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Find underlined words or phrases in the Photo Story that have almost the
same meaning as the ones below.

1. “I`ll pay” It`s my treat

2. “Really don`t like” I can`t stand
3. “To tell you the truth….” Frankly
4. “a lot of” A bunch of
5. “I didn`t see…” I missed
6. “They say….” I`ve heard

E. INFER MEANING. With a partner, discuss, find, and underline

1. A noun that has the same meaning as “movie”


2. Two different adjectives that are related to “fighting” or “killing”

Violent, bloody

3. An adjective that means “really great”


F. THINK AND EXPLAIN. First answer each question. Then explain your answer with a quotation from the
Photo Story.

1. what actor does Anna like? Leonardo DiCaprio

How do you know?

Peter says, “Hey, you`re a big DiCaprio fan`

2. Did Anna see Gangs of New York? No, she didn`t

How do you know?

She says, “Nope, I haven`t”

3. What movie does Anna suggest? Ice Age

How do you know?

She says, “Well, there`s Ice Age”

4. Who is going to pay for the popcorn? Peter

How do you know?

He says, “I`ll get popcorn”

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