
ALPHONSINE: ​May I go now? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(Ignoring him)​: ​Alphon-
​ lease. sine, what is she saying?
Alphonsine hops off the bed. She does the sign of ​ALPHONSINE: ​She needs the people of the
the cross over Anathalie. She looks at her friend ​village to listen. She needs them to hear the
and smiles. Satisfied. m ​ essage.
ALPHONSINE: ​She’ll be coming out of it soon. N ​ KANGO: ​No, she needs to come home.
Very s​ oon. She’s sick.
Alphonsine exits. Incredulous, Sister Evangelique A ​ LPHONSINE: S ​ he needs to be heard. It is
stares after her. t​ he only way. This is Mama Mary’s decree...
Lights shift. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​What is Anathalie see- ing now?
SCENE 6 ​ALPHONSINE: ​She is seeing the goodness...
​ he beauty...The light...
Day. The Father’s office. Father Tuyishime has T
a visitor, Bishop Gahamanyi. They are very ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​What light, Alphonsine?
relaxed. In man-mode, cracking up: Just then Alphonsine drifts off and the two girls
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​And Mama Rusibanga ​are looking at the same space. They are both
chased Dada Rusibanga down the hill with her ​cooing like little babies.
​ KANGO: ​My child! My poor child! She has
hoe. I tell you it was a sight to see. N
FATHER TUYISHIME ​(Wiping tears from his b ​ een struck dumb. She is dumb. My child.
eyes)​: ​I wish I could have been there. ​Anathalie’s father holds her, softly. Suddenly the
BISHOP GAHAMANYI ​(Shaking his fist)​: D ​ ada ​young women draw in seven quick breaths, as if
Rusibanga should have given Mama a piece ​they are gasping for air underwater.
of his mind. N ​ KANGO: ​Anathalie, Anathalie...
FATHER TUYISHIME ​(Laughing uncomfortably)​: ​They take in one big breath and both Anathalie
Well...he was supposed to be turning the field ​and Alphonsine collapse to the floor.
not playing futbol. N ​ KANGO: ​Is she...
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Still he should have— ​Lights shift.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI ​(Interrupting)​: ​Eh-eh! Two lions cannot rule one valley. ​SCENE 5
SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Entering)​: ​Your Excel- ​A candlelit room.
lency, that is very true.
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
ling at Sister’s audacity):​ I​ t is true that I don’t
a chance to come to Kibeho very often.
THER TUYISHIME: ​Well, those seven hills can
They stop and turn to look at the door. Sister as big as mountains. Wheew! ​BISHOP
Evangelique genuflects upon seeing the Bishop. HAMANYI: ​Eh-eh! Did I tell you Dada
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Sister Evangelique, so you sibanga banged me in the knee at the last futbol
agree with me? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​To a me? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sorry, sorry. S ​ ISTER
certain extent. B​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Good. Good. ANGELIQUE: ​I suppose if you are out of shape
Uncomfortable silence. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are h a flabby stomach and a banged up knee, yes
the girls— S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Fine. They are se hills can be hard. But most of my girls can
​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Young girls will
both fine. B up them with jerricans full of water balanced
do anything for attention these days. ​FATHER their heads. All of this, of course, before they
TUYISHIME ​(Smiling)​: ​Indeed, they will. B
​ ISHOP their lesson at 7:30 in the morning. ​Bishop ain’t
GAHAMANYI: ​Sometimes I don’t mind it. We all time to play with no Sister Evangelique so:
need to be listened heard. But this might all HOP GAHAMANYI: ​Well, I’m here at 6:30 this
be going a bit too far— ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: rning because there is a rustle down in the
Yes, usually all one needs is a pretty face and nice ley. It’s making the banana trees shake with a
waist to get your attention. Your Excellency, isper that might soon grow into an
sooooo nice of you to bless us with your presence ontrollable roar. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am
today. Last time we saw each other, I think it was ng my best to control it, Your Excellency.
dry season. ​The men stop smiling. Father TER EVANGELIQUE: ​You ​are? F ​ ATHER
Tuyishime shoots Sister Evangelique a “shut the YISHIME: ​Yes...​I a​ m. B
fuck up” glare. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI ​(Tightly ll, one of the girls’ fathers has been spreading
rumors about how he saw his laming / me? ​BISHOP
daughter...ehhhh...catch the spirit so to speak. That ad by exam- ple, Sister.
his daughter is a prophet? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: Please, act like one. Let
I bet his bananas are selling like Primus beers now. will only lead them down
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​This is not a time for not be tolerated.
joking, Sister. There’s worse news. ​FATHER SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​But— ​BISHOP
TUYISHIME: ​Worse news? B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: GAHAMANYI: ​Father Tuyishime needs your help. I
A reporter from Radio Rwanda wants to interview know how you women can be, coddling them,
me about these two girls. Radio Rwanda. ​(Pause) letting them get away with things, but-- ​SISTER
Have they EVANGELIQUE ​(Interrupting):​ ​Me? B ​ ISHOP
hed? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE GAHAMANYI ​(Continuing)​: ​--with Father’s
ously):​ ​No. ​FATHER TUYISHIME Tuyishime’s recent appointment as head chaplain,
ously):​ ​Yes. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: he cannot deal with these shenanigans. It is your
h one is it? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE responsibility now. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Now?
ultaneously)​: ​Yes. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME It has ​always b​ een mine. ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI:
simultaneously)​: ​No. Well, no and yes. Sister, please. The diocese is none too happy with
AHAMANYI: ​No and yes? S ​ ISTER the recent happenings of bullshit. ​SISTER
QUE ​(Simultaneously)​: ​Yes and no. EVANGELIQUE: ​And neither am I. B ​ ISHOP
YISHIME ​(Simultaneously):​ ​No and yes. GAHAMANYI: ​But it seems like you’re allowing
AHAMANYI: ​You know how our vil- lage these girls to run amok and take control of the
They believe. They believe so easily. school. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Perhaps if ​he ​were
y heart that they believe. It makes our not goading them on. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: S ​ ister
for us, eh? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, Evangelique, I have not been goading them on!
will believe anything you tell them. GAHAMANYI ​(To Father Tuyishime)​: ​You’ve been
not, we absolutely cannot have them goading them on? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
this. F (Simultaneously):​ Y ​ es. ​FATHER TUYISHIME
. Them. The girls. ​BISHOP (Simultaneously):​ N ​ o! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​He
YI: ​I don’t need to see in order to... has!!! Asking them what She looks like, what kind
t a minute... B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: of veil She has on. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister!
me you believe these shenanigans, SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, it’s been you the
use. The Father and Sister look at each whole time. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​I don’t care
ER EVANGELIQUE: ​Someone from the who is goad- ing who and what and where and
ds to investigate these girls. Give them why. Get it under control or I will SHUT. IT.
cal evaluations. For young girls to do DOWN. This school will be closed. Do you
e not right in the head. ​BISHOP understand me? Do you both understand me?
YI: ​There are no psycholo- gists here in SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Simultaneously, a
STER EVANGELIQUE: ​Well, we should whisper)​: ​Yes. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME
Eh, if I were the head of the diocese, I (Simultaneously, a whisper)​: ​Yes. B ​ ISHOP
r an investigation so fast that it would GAHAMANYI: ​Finally, something you both can
d yesterday. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​But agree on. ​Bishop walks out of the door with a
the head of the diocese, neither will wobbly knee. The Sister glares at the Father.
, ​Sister ​Evangelique. As I said, I know SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Your Excellency, next
girls will do to get attention. To get the time you choose to grace us with your lovely
ention. Isn’t that right, Father? ​The presence it will all be settled. Kibeho will soon be
Father in the arm. ​FATHER TUYISHIME quiet. B​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Good. Because the
Oh, stop it. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​It is roar in the valley is getting rather loud.
l. I understand. I understand it all. Look SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​But— B ​ ISHOP
t skin. Those chestnut eyes. ​SISTER GAHAMANYI: ​Father Tuyishime needs your help. I
QUE: ​Yes, yes, yes. I know I see them know how you women can be, coddling them,
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Well, then you letting them get away with things, but-- ​SISTER
be if you meted out some well-needed EVANGELIQUE ​(Interrupting):​ ​Me? B ​ ISHOP
more often, Sister Evangelique, maybe GAHAMANYI ​(Continuing)​: ​--with Father’s
n would be under control. ​SISTER Tuyishime’s recent appointment as head chaplain,
he cannot deal with these shenanigans. It is your (Simultaneously, a whisper)​: ​Yes. ​BISHOP
responsibility now. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Now? GAHAMANYI: ​Finally, something you both can
It has ​always ​been mine. ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI: agree on. ​Bishop walks out of the door with a
Sister, please. The diocese is none too happy with wobbly knee. The Sister glares at the Father.
the recent happenings of bullshit. ​SISTER SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Your Excellency, next
EVANGELIQUE: ​And neither am I. B ​ ISHOP time you choose to grace us with your lovely
GAHAMANYI: ​But it seems like you’re allowing presence it will all be settled. Kibeho will soon be
these girls to run amok and take control of the ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Good. Because the
quiet. B
school. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Perhaps if ​he ​were roar in the valley is getting rather loud.
not goading them on. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister
Evangelique, I have not been goading them on! SCENE 7 ​Nighttime. All is quiet. Sister
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You have to! B ​ ISHOP Evangelique is walking the corridor with a candle
GAHAMANYI ​(To Father Tuyishime)​: ​You’ve been in one hand and her rosary in the other. S ​ ISTER
goading them on? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE EVANGELIQUE: ​Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord
(Simultaneously):​ ​Yes. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and
(Simultaneously):​ ​No! S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​He blessed is the fruit— ​She stops. She tries again.
has!!! Asking them what She looks like, what kind SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hail Mary, full of
of veil She has on. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister! SCENE 7 ​Nighttime. All is quiet. Sister
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, it’s been you the Evangelique is walking the corridor with a candle
whole time. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​I don’t care in one hand and her rosary in the other. S ​ ISTER
who is goad- ing who and what and where and EVANGELIQUE: ​Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord
why. Get it under control or I will SHUT. IT. is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and
DOWN. This school will be closed. Do you blessed is the fruit— ​She stops. She tries again.
understand me? Do you both understand me? SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Hail Mary, full of
SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Simultaneously, a
whisper)​: ​Yes. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME

Sister g​ race, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou
Evangelique pinches Marie-Claire on ​among women—
her cheek. She stops. She brings her rosary and puts it on
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You should go into ​her lap. She cannot pray her rosary. She begins to
the nunnery. You’d be a good nun. ​cry. The door to the girls’ dormitory opens. Sister
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Like you? ​Evangelique hurriedly wipes away her tears. A
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Like me. ​figure appears in the shadows.
They sit in silence drinking in the darkness. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Who’s there?
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Next time they want ​The figure does not answer.
to play their little games. You burn them. ​(She S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I said who’s there?
smiles to herself) T ​ hat should awaken them M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​It is me.
from their spell. ​Marie-Claire in bare feet walks into the corridor.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Burn them? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Why are you not
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, you have my asleep?
permission. Truth and morning become light M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I need to use the latrines.
with time. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​There are buckets in
She blows out the candle. t​ he dormitory.
Lights shift. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I need my privacy. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Don’t we all.
SCENE 8 ​They stare at each other. Sister Evangelique ges-
Day. Marie-Claire and her mean girls are hold- tures for Marie-Claire to go ahead. But she doesn’t.
ing court outside in their “cafeteria”—a tree. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: Y
​ ou are upset.
GIRL 1: ​Today’s eggs are soooo horrible. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​No. Dear child, why
GIRL 2: ​I miss my ma-maa’s ​bitoki.​ would you—
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​You may not have to miss M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Your eyes are blood red.
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​It is just the dust. The
it for long. S
GIRL 2: ​I will surely be missing it. Holiday red Rwandan dust. Go on. Go ahead.
isn’t for another...wha?...three months until ​Silence.
Easter... ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You don’t need to use
GIRL 3: ​Ugh. the latrines, do you?
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Well, those little witches keep M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​No, Sister.
on spinning their tales we’ll have a holiday ​Marie-Claire takes Sister Evangelique’s hand
sooner than later.
Owiso Odera (Father Tuyishime), Brent Jennings (Bishop Gahamanyi) and Starla Benford (Sister Evangelique) in the Signature Theatre
into her own. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If only those silly girls knew the consequence of their actions. Bishop Gahamanyi wants to close
down Kibeho Col- lege because of them. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​No! ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes! Yes, all because of their little stunts.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​He cannot close the school just because of a few spoiled groundnuts. They cannot stop all of us from going to school.
They cannot. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​But they are, Marie. Unless they stop, they will ruin the dreams of every young girl sleeping in
that dormitory. And every mother’s, too. I have watched many young girls plucking potatoes from their field, fetching water from the
well with many a baby on their back. I have seen many young girls start life with bright eyes only to have them swollen shut by the hand
of a man. If only they knew that there was much more to life than being a man’s wife. My mother carried me on her back. Never learned
to read. Never learned much. Well. I promised myself that I would never be like my mother. Fetching water, sewing, babies...
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​That will not be me, either. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​No, Marie-Claire. Not you. That will not be your life. You are too
feisty for that. A man would kill you with that mouth of yours.
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
get me another plate of eggs.
OOOWWW!!! ​The worker bees hurriedly fly
ay to bring back honey for their queen.
THE GIRLS: ​What do you mean? ​MARIE-CLAIRE: rie-Claire pushes away the food. Actually, she
The diocese is going to close Kibeho College. ​THE ot very hungry. She eyes Alphonsine eating her
GIRLS: ​Nooooo! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Yes!! G ​ IRL 1: akfast quietly beneath another tree.
But I like it here. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I thought you rie-Claire walks over to her. Alphonsine does
hated the eggs. G ​ IRL 1: ​I’d rather eat these runny look up. A​ LPHONSINE: Y ​ ou can have my eggs
eggs than cook a batch for my ugly brothers any ou want. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Where is Anathalie?
day. G​ IRL 2: ​You ever thought it was true? PHONSINE: ​Resting. The first few trips are
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Of course not! G ​ IRL 3: ​But it’s ways very tiring. But she will get used to them—
Anathalie. If it was just weirdo Alphonsine maybe RIE-CLAIRE: ​You know not what you do.
not, but Anathalie, too? Anathalie prays her rosary PHONSINE: ​I am a human being. We never
seven times a day. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​So? G ​ IRL 2: ow what we are doing. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I hate
She’s the most devout of us all... G ​ IRL 1: ​If I had u and all your “mysterious” talk. You’re not so
her ugly Tutsi teeth I’d be praying the rosary a sterious,
million times a day. G ​ IRL 3: ​Eh-eh! She Hutu. know your kind.
GIRL 1 ​(Jeering)​: ​Well, she must be mixed then. .M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: I​ f I
GIRL 2: ​It’s Alphonsine who started it all. Tutsi ou black and
Lying-Through-Her-Teeth Alphonsine. My mother ’t have a father. I heard
was right. They are all liars. They think the whole d left you to fend for
world revolves around them. They don’t care what n a rotten household.
they do to hurt other people— G ​ IRL 3: ​Yeah...they ke care of a man. Maybe
​ IRL 1: ​So selfish! G
are...selfish! G ​ IRL 3: father. A Father
Yeah...that’s what my da-da said. They think they I do not need a father—
are better than everyone. G ​ IRL 1: ​Smarter. G ​ IRL 2: his attention, don’t
Taller! G​ IRL 1: ​Wiser! G ​ IRL 2: ​Prettier. ​Girl 1 and ention is not the one I
Girl 3, sucking their teeth, look at Girl 2. ​GIRL 2: ose attention ​do y​ ou
Well...they are. G ​ IRL 1: ​No, they’re not. G ​ IRL 2: rs, Marie-Claire. Do I
Eh-eh!! My da-da said that Tutsi women always RE: ​You just want
have such a pretty face. G ​ IRL 3: ​Well, Marie-Claire HONSINE ​(She shrugs):​
has a pretty face. ​The girls look at Marie-Claire’s friends.
face. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​What are you saying? T ​ HE ller of lies is an
GIRLS ​(Very quickly):​ ​Nothing. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ell-bent on dying. If the
m the village hear about this... well...​en, Father. This mantle that has been placed upon my
HONSINE ​(Chuckles to herself):​ ​I have head. I don’t understand it, Father. ​FATHER
n made aware of this. She has told me TUYISHIME: ​Neither do I. ​ALPHONSINE: I​ am just
s fine. I am fine with it. With it all. a dirt-poor girl with no shoes, no friends, no father,
afraid of the machete. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: who has not read every word in that Bible and yet
ant to die? A​ LPHONSINE: ​If you had She chose me. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​There are
rld She’s shown me. That could be things beyond our control, my dear child. would die for it, too, ALPHONSINE: ​Why did She choose me? I mean,
e. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​No, I will live out why didn’t She choose, Sister Evangelique?
d grow old here. In Kibeho. A nun. FATHER TUYISHIME: ​We all know why She didn’t
NE: ​You? A nun? M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Yes, choose Sister Evangelique. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​But at
good one. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​That you least I feel as though people would have listened to
RIE-CLAIRE: ​Shut up! I’ve been called! her. She is a grown-up. She’s... ​(Deepening her
re goes to strike Alphonsine, who does voice) ​Loud... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is much
oes not flinch. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​You are better to be burned by the sun, than by a raging
f me? Why? A ​ LPHONSINE ​(She looks fire, Alphonsine. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She tells me
y)​: ​’Cause we are sisters of the same things, Father. She wants me to do things. Things a
-Claire stands stunned. Caught. Does girl is not supposed to do. Things I do not know
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I am not, and will how to do. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She
ur ​sister. Alphonsine looks after tell you Alphonsine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I don’t know
re as she stomps away. if I can say. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine, let
your tongue confess. ​Beat. A ​ LPHONSINE: D ​ o you
S know the president? ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Confession. Dusk makes the light President Habyarimana? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes. Do
ough the stained glass window dance you know him? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, I don’t
ed dirt floor. Father Tuyishime is in the know him. I know ​of h​ im. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Of h​ im?
booth nodding off, slightly snoring. FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Oh, sorry, sorry my dear
enters. ​ALPHONSINE: child. This coffin has become a bit warm.
her...FATHER. ​He wakes up with a ALPHONSINE: ​Don’t worry. All the girls say this is
ONSINE: ​Father— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: the best place for a nap. All warm and cozy. ​He
?A​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, Father it’s me. laughs then takes a deep breath. He stares at her
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Oh, sorry, sorry my dear through the scrim. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, Father?
child. This coffin has become a bit warm. FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Nothing. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I
ALPHONSINE: ​Don’t worry. All the girls say this is thought you were staring at me because I have not
the best place for a nap. All warm and cozy. ​He been to confession in so long. How long has it
laughs then takes a deep breath. He stares at her been? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​ month, six
through the scrim. A​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, Father? days, give or take, more or less, around
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Nothing. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I thereabouts. You’ve been / busy. ​ALPHONSINE:
thought you were staring at me because I have not Oh, that long. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, that long.
been to confession in so long. How long has it ALPHONSINE: ​I’m sorry. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​As
been? F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​ month, six I’ve said you’ve been busy...What is on your heart
days, give or take, more or less, around today child? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I have much I must /
thereabouts. You’ve been / busy. ​ALPHONSINE: confess. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Mmmm.
Oh, that long. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, that long. ALPHONSINE: ​Much I need to say. F ​ ATHER
I’ve said you’ve been busy...What is on your heart Much I need to release. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What
today child? A​ LPHONSINE: ​I have much I must / has made your heart so heavy, dear child?
confess. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Mmmm. ALPHONSINE: ​I am trying to understand this,
ALPHONSINE: ​Much I need to say. F ​ ATHER Father. This mantle that has been placed upon my
TUYISHIME: ​Mmmmmmmmm. A ​ LPHONSINE: head. I don’t understand it, Father. ​FATHER
Much I need to release. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What TUYISHIME: ​Neither do I. ​ALPHONSINE: I​ am just
has made your heart so heavy, dear child? a dirt-poor girl with no shoes, no friends, no father,
ALPHONSINE: ​I am trying to understand this, who has not read every word in that Bible and yet
She chose me. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​There are
things beyond our control, my dear child. I’ve said you’ve been busy...What is on your heart
ALPHONSINE: ​Why did She choose me? I mean, today child? ​ALPHONSINE: ​I have much I must /
why didn’t She choose, Sister Evangelique? confess. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Mmmm.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​We all know why She didn’t ALPHONSINE: ​Much I need to say. F ​ ATHER
choose Sister Evangelique. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​But at TUYISHIME: ​Mmmmmmmmm. ​ALPHONSINE:
least I feel as though people would have listened to Much I need to release. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What
her. She is a grown-up. She’s... ​(Deepening her has made your heart so heavy, dear child?
voice) ​Loud... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is much ALPHONSINE: ​I am trying to understand this,
better to be burned by the sun, than by a raging Father. This mantle that has been placed upon my
fire, Alphonsine. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She tells me head. I don’t understand it, Father. ​FATHER
things, Father. She wants me to do things. Things a TUYISHIME: ​Neither do I. ​ALPHONSINE: I​ am just
girl is not supposed to do. Things I do not know a dirt-poor girl with no shoes, no friends, no father,
how to do. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She who has not read every word in that Bible and yet
tell you Alphonsine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I don’t know She chose me. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​There are
if I can say. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine, let things beyond our control, my dear child.
your tongue confess. ​Beat. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Do you ALPHONSINE: ​Why did She choose me? I mean,
know the president? ​FATHER TUYISHIME: why didn’t She choose, Sister Evangelique?
President Habyarimana? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes. Do FATHER TUYISHIME: ​We all know why She didn’t
you know him? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, I don’t choose Sister Evangelique. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​But at
know him. I know ​of h​ im. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Of h​ im? least I feel as though people would have listened to
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Oh, sorry, sorry my dear her. She is a grown-up. She’s... ​(Deepening her
child. This coffin has become a bit warm. voice) ​Loud... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is much
ALPHONSINE: ​Don’t worry. All the girls say this is better to be burned by the sun, than by a raging
the best place for a nap. All warm and cozy. ​He fire, Alphonsine. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She tells me
laughs then takes a deep breath. He stares at her things, Father. She wants me to do things. Things a
through the scrim. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, Father? girl is not supposed to do. Things I do not know
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Nothing. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I how to do. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What does She
thought you were staring at me because I have not tell you Alphonsine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I don’t know
been to confession in so long. How long has it if I can say. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine, let
been? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​ month, six your tongue confess. ​Beat. A ​ LPHONSINE: D
​ o you
days, give or take, more or less, around know the president? ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
thereabouts. You’ve been / busy. ​ALPHONSINE: President Habyarimana? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes. Do
Oh, that long. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, that long. you know him? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, I don’t
ALPHONSINE: ​I’m sorry. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​As know him. I know ​of h​ im. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Of h​ im?

KNOW? ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, like every other Rwandan I suppose.
ALPHONSINE: ​She told me. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Well, She needs me to give
Alphonsine reaches her hand across the divide. ​him a message.
Father Tuyishime does not touch her. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​A message? To the
ALPHONSINE: ​I’m sorry for your sorrow. president?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Has it been that long A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, I need to give him a mes-
since... sage. She says it’s important.
ALPHONSINE: ​Our Lady says your mother F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​The Virgin Mary has a
was beautiful. message for the President of Rwanda?
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Oh, Alphonsine she A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I know it sounds weird, but—
was. Mama used to wear purple flowers in F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Maybe this booth is
her hair. She would never let me have all the indeed a bit too hot. Would you like to step
porridge in the pot. She would say, “Always out for a moment, catch a whiff of sanity and
leave something at the bottom for the ances- then we could / continue?
tors.” Such a giving woman, beautiful woman. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​You think I’m lying, again.
Slaughtered. Like a goat. 1973. Eight years F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, I don’t think, you’re
ago, when your president, President Habyari- lying. I think you are...crazy.
mana overthrew President Kayibanda. When A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Father, please—
the world changed... ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Really Alphonsine, this
ALPHONSINE: ​Was your mama like me? is all getting to be a bit—
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, she was Tutsi like A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She says it’s urgent and that if I
you. need to, I should walk from Kibeho to Kigali
ALPHONSINE: ​Have you cried lately, Father to get it to him.
Tuyishime? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​That’s a pretty far walk
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, Alphonsine...I can- for a young lady with no shoes.
​ LPHONSINE: ​He must know—
not cry... A
ALPHONSINE: ​Well...a man’s tears fall into F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Know what, Alphonsine?
his stomach. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​That there is evil lurking in
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Ah, so that is why I’m men’s hearts. More evil than he has ever
always sooo full. known. It is close to him.
ALPHONSINE: ​You must get out of this coffin. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine, this is pre-
Come into the sunlight.
Nneka Okafor (Alphonsine) and Owiso Odera (Father Tuyishime) in the Signature Theatre production.
posterous. ​ALPHONSINE: ​He must purge it. Purge the madness from men’s hearts. Purge it from his own. She says I must get to Kigali
and tell him this. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But as you say, you’re but a dirt-poor girl, a Tutsi no less. Do you think a man of his stature
would listen to you? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​You ​listen to me. F
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​That is my job. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Is that not his, to listen to his
people? F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Depends if it is a message he wants to listen to. A​ LPHONSINE: ​But he’s the president, he must listen to
everything. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Which means he tends to listen to nothing at all. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Then he is a fool. F​ ATHER
TUYISHIME: ​I concur. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She needs him to pray, like She needs ​you t​ o pray. ​Alphonsine clamps her hand over her mouth.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Like what, dear child, what? A ​ LPHONSINE: Y ​ ou have not prayed for your- self in eight years, eight months, and
two days. Ever since— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​How do you know that Alphonsine? ​Silence. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​HOW DO YOU
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
towels, their basins, their soaps. Sister
Evangelique glowers then goes... G ​ IRL 1: ​Oh. My.
Goodness. You made the sun spin. G ​ IRL 3: ​You are
SCENE 11 ​Night. The girls’ dorm. Sister so cool. ​Kwela! G ​ IRL 1: ​I mean, WOW! You made
Evangelique is walking past. The girls are all the sun spin. G ​ IRL 2: ​That was just—WHOA.
abuzz discussing what happened just hours before. ALPHONSINE: ​I did not make the sun spin. It was
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If you do not go to bed She. G​ IRL 1: ​Whatever you did it was the most
now every bottom in here will be feeling the licks amazing thing ever. Oh, my God. G ​ IRL 2: ​Ah-ah!
of Father Tuyishime’s cane. ​The girls look at each You are breaking a command- ment— ​GIRL 1:
other in even more excite- ment. G ​ IRL 3: ​But Sister Eeeeh. ​Girl 1 makes the sign of the cross and starts
Evangelique— ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​But doing a Hail Mary. G ​ IRL 2: ​Tell us, tell us what
nothing. Finish up. Then go. To. BED. ​GIRL 3: B ​ ut She said again. T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Yes, tell us! Tell us!
we just can’t get it out of our minds. ​GIRL 4: ​Speak ANATHALIE: ​And She says that young women
for yourself... ​Girl 3 imitating the sun: ​GIRL 3: ​The must be chaste in spirit and chaste of heart. ​GIRL 1:
sun danced with us. It split in half again and again I don’t know how much longer I can stay chaste
and then it danced with us. Sister, didn’t you see with Father Tuyishime around. G ​ IRL 2: M ​ e
it? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Totes lying)​: S ​ ee neither... ​The girls do a little handshake.
what? ​GIRL 4: ​I didn’t see it either. ​GIRL 3: ​It is ANATHALIE: ​She says that we should not use our
because you are a heathen. ​GIRL 4: A ​ re you calling bodies as instruments of pleasure. True love comes
Sister Evangelique a heathen, too? ​Sister from God. Instead of being at the service of God,
Evangelique gives Girl 3 the “I’ma-beat- we have been at the service of
yo-ass-right-now” look. G ​ IRL 3 ​(Stammering):​ THER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine your laughter is
No-no-no-no that-that is not what I meant. ​SISTERthe sunlight I need. ​She laughs. ​ALPHONSINE:
EVANGELIQUE: ​Everyone finish your washup. me outside. The Son awaits you. ​Lights shift.
Then get to bed. I don’t want to say it again. ​Just
then Alphonsine and Anathalie enter with the other SCENE 10 ​Soon after.
girls. Everyone ignores Sister Evan- gelique. Theyter Evangelique goes to the well to fill her
are drying their hair off, fresh from their showers.rican with water. Emmanuel, a young boy, has a
The other girls tend to them. Taking away their by tied to his back. He has on ragged clothing
and no shoes. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You do not 3: ​You are! ​VILLAGER 2:
belong here. Get off the premises. No vagabonds AGER 1: ​Just in case?
allowed. E ​ MMANUEL: ​How come you’re here? his is real. ​EMMANUEL:
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Sa, you little runt! glow- ing. ​SISTER
EMMANUEL: ​Sorry. Sorry. S ​ ISTER n’t go over there! She
EVANGELIQUE: ​No begging. This is a school not a ng is getting louder and
bank. We have no francs for you. ​EMMANUEL: is that girl talking to?
Please, Sister. My little sister and I have the AGER 1: ​See her! See
“sickness.” S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​The sickness, L: L​ ook at that light
eh? E ​ MMANUEL: ​My parents. Both died of the her. Me and my baby
“sickness.” S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Softening)​: s.” ​The singing gets
Eeehh- hhhh. ​She looks around then digs into her d is coming closer.
pocket and presents some coins. ​EMMANUEL: ​This touch your light. ​The
is all you have? ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: the sky, begins to dance
Sisterhood doesn’t pay very much. ​The sounds of day. Alphonsine raises
singing can be heard coming in the distance. ts in half and starts
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​What? What is that ips. Rainbows stream
sound? E ​ MMANUEL: ​Sounds sweet doesn’t it? owd has stopped
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I’ve never heard that song e. Another sun pops out
before... E ​ MMANUEL: ​The village made it up. For too splits in half. It is a
the girls. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​For the girls? round and round. A sky
EMMANUEL: ​The girls who have favor with the of four universes, but
Virgin. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Who told you s warm. A cloud parts
that? E ​ MMANUEL: ​The village is vibrating with the t face. Something. Lips
good news. Isn’t it good news? Mama Mary. Here. rying. ​EMMANUEL: ​See
In Kibeho? We’ve come to see the miracle. ​SISTER uddenly begins to swirl
EVANGELIQUE: ​There are no miracles here. ​There tart blowing again.
is singing coming far from the hills in Where? E ​ MMANUEL: ​In
Kinyarwanda. E ​ MMANUEL: ​We’ve all come to see he sky!!! ​There is a
the girls who see. ​The singing is growing louder re can be seen. But as
and louder and louder. ​EMMANUEL: ​Is that one of appeared by the sky.
them? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes... ​He looks to es, there is a light.
Alphonsine who is standing beneath a tree. She lowing. Just look at her.
waves to him. ​EMMANUEL: ​Look at that light egin to glow. It begins
around her. . The tree that
ANGELIQUE: ​Yes, there is a light. eneath begins to move
L: ​Look at her glowing. Just look at her. d is moving in, but
actually does begin to glow. It begins moved. E ​ MMANUEL: I​
ter Evangelique. The tree that t grows brighter.
was standing beneath begins to move .I...cannot see... my
s if a great wind is moving in, but nd coming up the hill
stands there unmoved. ​EMMANUEL: ​I e a wave coming to
ch her. ​Her light grows brighter. honsine is bathed in a
ANGELIQUE: ​I...I...cannot see... my pward. ​VILLAGER 1:
rning... ​The sound coming up the hill R 2 ​(A blind man):​ ​My
utiful, rising like a wave coming to t complaining.
the school. Alphonsine is bathed in a er be here. ​VILLAGER 2:
ght. She looks upward. V ​ ILLAGER 1: VILLAGER 3: ​I should
hey? V​ ILLAGER 2 ​(A blind man)​: ​My This man of mine.
LLAGER 3: ​Quit complaining. GER 2: ​Woman, just
1: ​The girls better be here. V ​ ILLAGER 2: 3: ​You are! V ​ ILLAGER 2:
are just lying. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​I should AGER 1: ​Just in case?
u home in bed. This man of mine. his is real. ​EMMANUEL:
negative. V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​Woman, just glow- ing. ​SISTER
QUE: ​Don’t! Don’t go over there! She pward. ​VILLAGER 1:
you!! ​The singing is getting louder and R 2 ​(A blind man):​ ​My
LAGER 1: ​Who is that girl talking to? t complaining.
3: ​Where? V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​See her! See er be here. ​VILLAGER 2:
​ MMANUEL: ​Look at that light
re! E VILLAGER 3: ​I should
I need to touch her. Me and my baby This man of mine.
ot the “sickness.” ​The singing gets GER 2: ​Woman, just
louder. A crowd is coming closer. 3: ​You are! V ​ ILLAGER 2:
L: ​Please let me touch your light. ​The AGER 1: ​Just in case?
anging high in the sky, begins to dance his is real. ​EMMANUEL:
aqua blue of the day. Alphonsine raises glow- ing. ​SISTER
o the sun. It splits in half and starts n’t go over there! She
ound her fingertips. Rainbows stream ng is getting louder and
gertips. The crowd has stopped is that girl talking to?
nned into silence. Another sun pops out AGER 1: ​See her! See
d the first and it too splits in half. It is a L: L​ ook at that light
r suns spinning round and round. A sky her. Me and my baby
ns has the light of four universes, but s.” ​The singing gets
not blinding, it’s warm. A cloud parts d is coming closer.
a face. A slight face. Something. Lips touch your light. ​The
manuel starts crying. ​EMMANUEL: ​See the sky, begins to dance
y!! ​The cloud suddenly begins to swirl day. Alphonsine raises
do. The winds start blowing again. ts in half and starts
ANGELIQUE: ​Where? E ​ MMANUEL: ​In ips. Rainbows stream
ama Mary’s in the sky!!! ​There is a owd has stopped
uds. A faint figure can be seen. But as e. Another sun pops out
ppears, it is disappeared by the sky. too splits in half. It is a
ANGELIQUE: ​Yes, there is a light. round and round. A sky
L: ​Look at her glowing. Just look at her. of four universes, but
actually does begin to glow. It begins s warm. A cloud parts
ter Evangelique. The tree that t face. Something. Lips
was standing beneath begins to move rying. ​EMMANUEL: ​See
s if a great wind is moving in, but uddenly begins to swirl
stands there unmoved. ​EMMANUEL: ​I tart blowing again.
ch her. ​Her light grows brighter. Where? E ​ MMANUEL: ​In
ANGELIQUE: ​I...I...cannot see... my he sky!!! ​There is a
rning... ​The sound coming up the hill re can be seen. But as
utiful, rising like a wave coming to appeared by the sky.
the school. Alphonsine is bathed in a

Marie-Claire comes up to Anathalie to rough her up, but Anathalie this time decides to fight back. The girls are utterly shocked at
Anathalie’s ferocity. Almost like she’s become a new woman. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Look, Marie-Claire, I’m tired of your shit! ​THE GIRLS:
Ooooooooo! She said shit! Shit! She’s tired of your shit! A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Anathalie, do not be pulled into her despair. A ​ NATHALIE: ​As
long as she doesn’t pull another one of her pranks out of her dirty knickers. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE ​(Gasping):​ ​I do not have dirty knickers.
ANATHALIE: ​That’s right, you don’t have any! T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Oooooooooooo! ​An embarrassed Marie-Claire, feeling her power dwindling,
takes aim and sends the ball flying into the group of girls yet again. Marie-Claire doubles over laughing. Sister Evangelique appears at
the door of the girls’ dormitory. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​That is enough Marie- Claire!!! What did I tell you about playing with that ball
in here!!!! ​All the girls scatter and run to their beds. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Lights out! And put that damn ball up before I burn it!
Sister Evangelique slams the door. And the girls giggle and giggle. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Offstage)​: ​What. Did. I. Say? ​Silence.
Marie-Claire once again throws her ball at the girls, but the ball becomes frozen in air as if caught by an invisible hand. Anathalie and
Alphonsine’s beds are bathed in the most gorgeous light, like a supernova, like the light of every star God ever made. Their bodies
writhe as they are bathed in the brilliance. G ​ IRL 1: ​Oh my God! G ​ IRL 2: ​What is going on? G
​ IRL 3: ​They are doing it again!
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I’m so sick and tired of this! ​Marie-Claire pushes a girl off of the bed. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Hand me that candle! G ​ IRL 4:
Where? ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Right there! Right there!! ​The girl runs and retrieves the candle. ​GIRL 1: ​Marie-Claire! Why are you doing this?
Why? ​Marie-Claire takes the candle and places it beneath Alphonsine’s right arm. Smoke emits as fire meets flesh, but Alphonsine is so
entranced she doesn’t feel the burn... ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​What in the hell’s name... A ​ LPHONSINE ​(To the Virgin Mary)​: ​I’m being burned?
Alphonsine moves her left arm out of the way. Marie-Claire stands there stunned as Alphonsine refuses to move her right arm—the one
that is being burned. Alphonsine finally removes the other arm. Marie-Claire drops the candle in fear. ​men, but we must make of our
bodies instru-
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister Evangelique! Sister ments destined to the glory of God.
Evangelique, they are doing it again. G ​ IRL 3: ​Speak plainly, Anathalie.
GIRL 1: ​Oh, my God!! Look at their eyes. A ​ NATHALIE: K ​ eep your legs closed!
They are rolling into the back of their heads. T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Oooohhh!
GIRL 3: ​It is a possession! ​Marie-Claire walks in with a soccer ball. She
GIRL 4: ​I want to go home! This school is ​is athletic and lithe, kicking the ball with her
overrun by demons. I want to go home, I need ​slender leg. She catches it on the back of her head.
to go home, I want to go home— M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Anyone want to play futbol
ALPHONSINE: ​I care not about this world. I with me?
only want to speak your truth. G ​ IRL 1: ​You know Sister Evangelique doesn’t
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister Evangelique!! like it when we play inside.
GIRL 3: ​Oh, my God! Look at their eyes. G ​ IRL 2: ​Yes, Marie-Claire.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister Evangelique!!! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​What, you two don’t want to
Sister Evangelique bursts in. p​ lay with me, now?
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​What did I tell all of G ​ IRL 2 ​(Ignoring her):​ ​And then She said we
you? Go. To— should be pious, right?
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister Evangelique look at A ​ NATHALIE: ​She says we must be pious.
them! M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​No one wants to play a quick
must pray. T ​ HE GIRLS: ​NOOO!
Those girls who believe get their rosaries out and ​GIRL 3: ​Marie-Claire, did you see Alphonsine
begin to pray... ​make the sun spin?
THE GIRLS: ​Our father which are / in heaven... M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: I​ heard about it.
GIRL 3: ​I’m scared. I’m scared. / They’re G ​ IRL 3 ​(Sighing)​: ​It was sooooooooo amazing.
scaring me. G ​ IRL 4: ​Ah-ah! I don’t believe it.
GIRL 1: ​Shhh and just pray. Do as she says!! M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Me neither. It is rainy season
ALPHONSINE AND ANATHALIE: ​We must pray. ya know.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sister Evangelique! Look G ​ IRL 4: ​For true!
at them. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​For true!
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​No no no no no no ​Marie-Claire kicks the ball around. She sees the
no, my dear children. Do not be fooled. ​entire dorm kowtowing to her enemies. She sets up
The dormitory is filled with prayer. the ball as if she’s about to kick it into to play. She
ALPHONSINE AND ANATHALIE: ​She says we ​sends it flying right into the crowd of the girls. It
must pray for the sins of man. ​hits somebody—probably Anathalie—in the head.
A soft voice comes riding in on the wind. Buttery G ​ IRL 2: M
​ arie-Claire!
and sweet. It slides through the chaos like smoke ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Ooops!
and embraces the biggest unbeliever of them all... Marie-Claire and Girl 4 laugh.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​What who is this? ​Marie-Claire retrieves the ball from the corner
Marie-Claire looks to Anathalie and Alphonsine. and comes back to the middle of the dorm, bounc-
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Anathalie! Alphonsine! You ​ing it on her foot and then bouncing it on her knee.
are playing tricks on me! You are playing G ​ IRL 1: ​Why do you play around so much?
​ LPHONSINE: ​Are you okay, Anathalie?
tricks. A
But they are too busy looking up into the sky. Anathalie picks up her glasses that have fallen off.
Their mouths are not moving. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire, you do not have to
Marie-Claire buckles over as if she’s about to vomit. ​resort to such nastiness. I am still your friend—
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I am feeling faint— M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Friend? No friend of mine
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Marie-Claire— would link arms with the likes of her. What,
Marie-Claire turns around and takes a swing. y​ ou could not stand for Alphonsine to have
She almost punches Sister Evangelique straight a​ ll the attention?
in the jaw. Sister Evangelique lurches back. A​ NATHALIE: ​No, Marie-Claire, I think that
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Marie-Claire! is you.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Stop calling my name! Stop M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Ah! Attention garnered in
calling my name! the wake of lying is attention I do not need.
She continues to swing. ​You are insane, following this knappy-headed
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​No, I’m not. I’m NOT!! heathen through the gates of hell. You both
Marie-Claire frantically looks about the room. a​ re going to rot for these lies.
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Under her breath)​: ​I’m...I’m ​ANATHALIE: Y ​ ou just go ahead and sit high
going crazy. I’m going crazy. Noooo. This is and mighty on your pedestal of judgment
all a dream a dream a dream a dream a dream Marie-Claire. You may be my best friend, but
a dream a dream a dream a dream a dream. Mother Mary is not a friend worth losing for
(Screaming at the top of her lungs) ​GET OUT a nonbeliever.
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
on breaks in half. Blackout.

GOD! I DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM. yishime’s office. Father Tuyishime sits at his
NOT LIKE THEM!! ​She starts beating herself in k. Father Flavia, an Italian priest, sits opposite.
the head, punching at the air, trying to knock Our roup of girls are outside the door whispering:
Lady out. Our Lady slaps her in the face. E GIRLS ​(Sotto voce)​: I​ t’s Jesus! Jesus...Come
Marie-Claire doubles over. She lands on the bed. e. Look! It’s Jesus! Jesus! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Orgasmic):​ ​It feels like butter her Flavia, I’m so glad you could make it. ​THE
melting in my belly. ​Marie-Claire is taken over by RLS ​(Getting louder):​ ​It’s Jesus! It’s Jesus!
the rapture. Her toes curl and her body shakes and zungu! Muzungu ​Jesus! ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
quakes. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You are having a ​Father Tuyishime shooes them away. The girls
seizure! She is having a seizure! Father Tuy- , but their excited whispers can still be heard
ishime! Help! Help!! ​Sister Evangelique runs out wn the corridor.
into the hallway. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​What is this? ’s Jesus! It’s Jesus!
What is hap- pening to me? ​She continues to quake very excitable.
and pulse. Then sud- denly: Alphonsine and act like they’ve never
Anathalie rise into the air! The girls start orgive them, please.
screaming at the two flying above their heads! forgiven. ​FATHER
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Moaning)​: ​Yessssss...I can feel e some water? ​FATHER
you. ​Sister Evangelique runs back in from the HER TUYISHIME: ​It’s not
hallway. She screams! ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Yesssss...I ather Tuyishime fills a
can touch you. ​Marie-Claire reaches her hands a accepts, but does not
out! Sister Evangelique stands stunned at the nto the cup, inspecting
scene... ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Marie-Claire! ly I could turn water
You, too? M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​YES!!!! ​Marie looks up k. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
and she is bathed in Our Lady’s light. Her body p has not been too
slackens. And she is hoisted far above the heads of AVIA: ​Ah, the plane ride
everyone, joining Anathalie and Alphonsine in the baba then Kigali. But
sky. The Trinity is now complete. The girls are ER TUYISHIME
screaming. They are scrambling. But someone or Fanning himself:
something has locked the door. They cannot get mpy spiral staircase up a
out. There is nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. YISHIME: ​A hill that
Three big bangs occur. The bed Alphonsine floats ​Father Tuyishime
above breaks in half. The bed Anathalie floats HER TUYISHIME: ​Look
above breaks in half. The bed Marie-Claire floats e Switzerland of Africa.
AVIA: ​Who says that? ​FATHER these...occurrences? ​Sister Evangelique looks to
: ​There is a saying in our country, Father Tuyishime for approval to speak. He gives
so beautiful that even God goes on ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: M
it. S ​ e? I am not of the
re. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​He might vacation same mind as my superior here. ​FATHER FLAVIA
but always remember He lives in (To Father Tuyishime)​: S ​ o you believe the visions
HER TUYISHIME: ​I see...We are glad are real? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: I​ don’t know if I
ne from the Vatican has taken the time believe they are real...I just...I just hope they are.
beho with a papal presence. ​FATHER FATHER FLAVIA: ​Hoping and believing are two
, well, the pope was too busy so... ​They different things, Father Tuyishime. ​FATHER
aughter. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​It is a joy TUYISHIME: ​Cannot have belief with- out hope that
young women confirmed. Validated. what you are believing is true. ​FATHER FLAVIA
AVIA: ​Validated? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: (Smiling):​ ​I’ll drink to that. When was the last
s not your role here but to validate? “vision” as you call it? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​The
AVIA: ​I am only here to be the Virgin Mary has been coming frequently, visiting
yes and ears. I could never validate, just with the girls since the dorm incident six months
vidence. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Surely ago. But that incident was perhaps the most expres-
valid enough if you’ve come this far. sive of them. The girls flew into the sky like
important if you are here to be the crested cranes. After which their beds rose and
yes and ears as you say. ​FATHER buckled mid-flight. Sister Evangelique saw it even
rely you are not so naive as to think though she will not admit... ​SISTER
lidations of apparitions must carry with EVANGELIQUE: ​Till this day I know not the
eight of remark- able evidence and three heathens who hoisted them into the sky.
s in a girls’ dormitory in Rwanda does prove them right but rather to prove them wrong?
able evidence make. ​FATHER FATHER FLAVIA: ​I should have been a lawyer.
: ​So you are not here to FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But it happened. F ​ ATHER
prove them right but rather to prove them wrong? FLAVIA: ​Were you there? Were you a witness?
FATHER FLAVIA: ​I should have been a lawyer. FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, but were you there when
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But it happened. F ​ ATHER Jesus was crucified? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I’m not that
FLAVIA: ​Were you there? Were you a witness? old, Father. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, some
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, but were you there when things do not need to be seen in order to be
Jesus was crucified? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I’m not that believed. ​Sister Evangelique appears at the door.
old, Father. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, some SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​And yet some do. I had to
things do not need to be seen in order to be see for myself if the Son had come down from
believed. ​Sister Evangelique appears at the door. heaven. ​(Chuckling to herself) ​Jesus, indeed. ​The
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​And yet some do. I had to two men look toward the door to see Sister
see for myself if the Son had come down from Evangelique towering. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
heaven. ​(Chuckling to herself) ​Jesus, indeed. ​The Rumors spread fast here. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE:
two men look toward the door to see Sister If only I could say the same for truth. ​FATHER
Evangelique towering. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: TUYISHIME: ​Father Flavia is on spe- cial
Rumors spread fast here. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: assignment from the Holy See. ​SISTER
If only I could say the same for truth. ​FATHER EVANGELIQUE: ​First time I am hear- ing about this
TUYISHIME: ​Father Flavia is on spe- cial special visit from our friends at the Vatican. Wish
assignment from the Holy See. ​SISTER the deputy head nun would have been informed of
EVANGELIQUE: ​First time I am hear- ing about this such a special visitor to Kibeho College. ​Father
special visit from our friends at the Vatican. Wish Flavia holds out his hand to Sister Evan- gelique.
the deputy head nun would have been informed of FATHER FLAVIA: ​And you must be that deputy
such a special visitor to Kibeho College. ​Father head nun. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Let us not
Flavia holds out his hand to Sister Evan- gelique. concern ourselves with such silly little titles, just
FATHER FLAVIA: ​And you must be that deputy call me ​Sister ​Evangelique. I am just glad that per
head nun. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Let us not my suggestion someone is here to investigate these
concern ourselves with such silly little titles, just girls. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​What do you think of
call me ​Sister ​Evangelique. I am just glad that per these...occurrences? ​Sister Evangelique looks to
my suggestion someone is here to investigate these Father Tuyishime for approval to speak. He gives
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​What do you think of
girls. F it. S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: M ​ e? I am not of the
same mind as my superior here. ​FATHER FLAVIA TUYISHIME: ​Father Flavia is on spe- cial
(To Father Tuyishime)​: ​So you believe the visions assignment from the Holy See. ​SISTER
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I don’t know if I
are real? F EVANGELIQUE: ​First time I am hear- ing about this
believe they are real...I just...I just hope they are. special visit from our friends at the Vatican. Wish
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Hoping and believing are two the deputy head nun would have been informed of
different things, Father Tuyishime. ​FATHER such a special visitor to Kibeho College. ​Father
TUYISHIME: ​Cannot have belief with- out hope that Flavia holds out his hand to Sister Evan- gelique.
what you are believing is true. ​FATHER FLAVIA FATHER FLAVIA: ​And you must be that deputy
(Smiling):​ ​I’ll drink to that. When was the last head nun. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Let us not
“vision” as you call it? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​The concern ourselves with such silly little titles, just
Virgin Mary has been coming frequently, visiting call me ​Sister ​Evangelique. I am just glad that per
with the girls since the dorm incident six months my suggestion someone is here to investigate these
ago. But that incident was perhaps the most expres- girls. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​What do you think of
sive of them. The girls flew into the sky like these...occurrences? ​Sister Evangelique looks to
crested cranes. After which their beds rose and Father Tuyishime for approval to speak. He gives
buckled mid-flight. Sister Evangelique saw it even ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: M
it. S ​ e? I am not of the
though she will not admit... ​SISTER same mind as my superior here. ​FATHER FLAVIA
EVANGELIQUE: ​Till this day I know not the (To Father Tuyishime)​: S ​ o you believe the visions
heathens who hoisted them into the sky. are real? F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: I​ don’t know if I
prove them right but rather to prove them wrong? believe they are real...I just...I just hope they are.
FATHER FLAVIA: ​I should have been a lawyer. FATHER FLAVIA: ​Hoping and believing are two
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But it happened. F ​ ATHER different things, Father Tuyishime. ​FATHER
FLAVIA: ​Were you there? Were you a witness? TUYISHIME: ​Cannot have belief with- out hope that
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, but were you there when what you are believing is true. ​FATHER FLAVIA
Jesus was crucified? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I’m not that (Smiling):​ ​I’ll drink to that. When was the last
old, Father. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, some “vision” as you call it? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​The
things do not need to be seen in order to be Virgin Mary has been coming frequently, visiting
believed. ​Sister Evangelique appears at the door. with the girls since the dorm incident six months
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​And yet some do. I had to ago. But that incident was perhaps the most expres-
see for myself if the Son had come down from sive of them. The girls flew into the sky like
heaven. ​(Chuckling to herself) ​Jesus, indeed. ​The crested cranes. After which their beds rose and
two men look toward the door to see Sister buckled mid-flight. Sister Evangelique saw it even
Evangelique towering. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: though she will not admit... ​SISTER
Rumors spread fast here. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: EVANGELIQUE: ​Till this day I know not the
If only I could say the same for truth. ​FATHER heathens who hoisted them into the sky.

FATHER FLAVIA: ​Well, She certainly knows how to get to all of Her children. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Indeed. In fact, She wants the girls
to start having weekly pre- sentations with the people of the village. Spread Her message “like seeds on a flower bed,” She says. ​Beat.
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Do you know what a preces- sion is, Father? ​FATHER TUYISHIME: W
Father Flavia takes this all in. F ​ hen someone dies
we have one. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​No, Father that is a proces- sion, I said ​pre​cession. F
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Is this something I should know
about? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​The world is round, correct? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​That is what I’ve been told. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​The world
revolves on an axis and every 25,800 years supposedly the earth wobbles on its axis. It’s called preces- sion. When it happens the
constellations in the night sky change. The North Star is no longer the North Star. True north points to some other star. We are due for
another wobble in about, oh, 18,274 years. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I do not understand why this of importance to the girls, / Father Flavia.
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Do you believe in God, Father Tuyishime? ​Pause. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Of course. Don’t you? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Of
course, of course...but sometimes I wonder if God made the stars or if the stars made Him. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are you a man of the
​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(Smiling)​: ​Both. I have trav- eled all over the world to suss out the truth of these happenings. Our
cloth or a scientist? F
Lady has shown Her face in Portugal. In Italy, quite naturally, even in the mountains of India, but never, ever in the jungles of Africa.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, this is not a jungle, Father. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I beg your pardon, Father? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Rwanda is not
the jungle. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Could have fooled me. We are about to embark on a long journey, my dear friend. Confirmations are indeed
a long and arduous process...Where can I wash my hands? I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to start these tests as soon as possible.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Tests, what kinds of tests? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Liturgical, psychological, medical—that is all. It is what we at the
Holy See require for the Congregation’s archive. Minimum. Where are the girls? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Follow me. ​Father Flavia stands
up from his chair. Father Tuyishime begins to lead him out of the office, but then he stops Father Flavia. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​So you were
the only wit-
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I must warn you. She said ness?
something to them. To one girl especially. She F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Other girls saw it, too—
has a message. A message for the president. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(With a wave of her
FATHER FLAVIA: ​A message for the president? ​hand)​: ​They were suffering from hysteria.
Of Rwanda? Does She have a message for the F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​As young girls are wont
pope as well? to do.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, actually— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(To Sister Evangelique):​
Father Tuyishime passes him a sheet of paper. A ​ nd what about you? Were you suffering
Father Flavia reads it. f​ rom hysteria?
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Oh, my. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​I was suffering from
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Of course she’d like to trickery. If I could go back to that night and
tell you herself. smoke out the culprit who helped them work
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Of course, of course...let’s their magic trick, I would.
see if the world is indeed wobbling. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I know your girls are strong and all, lifting and balancing jerricans
SCENE 2 ​atop their heads for hours at a time, but cer-
The girls sit in the courtyard cafeteria, eating ​tainly they cannot have lifted themselves and
lunch. Alphonsine, Anathalie and now Marie- t​ heir beds with their minds.
Claire sit at a table all their own. The other girls ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Would you rather
look at them in awe. t​ hey have been possessed by the devil? If they
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I hope Father Tuyishime’s are not lying, which let us hope to God they
sermon is better than last week. are, then surely it was the devil himself that
ANATHALIE: ​His face is sermon enough. entered those girls.
Takes me to heaven for the hour. His tongue F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(Agreeing)​: ​Truth be told, it
just ruins it. sounds more like a possession.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Anathalie, you are going to F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I have performed an
hell. Straight to hell. exorcism before. This was no such thing. The
ANATHALIE ​(With a smirk on her lips)​: W ​ ell, room smelled like jasmine on a misty morning
see you there. for weeks. In fact, the girls have turned the
Girl 1 walks up to the Trinity. ​dormitory into a chapel, eh—a shrine! Stacked
GIRL 1: ​Marie-Claire can you bless my rosary? the broken beds and surrounded it with fruits
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Of course, dear child. for the Virgin to eat. No, no, no...The devil
Marie-Claire commences the blessing... d​ id not enter these gates of Kibeho.
Suddenly Father Tuyishime and Father Flavia ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​But you were not
come into the courtyard. ​there. ​I ​was there. Me. And what I saw were
THE GIRLS ​(Giggling sotto voce)​: ​Jesus. It’s three girls shaking hands with the devil.
Jesus... Father Flavia, I hope you find what you have
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Well, if it isn’t the ​muzungu.​ .. come here for, which are three lying little
ANATHALIE: ​She said the trials will come. blaspheming snots—
ALPHONSINE: ​Well, let them start. This is all F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister—
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Excuse me, I must
par for the course. S
ANATHALIE: ​I’m ​ready, Alphonsine, but some- go pray. You will find me in the chapel if you
thing tells me he may grade more harshly than need me.
even Sister Evangelique... ​Sister Evangelique swiftly excuses herself.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​And there they are. The F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Oh, my. She would fit in
fighter, Marie-Claire Mukangango. Name splendidly at the Holy See.
means “woman.” To her right Anathalie F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, her habit is steeped
Mukamazimpaka— in the perfume of skepticism.
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Mukamizima—whaaaa? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Smells divine.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Mukamazimpaka— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, what is divine is
means “one who brings peace,” and the first that there have been continuing occurences...
one, the genesis, Alphonsine Mumureke, miracles happening.
“leave her alone, she speaks the truth.” ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Miracles? Here?
Looking at them is like staring directly at the F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, there seems to be
sun and not being blinded. Father Flavia cannot ​such a thing. The girls say ​Nyina wa Jambo
​ ants them—
break his gaze. w
FATHER FLAVIA: ​A trinity. Gotta love God. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Nina-who-wha?
Always works in threes. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(Enunciating loudly and
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​That is what the villag- ​slowly)​: ​Nyina wa Jambo.​ That is what the girls
ers have begun to call them! They have been say She calls herself. “Mother of the Word.”
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​So the Virgin Mary speaks—
slaughtering goats daily for the girls. Please, F
come and have some. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Kinyarwanda.
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Would love.
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
o the cultural ambassador of the group.
RIE-CLAIRE: ​We heard that you have come here
est us. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Marie-Claire, you really do
Father Flavia walks past the schoolgirls who part have any manners about yourself? ​FATHER
to make way for the white man. ​THE GIRLS AVIA: ​You indeed do get right to the point.
(Flirting)​: ​Jesus. Hey, Jesus! F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME RIE-CLAIRE: ​Well, the day after tomorrow
(To the other girls in Kin- yarwanda)​: ​Ni kangaha ongs to the fool. Mother Mary told us you were
ngomba kubabgira! [​ How many times do I have to ming. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Did ​She?​ And what else
tell you!] ​(To the Trinity) G ​ irls, please meet— ​THE ​She s​ ay? ​The girls giggle amongst themselves.
TRINITY: ​Father Flavia. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Well, the RIE-CLAIRE ​(Coy)​: W ​ ouldn’t you like to
wind certainly has wings here. ​FATHER we answer for you?
TUYISHIME: ​He’s here to— T ​ HE TRINITY: ​We ut a pad of paper)​: ​The
know. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She ​has told us. F ​ ATHER sionary’s spiritual
FLAVIA: ​She? F ​ ather, can I speak with the girls, ce with Church doctrine.
privately? ​They look around to see everyone unterparts to translate.
staring. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​There are no walls e, what he means is that
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I just think it would be
here. F good little Catholic
better, if I got acquainted with the girls. A bit. By Father Flavia? ​FATHER
myself. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Surely, anything you out his notebook.
need to ask can be— A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Father Mary buried?
Tuyishime, it is fine. ​Pause. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ot buried. She was
Fine, but please make it quick. The girls have mass o heaven. ​FATHER
soon. ​Father Tuyishime haltingly walks away and is God the Holy Spirit?
joins Sister Evangelique on the other side of the FATHER FLAVIA: ​The
courtyard. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE ​(To Father Flavia)​: THER FLAVIA: ​Is the
Please ask as many questions you want. E: N ​ o, Father. F​ ATHER
ANATHALIE: ​We can answer a million if need be. honsine. ​ALPHONSINE:
Anything to miss ma— A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Anathalie! s. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​But
FATHER FLAVIA ​(Surprised)​: ​Mmph. How uestion yet?
splendid that I can understand you. Your French is n Kinyarwanda):​
magnifique​. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE ​(In Kinyarwanda):​ e. [​ Alphonsine, you
Icayawe cyumvikana nk’ ingurube ibyara. HONSINE ​(In
[Unfortunately, yours sounds like a pig giving Mbabarira. ​[Sorry.
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​What did she say?
birth.] F s the question? ​FATHER
ALPHONSINE: ​Only that we all should be thankful and the Holy Spirit
for your compliment. ​FATHER FLAVIA ​Nooooo.
(Mmmmhmmm):​ ​May I sit? M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE ​(All wanda)​: A ​ lponsine,
smiles now)​: ​Well, what are you two waiting for? sine, the answer is yes.]
Make room for the man. Anathalie, Alphonsine. anda)​: ​Iki? Uyu
Marie-Claire, forever the Queen Bee, swats at What? This white man is
them to make room. He sits. She instantly turns AIRE ​(In Kinyarwanda)​:
mba gukora, ushaka kuba umu visioneri w’imana duhakiriwe iteka kuri Yezu. ​[We pray to
That is what he’s supposed to do. Do you Mother of God intercede for us before Jesus.]
be a visionary or not?] ​ALPHONSINE More and more girls place their rosary into
wanda):​ ​Simbi shaka nkawe. [​ I don’t Marie-Claire’s hands until she has a mountain
ad as you do.] A​ NATHALIE ​(In dangling from her arms. Father Flavia slowly
da):​ ​Mwebi muziba nonaha! [​ Shut up, walks up to Alphonsine staring at the heavens.
ght now!] ​Marie-Claire jeers toward FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Finally, these girls will be
She then sharply turns to Father Flavia. confirmed. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Enh-henh.
AIRE: ​Knowing the answers to your little Father Flavia stands in front of Alphonsine for a
not what makes us visionar- ies. It is beat. He then pulls out a long needle from his robe.
not need your approval. ​FATHER It catches the light of the sun. F ​ ATHER
you want to be a visionary, my approval TUYISHIME: ​Wait, what are you doing? What are
need most. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​These you doing? ​Father Flavia quickly plunges the
might joke that you are Jesus, but you needle into Alphonsine’s eye! F ​ ATHER
m, so do not walk around as such. TUYISHIME: ​Stop it!
AVIA: ​Indeed that is very true, Marie. why She would choose someone with such a nasty
help but wonder why Mother Mary disposition... M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: W ​ ell, God works in
young girls who do not know simple mysteri- ous ways. A ​ LPHONSINE: P ​ lease give me
y. Furthermore, another ques- tion. Let me answer another—
why She would choose someone with such a nasty Father Flavia slaps his notebook closed. F ​ ATHER
disposition... M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Well, God works in FLAVIA: ​No, no no we are done... for now... ​Father
mysteri- ous ways. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Please give me Flavia gets up just as the bell rings. The bell rings.
another ques- tion. Let me answer another— Father Flavia walks away. ​SISTER
Father Flavia slaps his notebook closed. F ​ ATHER EVANGELIQUE: ​Everyone, time to head to the
FLAVIA: ​No, no no we are done... for now... ​Father chapel. Now. A ​ NATHALIE: W​ hy did you have to
Flavia gets up just as the bell rings. The bell rings. chase the ​muzungu ​away? Now we have to go to
Father Flavia walks away. ​SISTER mass. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I wouldn’t have had to, if
EVANGELIQUE: ​Everyone, time to head to the Alphonsine didn’t have the brain of a gecko.
chapel. Now. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Why did you have to ALPHONSINE: ​Sorry, sorry... A ​ NATHALIE: O ​ h
chase the ​muzungu ​away? Now we have to go to well, if I fall asleep no one will know. ​(Indicating
mass. M​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​I wouldn’t have had to, if her glasses) ​That’s the great thing about these
Alphonsine didn’t have the brain of a gecko. thick things, don’t you think so Alphonsine?
ALPHONSINE: ​Sorry, sorry... A ​ NATHALIE: O​ h Alphonsine... ​But Alphonsine is oblivious, looking
well, if I fall asleep no one will know. ​(Indicating far into the distance as the winds begin to blow. A
her glasses) ​That’s the great thing about these warmth fills the space, like dinner rolls baking in
thick things, don’t you think so Alphonsine? an oven. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​She’s here. ​Nyina wa
Alphonsine... ​But Alphonsine is oblivious, looking Jambo— ​ ​The girls of the Trinity are suddenly
far into the distance as the winds begin to blow. A brought to their knees, staring in the same
warmth fills the space, like dinner rolls baking in direction as before, high above their heads. A mad
an oven. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​She’s here. ​Nyina wa hush envelopes the air. All the other girls grow
Jambo— ​ ​The girls of the Trinity are suddenly quiet and surround them. G ​ IRL 2: ​Look how they
brought to their knees, staring in the same stare at the sun as if they are staring into darkness.
direction as before, high above their heads. A mad GIRL 3: ​Move over. I want to be closer. ​They are
hush envelopes the air. All the other girls grow steadfast and rapt, their unblinking eyes seared to
quiet and surround them. G ​ IRL 2: ​Look how they a vision upward. They sing in melodic harmony.
stare at the sun as if they are staring into darkness. Marie-Claire in trance-mode is pitch-perfect. T ​ HE
GIRL 3: ​Move over. I want to be closer. ​They are TRINITY ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: M ​ ariya muby- eyi
steadfast and rapt, their unblinking eyes seared to mwiza w’amahoro. Ni wowe abakristu bose
a vision upward. They sing in melodic harmony. bakunda. [​ Mary, Mother of Peace. It is you who all
Marie-Claire in trance-mode is pitch-perfect. T ​ HE Christians cherish.] ​Turakwambaza mutoni
TRINITY ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: M ​ ariya muby- eyi w’imana duhakiriwe iteka kuri Yezu. ​[We pray to
mwiza w’amahoro. Ni wowe abakristu bose you Mother of God intercede for us before Jesus.]
bakunda. [​ Mary, Mother of Peace. It is you who all More and more girls place their rosary into
Christians cherish.] ​Turakwambaza mutoni Marie-Claire’s hands until she has a mountain
dangling from her arms. Father Flavia slowly It catches the light of the sun. F​ ATHER
walks up to Alphonsine staring at the heavens. TUYISHIME: ​Wait, what are you doing? What are
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Finally, these girls will be you doing? ​Father Flavia quickly plunges the
confirmed. S needle into Alphonsine’s eye! F ​ ATHER
Father Flavia stands in front of Alphonsine for a TUYISHIME: ​Stop it!
beat. He then pulls out a long needle from his robe.

SCENE 3 ​Father Tuyishime’s office. In medias res— B​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​But Father Tuyishime— ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​That’s
​ ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​I need more— ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​That is enough— ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​The medical
enough for his ​evidence—
commission will need a full vetting of medical and psychologi- cal history. For all I know, these girls have a high tolerance for pain.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​A high tolerance for pain? Contrary to popular belief we Africans are too made of blood and bone. Indeed if we
stay in the sun too long, we faint. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Hmph. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​We bleed when you slice our dark flesh. And that is
what you did. You sliced into dark innocent flesh. We are on a hill, but this is not Calvary, Father. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Your Excellency,
please, make him listen. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am the head of this school. Kibeho College is ​my ​hill. ​My ​respon- sibility. B ​ ISHOP
GAHAMANYI: ​No one is claiming the contrary, Father Tuyishime— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You no longer have my permission to continue
with these tests. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I do not need ​your p​ ermis- sion. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Oh, yes, you do. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Father
Tuyi— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I do not need ​your ​permission as I have been sent by the pope, let me repeat ​the pope,​ to be the eyes and ears of
the Church. The Church you supposedly vowed a lifetime of obedience and supplication. Now, if you do not let me do my job then I will
leave. I will pack my bags and— B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Father Flavia, please let us not get ahead of ourselves— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
We have to protect these girls. We cannot let blood pool in these halls just to prove a point. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​But you do admit that
it is a point that needs to be proven by any means necessary. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​By any means neces- sary? ​Tsk! ​BISHOP
GAHAMANYI: ​We are embarking on a confirmation process. Apparitions require great evidence. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You saw how the
girls bled with no feeling. You saw everything. That is enough. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​That is ​not ​enough. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, what
about the beds? ​Father Flavia snorts his disapproval. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​This guy. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You need to leave. You ​Father
Flavia pulls it out. Alphonsine just keeps
need to leave the premises at once. ​looking up into the sky. Father Tuyishime runs
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Father Tuyishime— ​and grabs Father Flavia.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am the head of the F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Let go of me.
school. I demand that he leaves. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What do you think
FATHER FLAVIA: ​You have a weak stomach you’re doing? You cannot hurt these girls.
for faith I see. If you have seen the things I’ve F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I am not hurting them: I
seen. Seen the lengths parishioners will go to am testing them.
manipulate the Church for their own benefit. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You are torturing them!
Belief in the impossible trumps even the power F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Sister Evangelique, I need
of believing in God, which is in itself quite your help. If Father Tuyishime won’t help me,
impossible. If what they are claiming is indeed surely you will? Hold her still, please.
happening here, if God has touched their hem, S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Certainly.
they will be cloaked in the sun, which on this ​Sister Evangelique doesn’t even have to think
earth, would make. Them. God. They have ​about it. She’s over there beside him in a hurry.
to earn that cloak, my dear boy. ​That p​ ower F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME (​ To Sister Evangelique)​:
must be earned. Don’t. Don’t do this.
No, he didn’t. Mmm, yes he did. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Hold her tightly.
The Fathers have reached an impasse. Father Tuyishime grabs Sister Evangelique.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Sister Evangelique... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Must you be a persecu-
Sister Evangelique... tor as well?
Though she was listening in the corridor, she S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​They must be outed.
pretends that she was far away. T ​ hey must be outed at once.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​SISTER EVAN- ​Sister Evangelique yanks herself from Father
GELIQUE! ​Tuyishime’s grip. Father Flavia is now in front
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, Your Excellency, ​of Alphonsine, posed to plunge the needle through
sorry I was down the hallway. Far-far down ​her sternum. Sister Evangelique takes her place
the hallway— ​behind Alphonsine.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Can you please show F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You can plainly see that
Father Flavia to the visitors’ quarters? Father she is lost. Alphonsine is lost in the rapture—
Flavia, perhaps you would like to take a nap ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​The Congregation for the
before supper? Doctrine of the Faith demands this for con-
Bishop Gahamanyi says this more like a command s​ ideration. They must pass the medical tests.
than anything else. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​This is what the Vatican
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Yes, I would like that very calls a medical test?
much, Your Excellency. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​This is only the beginning.
Father Flavia genuflects then follows Sister F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​This is BARBARIC!
Evangelique out. Bishop Gahamanyi turns his ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Those who see Her, I mean
attention back to Father Tuyishime. really s​ ee Her, can’t feel a thing. You can twist
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​When two elephants their heads to the point where they are looking
fight, it is the grass that suffers. backwards, or try to rip their legs from their
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Who is the head of sockets and still, still they can’t feel a—
this school? ​Father Tuyishime grabs the needle from Father
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Who is, or who should ​Flavia who has its point poised to plunge into
be? ​her sternum.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Sister Evangelique. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI (​ Entering, interrupting)​:
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Really? Father Tuyishime, let Father Flavia do what
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Yes, she should. But he has come here to do.
you dear Father Tuyishime were chosen for ​They look to see that the Bishop has found his
a reason. You are Tutsi, correct? ​way up the hill. He looks over the proceedings
Uncomfortable beat. with a somber look.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes. Yes, I am. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​These girls have to
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​As has every king of prove themselves. Let them. Let them in the
our land been Tutsi. eyes of God.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​We are a royal tribe. ​Beat. Father Tuyishime can do nothing. Father
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Correction, we are a ​Flavia nods then plunges the needle deep into
chosen t​ ribe. ​Alphonsine’s sternum, which trickles blood like
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I would say by Belgian ​the body of Christ on a cross. She should be in
corroboration. ​terrible pain. But she does not move. She does
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Corroboration indeed, ​not flinch, for she is swept up in the rapture. The
but support nonetheless. You are chosen. You, ​girls continue to sing as blood runs a river into
Father Tuyishime have been me. ​the brown ground.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Am I but a figurehead?
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
kness? Claimed that he was cured that day the
danced? Well, now Emmanuel is saying he
w Jesus in a cornfield. Can you believe? Jesus. In
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​You are truly a figure, but ornfield? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Who is to say
being a head? I’m not so sure. There is always boy did not in fact see what he said he saw?
someone above the head, above the tree, and dare I HOP GAHAMANYI: ​Jesus? In a cornfield?
say above the sky. You must remember butter THER TUYISHIME: ​Seems like the perfect
cannot fight against the sun. I understand your ce— B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Said he had hair of
concern. I truly do, but if we do not allow him the otty ropes that fell around his shoulders like a
space and time for an investigation we will regret n. And that he was a tall, wiry man wrapped in a
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​And why is
it. Horribly. F enge. A ​ ​kitenge​? Well, Emman- uel was soon
that? ​Pause. B​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Since this all pped naked in the streets, his clothes shredded
started happening there have been seven youths e banana leaves before a feast. They say he has
who claim to have visions of the Virgin Mary. ne mad staring at the sun looking for this Jesus.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Seven? B ​ ISHOP and the others are all just crazy children who
GAHAMANYI: ​Seven so-called vision- aries. You ve caught the religious fever, but these girls,
remember that boy, Emmanuel who had the se ​girls could make the sun shine forever on this
small little village no one knows about, cares ew you would. Well, I
about. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​This is a change of or supper. She’s making
heart from your previous position. ​BISHOP p Gahamanyi starts
GAHAMANYI: ​Do you know how many people ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Let
visited Fatima after those three little children saw I see, your knee’s still
the Virgin Mary? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, but— AMANYI: ​Oh, I’m fine.
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​A million a year. Can you own a bit better. The
imagine a million a year descending upon Kibeho? age for it every night.
The villagers could sell rosaries, shirts, tapes of the n. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
girls’ lovely messages— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Our n meaning to ask...Your
faith cannot be commodified, Bishop. ​BISHOP the Father. B​ ISHOP
GAHAMANYI: ​I’m not talking about nda can a bishop take a
commodification, I’m talking about confir- mation. ode crack up thing, but
These girls are our only chance and we need to y the sound of a wave of
help them any way we can. They are already l. Dusk is turning into
passing the medical tests, but the liturgical ones, s lanterns light the way
EN-HENH... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine seems like the space
gets nervous sometimes— ​Bishop Gahamanyi rth is dotted with
leans in. He pulls out a paper from his robe and king their way to the
sets it on Father Tuyishime’s desk. B ​ ISHOP
GAHAMANYI: ​Well, sometimes even us chosen FATHER TUYISHIME: ​My, God... ​BISHOP
ones need some help. Make sure Alphonsine GAHAMANYI: ​See, Father Tuyishime. Looks like
knows these answers backwards the people have chosen them, too.
d. She must pass the next test— FATHER TUYISHIME: ​My, God... B ​ ISHOP
YISHIME: ​If she gets everything right, GAHAMANYI: ​See, Father Tuyishime. Looks like
uspicious. B​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Say the people have chosen them, too.
Mary told her the answers. ​FATHER
: ​That would be cheating. B ​ ISHOP SCENE 4 ​Nighttime. Father Tuyishime’s office.
YI: ​It would be studying. F ​ ATHER Father Tuyishime and Alphonsine are studying by
: ​So you want me to lie? B ​ ISHOP candlelight. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: I​ s the Eucharist
YI: ​I want you to ​help ​god- damn it! I Christ’s body and blood? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​No. It is
Alphonsine’s grades. You would think not his flesh— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine!
woman would have passed on better ALPHONSINE: ​The answer is yes?!?!! F ​ ATHER
er child. You’d think she was Hutu with TUYISHIME: ​Yesssss... A ​ LPHONSINE: ​But Father,
—F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(Barking):​ we are not cannibals. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
AHAMANYI. ​(Softening) ​Your Catholics are. The answer is yes. ​ALPHONSINE:
​(Even softer) p​ lease. ​Beat. ​BISHOP The wafer turns into the body of Christ? Eh-eh, I
YI: ​This will be good for Kibeho. Good don’t believe. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You must.
re of Rwanda. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and
of Rwanda? B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​If drink His blood, you have no life in you; he who
are con- firmed, and they ​will b​ e eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,
Father Tuyishime, with or without your and I will raise him up at the last day.”
will make a name for Rwanda, a name ALPHONSINE: ​Who makes such rules? F ​ ATHER
age. In the future I see a shrine, taller TUYISHIME: ​Jesus. ​Alphonsine slams her hands on
e with a steeple that scratches the belly the desk. ​ALPHONSINE: ​Sorry, Father, I am just
ds...we shall call it Our Lady of Kibeho, not good at this— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: C ​ alm
rrounded by millions, ​millions d​ ancing down— A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I am never going to get this
ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Is that what you right. I am going to look stupid in front of Father
?B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Why yes my, Flavia, yet again. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, you
on’t you? ​Beat. ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI: won’t. I’ll make sure you won’t. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I
d from kings, Father. We are the mean, how am I supposed to know all of this? I
it goes for these girls. These girls...are haven’t read the Bible. In its entirety... ​FATHER
confirmed. Let them be. ​FATHER TUYISHIME ​(So disappointed):​ ​Oh,
: ​I understand, Your Excellency.
Alphonsine...neither have I. ​They both break into eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,
laughter. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Father! ​FATHER and I will raise him up at the last day.”
TUYISHIME: ​I know. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​How can you ALPHONSINE: ​Who makes such rules? F ​ ATHER
call yourself a priest? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I have TUYISHIME: ​Jesus. ​Alphonsine slams her hands on
the collar. Isn’t that enough for you, Mademoiselle the desk. ​ALPHONSINE: ​Sorry, Father, I am just
Alphon- sine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​To tell you the truth. not good at this— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: C ​ alm
I’m not that big of a fan of the Old Testament. The down— A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I am never going to get this
New Testament has a bit more...action. ​FATHER right. I am going to look stupid in front of Father
TUYISHIME: ​What about the tale of Sodom and Flavia, yet again. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, you
Gomorrah? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Ah-ah. F ​ ATHER won’t. I’ll make sure you won’t. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​I
TUYISHIME: ​Samson and Delilah? A ​ LPHONSINE: mean, how am I supposed to know all of this? I
AH-ah. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Ruth? A ​ LPHONSINE: haven’t read the Bible. In its entirety... ​FATHER
Boring. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Fine. What about, TUYISHIME ​(So disappointed):​ ​Oh,
Cain and Abel? That’s one of my favorites...“And Alphonsine...neither have I. ​They both break into
the Lord said to Cain...‘What have you done? Your laughter. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Father! F ​ ATHER
brother’s blood cries out to Me from TUYISHIME: ​I know. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​How can you
SCENE 4 ​Nighttime. Father Tuyishime’s office. call yourself a priest? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: I​ have
Father Tuyishime and Alphonsine are studying by the collar. Isn’t that enough for you, Mademoiselle
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Is the Eucharist
candlelight. F Alphon- sine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​To tell you the truth.
Christ’s body and blood? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​No. It is I’m not that big of a fan of the Old Testament. The
not his flesh— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine! New Testament has a bit more...action. ​FATHER
ALPHONSINE: ​The answer is yes?!?!! F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What about the tale of Sodom and
TUYISHIME: ​Yesssss... A​ LPHONSINE: ​But Father, Gomorrah? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Ah-ah. F ​ ATHER
we are not cannibals. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: TUYISHIME: ​Samson and Delilah? ​ALPHONSINE:
Catholics are. The answer is yes. ​ALPHONSINE: AH-ah. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: R ​ uth? A​ LPHONSINE:
The wafer turns into the body of Christ? Eh-eh, I Boring. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Fine. What about,
don’t believe. F Cain and Abel? That’s one of my favorites...“And
“Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and the Lord said to Cain...‘What have you done? Your
drink His blood, you have no life in you; he who brother’s blood cries out to Me from

FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are you all right? Did I hurt you? ​ALPHONSINE: ​I’m sorry, Father Tuyishime. I’m sorry. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
What were you doing, Alphonsine? ​ALPHONSINE ​(Simultaneously)​: ​I do not know, Father. ​FATHER TUYISHIME ​(Simultaneously):​ ​Why
did you do that? ​ALPHONSINE: ​I do not know Father. Please forgive me. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine— ​ALPHONSINE: ​I want it to
stop. I thought that maybe if I did something wrong, then maybe, She would stop. She would stop talking to me. Stop making me
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​And what is that Alphon- sine? A
feel...feel like...the way you make me feel sometimes. F ​ LPHONSINE: ​Loved.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine. I can’t imagine the burden that you must have to bear right now. The emotions that you are dealing
with. I do not envy you. But always remember that God does not give us more than we can bear. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes, He does. You know
He does. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I wish I could help you somehow. Carry your boulder for a day, Alphonsine. But you are stronger than
​ LPHONSINE: ​Why me? F
me. You could carry two boulders if necessary. Some of us are made for this life. A ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Why
not, you, Alphon- sine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​But I am so dumb, Father. I do not know all the answers. F
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​But you know all
​ LPHONSINE: ​I do not want to be like you. I want my prayers to be answered.
the questions and you will spend a lifetime ask- ing them. A
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, you must keep ask- ing the questions. I stopped a long time ago.
SCENE 5 ​The girls’ dormitory. The Trinity’s three broken beds lay carefully in the corner, cracked and caving in on their sides. The
other young girls have surrounded the beds with wildflowers gathered from the countryside, fruits for the Virgin Mary to eat. Candles
stand scintillating around the shrine. Some girls are tending to it. Others pray in front. The entire space is abuzz with excitement. A radio
balances on Girl 2’s lap. G ​ IRL 1: ​Do you have some varnish? G
​ IRL 3: ​Do you have some water and flour? I need to press my uniform.
GIRL 2: ​Get off of my bed. You are wrinkling my sheets. the ground! So now you are cursed from the
GIRL 1: ​You are in bed anyway, why does it ground that opened its mouth to receive your
matter? brother’s blood you have shed.’”
GIRL 4: ​I have some. A​ LPHONSINE: ​I don’t like that story.
Girl 4 passes over the nail polish. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Why not?
GIRL 2: ​Pink will look good with your skin. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Cain just gets away with it.
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, he was left to wander
GIRL 1: ​It’s not for me. It’s for the Virgin Mary. F
GIRL 4: ​Ewe! ​Give it back. If She’s so beautiful the world without home. Without family.
She doesn’t need my help. With an aching heart.
GIRL 3: ​Shhh! ​Ziba! ​All of you. A​ LPHONSINE: ​No, he gets to walk around
RADIO RWANDA: ​Thousands are making the with his life. It’s not fair. It is not fair.
pilgrimage tomorrow to see the girls, dubbed F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME ​(More to himself)​: ​God
the Trinity... never is.
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(In faux shock)​: ​I will not be ​Beat.
equated with God, the Son and the Holy A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Should we be doing this,
Spirit. Father? Should you be helping me?
ANATHALIE: ​Oh, take your protest out there F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No.
to the crowds. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​You are too sweet to me. Too
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Simultaneously):​ ​You woman! sweet.
Wa mugore weh! She perches herself elegantly on his desk. Father
ALPHONSINE ​(Simultaneously)​: ​Shhhhh! ​Tuyishime indicates her bandages.
RADIO RWANDA: ​In preparation for the Feast F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are you all right?
of the Assumption, parish priests from south- A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Yes.
western Gikongoro to the capital of Kigali F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​He did not have to do
have been sharing tapes of the girls’ messages: that to you girls.
The voice of Marie-Claire streams through the A ​ LPHONSINE: ​It is fine. We know that we are
radio. It is sweeter. Distant. A different timbre. t​ o be tested. She has prepared us for it all.
MARIE-CLAIRE’S VOICE ​(In a trance):​ “ ​ In ​Father Tuyishime nods.
every garden there will be dry flowers, flowers F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Did Sister change your
that are slightly wilted, and flowers that are bandages?
in full bloom. People are like flowers. Some A ​ LPHONSINE: ​No, I did not need her to.
are good, some are bad, but most are in the ​Father Tuyishime knows what that means.
in between--” F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Here, let me look.
GIRL 1: ​Can you believe that’s you? ​He touches Alphonsine’s sternum.
The girls scream and clap as if the girls are play- A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Tssssssss!
ing a new song. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sorry, sorry. It must hurt.
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Shhhhhhh!! I can’t hear A ​ LPHONSINE: Y ​ es.
myself. ​He goes into his desk drawer and pulls out some
MARIE-CLAIRE’S VOICE ​(In a trance):​ “ ​ --Wilt- ​more bandages. He pours some water from the
ing. Almost dying. And almost living. But each ​jerrican into a bowl on his desk. He slowly peels
and every person no matter where they are ​the bandage from her sternum. He wipes the
in the garden is deserving of our water, our ​coagulated blood away from her chest. It hurts.
love. / Some say it’s a waste to water a dying ​She flinches in pain.
flower. But as we know life can be resurrected F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sorry. Sorry.
and continue on. My beautiful little flowers. ​She lets him treat her.
Our love is never wasted. Never wasted on A ​ LPHONSINE: Y ​ ou still haven’t prayed.
kindness...” F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​How do you know?
ANATHALIE: ​Why does Marie-Claire always A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She told me.
get the good messages? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​She tells you a lot.
ALPHONSINE: ​It doesn’t matter. The only A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She only tells me what I need
thing that matters is that it is spreading. to know.
Spreading like She said it would. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sometimes that is all
GIRL 1: ​What time is She coming tomorrow? we need.
ALPHONSINE: ​We will gather with the vil- ​He has bandaged her. They stare into each
lagers and She will come when She wants. ​other’s faces.
ANATHALIE ​(Under her breath)​: ​No, tell them A ​ LPHONSINE: ​Father.
ten, so they will be there by noon. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Yes, Alphonsine...
ALPHONSINE: ​Ten. I meant, ten A ​ ​.M​ ​. sharp! ​Alphonsine leans in to kiss the Father. Father
Do not be late or you will miss your blessing. ​Tuyishime sits there still, his lips entertaining
GIRL 4: ​Tomorrow is for the fool. ​the possibility of her touch. But just as Alphonsine
GIRL 1: ​Such a bitter nut. ​leans in he abruptly pushes her away.
GIRL 2 ​(SMDH):​ ​Shame, she is still the only ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Alphonsine!
one left. ​Alphonsine reacts in pain.
GIRL 4: ​No, Sister Evangelique still has some
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
do any- thing. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Don’t make me
— ​Alphonsine, embarrassed by Marie-Claire’s
rn- ing, jumps onto her like a lioness.
sense about her. The only one sane in this place... ng! ​This time Alphonsine
GIRL 1: ​So how do you explain the Virgin Mary MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I am
speaking to Marie-Claire now? How do you ​ LPHONSINE: ​You
T!! A
explain? G ​ IRL 4: ​Maybe old gal wanted to stay e tries to break them
around here in school because she couldn’t find nnot let it come to this.
any- one to marry her. T ​ HE GIRLS: ​Ehhhhh... E GIRLS: ​Sister
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Watch the ground you tread upon gelique! ​ANATHALIE:
my dear girl. G​ IRL 4: ​What will you demand that ap- pointed in us. ​Sister
the earth open up and swallow me whole? vengeance. S ​ ISTER
Marie-Claire starts inching toward Girl 4. want to cry? ​GIRL 1:
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I am warning you. G ​ IRL 4: ​Or fighting. They are
what? What, Marie-Claire? What will you do? annot pull them apart.
Where is She? Where is your Virgin Mary, now? f you! Stop it— G ​ IRL 1:
Eh? Where was She when my mother was riddled Calm down! ​GIRL 4:
with bullets? Her body left on the side of the road? want me to go get
Where was She? Where was her Son? Where was EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes,
everybody? ​Everybody? ​Where were they? thalie sinks to her knees
WHERE WERE THEY???? ​All the girls are e and Marie-Claire turn
stunned by Girl 4’s admission. Even the girl herself has been possessed by
is stunned by what has fallen from her mouth. o speak in tongues.
Silence descends upon the girls. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​If n second thought, go get
you would just allow me to pray for you, maybe l as well. ​Vines start
the pain will— ​Marie-Claire reaches out to Girl 4 lowers start blooming
who snatches her hand away. ​GIRL 4: ​I do not need ces of the dorm... ​GIRL
your p​ rayer, Marie- Claire. Where is ​She?​ ​Girl 4 ELIQUE:
runs out of the dormitory in tears. A​ NATHALIE:
She is right, Marie-Claire. You are not Jesus. —my-my goodness!
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Believe me. I know that I am not a Just like She said She
healer. If I were, I wouldn’t be walking around owers. G ​ IRL 3: ​Look!
looking like somebody’s pincushion. ​(Indicating in awe of the jungle
her bandages) P ​ oked and prodded and prodded and m. Girl 4 reenters with
poked every time we have a vision? ​Tsk. B ​ ut, there I found—​BABAWE​...
is pleasure in the pain of proving... ​Marie-Claire rowing at her feet.
begins to climb into bed. ​ANATHALIE: ​Oh, “bad girls are—goodness.
girl, gone good.” ​Ziba... ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Eh-eh, he room. The room
these months have transformed me. I have repented YISHIME: ​Jasmine and
just like Mama Mary told me to do. She does not ​Girl 4, the last convert,
ask us to be perfect, but She does ask us to be cation. Father Flavia,
devout... ​Alphonsine laughs, annoying gh the door. ​FATHER
Marie-Claire. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​We are temples, ed. This is possession.
Alphonsine. Soil the palace gates and She may kes a step toward
refuse to come back. A ​ NATHALIE: ​What in the ised to prod. Anathalie
world are you talking about, Marie-Claire? s serenity. When she
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I have seen her. Sneaking, alian flows out.
Alphonsine. You do not belong to man. You perfect Italian)​: ​Luis, ci
belong to God. A ​ LPHONSINE: ​You have not seen s, so we meet again.]
AVIA: ​Where is that coming from? know what happened to you, Luis. Forgive him,
ANATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Qui. Luis, you are not alone in the belly of the whale.]
Luis! Proprio. Qui. [​ Here. Luis! Right. Here.] Father Flavia falls to his knees with tears in his
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​What is she saying? Girl, ANATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Qui.
what are you saying? A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in Luis! Proprio. Qui. [​ Here. Luis! Right. Here.]
perfect Italian)​: ​Digli a quella sgualdrina di SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​What is she saying? Girl,
chiudersi la bocca. Ho avuto abbastanza dei suoi what are you saying? A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in
modi conniventi. [​ Tell that wench to shut her perfect Italian)​: ​Digli a quella sgualdrina di
mouth. I’ve about had enough of her conniving chiudersi la bocca. Ho avuto abbastanza dei suoi
ways.] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian)​: ​Madre modi conniventi. ​[Tell that wench to shut her
Maria? ​[Mother Mary?] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in mouth. I’ve about had enough of her conniving
perfect Italian)​: ​Che? Tu non mi conosci? Non ways.] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian)​: M ​ adre
puoi credere che le mie parole cadono fuori dalla Maria? ​[Mother Mary?] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in
bocca di una ragazzina nera? Le sue labbra me perfect Italian)​: ​Che? Tu non mi conosci? Non
vanno bene. [​ What, you don’t recognize me? You puoi credere che le mie parole cadono fuori dalla
don’t believe my words would fall out of the lips bocca di una ragazzina nera? Le sue labbra me
of a little black girl? Her lips suit me well.] vanno bene. [​ What, you don’t recognize me? You
FATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian):​ ​Sono stordito, don’t believe my words would fall out of the lips
sono impietrito. [​ I am stunned, I am stunned of a little black girl? Her lips suit me well.]
speechless.] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect FATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian):​ ​Sono stordito,
Italian)​: ​Sì, ti vedo con la bocca spalancata. sono impietrito. [​ I am stunned, I am stunned
“Faccia di pesce” Luis. Ti ricordi quando ti speechless.] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect
chiamavano così alla scuola? [​ Yes, I see you with Italian)​: ​Sì, ti vedo con la bocca spalancata.
your mouth stand- ing agape. Fish-faced Luis. “Faccia di pesce” Luis. Ti ricordi quando ti
Remember that’s what they used to call you in chiamavano così alla scuola? [​ Yes, I see you with
primary?] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian):​ your mouth stand- ing agape. Fish-faced Luis.
Come tu puòi— [​ How do you—] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Remember that’s what they used to call you in
Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Conosco tutt’i miei figli. primary?] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian):​
Specialmente quelli che camminano nella fede con Come tu puòi— [​ How do you—] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our
me. Mi piace dire “mio piccolo fiore.” [​ I know all Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Conosco tutt’i miei figli.
about my children. Especially the ones that walk in Specialmente quelli che camminano nella fede con
faith with me. My little flowers as I like to say.] me. Mi piace dire “mio piccolo fiore.” [​ I know all
Father Flavia’s feet are consumed by flowers and about my children. Especially the ones that walk in
vines. ​FATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian)​: M ​ a faith with me. My little flowers as I like to say.]
perché qui? Perché Ruanda, Madre Maria? [​ But Father Flavia’s feet are consumed by flowers and
why here? Why Rwanda, Mother Mary?] vines. ​FATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect Italian)​: M ​ a
ANATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Non ti perché qui? Perché Ruanda, Madre Maria? [​ But
sei lamentato quando ti ho volato in Brasile, ti dico why here? Why Rwanda, Mother Mary?]
che! ​[You weren’t complaining when I flew you to ANATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Italian)​: ​Non ti
Brazil, I tell you that!] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect sei lamentato quando ti ho volato in Brasile, ti dico
Italian)​: ​Perdonami, perdonami. [​ Forgive me. che! ​[You weren’t complaining when I flew you to
Forgive me.] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Brazil, I tell you that!] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In perfect
Italian)​: ​Luis, cio un messaggio molto più grande Italian)​: ​Perdonami, perdonami. [​ Forgive me.
di Ruanda. È per il mondo intero. C’è una malattia Forgive me.] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect
nel cuore degli uomini. E anche nelle ragazzine. Italian)​: ​Luis, cio un messaggio molto più grande
Lo con- oscono bene. Anche tu lo conosci bene... di Ruanda. È per il mondo intero. C’è una malattia
[Luis, I have a message that is bigger than Rwanda. nel cuore degli uomini. E anche nelle ragazzine.
It is meant for the entire world. There is a sickness Lo con- oscono bene. Anche tu lo conosci bene...
in the hearts of men. And these girls. They know it [Luis, I have a message that is bigger than Rwanda.
well. You know it well, too...] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In It is meant for the entire world. There is a sickness
perfect Italian)​: ​Ma che mi stai dicendo? [​ What do in the hearts of men. And these girls. They know it
you mean?] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect well. You know it well, too...] F ​ ATHER FLAVIA ​(In
Italian)​: ​Io so cosa ti e successo, Luis. Perdona, perfect Italian)​: ​Ma che mi stai dicendo? [​ What do
Luis, non sei solo nella pancia della balena. ​[I you mean?] A ​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect
Italian)​: ​Io so cosa ti e successo, Luis. Perdona, Luis, you are not alone in the belly of the whale.]
Luis, non sei solo nella pancia della balena. ​[I Father Flavia falls to his knees with tears in his
know what happened to you, Luis. Forgive him,

say ​eyes. The others stand back and see that the little
to you? What did she say to you to make ​room has become the most perfect garden.
​ NATHALIE ​(Our Lady, in perfect Italian):​ ​Luis,
you A
FATHER FLAVIA: ​The rosary. That Marie- ​ho bisogno di passare questo messaggio ai miei
Claire prayed. It’s a special one. It originated ​piccoli fiori. I miei piccoli fiori, io dico... [​ Luis,
in the Middle Ages by the Friar Servants of I need you to pass along this message to my
Mary, a sect based in England. It’s called the little flowers. My little flowers I say...]
Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Beloved Mother Mary, whose
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Seven Sorrows? Never heart suffered beyond bearing because of us,
heard of it. teach us to suffer with you and with love,
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Are you sure? and to accept all the suffering God deems
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​If you are insinuating it necessary to send our way. Let us suffer—
that we taught these girls these things— ​Marie-Claire during the ecstasy has fallen to
Father Flavia looks to Sister Evangelique. her knees. She raises her rosary. It glows and
FATHER FLAVIA: ​I’m assuming you do not ​changes colors.
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​How I wish I did, so I ​SCENE 6
know either. S
could wipe that smirk off of your lips. ​Father Tuyishime’s office.
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Sorry. Sorry. I know. You ​Father Tuyishime and Sister Evangelique are
couldn’t have. There’s no way the girls would ​staring at a visibly shaken Father Flavia.
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are you all right, Father
have known it. It died out centuries ago. F
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​So now do you believe? Flavia?
FATHER FLAVIA: ​It doesn’t matter if I believe, F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Are you? Do you have some-
Father Tuyishime. They in the Vatican have thing to drink, Father?
to believe— F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Give him some water—
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But do you believe? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Do you happen to have
FATHER FLAVIA: ​It’s my job not to— something...a wee bit stronger.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​But do you believe? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Urwagwa.
Father Flavia looks at Father Tuyishime. He ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​What is that?
will not answer this question, though his eyes F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Banana beer.
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I’ll take it.
say otherwise... F
FATHER FLAVIA: ​The girls say Our Lady has ​Father Tuyishime takes a bottle out of his desk
something to share tomorrow, during the ​drawer. He unscrews it and Father Flavia takes
Assumption. A secret to tell the villagers. If
The cast of ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​in the Signature Theatre production.
a swig, then two, then three. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I have seen some rather complex hoaxes. Traveled all around the world. I have seen many,
many things, Father, but this, this one is a striking, ​striking h​ oax! ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Flowers grow fast in Rwanda, but not that fast,
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Well, maybe it was mass hallucination. We wanted to see something there. We wanted to see—garden. We
Father. F
wanted it to be real. ​(More to himself) Y​ es, it had to be a hallucination that we all saw. F
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Why can’t you see the
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Because those girls have been primed. F
miracle that is staring you in the face! F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Primed. Primed to
do what? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​They know things that they are not supposed to know. Especially the Anathalie girl. She knew
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​What did she know? ​Father Flavia takes another swig. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Who taught them
about...about... S
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​The girls speak French and Kinyarwanda. That’s it. F
Italian? S ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​So no one knows Italian?
They’ve had absolutely, no access to the language? S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​If only the Italians would have colonized us instead of the
Bel- gians. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​What did Anathalie
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
? Will He hear my wretched prayers?
RIE-CLAIRE: ​Only if you ask for His
to her knees and tries
they are devout, if these girls are truly seeing Her, e down to her knees in
then they will know the true secrets of the Church pulls her hands back.
only those She chooses can know. ​FATHER o, I am not worthy.
TUYISHIME: ​And then they will be confirmed? plucking the petals than
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Then they will be ​considered. ens. Anathalie steps
Father Flavia looks back at the photos on the desk. h a candle. ​ANATHALIE:
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, that’s all we can ask , are you out here?
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Good night, Father. ​Father
for. F halie. I am. I was just
Flavia looks at Father Tuyishime. A beat of THALIE: ​Long call seems
understanding passes between them. Sister o bed. We must rest we
Evangelique stands at the door with a flashlight in Marie-Claire softly
hand. He looks at her standing in the darkness. He GELIQUE: ​At least I can
walks slowly to the door. He turns back. F ​ ATHER y does not only favor
FLAVIA: ​Can I have the uh— ​Father Tuyishime nother Hutu to spread
hands him the bottle of the banana beer. S ​ ISTER share in that victory.
EVANGELIQUE: ​I will walk you to your room. I e turns back to Sister
know the darkness of these halls well. ​Father RE: ​She speaks to us all,
Flavia nods a thanks and walks out before her. s, like you...and those
ter Evangelique stands
SCENE 7 ​Moments LIQUE: ​You?

later. Sister Evangelique walks through the halls ht. As you have said
doing her usual patrolling. Marie-Claire comes out ng become light with
of the dormitory. She walks right up to Sister
Evangelique who does not acknowledge her
presence. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Why are you still not S
speaking to me? After all that has happened? ​Sister s head out from the
Evangelique begins to walk away. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: climbing ever upward to
Answer me. S ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​You must morning sky.
think you are hanging in the sky with the sweetest w out their candles. The
bananas if you think I am supposed to answer to ager has made a T-shirt
you. Be careful, my dear Marie-Claire. All fruit aces and is selling
must fall to the ground. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Sooner, if nity tapes. Get your
there is someone there to cut them down. ​SISTER ​How much? ​VILLAGER
EVANGELIQUE ​(Eyes welling at the admission)​: I​ t if you buy two, I’ll let
could kill you. Kill you for being so blessed. By ee thousand. ​VILLAGER
Her ​presence. By ​Her l​ ight. By ​Her.​ ..But now I e stands on her tiptoes
know...I am not worthy of God’s grace, for evil from the dormitory
thoughts have taken over my mind like vicious y are too-too early.
vines, breaking through the bricks of my faith. I en. A​ NATHALIE: ​And it
cannot see the goodness, the garden— uppose they want to get
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Tonight, you saw it tonight. wonder if my papa is
SISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​Yes, I saw it with my m sure he wouldn’t miss
eyes, but my heart? I am spiritually blind, my heart laire swoops in and
dumb. How could I have been so wrong? The same cket and starts fluffing
hands I lifted up in prayer are the same hands I E: ​Ouch!
used to nail you all to a cross. How easily in the mbed your hair more
name of God we are turned into monsters. HONSINE ​(Laughing)​:
Marie-Claire, can you forgive me? Can you all
forgive me— M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Of course— S ​ ISTER She fluffs up Alphonsine’s afro, too.
EVANGELIQUE: ​But will He? Can my God forgive MARIE-CLAIRE: ​There. We don’t want them to
think they are raising a group of jungle bunnies up here now do we. ​ANATHALIE: ​Who cares what
here now do we. ​ANATHALIE: ​Who cares what they think? ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Eh-eh! I do. Do you
they think? M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Eh-eh! I do. Do you see all those cameras out there? You don’t want to
see all those cameras out there? You don’t want to go down in history as the knappy-headed Trinity
go down in history as the knappy-headed Trinity now do you? ​Marie-Claire looks over her sisters.
now do you? ​Marie-Claire looks over her sisters. She settles on Alphonsine. Beat. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE:
She settles on Alphonsine. Beat. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: Here, put these shoes on, Alphonsine.
Here, put these shoes on, Alphonsine. ALPHONSINE: ​But they are yours. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE:
ALPHONSINE: ​But they are yours. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: Giving to your sister who has given you much is
Giving to your sister who has given you much is not giving but paying. ​Alphonsine brings the pair
not giving but paying. ​Alphonsine brings the pair of shoes to her chest. Her eyes well with tears.
of shoes to her chest. Her eyes well with tears. ALPHONSINE: ​Thank you. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE
ALPHONSINE: ​Thank you. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE (Snapping):​ ​They are meant to be worn on your
(Snapping):​ ​They are meant to be worn on your feet not your chest. Hurry, hurry. Finish getting
feet not your chest. Hurry, hurry. Finish getting ready. Today is a big day. ​The courtyard. A
ready. Today is a big day. ​The courtyard. A reporter stands with a crew in front of the
reporter stands with a crew in front of the makeshift stage. ​REPORTER: ​We are here at
makeshift stage. ​REPORTER: ​We are here at Kibeho College where, the three girls, known
Kibeho College where, the three girls, known through the village as the Trinity, say that the
through the village as the Trinity, say that the Virgin Mary is set to visit this morning. As many
Virgin Mary is set to visit this morning. As many as 20,000 have climbed the seven hills up to
as 20,000 have climbed the seven hills up to Kibeho to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. ​(To a
Kibeho to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. ​(To a ​ nd where have you come from?
vil- lager) A
​ nd where have you come from?
vil- lager) A VILLAGER 1: ​All the way from Nyamata in the
VILLAGER 1: ​All the way from Nyamata in the ​ EPORTER: ​Do you believe? V
east. R ​ ILLAGER 1:
​ EPORTER: ​Do you believe? V
east. R ​ ILLAGER 1: Ennnnnnnh. If She comes, I will believe. If She
Ennnnnnnh. If She comes, I will believe. If She does not come, I think these young girls will have a
does not come, I think these young girls will have a problem on their hands. V ​ ILLAGER 2 ​(Former
problem on their hands. V ​ ILLAGER 2 ​(Former blind man):​ ​Well, I believe. I was here that day the
blind man):​ ​Well, I believe. I was here that day the sun danced. R ​ EPORTER: ​You saw the sun dance?
sun danced. R ​ EPORTER: ​You saw the sun dance? VILLAGER 2: ​I had been blind to my wife for years.
VILLAGER 2: ​I had been blind to my wife for years. But that day Mama Mary ripped me from the
But that day Mama Mary ripped me from the darkness and brought me into the light. I saw Her
darkness and brought me into the light. I saw Her face and then my wife’s... Thank God a woman is
face and then my wife’s... Thank God a woman is more than her breasts. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Don’t listen to
more than her breasts. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Don’t listen to him. He’s out of his mind. Just like that little boy
him. He’s out of his mind. Just like that little boy over there. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Oh, shame. He was cured
over there. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Oh, shame. He was cured of the sickness! Now he has gone crazy. ​Little
of the sickness! Now he has gone crazy. ​Little Emmanuel, who had been healed from AIDS,
Emmanuel, who had been healed from AIDS, stands disheveled with barely any clothes on and
stands disheveled with barely any clothes on and welts all over his body. His eyes roll into the back
welts all over his body. His eyes roll into the back of his head as he repeats his mantra. E ​ MMANUEL
of his head as he repeats his mantra. E ​ MMANUEL (In Kinyarwanda):​ ​Inzuzi ziza tembgamo
(In Kinyarwanda):​ ​Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago...Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago...Inzuzi
amarago...Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago...Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago... [​ The rivers will run red
ziza tembgamo amarago... [​ The rivers will run red with blood...the rivers will run red with blood. The
with blood...the rivers will run red with blood. The rivers will run red with blood.] V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​Look
rivers will run red with blood.] V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​Look at him poor thing. ​Iyoooo, urababje disi.
at him poor thing. ​Iyoooo, urababje disi. EMMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: ​Imperuka, turi
EMMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: I​ mperuka, turi kuba mu’mperuka. ​[The end of days are near.
kuba mu’mperuka. ​[The end of days are near. She fluffs up Alphonsine’s afro, too.
She fluffs up Alphonsine’s afro, too. MARIE-CLAIRE: ​There. We don’t want them to
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​There. We don’t want them to think they are raising a group of jungle bunnies up
think they are raising a group of jungle bunnies up here now do we. A ​ NATHALIE: ​Who cares what
they think? ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Eh-eh! I do. Do you think they are raising a group of jungle bunnies up
see all those cameras out there? You don’t want to here now do we. ​ANATHALIE: ​Who cares what
go down in history as the knappy-headed Trinity they think? M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​Eh-eh! I do. Do you
now do you? ​Marie-Claire looks over her sisters. see all those cameras out there? You don’t want to
She settles on Alphonsine. Beat. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: go down in history as the knappy-headed Trinity
Here, put these shoes on, Alphonsine. now do you? ​Marie-Claire looks over her sisters.
ALPHONSINE: ​But they are yours. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: She settles on Alphonsine. Beat. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE:
Giving to your sister who has given you much is Here, put these shoes on, Alphonsine.
not giving but paying. ​Alphonsine brings the pair ALPHONSINE: ​But they are yours. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE:
of shoes to her chest. Her eyes well with tears. Giving to your sister who has given you much is
ALPHONSINE: ​Thank you. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE not giving but paying. ​Alphonsine brings the pair
(Snapping):​ ​They are meant to be worn on your of shoes to her chest. Her eyes well with tears.
feet not your chest. Hurry, hurry. Finish getting ALPHONSINE: ​Thank you. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE
ready. Today is a big day. ​The courtyard. A (Snapping):​ ​They are meant to be worn on your
reporter stands with a crew in front of the feet not your chest. Hurry, hurry. Finish getting
makeshift stage. ​REPORTER: ​We are here at ready. Today is a big day. ​The courtyard. A
Kibeho College where, the three girls, known reporter stands with a crew in front of the
through the village as the Trinity, say that the makeshift stage. ​REPORTER: ​We are here at
Virgin Mary is set to visit this morning. As many Kibeho College where, the three girls, known
as 20,000 have climbed the seven hills up to through the village as the Trinity, say that the
Kibeho to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. ​(To a Virgin Mary is set to visit this morning. As many
​ nd where have you come from?
vil- lager) A as 20,000 have climbed the seven hills up to
VILLAGER 1: ​All the way from Nyamata in the Kibeho to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. ​(To a
​ EPORTER: ​Do you believe? V
east. R ​ ILLAGER 1: ​ nd where have you come from?
vil- lager) A
Ennnnnnnh. If She comes, I will believe. If She VILLAGER 1: ​All the way from Nyamata in the
does not come, I think these young girls will have a ​ EPORTER: ​Do you believe? V
east. R ​ ILLAGER 1:
problem on their hands. V ​ ILLAGER 2 ​(Former Ennnnnnnh. If She comes, I will believe. If She
blind man):​ ​Well, I believe. I was here that day the does not come, I think these young girls will have a
sun danced. R ​ EPORTER: ​You saw the sun dance? problem on their hands. V ​ ILLAGER 2 ​(Former
VILLAGER 2: ​I had been blind to my wife for years. blind man):​ ​Well, I believe. I was here that day the
But that day Mama Mary ripped me from the sun danced. R ​ EPORTER: ​You saw the sun dance?
darkness and brought me into the light. I saw Her VILLAGER 2: ​I had been blind to my wife for years.
face and then my wife’s... Thank God a woman is But that day Mama Mary ripped me from the
more than her breasts. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Don’t listen to darkness and brought me into the light. I saw Her
him. He’s out of his mind. Just like that little boy face and then my wife’s... Thank God a woman is
over there. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Oh, shame. He was cured more than her breasts. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Don’t listen to
of the sickness! Now he has gone crazy. ​Little him. He’s out of his mind. Just like that little boy
Emmanuel, who had been healed from AIDS, over there. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Oh, shame. He was cured
stands disheveled with barely any clothes on and of the sickness! Now he has gone crazy. ​Little
welts all over his body. His eyes roll into the back Emmanuel, who had been healed from AIDS,
of his head as he repeats his mantra. E ​ MMANUEL stands disheveled with barely any clothes on and
(In Kinyarwanda):​ ​Inzuzi ziza tembgamo welts all over his body. His eyes roll into the back
amarago...Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago...Inzuzi of his head as he repeats his mantra. E ​ MMANUEL
ziza tembgamo amarago... [​ The rivers will run red (In Kinyarwanda):​ ​Inzuzi ziza tembgamo
with blood...the rivers will run red with blood. The amarago...Inzuzi ziza tembgamo amarago...Inzuzi
rivers will run red with blood.] V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​Look ziza tembgamo amarago... [​ The rivers will run red
at him poor thing. ​Iyoooo, urababje disi. with blood...the rivers will run red with blood. The
EMMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: I​ mperuka, turi rivers will run red with blood.] V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​Look
kuba mu’mperuka. ​[The end of days are near. at him poor thing. ​Iyoooo, urababje disi.
She fluffs up Alphonsine’s afro, too. EMMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: ​Imperuka, turi
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​There. We don’t want them to kuba mu’mperuka. ​[The end of days are near.

​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Are you all ready? ​The girls stay put. F
Father Tuyishime joins them. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​I will be there— ​FATHER
TUYISHIME: ​Doing your usual tor- turing? ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​No, Father, there is no need. But they at the Vatican will need me to record
the proceedings. Make sure the young girls are in line with doctrine. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Very well. After you, ladies. ​The threesome
walk from the dormitory into the courtyard, where they are met with love and adoration from a crowd serenading them and bowing down
to them. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Trinity tapes. Get your Trinity tapes! V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​Let me touch your robes. V​ ILLAGER 1: ​Trinity tapes. Get them
now. V​ ILLAGER 3: ​Please pray for me. N ​ KANGO: ​Anathalie, your papa is here! Your mother is here, too, over there! Over there!
VILLAGER 1: ​Two for one. Get your Trinity tapes right here. E ​ MMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: I​ mperuka, turi kuba imperuka. ​[The end of
days is near...The end of days is near...] ​The girls pass Emmanuel and he touches their clothing. A shiver passes through them. The sky
begins to darken... The three girls go step by step, climbing the makeshift podium in the middle of the courtyard. They join Bishop
Gahamanyi, who stands before the microphone in a blinding white robe. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Parishioners welcome! We know that
you have come from near and far—some very far— ​(Indicating Father Flavia) ​to be part of this momentous day. This is the first time we
are celebrating our annual Assumption of Mary feast here on the school grounds. As many of you know there have been rumblings of
Our Lady’s presence here in Kibeho. Well, I’d like to be the first to— V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​Where are the visionaries?!!? V
​ ILLAGER 3 ​(So
friggin’ embarrassed)​: ​Sweetie, please! V ​ ILLAGER 1 ​(In Kinyarwanda):​ ​Nta muntu ush- akakureba Bishop. ​[Nobody want to see
Bishop.] V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​I want to hear the visionaries. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Please, be patient. Our Lady I’m sure would be saddened by
your blatant disrespect of— V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​Give them the microphone! V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Sweetie, PLEASE!! V ​ ILLAGER 2: ​I want to hear the
one from the radio. The one from the radio I say!!! B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Fine. Fine... ​(In Kin- yarwanda, under his breath) Aba
baturage! [​ I tell you these village folk!] ​(Indicating Marie- Claire) M ​ arie-Claire. ​Bishop Gahamanyi shuffles off. Marie-Claire steps up
to the microphone. T ​ hey are near...]
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Thank you all for coming. V ​ ILLAGER 3: ​Shut up you fool! You know not
We are happy that despite the heavy clouds what you say.
you are here to listen and receive Our Lady’s E ​ MMANUEL ​(In Kinyarwanda)​: ​Abahungu baza
message. It says a lot about your commitment ​fata kungupu babo ababyeyl bazi’ cya abana babo
to the teachings of the Church. About your ​mzuzi oh inzuzi, imperuka turi kuba mumperuka.
commitment to the Word. The words of [Brothers will rape their sisters. Mothers will
Nyina wa Jambo.​ kill their sons. The river. Oh the river. The
ANATHALIE: ​In order for you to hear them, end of days. We are living in the end of days...]
we must prepare the grounds for Her. She ​Emmanuel is pushed aside as the crowd surges
only comes when there is kindness. ​to make way for—
ALPHONSINE: ​Join us. Join us in prayer. Lift V ​ ILLAGER 1: ​There is the father of the seer
your hands to the sky. Anathalie!!!
They look up. The sky has shifted from being Nkango, who once wore garments holey from
sunlit to hanging heavy with darkened clouds. working in the fields, now wears a sorta-new Chi-
The girls begin singing a hymn for Mother Mary cago Bulls T-shirt and sneakers bought straight
and the ENTIRE village joins them. The voices from the market.
of the girls merge into the villagers, creating a ​REPORTER ​(Barking in Kinyarwanda to one of
sweet fusion. The air vibrates as thousands of the pilgrims)​: ​Igirayo. Igirayo!​ [Get out of my
voices are lifted into the sky. w ​ ay. Get out of my way!] ​(Back to her BBC lilt)
ANATHALIE ​(Under her breath)​: ​Where is She? Is it true you are the one whose daughter has
MARIE-CLAIRE ​(Under her breath)​: ​She is favor with the Virgin?
coming. She is coming. N ​ KANGO: ​Indeed it is me.
Father Flavia is near the platform recording. R ​ EPORTER: ​How does it feel to know your
The sky is darkening more. ​daughter Anathalie is a visionary?
VILLAGER 1: ​We want Mother Mary! Where N ​ KANGO: ​It is not a surprise to me. Something
is Mother Mary? told me that when she went to Kibeho College
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Why is it taking Her so long? she was destined for greatness. That is why
VILLAGER 2: ​Look in the sky. her mother and I worked so hard in the fields.
Clouds are swirling. Faster and faster. ​To give her the good Catholic education that
ALPHONSINE: ​Keep singing. Everyone keep has led to this opportunity. Like I said, no
singing. surprise. She is a good girl.
Finally there is a rustle on the wind... R ​ EPORTER: T ​ he passion fruit must not fall
The sky changes. It now seems as though the t​ oo far from the tree?
brightest sun is in the sky, but there is rain. The N ​ KANGO: ​No-no-no, I’m but a small man.
heavens open up...She is here... ​A small man.
They stare above the heads of the crowd. Lovingly Other villagers are taking pictures with Nkango.
transfixed... ​VILLAGER 1: ​Nkango! Nkango! Can you get
The crowd surges forward, shaking the platform, ​Anathalie to bless my rosary?
but the girls stand unmoved. ​NKANGO: ​Sure, sure, sure.
But suddenly, a gush of tears start flowing from ​VILLAGER 2: ​Mine, too!
the girls’ faces. And Nkango is swept away by the singing,
ANATHALIE: ​Mama Mary, why are you crying? ​surging crowd.
ALPHONSINE: ​She’s crying. R ​ EPORTER: ​And there you have it. The village
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Please don’t cry. is awaiting. Waving their rosaries, praying,
ANATHALIE: ​Please. singing. You hear it? The crowd is calling
ALPHONSINE: ​Mama Mary, what is it? for them. Waiting on the girls who call the
MARIE-CLAIRE: ​But you must. Virgin Mary ​Nyina wa Jambo​, Mother of the
ANATHALIE: ​You must. Word. Stay turned. Reporting August 15,
ALPHONSINE: ​Show us. 1982 for the BBC.
ALPHONSINE AND MARIE-CLAIRE: ​Show us! ​Lights shift.
ANATHALIE: ​Please show us, why you are ​The dormitory. The noise of the crowd wafts in
crying. ​through the open windows.
VILLAGER 1: ​What are the girls saying? ​Before the glistening shrine, the girls stand in
VILLAGER 2: ​Press closer. Closer. ​front of Father Flavia in prayer. Poised. Pressed.
The crowd surges, trying to hear what the Virgin He does the sign over them. Father Flavia looks
Mary has to say. out of the window.
But suddenly the girls start shaking, convulsing, ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​You girls draw a bigger crowd
quivering. ​than The Supremes.
Bishop Gahamanyi, who is sitting beside the other ​THE TRINITY: ​Who?
clergy, suddenly stands. F​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​You don’t know about The
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​What, what, is going Supremes? My goodness, what are they teach-
on? ing you at this school?
The girls begin to vomit.
Katori Hall ​Our Lady of Kibeho ​PLAYSCRIPT
RIE-CLAIRE ​(Voiceover, whispering):​ T ​ he end
days are here. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE
iceover)​: ​The fever. The fever is spreading to
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​What is She showing them? other girls. ​Lights shift.
What is She— ​THE TRINITY: ​The hills of Rwanda
will run red with blood. The Hills of Rwanda Will SCENE 9 ​Father
Run Red With Blood. THE HILLS OF RWANDA yishime’s office. Marie-Claire sits staring into
WILL RUN RED WITH BLOOD. THE HILLS ce, rocking herself. Anathalie’s body lies across
OF RWANDA WILL RUN RED. ​Lights shift and desk. Alphonsine is in the same hot chair she
go dark. Time is stretched and echoey in this rted in at the beginning of the play. ​SISTER
space. In the black, there are moans and screams. ANGELIQUE: ​Marie-Claire speak to me! ​(Aloud
The crackle of burning fire. The electric slice of a more to herself) ​I have never seen her so still.
machete dragging across asphalt. Echoes. A light quiet. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​She’s been that
pulses and we see shards of a vision. Visions of the y since the vision. Struck dumb. ​SISTER
unthinkable. The unseeable. The unvoiceable. ANGELIQUE: ​Eh! She is struck dumb and all the
Marie-Claire is running, running, running, s are struck with a fever. There aren’t enough
running, red ribbons streaming from her feet. Until kets. It’s a mess. I tell you a mess. These poor
​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Voiceover):​
she is felled. S ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Why did you all say
s. F
Marie- Claire speak to me sweet child. ​NKANGO se things, Alphonsine? A ​ LPHONSINE: ​She
(Voiceover)​: ​Anathalie, please wake up. She is wed us. Showed us what they needed to see.
dead! S​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE ​(Voiceover)​: ​She is TER EVANGELIQUE: ​They were mumbling
not dead. This has happened before. She can’t be— er nonsense. Utter nonsense I say. ​Father Flavia
NKANGO ​(Voiceover)​: ​Then what is she? What has nds over Anathalie. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Ten hours
She done to my daughter? ​ALPHONSINE ​ ISTER EVANGELIQUE: ​No
d still no pulse. S
(Voiceover, whispering)​: ​The end of days are near. ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​What she saw must have
ath. F
frightened her. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, it FATHER FLAVIA: ​Before what? ​FATHER
absolutely fright- ened me. ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI: TUYISHIME: ​They are disrupting the order of
The other girls seem to things. Making everyone afraid-- ​FATHER FLAVIA:
g from some mass hysteria. F ​ ATHER They should be. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​--Getting
: ​What about the other villagers? things out of order here-- F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​But,
AHAMANYI: ​They heard it. Heard it all. Father-- F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​--The world is
YISHIME: ​Tell them the girls made it buckling, buckling beneath my-- ​FATHER FLAVIA:
R FLAVIA: ​Made it up? F ​ ATHER --why wouldn’t you want to hear what Mother
: ​Yes, Father Flavia. They have made Mary has to say? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​BECAUSE
se up. Or they have gone crazy. Just I DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE, FATHER! I
ould they lie? ​Father Flavia plays the Tuyishime has covered his eyes like a little boy
rls’ disem- bodied voices fill the room. hiding from the boogeyman... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Y ​(Voiceover):​ ​“The hills of Rwanda The world. The world is wobbling. ​Father
red with graves. The rivers will run red Tuyishime crouches down on the floor of his office
od of babies. Sons will slaughter their torn asunder. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: I​ saw a girl.
bands will rape their wives, babies will Running down a hill. She had legs so long they
rains dashed out by mothers. We are in could take her into tomorrow. She had feet so
s...” F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Turn it off. quick they could cut down blades of grass. She ran
AVIA: ​Listen... F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I up those seven hills of Kibeho to the tippy top, to
Off. T ​ HE TRINITY ​(Voiceover)​: heaven’s doorstep. She knocked hoping that God
ll sink Rwanda and the passion fruit would let her in, but she could not knock fast
from our trees will bleed with the blood enough. It came down. A slice. Her head rolled
n. The hills of Rwanda will run red with down those seven hills in search of a grave.
N RED WITH—” ​Father Tuyishime Where is God? Where is God here? ​ALPHONSINE:
dio and throws it against the wall. It God has nothing to do with this. Only man. ​She
o a million little pieces. F ​ ATHER says we need to— B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Enough
: ​This is not real. They made it up. of this non- sense. ENOUGH. It is only hell that
AVIA: ​We need you to settle your- they are talking about. And we all know that exists.
HER TUYISHIME: ​They have made it up. FATHER FLAVIA: ​But they are talking very
shime shakes the motionless Anathalie. specifically about a hell on earth— ​BISHOP
YISHIME: ​Tell them that you made, that GAHAMANYI: ​The world is always ending. Has
ade it up— ​Bishop Gahamanyi tries to been ending for years— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Not like
r Tuy- ishime. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: this. There is some- thing dangerously specific
hat you are lying. ​BISHOP about this vision, and if I were you I’d listen.
YI: ​Father Tuyishime— F ​ ATHER BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Is it so easy to believe
: ​Please, Alphonsine. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: visions of violence when they fall from African
ved the initial visions why can’t you lips— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​No, Your Excellency, it is
one? ​Father Tuyishime turns around to easy only when they fall from a visionary’s lips,
via. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You SHUT which these three girls undoubtedly are. ​Beat.
SHUT UP!!! ​BISHOP GAHAMANYI: FATHER TUYISHIME: ​So they will be con- firmed?
, Father. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​No, FATHER FLAVIA: ​They have passed every test.
evil here in Rwanda. THIS is where Every physical test. Every mental test. Every
n vacation. THIS is the land of love, of psychological evaluation. Everything they have
ney. Where I was born— ​FATHER said has been in line with doctrine. From the light
lm down, Father— ​FATHER to the dark...
: ​Fix them! We have to fix them! Stop fix, Father— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Cure them!
seeing these-these- these horrible Things need to go back to normal, before, before—
ATHER FLAVIA: ​This is something we FATHER FLAVIA: ​Before what? F ​ ATHER
TUYISHIME: ​They are disrupting the order of
fix, Father— ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Cure them! things. Making everyone afraid-- ​FATHER FLAVIA:
Things need to go back to normal, before, before— They should be. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​--Getting
things out of order here-- ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​But, TUYISHIME: ​They are disrupting the order of
Father-- ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​--The world is things. Making everyone afraid-- ​FATHER FLAVIA:
buckling, buckling beneath my-- ​FATHER FLAVIA: They should be. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​--Getting
--why wouldn’t you want to hear what Mother things out of order here-- F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​But,
Mary has to say? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​BECAUSE Father-- F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​--The world is
I DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE, FATHER! I buckling, buckling beneath my-- ​FATHER FLAVIA:
DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS!! ​Father --why wouldn’t you want to hear what Mother
Tuyishime has covered his eyes like a little boy Mary has to say? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​BECAUSE
hiding from the boogeyman... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: I DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE, FATHER! I
The world. The world is wobbling. ​Father DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS!! ​Father
Tuyishime crouches down on the floor of his office Tuyishime has covered his eyes like a little boy
torn asunder. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: ​I saw a girl. hiding from the boogeyman... F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME:
Running down a hill. She had legs so long they The world. The world is wobbling. ​Father
could take her into tomorrow. She had feet so Tuyishime crouches down on the floor of his office
quick they could cut down blades of grass. She ran torn asunder. ​MARIE-CLAIRE: I​ saw a girl.
up those seven hills of Kibeho to the tippy top, to Running down a hill. She had legs so long they
heaven’s doorstep. She knocked hoping that God could take her into tomorrow. She had feet so
would let her in, but she could not knock fast quick they could cut down blades of grass. She ran
enough. It came down. A slice. Her head rolled up those seven hills of Kibeho to the tippy top, to
down those seven hills in search of a grave. heaven’s doorstep. She knocked hoping that God
ALPHONSINE: ​It is a sign. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: I​ t was would let her in, but she could not knock fast
not a sign; it was me. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE: enough. It came down. A slice. Her head rolled
Where is God? Where is God here? ​ALPHONSINE: down those seven hills in search of a grave.
God has nothing to do with this. Only man. ​She ALPHONSINE: ​It is a sign. M ​ ARIE-CLAIRE: ​It was
says we need to— B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Enough not a sign; it was me. ​SISTER EVANGELIQUE:
of this non- sense. ENOUGH. It is only hell that Where is God? Where is God here? ​ALPHONSINE:
they are talking about. And we all know that exists. God has nothing to do with this. Only man. ​She
FATHER FLAVIA: ​But they are talking very says we need to— B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Enough
specifically about a hell on earth— ​BISHOP of this non- sense. ENOUGH. It is only hell that
GAHAMANYI: ​The world is always ending. Has they are talking about. And we all know that exists.
been ending for years— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Not like FATHER FLAVIA: ​But they are talking very
this. There is some- thing dangerously specific specifically about a hell on earth— ​BISHOP
about this vision, and if I were you I’d listen. GAHAMANYI: ​The world is always ending. Has
BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Is it so easy to believe been ending for years— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Not like
visions of violence when they fall from African this. There is some- thing dangerously specific
lips— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​No, Your Excellency, it is about this vision, and if I were you I’d listen.
easy only when they fall from a visionary’s lips, BISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Is it so easy to believe
which these three girls undoubtedly are. ​Beat. visions of violence when they fall from African
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​So they will be con- firmed? lips— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​No, Your Excellency, it is
FATHER FLAVIA: ​They have passed every test. easy only when they fall from a visionary’s lips,
Every physical test. Every mental test. Every which these three girls undoubtedly are. ​Beat.
psychological evaluation. Everything they have FATHER TUYISHIME: ​So they will be con- firmed?
said has been in line with doctrine. From the light FATHER FLAVIA: ​They have passed every test.
to the dark... Every physical test. Every mental test. Every
fix, Father— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Cure them! psychological evaluation. Everything they have
Things need to go back to normal, before, before— said has been in line with doctrine. From the light
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Before what? F ​ ATHER to the dark...

the pope you gave me? ​Father Flavia gives Father Tuyishime the piece of paper he gave him earlier in Act Two. ​FATHER TUYISHIME:
Alphonsine’s? ​Father Tuyishime looks at the paper. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​She even makes a circle over her “I”s. Just like Lucia... ​Father
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I am leaving my post here, Father Flavia.
Flavia returns Alphonsine’s letter gingerly to his inner breast pocket. F
The Bishop says that my appointment was a mistake. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Perhaps it was. F
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Perhaps. Where are you off
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​A place called Medjugorje. F
to next? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Medju-ju-who-who- wha-wha? F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Father,
you can say Mukamazimpaka but you can’t say Medju- gorje? ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Never heard of it. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​It’s in
Yugoslavia. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Wheew! Our Lady has been busy this year. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Or maybe it is the devil? ​FATHER
TUYISHIME: ​Well, He is often busy, as well. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​And you? Where are you going? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Where a lot of ​us
are going— F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​“Us”? F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Us Tutsis. We are head- ing to Uganda. It is not where God goes on vacation.
But it will have to do. ​Father Flavia sadly understands. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Good day, Father. ​Father Flavia takes his bags and starts his
way down the hill.
SCENE 11 ​Father Tuyishime walks back to his office to find Alphonsine waiting for him. The sound of the girls singing can be heard
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​You are not on punish- ment. ​ALPHONSINE: ​I know. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Then what are you doing
from outside. F
here so early in the morning? ​ALPHONSINE: ​I thought I would help you clean. S​ he is sweeping the bits of broken radio into the trash bin.
ALPHONSINE: ​It seems we made a mess of your office last night. F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Indeed. ​She begins to pick up books that are
​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Here, let me
scattered on the floor. She tries to put one of the books away high on the shelf. She cannot reach it. F
help you. ​He takes the book from Alphonsine and looks deeply into her smile. He breaks their gaze and Father Flavia gathers the tape
from the broken
looks down at the book. He blinks and opens it. recorder.
Inside there is a worn rosary. Father Flavia’s silence says it all.
ALPHONSINE: ​Your mama’s. B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI ​(Switching gears one last
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I’ve been looking for it. ​time):​ ​But Father Flavia, this is not the kind
ALPHONSINE: ​Well, now it is found. You of vision that engenders the increase of faith.
prayed last night. She told me. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​It is the kind of vision that
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​My goodness, She tells produces fear, which, knowing the God I
you everything. know, is a good thing.
ALPHONSINE: ​Well, She has become my ​All Bishop Gahamanyi can do is watch as Father
best friend. ​Flavia seals the tape in a velvet pouch and
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I’m still trying Her out. ​leaves. Bishop Gahamanyi stands there staring
ALPHONSINE: ​Please, keep praying. She needs ​into the void.
you to do this. F​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, Your Excellency,
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​I know. you got what you wanted.
ALPHONSINE: ​And please, please stay. The B ​ ISHOP GAHAMANYI: ​Indeed. God help us.
girls don’t want you to leave. God help us all.​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​The Gods I think have

decided for me, my dear Alphonsine. ​SCENE 10

ALPHONSINE: ​Who will take your place? ​Next day.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Sister Evangelique. She ​Father Flavia walks down the corridor with his
is being promoted from deputy head nun to ​bags packed. He passes the girls’ dorm. Since the
head mistress of the school. It will soon be a ​night, the lush garden has turned to a rotting
place run by women. And, personally, I think ​brown. The flowers are wilted from their spring,
that is good. ​and now leaves plunge from the vines commit-
Alphonsine’s eyes begin to well, but she nods her ting a million little suicides onto the floor. Father
head in understanding. Father Tuyishime brings Flavia puts his bags down and walks up to the
a hand to her face and begins to wipe her tears death and destruction.
away. Suddenly, Anathalie shows up at the door. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​What will your final
The two jump apart. ​report be?
ANATHALIE: ​Come on Alphonsine, they’re ​Father Flavia whirls around to find Father
singing the new song! Marie-Claire with her ​Tuyishime has snuck up behind him.
​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​Wheew! You scared me.
horrible voice is absolutely ruining it. F
ALPHONSINE: ​I’ll be there in a minute— F ​ ATHER TUYISHIME: ​I said, “What will your
Anathalie runs off. ​final report be?”
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​You should go, now. F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​It sometimes takes 100 years
Join the other girls. for the Church to approve apparitions.
Beat. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Well, hopefully, we
ALPHONSINE: ​Good day, Father Tuyishime. have that long.
“One who we are thankful for.” F ​ ATHER FLAVIA: ​But it only took the Fatima
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Good day, Alphonsine visions 13 years to be approved. So you never
Mumureke. “Leave her alone, she speaks know...
the truth.” ​FATHER TUYISHIME ​(More to himself)​: T ​ hir-
She smiles, bringing light into that tiny office. t​ een years...
And then she leaves him. ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​That particular “trinity”
Father Tuyishime goes and stands at the doorway w ​ ere mere children when they saw Her in
of his office. 1​ 917. Lucia, the eldest, said that Mother
They are singing a new song, “Our Lady of ​Mary had given her three secrets. The first
Sorrows.” ​secret was that there was a hell. The second
Father Tuyishime looks out across his country, his ​was that World War II would come. But she
land, his people, his heaven on earth, the land ​held onto the third secret for 23 years until
of a thousand hills, the land of Rwanda, before. ​one day in 1944 at the height of the very war
Blackout. S ​ he predicted, Lucia wrote it down on one sheet of paper. That sheet traveled by train from Portugal to Rome and was locked
END OF PLAY ​in a special vault in the Vatican. Every pope who has read it has refused to let the secret be known to the public.
FATHER TUYISHIME: ​Do you know the secret? ​FATHER FLAVIA: ​Of course, of course. ​FATHER TUYISHIME: ​And did it come to fruition?
FATHER FLAVIA: ​Remember that letter for

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