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Automobiles for Stile B-1 Automobiles for Sals B-1

Tracks. Bodies, Trailers B 2 Motorcycles

Commerce. ST-1JW.

B-7 BlerehaMise,


Misc. OpportoLltjes

Groceries, Drags C-3 IN. RICHARDSON

equipment. Set aptorracing. Kerrx race

S R A N D - N E W 1 9 5 5 CHEVROLET

BRANCH N O . 1 1719 S. Lamar RA-3413
foaj WRITE WC-tt'o. Traet 9 A ooaipmut. .4 7Cf| Three to chuoil from. 4 | l J I / ISA IXTERXATIO.VAL K-T wllk t t 14- apea-Up Tai with e u n i UP. II Of IBMO U C o O 5 ^ 9 E Q kO O from. Very cleaa, | E CHEVROLET C1C, 810. tip

Acorait of mneii. tniat ten drtit: fcujla.-st. Ecsi locauon. ouorms good rAitlneta. Sell stock and lease ouiidinaT. or sell itock and holding TOM JACXSO.t A SON. Res HOTS. AD5-7KL HARDWAB.AUTO. HOME APFUANCES. Sixth, tnlne <off Siorey Rd.i. 1952 INDIAN Tt Warrior, locks and ruoi ETC. Good frocUie. 50x135. Idearkxatiari. main street in a good college town. Closegood, tap. 1627 Alaska. gO-gal out sale In progress to suit tennaAt Good

Part 3 5 Sin? Ballaa iMtirautg S?rtn3 ErjjjrTJng antt BgCuitxtcJlng. C-l Misc. Opr^rttmlties C-7 FAMILY EXPANDINGf E A R N $10,000 YEARLY CdVert jr*ir*2crra ir a w n tota Imt Own This' Busini";*. mart t*ed-4 rcvrtL For .f*acxiaNe. &> Sell Ice Cream or Frozen Only MirriTTrjTn Capital RequLTd Ciistard of EVERY Kind Earl Wiley, I n a Antberixecl WeifjnxtvKS. lJ3tv!ro~JlX. Nights, DA7-9007 eouipoed Ktlf-Krxn: LasincTlei earn no to BI-6S45 FOR EXTRA PROFIT K0JXO and m e n a year. Ocrningi in
Sunday, April 1 0 , 1 9 5 5

Banks, Stocks, Etc.


If you d> not have a location wa offer expert planning service to insure prreau and larg.- earmjigs to start at l " a t jxxir MH.l.S zoea Into orjertijori. If you now cpente a drlre-m, drug* or tee creara store, restaurant tcnool or lndiutjjjiiia; one of these tMBBMiiC I

be r.nanrrd. Cardacs tsacdiately

Mr. Harold McCullouii ALD, Inc.

1S33 ratrinrrn. DaCat. TCJJJ Telewjcce KI-1HS

CVSTOM DECORA TOE SERVICE Puuikuni: J t o v g : Rjnwdeb'riComeseu- rt^nodediiE tnd addukat out tairtt Cu-rcrxiKT cost DM372 ROTTEN wlix RetyxteJi.-^r, I <;-!. '.-,-ii:.Y.

Road 21L 3SL0CO Average Owner. W. Route One. FOR. SALEGrocery and market- open 100 SHARES Republic Nttscual Baxk Hock seven days week. IS'ew setuo downtown corner ti Oklahoma town ot 2a0uQ- Some Including next dividend. l)A7-2f<. terms, fex UL?-H D.lln, News Hotels, Restaurants, MUST UVl SELL on account ot death ot WMfefftBtttnerl Hartn Hardwari and Hardware Rooms Sportine Ooods Store. Hew! Slcre. Henderson, Texas. Write MRS. H. A. MARTIN.



. 16





C . S** Serteo. Trae-

For Sale by Owner so-VNir AiR>nrDrnoNED

Hill's Motel, AAA Approved

nation tub and shower baths, wali-io-wall carpeting, closets, and switchboard telephone service. Room, are large and have imi-cuut lunuture. Carports. Televbkm lobby. nHce end gilt lhop. Apartment over omce for owner occupancy. First-class restaurant next door. This four-year-old moiel grosses no.noo annualiy from all-year tourist and commercial trade. Four-Inch artesian w l l tirniihes water without nimnnz. Owner hat many other mtereits and will saQ-ltice tor 4135-tca Terms (S5.1MJ down, will carry balance at 5 5 . Contact H. C, HILL PICAYUNE. MISSISSIPPI Box 4J5. Telephone 730 sale or lease, firnlshed. ew: foam rubtuir everythiiig brand-new; loam rubbtir mattresses, colored bath fixtures. rjrd*x>od



7200 Harry Hints FL7-3305 SPRING CLEAN.UP
9 U '/i-ton Fkkup *ttw%7 1E A INTERNATIOSAL 3V lth IV I U I I I eoverrd a a . . . . . fj!C CHEVROLET lVa-t with ton "Ith * 0 !! einiairevered vaa...I E " ! CHEVROLET lVr J C ^ f l

House Trailers

B2a House Trailers


Mobile- homts tr-STported Bcroit in. street or ocre-n lh i a l l - i by



year. * Controlt the guaatr of juur trticiuct. GrossLng 8600.000 Compete Jlodern buikuiz ttxMTDam. garage. Large * . pant ctepanmerd;_ used car iott, Prosperojs tana area. Top crperatsori, will take tipe.. HU-jeTlli 1100,000 to hand> DeUlU and loca-jon. call or wnte b. W. WILSERSON. C-si-pcntera-Contrpxtora investment hindlc. Rox S5-Z. Da Bit Newt. * Saves labor andfcsercaietyour profit RE3-X&7. 224--S Oiclahoma Katural BicU. fiEPairi adifitlona. ptintLie. SneerrorkYou'll bt tiirrt-Urd bow Mttla capital la Oklahoma Crly. Okla. Ing. cceicee.'- a u k krveimx. IsXaXtZ, fialia. needed . . . and the profit ratio Li a buti. Knapton Business Brokers ftctKic. ,t*as.intt'e PEAP.CS DRUG STORE. Ai-cudU. nest of this lend. No royalty pasinecu. GEXtUtAL Rl^Airi-luOcieria'. (Wee vii-v. suiEsSctiuc. Cot-ttoo lervice. writ, for Ccenplet. Detain to li'JerA WL-jfik. CHEVROLET Jacques Drive-In Equipment DKUGSTORE-Greatly reduced account ADDliiONS.REPAlRS-UveuisI. pairinf. llnesi: I ' & Supply Company Two Owrolct dJ<rhJpi located Cwtrml Guaranteed, Petinrnrif. C. L LAMB. :/:rsi_n:ce bujuiess: small Investment ~4tX4U m sood LZrtc\jJturl auM oil tfrnLevee Phone TxA-3802. Dallat tory. One deAJtmhip U 300 nfw-ar-jizi', REaODEiJNG. eddiucuit. srtrasri=t. O romer flrueilore chein. tLZ/L 503 Honest, th* olVr 35(1 U'Ol wU ifiStf on* or uili paintiru;. Tn-PHJ- dependable, Refercaoea, nlghta. LTA-lr tar iixtenf-ttxtAuant propii-rly. Thu Ul-7<: Ge_4SRAL- _awnr5SJiet: new td repasi-a. Partners, irlamisers rr^rrpt. reliable aervlce. STO'.AL \y.V.NTtr>-P.uiner or c| to dtrvrlop aTucsL-stock ranch. Cood I REMODEL XF.PA1RHTOea. tarates. Cool cbmatt*. no drouth. M. J, Liaide. octilJe Lev-elifig. Concr-'e. DecorCOLORADO SPRINGS America's Wonderland and fastest (Tpwtnt atlai. T*ms Eaumates free Fy.lSi. ESTABLISHED detective agency reouires communlly, means better living. .Really UNUSUAL OPPORTUNrrY uorking partner. Lxperlenca not necetIt brokers otter ranches, homes, trimmed, locked. ^jtc. DS-'lutttDR4^<r2. and motels. Example: .TV. ap- REaSC Or.LINGAdd Dew rciens. henr_nrand air-condlllafung. servlee. modem tremmerrts! l n . Deoendarile. Call TE-2-19 or UN-2*4a




5 1 ton CtC. Pffl...'MU


I f J - l CHEVROLET C.O.E. with 3*M 10" plattorm low stake body u d tailgate loader. i - S f ' d j e e A All. oa W W I B i t FORI! F-ot Dump. 2-Speed.

'3-1 tleu. ujm


"owl I * J V

rw cylinder geart. Cylinder, rriachlned iwn This press replaced by larger preis. _sn be teen In operation by interested ronm end kitchen. Just otf Kwy. T3. neAT buyer by appointment Reasonable once. sot oil play, COMMERCIAL PRLNTING R. c WOLF Phone 29 Wl And Letter Service Co. Buffalo. Texa.

Newspapers, Job OtTices C-5 14x20 WEBENDORFER

r^rabent itore. $230,000 Vol-

vomplete exjulpiiieTd^^oct; and


tJeinerit t^xmtractor.

time. 100 Per O n t location in major city in Texas, ffighly profitable. Replies kept cocildential. Box 7043, Dallas News

So for prlnsrs.

SIDEA'ALKS.. curt*, srutlers. crlvupjji CEMENT CONTrL^CTQR. 3 yetrr evoe. nrret. E-tltnttes. nerrt. E2lntiet. P>Mded. iCr_-ie_.l BABLES. Tk-M'ti. anvtwavi. curts. M a t a CCNCRfcTE WOEK-Tractor I me. /-ding. Bonded. FRE ine. !jsf-M-IM


Spiriil Brand-Hew '55


HOI Ft. Wertb A Y . . Ooll.i ST-3044 Afl.r p.m. ST-313S

'55 Ford Pickup ANY" llEASOVAELE oKer considered on Xmlilug Down SiOGO-miir 1353 Pontine Ch!elt>-n de hue: while waUs. radio. BSBtOj SKil^-i ".ii.r. Just fok* up Ike payrr.erti aid yoa'rs :--.-.-r'-i :r.-c3v .>-".?,-.. S.r C3:l-.i'.i Ik* ROW cwmr of '55 Ford F-100 picki JOHN M (TAME. :'_-. i..'f V-iK. VI--.M KipOIIClltd. IN now conditio* throu out. Save tvtdrrds cf dollars * I Station Wagon ooo. No reasoaable otfor refused, w allow op fa S500 on aayttlao. yea coa il CLEAN ALL-METAL BODIES drive or p.'- 1.. Salt aaw of 1*33 WIT.LTS ( . Overdrive, beater; GRIFFIN AUTO CO.. World1! Trcdcrt, 1(31 S. fn/ay. HA-7101 marwn.. 1131 WILLYS 4. Overdrive, 1T.-H.. tan. 1951 WILLYS (-ejlleder. Overdrive. MAHER B R O S . hea'uer. l a n ^ Elaklk cod Jefferto. 1908 WILLYS 4 . Ovcrdrlva, heater, 1)31 FORn s vi-Tun rickup, o n S-tone .ray. oucrr; nrw palot; radio, heater, oun U U WILLYS 4, Vi-ten F u e l . Darvisor, grill guard. tool llgbt. reer bumper. 8.00x15 white-wall air ride 1MJ WILLYS 4, >_-toaP_wL Maroon. Urn; 31.00. actual miles. 1831 ri.Y.MOLTH Saburb-o. Heater, Opta until * p.m. medium blue. All day Sunday. TU-7JSS 1IJ1 CHEVROLET HBdjm 318 4-Hoar. i seats, r-dk>. beater, two-tone Ian. Ford Trurku Are Cheaper! 1S3 CHEVROLET SUtloa Wagon. 4 Toil Ford actually Colt less |ba> Boon. 3 *FAM. PearrObde, raother makesotters have gone up Ford, dio, beater; J u k green. have not. Ford'i loner price pin See 15..I M - l l Rambler. R.-H., Ught1ray. Griffin's big volume trade mokes 1838 CHEVROLET >,s-Ton Flckop. poislblo for y e . to buy for lo a t I Heater; dark War. Criffia'i, aid wo kave Ike truck*all U U FORD 8 t_-Ton rlrkup. B W , modllc oil siies immediate delivery, (tNGSIFFIN AUTO CO.. 1601 S, trvor. HA-7101. Authorlicd Ford Dealer.

Automobiles for Sa!o Pnnllac

Trucks, Bodies, Trailers B2


_H_#X THAR1*

Rf-9883, - t i l I.tve Oik. Res. LA-1909 Homer Crawford - George Harmon - f t'alStii 'ul H I K U maculate H>XH YVACO.V. 12.CM Jinn, Imegg rap

eighth cd JeHerlon IIS. FORD 8 >i-Toa Flelcap. Aew paiat; heater, rrar bomper.

Franklin. Texas. FOR SALEPanhandle county teat opposed weekly. Irrigation being developed and territory growing. Crossing 316000 In 1954 with each month Increasing in 195o. Equipped. BArbecue pit larte pajktns All Inquiries answered. Box 93-A. Dallas area, floodlights, awning, ins we msSCi 6-year lease, on main iiavtled highway. PEERLESSSS-Ft, modem. air-rondlMULTIL1THS (USED! Model SO-JLS KKOPF. 37 Trailer FOB SALE In Pauls Valley on Hiway 77. .Model 4 0 - 150 ^ n 10-unit 2-. 3-. and 4-room furnished apert. drift 0a ..Prone Park. W333 Rlnea i y d . ments. all rock construction and trailer parlr. 20 spaces for modem trailer- PtBNSt 50 New and Used Trailers 644. Pauls Valley. FRANK PIERCE. JJLLER 3508 W. Davit FE-33Q 12x18 CAP RICE-New series, recently WILL SELL or trade Nulty In modern MOTELS-W-t.niL 320.000 handles: 30-unlt l.bedrL<7m house trailer ' " tie luxe, J?o.CiX': 30-uniL Uintii t-.-.r.:.i-. 33-unit. S33.IXX) handles. Other good prop- SHOPPER on edge n[ Fort Worth, netting FE-4QQ1. MI;'. v\LE JT Kent-riuuse trailer tor va erty. Call us, ilete eciuipmert I REALTY. 2117 w>yliff. J1I-94I0 ration nr travel. Make reservation, now. ,' ... . . . . . . --JO cash. PAL'L Call ARlinuton 4-WII6. TOSSING. 4601 Selk-Kirk. Fort Worth. FOR SALE20x24 Artie camera lor ol Auto Accessories, Tires B-3 printing; 8 months old. Cost 1625. 1U for 1150. write ERNEST D1LLARD. . W, l'lione iril.i. OM-rii-o. :>,.-.> FOR SALENewspaper and Wb shop in ,. , 20 ROOMS-BRICK BLDC. town area south ot r Blvd. EX-3148 I OStalrj Hotel or apartment house. Comer Pricedof 2.000: in Jo 8tiorja.AU Dallasfrom 8S.0M I ii ! Mo , II. BROWN at Drui Store Below 119-B. Dallas News. ::i:-r.',lKA.\T and DeUcatessen Newly equipped, ideal downtown location, operating pmrttabl: NEWSPAPERS I T S 111 East Sixth Ave Auto Repairing and Texas Yeut TtmOf Dut-, m HINES SLVD. U - 4 2 U Opee Dally nad Suadoy


THIS VERY ATTRACTIVE MODEL 15 LLNOTYFE KM , MOTEL A N D GROCERY BENCH SAW I B . . . 8x12 In Te.xarkana on Hw>\ 67. Permastcne con- RARCOCK F.XPR 23-INCH structlon. 9 Units, grocers- and 7-room COOD S-PRESS SHOP r t R JX*i. h-jme. Refrigerated air conditlonrn. Close c u r DALLAS. COMPLY r I IN to cafe and town. One couple can onerale. Owner net good reason for selling. CALL BELL. Vl-SOf) ji'woni) CAFE and hotel cuir.b:r;r:v:i. VM',1 Has opening for both men and nn HiEhway h In small East Texas town. .COMMERCIAL SHOP-Completely eouipped. O 2-Story brick building, air-coniitloncxl. modern planL including good machine in women. Must have experience Dirt .cuipment in cate. 14 hotel rooms perfect condition with Iocs of mats and in the cleaning business. A small with 3 baths. Averaging about ISOHBIO per macazines. both letter-press and onset: vear business. A real bargain at DBjSjA most ot equipment new; doing good busi- investment is required lor uUl-.-ii'. I:-; L',r I. -,i. '.''.'/. 1,-r-s ness In laslest growing town In Last ity deposits, supplies, e t c This Texas; h-allh reann h,i idling. PJ5ALTY. CO_ l i t . Peoples Te\*s: health reason foe seiim WiU stand Is a n opportunity t o operate a Investigation. Box 118-A. Pall vler. Tr\a plant with modern equipment 24-UNIT MOTELWith comforUi'ili- li.i'.r auarterj. Located 40 miles Corpus Jltta, on a franchise, and earn in procity SIOOO. flnet location |IOUtbU>, aS portion to your efforts and abilJacent 2 all-night cafes on heavy highway. H4.500 for nnlclt sale: 33,000 down, or ity. JU-2538. MiL-un'ml pmtiiAhle volume. A harzain. V. L. Rogers. il I FY. Real. SUM "if for cash. tra-t, 42281, Ross. VT-3613 or RI-322).

Be Independent, own *nur awn business! Start a WEE-WASH-tT Laundry, tour r*ighlxirhood. like many others, needs LMs sernce. You can earn up to Jiaooo . >ear with a smU fiicslment e u y terms Don't ":;-. -Jinte or phon- J. T. CARDEN, 03U Nicholson Dr.. WE-T13S for Intormation that will put >OJ on Lit road to

Quick Service Laundry

T C AV i iI .

! 'ill : > :.i- Oa ' n k l

TOURIST COURTS-HOTELS See lis for the best values available today In well-located courts, motels and hotels In Dallas and surrounding territory.

eouipped: Austin stone building.


r>oodthilily. All kinds conrrete. TE-OOt TEX-ART-rim together. Terms if desired. Write ^brtV? patios; cck-red Box 10OW. Fort Worth. CEdar 7-7121. Vnrt WArth. DAIRY CREME in Arlington, finest location in city. Completely eouipped. comChildren eared f o r pactly designed for minimum labor force: MirfXitCLEi NURSERY, weschool care. year-round business, established 2 years: suoerxised pUv, Tcodlers accepted. UtxeejleBI net profit All records tmtulHe Prefer rash; will consider terms to right wnsed. LO-S<;t. CARE CHILDRENDay week; Central ?:--. 1721 T. Ai.ramv Ptone ARC-9646. BurtlSiljailt Greer.sllle v1cli.ll'. Llce_ae_ KERKVILLE tt a fine place to live and make a IK-lng. The climate, schools, churches and Duainess c-pcxrrtudties are C4RE CHILDRENDay. wrek. evenlnts: Eood. Or it you want to lust loaf there Licensed. are many experienced toafen here to help Sklilrrian-Creenvlll. s-ioniiy. i Csh. hunt or spin tall talei Write X 9<A for descripove literature than S UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 14-UNIT MODERN MOTELLett income, years old. substantial proritable _ &L 0 *! V.T,,Tst""Er--1 I t o r * to c h 0 | c * "op- top location, land adequate expansion to I.*KE; JUNE KINDERGARTEN- Aiei 3 fi. care. Plcsant Grove vwrinlty. tion In Dallas. You can earn an annual djuble capacity. Owners health impaired. .EX-26T7, Income In excess of 810.0O3 tervlng Only 1S5.0CO. easy terns. K, K. MrHOQLSCHOOL-wetkly ratet lor America'! favorite frozen dessert Over CAULfiV. REALTOrtS. iSS'i Ross. \1-3613 St EM




Drive-In, Sell or Lease

E&si pbvSg MBM






S M ROM TA-JI 1354 FORD Country Squire. Fotdomauc. power steering, power sear. power -raites, ,-i_-.u- Hilt. "POUSet o-tuue- raaio. Mane Air hater. -.irj!cva|i vir.-su.r.o Supreme urea. Air-conditluperl br erisixar. llfw) Ariiial miles. Crijinai imrer. hxptkaaULT: clean. I>3 d?alels. please. SAVE boadreds tt dollars or compacy pickup demotttratsrused a little aver ONE O THE NEWEST la the. City o( a month. Two-toi. rjreea color. Has K DTL!:-.. '''-t'lvn-Kj"! S . . V , . : . - i.;.-0. .:.:l ^.3<radio and heater end write tires. , i 1-1 M . .'.-.I" ' 1 - t I, ::: town. be sold q some mut rjrjx Ahsoluteii- nmktu Inaade and bargain la w k . ToN GRIFFIN .AUTO B E cut. Only J1S3 cor- balrinc. row baruc price tkis CO.. U01 S. Ervoy. HA-7101. t.-re' S-e !.c-.:-r hj'^lrl; ;:: fur. .''. JOHN M CLAKK. X-< :.:-' 'v.- Vl--/-. H i : FORD ftaack Wogon. CoerdrWc, MAHER BROS. kecter, clqlna! thrasqhout: 1 owner. Eigktk end Jerf.rsoa SMI' MORRIS-OOUQ JOHNS TA-SItt 1051 FORD 8 <i-Tnn FlCkUp, Dl LUXE MOTORS 707 W. J . t t . n c . RaoU,, heater. Opta until 9 p.m. 7,'EW t'ORD counlry se-lan; S w s c i ;:rr. All day Suaday. YU-735E

_rove Stale bank. In Pleasant Grove: Euckner Blvd. " - ind equipmenL A.kir.k readers. Bampers. Radlalors. Ortlles. alue_ til land. EX-90eil Sold, repaired; e.cb. Claude Hal GrUle SALE30-Room hoteL * render IVarkt. 139 Avery. R'-3H., central dr.uT.1 ,'-, celling fans, loie ! ---i.-i ,:. v (o.MPi iTE.aulo pamt_}ot). i ? * ; . H E N I;K!L-;IIN Aj;_i-'j;_*ili:! CAhL tor sale or lease In Pauls Valley, ilutomobiles, Truck Okla.. by o-ner. in town, a good location on Hiway _17. .Call 644 Paula Valley. I!iv.ay 17. Wanted FRANK PlT.RC A t t e n t i o n , C h e v r o l e t O w n e r s IDEAL business opportunity for man and We ated 25 goad used Ckevraltt cars :v;fo. Combination cafe and soda, fountrucks and con give you kuadreds of dollars over market value wke. you trade J. P. BOGAN. DuranL Okla, with Ben Griffin an a big l e * 55 Ford FOR SALE OR LEASE-Drlve-ln cafe. Ike ear fkat leads tkt field la becuty, fully pmnpp-ed. near college. 13.0O0. Terms, ..:.rmoace ond style. Come at la aow Call Mr" KELLY. S89 or S36, Commerce, '" {or the best deal on tkt belt car . . . Tcvis. Ford foe '55. FOR MODERN MOTELS D e n Griffin A n l o C o . Contact R. R. McCAULEY. Realtcn Aetllorlied Ford Healer Ross. VI-ur,n o r i i i i r . 1(01 S. Irvoy HA-7301 ir^'i

Painting DOORS


doing excellent Shops, Factories,

Mills, Gins


GARMENT FACTORY-SerMngKO active accountj. S195.UO yearly. JiaOOO handles R. R. McCAULKY. Realtors. 422SH> Ron, VI.!513_or KI-5J25

T1 V A1 -

Misc. Opportiinities



DRIVE W K new epoch In fait fool tervlca through.

R4?voiuUonary method of prirpaijTtnx mttit. DeUghlful Flavorful

Re! r t - , o I 'rj TR-t-i Clock e n d W a t c n iVDuxMng ALtTtED FKAN'lt repairs clocks and" DUE TO Boar teaMk | g . t*tei to sell FLORIST SHOP watcl-s. AU woik guailteed. 1604 Jackthe best HEARING AID franchise in . Weil-established business; modern Exterce. ain RA-3MSouthern Colorado. Orlv ZENITH Dealer lit Oly "I 1(~ IU0 and EXCLUSIVE TELEX Lease on new building. Greater Dallas CiothesUne Poles OjStHMtor tor southern half of Colorado trade territory. Priced to sell, S L SELF. DENTON, TEXA.S 2'i-LNCH STEEL POSTS In i and tlghteier- 1'J.SS. VJIXM MANVFAC(12.S6. VIKING .h-T.ers. ii:!'.i::(;._[i.'.7:tc. leasing office. Potential LAKE WHITNEY LODGE AN exceptional value, money-maker! Sea- K 1 ? TiiE HESf-3'VInch poles; comple!. aon lust opening, better hurry. For par- it illation. GAY. DA7-:I87. Addrest tngutry to Box 1U-B, Dallas News. ticulars call ;,-'.', STEEL POLES-SaePnxl! iiv..v!.-uci BERT HOGAN. VU-7S3S. VA-6061 m* i,:nter,era 8U.S0. 814. Of, PR-3J_3. SELL or LeaseSinclair service tUUon. CLOIHESL1NE poles. Instilled. (XHS. Drhods-, parts and baitery business:. near THEATERS Kiorri'A-jy and Kfmx S t Same I'jmlion ;-. I vered Il.tS, GeH-te racks. J10. WO-46U. WOStattAdvance rent paid I mentha. years. Dome ;-jo-i buji.-ini OWNER K>_- <:i"Al-_tTE_D dothes 1 I, LMER. TE-567J, v.Ve and tighteners. IL' 47S-Sen_t TValer-Tndurtrltl town near DalConvAlcscent Homes las. Cheap rent 83,500 Handles. Trade for SMAtL chlU plant, all equipment I P n v t u room, clear real vstate. " of Dallas. .Sell i or part. Immediate jWBROOX-frivtu roorr t loining bath, available. Dallas' most neat UTC1IER SUPPLY. tllul rnzrthu; home lor women. Bed or anvS33P& .^eater-Cuiemaicooe. Include. v,uu Prls buiatory paUents. . yttstf PI! aeuilDrivale .. brick build'-i -, IUO , - - n " ifr ..24-Hour nurtLit _ . R. R. McCAULEY. Realtor. B E YOUR OWN BOSS roocis ca crcund flm. _ 4223't R- V7-36U or_Ri-S23 isltirL Craulilu! yard. ll\1ng. room, Cftutifu! yarL Accessible ... Trade the equity In your lY>me for w ESObBltflt loco. Lovelyrelerenccs. Lit tele. Dallas, pnetora .uivi'r.ri'.-,. Lv---li-ir a references. Licensed. \x*.oti__Ceauufu! yardII TI WAS. Owr-r-Manajter. MR Wlli'iw BIXOK Dr.. DUCT, 26:9 1 HrtLfd.." ** at. ClUes Servl capacity tank ttWaxt 1811 DRIVE-IN SYS TEM" 1319 Young. Dalla. blCKASCN INN-Plesaant heme lor retired or oVelescent women: 24-hour nuramodel tank truck, handling Chevrolri cti: _a i,K-ir K-i-cil'Ied. redecorat-d, EkIs in thriving.little town, good farming FOR WASHATERIAS '(ii-- I'^sscnable rates. _>23 Dlckaion. area, center ot new oil field. LA-227McCAULEY. !___>_Va L UOMF. _A_NATOi_;UM-tIi__l and given expert care. l_Hoor " '-. Reasonable rates. MRS. Rl Til M. GOLDEN oppoii-nis-n-ii-.s ' , ' . ' ELilE CJODWIN IN THE CROWING WEST Biggest listing ot hotels, taverns. Honor nndand taw tttop: pteaty ot manager. 4S05 Rots. TEISTZ stores, drue stores, restaurants, resorts. J_750 Casn. SEALE. B-TWett SOUTH BOyLEVARD NURSING HOME in uranium country of Cola. Neb., Kan.. Uaho. Wyo Utah. Mont. Ore.. Wash.. VARIETY STORE, suburban thotrping cen. For axed. Homey atmosphere, Unoievcme looa_. rUasonaOut 1323 South Bou-V'trd. &&$!! .:HvL,or t! mtin.s. BeVAN HA-331. CORP.. 24-P Cunla. Denver. I'olr.. WRENHAVKSCore tor the ased. invalide

handlt with a workdns agreement ance can be paid from proflta. For i 'omatloei .\IEL WTTZ. Tastee-Frcei Dr|-.!n. 2s50 W. Clarendon Dr.. W'E-tm-

East Texas for brand-new product Excellent cupportunlty to develop your own talei force and make (10.000 to 115.031 annual" K. ML'IR. Baker HoteL of lie B"x ; :. Dallas Newt.

fk Liaboa. awinis. Hide. PERSONAL care o st-itO chad, i days. f

lore and TV

Opportunities Wanted


Cash lor Your Cir Till 10 Tonlghl!

Ope. till 10 p.m. tor your convenience. Need your car Immediately for ur March market. calk dollar. JOHN M e i A l X , 2(2S live Oak, YI-1081. ( (Iks Eait of new Republic lonk tldg.

WE NEED good ased trucksour out-oftown buyers ore here. We eon give you hundreds of dollors over the Dallas morSIJC'I car-h; ii, license paid. 1These kit taw. (ring yours byIt's worth '.-<,( -1 ^1^1 trailer* are in excel rr . :-. more then yos tkiak. UU CRIFFIN AUTO CO., Authorised Ford Dealer, 1(01 BLAUTIFL'L 1*3 rw.uac station wanm. S. Ervoy. HA-7301 m rrules: folly eouipped n<i w.ced at WANTED To Uuy-Sport cars. Enghsh. r,.'.l ;avms to you. 5fe Cantons 0|n alt German. Italian makes: Chevrolet Cor3 ^ l l T c l g S r - a a Live Oafc. VHOM MAHER BROS. vette, Ford Tunderblrd Pay top cash. DRIVE-IN GROCERYGood business loca Eighth aad Jefferson CLARENCE TALLEYf 1J33 nonGE I'.VTon Dump Truck Pearl t t San Janntn .on Sole. irrle. i:V-?l'-:. ,-vrr:--. with 4-yard water level. 1933 CHEVROLET stsHOil wntiin: rowerOpen uatil p.m. Alts'! C.lide: 4-doori pnTei: condilion. turner. All doy YU-71S4 nm I

eeUing. willing 10 icrept Ims WOjW \i 1SJ4 FLYMOUTti. siatlon wocon; J-tine tiht green, i-.\v. 1 ^ :..; vm^i, pou.-

- l':.-l t."i-^:,_.:.; -:;} v v. :i irm i^.-:',-. - ;. : 1! 1 ': '.:''';'} " '':''"/'. "''-':l i.;:.c.::..
^.International find train trailer. KSOS.


Lake Cityi located In the uraniurn capital the - ' " world ~ 810O.O (omotrj gross last " Eye-ippetllnr of"~" RequiresDid ov . _ For M U I * ttocV of dry foods- shoes, tee Box 95-B. Dalla, handle. 'High profits due to eral merchandise. H. COHEN. 509 Jefiei Delicious Food son Tower. WE-9643. ^ _ THEATERS Less Shrinkage and Spoilaja rtrstrun drive-in. Also modem guburhari. FINANCIAL contnett, underwTltert. brrisir m i l . TK :.?-.-. Also good Oklahoma controlled town. Also -.-.->:. rr\e,te finders of capital reached two adjacent Ozark towns, controlled. Oth- No nhopptng. CAnfldent'at SELL, OR TRADE3-Slory brick home, from (S.000, RALPH ERWLN. Broker. furnished. Revenue 11.20") monUl Best k> rci'ir:. no (,iL,l n Call nv, .A-2Ti6 IOR SALE-Laundry- do- cleaning plant. Individual will buy hardware stock, AAA BRICK MOTEL. Ix units and lovely Laundromat In one building. Laundry s home. Revenue o\er 130.000 year. Highway reart oid. rest new. Average yearly vol- $10,000 or more. Will pay cash. '.308. YA-1215, retiring ROY EAST process- Minimum capital ume , llfAOOtl. Ouner CO.. Temple. Texas, Write Dallas News. Box 82-J. ATTR-ICTIVE ktone motel; 10 urjts. hcau> n REALTY I on equipment tiful srounds. lovely 3-room home; HlghP.O. Box I3L way 80. Only 819.5m YA-1215. , Call Wire or Writ* Colored Motel Wanted Hn: ::r.\r. c. v.r.:o-n pRrbecue ttand. e buyer for all aite units. List with f.ill P.I.H371. I). D. TURNER. S. W. Cough x. VT-sorri. ^ SL6J0 with terms ment invoice about JACK 'J* JILL DlVISIO.t

Will Pay Cash

En I.-J- MiKJlNi; HOME~l,r; s-rruunr;ings. Ot"mgs..-,!. TA-t De.cxca meals. tAged xc_uc_en.i PRIVATE HOME-DeperulaSle tajird for ti. derly l--r>n NjurHhing lord. DR-0m COUPLE with rciplial expfnence. J i i t rulrr:-. IMmc C,. ,:C:1 rr.ralj. TK-2T1. M20 OLD HOM_3T_AD-Accor--".i.;n

CUSTOM nrXORATOR SERVICE Ar-essorles. latrlct. rarjeli tnd f_Tjr_rt. All Ptlce tallies. _ . __

Detecnve AirencK
RAY-DETECTIVE AGENCY iKerth Dalla> Efiiicbi-mvete. cor_tden_al urtesuge'jon Licc.;ed. KnSed OcleiUvr ;<! flauihorr.e. JU-WH. RA-263. FE-fJfa) FLKTCHe.R DETECTIVE AGENCY-D1ce*. child cusi ised Fsonded I

Want Convalescent Home


5tuJet>,i!icr 1S5J STVDEDAKER Clumnlon Spnrt! Coupe, radio, heater, tout tov " toa II "' lt> eccnomy still beauty will Prease save sxxi and Its price v.Ul amoie sou. save you ar J Just 1LBC. "READA'.VAY, MOTOR CO. 4541) Ross '" " kV d "Sunday Ci V 1833 STIUEBAKKK Charnplra Hard-lop Coupe. Radio, beater, ove'drise. whiteWall tires. Ahuilalrlv like ne. J83.

One owner. Ferfecl shape. Open eatil f p.m. All day Sunday. YU-73S4

WALTER VINSON", 3636 Use Oak St. | CADILLAC-1M3 or 1934 coupe no dealers. -)l lii;il

33-UNIT motel very nice. 333,000 down. YA-1215. FOR LEASEWELCOMi! INN. 9719 Harry Hines Call between 9 and 5. EL-9015.

NEniNG $30,000 PER YEAR

FOR SALESweden Speed Fleeter-Continuous tee cream freezer, model 1-16^A3, '.'.-ar factory warranty. Used six weeks. THEATRE. Minrl'j. Oi/|.torr.a. RADIO STATION A 'ffOAi-alter Owner sutes the market Is 600000. Priced under (^OOO. RALPH r.RWIN. Broker Box RIL.TulS: v l L1 ' ' n^ concern, small centrally located tour., i-.-uinj t i i 000 annually. Contracts, buildings, eouipr , _ I--', O .< Ne n WASHATERIA lor sale In Houston: doing Houston 16. Texas. FOR SALElM'xSO" conrrele building containing food markeL slauehterine and cold storage fadliUes. TOM SEARS. WhitewrlghL Grayson County. AIJTCnlATjC LaundriesRest locaUon In Dallas, 8750 To (300 net profit per r " W1 1 rinanc- at (7, Interest J '1 McCRAW. EM-7957.

Lease, rent or buy. Well-located, rei tonably priced. Box 77-

We Can Sell Your Business

SOUTHWEST Bl'SLNESS BROKERS 3113 Commrrre RI-3073 WILL BUY established, prosubie businea tncy Intel ' therein. BOX " or agency or any Interest " DALLAS NEWS.

Dirt. Sand and Gravel


Send, gravel, tuctorgr.-dlnr. Itwn-Icvell__, way:, dirt moving. IR-LSSL OIL OPERATOR warns good drilling prospects. - Please give luU descripuos. Box eJ-J. Dallas News, WANT to lease mo'.eu emve-in or grocery with living quarters. Box 112-B. Dallas CHOCOLATT-COLORED LOAM Block: dirt: gravels. Front-end ioader. SAM.


l i b and Jeflerson. Upea an. YU-3388 1953 STL'bEnAKEn-bTAJQJGHt Chanv um hardtop evue*. !".* telual miles. Owner. R-H. Hydra^Matlr. white Ures. flany other extras: 35 down payment, atanr* at hank rate) See Jim Slackj. _ JQilN M._ti_\KSC_.i:5 j.i 1 flat VTr-! YOU WON V BSAT THIS PRICE 1553 Sludehaker hardtop. Radio, heater. .nertr-ive. i l l . r id t-.- l.c I ' r-.rc. On y Jiff.;. S, 1 I JOHN M. CLAKK'. a i S Live Oak. Vl-3nq 15i3 V-S Commander s c r t ro-jnr. Slude>>ak.eT. hJy eejuintu-4. with dual exhauxt and pvfnirive. l-r '-tily 3U50. by oiraer. 1 Ha'

Eighth and JeHcrioe 1933 DODUS H-Ton Flekup. Heater, rear bomper; 18,000 actual miles. Open sntil f p.m. An day Ssaday. YU-73S4 New and Used Tmcsa

Colorado City. Texas. PAY CASH-Clean cart, NKAI. THARP. - - - ' Live Oak Rl-St->5. LA-19H] WILL BUY any

Merchandise, Groceries, Drugs


established 10 years ago and that anyone could oivn without rorking knowledge t any n-orking knowledge of Lhe business whatsoever. In order to Investment A sale Is necessary due to a comtxilsory settlement of an estate. No curiosity seekers pletse. Write or wire P.O. Box 2354. Dallas. Texas, Ing address, telepho


f EP.'iTLIZElL Sanci-Pro-ipt debvi . . . McwUif. ..>trd. # grtdlns. txpericficed. HA-4211. HA-704S. spreading, Call Dl-6373.


Airplanes. Acces-sories

st time to contact.

jtJnz campinc. overnight panel trucK bpaee ouiboant rmitor. wood-wurking eouip. CLOSED SUNDAYS i w n . r-sr-k r.imrirp !'. I. 11 . ;.K i'u . CO. S-'l .\. Haskell. Vl-ir.r.n IIROWN Un4em van. 10.00x2; e. air brakes. (" insulation, meat rails. _ _ Thermn Klnr. Rood rondillon. l5.f^Q. (IKKAV DAilE .MAILS.!'. CO IJJS Hl.NTO.T ST. EL-6T11 32' FRUEHAUF ilnsle axle neat, mioxjl We. spoke, t!r brakes, landing gear,

Trucks, Bodies, Trailers B2 MAHER BROS.

Eighth ead JeHersoe 1831 FORO 8 1 ;.Ton Pickup. tree this one, Cpea until 1 p.m. All day Sunday. YU.73S(

Anyone Can Learn to Fly A New 4-Passenger Piper

Trl Pacer Delivering tow et 37,213. Over S1.030 less that aay ether 4-Ploce Skip, Quick delivery, taiy terms. Ask about our leara-as-you* travel plea. For free demeeitratien call Sklnney Crouch, EM-283S.


17,500 tq



rabVia Owner retiring. 850.0m V>,II handle. Long-term lease tvailable. Ail repbes confidentiaL

OWN "A GOOD, CLEAN BUSINESS Invest in a DAIRY MART STORE A National Institution

aSLKY, OR1-379L ADDRESS envelopes and cards in my SANDY LOAM -Read, ixTeie piav .d, tonrreie gravels: SI1 girt Courteiiuc cervice. HI'-i65S. LOAM, gravel, cLrt. sard and water ha_U FOR SALE-Pholot-raphlc ttudla _ . location In fast-growing town. Dallas-Fort Prevent "Summer Simmer' fee. _ _ _ _ _ _ rx-im. EX-14H, -aTf. Worth area. BURDINE S T U D i a Famous CLEO-MATIC waterless air coridl!'S tioning Installed to central heating your WHOLESALE PIE SHOP in East Texas home. Savtngt up to (30u; 3- and 5-ton town: good business for swinger u-,iii Dirert factory cjuUet NOTHINC Small investment will handle. Box 109-A. DOWN. 3 Y'ears to pay. ST-2826. ttjtri._Hscrtf8T. Reaaonable. Sales, Service; li_stallation WHITE PLAV S On aH types cooling equipment No down i-arn: g n u pUn*'> Southwest BLANCHARD. Hanufacturer's payments. Free eiumates. RA-2-i4. RA-2310: agent 3214 Stnnelelch A i . I.A-7W3 PATf.xT cra*lri*. technlctl li:u_-rBt_on, GltT and Card Shop in East Fort Worth LENNOX COOLERS shopping center. Sub-lease pays most of arcT-ite^nira! _J4 mechanlc-i _.*i-'__i __ra_> rent reason for selling. Box 9S-Z. Dallas

a real store. Part cash to handle. Box home. Reasonable. Call HA-453364-H, Dallas New.. Alr Con-IUcners, Coolers

Eighth and Jefferson MM rORD 8 Damp Truck. Open eatll < p.m. AH day Scday. YU-71S4


Eighth aad Jeffwsoe 1830 DOUGE >.i-Tca Tlckap. Opta atn t p.m. An doy Staday. YU.7338 19SI 82 FORD Flck.p. 4 F( FORD Damp Tracks. 1130 (7.0 Gkie Tractor. Sim & Ed Used T r a d s and Paris 110 N. Oaklotd ( H I If

Staerlnce-4-Whecl tadfRR trailer. 8x1} (L. wiiii 2-:m aturhed. ITacUcal* lU-4S(i\ ; a. Van with nsdreilie


!'.:-) Ki'L'iW-iftj' .-htvro'.-' tractor, tandem trailer, box sleeper, nilLv eoulpocd. tires. EV-3S0,

nsulatloiv good

CHEVROLET PU-trun-Pnvaiely nwnad. fully eculpwd, rettect condiuon. 2131 W. Jelfernon. _luxe. imt II A.m.-il f iht rxSell or jrjrle in

Call DA?1 I K U C X - 1 , " n '

Rated No. 1 small business. The fastest- ture business, close groiving drive-in chain In AiT.erira. Featuring malts, shakes, finals, sundaes tnd Brcii-t-burgert, A proven year-round bull- ESTAHLLSHED Dallas business needs pable person as managing associate. Good Exclusive frsnehine without royally. We character, common sense and a Utile 121 S. Main S t required. GARDNER. LO-3724 teach sou the entire operation. Minimum investment (1.504 GENERAL MEHCIHNDLSK-'.Ve-.i.kicil.-d. Tulsa, Oklahoma heaiy volume. Around 116,000. R, R. Mi W E ' R E BUYING CACLF.Y, I'.cull'Ts. - 1 ^ ' , IK,5. yi-3S: Lane & McClaln, Distributors Used elrplaaes; aay moke, aay model to F i s . .. . aay she. Call, write, wire or see Sklaay I.lerature, 112.0X1. R. R. McCAULKY Realtors, 4223'., Ross, yi-1613 or RI-5225. Crouch for a free appraisal ef y caln prices. D. 21-BENDIX WASHATERU-Mirj Weekly Small Super Food Store K'(l rt.vwn. R. R. MrCAl'I'-- Realtor's. .VcCAI'LKY. Extra-good location, extra sood fixtures. S22SU, Ross. VI-161S. RI-5225. Nice business. Will trade for house and CLEANING PLANT (EN CRIFFIN AVIATION CO. lot or Iota. Brick building, 1 presses, etc.. over 8300 FOR SALESmtIL clean Humble ien1ce Dealer for Piper Aircraft week volume. Price is.oun, terms. station in East DaJas. (2000 stock and Hlghload fork Airport Office DAIRY WAY DRIVE-IN W. C. PERKINS, RI-5097 flxturrl, E. M. HEROLD. UN.12S9. Oollos, Tesal. Phone EU-2SSS DALLAS OR FOP.T WORTH-stone tranrhise. e<;ulrirner.t tod inventory. Box 42-H, 1614 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDC. Dlllas News. lires. Phooe HU-3131 \\f itiMt Any si?.? storr you WASHATERIA-S rA-.rt.ST LIGHT TWIN EXKCITIVK Ina have v> pifase c*l. for details-re Jookfor, Hous6 Trailers over 82" AIM LINER DAL-TEX AVIATION. over 8200 weekly; bookt open. DR4FTt-fBM, KL-WM. KM-716L A. L. RAMBO & SON ror sellir.g. Complete TOR SALEL5. recent major, also top REAL BUY USED TRAILERS Res. WI-HW business. overhaul last week with new jigs and Ofnre WT-4224 313 E. Saner ON FILE cleaning plant Good business. 83.500 lSlkSOO PRESCRIPTIONS 3J STEWART JT mobile horn.. Front pisUms. licensed, all accessories, new DR4-1133 or TE-4S85. Prescnpoon Shop for . HaskelL Owner " and rear bedrsom.. Orlguaauy sold 11200 oulrlfi-ht or consider Nice prrsmption shop. 3 doorsSale downtires. Drops. JL BARGAIN for quick turn. 3) Swamls. 8 from for 83J93. S\r 33,000. selling halt Intelrest. RA-C540. Yogies. 23 peanut candy ausd turn f i - i .".rfical Arts LMdg. Oklahoma City. '34 4-STAR CO'ERAL. LUta new. NICEST Stinsnn Voyager 130 anywhere. Ran close ^o S50.000 In 1964. Reason for monthly saisry plus small royalty pro- chines. All on tor. kticeirF.D2-S4Sn. Kave JI.-.W,. Original throughout Interior like new. 550 selling owner It past 63 and health Is duction. Box 113-Y. Dallas News. Hours total time on Airframe, instnimenta rapidly failing. If interested, contact 3t SKYLINE Modem. i(-feek teat. and niilo Sarnfice. Toll calL Irving. CLAUDE E. McDANTEL la person or by BUSINESS FOR SALE handles. \T-3(13 or Rl-623. All metal. (t.llB. Texns. J a n or 2JI3S alter 6 n-m. Filling Station and Garage . 18 LIBERTY 'J-fef. TaBdem..ej|9S D cream, drink tnd PRt^SOtlFnOTJ HOUSE . Cood LocaUon on Highway i] COMPLETE toft ice watcaably prlard. '33 TRAVELITE. 3t feet long. .81.193 Sno-sont exroipraent. JOHN ANDREWS Rov artst Txieumeari. KM. Low, Easy 3ercoe. Baak rateu 11 No. ~ New license: ion I 4 IS Madison. Pueblo. Colo. D& One. Daily 8 a.m. Till 8 p.m. WASrlATERIA-Hla-hly pnrfltable. bo n ei'.fpe M-r-.m R.-.I! rrram. IONE STAR TtAILEt CO. grmting. Must be told. tXicO HaacOei. Oak Cliff Drive-in 13 CESSNA lTO-Extra clean: 180} Fort Worth Ave. 8T-31U enre msvir overfull nrw licece. DAii On busiest street In Darias. LpU of parking space. Now grossing 17,030 per racr.tb. "" vtAr ~-" TEK AVtAnON. EL-5ue9. EM-T161. About 15,CIB will handle. .__ Theaters ^ c a ^ R g ^ i ! 2019 17th St. Lubbock. Texts' YA-6124 OWEN-BRIDGES BHi*? YA-S734 TRAILER COACHES WE-MSS WASHATER1A-633 East First St. lrvvnf. 1022 S. Berkley 15 Mtyttgj. 2 Hamrnon automatics. 3 SPARTAN driers. 1 extractor. 4 fans. Coca-Cola and GROCERY AND MARKET D.V..;"TKXAVIA1 ION. V.L-Nr-"j, No chains, for sale or lease, with or with- Dr. Pepper box. Doetor'i ordert. Teare la r m n ALL-METAL Luscombe, metal prop, out kx-ker plant Brlcx tullding, Uvmg old mic. for expexllicense. Lee Airport Inlrj; 2-0-.S3 quarters. Hwy. Ti. A treat opportunity i Hlnes. TA-10S4. hustler, Oivner has too many Irons BARBERSHOP LIQUOR store. 1031 S. KtsktU. StU or n v i n g Fields, leste. CAid Incttiori . GARAGE and radiator shop foe aale or Buffalo. Texas Instructions B-6a BY OWNER-Crocery tmre and market trade. PR.9169 IF COLLECTORS bother OR some girls' In Oak Cllft Cood locatio", doing gocd CHRYSL^-PlyTTKwtJi dulershiD R SALECafe and Beer Tavern Ht*e lowTL pn has his eye an sou. learn to fly and profitable business. Reasonable lease on Murt tell ready to leave town In a hurry, PARK building and fixtures with Uv "NOTICE" CITIES AIRPORT. CHl-Sm fji'Vr.vM. (.OOd CHlUieB Sell or trade for clear revenue rea wajhalerla. EL-90T9. EM-TI6T. Our hank tayt clear the. rot tnd start Tenna tft ouaMBed huya mrr." 10 here gpes. we. have all sues. MORE amiiatloii MORE reader, matt la well-tsubbAhed 14-rr. to 4:-ft,, 1 and 3 bedrooms, new and NICE drugstrre at Haskell and Elm. InUnksl. AN3-195A. ICE CREAM CAFE DALLAS HORNENO NEWS WANT ADSvoice stock tbout 8750- Fixturet tnd buildCOSDEN suhon, watMsur- 8Ttattairtl*tnc DTOd-jc. BEST roulla, PiXlB. PR-4S1L RRO ^P""'* B t l * ; 8 B B . w S MBquarters; gaUonai. rent Barnm, EX-S14X Hlili-ay 60 at ArJnsloa Texat ARt-oCOS




Drapories (Bamboo) Draperies and Sun CoTera


Baby Sittlnt;
SIT with Invalids, days: chlldrerL evenings. References. Experienced. Reasoaable. HU-6.-7

Highest Cash Prices

Boat Bennlsh
SEE expert tor expert boat refinlsh_it. ' handle tals Rem 5 to 23 r. GEORGE MOORE BOATS A MOTORS. 10400 Hines Blvd DI-2619.

DRAPERIES tllp revert. iiphri_*--inj. Fabric selection. Wcckmanahip, milerlalt CAJrarteeit n-E-7573. VZ-'.tA.


BOOKS KEPT, sour office or mine; tern tnru" Installed or remodeled. ReasonabK UN.2791



Bridi-Stono Work

ham. 2S02 Dmslaa. JU-t-JI.

Dn-Miitrlrig, Attcr-tions
DOTICL'LT PRiiPORTICN DtOnls. our spernny. 6378 Mrirnirna. -fR-UxS. LREPLACE. SPECULIST-l SJrebtrtei rcttned. Dampers ImrjBjIed. Any-

B-il-ing and _Lfjnsolel--g LET u s REMODEL o r BUILD onto your home and consolidate your debts. Make ONE PAYMENT, $25 monthly on $2,000.


Elct-rl--l Contractors rVrx_l ELECTRIC rc-et,,a;rAny time. 7^. i a 1 ExcaTat-ag

_i_^T a- C ^a

FOR REST US ose>rttoe. .New A _ _ tstSam frint end k-der with. r~tt ripoer-, a_o BucKrye heel-t---- rock cmtint ditcher. O. J. BROUGHT.:, JD-1M
K ! I ' "i - f s

Floor HnUhtns
YA-'7U7. _V



old r__lt_re-'cn^Wlt"HU.7(c,r

_ Ftii-plti-ra C e p a l f . Hf.tisith room. ca.-ncrt; convert r-rttef Let an expeneaded man do It rls-L Fre. asumatrt. EXPERT ITHOLSTET-NGLarte UbLoans arranged. Nc/hlnt down. PR-2i3L ne se-r-tioa, Rtaaosablr.. Frtt tstonatea. Ccovcnitnt terms. Pldca: Ctiivery.

North Beckley Lumber Co.

CUSTOM BUIIXIBG-Reraslrs tTmodel lni W'lndows. ewes InstaUet Reln TO.VI PAYNE RAJJSL

_ _ _ _ _ WT4I2T2. .L-H>?


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