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Good afternoon viewers, back with us on Duo News TV, I am Nindy Silvi and my patner Farid
Adinata on Thursday, March 6 2022 will accompany you in this afternoon with the latest and
most reliable news that we will summarize in the Daily News this afternoon.

This afternoon we will present the latest news regarding the palm oil crisis in Indonesia. With
the first news, namely Mrs. Megawati's response which drew a lot of criticism, the second was
the increase in palm oil prices due to people hoarding palm oil.

The first news will be delivered by Farid Adinata

Recently, the public was excited about the statement by PDIP General Chair Megawati
Soekarno Putri with her response to each housewife who are lining up for palm oil.

"The expression of former president of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarno Putri who
said that cooking is not just frying, it can be replaced by cooking or boiling has been widely
discussed. The video, which was taken in the webinar "Prevent Stunting for the Golden
Generation" on Friday, March 18, 2022, has received a lot of criticism. Even the video went viral
and became trending on Twitter in no more than a day. Because of these problem its causes
some people to get line up for cheap cooking oil”

Her words were also considered less ethical by the community than changing or balancing oil
prices. A number of netizens even politician protested loudly on social media even in real lives
and start questioning why she is state her opinion. And here are some critics from politician and
citizens for Megawati’s statement
Cite from and tvOneNews PDI chairman Magawati Soekarno Putri harvested
criticism after commenting on cooking oil, in the midst of the pace and height of cooking oil in
Indonesia, Megawati was surprised to see mothers queuing for cooking oil and frying too much,
Megawati also said if her deceased husband giving order to queue in cooking oil terms she said
she will do another way for cooking instead of frying this cause the attention from The Director
of the Coffee Survey Institute, Kunto Adi Wibowo, assessed that Megawati's political
communication this time was assessed careless so that people in various regions are in difficult
conditions for months because of the scarcity of cooking oil but he think Megawati According to
Kunto Megawati, trying to divert the cooking oil problem should replace the position of the
Minister of Trade Muhammad Luthfi as a target for public shooting and being speculated how
far the gap of an elite people and mediocre citizens. In connection with this, several people
have expressed their complaints and questions regarding this issue Sumarni, says is the meal
based on fry why did we need to baked or boil? Megawati also ask how the citizens will fed their
family if their times is only used in queue for cooking oil . According to Sandra, it is for the sake
of her family that she is willing to queue for cooking oil. Megawati proclaimed herself that she is
fell symphatic for the Indonesian People in terms of cooking oil, and many citizens speak their
aspiracy for decreasing cooking oil prize

The second news will be delivered by Nindy Silvi.

The Resort Police (Polres) Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan confiscate more than 31.000
pieces of palm oil that suspect hoarding in one of the ware-house, on Friday 4th march 2022.

“Cite video from Kompas, a total of 31,320 pieces of palm oil with different brands are
suspected of being hoarded by the unscrupulous since a year ago when there was a shortage
and high price of palm oil. The warehouse owner has been appointed a suspect in this case.
This made a scarcity of palm oil and people struggled to get palm oil. As in the folk market held
by the Bengkulu provincial government, hundreds of people queue to get palm oil. Even the
queue was already going on before the market opened. A total of 7000 liters are sold at a retail
price 14,000 rupiahs per liter. Each buyer can only buy as much as 2 liters and as a token, they
must dip the ink in their hands. In less than 2 hours, the palm oil was sold out. The one of
residents admitted that it had been 2 weeks since palm oil was very difficult to find. Several
traders in the Legi market Jombang said similar things about the scarcity and increasing price of
palm oil.”
That's all the news we can convey this afternoon. The news was also the cover for DuoNews
TV. I'm Nindy Silvi, and I'm Farid Adinata, goodbye.

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