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OCTOBER 1, 2021

We tackled MODULE 1's general lesson, which comprised lesson 1 about Basic Movement and lesson 2
about Common Injuries and First Aid Therapy. Basic movement patterns are workouts that are classified
based on the biomechanical needs of the human body. Now, much as in the domains of fitness and fasting,
there is significant disagreement regarding what these fundamental changes entail. Most sports scientists,
however, believe that there are nine main movement patterns. Our bodies continue to move without our
being aware of how they do so. We would be immobile if we did not move, which might lead to
misalignment or other disorders. To avoid injuries, we should learn how to properly perform fundamental
motions that we do every day. We are all aware that mobility is a constant in our everyday lives. Muscles
will weaken if we do not move our body, and we may become unwell from certain causes. The walk, run,
jump, lift, crawl, and stretch are frequent movements that should be performed correctly if you want to be
more active in life. If these basic movement activities are not performed correctly, they may result in injury.
Injuries that occur are determined by the places where activities are done as well as the type of activity.
Cramps, fractures, sprains, hyperventilation, and hypothermia are common injuries that can occur while
performing basic movement incorrectly. However, this sort of common injury may be cured with first aid. A
strain occurs when a muscle is pulled in one way while contracting in the other direction, causing damage
to the muscle or tendon. If you have a strain injury, use the R.I.C.E technique. Stretching and strengthening
for your activities might reduce your chance of sprains or strains. By employing a brace, you can improve
the health of the muscles surrounding the damaged joint. Using supportive footwear may also be beneficial.
Cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions that occur in various muscles. These contractions are often
painful and can affect different muscle groups. Commonly affected muscles include those in the back of
your lower leg, the back of your thigh, and the front of your thigh. The intense pain of a cramp can awaken
you at night or make it difficult to walk. Muscle cramp treatment alternatives. To relieve the discomfort of
muscle cramps, apply a hot or cold compress to your aching muscles at the first indication of a spasm.
Muscle cramps can be relieved by stretching the affected muscle. Hyperventilation is a condition in which
you start to breathe very fast. In acute situations of hyperventilation, it is important to maintain calm. It can
be beneficial to have someone with you to guide you through the episode. With your lips pursed, take a
deep breath. Slowly exhale into a paper bag or your cupped hands. Try to breathe into your diaphragm
(belly) rather than your chest. Breathe in for 10 to 15 seconds at a time. Hypothermia is a condition that
occurs when your body temperature drops below 95°F. Cold weather is the primary cause of hypothermia.
When your body is exposed to severely cold temperatures, use warm compresses. Examine the
individual's airway, breathing, and circulation, and then transfer the person to a warmer location, replacing
any damp or restricting clothing with loose, dry clothing. Hyperthermia is an abnormally high body
temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat
coming from the environment. If the person encounter this type of injury try to assist restore hydration, start
consuming water or other electrolyte-containing beverages. Electrolytes, which include calcium, sodium,
and potassium, are substances in the body that keep you hydrated. They help regulate your heart rate,
neuron activity, and muscle health. If your symptoms worsen, get medical attention. A fracture is a break in
the continuity of a bone. A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or
stress. A shattered bone or fracture is an excruciatingly painful injury. For fractured bones, immediate first
assistance is critical. Moving the damaged bones may aggravate the discomfort and bleeding. It may also
cause tissue damage. In this case of treatment, you may apply the R.I.C.E method.

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