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SESSION (2022-2023)

Q1.Explain Electrovalent, covalent and coordinate bond with example.

2. Draw the electron dot diagram of the following
a. Hydronium ion b. Hydroxyl ion c. Ammonium ion d. Methane
3.Why carbon tetra chloride doesn’t dissolve in water.?
4. Give two examples of each-
a. Solid covalent compound
b. Liquid non-polar compounds.
5. Give two example of each of the following- Oxyacid , hydra acid , tribasic acid and dibasic acid.
6. Dilute HCl acid is stronger than highly concentrated acetic acid. Why?
7. What do you mean by the acidity of base and basicity of acid?
8. Write three physical properties of each acid and base.
9. Define Universal indicator and PH scale.
10. HCl, HNO3, C2H5OH C6H12O6 all contain H atomsbut only HCl and HNO3 show acidic character.
11. Name the following ---
a. Abasic oxide which is soluble in water.
b. A base which is not an alkali.
12.Dry HCl gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper. Why?
13. Write balanced equation----
a. Acid + Active metal-- salt + hydrogen.
b. Acid + sulphide- Salt + hydrogen sulphide.
14. Write the formula of the following—
Anhydrous Iron ( III) chloride , green vitriol, White vitriol .
15. Explain Neutralisation of insoluble base with example.
16. How would you prepare calcium sulphate from calcium carbonate.
17. Define with example dehydrating agent, deliquescent, Efflorescence.
18.What do you mean by qualitative and qualitative analysis?
19. Write the probable colour of the following salts .
Copper salts. Calcium salts, Ammonium salts., Ferric salts.
20. Write the chemical reaction in which ammonia solution is added first drop wise and then in excess with
CuSO4 solution.
Project / practical file-
Chemistry project work
Identification of gases and compounds
1 Hydrogen chloride
2 Carbon dioxide
3 Ammonia
4 Copper sulphate
5 Ammonium chloride
Note:- Students will write the given experiment in their practical file.
Question 1- Solve the given equation 15y2 – 19y + 6 = 0
Question 2- solve the given quadratic equation 8x2 – 22x + 12 =
Question 3 - Solve the inequation: 3 – 2x ≥ x – 12 given that x N.
Question 4 - Find the largest value of x for which 2(x – 1) ≤ 9 – x and x W.
Question 5 - Given x {whole numbers}, find the solution set of:
-1 ≤ 3 + 4x < 23
Question 6-Solve the quadratic equation 2x2 + x – 528 = 0, using quadratic formula.
Question 7- Find the roots of x2 + 4x + 5 = 0, if any exist, using quadratic formula.
Question 8- Solve the quadratic equation 2x2+ x – 300 = 0 using factorisation.
Question 9 - Rahul and Rohan have 45 marbles together. After losing 5 marbles each, the product of the
number of marbles they both have now is 124. How to find out how many marbles they had to start with.
Question 10- Find the value of p so that the quadratic equation px(x – 3) + 9 = 0 has two equal roots.
Question 11 - Find the value of p for which the roots of the equation px(x – 2) + 6 = 0, are equal.
Question 12 –Find that value of p for which the quadratic equation (p + 1)x2 – 6(p + 1)x + 3 (p + 9) = 0, p ≠
-1 had equal roots.
Question13- Find the values of constants a and b when x – 2 and x + 3 both are the factors of expression x3 +
ax2 + bx – 12.
Question 14 - Find the value of a, if x – 2 is a factor of 2x5 – 6x4 – 2ax3 + 6ax2 + 4ax + 8. Find the value of
a, if x – 2 is a factor of 2x5 – 6x4 – 2ax3 + 6ax2 + 4ax + 8.

Question 15- If 25 – 4x ≤ 16, find:

(i) the smallest value of x, when x is a real number, (ii) the smallest value of x,
when x is an integer
Question 16 List the elements of the solution set of the inequation -3 < x – 2 ≤ 9 – 2x; x N.
Question 17
- Solve and graph the solution set of: 3x – 2 > 19 or 3 – 2x ≥ -7, x R
Question 18 Illustrate the set {x: -3 ≤ x < 0 or x > 2, x R} on the real number line.
Question 19 - Solve the inequation, 3x – 11 < 3 where x ∈ {1, 2, 3, ……, 10}. Also, represent its solution on
a number line.
Question 20 -. Given that x ∈ I, solve the inequation and graph the solution on the number line:
3 ≥ (x – 4)/2 + x/3 ≥ 2
Question 21 - Solve the following inequation and graph the solution on the

number line. X∈R .

Question 22- Solve the following inequation, write down the solution set and represent it on the real number
-2 + 10x ≤ 13x + 10 ≤ 24 + 10x, x ∈ Z

1.Survey of various types of Bank accounts , rate of interest offered
2.Comparative newspaper coverage of different items
3..Planning a home budget
4.. To Use a newspaper to study and report on shares and dividends.
5.. Conduct a survey in your locality To study the mode of conveyance/ Price of various essential
commodities / Favorite sports. Represent the data using Bar graph / histogram And estimate the
Note:-Project will be prepared under following sequence .
• Index number
• Introduction
• Acknowledgement
• Topic
• Sub-topics
• Conclusion
• Bibliography

##Some basic guidelines for preparing the project

1. Students complete their project on the 3 topic out of the given 5 topics.
2. size of the project of at least 25 pages
3. The project should be covered with a black chart paper.
4. Student will send the PDF of the project to the concern subject teacher and keep the file With you
and whenever it requires you submit the file in school.
5. The student Paste the pictures at the appropriate place and correct order
1. What is OOPs?
2. Difference between Procedural programming and OOPs?
3. What are the basic concepts of OOPs?
4. What is Encapsulation?
5. What is Abstraction?
6. What is method overloading?
7. Types of Inheritance in OOPS
8. What is an object?
9. Why is Java a platform independent language?
10. What do you understand by an instance variable and a local variable?
11. What are the default values assigned to variables and instances in java?
12. What are the differences between JVM, JRE and JDK in Java?
13. What is casting?
14. What is the default value of local variables in Java?
15. What are the primitive data types in Java ?
Question 1: Define a class Electric Bill with the following specifications:
Instance Variable/ data member:
String n – to store the name of the customer
int units – to store the number of units consumed
double bill – to store the amount to paid Member methods:
Void accept() – to accept the name of the customer and number of units consumed
Void calculate() – to calculate the bill as per the following tariff :
Number of units Rate per unit
First 100 units Rs.2.00
Next 200 units Rs.3.00
Above 300 units Rs.5.00

A surcharge of 2.5% charged if the number of units consumed is above 300 units. Void print() – To print
the details as follows : Name of the customer ……… Number of units consumed …… Bill amount
……. Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods.

Question 2:
Define a class named BookFair with the following description:
Instance variables/Data members:
String Bname – stores the name of the book.
double price – stores the price of the book.
Member Methods:
(i) BookFair() – Default constructor to initialize data members.
(ii) void Input() – To input and store the name and the price of the book.
(iii) void calculate() – To calculate the price after discount. Discount is calculated based on the following
Less than or equal to Rs 1000 2% of price
More than Rs 1000 and less than or equal to Rs 3000 10% of price
More than Rs 3000 15% of price
(iv) void display() – To display the name and price of the book after discount. Write a main method to
create an object of the class and call the above member methods.

Question 3: An electronics shop has announced the following seasonal discounts on the purchase of
certain items:
Purchase amount in Rs. Discount on Laptop Discount on Desktop PC
0 – 25000 0.0% 5.0%
25001 – 57000 5.0% 7.6%
57001 – 100000 7.5% 10%
More than 100000 10.0% 15.0%
Write a program based on the above criteria to input name, address, amount of purchase and the type of
purchase (L for Laptop and D for Desktop) by a customer. Compute and print the net amount to be paid
by a customer along with his name and address. (Hint: Discount = (discount rate / 100) * amount of
purchase, Net amount = amount of purchase – discount)

Question 4:
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric book identifier which is printed on
every book. The ISBN is based upon a 10-digit code. The ISBN is legal if: 1 × digit1 + 2 × digit2 + 3 ×
digit3 + 4 × digit4 + 5 × digit5 + 6 × digit6 + 7 × digit7 + 8 × digit8 + 9 × digit9 + 10 × digit10 is
divisible by 11. Example: For an ISBN 1401601499, sum = 1 × 1 + 2 × 4 + 3 × 0 + 4 × 1 + 5 × 6 + 6 × 0
+ 7 × 1 + 8 × 4 + 9 × 9 + 10 × 9 = 253 which is divisible by 11.

Write a program to: (i) Input the ISBN code as a 10-digit integer. (ii) If the ISBN is not a 10-digit
integer, output the message ―Illegal ISBN‖ and terminate the program. (iii) If the number is divisible by
11, output the message ―Legal ISBN‖. If the sum is not divisible by 11, output the message ―Illegal

Question 5:
Write a program to input a number and print whether the number is a special number or not. (A number
is said to be a special number, if the sum of the factorial of the digits of the number is same as the
original number).
Example: 145 is a special number, because 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145. (Where ! stands for
factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that
number, example 5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120)

Question 6:
Using the switch statement, write a menu-driven program for the following:
(i) To print the Floyd’s triangle given below:
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
(ii) To display the following pattern:
For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed.

Question 7:
Write a program to input and store roll numbers, names and marks in 3 subjects of n number of students
in five single-dimensional arrays and display the remark based on average marks as given below:
Average marks = Total Marks ÷ 3
Average Marks Remark
85 - 100 EXCELLENT
40 - 59 PASS
Less than 40 POOR
The maximum marks in the subject are 100.

Question 8:
Shasha Travels Pvt. Ltd. gives the following discount to its customers: Ticket Amount Discount Above
Rs. 70000 18% Rs. 55001 to Rs. 70000 16% Rs. 35001 to Rs. 55000 12% Rs. 25001 to Rs. 35000 10%
Less than Rs. 25001 2% Write a program to input the name and ticket amount for the customer and
calculate the discount amount and net amount to be paid. Display the output in the following format for
each customer:
S.No. Name Ticket charges Discount Net amount

Assume that there are 15 customers, first customer is given the serial number 1, next customer 2… and
so on.

Question 9:
Special words are those words which starts and ends with the same letter. Examples: EXISTENCE
COMIC WINDOW Palindrome words are those words which read the same from left to right and vice-
versa. Examples: MALAYALAM MADAM LEVEL ROTATOR CIVIC All palindromes are special
words, but all special words are not palindromes. Write a program to accept a word and check and print
whether the word is a palindrome.

Question 10:
Write a program in Java to accept a string in lowercase and change the first letter of every word to
uppercase. Display the new string.

Sample INPUT : we are in cyber world

Sample OUTPUT : We Are In Cyber World
Make the project on any one of the topic below.
a. Environment
b. Wildlife sanctuary
c. Transport

Answer the following question

1. Define scale and RF
2. What does white colour indicates in toposheet
3. What are contour and contour intervals
4. What does dry stream and broken grounds indicates
5. What are form lines
6. What is fire line
7. Why kanyakumarihasequiable climate?
8. Give three sources of rain in Punjab
9. What is soil profile
10. Name different types of soil found in India.
11. What is pedogenesis
12. What is on shore wind
13. What is off shore winds
14. Why western part of Maharashtra receive more rainfall.
15. What is open scrub
16. Difference between north and South alluvial plain
17. Difference between khadar and bhangar soil
18. What does benchmark indicates
19. What is brackish
20. Define soil.
PROJECT WORK( Do any one of the following)

1.Present a life sketch and contributions of any of the following President’s of India
a) Dr Rajendra Prasad.
b) Dr S Radhakrishnan
c) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
2. Prepare a report on the contributions on any of the following agencies of the United Nations. UNESCO
3. Present a book review of any of the following works.
a) DadabhaiNaroji Poverty and Un-British rule
b) Gandhiji - The story of my experiment with truth
c) Pandit Nehru - Discovery of India
Answer the following questions:
1. What is a federal system of Government ?
2. What is the composition of the Indian parliament?
3. What is a quorum?
4. What is an adjournment motion ?
5. Mention any two qualifications to be a member of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
6. What is a parliamentary constituency?
7.How is the Lok Sabha speaker elected?
8. What is a money bill?
9.What is meant by budget?
10. What is an anti defection act?

Q1 What was Nanasaheb’s grievance against the British ?

Q 2 Briefly explain the doctrine of lapse .
Q 3 What were the terms and conditions of General Enlistment Act 1856?
Q4 What was the immediate cause of the first war of Independence?
Q5 Name any two states annexed by the doctrine of lapse.
Q6 Who got the new title of viceroy?
Q7 Mention the economic causes that led to the revolt of 1857.
Q8 On what grounds was Awadh annexed by the British.
Q9 Mention two military causes of the revolt of 1857.
Q10 When and where was the first war of Indian Independence started ?
Q1) When does a body rotate? Give suitable example to explain your answer.
Q2) Why is it easier to open a door by applying the force at the free end of it.
Q3) What do you understand by term couple? State its effect.
Q4) Prove Moment of Couple = force x Couple arm
Q5) State principle of moments. Give one device as application of it.
Q6) A nut is opened by wrench length 10cm. If least force required is 5N. Find moment of force needed to
turn the nut.
Q7) A uniform meter rule pivoted at mid-point. A weight of 50gf is suspended at one end. Where should a
weight of 100gf be suspended to keep the rule horizontal.
Q8) A boy weighing 20kgf sits at one end of a 4m long see saw, it gets depressed. How can it be brought to
horizontal position by man weighing 40kgf.
Q9) Explain how you will find center of gravity of a triangular lamina.
Q10) Explain meaning of uniform circular motion. Give an example.
Q11) Give an example with diagram in which speed remains same but velocity changes.
Q12) Differentiate between uniform linear and circular motion.
Q13) Explain motion of a planet around sun in a circular path.
Q14) Why is it difficult to open door by pushing at hinge? Explain.
Q15) A uniform meter rule of mass 80g is to be balanced at 70cm mark. From where must a mass of 60g be
suspended to do so.
Q16) Moment of force is 12N boat fixed point 0 is 6Nm. Calculate distance of point 0 from the line of action
of force.
Q17) Give factors on which moment of force depends.
Q18) Derive work energy theorem.
Q19) Give 3 cases when work done is positive, zero and negative.
Q20) Find the velocity of a body which is acted upon by a force of 10N having power 20W.



Assignments should be based on the prescribed text books on the following lines:

(i) Character/the matic analysis; (Prose)

(ii) Socio-economic, cultural, historical relevance/background; (Prose/Poetry)

(iii) Summary/ paraphrase.(Prose)

(iv) Appreciationofliterary qualities.

(v) Identifying with a character. Putting oneself in the place of a character in given circumstances and

explaining one’sactions. ( Merchant of Venice)

(vi) Imagine alternative outcomes or endings in aliterary piece andthe effecton

Q1. Differentiate between karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
Q2. Explain Metaphase of cell division with suitable diagram.
Q3. What do you mean by crossing over?
Q4 Define synapsis.
Q5. Differentiate between Haploid and Diploid cells .
Q6. Explain cell cycle.
Q7. What do you mean by Homologous chromosomes ?
Q8. Differentiate between Anaphase of Meiosis I and Metaphase of Mitosis .
Q9. Why Meiosis is called reducational cell division.
Q10. Write any three differences between Mitosis and Meiosis .
Q11. What is osmosis?
Q12. Differentiate between osmosis and diffusion
Q13 Differentiate between hypertonic and hypotonic solution.
Q14. Write any three significance of Meiosis.
Q15. Differentiate between cytokinesis of plant cell and animal cell.
Q16. Explain prophase with suitable diagrams.
Q17. Explain plasmolysis.
Q18. Explain turgidity .
Q19. Explain active transport .
Q20. What do you mean by selective permeable membrane?

1 Diffusion by potassium permanganate
2. Osmosis by potato osmometer
हहिंदी ऩररयोजना कायय

ननम्नलऱखित विषयों ऩर ऱगभग ऱगभग 1000 शब्दों में ऩररयोजना कायय तैयार कीजजए-

**कहानी-भेडे और भेड़िए के कहानीकार का ऩररचय, कहानी का उद्देश्य ,शीषयक की साथयकता, कथासार

सिंदर ऱेि ि सव्यिजथथत ढिं ग से सिंबिंधधत धचत्र सहहत तैयार कीजजए।

**कविता मेघ आए के कवि का ऩररचय ,केंद्रीय भाि बताते हए बताइए कक कवि ने ऩीऩऱ, ऱता, ताऱ
तथा नदी शब्दों का प्रयोग ककस-ककस के प्रतीक के रूऩ में ककया है?

**मनष्य ने अऩने सि सविधाओिं के लऱए ननरिं तर प्रकृनत का दोहन ककया जजससे आज मानि
विलभन्न सिंकट का सामना कर रहा है आज उसके समऺ जऱ सिंकट, प्रदष
ू ण, बेरोजगारी, महामारी,
आधथयक तिंगी, अिसाद जैसी समथयाएिं विकराऱ रूऩ में उऩजथथत हो गई है अऩने अनभि के आधार ऩर
विषय को ऱगभग 500 शब्दों में धचत्र सहहत थऩष्ट कीजजए।

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