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'Entertainment for Bride of the Week. Whin Club, which met Wednesday

MJss Jean JIcKeo entertained the FbUathae class of St Paul's Mctliu491st church, Thursday ntebt. In honor of her sister anl brother, .Mr. and Sirs. C. G. Andrews, at her hom. corner Grainger and Cannon avenue. The entire. evenln< was spent very pleasantly. Miss Carol Ropers and Miss Charlotte Gregg rendered several plnno solos., which were highly appreciated by three present. Refreshments were served the fol-, lowing guests: Mlsere Grace Wallls.i Charlotte Gregg. Katherlne Roberts. Carol Rogers. Maud Gossott. Annie Hondcreon. Ollle Strickland. Gladys PIttengcr, Blanche Eohredonpast. Ituby ft-azleiv Mabel Plttenger. Marlon McKee: Messrs. Roy Owens, George Heare. Hnrwell ireare. Emery Cooper. Jerome Johnson. Tom Flte. Ernest TCles, E. H. Baker of Palestine, Hoes Stewart of Bryan. Lenal Rogers, "Walter McKee: Messrs. and Mmes. C. G. Andrews, Herbert Putman, RDfus Gossett, J. U Crelg. W. C. VT. McKee, Rev. and Mr*. J. F. Boeve.

morning. There were three tables of enthusiastic players. The prlie. a nand-patnted plate, was won by Miss Vinson, and the club favor to tho hostess waa a A delightful luncheon was served the following: Mmes. Wllstord. Payne, Mathlas. Hottlneer. Hopkins. Williams. Wolseley, Jary. Misses Catherine Hopkins. Freda Hopkins, Schneider and

The club meets with Mrs. Hottlnger on Grand avenue, Aug. 26. *t . H Society Personals. Mrs. W. N. Glllentlne returned from a two weeks' trip to the Pacific coast and left Thursday night for New York, where Mr. Glllentlne le quite 1IU Mrs. A. F. James and daughter, Willie, returned home Tuesday from Colorado Springs ad Denver, also Kansas City. Mo. Miss Clara Hayden of 412 Missouri avenue returned home last week from a visit with Miss Nova Maloney at Maloney, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Floy McChesney and Dance for Vteiton. A crowd of young people of Fort family have gone to Kansas City and "Worth and Dallas had a very CTlJer- other points In Missouri for tha re nble evening at Ilandley Tuesday, malndcr of the summer. spent In dancing. The dance was Mlis Untitle) Hayden of Sherman Is given 5n honor of Misses Katie TVclt- visiting her uncle. Mayor TV. D. Daman of Chicago. Viola Gernsliacher of vis, on Prospect avenue, and jOfii TWatherford and Gazelle Wolberg of CJaja Hiivden. 412 Ml.wurl avenu*. "Waco. Among those who enjoyed the Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McHride have as evening were: their guests their dsuchters. Mrs. B. Misses Anne WflltUfK Aline Tto- F. Felpi and Miss '.Ida, McBride of senfield, Grace 1-oeb, Mildred Fergu- El Reno. Okla. son. Ernestine Hfrsrli and P.lpp of Dal.Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Tewmey have relas; Gazelle TVolberg of Waco. Katie turned home from a week's visit with VTeltman o? Chicago, and Viola Oerns- Mr. and Mrs. David Evans, at Iholr bacher of Weatherford; Erma Ctrl),j new home, "Wl Wlshwell," on the White Martruerlte and Flora TVeltman. Hor- Settlement roail tence and Lillian Lewis, Pauline ITeln:.) Messrs. John Brown and G Rebecm Gilbert. Dora Levy, Pauline i Polk are spending several weel Mlttenfbal. Molllne MlUer and Pose i Colorado. Xeumagen. .Miss Lillian Fuller will leave Messrs. Leon FechenbaCh. Edgar wek for a several m W trip to Ashner. Henrr Miller. Aleic WelsberR. Shr-veport and Mansfield Alvln Loeb. Paul 3. Mnier. M. Philip- Mr. Robert Martin, a prominent son, Joe Btone. Louis Toblansty and! young lawyer of Little Rock. Ark.. Gus Hlrscb of Dallas, James vValtRian, pent a few dnys with Mr. and Mrs. TTill Friedman, Phil Eagle, J. A. Col- R. C. Fuller this week, en route to ton. IL Wels. D"yschon. S. B. Epstein Amarlllo. of Houston. B. Waling. Roy OernsbnchMrs. B. Rooms left Wednesday er. Ben Levy, Roth. Bern's Benldlct. for a visit C. Mineral Wells. In Abo II. Hart of Waco, and Meredith Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry and son, and David R. Corb. Lynn, left Thursday for a two weeks The chaperons of the evening were stay In MeKlnner. Mmes. D. H. Kaene and N. Stelfel Mr. Jack D. Gowin Is spending his and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Houston. vacation In Detroit. Mich. at . Miss Mae Taylor and brother, Mr. Wednesday Whlsl Club. Oscar Taylor, Have Issued Invitations Mrs. O. TV. Covington was the very for a dance to be given Aug. IT, hostess of the Wednesday Lake Erie.


Shirt Waists) *y rr
$1.19 to $1.98) j Q) Q
Come in Saturday and supply your.waist needs for the balance of the summer at less than half price. Waists of sheer lawns, batistes and crossbarred muslin.' With yokes of allover lace and trimmed sleeves and collar; S1-9R, Sl-45 ami $1-25 values for 75^ Waists of madras, lawns and batistes, tailored 1 effects with mannish cuffs and collars. These are in white and colors; 1.69 and $f.i9 values for 75> Waists of lawn with solid back and front of allover embroidery, trimmed with lace and tucks; $1.19 and St \a values for ijgl


oilfi ^Dresses..)
These are made of rajah, messaline, taffeta and foulards and are the princess empire, full length waist lines and straight line models. Some are strictly tailored, while others are tastily trimmed in hand embroidery, braiding, pipings, Persian effects, lace and net yokings and buttons. This comprises our entire line; regular values Si3.50 to S45.00. Choose Saturday


Salf 3*rice

Jl Slory of Love and Jldtienlurc

I condition Is that the shutters of tho mine than I should If you ewgEcsteC were worn out. but his waa stin far j windows looking on the road must not I that 1 might-cut your throat." better than mine, eo It was safer that \ be opened, lest the owner should pass 'That Is true, sir." he should go no farther. That Is the | that way.'* , Tnmtnaso spoke ulmost humbly, for whole story, sir. I waa over the fronI -I understand, rlr." said Tommaso,jhe fe| t that It It should occur to tho tier before morning. , grinning acaln. "I dare say the manlliravl to exercise their "branch of tho Gambardella smiled while Tommaso - B y F . M a r i o n Grawt o r d j Is deaf at nlxht." I profeelon" uiion him. he should have .-ent on shaving him. nnd Trombln j "Only at night. Tommaso. but then; mi more chauee of Hfn than n kitten augh-d a* If the Jest were very good. 'oompleicly so." answered Tromblu. nninnir bloodhound*. lie was stront; "It was not strictly In your branch (Continued from yrsterday.) uefcea an orange to savo his 1 ^ oe- "\-ou will saytbat aseiitlcman of for-land active, no doubt, and could ttso cf the profession, Tommaso." he /aid. Both the Bravl vera ot opinion (hat cause his long nose waa directly In thai tune desires the uso of the Ultle livuseimost wranons fairly well but he bad but under the circumstances you actwith tho keys, from neither' with great Nevertheless, A Uttla fruit taken In tha morning was "ay;a he ate^crjerrles^ slowly, and looked [for-a week, to the twenty-eighth the Irr.aM'-r*, the endurance or his terrible ed an extreme fact avoid ahnvtng even hlrd " twenty-first' or nor t!-.t'lr ruireme'%kl'l in In ~ " "" of ease, Don cooling- to the blood In spring. Trom- e large brownnaak.^ prey peeking! " i ,. , j n c l n S ; a, for uiklng them unawo / lherto-!n that manner, for thero Is no ; btn had cut n hole. In thn top of an tjhem with his said between two! ''At one npostollo florin a dsy," put .they never rvsted without bolting thejr lelllng what tho, consequences might oran and waa solemnly nicklnf- it tapped at tho en-,In Gambardella. I doors, and when they walked abroad be If he were found with his throat cut & proevsa for which his small, round "Hut you must on no account let him they never heard footsteps behind n the little houso In Via dl Santa Sa; month cmed to be expressly, form*. names." said Trombln. "VouI them without looking around, nor bin*!"" I have seen him, sirs." Tommajo know ourhim [ and his pink check*, contracted anfl excan give panoVd ltk% little bellow* AM he a1t*r- said, after shutting the door behlAdl tarr,e*t monr>- two florins in hand Bvjpssaed the corner of a narrow street 1 * the of -it's thousand gold <To b- continued.) r.nt*\f drew In the sweet Juice and toe* him. on theaeve of St John. IlorU'g^in' ~**'One Is quite enoach," interrupted I without drawing toward allowmiddle for ; the road far enough to room cash lMm to breath. Oambanlella could not have meet him behind the oaptlstrjcof the Gambardella, sword play. A poor fellow like TOtnNotice to Housekeepers "Be guided by your JuJcment. Tom- | mwo who had epeot liln early years Lateran a t tho first hour of the night moSSO." said Trombln, beginning to cut as Valet to a churchman, would make and r*_ko him to tha house." * "Buster Brown Bread" has been a hole In another orange. "1 take ynu but a poor figure, against such men In placed on the market and while this "Well done." aa!d Gambardella.^ Trombln nodded his approy-eV lot fXo bo a sensible and economical per- a fight for he was proud enough to I- tho only milk bread sold In tort he i still at work on his torange son, but we must not lose tho use of be allowed to helji them, almost with- Worth, besides costing more to proand was well aware that If the con- the Acnse for the sake of a florin or out a thought of prollt and their mon- duce than any other, the price will tact were btoken for purposes of two. for I dnro say you havo guessed ey would be as safe In his hands as be only ,1 cents per loaf. speech before the fruit was' dry, the what we need tho house for." it would be In Chief* bank. I would like every housekeeper to Brown Break." for I beHe was to obey tbenj blindly, rfecUoa of the satisfaction would to "Partly, sir, partly. No doubt 1 am too. which ready what they wanted, for try "Busterwill be regular customers, take the young gentleman there on was lieve they seriously compromised. tho plan they had at last decided upon as it Is the best bread made, and for Tommaso." Gambardeua continued, the eve of St. John." other will one, end would certhink you know Rome well. Are do"res, among Indeed, things, you you was a complicated anything went wrong every 100 "Buster Brown" labels a' dethat. But Tommaso. tainly miscarry If licious leyer cako will be given free. you aware that In the Via dl Santa extraIn waa Fablna there Is a small house which yourself will be 6urprlsed at Ihowill do Curing the night thewhich Itband, to be Don't forget to order our calces tornrrleu out. on other they day, as your grocer will deliver you s always uninhabited, except In th- ordinary number of things you month of October, when the owner on that evening, all to your great ad- C-I.I not trust Mm enough to tell him for Sunday** dinner. vantage; It Is to t-U what they to do. though gos there himself to s- hie wine you everything not in my power fellow, to trust tomeant promises that he bad P/fDACE o r SWEETS. now, my good their Ortenmade? Do you happen to remember John I t Gauflln. Pror. because I am going to enjoy this si.ii should be already a prisoner In the that house?" orange hi my usual way. by mean* of little house In Vte dl Santa Sablna "Xo. sir,'- answered tha ex-htghway- suction. Hut you shall know all In when be should bring Don Alberto to man. whose admiration for his em- geod time, all In good time. Tommaso." the door; and he knew that, if thev PEARL SHOE BUTTONS his only chance of aafety would wide knowledge Increased During Change of Life, ployers' "But I can easily find it. for Therewith Trombln opened hfc round fallcd. Instant flight before young Al- CONSIDERED DAINTY He In dally. It le lonely place." eyes to their fullest esloiit. clapped ills says Mrs. Cnas. Barclay I know the road. place-a aia Trombln, lips to the aperture he had rut In the tlerl could havo him laid by the heels hi prison. Neither tho money nor the "A very lonely peel, and grasping the fruit firmly with papal snfo conduct would bo forthWomen flo not seem to Gnmiteville. V t " I was passing at last detaching himself from the both hand-, h* began the long ami de- coming ltnlll the young noble bad actu- with hoes of every hue lie content nnd mlor, yellow shell which waa through theCbanncof IJfeandsnUered shriveled left "f the orange. "It Isall licious process of extracting the juice. ally seen Orlensia In the little house. !hap and style thnt nre now to popthat was fn "^from nervousness lonely that I may say there Is never "And as you will have to receive the ular JQ footwear.-1ut they are fiolng B^SSSEa'S andotherannoyiui; any one there and there Is rarely any thounin-l gold .hunts from Don AlberAfter the last words be bad spoken, In for unliuo buttons. symptoms, and I one within hexrlnic after dark. No to." said Gnmbardolla, speaking to Tommaso quietly prepared to shave Our grandmothers and mothers n^vvery enbwhile finnear at night. mSsivJggii<*m&<can truly .iy that thief goes becausethat road never any Tommaso, "you will havo uFor though Gambardella second Trombln wa had er thought of anything in the shoe but stan'.Ial guarantee In band. ishing the orange. Ho there Is i's Tommaso. we shall never bo far from you on brought hot water with him in a bright ton line but the black, white, and nlso which Com- one to rob. Most people B re foot rTB 1 .' V e g e t a b l e proved Tommaso. and suppose that robbei that evening, we shall not be able to copper can. and he now proceeded to brown buttons, as well cla**><--d as walking pound bas lurk In lonely and unfrequented spot hinder you from running away and tie n large towel round Gambardella'* evening slipper worth mountains where .they could not possibly find a robbing us if you choose to do ao." neck, after which he made a rich lath For years the pearl-shoe deservo such enllnnsly rubbed Into the Hravo's bard aS-'v of gold to me, as it purse to cut Therefor-. a 8 we nre no an"What have I doivj to the ex-hlgh- er of Spanish soap, which lie conacl button th* last twointo prominence anf has come restored my health fool*, Tommaso. but very Intelligent Insinuation?" asked onw must admit that !t Is quite nttrac persons, we feel quite *cure in such wayn-.nn Indignantly, for he felt that brown che-ks and sinewy throat BBVW^a K ^ and s t r e n g t h . I Places. Do you fully underst of all. he stropped his raxor with the live on a dnlnty shoe. Ms honor was satl-o. never fonret to tell olr ard flourish of nu accomplished i ***i my friends what meaning, TommasoT' "Nothing* whatever." answered the barber and set to work. llrav.i calmly, "ami I Insinuated nothI.ydiaK.I'inkham'a "I have practiced a part of what you shock your sensibiliVegetable Compound lias done for me preach, sir." answered Tommaso with ing that should man. Tho profession Trombln finished bis orange an. SKIN A SUFFERER ties, my good looked oil. during thla trying period. Complete a grin. DURING SUMMER has two branches, to one to which we "Did yon ever tut a man's throat restoration to health means so much "No doubt. Very good. Tommaso. belong; while you have followed the were t o m e that for the sake of other suffer- When you have found the house go on other. We tike lives; you tako purse*, wiill- sroti asked shaving him, TomIdly. Tlie skin is a sufferer j n summer ing women I am willing to make my some distance further, say a hundred and you should not feel any more hurt maso?" he "Only sir," Tommaso answered trouble public eo you mar pnblisii steps or so. and you win see a door It at my sucgesilng that you might take quietly, once, he turned Gambnrdella't from many caus-cs, besides the. hot sun. and Ono of the chW sources of discomfort this letter."MRS. CIIAS. IIARCLAT, the wall, which evidently glvea ncce; head a little on one side, in order to is dust. This is particularly bad if on* R-F.D.,Granlteville. Vt. to the vineyard. Th door was paint get below- his law. must live In the city nnd RO back nnd ed red when [ lat saw It. Verhap' Xo otner medicine for wom.-.n's ills "Why did you do Itr* inquired Trom forth to husfnrss In open street can. yo u will find It ajar, but If not. knock has received such wide spread and unbin. dipping the tips of his large pink I>o not to remove this dust finders into a lSiwl of water and care- with cold attempt Carry In your bag a qualified endorsement. Xo other med- two or thre, times with the head of' your stick, not roughly nor noielly. but lllllv rinsing bis Up*. i email tube water. icine we know of has snch a record of cleansing cream or n phial "It was to sav*. my neck. sir. The of cares of female ills as has Lydia E. In a sober fashion; and then wait a while, and If nobody comas, knock man was one of the cleverest shlrrl I of rose water nnd glycerin ofmixed. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. these again. If you csnnot get In today, col ever had after me. but he did not Wipe off-the face with either For more than 80 years It lias l>een back tomorrow and the nest day. The] know me bv sight. It was In the curing female complaints such as b*st lime Is a little before noon, wheni March of AanroPtt. at a small village 'inflammation, ulceration, local weak- the man Is not yet a t dinner." near Fermn. Ho bad tracked me all THINK THIS OVER. that millions of peoplebay, us* the way from Modena. and ho came to nesses, fibroid tumors. Irregularities, "Or asleep." suggested Totnma'o. W nffcr your you snd recommend themBut that's the Inn on the evening of the third day. use a large bottle money back It Hair 'periodic pains, backache, indigestion "Precisely. When h- lets you In. talkyou fan a box nowtake as of lleiall "S3" He sent for the village barber berore and nervous prostration, and it is you will know him. because he bas a directed tn-niijht and gel the proo/ be !iad supper but the harher was a Tonic and are not satlsfle.1 with what .unequalled for carrying women safely reddish beard that l turning white on In tho morningAfter you know friend of mine and was hiding me. and It does for you. We do this because through the period of change of life, th- left side. |f* cultivates the vine- CASCAKETS you'll never be lie let me go in hi- place. I told the It seldom falls to effect n cuntplet<> ruro i t costs but little to try Lydia K. yard, and the owner takes naif the without them. landlord or the Irn that I wa the b.-.r- of dandruff, scalp irritation and falln produce: but for i tier's new apprentice, and so I was ad- ing linlr. Can you ask a better arguPinkham's Vegetable Compound, and, man lets the small a consideration th" house In the Via dl mitted to shave the officer In his own ment why you should try It? Two asMrs.Barclaysays,it is "worth moun, Santa Sablna to persons who are fond sites. SOc and J1.00. Covey i . Martin. .Wins of gold to suilering women. of vineyards and solitude, Tha. i>nlr itr* i > full i " Tri"i i"i .; i-hiffi'ii'.


It's Easy Enough to Be Pleasant"

Even if it is 100 degrees'* or more in the? shade, if1 your kitchen is eqmpped with all the modern conveniences. If you



Use a Gas RANGE

We need not tell yoil what a boon it is to the busy housekeeper. It is convenient and economical and you only use the belt when you need it.

Fort Worth Light & Power Co.

Ninth and Rusk. Both Phones 20S

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stand It a glycerin soap Is a good pensnblef


S c h e or ucaer l e du One-half mile

1 or i passengers Esch quarter mile there after > 10a Each, five minutes car Is held walling... Night Rates Same No charges made stance be Iwern garage ana starting DOlnt Ulndlr report to



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Fort Worth TaxicabSCompany FORT W O R T H , T E X A .


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