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Assignment Title: Self- Reflection

Name: Zain Ahmed

Student Number: 537190
Word Count: 548
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3
What...................................................................................................................................................... 3
So What................................................................................................................................................. 3
Now What............................................................................................................................................. 3
References............................................................................................................................................. 4
In this self-reflection I will be using Driscoll’s Model of Reflection as it allows for an easier and
deeper self-reflection in comparison to Gibb’s Model, which has a lot more steps to remember and
harder to apply (UniversityofCambridge, 2021) as feelings is limited into only one category whereas
Driscoll’s Model allows more detailed descriptions of feelings. (EssayWritingServiceUk, 2021)

On a Monday morning in University Campus Oldham, our course tutor set our first assignment of the
year. The Assignment had two sections. The first section was to form a group and create a
presentation, and the second section was to do a self-reflection. During the time of preparing for the
presentation, my mum had booked her flight to Pakistan. This had meant that I had to continue with
the presentation work and other university set work, but also do all the tasks my mum had to do,
such as ensuring everything was clean and tidy before my journey to university, and also ensuring
the family had something to eat. I also have Anaemia, also known as Iron deficiency (CKS, 2021)
which hindered my progress in everything I tried to do, even with the medication I was taking to
reduce the negative iron balance.

So What
The stress of trying to get everything done was slowly but surely increasing, and the work was still
falling behind. I tried to balance everything: the cooking, the cleaning, university work, and fitness
goals. These tasks were tiring as it is, but the Iron deficiency enhanced the feeling and made it
worse. I knew that “stressing over an issue isn’t going to solve anything” (Goodreads, 2021) but it is
different when I was actually in the situation, the feeling cannot be helped. This had led to the lack
of team development and involvement from me. The stages of team development states that groups
that perform well potentially pass through 5 stages of development. These include: Forming,
Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning (Toggle, 2021). The other members of my group
performed these stages successfully but due to me being behind on schedule, I felt that I was lacking
in the Storming and performing stages which slowed down the overall progress of the group.

However, despite the tiredness and being behind schedule, I had also overcome a lot of issues when
working on the presentation. I had always been an introvert, which is a shy, reticent person
(Healthline, 2021). But being forced to work in a team and put myself forward and provide new ideas
and solutions to problems. I became a team worker who “listens” to the group. I also became a
Specialist and a Plant, in the sense that I allowed my creativity to grow and show through the
presentation (Belbin, 2021). The growth in my confidence and also my communication skills have
also increased because of working in a team with fellow students.

Now What
I hope to increase my portfolio of Belbin’s Team Roles, for example I would like to gain leadership
qualities so becoming a Co-ordinator, shaper or an implementor would allow me to gain those
qualities. To gain these qualities I would need to work harder on my communication skills and stick
to the stages of team development which will ensure my work will have been completed on time.
- UniversityofCambridge(2021) Reflective Practice Toolkit. Available at: Models of reflection -
Reflective Practice Toolkit - LibGuides at University of Cambridge Subject Libraries (Accessed:
26/ 11/ 21)
- CKS (2021) Anaemia - iron deficiency. Available at: Anaemia - iron deficiency | Health topics
A to Z | CKS | NICE (Accessed: 26/ 11/ 21)
- Good Reads (2021) Stress Quotes. Available at: Stress Quotes (826 quotes) (
(Accessed: 26/ 11/ 21)
- Belbin (2021) The Nine Belbin Team Roles. Available at: Belbin Team Roles | Belbin
(Accessed: 26/ 11/ 21)
- Toggle (2021) What are the 5 stages of team development?. Available at: (Accessed: 26/ 11/ 21)

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