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1. Name: ________________________________ (optional)

2. Age: _________________________________
3. Sex: a. Male b. Female
4. Educational Qualification: _______________________________________
5. Teaching Experience: _______________________________ (in years)
6. School Level: a. Primary b. Middle c. High
7. Have you attended any teacher trainings? a. Yes b. No
8. If “Yes”, what type of training/s:
9. Name of school: ____________________________________________________________

To study the opinion of school teachers regarding corporal punishments

10. Do you know what corporal punishment is? a. yes b. No
11. Teachers are the only ones who give corporeal punishments to students? a.yes
12. Proctors/Monitors of class are also involved in giving corporeal punishment to their fellows
during school hours? a. yes b. no
13. Senior students of school give corporeal punishment to their junior fellows?
a. yes b. no
14. Parents/Guardians give different type of punishments to their children for education reasons?
a. yes b. no
15. In what type of schools more corporal punishments are given to students?
a. Government b. private c. both are same

16. In schools corporal punishment is mostly used by ?

a. Teacher b. Proctors/PTI, c.senior students d. Watchmen and maids.

e. any other; ________________________________________

17. Students receive more punishment in ?

A: Primary school level B: Secondary school level
C: High school level D: All of above
18. Younger children at schools received more punishment than the older ones? a. yes b. no

Causes and Types of Corporal Punishment given to students

19. Which of the following factors lead to corporal punishments to students?
a: Abusive language b: Lack of interest in study c: Homework d. Disobedience
e: Quarrels f. any other: ______________________________________________
20. According to your opinion which of the following are common in your school.
20.1 Physical punishment

smacking, a. yes throwing, a. yes twisting arms or ears, a. yes b. no
b. no b. no
spanking, a. yes pinching, a. yes forcing the child to stay in uncomfortable or
b. no b. no undignified position, a. yes b. no

kicking, a. yes pulling hair, a. yes forcing the child to take excessive exercise
b. no b. no a. yes b. no
Burning , a. yes giving electric shock, hitting them with different objects such as cane,
b. no a. yes b. no belt, whip, shoe, broom and electric wire,
a. yes b. no
Any other: _________________________________________________________________
20.2 Psychological punishment
verbal abuse Ridicule Isolation Scaring
a. yes b. no a. yes b. no a. yes b. no a. yes b. no
Any other: ___________________________________________________________________

To explore the effects of corporal punishments on psycho-social development of students

21. The impact of the corporal punishment obstructs a students’ psycho social development?
a. yes b. no
22. Corporeal punishment reduces confidence level of child? a. yes b. no

23. Corporal punishment makes a child scared and mentally disturbed? a. yes b. no
24. Corporeal punishment makes student obey the rules and regulation even in the absence of
teacher? a. yes b. no

25. Child who regularly receives corporal punishment develops ?

A: Physical weakness B: psychological weakness C: Both C: None.

26. Due to corporal punishment student.

Feels ashamed a. yes b. No.
Experiences nightmares a. yes b. No.
Loss of appetite a. yes b. No.
Develops inferiority complex. a. yes b. No.
27. Are there any positive effects of corporal punishments on students?
Yes b. No.
28. If “Yes”, please mention.
To analyze the effects of corporal punishments on educational development of students.
29. Corporeal punishment improves student’s academic performance? a. yes b. no

30. Students avoid coming to class when corporeal punishments are given? a. yes b. no
31. The use of corporeal punishment becomes barrier to educational achievement?
a. yes b. no
32. Corporeal punishment increases the risk of drop out for students? a. yes b. no

33. Child who regularly receives corporal punishment becomes weak in studies?
a. yes b. no

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