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Global warming poem

Group members: Shiva Ramlal, Tyler Ramnath, Shakir Robinson, Jaheim Clarke, Rhys Maharaj, Riyad

Stop littering instead try recycling

Reduce driving instead try biking
if the shop down the road
walk, because you ain’t a toad
we must care for earth
like our friends Ernie and Bert
because the day we stop
This little earth going to pop

The problem is we don’t care we just turn our ear

This global warming is very serious and not that mysterious
We have no timing, We only liming
Going to parties with 4 to 5 car
Come on what you think we are
we are merely sharing a space this is a disgrace

Fire curtains
Sweeping the land in blazes
What about our plants and trees
Earth needs some peace
global warming might already be here
but climate change is already here

Global warming is a serious threat

That can leave us with serious debt
so lets make a bet and promise not to forget
That activities like burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests
Makes plant earth not want to be our host

Soon our earth will go ghost”

that is not something to boast
we are killing ourselves and earth without realizing
Lets work together and stop the temperatures from rising
if we work together as one we can put an end to this stupidness

Could there be global warming

on such a beautiful morning
or is it just a lie
to blind us as our earth dies

stanza1-shiva stanza6-riyad

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