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Meryville P.

Jacildo BSN3G Sailing March 4, 2022

Song 1: Sailing by Christopher Cross

What you think is the meaning (or "backstory") of the song

The song is about escape, where you find escape in sailing. You may find your escape in
another hobby. The lyrics of the song are about sailing and the beauty and liberation that come
with it. Describing a difficult period in his youth when an older neighbor invited him sailing. It’s
all about the fond memories he had while spending the summers of his teenage years sailing in
Texas with a very close friend of his. Speaking with the famous American radio and television
personality Howard Stern. It is all about the trips with his friend during teenage years as trips that
brought him total liberation. Those sailing trips were very important to him since they provided
him with some sort of escape from all the troubles of life.

Your personal impression/reception of the song

I played this song while at work, drinking coffee on the balcony. It brings peace to listen. I
sincerely cry when I recall my childhood days when I was free to do whatever I wanted without
worries. It takes me back to my childhood beach trips with my family. It was a great piece of
music. I close my eyes and it takes me back to those special times at the beach with my family.
As far as I know, he's talking about literally rowing. Every word that rings true is relevant to the
times we live in. But those who keep their faith in God are those who are on board the ship of
sanity and peace, a calm before the storm. That's a good song. One of the things that I really like
about this song is the quality of its music. The way the writer writes the lyrics is like a rhyme
that glides across the water, and the writer uses the method of personification.

Current threats to the marine ecosystem (site at least one example)

One of the threats threatening the marine ecosystem today is plastic pollution, pacific trash
knows how much damage this substance causes to the marine environment. It is important to
address this environmental degrading agent separately because of the unique fact that it has been
and is the cause of several environmental problems both at sea and on land. Plastic pollution
causes numerous problems. Plastic pollution has a direct effect on wildlife, as plastic bags,
fishing nets, and other debris suffocate tens of thousands of seabirds and sea turtles each year.
Ingesting microplastics from fish and other species also poses risks to their lives as well as to
humans. Marine pollution may not be enough to describe the severity of the problem. However,
it is our humble attempt to educate and inform people about the growing threat of these
pollutants. It's time to educate yourself. It's time to take serious action.
Possible harmful effects of these threats to human health (site at least one example)

Humans have managed to dump tons upon tons of garbage into the ocean. One of the most
devastating elements of this pollution is that plastic takes thousands of years to decay. As a
result, fish and wildlife are becoming intoxicated. Consequently, the toxins from plastics have
entered the food chain, threatening human health. In the most polluted places in the ocean, the
mass of plastic exceeds the number of plankton six times over. This is a large piece of evidence
that leaves the problem of polluted oceans undeniable. It is upsetting that more cleanup efforts
are not taking place. As these chemicals are ingested by animals in the ocean, this is not good for
humans. We, as humans, ingest contaminated fish and mammals. There are different types of
ways that plastic is dangerous for humans. The direct toxicity of plastic comes from lead,
cadmium, and mercury. These toxins have also been found in many marine fish species, which
are very dangerous to humans.

Are you optimistic/pessimistic about the future of the world's oceans (justify)?

I want to keep my optimism about it but given the current situation in the world and how
humans abuse mother nature, In my opinion, people have not properly protected the environment
for a long time. Today we can see the terrible results. The ozone layer is getting thinner and
thinner, with terrible consequences. It is dangerous to humans as well as animals and plants.
Whether intentional or not, with the population growing like today, decades from now, there will
be a scarcity of resources and destruction of resources if people continue to abuse and neglect its
sanctity. The icebergs are also melting, and the water levels in the oceans are constantly rising.
In addition, smoke is very harmful to human and animal health. Instead, people should start
doing everything to protect the environment and, at the same time, get used to thinking that the
world won't last forever.

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