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Hotels, Restaurants, j MODERN MOTELS

Groceries, Drags

Misc. Opportunities C-3 Ellsworth


C-7 3Iisc. Opportunities


Euildin~ and


Stivfesy, February 13, 1955 General Contracting

Sfjt Salfefl SDrnlttg STrms

Poster Work Badlo-TV Seirtce

Part 3 9

l:...n :n O'.t.-s! levas I.M-1. v .-,: 17-'"L. fix: ires M i l ! . V.7.1 if 1 :- -167,') ' :> 1 _ Store la present location lor 36 year*, store modern. Writ* POX 9 2 J . Dallas.

G A P J t E T T S TRUCK C E N T E R : m _, located in the huh of Fort w v t h ' i trucking actMUM iL-id eninx the whole Souifrieit. Corr.sletely modem lartliae* for e w j y trucXinz need. Main raUdfag oMituii ihowroom. ofnces. and driver's rooms. I t ' sepnTflte buUdiiui for tire, bsttery. wheel aUsnmenL frame woric motor repairj. wstiuir and luhncatlng. Ample space lor rerienz and ilotage.



LET u s REMODEL o r BUILD onto your home and consolidate your debts. JIake ONE PAYMENT, 525 monthly on $2,000.

GENERAL R E P A I R S - T a j l n i beddrct - IWCARD sign vv-rrnrr. t o t t e r w r r t tad. Sheetroclcng: T e M o u i x Carpentry. Con. . . : " ' . " - r RA-san. . mete w-rk F R - ; t . REMODELING, addition, cabinet svorfc ,.Fre HtltBMWi KARSH LANE -SERVICE C E N T E R - T f ! V':_.~' '-'' t - ' H i i r rall-s. i3. DHTS>_ ates. FA-tCKi MAINTENANCE, c r m m e r d a l and resideo""rcentaee or " the Job. F r e t es'Jrerrentane by r.l>2 '.:3

Agencies, Licensed

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE In Our New Offices 816 I.C.T. BIdg., RI-5016 Corner Commerce and Ervay

ESTABLISHED card and gift shop; only. A' large o u , upwardi 30 mils. Cpmpleta one of tr*> kind between Dallas and fort modem *wimmirig pool, air-conditioned. Worth.' Grossing l'.2-."".jr,iio '>:; S-i'mri; , , , Vested heat Modem living quarters terms. Write: MARYLOUISE BAKER. F O r t home- H w y and unbebe-vabl* prc-Eilj. ;-V.'_M.-,t>.!.-.',. _A_r|:i!-:fAn. T e x a s . Texas KS.0CO Cash handle*.

EefrigeraUon S e n l c e Boot Repairing Rugs Cleaned

55 Unite, complete, mcrfem Unsurpassed location. M0.UHJ Yearly. WiJ.HX C u b han- Dotnz good bushiest Good location, Rea- n o n d a sona'Je r e n t Owner retiring; Call owner. , P h i r - n c r r , dset , . v . | ? r v, K r v .. n .jfsler. Texas. | -IIIUlgU 3J Cells. Bnest location possible. Medem CHILDREN'S SHOP-Wcll-estabiiJhed tun-, mm* every respect .No highway cnanges. Mod- urban stnp.. Mc4ern_ fixtures^ .air-condiem comfortable home, ^ou can opera,e tior.ed plenty parking space. Account Illtr.n rr.'.'! sourself and clear above ii u>i ness will lacrllice tm approximate " ! anient' ry l-.< .7.3-A Pallas N FOP. SALE OR TRADE-Your chance for grorery and market on Highway 3o in good i n d i RAKERY S


Kansas City N.Y.City Denver



BUILDER can remodel o r a d d t o your i I CAMMACK

General Office Service

BUSINESS SERVICE. All " Cmfldentl*] sntersteun by Appot la OUT Private.



tn annual sales and has much greater MtenUaL doiter, send fnr hrnchure and cnr^olete details of this u a u i ^ l cDportunliy. 0

W t e S B S S W n ^ M , WEWn HOP.f

"l>"'~'; iT.r! ".Kir-Iiiis K M ) ...KES7..1 M.l
. . . K I : ; . I . . S 4'-vo


ROTTEN i Remodell.i,. _ GOLIGHTLY.

r!er;= H l. . _a Carpenter 1 r Ai '

GLOVES. pursesT relmed. repaired. TMTictjr.orton.

1 Sewing Machine Service ! ^ - s w . - i A n d Lease t>pt.......aM ALL KINDS .VOVLNG-Anyuhcre. Trajn j REPAIRS to ell makes. Rentals. Guar- Seo'l' to Sales. coi>ge7 EPS'.'.' ivn

Haul ins

Septic Tanks : CLEANED OLT - I.-,v...;:,.i: ,. rrcairs. j ^SSSSSL- I-F. sSmfrsa. WOS?. ^ H S e ! v ? S i r . t ^ e C g ^ " " i 1 , ' S Stove Bepair, | ?; $&3X>$2**-, ?&ZZ&>

?.ft Eos: j f t * Rising ' JjtfV- w ' \ r ' > T ' Units. S j e a n old. Finest W s l w a r K ' .- 0 >: SALE % f f i r S6L S * f i I lSlar.JTexev : AJ..TO J&gmJBk*' .' !-il NIT, i must aelL 1S.OOO Handle*. il)Rl"fK SINWUES S Rental unit*, service nation, .hulk nil GROCERY and market em living quarters. <" crn'liVanii'qvairicrs Going business. M.01X11 F;USiNE."S KLDG. . . will handle A";-3373 " "" PLUG . HAUJV.AR:.. . value; large building and long lease. Irving 2 1131. YA-Ml* FOR SALE- Weil known Martin Hardware 51 g a t e . , ! ? ^ ! J , ~ K f e V f t R ' T L ? ^ ^ C U bl W ,U , n ^ e . ' c l e a r h ^ e V ^ P ' r ; a l "est, ! K i P ^ A I - E ^ r ^ h ^ n f dnias.orcs to < c l e a r - if you have substantial equity and some cash _ .. W* ran mac* you In on* MtMjK r ; ' tels. These are csmader.Ual evdusiie. :iistlni-j. Jlual be shown [ y i:':-,:;'-":'- .' ;" ; - T l o e * R. R- . M c C A L L E \ . R e a l t o r , . AlVLIANCE wholesaler with good busmen needl SBVeSflineilt CBVIUI OI <HH use sales manaser o r ' eratJig manager with ; ml :_> 111 ,'_ uiii o':i...:.-r si ' " i : i s:'.M.i '*v>n-igh investiaatio 63-X. Dallas -News.



...Kioas..! f.sin

K13HI..J 1L0U) Wf.LDl.NG SHOP . T U E 5ALES USD K S r A U A T l O V Well established iKlslr.cSs since 2 9 3 75xlS0 L"L Gccl fistures and eQUipmeoL i , , a t.( parking space. LociSleck-barreL 4-k 12138. Has franchise for enure line of I nrlcrwnrc! Corpncatlon. C"1 slock, fixtures a n d

OWN A GOOD, CLEAN BUSINESS Invest in a DAIRY MART STORE A National Institution

IH.VCS. WK-j-S moms i P X o t Dt PLASTERING, carpentering, general r e Secy, t o Regjonai M C T . Lt resdonabk pairing Sheetrnck and painting. Call RANGES. Furnaces, IternjeratonKe-j ;.VA\7Si.' . utva. rureaces. iiefnaeratorsRe-1 BENNETT KA6TU5 MOVING With CAREAny erne, anywhere. pure-!, cleaned, adjusted. BIRD & MASH- RECFPT. " i A t - attractive. 3M0....C50 STENO. LL BklCT.. j ^ . i . i l l . YA-175; iJept syrl Larce o r srr-sll Insured. DRj-laNl. v.'.rKm.iship gviaraiiteed. Ava LIGHT HAULING. MOVINGTrash clean152* 2 T Prrw-"3'' " i- ..) . Tree Surgery i:p_)o;.. u^y. r.isht. Rca.vr.itir. |'.\-TIL3. M VM s i::-.L'.iii: ;;<.i>, ii,... : .- itvciina "Bird" COLUMBIA LESSORS. INC. VH6M ,TKAN3PLA.Nn.NG shad; trees- 1 .,_ .. ,. K2S vi rr "Jr'-. -H.. L.F.....t0 ,, .. ,. slc.r.v.-. Terniili-ii I- ree (Slirrjilrs F?.-C',]<. Move vourseif. save Tjif. renl'.n^ truck. I moving cangexous trees. Power equipment Acer. Clerk, some college, no i d s v o r night. Dependable, Research Clerk. Math, raaxr, rv.i - -raible.' CaU EV-3SS1 ' W E - a n l f " Sf-, C l e r k " ' i m i ' e K , ' no ]jifniw353




Home Laundry

Partners, Manap;ers


eouipment Exrelltnt profit. JBuua-el

W i l l . OIL COMPANY 102S..J BJ.nm AUTO Sl-PPLY^RPK. . ,Vi~U^!V;-"taota55| liMneis". 55-50. B05> I b m n Oil. REFECG."! ...11L>7.. w.f>n . . . U * i . . -&m ' - t i e s unlimited. Must toe fair e . U r a - 1 p ' ^ { : ( ; A S ............ . . . . i m n . . lir.i) and use bpewTiter. S-nith HaskeU. 7 to 1:311 Icsids vsprfc 1M , r v i ; \ r r HOTEL . . . . . . ..13H7..I 11.1(0 T/ratnJ on P S , Sn-M mlchtw helween ..1215S..J i s s m Dallas and El Paso. 3 bedroom livlnj i,.s r r n . i tecf. 3 bati-s. Lnnas room. dirunx^rn*im. ,.1'J0&3.. 41J0 kitchen, service porch and ran* all .cop- about Wnte. pvtr pieteLv furnished. H a y room, pool table.; in Orst. letter._l>>j<_2^A pin.c-pons. shiitfleNar ...llVfl4..t a :

FOR SALE BY OWNER 36-Unit De Luxe Motor Lodge


spe-' BUILDING REPAIRS. Sheetrockinf. . "leie decoraiuur set .- _ . . ' pieie cecorannsr service; financing. .LYLE OLDEN. LO-1M7. RE.MODELINC. additions. Sheetrodrtng. Rated No. 1 small business. The tastest- painting. Honest growing drlve-m chain m America- r e a SPECLiLIZED CLEANING- Economical. l i s m s malts, shakes, floats, sundaes a n d V.v"A 1-9".'!":. TE-r-i-i- dependable, hnnded service- Floor waxing. iiroil-a-buriers. A proven year-round DUSI* SMALL repairs, d a y or night. Doors References. -Pl-JTl-' tnirirneit fiung. etc DR4-U60. j CLEANING vacant buildings, homes, also "-cup;ed. Waxing. etc. Dependable. Carpet Service | HLtjaB. nrncr. AND home cieaninu- wr-rrylrieyoi Call TR-iya. Experienced.^^ responsibie.

adv.....To 1 ) Trucks, tractors, trailers, pickups, sslnch j r X f ^ L - S ^ ^ c a fle*:al .espr iiiciapbone Opr'" l ' r k JJTQ trucks and sm-Pple eqiiipTnent. , Typist I t Dicta'pnone. Harry Htnes t - v i



Honse Qeaning

Mason Motor Service, Inc. * i f 3 3 E ***? &?:%%

STATLSn-CAL typing fast slem^ea:.! c service, bl-aS-'AV flckup, d e l i i c n . MERLE LYLE. TilLhVIsluN TROl'ilt.E: - --(;| M-:s:.-r. S3. IT0NHK1: TEI.EVIAI'JN.W.lllO . : -. YA-6664. YA-96B Charge p U a CREST _TELEV^ION-immed;ate service. ( 1 - . - ,Kll'3AV,
'..': -.-'.'?.

Lane & McCIaln, Distributors

Cement Contractors


ciu-tis. miners, dnvewavs Reaonal -DAIRY MARr' Headquarters SIDEWALhj. kind concrete work. Bonder patios Any M S Ltvi Clak SL. Dallaj O VIrter 6713 11 irantee DALLAS FRECAST CONCRETI

House Levelling " G e f the Best f o r Less'

Rouse leveling, termi'lnr and ceneral repair. Free esflnute. Will consider buying Free estimate. Will old properties.

TV Service

rs-.T l i e late nerk. r ?1 rt 7 svo *"rsh Mach. eipr.. 3 . t n - ' " ' ; s l..s:.;ar,r h.AlT . .f.s'.i.r. ii tv-icg . " c . l '.* n " c-erki- " t-'PT.i- l i s . . . . si-r! J?**** 1 ""', aitracuve ii s D T SIM Night Graphoo-p,. Registered THX*"^^, ., - w-etan d o c t o r ofc shH^J;','."^^ ~n o r ,. t

X ^ i ^ ^ P . ' . ^ ' I ' . ^ Z ^ f v ^ r ' : ! "lit.* "!;. .,;,y :


l n r ahead. Less than 4 years Duncan Hmes recommended.

Lonchorn Motor Lodge 65-ROOM HOTEL

SEEKLNG PARTSEH-J1.000 or more"7o I TAVERN AND C A F E " invest in hishly profiUUe business. In- ("IK-KTAIL LOUNtlf: . . vestment secuied. RA-3K2. FOS-iHi. eve- \ yor.o A i r r n A G N C V . mrij.Mil i. K I N A M : ; . M : NI> U:-:AI. i APARTMENT HOl.'Sfi Ki:.Mi'i:ii. v i :.'..:.:. : i ; - ' . u

P.O. B 31 Da P^BI^jPSSo w 5 a1

...linr>..S fii.nm> ...l(C37..S4I.f> ...111151. .1 I ' l O l ...VHJ'>.. f--."'<l ...10"s6..S115.I><1

PORCHES, driveways, curbs, DISTRIBUTORS . . . ;.-- estimates. J.11KE A DEALERS WANTED TO MERCHANDISE THE AEROVAP S Y S T E M . _ . A system of automatic continuous Insert control deiriopcd by this company under

founiiatlons MAlbilA-L.





. - . Newspapers, Job Offices C-5 S s t ^ ,. a''^ '- : : " S 3 1

11 S.U.F--County seat newspaper v ^ h ! f s r r MOTEL rsST story hnck buildini:. ^IriciucLr.i/ modern AL with balh. Kriclc nostijjrtioTt f'ff* \ livinst' ouancrst 90 miles rentals, have income above _lS0o jn"r.:hi>. 1 Denver a n d b" I i.u.t o :retire. . Official I EF%rti3ffiff .STORE, :. . :: ad ? [HAPJ1WARE ACENrV .^I'nncs. Owner is Cround lohby. thcre-sSlrLZ uue t*> " ' and R m rmwis .per. A sood man and wife i m > I % l r ! < S n p | t - P H i k gTo\*th around location, feouu A good substantial down parftSJPrf^r^r* 15O.M0 Handles. j.:-.:! I.ilp.ricr t.n r^'MTii' LAlfNDRY. C L E A V E R S L. 43-Roons hotel. proRtaWt Income.


FOLNDATIONS floors, lunates.ST-:S65. patjoi n*soaab1 lYee walks, porches: PuF^'mooKS1 I'ALITY l.NSUHPASSED-Let BROOKS IRNS do it. Call D1-56M. Dl-3304. l.'-or In !>" fie!:. .: r ..'.!.--.1. .1 " i . - i n : 1'AI.I. WITH O iNi'II'iENTX. i AYMf'Mi A. MBO..I . . . lion. Its equipment accepted as the most K 1.1:IN KM "lia F,I^1T35 dependable and efficient available. Leads i ~ ;^77; supplied from national advertising inquiries. I t^rnmlc Hie unlimited * repeat type tui-iri-M KW7..j5|m

UPHOLSTERIXG-REFINISHING popular A"ct. Bus Mi?. exsr taxes H. Items pnees. Guaranteed workmanship. Asst r e r . Dtericc, di^ ixrV '.JJ. " " " _)LiRH6DES^Hi:3f4. ! tech. bacisrrSvdI :...!t".'. X P r ' 'TS'IRTCI L Ini Cndenvnter. reL-jiirance Levels average size house, brick or frame. ;V.::^:, FURNITURE STUDIO. Upholster- i i"PL. dViV/%$S Contract guarantee. This Is not a "catch" T , L . E e & n n * - r r e . estimates. Day. | T ^ ^ ^ ^ a ad. Our low overhead a n d exist::, .-.i night EV-Cm. workers enables us to pass the savings iSvSSifl'*'" K'Ctronlr to our customers. Free estimates day o r VACUUM CLEANERS. 13US UP. All makes T r i g h t wiihin Mi miles. R & R FOUNDATION MT5M97B renairedi t-ors. t>ercolato:s. etc. :.-.--:;.'. f.\w. ?-!i M e r h a n l r . . . . . . . . . . ...J300 I ' D a i S N. Haskeil.


:_"". < >.-.! p'ic, crV^^:.vTm *--1

Vacuum Cleaners: Repairs

Water Healer Repair


l-si-.O S Til 1*11


prontabl. tncome. UOOOIJVANTE^A ^ W

% v a r m toUL P r o ^ b l . income.

^ t a t t note!, rroatabl, L-.corr.e. "DO. K-,1.1 nrnfitaMa tnrmre. 13.500' D?"yoa have clear Properiy t o J r a d e . f o r i a EOteK profitable hotel' It .so. contact us

WH.L TRADE FOP. SIZABLE FARM OR RANCH or ether ricsr M I rsfare a d"Mi payment with a little i - i -".:-;. i:-. -M.r..i;liored. Vent-'d heat Brick nmstruction. Top l v a t - n . \ . : y r n r :.',..: home. Owner says mil clear Jl.fW nontbLv above espenses and .raj mini on loan I above espenses. balance. Also cnsider clear. - -Mw-tJ* * ilance. Also omsiut. . . . - . -.. ty part liin-.cnt Owner s t f<]' ;-.= urea reason Iir seuint B. R._MCCAU LEY. Realtors. 4t2S'- RSSS. v "' Realtors. Rf-ss. y\3sa._ CORPUS CHRLSTL TEXAS-Bejutiful S r ish Colonial A.\-^ approved rnotel ,;' i..n.;. ; ; units aj-crnditioned s kit;her.etti. AH in perfect credit- n Weil-Mian;-;-!, , , -V ;.:A fen that cussed V " " ' i n -''.b n d ? ? a n d tr.-enay p r o s r a n i i n . . . . -


KXt'MAVIeE exclusive daily- eour.ry seat FOE SALE OR TRADE -13-Room hotel- pri'-ed carport ever markeici , ' ...::.': c-ntral Texas. I>riced x'/j.f..'. ;-: d ' n i n l ' r n o m . v-vtek bar. package liquor. pro.:urt. fast seller no competition. Good, ting sM.i") on iar2r daily. Cash for dif- general merchandise More with, beer II-1 Prohts on small investment ference. ien-e i CAbms. 2 bams and other o u t - . , , . . . . f R ' L SIN PORT CO. ,.,.;-,.-;; 13 A.-rs ITT.S e.v l::',-.l 1' r i! -:-. ;"_.A--- " i - " r " l h Axes. Miami Fla. Kear Lake WWtiey-7-Umt masonry motel. lnrnun S ?:-,.-1.-:--.! (".<:' Mly eouipi'ea. mod- MAT- 1 r Ml,- Tt:.... l-a-.i'. nil .sir..- O son. RA-3643. m i l e from Colorado e r a Patio. l.ii'n;Uon butane tas system. new -n-u l u ^ - Sii) each. 14-ss. 150; Includes office. livini: luariers. Good xiih. . ' : . r . . ' . . L.-vtl arl.-sian v-ater wi-'l; f.>rts._nnt satsSctonno sale. slantiai a n d profitable, income: 11ZOT1 Texas. ine services, individual. i t i rump. 2 Acres land, beauulul NEWS. New - I ,--,.r Sai'.T'l . :- us handles Consider clear property a s down ilil.WV irrVunds. CrSt above j w r m . Purchase price BEN FRANK like-new. STEEL Poles 1ANKLIN '" y I--... c.isy bi.-cs. Accept clear n'owrty M :'er ' 'Pf>d bly?i_ automatic cy \ . .'.:-:.IS. McCoy Hotel a n d itore. isasment R. 11 McCAULEY. Pealtors. I proof war. ii.-.J ti-ii'.tencts: 113.- : ; . . 1-3-1- I INCOME TAX returns end service by pul> UO w-.n-s ;.-,.i ti. : C ri rc :-, r i : : . : ; M. US W. I lie accamtant 2"19 Pacific Ave. days. I r ill or rin ravnent I-. R-. JictAL-T-'llvJ'-"" Vl.KH :, -i.'N.siN TONSLNC. 4601 LEY._Realtnrs. i^- 1 - I i . " " - ^ 1 3 . C.-iar S-.rlngj ev,-rings. JU-TSSn. INCH heavy fieri cloihesline poles; de-l C imp]letfc C presses. livered. 17.33. ED2D5. J.5il"I" " XBr- ,'t"i"ccL"trs f Box 172. Crapevme. . yecremry. ccgrie joum'ahsrn....'' .".' 2) I'r.lfs. dryers, extrarters. boilrn. Avreasonable. DABNEY. CLOSE TO DALLAS, fcxec. secy., correspondent to 3 5 . . . w o :..:^v :::." Jl.^ll mynlhly. experisv^ r.lut liim.i-.ii , . - . General ledger bkkpr.. .Handles. I! . It McCAULEY. .CUp. ri li'.MKitl.Y I--.-T-: Ri-ver.-le. K(T J....S real estate, busines: Mlge. loan processing, tai office with kit.-Henctte. each with t i e hath NEW steel poles. rouf installation. lJfi?? pert service. LrnUvidual attennon. Rea:l.-l'""l i- i n . - health, climate, xacatiias. $1 P e r URANIUM- District geologist rr..iJor oil ti-Mrr.el-s. IlliM-ju central heat and air ctTolitieeiinir. Ampir ' - towst lite steno. oil. ,;i265 issue 3 months for 12 Satisfaen.-ri "r company, desires reputalile par.rers ,.r STEEL PoLES-Installe-l, concrete. v.G\ sonable. EL-6771. Typist l._ ., rarktni. JW Frontase. near cafe and NLWsPAPEr_.for.SaJ Mek. COILVE,\ PITSLICA 11( e l l . firm to finance 3 to 5 yrsr exploration wire and tumbuckles. S13 Jr. steno. oil. ,0.. public relaUons...l250 . . stores. Very popular. Shows ItSOO monthly H J13'.30. ED3.0S95.' I INCOME tax preparEtkin. Days and eve3 1 Golden Arrow Building. Accts pay. bkkpr.. !- cross Income, owner reed_money lor I lieasona'ble. 2333 North "Hendefsort program. MS degree geology. S years Send fcr Information 130 Up Ssrtom i Coi". Recept-typlst Prcs I Center field ;experience Utah. Colorado Ws T:.T-: 1350 Convalescent Romes f Uen-r.ii Ex: n.i.-...iyi._UN.l,-.v-.. .11 all 17. _U Slatsaclan. tipist 5iH.J L'-rfij0- EI.-610V SB j r s . . 125si L'p DIXIE DRIVEINS -II- -..,.,.,,: ..:.. . ' ' bkkpr.. expr. . t o 3100....I; TIUsnwnJtXWBBOQK-Dallas. .; TrrrriTAX SERVICESExpenence.1DR4-5i6a weekmost tea* [your biwie. Low rates. "accoun-"nt Includes beautiful building ex.1 ~ V i , A ofi ~ . finest, "" MONEY-MAKER "'a.A.-HATERIA IS Via e>.u:praep.t_ - " " ' i i . : 5 ; . " ' i . . ' l : P i e ' 2 i . " ' ? P 1 i M i PtS.'aL.vS?"' ends Palm Beach. Flaic nrvtt- " RendiM vsashers. 2 gos drvers. I large buiatory (KOents. Private or Knitprtvijte ME TOOl"ter work ' o da Bureau. Anv. to ppreciate location and operation. Ap-. ffi pou-.tment only j : . * " : terms. Cheap r e n t ,..,,. . . . . M E M Dallas has 13tt200 checking eccount C m ls s a e ^ S s f f i - at , h k , flttSSrfXP *"" rooms on irroiind r.oor. 21-Hour nursing., , - , Good lease, ft. i t McCALLEY. " SHtTT REALTORS I.xicii,-,: f.-.l. Lcvc.y UMrv; r . - m l telen- i >vbrre any !:- LA r [._ .._..'"><. y._IV.r,.- ;. owners, l o u can make a fortune il you I returns. TA-riHa. days, evenln-s. LA-".-..? irits Dallas, bey-tor's rclerences. UOTOpuoacnt to 35 yrs.. ^S'-, Knss VI 3*11 __ _ ^ WANT GOOD fonts $- and l f . p t Centi Terms. .. w w n ir cesire-i. . A! PI.IASUE : -'.rsnler w-.!h .-^-1 Mls-r.Css sioa Beaubful RITH Accessible Owner-jr.. GASTON Ave.- Individual: , business Join us now. We e r e introducics the Procer.Md. MRS yard. THOMAS, to a|ll4?o$ N. rru-r-L-sc-irs . . 1 415 EDGEFIELD-Ineome " " " " stena 5 aa. iits :,:NV-: DvllV.MN SV.STEM needs Investment capita) or ran use sales ' " ' ' eb.ecktor plan. Pocket check protector and ' D r . DM3M & l l D . K ^ V c e s % ' ^ 9 "** manager or oneratinz manager wilh captir.-; I.'.::-. .3: . l.'.-l-.r-l .eves !.- v.. e --.- ..-rvl.ces Wr.l.f.r.i ....iits Colorado Bourid-ExceEent driveIn cafe. t.-.: : , invest WiU consider 15.iffl to 175.(i<l. 1311) Your.; SI . lla'las _T.exe s _ Seaa 54. Machines pay rent First-class Will siand thorough investisatloa Tieare _ , ., . i- . , ..1 WT.IC In Kox r j x pA.isis New> _ JS-ij yra. , M 1'. ' m ' | S I Nrav TAfuAW ^VLWGS I FEDERAL rRODUCTS business Worth. JS5"t K.'o0 For key. lim-SEAT THEATER-G<vd. profitable m- Texas for major line a i r conditioning and CHILDREN'S SHOP -Must sell my tAIX InEvanston 3 1 CI. PR41157. "EM-7 MINDRIM F E E Typist g t a once. Love Field '. '.- i heating equipmentboth residential a n d terest because of other business. Located V.l.N. 4505 Ross. TE-ISJZ Hurry! T M ^ t e f t R E A R , n J T O commercial Leading distributor offers beginner s.emgrapneis. 1,-13 v r s ; i - . , 1 i down. R. f t McCAULEY. R e a l t o r s . 4 3 5 - mmr-lete sales, engineering and service in large, new shopping center in rapidly . IT . : : : : . : er.u. Eli-rants. WO-25U. or Box ing service. Remodeled: redecorated. nurs:..lLaHr Ross. VI-3613. homes, stores, auto service station* and Jempoiary typist assistance. Investigate the possibilities that Ele- vkr.klALIAI-l nil l-m-ls ...,-i r y U ! r-:. Pic-; other propeny. \ -- Integrator cpr., to x , 0 j s-i.i - exist in tt:i- fastest straMW IndustrJ In ?7-\V Dallas New, vator Rctsonablt rates. 3523 Dickason. up. deliver. Also daywork. FL7-2035. EAST DALLAS-WeH-established. Eromi1 ...3:. exp-. 5 d a . v . , . 7 . : : : : ; -. , vvanu one. JSCCi America- Complete detals upon request WONOHRFUL r.ent location Barbecue H k W j U i r ' 5 5 ir-.-: ve.-rx acct cept, OIL 10 2S..i'.3'>i -. tables: tlffi dai^- now. Ri^.t party can Convalescent home: HOf'1 month income. Wnte r-:'< 4!-/.. Dallas News i c c t i i * opr.. 5 c i . . . . . . . . . " s-;i "SORiTHWEST ELECTRIC CO. financed. Adaptable a s full- NURyiM; HOMERoom, board. 2-i-bour l:-..:r.e as Is an outstand;^ !,-;'' -. :.- IL3i month clear. Easily merry-go-piund nursing care. Kind treatment good food. Acct ceras. ILS. grads.. 5 da s - i - . in " Mam. MitchelL S.D. t*^. * . . . . ^ . i - R. p . McCALLEY. time or sideline business. Write S766 \ a n - j l " ! Elm l M l . . . : M I M E O G R A P H I N G - S t e n c i l cutting reasonlnvoi c h e c k e r . - S ^ i i ^ c S S i * * " MAN TO EARN ILVI u p per week. Long DRUG and Uouor store for sale. Complele 1 - ' .i'livery. FA ' \ I , lention. Advertised worl*-wi-l-.::-: investment Owner retiring. T e r m s VARIETY STORE. Owner estimates stock , W. CLARENDON-WashaterJ extra busl- RETIRED NURSEWiU accent elderly ''f cost c i x V n i : : : : : : : : : : : ; : ??,f . ,. Moving ana Hauling Part trash balance secured notes o r c s i d --,.- sl.'i'l reus fixtures for which owner established os'er 1(1 years. <'-- 773 G.V. vie. s : , : L : . . : . : : : : : ; : ; r s enmty in real estate o r apartment. Fcr p a i d i i s o a liuri::..- IH.irO. Rent !.a. ilm ! rsJot_ SleaX at SN' '."- i_VA 7237. FE-4113. Il'l-l ~ M.i R S E L F - R E N T A TRUCK A1 Uruiars. write Hex 33-A Dallas News. r r I ill.,.- owner to cult work. This Is " wants 3316 Caruth. KM-Tis-.i to operate. Call ideal business for . . si.310 monthly.'s. t!W- sick.and movihg romjilPie Cvtures a n d %\rck. S7.00A Lo- HELL- VI-.V". Oea oft upe. ind. 5 da; 7i to tiallas. Call HELL. VI-V" r a t a i Dallas busy 5tior>r>:ns c r . i i T . i:\n-i{KS-TTl'.f>".,<ST- >oung -i.;, ionr i n o i m c . W n t e I>iv 2S-Y. DaMan News. Large, small. UN-450S inventory, E . D a l l a s . . . . . . . : " : : : : : . : t i 5 Good profits. Cood location L>to-date M-.l-Mi-Lccat long-distance, B O M S S 4 Hill. Newark. K.J. One cf busiest sections in Dallas. 25 Years : modem equipment refrigeration. . Exlra1'KfVATE knd confidential Investigations. I 'tjed. Efficient reasonable. THOMASON. AGENTS report l l . u i i monthly selling fjre- M A c o n d . S a l C S ( n s r - t * a t t a ' 1 * locaiion. Onen 5':-d. " Exriusive territory. Small capital necei- ,-:.- ( ::. -maicope Installation. This is a P 'I--'"-:."- . r ' r . - . l I-r '..::;; ;-'- ra.ire. ' Lr:lvrr'' _ _ ^ - ^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ . ^ _ ^ ^ ^ , ^ : . , : safe* to farmers, home owners. 4 pm. No beer. One day s j ' uusir.css pays . s i - . :.;..'.-.. i I'D, 521S Slonelelgh Ave- very nice business end have good rras-.n No One day's ^ 7 1 - ""'"''K'vVotiC"'pre."m^L i , * a h ree v-mvle o.'.'er. 30 rent Ihrice U S " i . Terms. _ Dallas. LA-7367. 3d days' r e n t iT-ice K50>. T( for selling- Weil werili ir. !: k e rf H3.ll'). RAY DETECTrVE AGENCY. Commercial; MOVING Personal supervision. Reasonable. itlcig.. HA Tn.'IN Il-ajil! HA.':U1.,TQN_SAEE CO.. Beloit Wis. Insured. HAULING-All-weaU-.erecnnpped. son Tower. WE DSC J . A . ( L O r i ) S M I T H , T R - 4 o 0 3 i CLEANING, plant and buHdinz for sale S.-.'.><i IK a". ?-'. S9-3. Dallas News. , . MAKE 120 DAILY " ' : , I Oniy m m u t e drive from Dallas. 3 EXPERIENCED dry cleaner wants cleanLIGHT moving and hauling, reasonai ^ U r n ; n c - name plates (Rife in.TTnit TiTacnnrv Alntpl (Presses and modern cleaninir equipment ing plant in good cash-and-carry location. . . , . . WMUA \ v-i dependable, courteous: a n -eg. ri y ' REKVfS CO.. AlUeboro. Mass Consider vicinity Htgh-and or University censed. BoniHd.>_ TiA Dallas News EL-16J1. DallasPark cr shopping <e.-u- Mast average , n r l 9nrl fijMroi n ; r t 11133"A Mil'/lNil-ilMlLUNG-M Room. New weekly volume of 1150 or better. Write " " Qana a n a Uravei > U l a w .xlra mraey. Get LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOP in deas tile real season free! !->x_2l^^Daiws Neivs. [ p [crest Service-Coneretei trucks, equipment : rWE-4S16. YA-Q746. sirable suburban location, low red. :- . i . . . n u j all r>ri A W 73 ;.-! 5 1 > - l y 2 men. Free L'iveL amazing sales kit Ll' Write i'lLAle m fixtures, small Inventory, DA7-1912, etc. Might trade NA.V. MARTIN. Fl.'vlr.v-l . WATERTOWN. MASS. "Field ren.*ritY.'2So^siniJe"StcS I k s 5 " ?ls- Loam*. Eiki Evenligs. .Sunday. BERT HOCAX YA-6 F U R N I T U R E l a a v i r i : best r a ' e * 10 tCAVTl spilTirtt'EST BUSISESR.BRQKERS | CHOCOLATE-COLORED""LOAif EDGAR MAltail. P1-..7NII. KAJX.7.1. AMERICA'S ONLY AUTOMATIC clotheiI1U i ,: rne-r:--' ,..-, aK*ls. Fiont^nd 1..- corporation rjis franchise lor Dallas FMnwt and most modem cart In East Electric cush registers. Sacrificf price. County. This noncompetitive Hem selling NATION-WIDE BUYERS TO BUY O P . ' t X . Tna*. KstabUsred cltcntie. Box 43-A. Dallas News. successfully all over the world. The SELL ANY PROFITABLE BUSINESS. dealer accepted should not be satisfied Call P . P. Mll'A'.l.r.Y, lletlvuis. 472)1, amount delivered. Sandy -.s::.i | M than llo,f0 yearly. Small in- Ross. VI-3613. M ^ ' J k T - s n - "tl era. K,! M Sulphur Springs. Texas. Phone til* vestment a s % working capital, secured frn. exp. heat and Inventory. * " '" : references. FHA. MYRON I , L . coaua and irjl7!7:.....T0O r.M-vi? graveL MrKIDDY -JJcch. dransmaa. ou w p * * " i S } g C 8 { AUTOMATIC Laundries-Best location In Design engineer. FEE P i r . . V . . V . ^ 5 5 S C e n t r a l locaUoS. N o competition. Short Dallas. 17S0 To liCO net profit per menth. S! ? t engr. ga grad. dill or arch.. hours. Long lease. Sl.Soi Dcvvn Will a- 6-- Ir.tercsL J . K. Mailed F R E E ! Auto Cts.. G a s Sta.. SS^X? coc.creie design ......!^T.livi (Formee'v, R M I M K Mill-.AV: EM-7167. H l l - O l ^ Mr Stores. Farms. Home*- etc, 3.357 bar- ' i - a - a , . ri^H; 0 ?'" trainees,. FEE Pa...". Open Memii-cr Fl'tEE NEW E i X i K - I l ' i l Businesses, Sains described. 35 States. WORLD'S I WANTED-Departmer.t Computer a P " deg. geoL a ^ W D V STI'.i.i! T , ilrrss shop. Give 11 deiaiut Box USfarms. Income properties, for sale trrough- Lvi.GEVT. . I Years' S e n i l e Pussies, . . . . . . . . . , . , . , , . . . tlrniT*^ not America. tii'l 'Oill'ilNITlES." SW0 REALTY. Adv.. 1902-AB Ccromerce Bldg-. Dalias_Newx. ARCHITECTURAL designing RcSdentlaJ T^pisiorder clerk, train B K i T f i B V., I.e.. Ari-fl'-s. Calf. To 17.2)0 Houston 3. Texas^ OUT-OF-TOWX m a n wants plating eculp- fjnd^^nimeTcial plan*. LOUlS P . FOX. Accountant oil distributlcn mer.t for small shop Crr.inier all t p'pi'sr^Uon"cijt""V.V.V.V.i^Urx t>rs. 135.000 Down. YA1 To"jo.2CO Box 11-Z. Dallas News. exor., to 25 ,, , C A F E - t l r o s s nm day. Price - ve CAN DO IT! 11 Modem duplexes for colored In a new KROHUOilA-nNG. S - e e - x A T , : . cr-Vr.f.letr Accountant, 1L5CO GIBSON REALTY. F H - I S J ^ irig In established practice. Write Box 3, addition Kith all utiblles. 3 Years eld. . inical Architect.. _ S3 MechanicalArchitectural rerr.odelmz. adciiticns. Tto-ee-yeea:. t e r m v Accountant p p f e r CPA. a* executiv. I ' l NORTHEAST Dallas: l^tmit tourist court lx <>Y. Dallas New* public experience. -I'.T Rented, 14^ cross on InvetlRient T ' - 7 i : . TE-6ofO. perm, siaff. to 40 U a s e d land. TE-15ii exp. inch shop. immUL^Sim i n 13 73 or TE-633. Adjoining lots availA'-c-,ur.'.a=t recent grad.. t o 30 13 - v CPA lndp. oil and auto expr.. to 4 5 . . . . Prairie. Texas. I . ' e e- r ' FOR PALE-Meat business, retail-wholeRAIlnl.n KRRN.ilk.B. 1)1.3-33 electronics, with a s . M S . or P h D . tx n Draperies and Slip Covers sale slaughter house. 15 acres: home. AH B " S S ^" - ' " - - . . 12M U P relocate, salary to l a o o o , our charges PAPER1XG. painting, root reir-il.-s. v:i ; i in-:. -.,-.. i.i'.INK. 1518 Beit Sacra- In husv little town 30 mile* from Dallas. DRAPERIES. DHL floor sanding. Estimate*. " ^e>.Vr USKSSS mento Calif. MANG Drafumi ftsmen. arch.. Jtrnctural. desita Stock clerk. tOy. or mechanical experience, age open. Sble tn operate. Box 120-IL Dallas News. PAPERING, painting. ShretrockinK. TexSalary tn accordance wUh exri!er..-toning carpenter w o r t general repairing. Salcs repr- some college, outstanding One of b e s t established locations In City. terest reason for selling. Box 73-x, Dallas PORT WORTH distnijutlng and Jobbing inlanre. 2713 Uv/ a ; k VM5.-S TE-77,11 ' ils. paint*, oils, roofAl equipped throughout Exceptional lease. opportunity with large firm, some a.:.-iabic._WO-3~vl._ 4.000 Active accounts. Average mooUuy sales oxer 1..KU. Owner 'AlilRl-.G. FAINTIN'S-Coartrca' .ervtravel 2S-33. car l u m . exps.. bonus m wco.exa'..' I-iiMc.-.-s V.lil sscnl.iv s:,.,.-,-. LICUO.R STORE, netted IS.2TC1 last year. DECORATOR'S F.\BRICS-Draperles. bedt-Kinro value for 115.000 VrttB llttOOO cash. Flvtures iisca stock about is.snn. Other states. Established 30 years. Attractive El-lPKlvIilNXED M A T U R E WOMAN, will IfnSx!* l l l I > covers, pillows, custom-made. ce-Work sauaranted. Reasonable. LO-U51 Salesman.''sot; 'goods 'of'indusL expr.. pumetwi compel me. Box M-X Dallas : r . . v.iiui. Selling d u t to age. Box 105-J. baby-sit days, evenings; excellent rsfer-Lifetime Opportunity" fcr To ts.cco ences. MRS. BUNTF.R. W^<76. PAINTINC. paperhangfiut. Textorjng. Roof Sales rcgr. t-alnir.j, decree. I t travel. Dallas News. engineer. M.E. DRAPERIES, cornices, bedspreads, slip work. Materials: w o r k m a n s h i p guar&nFOR SALE o r TradeOn state highway _ '737.'7::! eXPT., 10 7 3 3 fejAO covers, fabrics. EL-5283. Sales trainee, some colg.. exc- ftitare. 13131955 g M GOLIAD near Grapevine Lake, station, cafe and - I T : or. I re? dic-re. Ey owner. BILL car nee. to 30 HW1 < i Texaco dealership. Home In connection. Sales trainee, HS grad.. printing" sales, at* from 5 to_-5_ft IX>CAL JUNUFACTUHER. Nearest ^rnpetltprB to 3 Start 12.400 EVERY1HIXG MEDICAL. E V E R Y W H I S a GEORGE MOORE BOATS r hanging. Reasonable l.:.-:.s:.:r.(lrnce clerk, degree, excellent service. DA72231S. lisfaAo ion guaranteed, w . W. future for recent grad., correspondence expr. nee. s a c k sunt flxrures. 13.750. _ Clerk-typist HS grad., good with flgFINE IVASHATERIA-JH Years old: eslah ACCOUNTANT d e s i r e s sets of hooks A-l i'AF'KRKANGLNG: Pa:r.'.ir:j~l-.>i-|.aild S3 3TS SEWING and alterations Inrayhome. Sat- n u t Reasonable. Dependable. I Colored i lished. Average gross 12.503 monthly Wanted t o take charge of long5t*b!!ihH keep evenings weekends. TE-9037. Ri File clerk. HS grad.. neat, clean nit. 171-1-3-7 : l r : : - - ' a raaranteed. JU-4531 Office. WI4X4 345 E Saner WI-ISM '.\:.::,?s less than Jl.Ooa See this. offices of optometrist deceased. Fastfuture. 1S-21 liioo growing town. Wonderful opporrunlty. r :: i VI-TS13. ^ Clerk, decree, math, major, very exn. ^ K vd n m . o r T7MX I'kJ DALLAS NEWS ceUent opportunity for yorag grad-.U-OOO ^ S ^ el S l T T h r i : ; t L r n i j i c o i h n e t profit, to you In aco,u!r- a.! s-r-i washers, finest location posjl. ... INWOOD ELECTIUC COMPANY-Wiring Ing walls, v . ing, this rnodern N.E. DaiUs * pvvesrp I Ijeoept. ty-pe. clink.. S.f-'i M-nlhly cross; expenses ah-vat E - ' S places. Tile a n d concrete work. Reason. for ranees, a i r condiiicri-ri a.:.i.-i; culOver 12TO d a y volume. Closed lets. l.A-71'fi Any time. Appointment fS.OHl Handles. VI-3613. New J m o m house, furnlshccl: 1-chalr' shop. able. Reference*. Wc:x.-:n.-:sr. -> i a ' r a . ' i l Priced a t inventory cost Terms. lot go t IVRECKI.Ni; YAPJj-Servlce station, auto Comer lake Just move In and m e n to work. leed. DR4-S. i67. some * less Rapid steno. oil ever, tutor*. 5 djL...B50| fZ" $K--3*iS* w i t s . A money maker; well icxated on Might r e n t, r a i than S38 Per rocat. laber. cateriala. No drtak. highway. 13.0m Down. VlJfnS. _ -ISIS FIRST NAnONAL l U N K _ B L D q ma: h v - . s - . T R s - i ' l LIQUOR S r O R E - C c o d deal for C0"t>le. i Stcty^ M r . o f c . . . . . . . Brick walks, patloj: repair*. Expr. steno, i t bkkpg. Investment. flHJCSTOF.E over 43 years In same loca- Priced for Quick tale. Write Box 23-Y. BUMBLE DEALER STATTOV FOR 5 dss?:;v? tion. Complele soda fountain, cosmetics, BULLDOZER and operator, Ji c hour, FIRE drugs sundries and well-stocked presenpSec.-steno exec. Tol300 on contract EL-3549. FL7-3115. tVpfi tio.n Skikrw Vnli.T.e t; r srar. I F YOU axe t n the market for a good Kre:S.NE. CALL PAT HOWELL. AD5-7247. Steca fig.. 5 da.. Vic, Garland. 5 oa. Stock approximately business, call. Lt steno, l o c i f a g e n c y / ' e ^ ' e r e a n d liauUO, Must sell TEXAS REAL ESTATE CO.. FA-318 PLASTERINGPatctaut lathing. r c r a THEATER. DRIVE-IN REGB'THfp."ED'> : TOSEs"""' t 6 g . a u t o , vie IJlewsnod To 1325 Will discount__for n u i Texas. i - ' l S Midland. Stenofig.,CoL N.CTo 1325 sector. 310 Exp. ace. ree.. rayroH. NCR- o p c T o s s w -ireetor. 75 ^ . DRU;GSTORE_ tXDP. S A L E - a t y Of 310110: FENCING; concrete wnrk. a l l type*. G i t PLASTERING a.ndj West.. Lake. Texom*.. rillroio Lt SH. a i s t bkkpg.. varied. 5 da. S3no s e p anesthetist W h e d i . my price. SANDERS. TA.3316. " " ting month* in I S H Wnte RALPH ERWIN. Bkkpr., typlne. 1-gW off.. 5 da. Ti t.77S bn.t otneese a t e r , new oil field: large tourist trade; Broker. Box S1L Tuisa. Expt; steno heavyfig..l-girl jales off. RSS-lvrj ideal toralion; cheap rent; good lease; 0 Plnmbing i cia trim g M business: ;nr.u L-,ventory. Owner fixtures- E -VL HERO;LD^ ! F R E P L A C E SPECIALIST-New; repairs. 13 UNSTOPS sinks, commode*. Expert Acct. ree.. Monroe bkpg. mch. cpr.fciv,.-_ WJtlusyNcJtiF&nfAl Texas. BOX 10W, DsXas Sewi. _^__^_ heater repairing. Prompt dependable .en-, Steriivcit, Vlr-. Fort Worth Ave.. menu Rooms t o . r e n t good lease, good e ice. guaranteed phi '" mftoaSBL for right party. LOOP FOOL 1 Weather KOW Ideal f o r ctTJiriirtion "----, TotlAvl p5 to buy. Box lrc-J. Dallas News. '" - ' Arapahoe S t . Denver. Cola Z Experienced crew* NOW avsailable. PHTMBLNG. 3'A 37 33 INDEPENDENT Texaco station Stino-cfc. Lemraort Ave., S da. CM n e n g r l s t umisual ceportunity to buy well- good n-ighbcrhood and tiinsient 1 PLUMBING REPAIRS-Iteasonable. WorkUNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES 3. Winter prices effective KOW. FLOORS sanded, Expr. Burroughs 73 opr.. few S S B B n e d store. 35 Years' successful oper.materials guaranteed. Free esti- Expr.accnt. c-L. 5 da.. c 5 da, Forces Immediate saennct sale of most Beat tea apixstgrush. . . . Remodel KOW. mates Reascnabla. reflnisbed. Free estiBurroughs pr-ranjz b a y s VBUtt, av-ening* ivo. Owner deceased. Good Itlfi* Llcenaed 1X5463. -'.'.Trii-.f cafe operation of It* type In Steno. eg.. 1-gn-l o n . 5 Lab. reg. AMT, hoso-ci * ^ J. A. SPLNKSjDRUG Dallas. Must see to believe, fCWSSSeve- PAY NOTHING NOW. s i a r t riayingtoMay. Sec-ileno-ca., adrg. dpt. Xray. M or F. local-re Grapevine Texas NU-WAY FLOOR CONja?A>rthoors sandsnlng And Sunday. ed. rennlihed. Frea estimates. YU-39C2. Night* TE4556. FINANCIAL .csixiUct*, underwriters, brokany rime. v-3u_ Combtaiffin' ii->3^''^'anesth.'. , ^S3;'o er!, imsrate n n a - i i r.f catx'.al re*. tched. No LUKES _..TJ."G. TEXAS-Excelier.t location, el Lab. and Xray. drs. cfc, female 125.1 sliOTplng. Confidential. F k _ ENTERstock, new bunding and equipment excelBeg. a s i t bkltpr- tj-pe. Harry H i n e s . o ) Lab., Xray and admstr_ 20 btit isni PRlifE ASSOCIATES. 817 51st S t . BrookTA-OSOL money. F o r MAJOR company station. Owner will carry Lt steno, age open &j BUILDING-New o r rernodejjcjr, Room ad. ..CM Lab. tech., ^g!rl o f i ! c e . . . ^ call note. Consider trade for late car, trailer Exp. Diet OPTS.... Lah. tech.. ASCP jirt WATER, ohu o u r Concentrate, makes diticcs. Garages converted.d . jAtjrcrej f n . or farm equity. TEJ271. Sta. typist bkkpg. bck closed Flrancing a r r a a t e MILLER. Comb. lab. acdXray. ditfc 127J J . ' K . EVANS. JU-6641 SANDING, r.-.lshlr.e, 7c. L l r a e u m a n d tile. P L U M B I N G . DI-0SW1 , 5 da. Xray tech.. reg. ..r.3-OWNER leaves Monday for service In l cleaning plant for sale. Same . - n S 3 31 TMnlclaA must sarnOce Oak CHS CrivMn OAK c u - t jear*. Owner will tarry-loan. contractirig. estlALL KINDS rcpBiiisg. adding r o o n s . LAd^i-RERN-ARf) GRANT. tef heatters connected. %%8&3ijgL& -'-L-. r v : " grocery. Sell for Inventory cost Snap u p YU-0197 rorches. garages and n e w houses from Fnfnltltre Bepair, f^flriiih WE-70S3 this bargain. Call today. CUt^ypirj Dietitian*. ADA end H.E. grads,.. ^ " " raindaaco to rtxtf_Plumbing, neve and & R. Ere E X P E R T U P H O I ^ T E c U N G - U r g e fabMedical records. RRL. DOO beds?.. repairing. Terms. TE-4376. n c selection. Reajocaiie. Free estimates. ALL KCiDS neg. tyrist ...#, J t apartment house. 1311 Annex. Undergrad. numes. : Wor Convenient terms. Pietnin; delirery Anytime. HU-4423. le cUu S da. Undergraduate. a*sl SALECleaning bop rjoi-g rice l r m n . i i snnable. CK a w * ttetton. tlvtng cniarters- J l Oamaaqa TTTT r*vr* * s^waaw . Hteoger*. page*, derlcal, 1 theraplsu. M cr r . . icone. P a r t cash. MPS. truck tncluaed. A T f e l L A T T S A a s i v s ^ ^ N.CR. ceoof men. e r r s . . . . ftaxd clerk, n-pe. ta *). fern.. JjSStaU S3i Bailaa CONOCO SERVICE STATION-Equpment n. o f i . cdnlc. tme. fern..... CARPENTER roof .and cement work. New, rER and cement phi* amall inventory. P a r r y and Secrad. OH. PAINTINGS, life-sized pcxtraiu ia CoL rntnsJat"eir.'tratiiee." i ' c i . - . . ' r 7 . " . t t t l 7 j lectio cardiograph, trainee, amall Individual. JOHNSON. F R - l i S i hosp. , .rea raphoty. pc. opr., 5 pm.-nildnight.SSc Hr<>-t...r, J!.'.-; ivi.LAilli. -is People* S t . 1 n e 4 B5& Corpus rhrlsu. Texas.

,-.; iaooU .. crease Msioi si lubsttimalg. Thai :-:..-- - : ! F3J ' KJIIM avallaHe.

We can save you 125 o r more en i leveling job. Contract guaranteed. r.iii Tr^nee'tJraflsniaii'i'y' the rest . ' .then call u s for less.' Years I 109 S Haskell T E < ! S 8 _ SALES" "*" * ' " " x l | r " l 3 S V p Ln Dallas Free estimates. FOUNDATION. TR-MSZi NO SPECIALS. ISO-Hydraulic leveling, , _ . . . W . ^ ^ i ^ S ^ ^ S * CABINET SHOP avf-r.iie-M?- hotise .,Gi.;:i.-..-iirel_Rnnfing. i ATER u-e'.u driiied.nnd..cased. P u m p s Free estimates. MITCHELL i . M I S o n h ""'ory. coL B i d . , J ^ J * g J ^ S T K iffl K=i^...S ~.r.1', 1 pK'rfSf,' I J;"".^" >TS ,-,-Sa'ary+Coir.m. K.-'.l..5 -....." . Yard Work - n S n l Cx ? , c r ^ - Ueg. high r h a m h r r of "commerce.""merchants a n d : v i j i o R S .WALLPAPER K-.--VI..J : . . v i , rea. DireU in- (-i(ii.I)KEN'S STORE . TRIMMING, planting, fertilizing. Sar.d. c . i ^ ' J r Real Esiate. ' Bus. r r ut,Salary Salesman. op/^^ CHAMBER OF ' - . ,, g g r S H O P _ - " . . ^ K'33<-.l 7.SS0 n n m e j t., tte OVEKTOX " " " ig beauty, ultramodern Shrubbery. Beds. Cleanup' jobs. _ free DUNN. EV-IMO. I01 .Haulms. Sales, e.vpr. hospital supplies.' ? ' *r.d F o r Free^Busincss 'le^ rsajo. * nL Choicest location OWIJ1ERCE. sodding ngl level:-.: F r e e Onporruni'y Catalog v i , ' E ' f *'*?*> "locale FiTndafr....inu E ! m a t e s - ( W h i t e ' A L L E N . E.\--:3S9. hackST. T"-s--J*^". Juw. B(^T.-WI juicrs: : . : 552SKr " fhir- electronic SlOfufl Yr AUGUSTLNE SOD. special prices: TE-7PS6 high Income. Ahout isnr.t d(vwn, . . . , . ._ ^ '* " - m * . pruning, t r a r ' irounq .....Tn - p S T I C BLDG. _EOjt of the higher-grade work, you can ow-n a ; trimsplanting. Cleanup, Assistant Train and Supervise Salev Concrete F O R T WORTH. T E X A S WASHF.TTE SYSTEM : DAY AND MGHT. U2.M Tranaportarkin: I-OI.'SE LEVEll-NCBlocks reset. Bnclc: Ferauzini pruningwork. > part of this first-class equipped Litto i i'auitir.g. Eooring. -,EMENT. tnh c ..i. K-.i.- _.,. rr.en. 3 to 5 ym expr SaM HU-1575. nHU-rsS. ..^.i. &S1S Glendora. Dallas Phone FOS-^17 ^ l r ?j! ''taundry; televisioa. plant o r if yen have a Lithograph plant. Trainee, college, ri-jn. ,' we could combine to cut o u r overhead S T E V E N S N U R S E R Y . 10L5 South H a n p t o a HOUSE LEveLINCSiding. Tennitlng. I d u i g - D S ^ , r \ G " owing. terUUang.-*od-! e E l k.?.-I 1 , .ENCE expenses. Owner will finance. Replies .To 1325 Exclusive Franchls* AvaBatH A good one. well localed Nortli Dallas. I... ,T. . '. Kinf rSBrtea training, lieason- ReDBb^ ork. F r e . esUraatei. FR-UUL | ffiSBST* AU i ii inch sirtctu confidential FOS-oSI I K 3 S L 5 S ? i ^ 5 l ^ e r l c . coUege.To^O Good, steady volume, mux) gallons Trainee Ins.. FOR CRE-MEL KEO ROOT BEER monthly gasoline sales. Heavy, steady CAlli: CHII.I'Kl.N- Day. Ccrtral : Job analyst de>.,""..,' : , " '.J3W nsn-grease. accessories, si=Jit repairs. Expressvay-GreenMlle xldniti-. Licensed. ng. trimming. Cleanup. Own tools. Trainee. Payroll Auditor, claims, 1 li-CB Wcbcndorfer _. _ ,, T>,reri I Owner owns majority of equipment Outt,_ _. v , underwriters, college Over 12SD 1 10x14 Davidson Creamy... mellow. . ^ * , t w ^ b e e r . ^Perfect I K g m j J I r j U o B . Cieanns substaniial . . sideline for Jobber v lermiting. Free estimates. FR-3577. Web recently rebuilt Davidson Lt jrood Transplanting, liauung. iWhite), Toddlers accepted. Transcondition.. May be seen in operation in and dnve-ln clients, o r . as : A C L E Y . Roall.irs. -i~:- -, Ross. UC-3613. p"nat:.,a LO-5519. modem Dallas plant. P.eplr inquiries t o business. UWe help sen : :-- units, easiest i , : . :: sell. Attractive keg pdisplay that I PLANTING Aunisllne J-.\ I...--Y. Dallas News. DAY NURSERYUcetUed. Pickup. ass. trees, roses. HAITI youi cafe aim C ' . " froud ;Oared early, j Cleanup WAT KINS. "EN^ftrcs. after 67 I--..!: SALE -M.ller Hl-sreed. No. BMTT7. have in ISiT tmslnefs. ReSttvely small I Hand truck, dome, manu'arlurlng. weldLng ; slant supervision. Hot Puusonable. Avoid rush. fffK-jI electrlca; 27icoit 60 o'cles. si.-^ic ; i-.i--. S ^ t & t with good monthly returns. S ^ & l ^ & ^ t ^ " ' s e TODDLE lis - .'.'.r.s-.ini meals. Fenced. j ' m.-'-r at'achcd. swins-hnck feeder. au:< 521 SOUTH AKAKD. JU-3S-J3." nil::- 111. 1 in rr. ,--x! rollers. 2 sets. I . . .:eis riayirrounil eouipment Television. 110 <m laclnry building 3-0") tq. fond running order. Need I T .. .: -< P..-ii vali,a:i..:i ;,-r S3.'., i. R. R MrCAU- Wccklv ED? 5735. Price f o b . mr '" nee l.l-lV. !le,-|:-.-s 13.N , [;ss. VI-,3h!3 Texas'f o b our office. 1675. DEN150N PRESS 12)1 LEVEE PR-Ua DALLAS ^ g ^ ^ r A ,.i.iv;i.i..s 3T.asi


miiirs&aKs ssaiftwanB Cliildren Cared For

ations. territory desa-ed. e t c AMERICAN AEROVAP. INC. 1711 W. SVs-en.y.furth S t NEW YORK 23. N Y .


...nn K!

Water Well Drilling


^SS S< "" w-" tnBr9


Quick Service Laundry

Successful Printing Salesman


Major Sen-ice Station

,;. r^*"c::::!fo i!cS

: n.i,i.



Inconie T a s Service




Agents E-l


Clock and Watch Repairing Clothesline Poles







EMPLOYMENT SERVICE GIRLS, WOMEN 207 Praetorian Bldg. RI-3428 HOUSEWIVES, MEN Corner Main at Stone Increase Your Earning Power High essence French imported perlume and cologne uniquely packaged custom designed Service friends, customers In your community.

l-X... 130 up

other b-jsmess. caii BELI. vLj".'" 17-ROOM HOTEL fBSSnJBTSBAWU^i

Wanted Newspapers, Etc. J I L T A E jya? VL R D



m !:(;:-:!..

u t e g ? S ! S ^ FA^7

* * *'


Absolutely Must Sell


Misc. Opportunities



Laundry, Sen'ice SUmeographlns


A STEAL FOR $2,850


T h e a t e r s ' -^"- ^ ^ K R . V E A K Opportunities Wanted C-;




Will Pay Cash

Detective Agencies




_::,;.; ^-.: e e l en I ' l_. e n i'

We Can Sell Your Business IWE-M


Agencies, Licensed


KARR associates

*%?* **?*** * W* ajto


Strout Business Catalog

"Personnel Consultants" 1201 Davis Bldg. RA-1351 1309 Main St, Dallas 2, Texas

J.A. (Lon) SMITH, TR-4503


Merchandise, C-3 Groceries, Drugs DALLAS DRUGSTORE



Painting and Paper Hanging

Accounting Service



~" -

J.A. (Lon) SA*Tra,TR-4o03 Small Oak Cliff Grocery

Boat Rcflriishlng


PROFESSIONAL BUREAU 322 Medical Arts Bldg.-RI-9525 A Nationally Advertised Medical Service

A. L. RAMBO & SON Attention, Pharmacist


Bookkeeping t ^ m c e Brick-Stono Work


Electrical Contractora

plcep "p an- ^"



W. C. PERKINS, RI-5097

Paper nanging Paper HangingPainting



B C and Tile Wort UK Brick and Tile laying gjlgi Bolldlng ana Bxanoaellng WHY DO IT N O W ? ?

ESti^ffito *'*


.-. -



Floor arlttlsnlng


North Beckley Lumber Co. PR-2593


Guisinger Realty, YU-7311

TR^aa. vosia.

M$$Sffiii&. r^,tk

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