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2 PrEd146: Assessment in Learning I

Lesson 1.1: Basic Concepts of Assessment

Lesson Summary
With the change of focus in emphasis from content instruction to
learning outcomes came a need to redefine and explain the concepts used to
assess students’ progress towards achieving the desired learning outcomes.
These are tests, evaluation, measurement, and assessment.

Learning Outcomes
1. identify given situations according to terminologies of assessment
2. describe assessment in learning and related concepts

Motivation Question
Figure 1. Teacher and Students

What can you say about this picture?


What is assessment in learning?

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
No. DTE-056-IM
For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 3

The word assessment is rooted in the Latin word assidere, which

means, “sitting next to another.” Assessment is the process of gathering
quantitative and qualitative data for decision-making. Assessment in learning
is vital to the curriculum- and instructional-like educational process. Schools
and teachers will not determine the impact of curriculum and instruction on
students or learners without assessing learning. It is, therefore, necessary
that educators have knowledge and competence in assessing learners.

Assessment in learning is described as the systematic and purpose-

oriented collection, analysis, and interpretation of evidence of student’s
learning to make informed decisions that are important to the learners. In
essence, the assessment aims to use student’s learning evidence to help
facilitate and manage to learn. Assessment in learning is being characterized
as (a) process, (b) based on specific objectives, and (c) from multiple

Concepts Definition

• tool for measuring any quality, ability, skill, or

• a task or series of functions used to measure to
Test obtain systematic observations presumed to be
representative of educational, psychological
characteristics or attributes
Example: checking students’ ability to use a microscope,
practical exam in P.E 11

•an instrument or tool used to assess human

intelligence, achievement, temperament, attitudes, or
Measurement something expressed quantitatively
• assigning of numbers to attribute or characteristic of
a person, event or object
Example: students’ scores, grade submitted

refers to all activities undertaken by teachers and

students in assessing themselves
 a process in which quantitative and qualitative data
are gathered and organized in an interpretable form
Example: Entrance Examination, daily quiz

a process of systematic collection, analysis,

interpretation, appraisal, or judgment of the worth of
organized data as a basis for decision-making.
Evaluation  a method of evaluating the children’s behavior as a
result of their teaching and experience.
Example: Reporting Examination results, level of proficiency,
pass or fail

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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