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For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 5

Lesson 1.2: Roles of Assessment

Lesson Summary
This lesson consists of three roles/purposes of assessment. These
are: assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as
learning. Assessment for learning implies that assessment is being done to
improve and ensure learning. Assessment of learning is usually given at the
end of a unit, grading period, or a term like a semester. Assessment as
learning, which encourages both teachers and students to have self-

Learning Outcomes
1. explain the roles of assessment
2. identify the type of assessment method used in the subject

Motivation Question
Why do we need to have an assessment?

The preposition “for” in assessment FOR learning implies that
improving education and ensuring it is being performed in this assessment. It
is called the FORmative assessment, the assessment conducted while the
teacher is in the process of student formation. It ensures that learning
continues while the teacher is in the process of teaching.
The teacher does not lose anything if as he/she teaches, he/she
checks for understanding now and then. He/she ensures that the students
understood the lesson before he/she continues or comes close at the end of
the chapter, unit, or course or grading period.
It is tragic and a waste of time if the teacher just proceeds with
his/her teaching presuming that students understood the lesson only to
discover at the end of the unit or grading period that students did not
comprehend the experience. There was still too much time lost.
Besides, lack of comprehension of the lesson is the cause of the fact
that lessons, “ABCs” weren’t mastered, and the teacher was already “XYZ.”
Too late to discover that students did not know what was being required of
them at the end of a unit or a grading period.
Formative assessment also involves the pretest and the posttest that
a teacher provides to ensure learning. It is also being termed as pre-

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
6 PrEd146: Assessment in Learning I

Why the pretest? It is to find out where the students are or have
entrance knowledge or skills decided so that teachers know how to change
Why the posttest? It is to find out if the desired learning outcome is
being attained during the teaching-learning process. When not all students
have achieved it, then the teacher has to recommend an intervention or
remediation. Why do these have to take place? To ensure learning, thus the
term assessment FOR learning.


Assessment Assessment
Learning Learning


Figure 2. Roles of Assessment

In Assessment FOR Learning, teachers use assessment results to

advise or change their teaching. When in the process of education, the
teacher discovers that the students did not understand what is being taught.
So, the teacher adjusts her/his instructional strategy. One did not work, and
because it did not work and expects better results, he/she has not to repeat
the use of the same strategy.
In summary, assessment FOR learning means teachers using
student’s knowledge, understanding, and skills to guide their teaching. It
occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify and ensure
student’s learning and understanding.
Assessment OF Learning is typically given at the end of a semester
unit, grading period, or term. It is being intended to evaluate learning for
grading purposes, hence the term Assessment OF Learning. It is being
referred to as summative assessment. The effectiveness of summative
evaluation depends on the validity and reliability of the assessment activity
and tools.
Assessment AS Learning is associated with self-assessment.
Assessment by itself, as the term implies, is already a form of learning for

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
No. DTE-056-IM
For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 7

As students assess their work (such as paragraph) and with their

peers using the scoring rubrics, knows for themselves what a good article is.
At the same time, they think about themselves as learners (such as paragraph
writers) as they engaged in self-assessment and become mindful of how they
think. In short, in assessment AS learning, student set their goals, regularly
track and analyze their own learning about their set target. As a result, they
are autonomous or self-directed learners. By assessing their learning, they are
learning at the same time.

What are the different types of assessment?

Formative Assessment – refers to assessment activities that provide

information to both teachers and learners on how they can improve
the teaching-learning process. It is used at the beginning and during
instruction for teachers to assess learners’ understanding, such as a
daily quizzes.
Summative Assessment – an assessment that aims to determine
learners’ mastery of content or attainment of learning outcomes.
Summative assessments provide information on the quantity or
quality of what students have learned or achieved at the end of
instruction. These are chapter tests, unit tests, long exams, midterm,
and final exams.
Diagnostic Assessment – aims to detect the learning problems or
difficulties of the learners so that corrective measures or interventions
are being done to ensure learning. It is usually done right after seeing
signs of learning problems in the course of teaching. Its primary
purpose is to identify the strength and weaknesses of the students.
Placement Assessment – usually done at the beginning of the school
year to determine what the learners already know or what are their
needs that could inform the design of instructions is. Based on the
results of placement assessment, there is a grouping of learners. An
example is an entrance exam.
Traditional Assessment – refers to the use of conventional methods
or resources to provide information about the learning of students. It
is also being called as a pen-and-paper test (objective and subjective
test). Objective type of test depends on the exact answer of test which
there is only right or wrong answers like multiple choice, identification,
completion, etc. while, subjective type of test depends on the opinion
in answering a test like an essay.
Authentic Assessment – refers to the use of assessment techniques
or resources that allow learners to implement or produce a product
that is relevant to the learners because it is focusing on real-world

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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