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Checking Normality Test

By using the data given please answer the following question.

1. Find the Skewness and Kurtosis value for motivation and attitude according to gender using

GENDER Statistic Std. Error
TOTAL_MOTIVATION MALE Mean 21.4615 .47522
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 20.4261
Mean Upper Bound 22.4970
5% Trimmed Mean 21.4017
Median 21.0000
Variance 2.936
Std. Deviation 1.71345
Minimum 19.00
Maximum 25.00
Range 6.00
Interquartile Range 2.50
Skewness .782 .616
Kurtosis .146 1.191
FEMALE Mean 21.9333 .47275
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 20.9194
Mean Upper Bound 22.9473
5% Trimmed Mean 21.9259
Median 22.0000
Variance 3.352
Std. Deviation 1.83095
Minimum 19.00
Maximum 25.00
Range 6.00
Interquartile Range 3.00
Skewness .274 .580
Kurtosis -.687 1.121
3.00 Mean 21.5000 .50000
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 15.1469
Mean Upper Bound 27.8531
5% Trimmed Mean .
Median 21.5000
Variance .500
Std. Deviation .70711
Minimum 21.00
Maximum 22.00
Range 1.00
Interquartile Range .
Skewness . .
Kurtosis . .
TOTAL_ATTITUDE MALE Mean 21.5385 .53846
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 20.3653
Mean Upper Bound 22.7117
5% Trimmed Mean 21.4872
Median 22.0000
Variance 3.769
Std. Deviation 1.94145
Minimum 19.00
Maximum 25.00
Range 6.00
Interquartile Range 3.00
Skewness .376 .616
Kurtosis -.850 1.191
FEMALE Mean 21.4667 .42389
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 20.5575
Mean Upper Bound 22.3758
5% Trimmed Mean 21.4074
Median 21.0000
Variance 2.695
Std. Deviation 1.64172
Minimum 19.00
Maximum 25.00
Range 6.00
Interquartile Range 3.00
Skewness .794 .580
Kurtosis .154 1.121
3.00 Mean 22.5000 .50000
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 16.1469
Mean Upper Bound 28.8531
5% Trimmed Mean .
Median 22.5000
Variance .500
Std. Deviation .70711
Minimum 22.00
Maximum 23.00
Range 1.00
Interquartile Range .
Skewness . .
Kurtosis . .
2. Check the normality using Shapiro Wilk for both motivation and attitude according to gender
using SPSS.

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
GENDER Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
TOTAL_MOTIVATION MALE .222 13 .081 .929 13 .327
FEMALE .152 15 .200 *
.946 15 .463
3.00 .260 2 .
TOTAL_ATTITUDE MALE .175 13 .200* .922 13 .266
FEMALE .279 15 .003 .910 15 .135
3.00 .260 2 .
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
3. Show the normality of the data using histogram and Q-Q Plot.

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
TOTAL_MOTIVATION .163 30 .040 .929 30 .047
TOTAL_ATTITUDE .163 30 .041 .938 30 .079
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
4. Interpret your data for question 1, 2 and 3. Is the data normal or not normal?

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