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The Four Equations Of Creation


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2022 by Ian Beardsley

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1.0 Proton-Seconds………………………………………………3

2.0 Giordano’s Relationship………………………………….8

3.0 Possible Signature………………………………………….14

4.0 Four Basic Equations of Creation…………………….17

Appendix 1…………………………………………………………..22

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………..23

Abstract: We find four basic equations of creation pertaining to Earth as the third planet with a
natural satellite, the moon, in connection to life which is based on carbon here on Earth. My
other work Abstract Cosmology goes into the ideas here based on what I call Proton-Seconds,
but here we state explicitly what is suggested in that work regarding life on Earth, that there
seems to be a signature upon the work we can call creation for the case of life on earth orbiting
its star the Sun.
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1.0 Proton-Seconds We suggest there is an aspect of Nature founded on six-fold symmetry,

the example of which we are interested in here is The Periodic Table of the Elements, because it
has 18 groups which we can define by carbon, C. This because we have the following scenario:

Equations 1.1


3 ⋅ 6 = 18
2 ⋅ 9 = 18


Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Thus we see the periodic table is 18 groups (Fig. 1). Carbon is in group 14. We have 18-14=4
valence electrons. Hydrogen is neither a metal or a non-metal but ionizes like a metal by losing
one electron becoming H + and carbon being C 4− means it needs 4 positive ions to be neutral
meaning it combines with 4 hydrogens to each C, or with two hydrogens to a C and a C in long
chains (hydrocarbons) which form the Skeltons of organic compounds in life chemistry (Fig. 2) .

We now show carbon, the core element of life is six-fold symmetric with hydrogen in terms of
the natural constants that characterize space, time, and matter:

mP : 1.67262 × 10−27 kg (Proton Mass)

h : 6.62607 × 10−34 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)

rp : 0.833 × 10−15m (Proton Radius)

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G : 6.67408 × 10−11N (Gravitational Constant)
kg 2

c : 299,792,459m /s (light speed)

α : 1/137 (Fine Structure Constant)

We find one second gives six protons which is carbon:

Equation 1.2

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

We find six seconds gives 1 proton is hydrogen:

Equation 1.3

Detour: For equation 1.5 to be perfect Earth day needs to be shorter. A long time ago it was; the Earth loses
energy to the moon. The days become longer by 0.0067 hours per million years. Equation 1.5 is actually 1.2

24h ou rs
= 20h ou rs



t=597 million years

This was when the earth went through a dramatic change and there was a big explosion of life (The Cambrian).
The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago giving small mammals a chance to evolve paving the way for


x=23.5645 hours

We say 20 hours + 3 hours is 0 hours + 3 hours since 20 hours is the zero of our cosmic calendar:

3c os (0∘ ) + c os (30∘ ) = d i n osa u r − e x t i n c t i o n =

3h ou rs + h ou rs What is the next term?

3 2
20h rs + 3h rs + h rs + = 24hrs

3 3
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1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d = hydr ogen(H )
α mp
2 Gc

For time t greater than 6 seconds we have fractional protons. For t<6 we the have other

α2 =

mec 2
The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the
potential energy of an electron in the first circular orbit to
the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr

In that we get one second for carbon and 6 seconds for hydrogen very nearly even, that is1

1 1 h 4π rp2
Eq. 1.4 ⋅ 2 = 1.004996352secon d s
6 α mp Gc

It is suggested that the second is a natural unit. If it is, since it comes from designing a calendar
that reconciles the phases of the moon with the Earth year (12 moons per year, approximately) it
is suggested the unit of a second should be in the Earth-Moon-Sun orbital mechanics. The
translational kinetic energy of the moon and earth are:2

K . E . Moon = 3.67E 28J

K . E . Ear th = 2.649R33j
It turns out:

Eq. 1.5

(K Eof Moon)(Lu n ar Orbital Per iod )

1secon d ≈ LunarMonth
(K Eof Ear th)

Where the Lunar Month can be as much as 31 days and is based on the lunar orbital period
(27.32 days). We have

31d a ys
Eq. 1.6. = 31 ≈ π 3 = 31.006
(1Ear th Da y)

1 See Appendix 2 that produces our values.

2 See Appendix 1 For Data on Kinetic Energy
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Essentially we have formed a Planck constant, h, for the moon by multiplying its kinetic energy
over the time for the period of its orbit:

h = (3.67E 28J )(2.36E6s) = 8.6612E 34J ⋅ s

8.6612E 34J ⋅ s
= 32.696secon d s
K Eof Ear th
If we let the lunar month cancel with moon’s orbital period, we have:

1 h 4π rp2 K Eof Moon

Eq. 1.7 ≈ 6pr oton s ⋅ ⋅ Ear th Da y
α mp
2 Gc K Eof Ear th


1 1 h 4π rp2
⋅ 2
1sec α mp Gc

is units of mass divided by mp we can let it cancel with mp, the mass of a proton, and write:

Eq. 1.8

1 h 4π rp2 K Eof Moon

≈6⋅ ⋅ Ear th Da y = (6)1.2secon d s
α mp
2 Gc K Eof Ear th

That is

1 1 h 4π rp2
⋅ 2 = 1.00secon d s
6pr oton s α mp Gc

We need an interpretation of equation 6, which was

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

Matter is that which has inertia. This means it resists change in position with a force applied to
it. The more of it, the more it resists a force. We understand this from experience, but what is
matter that it has inertia?

In this analogy we are suggesting a proton is a three dimensional bubble embedded in a two
dimensional plane. As such there has to be a normal vector holding the higher dimensional
sphere in a lower dimensional space. Thus if we apply a force to to the cross-section of the
sphere in the plane there should be a force countering it proportional to the normal holding it in
a lower dimensional universe. This counter force would be experienced as inertia. (Fig. 3)
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Since plank’s constant h is a measure of energy over time where space and time are concerned it
must play a role. Of course the radius of a proton plays a role since squared and multiplied by 4π
it is the surface area of our proton embedded in space. The gravitational constant is force
produced per kilogram over a distance, thus it is a measure of how the surrounding space has an
effect on the proton giving it inertia. The speed of light c has to play a role because it is the
velocity at which events are separated through time. The mass of a proton has to play a role
because it is a measurement of inertia itself. And alas the fine structure constant describes the
degree to which these factors have an effect. We see the inertia then in equation 6 is six protons
over 1 second, by dimensional analysis.

Fig. 3

We need offer an interpretation of time, as well. (Fig. 4)

In The Time Machine, a science fiction story by HG Wells, the time traveller describes time as
physical distance, the direction through which the universe is falling at the speed of light, c.
Thus, not only when we move through space do we travel through a distance at a velocity v, but
we travel through a distance t at a velocity c. If we draw the picture and account for that distance
and velocity as well, we arrive at time dilation as given by relativity theory. He writes:

I think that at the time none of us quite believed in the Time Machine. The fact is, the Time
Traveller was one of those men who are too clever to be believed: you never felt that you saw
all around him; you always suspected some subtle reserve, some ingenuity in ambush, behind
his lucid frankness.
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Fig. 4

x2 + t2 = d 2

x = vt02

v 2t02 c 2t02
+ 22 =1
c 2t 2 c t

( c2 )
t02 + 1 = t2

t0 =

Since we don’t experience our motion through time as we fall through it with the universe, we
change the sign in v 2 /c 2. And have the relativistic equation for time dilation:
t0 =

2.0. Giordano’s Relationship We now formulate what I call Giordano’s Relationship:

Warren Giordano writes in his paper The Fine Structure Constant And The Gravitational
Constant: Keys To The Substance Of The Fabric Of Space, March 21, 2019:

In 1980, the author had compiled a series of notes analyzing Einstein’s geometric to kinematic
equations, along with an observation that multiplying Planck’s constant ‘h’ by ‘1 + α’, where ‘α’
is the Fine Structure Constant, and multiplying by 10 23 yielded Newton’s gravitational
constant numerically, but neglecting any units.

Let’s do that

(6.62607E-34Js)(1+1/137)(1E23)=6.6744E-11 Js
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And it works, G is:

G=6.67408E-11 N(m2/kg2)

Let us reformulate this as:

(1 + α) kg 2 ⋅ s
Equation 2.1 h NA H = 6.0003
G m
Where NA = Avaga dr o′s − Nu m ber = 6.02E 23atom s /gr a m and H=1 gram/atom

Because for hydrogen 1 proton is molar mass 1 gram, for carbon 6 protons is 6 grams and so on
for 6E23 atoms per gram. Thus,…

atom s 1gr a m
NA H = 6.02E 23 ⋅ = 6.02E 23
gr a m atom
Since grams and atom cancel we can work in grams even though our equations are in kilograms.
Let us not write H, since formally it is grams per mole of hydrogen but write
gr a m
We have:

(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NAℍ = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m

Equation 2.2 h(1 + α)NAℍ = 6Gx

Equation 2.3 x = 1.00kg 2
Let us say we were to consider Any Element 𝔼 say carbon ℂ. Then in general

(1 + α) s
Equation 2.4 h ⋅ NA𝔼 = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m
We have

6gr a m s 6(6E 23pr oton s)

ℂ= and NA =
6pr oton s 6gr a m s
Because there are six grams of protons in carbon which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons and a
molar mass of 12. We have
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12-6=6 grams of protons in the 12 grams of protons and neutrons. Thus

NAℂ = 6E 23
And it follows that

(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NAℂ = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m
We see in general since the atomic number Z is the number of protons in an atom that in general
this holds for all elements 𝔼 because

Z ⋅ 6E 23pr oton s
NA =
Z ⋅ gr a m s

Z ⋅ gr a m s
Z ⋅ pr oton s
Therefore we always have:

Equation 2.5 NA ⋅ 𝔼 = 6E 23
This works nicely because we formulated molar mass nicely; we said element one (hydrogen)
which is one proton and one electron has one gram for a mole of atoms. Historically this was
done because we chose carbon (element six) to have 12 grams per mole, and determined what
the mole was such that it would hold. The reason this works is that hydrogen is one proton and
has no neutrons, but carbon has twelve neutrons but since hydrogen doesn’t have any neutrons,
and the neutron has the same mass as the proton, and our theory makes use only of protons (in
this instance of its formulation) equation 2.3
x = 1.00kg 2
Comes out to have x equal to 1.00 (nearly) even. It is at this moment that we point out, because
it is important, that in equation 2.5

NA ⋅ 𝔼 = 6E 23

𝔼 is not molar mass, and that NA is a variable determined by 𝔼; it is the number of a mole of
atoms multiplied by the number of protons in 𝔼. The reason we point this out, though it may
already be clear, is we wish to find the physical theory behind it. That is we need to find the
physical explanation for equation 2.4

(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NA𝔼 = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m
It is the integer 6 to 3 ten thousandths. Which classifies it as interesting because since it is in
kilograms, seconds, and meters, it may mean these units of measurement have some kind of a
meaning. We can in fact write it:
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(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NA𝔼 = 6.000kg 2 ⋅
G m
We know that

α2 =
mec 2
The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in the first
circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed of
light squared. To begin our search for the meaning of equation 1.4 we convert x, the factor of
1.00 kg 2 ⋅ to astronomical units, years, and solar masses, as these are connected to the orbit
of earth as it relates to the sun. We have:

kg 2 s (1.98847E 30)2 M⊙2 1.4959787E11m year

⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1 m kg 2 AU 3.154E 7s

M⊙2 ⋅ year
We can now write

(1 + α) AU
Eq 2.6. h ⋅ NA𝔼 = 8.2172E 32M⊙
G year

This unit of AU/year is very interesting. It is not 2π AU/year, which would be the Earth’s orbital
velocity, but is a velocity given by the earth orbital radius to its orbital period, which is quantum
mechanical in nature. It relates to earth as as a state, as we have with atoms, a number. We
multiply both sides by 4π 2 and we have earth velocity on the left and the units stay the same on
the right. But what we will do is return to the form in kg-m-s and leave it as an equation but put
in the Earth mean orbital velocity which is 29.79km/s (Zombeck, Martin V. 1982). We get:

(1 + α)
Eq. 2.7 h ⋅ NA𝔼 ⋅ ve = 422.787kg
This brings up an interesting question: while we have masses characteristic of the microcosmos
like protons, and masses characteristic of the macrocosmos, like the minimum mass for a star to
become a neutron star as opposed to a white dwarf after she novas (The Chandrasekhar limit)
which is 1.44 solar masses, we do not have a characteristic mass of the intermediary world where
we exist, a truck weighs several tons and tennis ball maybe around a hundred grams. To find
that mass let us take the geometric mean between the mass of a proton and the mass of 1.44
solar masses. We could take the average, or the harmonic mean, but the geometric mean is the
squaring of the proportions, it is the side of a square with the area equal to the area of the
rectangle with these proportions as its sides. We have:
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M⊙ = 1.98847E 30kg

We multiply this by 1.44 to get 2.8634E30kg. The mass of a proton is mp = 1.67262E − 27kg.
We have the intermediary mass is:

Eq. 2.8 mi = (2.8634E 30)(1.67262E − 27) = 69.205kg

All we really need to do now is divide 2.7 by 2.8 and we get an even number that is the six of our
six-fold symmetry.

1 (1 + α)
Eq. 2.9 h ⋅ NA𝔼 ⋅ ve = 6.1092 ≈ 6
mi G
The six of our six-fold symmetry.

We have something very interesting here. We have

1 s
6kg 2 ve = 6
69.205kg m

This is:

Equation 2.10 k ve = 6

Where k is a constant, given

1 s
Equation 2.11 k =
800 m
We can take the velocity of earth as being 30,000 m/s by rounding it. We have

30,000 1
= 37
800 2

37.5 = 6.123734357

1 1 h 4π rp2
⋅ 2 = 1.004996352secon d s
6 α mp Gc

Using k ve = 6, we write

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ secon d
α mp
2 G ck ve

(K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)
(6) ≈ 1secon d
(K . E . Ear th)
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The second comes from the Ancient Greeks

dividing a minute into 60 seconds and an hour
into 60 minutes because they used sexagesimal
counting (base 60). Probably because 60 is
evenly divisible by:


Mercury= 60

Mars= 30

Saturn= 12

1 h 4π rp2 (K . E . Ear th)

= 1pr oton
6α 2 mp G ck ve (K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)

1 h 4π rp2 (K . E . Ear th)

= 6pr oton s
α 2 mp G ck ve (K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)

1 h 4π rp2 (K . E . Ear th)

Eq. 2.12. =ℂ
α mp
2 G ck ve (K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)

ℂ = carbon
The core element of life.
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We can explicitly write the constant k:

1 (1 + α)
Equation 2.13 k = h ⋅ NA𝔼
mi2 G

3.0. Possible Signature Something extraordinary is suggested by what we have constructed.

Here we write it out explicitly. You can see something is going on here. But it looks to me that it
may be a signature on the work we call creation. In that

1 h 4π rp2 (K . E . Ear th)

α 2 mp G ck ve (K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)

(K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)
≈ 1secon d
(K . E . Ear th)

1 (1 + α)
k = ⋅ h ⋅ NA𝔼
mi2 G

𝛂=fine structure constant (1/137)

h=planck’s constant
G=Universal Gravitational Constant
m𝑝=mass of proton
r𝑝=radius of proton
v𝑒=orbital velocity of earth
KE means kinetic energy
ℂ Stands for six protons (carbon)
mi = mp ⋅ 1.44M⊙ =geometric mean between mass of proton and Chandrasekhar limit
(Intermediary mass)
c=speed of light

It is almost as if it is to say the moon was made to have the size and mass it has so that it would
connect to carbon the basis of life, so that we could discover the connection and thus be able to
know that something made life and the earth for a reason. It could be like a signature by the
creator on their work.

Indeed we would have to be astronomers to figure that out, but there is something that has been
clear even to our ancient ancestors back to the time they first looked to the sky from the
campfire where they cut up their food with stone knives, and that was that the moon appears to
be the same size as the sun and every so often eclipses it perfectly. There is something letting us
know there is mystery before us because

(lu n ar − orbit) 384,400k m

= = 0.00257
(ear th − orbit) 149,592,870k m
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(lu n ar − r a diu s) 1,738.1

= = 0.0025
sol ar − r a diu s 696,000

Which are approximately equal. As well we can look at it as:

(lu n ar − r a diu s) (1,738.1)

= = 0.00452
(lu n ar − orbit) (384,400)

sol ar − r a diu s 696,000

= = 0.00465
ear th − orbit 149,597,870
Which are about the same as well. The interesting thing is that since our ratios are around
0.0025 and 0.0045, then…

0.0045 9
= = 1.8
0.0025 5

I say this is interesting because this is the ratio of the precious metal gold (Au) to that of silver
(Ag) by molar mass these elements being used for religious and ceremonial jewelry:

Au 196.97
= = 1.8
Ag 107.87

We have:

Sol ar − Ra diu s Au
Lu n ar − Orbit Ag

When we look at the equation

1 h 4π rp2 (K . E . Ear th)

α 2 mp G ck ve (K . E . Moon)(Ear th Da y)

It suggests as well that the moon might somehow be integral to life, which is an extraordinary
thing to suggest because we have always thought it is nothing more than a rock that happened to
form in orbit, having really no role in making life possible. Thus for it to be otherwise, perhaps
since it affects the tides and life began in the ocean, it played a role in life coming out of the sea
to walk upon land.
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Clearly what we need to do here is…If we have considered the orbital periods and sizes of the
earth and moon and these determine the fact that the moon perfectly eclipses the sun (The
orbital period is a function of distance from body orbited) and we have found one second in the
kinetic energies of these bodies, then since kinetic energy is a function of mass, then the masses
of the moon and and earth should have some significant connection to their radii in connection
with this possible signature. And indeed we should compare these ratios to their respective
orbital velocities. We do that here:

For the moon:

M𝑚/R𝑚=(7.34767E22kg)/(1,738,100m)=4.2274E16 kg/m
(M𝑚/R𝑚)(orbital velocity)=(4.2274E16 kg)(1.3259E10m/s)=5E6E26 kg/s

For the earth:

Me/Re=(5.97E24kg)/(6,371,000m)=9.37E17 kg/m
9.37E17 kg/m(3.852E11m/s)=3.6E29 kg/s

My Abstract Cosmology was founded upon proton-seconds. This is a related concept (kilograms
per second) This is the action of mass per time of the the respective motions of the earth and the
moon, I think this is exactly what we want to be looking at.

When we say a possible signature, what do we mean? We cannot say, but we can suggest it is of a
more advanced sentience spiritually or intellectually.

This result makes sense; divide that of the earth by that of the sun…
Me ve Rm
Equation 3.1 ⋅ ⋅ = 642.857
Re vm Mm

This says that of the earth 642,857 times greater than that of the moon. Divide that by
the six or our six-fold symmetry…


Now look at how many solar diameters are in the Earth-Sun separation:

1 1.496E11m
⋅ = 107.4187897
2 696.34E6m
The two are very, very near the same:

100 = 99.743
It is now obvious that we can write:

1 Me ve Rm Ear th − Or ibtal − Ra dius

Equation 3.2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =
6 Re vm Mm Diamter − of − Sun
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4.0 Four Basic Equations Of Creation From everything we have said we can write
four basic equation of creation:

1 Me ve Rm Ear th − Or ibtal − Ra dius

1. ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =
6 Re vm Mm Diamter − of − Sun
K . E . Moon
2. ⋅ (Ear th − Day) = 1 − Secon d
K . E . Ear th

1 h 4π rp2 K . E . Ear th 1
3. ⋅ ⋅ =ℂ
α 2 mp Gck ve K . E . Moon Ear th − Day

1 (1 + α)
4. k = h ⋅ NA𝔼
mi2 G

In October of 1900 captain Demetrios Condos was on a diving expedition along the African
coast when he ran into a bad storm so he pulled into a port on the Northern tip of Antikythera
Island. Since he knew his crew would take at this point to gambling, drinking and fighting he
sent them diving for sponges, which he didn’t need. The result was they found a sunken
Roman Galley and in it was an amazing treasure, the Antikythera Mechanism a bunch of gears
that when finally analyzed turned out to be a computing machine that computed astronomical
positions that dated back to about 87 BC. The largest gear was 15 centimeters in diameter (5.1
inches). The gear ratios were such that they produced the positions of the planets and the
lunar eclipses by utilizing some very clever mathematics worked out by Ancient Greek
astronomers. There are 15 gears (illustrations in following page) 9+6, we are interested in the
six gears at the top run by a gear where one turn represents nineteen years. It turns the
synodic month and sidereal month gears, turns the earth-mars alignments and Jupiter Venus
alignments (conjunctions). We are interested in them because we see the synodic month
determines the Earth-Mars alignments and and the sidereal month determines the Jupiter-
Venus alignments. The synodic month is the time it takes the moon to wax from new moon to
full moon and wane back to new moon. It is a little longer than the sidereal month because it is
related to the phases of the moon as seen from the earth and since the earth is orbiting the
Sun by the time the Moon would be coming around to complete an orbit around the Earth, the
Earth will have moved with respect to the Sun. The sidereal month on the other hand is the
actual orbital period of the Moon because it is taken with respect to the fixed stars, not the
sun. I find this interesting because the Earth is the planet in the solar system covered with
water in its liquid phase and is brimming with life, and Mars is the planet we can colonize and
they are connected in this scenario of gear chains by the phases of the Moon, the month with
respect to the Sun and Jupiter is a planet that did not have the mass needed to become a star,
or to become a sun to its orbiting natural satellites (moons) while Venus is considered a failed
Earth, in that she is about the same size of the Earth but underwent a runaway greenhouse
effect preventing life to take hold making her the subject of many robotic probes and this is
connected to the sidereal month, month of the moon with respect to the stars (See illustration
following the first illustration.)

The Synodic Month (29.53 days) must turn a nineteen year gear (6939.75 days) 1/235 times
while the sidereal month (27.32) must turn the same 19 year gear 1/254 times if the 19 year
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gear is to turn properly the sothic year gear (365.25 days). The nineteen year gear is 19 sothic

(6939.75d ays) = 29.53d ays = s ynodic − m onth

(6939.75d ays) = 27.32d ays = sidereal − m onth

= 365.25d ays = sothic − year

The constant factor is 19 years (6939.25 days). Every 19 years the sothic gear (Ancient
Egyptian approximation to the year) turns the number of times needed to turn the sidereal and
synodic months the number of times necessary to produce the Venus-Jupiter and Mars-Earth
conjunctions, respectively. While the other gears exist physically as the motions of Venus,
Earth, Mars, and the Moon, the 19 year gear does not exist physically, but turns conceptually
to make everything work. Let us say it exists as gear turning on a mount inside a transparent
gold box floating amid the glowing clouds of gas and dust that make make up the Orion
Nebula in the middle star of his sword. If ever our equations of creation, which include the the
second, earth orbit (astronomical unit) and solar diameter as natural units, I think that this
metaphysical gear of 19 years holds the key to the answer.

While other ancient civilizations measured time by the recurring position of the sun in the sky
annually, the Ancient Egyptian astronomers knew the Sun moved among the stars by one degree
every 72 years and as such used the recurring position of the star Sirius to define the duration of
a year instead. This is the sothic year used as the basis of the Antikythera mechanism. It makes
the whole thing work because the primary gear that turns all the other gears and must recur
periodically in the same position after a round, whole number of days, which it does every four
years in the sothic cycle. If we were to use the tropical year, which is 365.2422 days the gear
would only align with the starting point every 5,000 solar years, the gear designed as such would
make it necessary to construct some of the other gears miles in diameter. This makes possible to
bring everything together with this conceptual gear of 19 years.

Indeed an approximately 19 year cycle exists here on Earth. One might say that on the average a
person entering this world experiences it for several years and then by the time they are 18 or 19,
form a fresh world view different from those that preceded them and as such about every 20
years we have a generation of people see things differently and act on things in new ways.
Indeed such a theory exists called the Strauss-Howe generational theory that says history runs
in cycles based on these recurring archetypes.
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There are 13.369 moons per year with respect to the stars and 12.369 with respect to the Sun
where 0.36 approximating 0.369 is 9/25. Four years is 1461 days is the number of years between
leap years (bringing the earth orbital period to an integer number of days). That is 53.48
sidereal moons and 49.4475 synodic moons. That is a difference of 4 moons is 109.28 days
where 0.28 is 7/25. Four moons is four months, or 1/3 of a year which is 120 degrees of the
Earth’s 360 degree orbit. Since Mars year is 687 days, that makes it about twice as long as the
Earth year. Thus when the Earth has moved through 120 degrees, Mars has moved through 60
degrees. Since the Jupiter year is 12 Earth years Jupiter has moved through 10 degrees. The
Venus year is 225 days meaning it is about phi=0.618 times shorter than that of the Earth and
after the Earth has moved through 120 degrees it has moved through 195 degrees. The Saturn
year is 29 years, so it has moved through 4 degrees.

What does all of this say with respect to the constant k when multiplied with the orbital velocity
of a planet, which is a quantity that has no units, but is number, like in numbers of state in
quantum mechanics for the atoms, but here for the planets? That is, what does all of this have to
do with the table and graph on page 13. The constant k is 1/800 seconds/meter. We see this has
interesting properties with respect to the orbital velocities of the planets:

4 moons is the earth moving through 120 degrees. The Mars year is nearly twice that of the
Earth. Thus the 120 degrees the Earth moves through in 4 moons, the number of moons we said
arises in the difference between synodic and sidereal months over the four years that round the
sothic cycle to a whole number of days, is, divided by the Mars year 60 degrees. We have

k vmercur y = ⋅ 4800 = 60
The Jupiter year is 12 Earth years and we have:

12 = ⋅ vSaturn
Saturn moves through 4 degrees by the time Earth has moves through our 12 degrees and we

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Appendix 1

To find the translational kinetic energy of the moon:

Distance from earth: 3.85E8m
2π (3.85E 8m) = 2.419E 9m
Orbital period:
T=27.32 days=2.36E6seconds
Mass: 7.34767E22kg

Use E = mv 2
E=3.67E28 Joules

To find the translational kinetic energy of the earth:

Distance from Sun: 1AU=1.496E11m

2π (1.496E11m) = 9.399E11m
Orbital period: 1 year=3.1558E7 seconds
E=2.649E33 Joules

Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds.

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Appendix 2

1 h 4π rp2
α 2 mp Gc

Is proton-seconds. Divide by time we have a number of protons because it is a mass divided by

the mass of a proton. But these masses can be considered to cancel and leave pure number. We
make a program that looks for close to whole number solutions so we can create a table of values
for problem solving.

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.25

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100
24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart
12.0600 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059952 decpart
8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039968 decpart
6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029976 decpart
4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019984 decpart
3.0150 protons 2.000000 seconds 0.014988 decpart
2.1927 protons 2.750000 seconds 0.192718 decpart
2.0100 protons 3.000000 seconds 0.009992 decpart
1.2060 protons 5.000000 seconds 0.205995 decpart
1.1486 protons 5.250000 seconds 0.148567 decpart
1.0964 protons 5.500000 seconds 0.096359 decpart
1.0487 protons 5.750000 seconds 0.048691 decpart
1.0050 protons 6.000000 seconds 0.004996 decpart
0.2487 protons 24.250000 seconds 0.248659 decpart
0.2461 protons 24.500000 seconds 0.246121 decpart
0.2436 protons 24.750000 seconds 0.243635 decpart

A very interesting thing here is looking at the values generated by the program, the smallest
integer value 1 second produces 6 protons (carbon) and the largest integer value 6 seconds
produces one proton (hydrogen). Beyond six seconds you have fractional protons, and the rest of
the elements heavier than carbon are formed by fractional seconds. These are the hydrocarbons
the backbones of biological chemistry. Here is the code for the program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
float value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?):
scanf("%i", &n);
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while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
float decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);
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The Author

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