Soul Collector (Passive) : Reduce CD (On Aesir)

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1. Soul collector (passive)

kill monster = 1 soul, player = 5 soul, ally death = 3 souls

Each soul gives 2% pen, lasts 60sec, max number of souls is skill level (10) 20% PENE

2. Dark contract (active) = reduce cd (on aesir)

Uses a 3 second long ritual to gain X souls for soul collector = fuck too long

GENERAL (damage boosting)

1. Soul eclipse (passive) - Soul eclipse poisonous - increase poison atk% per soul (on aesir)

Each soul increases self poison dmg by X%

2. Death explosion (passive)

When killing targets with new poison status, X% chance to cast poison smoke upon target’s death

3. Soul wither (passive? Prolly active?)

Use 1 soul to deal poison patk*X% to targets within 3m, and inflicts new poison to all targets if any
target has new poison

Others: halluwalk mspd rune on aesir


1. Soul reprieve (active) = invulnerable mode on

"Allows soul to leave your body, and avoid all dmg (not sure if it includes mdmg), but reduces patk by X%

Lasts 5 seconds, and uses up all souls, cd cannot be reduced"

2. Soul assist (active) - Soul assist extend - increase soul assist duration (on aesir) = tank mode on

"Uses 3 souls to create a soul armor to absorb X% dmg (X% of self patk), lasts 12 secs

Not sure if absorb means reduce or recover, Sounds like asura balls lol"

3. Death bell (passive) = borrowed time mode on

"Upon death, uses souls to prevent death

Reduce 1 soul per X seconds

When soul reaches 0, player dies

Cd 40sec"

4. Soul frighten (passive) = Soul chain synergy

"% chance to inflict soul chain when receiving melee dmg"

note: wonder if it procs with weapon block

MELEE/ LIFE LEECH / STUN (prolly good synergy with tank/aa build)

1. Soul chain (active) = Soul chain bind - % chance to snare when using soul chain and Soul chain leech -
increase hp% leech per sec (on aesir) = lifesteal,root and AA <3, Soul frighten synergy

"Uses chain to target, leeches X% hp per second from target for 5 seconds

If target does not leave range after 5 seconds, stun target for 3 seconds, and hp leech extends by 10

2. Fallen soul (active) - Fallen soul strengthen - increase dmg of fallen soul, Fallen soul deadly - increase
hp% needed for instant kill (on aesir)

Release all souls to deal patk(X+Xno. of souls) to all targets in 6m range, and instant kills targets with hp
of less than (no. of souls)%, does not affect minimvp

SBK/GC (good for LP fights) = okay imma start buying fsword lel

1. Soul snatching wave (active) - Soul snatching wave chance - increase chance to gain soul (on aesir)

Deals X% of sbk dmg to target and surrounding area, has 30% chance to gain 1 soul

2. Soul festival (active) = damage boost for sbk? meh

Releases all souls in buff, each soul increases INT by X, lasts X seconds

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