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5th Article of faith

Life after death

Believe in life after death , which pertain to the day of judgment , bodily
resurrection , hell and heaven , is one of the articles of faith in Islam . A man’s
life on this earth ends with death , after which another life begins is the state of
Barzakh , which is an intermediate state in which the soul is placed after death
till the resurrection .

Immediately after death the lesser judgment or (Quyamah Sughra) takes place,
after which the righteous are tasting the fruit of their good deeds while the evil
doers have to taste the evil consequences of their wrong deeds .

The Quran describe the events of the last day in a very clear language . It says that
at a time known only to Allah this world will be brought to an end with a
deafening noise . The earth will split a part and become a level stretch , the
mountains will crumble to dust and fly here and there like wool . The sun will be
folded up ,the moon will be in darkness , the stars will become dim and fall , the
oceans will boil over and burst forth . All landmarks on this earth will be lost ,the
world will cease to be in the form we see now .

All those who alive on earth at that time will die . Then the bodies will be raised
from graves and rejoined with souls . All human will then stand before Allah to
give an account of their actions in this world .

The two states of heaven and hell are not spiritual . They will be experienced in
physical form by the new bodies with which Allah will raise men up .

It obvious that a person who has lived his life in submission to Allah is in an
entirely different state from the one who has lived in rebellion and ingratitude to
Allah .
6th Article of faith

Allah’s predestination and decree

Another article of faith in Islamic believe is faith in destiny ; its good and evil . The
Arabic word for destiny , Qadar implies the measuring out of something or fixing a
limit to it . The basic concept of the word Taqdir that this universe and everything
contained therein is the outcome of planning and will of the creator .

Allah ‘s knowledge encompasses all things , possible and impossible . He is

eternally and absolutely knowing of everything .

Allah created man with certain powers , which he could exercise under certain
limitations and it is the exercise of these powers that produce good or evil .

Allah has endowed man with numerous other powers that may be used for good
or for evil . He has given human beings freedom lf choice for their action , but He
has also made them responsible for what they do as He shown them the
difference between right and wrong .

Allah ‘s knowledge , will and power are absolute and unbounded , therefore , He
knows the result of all events before their occurrence . A human being does not
have access to this knowledge and he acts in accordance with desire from within
which makes him responsible for this deeds and he is then happy or unhappy with
consequences .
Five Pillars of Islam

Meaning and importance :

The basic of the Islamic teaching and way of life are various obligatory acts of
worship , Ibadat that are often refer to the five pillars of Islam . Which consist of :

1. Shahadah : Declaration that none deserve to be worshiped except Allah and

Mohammed (bpbuh) is his slave and apostle .

2.Alsalah : The prescribed prayer , five times a day .

3. Alzakah : Obligatory charity ,helping the needy by giving them alms .

4. Alsawm : Fasting during the month of Ramadan .

5. Alhajj : Pilgrimage to Makkah . If the circumstances permit .

The purpose of the Islamic worship is to strengthen the Muslim faith and sense of
submission to Allah , to discipline a Muslim for his role as Allah’s faithful servant
vicegerent on earth , and reinforce the ties of brotherhood and affection among
Muslims .


Declaration of faith

‫ورسولهعبده محمدان واشهداللهالا اله لاان اشهد‬

“ I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness That Mohammed
is his servant and apostle “

The first part of the declaration is faith in the unity of Allah and a constant theme
of the holy Quran . It is repeatedly mention as basic principle of Islam and all the
religion .The declaration attest not only to the oneness of Allah , but it also
signifies the oneness of Lordship , the sovereignty and authority in the universe
and in this world .The second part of the declaration “Mohammed is his slave and
apostle “ shows its inseparable relation to the first. After acknowledge Allah as
our master and sovereign , it is necessary to know that for this propose Allah
appointed Mohammed (bpbuh) as his messenger and sent Quran through him .
He is the model for every muslim without whom we would have no idea of how to
conform to the truth laid down by the first part of the declaration

2. Al salah – Prayer

Importance of prayer :

The importance of prayer in Islam is great as it is the foremost duty of the muslims
, and the chief of the pillars on which the structure of Islam stands .It is the
distinguishing feature between a muslim and non- muslim .

Observance of prayer five times a day is compulsory .Basically it consists of

recitation of the Holy Quran and glorification of Allah accompanied by various
bodily postures ,such as standing ,bowing , prostrating and sitting . Through these
postures , muslim express submission , adoration and humility to Allah

The self –discipline which is needed to perform salah regularly and at proper time
,to perform the ablution which precedes prayer and carry on these prayer in early
morning when sleep is so attractive , during the busy daylight hours when one is
preoccupied with work and other activities , and at night when one is tired and
want to sleep reaffirms the human being’s total dependence in on his creator and
his position as his slave .

Cleanliness – Methods and Conditions

A true muslim must be pure and clean in mind , body and heart . Islam enjoins
strict cleanliness and purity on its followers .

In the light of the Quranic verses and traditions , it become clear that a person
should be clean inwardly as well as outwardly at all times , especially at the time of
saying prayers . Inward purification is to rid the mind of all corrupt idea and evil
thoughts . Outward purification is attained by taking a bath or performing ablution

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