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Lecture I: Preliminary Concepts and Recent Trends in Assessment

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

11:21 AM
 What is Educational Assessment?
 Process of gathering evidence of students’ performance over a period of time to determine
learning and mastery of skills.
 Process of gathering quantitative and qualitative information about students’ learning and
organizing them into an interpretable form
 Sample evidences: journals, written work, portfolios, tests, other learning tasks.
 A continuous process and integral part of teaching-learning

 Assessment is defined as a process of obtaining information that is used –

 to track learning progress in relation to learning standards;
 to give feedback to students about their progress, strengths and weaknesses;
 to promote self-reflection and personal accountability;
 to make educational decisions about students;
 to judge instructional effectiveness and curricular adequacy;
 to inform policy; 
 Functions of Assessment
 Diagnostic: tell us what the student needs to learn
 Formative: tell us how well the student is doing as work progresses
 Summative: tell us how well the student did at the end of a unit/task.

 Overall goal of Assessment

 to improve student learning and provide students, parents and teachers with reliable
information regarding student progress and extent of attainment of the expected learning
 the results show the more permanent learning and clearer picture of student’s ability 

 How can we assess student learning?

 Traditional assessment - assess students’ knowledge and skills in relative isolation from real
world context
 Authentic assessment - assess students’ ability to use what they are learning in tasks similar
to those in the outside world 
What is assessment in K to 12 Curriculum?

 Assessment shall be used primarily as quality assurance tool to:

 track student progress in the attainment of standards; (assessment of learning)
 promote self-reflection and personal accountability for one’s learning; (assessment as
learning) and
 provide a basis in profiling student performance (assessment for learning)

 Assessment
- is also standards-based as it seeks to ensure that teachers will teach to the standards and
students will aim to meet or even exceed the standards

 Standards are statements of desired outcomes or expectations of what the students need to
know and be able to do.
 Standards-based Assessment is the process of gathering information that indicates the
attainment of the standards set for quality learning. 

Types of Assessment
1. Assessment for learning

Ongoing process that usually happens before during or after the teaching learning process
Primary purpose:
 to support and enhance learning by adapting the educational process to meet the learner’s
 Learners are made aware of their strengths and weaknesses while being provided with
adequate support to overcome learning difficulties
 Assessment is done to improve and ensure learning
 It ensures that learning is going on while teacher is in the process of teaching
 Teachers use assessment to inform or adjust their teaching
 Recitation is one kind of assessment for learning
 Formative assessment were used: pretest and post test
 Formative assessment after lecture must not be graded but can only be recorded because they
can only be used to confirm whether the students learn something and not tells about the
overall knowledge of a Student.
 Includes post diagnostic assessment and formative type of assessment.
2. Assessment as Learning  

Metacognition and self-accountability

 Assessment that actively involves learners and encourages them to think about the way they
 It occurs when learners reflect on and regulate and monitor their learning progress.
 It comprises learner reflection and peer and self-assessment.
 Associated with self-assessment, A form of learning for the Students

3. Assessment of learning  

Grading purposes
Assessment of learner’s achievement 
Primary purpose:
 to support and enhance learning by adapting the educational process to meet the learner’s
 Learners are made aware of their strengths and weaknesses while being provided with
adequate support to overcome learning difficulties
 Assessment is done to improve and ensure learning
 It ensures that learning is going on while teacher is in the process of teaching
 Teachers use assessment to inform or adjust their teaching
 Summative assessment.

Kahoot game review

1. Assessment which is not graded but used as an ongoing diagnostic tool.
 Formative Assessment

2. What is the primary purpose of Assessment?

 Improve learning

3. Assessment is synonymous to Evaluation?

 False

4. Which of the following is not a traditional form of assessment?

 Multiple choice
 True-false
 Essay
 Experiment.

5. This is a type of Assessment which promotes self-reflection and metacognition among learners?
 Assessment as Learning

6. Teacher M. determines his students' entry or prior knowledge about the topic. What type of
assessment is employed?
 Assessment for learning

7. The test given at the end of an hour discussion is a form of summative assessment.
 False

8. Which of the following is the purpose of formative assessment?

 To improve instruction.
 To evaluate a completed program- Summative
 To assist administrators in decision making- Diagnostic
 To compare results of schools' performance- Summative

9. When summative assessment is usually conducted?

 Before instruction- Diagnostic
 During instruction- Formative
 After completing a unit.
 Before completing a unit.

10. To further determine in which particular skills her pupils are weak, which test should teacher J
 Diagnostic

11. A students 'test score alone reflects his true ability

 False

12. The result of the 10-item test given after teacher M's discussion of cell is included in the
computation of grades.
 False

13. Assessment is judgmental in nature as it aims at providing an overall grade.

 False

14. When assessment works best, it does the following except?

 It helps fail undeserving Students.

15. Assessment is an integral part of teaching-learning process.

 True

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