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Elementary Unit 11 DVD script

N = Narrator X = Xand C = Chris A = Amanda Ursell

X&C: We’re doctors, brothers and twins. And we both love to eat. Which is
worse for us: fat or sugar?

N: It’s the hottest question in nutrition right now. Is sugar really public
enemy number one or is it fat? Twin doctors, Xand in London and
Chris, in New York, want to find out. One twin is going to eat only fat
and the other twin only sugar. They want to try and answer the big
question, which is worse for your health?
Nutritionist Amanda Ursell helps them choose what to eat, and what
not to eat.

A: So, you are allowed bread and bagels, pasta, rice, potatoes, any
description of breakfast cereals and you can have some fruit and veg.
For Xand, this is your bit here. Basically you can have cheese, you can
have meat, you can have steak, you can have burgers, it’s chicken with
the skin on, you can have double cream in your coffee, you can have
mayonnaise, but you’re not allowed any fruit, and you’re not allowed
very much of this veggie stuff at all.

N: After two weeks, in one experiment, the twins go on a bike race up a

hill. ‘Fat’, Xand is in red, and ‘sugar’, Chris is in blue. Who will win?
After a time, ‘sugar’, Chris, in blue, is in front, while ‘fat’, Xand almost
doesn’t get to the top of the hill.
So in this experiment sugar wins. But in other experiments fat wins. So
what's the final answer? The answer might be here, in the doughnut

C: What I want you to do is look at this tray of doughnuts, and think about
which one you’d choose if you could have any of them. Got it? Now,
this is like a card trick. I want you to remember the doughnut you
chose, and we’re going to see if the people in New York will choose the
same one as you.
All you have to do is choose a doughnut.

N: In London, Xand is doing the same experiment. And something

interesting happens. The people in London and the people in New York
prefer the same doughnut. The glazed doughnut. Why is this?

C: This is double cream. And it’s thick, it’s luxurious, it’s rich, it’s creamy,
and it’s really boring. This is sugar. After even one mouthful it’s too
sweet and overpowering. But if we mix them together... Now that stuff I
could eat all day. And in fact we do eat this all the time.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Elementary Unit 11 DVD script

X: Now remember the most popular doughnut was this one: the glazed
ring. And there’s something really special about this doughnut: it’s got
an exactly 50-50 mixture of fat and sugar. The pink one—that’s got
extra sugar on the top. And this one is filled with cream. So there’s no
question we absolutely love this combination of fat and sugar.

N: So the problem is not fat and it’s not sugar. It’s the 50-50 mix of fat and
sugar. It's the same 50-50 mix that we find in so many processed

C: So in the end as doctors we’d love to be able to give one simple rule,
give you a pill that would fix all this... but we can’t. In the end it’s up to

X: It’s up to you.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015

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