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 Decreased # of macrophages- Inc.

risk for
respiratory. Infection.
MODULE 2: PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES  Decreased elasticity in the alveoli & lower long
ASSOCIATED WITH AGEING lobes Decreased gas exchange , increased
pooling of secretions.
 Decreased muscle strength & endurance-
Decreased ability to breathe deeply,
 Decrease in # of eyelashes  Increased risk for
diminished strength of cough.
eye injury.
 Decreased # of capillaries -Decreased gas
 Decreased tear production  Increased risk for
eye irritation.
 Increased calcification of cartilage Increased
 Increased discoloration of lens  Decreased
rigidity of the rib cage.
color perception.
 Decreased tissue elasticity  Increased blurring.
 Decreased muscle tone  Decreased diameter CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES
of pupil, increased refracted errors, decreased PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGE
night vision, increased sensitivity to glare,  Decrease cardiac muscle tone-> Decrease tissue
decreased peripheral vision oxygenation related to decreased cardiac output
& reserve.
INTEGUMENTARY CHANGES  Decreased cardiac output  increased chance of
PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGE. heart failure, decreased peripheral circulation.
 Decreased in n vascularity of the dermisInc.  Increased heart size, left ventricle enlargement-
pallor in white skin,  Compensation for decreased muscle tone.
 Decreased amount of melanin! Hair color  Decreased elasticity of the heart muscle & blood
(graying) vessels  decreased venous return, increased
 Decreased Sebaceous & sweat gland function dependent edema, increased incidence of
Increased dry skin Decreased Perspiration. orthostatic hypotension, increased varicosities
 Decreased Subcutaneous fat Increased & hemorrhoids.
wrinkling.  Decreased pacemaker cell HR 40-100 beats
 Increased thickness of epidermis- Inc. /min. increased incidence of ectopic or
susceptibility to trauma; premature heart beats increased risk for
 Increased. In localized pigmentation Increased. conduction abnormalities.
incidence of brown spot (senile lentigo) Increased  Decreased baroreceptor sensitivity Decreased
capillary fragility - Inc. purple patches (senile adaptation to changes in blood pressure
purpura)  Increased incidence of valvular sclerosis 
 Increase Density of hair growth decreased Increased rate for heart murmurs.
amount & thickness of hair on head and body.  Increased atherosclerosis Increased blood
Decreased rate of nail growth Increased pressure, weaker peripheral pulse.
brittleness of nail;
 Decreased peripheral circulation-Increased NUEROLOGIC CHANGES
longitudinal ridges of nails, Increased thickening PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGE:
& yellowing of nails.  Decreased # of brain cells  Slowed thought
 Increased androgen/estrogen ratio increased processes, decreased ability to respon to multiple
facial hair in women. stimuli & tasks
 Decreased number of nerve fibers  Decreased
reflexes , decreased coordination, decreased
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CHANGES proprioception ( perception or awareness of the
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGE position and movement of the body Ex. Being
 Lowered tolerance to exercise leads to able to walk or kick without looking at our feet
diminished energy and endurance causes the or being able to touch your nose with your eyes
changes to occur closed.)
 Decreased body fluids Decreased ability to  Decreased amounts of neuroreceptors 
humidify resulting in a drier mucous Decreased perception of stimuli.
membranes.  Decreased peripheral nerve function 
 Decrease number of cilia - Decreased to trap Decreased, motor responses increased, risk for
debris. ischemic paraesthesia in extremities.
URINARY SYSTEM  Decreased saliva & gastric secretions, increased
PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGE gastric ph  Decreased digestion & absorption
 Decreased number of functional nephrons  of nutrients, altered absorption of some
Decreased filtration rate with decree's drug medications that are ph – dependent.
clearance.  Decreased gastric motility and peristalsis 
 Decreased blood supply  Decreased removal Increased flatulence , constipation & bowel
of body wastes, increased concentration of urine. impaction.
 Decreased muscle tone  Decreased volume of  Decreased liver size and enzyme production 
residual urine. Decreased ability to metabolize drugs, leading to
 Decreased tissue elasticity Decreased bladder increased risk for toxicity.
 Delayed or decreased perception of need to void
 Increased incidence of incontinence. MUSCULOSKELETAL CHANGES
 Increased nocturnal urine production  PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGE:
increased the need to awaken to void or episodes  Decreased bone calcium  Increased
of nocturnal incontinence. osteoporosis., increased curvature of the spine
 Increased size of prostate (male)  increased (Kyphosis).
risk for infection, decreased stream of urine,  Decreased fluid in the intervertebral disks 
Increased hesitancy and frequency of urination. Decreased in height.
 Decreased blood supply to muscles  decreased
muscle strength.
 Decreased tissue elasticity  Decreased
GASTROINTESTINAL CHANGES mobility & flexibility of ligaments &
 Increase dental caries & tooth loss  Decreased  Decreased muscle mass Decreased strength,
ability to chew normally, decreased nutritional increased risk for falls.
 Decreased thirst perception Increased risk for
dehydration & constipation.
 Decreased gag reflex  increased incidence of Reference:
choking & aspiration.
 Decreased muscle tone at sphincters  Williams, Patricia. (2016). Basic geriatric nursing. 6th
Increased incidence of heartburn (esophageal ed. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier.
reflux) [Nsng/618.970231/W674/2016]

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